HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1922-08-24, Page 1it
`WI. •
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'47 •
$2.09 PER ran .= ADyANci; $2.$0 OTHMt. WISE* i
.1.0C11,10W1 011:1%, THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, 1922.
• f
• tie-o-os-o-.-o-0-4111rest 0-rts0
• Young men intending to go Weil on
Harvesters' Excursion's, call up Jack
Munn, Phone 61, Ripley, for any in-
formatieu re dates, fares.. etc,
W... J. _Keleher, Itipleyt Phone. 29,
night or day.-t.f. .
Dr, MacLeodwill visit Lucknow
• • every. Tliesday.., Office abovet4;of
Jeer.- Drs. Elliott & Connell. 23-2-tf.
.. • .
•Cain House, Lueknow, every ?Wed-
nesday afternoon. All chronic dis-
eases successfully treated. Osteo-
• pathy• removes tue physical causes
of disease. Adjustment of the
spine ie more quickly secured and
with fewer treatments by Osteo-
pathy Wait by any other method,
Toronto prices paid for all kinds of
9-6-tf. A. Grospopf, Lucknow.
- Fertilizer for Fall Wheat -I have a
tanumber of. the best verities' on hand.
can. be delivered any dayat the store-
house, G..T. R. Yard. •
3-7-tf. • ' G. S; Robertson.
• Rubber -Tire Buggies
. I wish to announce that I. have
•equipment. for putting new rubber
tires on buggies, and can guarantee
prompt arid' good service.
• 17-8-e G. Ostrander, Lucknow
• FOR SALE. -Frame Derellinv in
.. •
gob(' location. -G, A. Siddall,
Great gale of .Bankrupt Stock 'of Salt
'Lay in your eupplY•of Salt at these
great bargain prices: •
Best' Salt, per ton • • • • $14.00
Cattle, Salt, per ton • 11.00
Best gait. 100 or 140 lb. sack '
e•per pound , .1.c.
test Salt,' in your. own_sack;
140 lbs. for .. 1.30
100 lbs. for .90
Cattle. Salt. -grain bag filled, •
' for 1.00
Ed. Forrester
. Kincardine.
Registered ;Optometrist • ,
Graduate Department of Ophthalmol-
ogy, McCormick 'Medical College, Chi-'
cego„ XII. Three months 'post graduate
., course during year 1919.
• Eyes correctly fitted with Glasses,
Headaches, Dry Itchy Eyes, Granu-
lated -Eyelids,-WaterrEyes, Pain --in-
- a • Eye -7, Ballse-lnfiamed--Eyes; __Pus or
Watery Discharge from Dyes and
Dizziness caused by Ee-strain ' re-
lieved :through properly. fitted Glass-
es. . •
Cross ' Eyes straightened through
properly fitted Lenses. •
Eyes tested at night equally as
- good • as 'during. daylight,
. All kinds Of Optical repairs done.
, Satisfaction Assured
• At the Cain House. Lneknow.-9 to
:12 a.m. 1_30 to 6 p.m,. Evening-4,kb
9 pm.. Wednesday of --eaele week:- .
FOR SALE -House and lot, in the
village of gt. Helens --Frame' house
• Veric. ground, good location Apply to
•• Elliott Mil1er,-314-75. • ' •
• -13 Ackee. Gravel Road- jut north
of LucknoW,,:geod 'house gond-barn
flowing spring near" the house, Easy
terms. Apply to Bill Curlin• . •
• ...
