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thing for the merchantof this eoinmun-
ty do in their own interests is to achrertis4
falittifttliy, and to make their printed announceJ,
• ments interesting and helpful to those whose trae,
anti favorbare desired:
• T
• • .• The serious competitors...of the 'retailers of. th93,
•-• • immunity are °the big stores of the big
those that send out catalogues and have „mail-
• ' order departments.
, ,.. .
The 'poorest way to Offset .this, eompetition ' is
for our local merchants IV reamirf silent Por
them no to "speak up" is to give' the mail-ordfr
houses a better chance to get •business frOnt this '
community. .
When you send your money out of this contmunity
9Tou'euriCh the great shops ank 'impoverish this
immunity. Strengthen—not • waken—the
chants of this community. It will all be return-.
ed to you in the form of better service and better
values •
Be Loyal to Your Own Community
• Issued by Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association "
Aug. 26—TORONTO—Sept. 9 •
c..evaus Productionwith iI1 the mrstsri,
romance and splendour of this Far East. •
$1t500000 inr new. buildings 'and scoresof other
new features and attraction's:
Reduced rates on ell lines of travel
TIM legiONNOMF fille/iTitalt. At litItglait.AUGVST 31.t, id
° Specials for This Week
• a
5 Dozen 'Black -Lisle Rose (Cli'd's) 15c. a pair
1 Piece Rose Ratine . . . g.00 per yard
Children's White Middies .,. 7. 20 per cent off
Fall &ooas Now in Stock
Listowel 'Yarns for Sweaters am!.
Ladies' New Winter Coats, Fpr -
Collars and Utilit3 Models °
• . , . .
New Home Spun Suitingsin the ;
Fashionable Autumn Brown .•
• •
Palmer's Dry Goods Store
P. '7595 • '
IN THE MATTER of the Application
of the Conmtissioners for the -Tele-
phone System of the Municipality
of Huron, knownas, "The Huron
, and Kinloss Municipal Telephone
System," for an' Order authoriz,
• ing the Council of the Township of
'Huron .to pass by-laws providing
for the issue of .debentures to the -
amount of Seven Thousand. Dollars
($7,000.00), to•Oneet the cost of re-
• constructing that part of the said
. 'system damagedby sleet storm and
, to pay for certainindebtedness of
System to the saidliunicipality in-
curred.in respect of new construe -
...don' and extensions. _
The repayment of the debt.incurred
'under the proPosed by-lativi. wilt be
met by a levy of ten equal annual
•instalments upon the prOpe-L7T of
the subscribers to ,the said system.
The OntarkkRailwai and Municipal
Board having directed Francis Dag -
'ger, Esqdire: Supervisor of Telephone
%Totems: to enquire and report upon
the above matter. cloth' appoint
ThursdaY. the. Seventh day. of Sept -
either, A: D, 1922, at the' hour of ten
o'clock in e • afternoon (RailWay
Time,) •in the Township Hall in 'the
Village, of. Ripley, for the holding Of
such enquiry,- at which time 'and Otte.
all persons having an interest in the
matter and desiring to be. heard are -
directed to attends
Dated -at- Toronto this Seventeenth
day of August. A, W.:1.922. •-•
Seal - ( Sgd. ) D. M. JticIntyre
• Chairman: -
" • . .
• •
• .•
• • •
• •• • •
, 7 • ,
; -
A •
. • '
. .4
. , •
erm, pecret of "getting your money's
• •
• ' .
J. worth" Resin the elimination of buying
mistake's. Thewoman who understands her-
' • : - . . 'self and her corset,. probleni doubles her - -
'available capital -by' neNer, buying the wrong_____IL
cbrset. ' ' •
• "
And the surest way to, always buy the right -
corset is to plate yourself in, the hands of a
competent corseticre who will • make ..the •
aolvingof your prOblemsa matter of personal
pride. • , •
• If you'are considering the purchase of a new
Corset let us suggest, the
' There is no figure, however unusual or dia..'
