HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1922-08-24, Page 8TUX tU O* :811NTU 41 T11.1114$0,1a, 1 VGI $1" t4tli.,1922
The last week of August will be - our .nal 'G 'eur-
twee r Summer 'Goods. You'll. And many
-..ines: marked very .low to.: clear ratherthan.
Barry •overto another season. Conte : an.. -see
the . Bargains:_ offered during. our Final Stiinmer ..
School opens next month, and your boy• is likely to
need a New Suit. We are showing excellent qualities
in Two -Piece Suits in a nice --range of Tweeds and
• Serges. The ° colors are Navy, Brown,' Grey and
• • are all well -made with
Heather Mixtures: suits
Coats.- are` pleated' , or plain, and
good quality linings.
mostly with belts. If your boy needs a -suit,see our .
qualities and values at. $9.00 to $12.50.. .
does and Hosiery
The schoolopening will also in many cases,callfor
new' Shoes and Hosiery. We can supply your : boys
andgirls with right quality .and style in good wearing
Shoes at very reasonable prices; and in Hosiery for
Boys we recommend 'Hardy Lad", "Times", or "Mar-
shall" as hose that has stood the test of tear and wear,
and earned a reputation for fait -colors and ' good ' wear
• ing u . 'ties: For Girls -we have an excellent rib hose
in strong even thread, colors black, and :brown, sizes 6
to' 10 : and priced at 25 and 30c.,~according to sizes.;
M1D-ticft& CO..
one' NQL.10 is :at: Your -Service
We $dI llorCalmh 'We U Cheaper Than Thee Credit Stores
DINT !! . PAINT!!!
your, house, than, the month of
, •
�No 'better. time to'paint •' Sep-
tember;.. no better paint:to use on it than Shernviui Williams
W. P It istrue to color, . spreads well, covers well, and'
will wear, We can show :you -housed that 'were painted .with
S: W, F twelute-ago; nd-are1n fair -good' -shape -:yet.
For "those who wish to•us'e 'Lead and OIL' we have Sherwin
Williams Green Seal Lead which is;absolutely •pure,.;and pure •
Linseed Oil... -
Yf you n eed-anything--in-Kitchen-Utensils, this.. it _the _:place,
to buy. We have. a good assortment oT' Gramteware: anct A •
ominuma ware and ,a Special Price on, Aluminum ,are,. ;It
won't pay you to buy• Aluminum ware from travelling :sales-
men, as you get no 'better article and yofi.pay a bigger price,
this dome in And. see will _satisfy. you that the is true.
Do you need a New •Lantern? Before buying,. see our line,
We..handle, the,Dietz,_which is .,the ,most satisfactory lantern~
bo market
''Carload.of Fresh Cement Just Arrived-'==-
Che•Lucknow Hardware •& G-4al Coy.
BRO Y1'Tj'` •lel1L'.'.
Pictures 23x31
Price $ 2 50
Without. experience
•and' without` experi-:
--iii .
iierltin m can-
get good pictures with
a Brownie: The pho-
togra hic ability:' is in
'the box. •
Stop at our Kodak
ter for a moment and
well show yqu—or your
boy.or girl—how simple.
its; toznakeBrownie isre:"
�. tures, and `how•much fun.
1 A
2 _S LE
ae aIM
"The Rexall Druggist"
Miss Bernice and Gertrude Bleck-
Iver • are : visiting' with their -'grand--
mother Mrs. A, Stanley.
Mrs. George Colwell has returned
home after' spending a week in Lon-
Mrs. 5, Braden, from Hamilton.
spent a f days with Miss Sarah
, Harriston recently, his vie.
A few of the people from t
inity- took in .the Garden Party at
Armorer last Friday night. The pro-
graanime was splendid. Miss McPhail,
M. P. wat there and gave an address
which all enjoyed.