Howse And Automobiles Per Sale
The residence in Lucknow, two
automobiles -Ford • and Maxwell -
and a •phonagraph-assets of Gordon
DrinkwaIter will be disposed of bY
private sale. -Apply to Elloitt
Lucknow. Plaine 70, 31-8-125. '
* Brick Church Building For Sale
, • „The Methodist Church at Langside,
' " '• 80 x 36 ft.. solid brick wafts; Tenders,
will be received by the endersigned
=Lip October lst. Highest or any
- • • tender •ript, riecessarily-lectented, -
Herb Pettipiece, R. 5 Lucknow; or,
Wendell Taylor. R. 2, Lucknow.
an opening in this territory for a re-
4r- liable manto look up prospects for
• Kenos and Phonographs. No inveSt-
- , ment needed. Help given to close
sales, This is ; Cariedies ••• Largest . &
° •MPit R•eliehle-house •and will te,•'ellid
• to commtinitate with interested par-
' ties. Enquiries treated' strictly 'con-
fidential. Box 239, Guelph. '
„ . . ,
• The undersigned, will not be res-
ponsible for any debts contracted by
• any 'other' person than himself.
•Hugh Phillips
Lucknow. Ont.
The undersigned will not he res-
ponsible for any debts tcontraeted by
his wife, Mrs: David H, Alton after
July 26, '1922:•
• David IL Alton.
Lticknow, Ont. .
There tire nearly two hendred en-
tries in the veal tied instrumental
competitiote at the Canadian, Ns-
' tional thii year, Over
• 0 9 0 0 0 9
0 a' a ease .• •
• Me.: Robert 'Lindsay .of Kingston,
Is visiting with relatives in town, . .
Mrs,. 3,, Shalanen, tof • London is
spending the week with Lrickpriwiri-
Mr: and Mni, 'George :Andrew and
familr•fillent the week -end with frit-
' ends at Elora. • , • •
Mi.. Harold Fr4emin of the' •Cope-
land Mills,'Midland is lionte for a
Weeks vacation: ,
Keep the evening- of Sept. 13th an
open date for the Jim Fait Concert
in the Town Hall. ;
.MiSS Bessie Levinson, of Toronto,
is visiting her relatives Mr. and Mrs.
Pearlman; of tnt.
Miss- Gwendolyn MacLeod, of New
York City, is spending is months va-
cation at her hoine here. • -
Messrs. Harry McGee and Gordon
'Webster of Toronto, spent lapkWeek
'at the latter's home here,
• Mr. and Mrs. Albert McQuillin,
have gone out to Dalt* to spend
a few weeks with friends.
Mrs, W. J. Taylor, and daughter,
Miss of Detroit' visited their
Eheknow friends since Our last issue.,
Mr. •Neil •MacDiarmid, of New
Westminister, B-. ,C, visiting his
brother _Mr. Alex MacDiarrnid of
town. • '
• Miss Emily . Pearson' has returnet
to Toronto after a few, weeks Vacation.
at the •home of Miss le Webster, Ross
• street, " • '
Mrs, Orchard, of Saginaw, Miele,
is vieiting*ith her sisters. the Misses
Smith,. of Liacknow, and other te-
latves. • ' • '
• Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ackert left last
week • for the West, where they will
Ada their daughters and. other
friends, ,
• Miss' Arabelle Cameron is • .ba.:Ic
home after spending a couple of
week 'S at the home of Fred Q. Eaton,
Dont miss the Big • Special shim
"The oStrapoer," at, the Family Thea-
tre on Saturday. Augast 26th. Usual
Di, E. S.. Coultes and. wife and
Miss Kate' •MeCrimmon 'spent a few
days last week as guests of and
.Mrs. Newton,.
The Rev: J. Archie -"Barker and
,wild of Warsaw; W. -Yr -iris' ited-with
Mr, 'and Mrs. W. E. Barker the mid
of last week. ,
- and Mrs-.-31rek-Gawly and hum. -
fly. and Mrs. • Kickley were among
those to go. west on the first Harves-
ters Excursion. ••
- Miss -.Rae Murdie, Stratford
spent the past • two weeks at Point
• Clark, the guest of -her 'cousin; Mir.
genie kluidie. • . •'
. ,
-Mies. Belle Robertson, is in Toronto'
this week attending the Fall Millinery
Openings. She was_accompanied• by
. Mrs. J. Dingwal, her datightei Mrs.
Sthale. and ,granddaughter. Florence
.if 'Welsley are guests of Mrs. A. D.