• cult to fit, but can be -successfully fitted by
- our expert corsetierer in these original front. •
lacing corsets. We guarasitee your cadre
c - • "
• • • • •
Would you, buy a Shoe or Glove without fi%ting? No. Why
not have youy Ctiniets properly fitted by our Expert Corietiderr,'
and hay i comfort andisatisfaetionf * • ' •
The public has `many illusions about
lightning.. its incidence and effects.
rhe way lightning acts is in reality
much different from what the aver-
age person imagines, Fr instance,
there are superstitions against' keep-
ing in the hand 1/4nnything. of steel,
even a pen Ititire, You .are told to
keepaway from windows or doors
through which there is.• a draft -The
iron in the wire of a screen doer is
believed to )attract lightning, The
vicinity. ofthe cook stove is forbid -
'den, because it,being iron. would
have k tendency. tb draw lightning.
All these are ,idle fancies. genially
speaking. :there are a few chances
of being hit..but very few. and • these
iew chances ionsisl in being in close
'contact with an isolated 'building or
tree that offers the 'closest electrical
connection with the lightning. .
It is said that, of an the .d
lightning flashes. in Summer storrns,
only one per cent strike the earth;
the others are confined to the sky--
-. making contact with other clouclo..,
file change of being hit by a falling
orick or being 'bitten by a mad dog
are greater than being hit by light-
ning.. In. the United States about 500
persons, a -year are struck. by light-
ning, oabut one inevery two hun-
'dred thousand. The ration of eui-
Tidee. 'accidental'deaths, railway fa -
drownings. deaths from heat
and ogler sources of. , mortality, is.
much larger—from four to 'twenty
times' as much, When lightningdoes
strike the earth, it takes the short"
est path Penknives, screen doors or
drafts do not have any effect on 'the'
couree �f the bolt There' is.. of,
course. only One really safe place,
and that a cellar 'or dugout deep -
in the, bowels of Mother 'Earth. -ge-
ing a. ready conductor, the earth
mediately• scatters lightning Pr ,any
other electrical current,. and no ono
in It would suffer soy electrical shock,
. The next safest place is -in :a build-
ing 'with -steel •Irames. 'The great
skyscrapers, for instance, that„lare
built on steel framework, are amongthe.: safestof buildings.. eve n . though
they tower into the sky far over any
other buildings, and •offer the ,finest
target for a bolt of lightning.. 11
lightning does strike. as- might hap-
pen, it immediately takes to the steel
frame. arid courses—down to earth
without damage. As long as a:quick
-safe---contact---ta earth is provided,
there- -is no • danger:to -persons in -or
nedr- the buildittgsItAhese-bitildino„Ts
-were struck, the- people inside would
never know it, even though outsiders and bronctual passages, assures:
might see the contact, The Eiffellong nights of quiet eleep:-7 •
Tower in Paris has been hit many. 0.00 at your druggist's, or write for
times, but has never been darnaged' free trial to TempletOns„ Toronto.
because it is steel. When lightning sou by A. B. bicicise
:takes the shortest coarse:a ho.use on
a hill is much, more in danger of
being hit than one is in a hollow. A ,
low house in a valley in immune.
Wpod.. stone. brick and strucc.o holni-
are all equally liable to be struck; and
if struck. to be .damaFed, becao-- the
material in them are poor conductors.
When - lightning- strikes- a - Poor -Mt:
doctor ithente the element; andettatz-
ters it. Then a fire starts if the mat-
erial is, inflammable. The bark may be
ripp,etti.off a tree by the' sudden ex
pandion of air-cells,or the elothing.or
shoes ripped off a' person in the path
of a bolt. Anyaprightgobjectis
ter target than theair surrounding it.
house:barn, tree or Otherprojee-
'tion• from the •earth's surface is a
etter concluder than so much.. empty
space. All buildings Nith tall chigi-
• neys; deeples, or high Ipofs are most -
susceptibles, unless they hare- steel
frames. • -.The places ofreal dan--.o.r are un-
" der a.dillitarrAteeritt-the_'- Middle:Of t.• •
•field. /Beneath a hanging lamp with
Metal chains to --the Ceiling is dam,
gerous. To stand between two metal
o-40)0•04 "'"
; • •
• .
• -
- "The 7=Ton Tire"
A tire will give you service only -to the -extent
of the strength built into it. The Royal Oak
Breaking Strain Test shows a tensile strength
in every 35x5 of over seven tons --with streng-
th in proportion in. other sizes.