Miss Edith Geddes recently srient
ii !fern days !at Kincardine with . Miss
Edna Guest, . • •"
Miss Ethel Bannerman is visit:ng
relatives at Westford
Mr .. and.>g, r$... Alf.•
. Russe J; . iii l
MrsOgle Russell, and 3Ii�,"
Took and family. from Psisiey, spent
Sunday at Walter K^ake's,
Mr, and • Mrs Latt.hf'nc1 Ti:acl,er
and family of Itingarf`s:,•'nt Sunday
afternoon with Mrs. A. Sta 'fit°.•
IMr; and Mrs, ' George Richard ,iri
and family of . Teeswater, an 1• Mr.
and Mra George Colwell and family
motored to Bruce Beaeh on Surdas to
visit;VIr, and Mrs: Martin, of Detroit,
A teaspoonful of gossip will 'ta'nt
' a kettle full of pure. truth. •
meror Nero,
As. far !bock as :aaient Bobr 1
iota and China, it had .begun
to dawn aeon iiankind that -
eyeeight !might Perhaps ' be
aided by artificial means; and
since .then• wonderful dis�cox�:.
eries have been, `ivade, " .Eam?:
"parer Nero, .'who was
sightad,• watched : his glatat-
through an eiitetald, and
this originated -the Lorgnette,
% W •
The"naw frame tor Reading
• 'Glasses • is easier••to. put; on,
and ,moire; comfortable 1 ian'
any previous frame Call and.
Jeweler & Optician ,
The: attention tele •Holders of the...
five and a half per •cent war 'lean
bonds maturing'Decennber.I•, 1922, is
440,444 to the offer of the Minister.
of .V4001%4: 40 'renew .the loan on fav
ourable terms. The last. •Canadian :.
loan was placed in New York at a •
satisfactory price. The Minister, is
mating 'his *resent- finaneiafl •opera-
tien entirely 4• domestic, one by offer-
ing to exchange the maturing bonds .
,for new'bonds• bearing the saine•rate
of interest. running for either five:
.years nor tell' years as t'he. bondholder
may..1prefer.. Ae • further..indueen Bent
to the investor is that he receives a
bonus` of .one monthes interest. The
termmS. offered are •decidelyr favourable
to the investor and it is--.-(abalile. that
a large !part of the' maturing* loan *ill.
be renewed. Arrangements for • the
•exchange .of Abe: bonds' .ean ge made
at any'branc'h of..the chartered banks.
polders:wife 'do not -wish to reinvest
will be paid; in cash ion the ist Dec-
ember, •.
'London. •• September 9tli " tow 16• th.
Thousands of copies of The Official
programme for the Western -Fair are
being distributed and • make, inter-
esting reading for' intending visitors.
Two performances daily , for the full
week of Sept. lith will take place he -
fore the ,Grand Stand, There ,will be.
speed events each ear and plenty of
music all the time, Fireworks every •
night with - change of ;programme,'
Monday Sept, 11th will be children's: ,,
day; The Gates and ‘Grand: Stand will
be'freeto.a'll'children 12. ;years of age
and under. 'The .Boy Scouts of 'West.
gill Ontario will be a feature it' Mon- .
,days, programme both afternoon and
evening. •
The Y. W. C. A. girls will give an
exhibition of drills • etc. 'on Tuesday
and Wednesday nights. Automobile
races on Saturday .16th. at 3 o'clock.
All this will be in addition to •the reg-
ular deny programine. '
All information. may• be: obtained
front the Secretary • at ' the - General
offices, London. Ont..,
• P. F. 7595
IN THE MATTER sof the Application
of the Cominissioners for the Tele -
.phone System poi the Municipality
of • Huron, known 'as "The Huron
• and Kinloss Municipal -Telephone
System." for an Order authoriz-
ing the Council of the Township of
huron to pass 'bylaws providing,
for the issue of•`debentures to the
amount of Seven ' Thousand- Dollars
.($7,00J.00),'to tmeet the cost of :re
• constructing that part of the said
system damaged by sleet storm and'
to pay for 'certain indebtedness of
system te,•the said Mtnicipaiity in-'
curretl in respeat..of• new' construe-
ew construe -
tion• and. c:_tensions, '
The repayn;ent of the debt incurred
,,jxnder the proposed by-laws will be
met by a levy of ten equal, annual
instalments. upon - the proper`•' of
the 'subscribers to the said system.