Mackenzie 'and Miss Lees. -
- and Mts. Temple :Clerk and
Douglas are visiting at Mrs. Clark's
.former home bete. Mr. Clark reeent13
-returned 'from a trip. in the Canadian
Mrd. is Visiting for a
few days at- KOmoka, haying accom-
panied Mr. and Mts. Elliott to that
ooint on -their return trip to New
York. .
.Mrs, A. Thompson and her dau-
ghter,. Mrs. N. W. Perly, of • •Wirmi-
peg: who have been.here the past two
months returned . to. the. , West Thurs-
day of this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Templand.'oi
Chicago. EL,' Mr. Walter Derry. In-
gersoll, and Mr. and Mrs:. D. G. Nich-
ol of I-Xamilton.....were.guestslof_Mr,..
and...Mrs. G Anderson, last week.
The harvester excursions to the
Weiirate as cdpillai-ing ever They
were well patronized this year. The
accoincnodation. esnecially.,:for weaken
and children is greatly improved over
years gone by.
Mr, Angus, Cameron. of Winnipeg
and Mt. John -Cameron Of London,
are visiting, their brother.. Mr. It: D.
Cameron. Friends of Mr. Angus Cam-
eron will he glad to know -that -he is
teeing well grailigli-10•-Make the :trip.
Mr. and Male J. W. Elliott, Nv
York City, Mrs. Nicholson, of Komo-
Mrs. Johnston and 'Mrs, Morgan
*Leslie, bf INerOn.t0; alk11.,Mr- and mill
lull e resent -
G, l?rital. of 1Vleaford were guests of
Mrs, Rat. Mullin the past eouple' of
'weeks, --• '
Mr, Alex, Dickie. Aviline, Texas,
was a recent visitor *with *Mr. am
Mrs. R. 3, Oaineron of town. He was
aectornpanied .by Miss Goldie. Deckle
of Walled -Lake. bilge -Mr. Deckle is
• one of those Who has been lucky in
the Teas oil fielebi,
Cards of Thanks -The family' of
the late Mrs, Samuel Phillips take
this opPortimity of expressing their
deep appreciation of the kindness and
sympathy° shown by friends • and
neighbors, during The illnest, and at
the death'of their dear, kind mother,
(It 'Wati one ofMother's last requests
that aCknowledgment Of tide kindiulis.
spendipg •a OW" Weeka Aid,* 'Luck -
now friende. • • •
- Sim. to- order Your *fertilizer . in
time. ,car load. coming.
S. Rebertson, •
Missies EVOyn and Doris WilliSifts,vf
Tillsonhurg,"are .guests of Mrs. J. A.
Glennie -this. week.. • • . '
The Rev.'•Mr.
. children are • spending their. •yaeation
with • Mr. -A • •Barbour. • •
- • _
• . Robertson will have re car-
load 'of- Gunn's gure-Gains Fertilizer
by •the .end .of. '
Misees Rose - and Le* Smitlt are
home .after:*pending. a WeeltPs• 'veva-
tion. *ith Goderich friends. •• .
• Alex • Nicholson. is , away to
England' with -a big ,stbipment of eel!.
tle for himaelf_ and Mr, W; E. Hen-
dersen. - •
• ,
A company of Lucknow Boy Scouts
are camping this week at Clark's
Point, :Messrs...Joe MeClure and *.K.
Murdie are • in charge.
Dad 'and the boys ehjoy good pie
.for Sunday's dineer. The Big 8 can
supply You .at the Methodist .0hurch
on Saturday. August 26th. '
• "Ten Nights in a Bar Room," will
be played at the Family Theatre, on
Friday August. 25th, Two shows;
starts at 7.30 Sharp and- 9.15. Auenis
sion 15c & 25c,
The dry and hot 'weather of the
past two weeks has enabled farmers
to make rapid headway with har-
vesting and the job -will he about
coMpleted this week. Some excellent
„stands of second -growth hay ,are be=
ing cut.