A tire that stands this test will stand the driv-
ing test ---will roll up thousands of miles with-
-out shgwing signs of wear. •
' • •
'between ,.the folds of a. feather -bed,
hiding ira clOset or Slinking into a
dark corner, The :only safe place is
. .a cellar. Small. isolated pieces of
iron are- not attractors of
Sonia golfers might'throw away their
steelaticks. but when they' do -that
.... • . •
they show ignorance of the: way
liklitning acts. What.the, current in a
bolt we*.z an easy:, short path to
the. earth; and it will not deviate to
touch an insulated or isolated .piece
of, iron metal thot deesnot: offer a-
- good contact with the -'Pond.
ay - Fever
You don't -need a month's 'trent..
ment to prove the Worth of
A Z.•Ni A H t
It restores normal breathing„ -L-
•• stops mucus gaItherings in nasal
The Western Fair"
September 9th. to loth., 1922.
and -Attractions_
Everything to Educate and Amuse--7-Nothing to Offend
• Exhibits of all , kinds; Speed Events
. Calf and Yearling -Competition • - - • .
.. Dog Show. Auto. Races, Sat-Urday, 16th, , Music all the time•,
Wonderful Prograrnnie Twice Daily. Fireworks Every Night
C.A. Wortham's-Shows'on Midway. Something Doing All the Thne.
. '
Admission: 9th, llth, 1th,. 16th,' `2.5c ..1.2th, 13th; and 14th, 50c..
Children Free On Menday, Sept 11. All inrorrnatien ficnSeCletary."
• J 11 SAUNDERS, President. A.:M HUNT, Secretary,
. •
• 44•••as.1
J.The _steadily increasing percentage of sat-
- isfied Imperial Polarine .users is convinc-
ing proof that the I- ight„ 'grade -of Imperial
• Polarine is giving the greatest -degree of
lubricoting service and satisfaction to
Canadian automobile andtruck owners.
Check upyour car on Imperial Chart
of Rettommertiktfolis. Alae: the iradt,af2L--
Imperial Polarine Motor Oils recointnen-
ded excluiively
Manufacturers and Marketess of Trnperlial
Polarne Motor Oils and Marketers
in Canacla of Gargoyle Mobiloil. •
Ile never caused a man -to Sneer, •
Was never taunted by a' •
Had never battled with d foe;
But through the years' thrt come and
He smiled his easy way along
And pliyed the friend to right or
• wrong.
Itiv never ventured night or day
Out of the well -Worn trodden .why,
Be never pried adventure's lid,
He voted as his fatior did;
t when an erg"oao
Off both with friends and foes;
Ile talked as one who loved the Tight
But heWius never known to fight;
Fearing the hate 'of men, he staved,
Holding opinon§ but afraid
TO give them voice. In moments tense
His silence port no man offense.
Pleasant his on* and meek. hie way
The saine to -morrow aS to -day,
Living this iife. it4 toy, and smart,
Yet shirking duty's sterner part:
A friend to -all he milked ale**
But friendly both to 404 and ;rang,
Who never braves the eynie's sneer,
Nor wins the einful htarreart's Jeer,
But Seeks throat littering vows to
" •11•14,1, ••6,6 • 6 T.
Free from the malice of a foe.
Burieff his taleittt in the'• earth
With nothing done to prove his itorth.
Better tolikht and fall • than stay
Upon life' sfde lines day "- OY;
Better the jeers than smiles of those
Who should be looked upon as foes,
For friendship has no value when
It makes no choice twist knaves and
men: 0
• —Edgar A, Guest,
(Copyright, 1922, by -by E A. Guest).
. One way to get back your Itotiltlt is
to tk# 010r9 rot 1e 4110e,
radiator is also dangerous, because
lightning will jum0 more readilY
from one Ito the other than go thr-
ough conductors ofkteAter resistrice.
On the averae. however one part of
a home is about as safe" as anothr.
There is to particular use in. lying
Yon are not
lite when
you use Dr.
ruses otnt-
ment for Eczema and Skin Irrita-
tions. It relieves at onceand graft-
_ illy,heald nit' skin. SamPle box Dr.
Chnse's .0intinent free it you mention this
paper -and send 26. stamp for postage. eoo. s
Doi; an dealers or Edinsasoa, piaci et CO.,
TO114404 • •
, 4
• .
"ftwingtewonniesam.....---• •