• The Ontario -Railway and Municipal -
`Board having directed Francis Dag-
ger, Esquire, Supervisor of Telephone
Systems.' to enquire °and.. report upon
the above • matter; • doth ' appoint
Thursday, the Seventh day ' of a5ept-
ember, A, 13;'•1922, at the: hour of, ten
o'clock-:in the afternoon (Railway
Time;) in thea'Townshi-n Hall in the
,Villgge of Ripley, for the holding . of
such enquiry, at which time arid place
all. persons -having, an interest in the
matter . and--; desiring to be, heard ,are
directed to,;attend.
Dated. at-- Toronto 'this • Sevente'enth
day of August. A: 1922;
(Seal). (Sgd,) D.
M. Mcln-ty-re
31-8-e:: • Chairman.
- Mr; Bowden"Ritchie, of Walkers il1e,
visited 'his brothers Jas. J•; and Char-.
les over the week -end.
Mr, and Mrs.. Geo. Hunter. of Ham-
ilton; ere 'visitors at Jacob':Hunter's
at present. ,
Miss Dot Ritchie�of °Guelph is vis-
iting. her cousin Mrs. "Er- - • t Gardner.
..Miss Eva .and Beryl_ Gardner .: are.
u sting friends at St. Augustine
Walter Bitable of. Walkrle,
is visiting cousins: at Zion.
Mr. .ROC -Helm. , of Belfast, was--
ashome'. oyer the 'week ,i_ •-
Mr:.=Harry .McGee . and . Gordon We-
bster: 'of Toronto, and • Mr: Harvey
Webster and Tom :Cook, of Lueknow,'
were • visitors at Mrs. Geo. Gibson's
_-one da,rJast week
Jas, 'E Ritchie and Sons' have star-
-ted +out again for -their -.seasons--thre-_
skiing. Good luck boys; •
Mr. -and'-Mrs. Sam Cook. Will:Cook
and- Blanche Webster -of-Sebastopol-
werevisilors` .at Teter'.`COdk'sla'st,
Sunday- M - : _ ..
Mr. -Will Helm arid.. Edgar Ritchie
also MissLizzie and:Ada Helm, spent
Sunday with ;Tiverton. friends.
Mr. FredRitchie.•of Zion reported a
swell time at. the :monster Ocilla held
at" Port Albert... •-
Mr.' C E;' McDonagh is under the
doctors care • 'with inflammationof
the erree. We :hone .von may be soon
'better again, Charlie,
„event uxnigslaLSmqueainbre meets
nresent.-f possible: Vis•
• Mr Irvine Henry of
—000 .
guesday. • Aug 22. ,
Mrs. M. S. Haldenby has- returned
hone. after: spending a couple_ of
weeks with friends • at St. Catherines,
Miss Ethel Bannerman ,of' .Kinloss
is spending a' few days with her -punt
Mrs; Will Hodgins. •
Mr: James Richards of London, is
eeer•ding his holidays , at his ` .home
'The Harvest Tta ks ivins, Ca.
in the ngliean Chuh
on Sunday
last, were well attended .at, both ser-
vices, the Rev. Mr`Perdite gave tJwo
very interesting , sermons, *while° Mr.
Pilkington, of ICirlomfirne and ' Mrs
Charles Hewitt of Beivie, gave- a• nu-:
niter of splendid - solos. .
,Miss Lenore Logan. of .Ripley is
visiting with -Miss Mabel Hodgins. •
fast and
Miss Fam,v. And°rson of Sf, Helens
spent Sunday a Gardner's..
t o
• Church• Servire: next :Sunday orn-
,ing at 10,30: Mr. John F. Andrew
twill conduct" the service -on -account of
the absence of ourpastor.
Thice girls aged. 12 13 •and14 years
vers: drownedwhile'bathine at Inver•
huron beach on Friday evening of
last week. The girls were: Florence
and Margaret MacKay, daughters of
Mr. -alai' Mrs.; Daniel MacKay, 2nd,
Con, of Bruce Township and 'Llor-
sine •Stevens,daughter of Mr. and
Mrs; Robert Stevens, Detroit. With
a'•nuirher of grown-ifp folk -the girls
were bathing an ,the lake. ,The Water.
became rough., arrt all but the girls
• got out, The •girls remained playing
about a floating log, Mrs. Stevens,
mother of the Detroitgirl becoming
anxious because the 'girls did not re-
turn hen sIt.was ,discovereded en
i + that they
were nowhere to be found, It ' is
thought that a'wave carried them out
beyond their depth. " 1
1s the'natural dosife of every nomas.