The proprietor tif • The Wilighani
Times installed a Linotype typeset-.
ting machine last -week- and is- nov,
quite up-to-date in „mechenital equip-
ment. For the :past two -months The
Sentinel hal; been •hel-ping out in the
way iTf, setting type for The- Time '
but that Will -be no longer necessar3
• Young Girls' Exhibition and Flow-
. er Show under the auspices if k the
VViomen's Institute, Lucknow Branch,.
to be held in the Council Chamber,
,Lucknow, Friday •Aug. 25, 1922. Ex-
hibits must ,be in place -by 2.00' n.m.-
Exhibitors and Institute members
free; all °there 15c, Tea eerved.-Mrs.
Allan• Turner, Sec'y.
The regular_monthly . meeting. 01:
the Ashrietu, • W. $. 6.. Was ,:heid at
nome of Mrs. Jno. Jamieson, Vain
a goodly lumber in attendance: In
the aosence Of our president. Mrs.
nerdy.. Mrs. lanican MacLennan. pre-
sided. Ihe meetmg Avas opened -by
singink ,a hymit after Which Mrs. ivi...
MacKenzie. led in prayer
Three excellent 'papers were read
by Miss Violet 'MaiLennan.31:isS Od-
ell and Mrs. Ewart Jamieson.. vocil
selections by Mrs Frank MaeKehtiie-
and- -Marion,- Jamieson, were. mubh
apprebiated, A very satisfactory , re-
• port of -the egg -committee Was given
which -added 50 dollars to society's
funds: It was decided to make this
an annual meeting each member do-
noting May 24th -eggs to the..dociety.
fhe .hext meeting is to be held at
Mrs..F.• DI MacLennan, Sept.
• 13. when We hope to have all centri-
butions for the bale in. The.meet-
ing closed bY.reo,p4ing Lend's Pray -a,
• •OOO
A quiet wedding Was solemniod
at the ho)ne 'Of Mr. David Alton.jus.
south of Lucknow, on August 16ti.
When his eldest daughter, •Lilly. wea
united -in -marriage with 'Mr. Clyde:
Reid, son of • Mr, and M -re. Thotnt.
Reid. LueknoW. The marriage Avai.at•
12.30 'o'clock in the -afternoon the Rev.
D. T. L. McKerrol. of Toronto officiat-
ing. The bride was given away by hei.
father, and she was •accompanied
her sister, Miss -Elizabeth, as' brides-
• maid.' Mr. Will •Reid was groomsman,
_and Master Clyde:Reid,:aenephe.w„: ot.
-:the grodin Was ringbearer.
the ceremony the company enjoyed tt
sumptuoud wedding dinner, a nove
feature of which was that a half do --
gen _Boy Scouts copetituted the etan
of waiters. This was in recognitior
of the fact that she 'grown was scou
ernaster-of-the-local-trome -
•Mr. and Mrs. Reid. left by motor
for. Palmerston and Toronto, On their
return they . -will move to Chicago
where they vvill reside, .
Wallace -Spindler
an Tuesday,:August:8th at 3 P. 111.•
ill. 'St: James Square. Presbyterian
:Church. Toronto, a very pretty wed-
ding. •was solemnized,-_- when Mimi
Gladys May. -eldest daughter of Mrs:
•A. Spindler and: the late Reuben
Spindler was married to -Mr. Andrew
Wallace. son of Mr.' and Mrs, H,
Walleee„ Winghante'-.-Onte The -Ceree
'molly was conducted 10 Rev. Dr.
Corson. The bride was beautifully
gowned in a 'cape costum of electrk
blue velvette crepe- trimtned With
Pearl grey, with black' velvet hat, and
:tarried a bouquet of Ophelia roses.