Ind te. obtainable by tbo neo of Dr.
nChsne's Ointment. Pimples, blaokhcads.
roughness and redness of the skin
Irritation and eczema dicappenr, and
the thin is left soft, smooth and velvety..
All dealers or Edmanson. Bates &' Co.,
Limited. Toronto, Sample free if you
.mention thle paper.
Happy'hought Heaters .
bring.comfoi•t and econ-,
omy into the home.,
Happy Thought Ranges •
make cooking and bak-
ing easier.
hal SiOry
oes Your
al Ineli .
What is the real story your coal
^"bin tells—in' tonsf heat ? burned
and in volume o '
For comfort, satisfaction and •
'e'Co no m y, install a Happy
Thought furnace. Jai no time
you 'Will find it's -the biggest
thing in your 40=7 -big in value,,',
• as compared 'to cost -,-big in'cpn•
venence—big in comfort.
A Happy ThoughtFurnace solves
the heating problem for the
Medium-sized house. ' It sends a
stream of thoroughly warmed,
humidified air straight up into
the . house. Draughty corners •
vanish, cold s po t s disappear.
.There is nq; dirt, dust or gas—no
coal waste.
For larger homes Happy Thought
Combination furnace's solve the,
problems. Let us have ,ti plan of
your house and we will advise
you. •.
RAE & PORTEOUS, ; . Lucku.ow.
• PHONE .66.
Miss Marie'Welsh has returned to
her parents. here.
.nt a
� is
of .,u n
ow sne
-Alton .
few days -recen'tly' at Roy Alton's.
• Master Frank Sherwood has . re-
turned to his home in Saskatchewan;
Miss Purdon of Whitechurch is,
spending a e* days ` at Elmer' Al
bon's. - - -
Born—To Mr, and Mrs, Rol Alton
on Friday. August 'llth, ' i son=-C,on--
• Miss Marie Welsh has returned to
her home in Pine' River after visiting.
friends here. '
Mrs; James Barbour aid daughter
sin visited a few s last '
of hda
week with her parent§ here:
Mr, and Mrs: Harry Buxton; who
have been visiting friends tiers, .have:
returned to their home in the west. -
M'r. and Mrs. Elmer Alton and
family and Mr. and Mrs, ; Walter Al-'
ton attended the . Red—Alton wed-
ding in Lucknow Wednesday,:. of ,last -i
L - `
5 �1oze'n Wom'en's Black FibreSr1k..Hose,' �Bu terfly
Brand , sues -8 f.=2, 9, 9 i=2:arad 10. This is a re -
- - . - S . -o - kin . • ec-ial P ,ice 9c. -a-= ai ra .....
ular • 5c. -st : e . , g, . • • S� .. _ r . .� •.. p
Serge:,for. Ladies and .h i�irvn s Dresses ---5 .:1''�'eces:
40 inch All -Wool 'Serge h the: following calors, :Saxe
Navy. Rose2m4Cardinal:.
- fou, would be.wYse to la m a su 1 of `h $..cloth as
ea . at t- a ..price.: _ nl .9 ..
_we canno. p• t p 0 y,
Serpentine Crepefor Kimonas and n ' e:rwear,:. colors
Pink, Blue and Mauve, Special Price -25c. a yard.,
•'A nother..' shi -ment of Wool Batts to hand, size 72x90
inches,..:.. just the _ size of. a comforter.', Our Special
°Price $2.00 :each.
�V These :cool evenings . make us thin k of . warmer T
:. 'derclothinge, Penman's Merino .Underwear .for den,
' :rawer..s . •at i 00 a
' • �,Shrts and $ . a garment.
e :are .nOw sliowmg .a nice range of Fraser Made
Caps -for Men, in the Fall' weights.
:Drop-in: and -'see . the new Fall. Samples of Suitings
-and Overcoating s- no obligation to'buy:,.. Let pla us- c
n how,we can self yoliaa made-to-Ynoasere a
coat cheaper than a ready -.made. •
• :,.
Krinkiette k`'
Bed spreads '
Need No
Ironing '
72x90 ins.
Special -
$30 ' .
p! Made -to- • .
• � Cl• 7
for Men