Leaning on the arm of her 'brother -in
taw', •Mr. T. J. Marks -.-Stratford. she
entered the church to the straies of
-the wedding mutt& played by Mies
furrier. New York. After the sighiee
of the register a reception was held in
the 'church parlors. Latex the happy
couple left for Iterwartlia Lakes, the
homespun 'with hat to, match, Upor
their return they will reside 111..04 -
Ova, Ont,
Large Sum of Money to lend on
farm pronerties at lowest eurrenf
rated, Also * number of faims for
• ed4 while Qiiehed ariethe Weit Will- • •eale or rent, -Geo A• Luck,
fifty -place§ in ti r
io are vend optinititorit • ..4.1.11,0104; •-•.* Ogle^ "
, Q 1 ,All.701. e. • . •
0.411q la
. 14,•
_4 Isa
34. 5
At a .meeling of the Teesivater
• baseball elub last FridaY evening
the financial affairs of the Club were -
found to shoat' -a deficit:and those at
the meeting, voted in favour a having
the supporter's cheques cashed for
the purpose •of paying all outstending
'accounts and any balance Will be re,
...turned to the shareholders,. It
roughly estimated that 60°per cent of
the shares yrould be required to bal-
ance thebooks. Last year the cheques
were 911 returned. Jt -is .a safe guess
that sTeeewater ever has another
teaan it wr11 be purely local. Two
Seasons of struggling to make • endS
meet and -the last one a miserable,
failure financially When hopes were
the' highest for success,. is rather di's-
copraging for the backers of clean
sport, and their energies may be dir-
ected•in other channels of sport where
the money question is not so la*.h.oly
a matter' of wor6.--Teeswater News.
• --0:05.-0---
• OBITUAlly •
Mrs. Samuel- Phillips .•
A highly esteemed resident of
• West-Wawanosh was called av--. h. --
death on August .17 in the person of
Eliza Ann Gaunt, widow 'of the late
Sam], Phillips who pre -deceased her
a little Jess than two yeare: ago. Mrs
Pnillips Was confined to bed for
tuonths before her .death, and bore
her trying illness. with patient re-
signation. She was 'hem 61 years ,ago
in West Wawanesh, so that all her
• life was passed 'within the township.
She was a gentle and kind disposition,
and greatly loved by 'all who came in
contact with her, She was a colisis-
tent and faithful niemIT- •of,the Pres-
byterian Church at St. He'- Dur-
ing her years of wedded life she pro-
ved herself a faithful. -wife. a tender
• mother, and a true friend to all. She
leaies to mourn, five mins -and two
daughters: Janes and Albert, mar-,
• ried at Colfox. Sask. George mar-
• ried in W. Wawanosh, and John,
Lloyd, Rtith and ,Vernie at home,
Much • eympathy is felt for the sor-
rowing family who have lost both
anee.nts within the past two. years.
Farewell dear:Motker, a long farewell
• Thy trails and.; troubles. are o'er.
Farewell, -dear Mother. we'll Miss
here, • ' • •
Till.we meet again on the heavenly
Oh Yes! we.mis"s you Mother,
And we for you do mourn •
But since it is our Father's will,
We could not ask for your return.
o -o----.
•Compares Filvorably With Rates. in
'Other Towns '
-The Ube -rate in Lucknow for •1922 -
.will be. 40 mills heipg _two, mills low.:
er than •the rate for 1921. :This will
keep the financies of the village Ip
perfectly sound condition,. a grati-.
fyinx state of affairs when in se
mar- towns dna villages there has
been* a substantial increase oyer the
rate ,for last • year. Our, village
rate is. actuallsr down three !mills, and
the county rate is• dOwn •one inill; 'but
our schopl rate is up two mills, leav-
ing a total decrease- of only twn mills --
Here- is 'the -way -in -which -Abe iTar-
con•alrates cempare-with•-thOse or": 1921--
.1921 • 1922-
. 14
Debenture' 3
7.5 . County 6.5
4-• Street Lights 4
10,5 . • School 125
42 40 ^ •
A 'comparison with tax conditions
in some ° neighboring towns is of
terest. Here are a few: . , •
Briessels • - 7 32.3- inillS
Durham•• 43
Kincardine , 52
Mild/oak . 36
Seaforth 40.
Walkerton ' 56
Wingham• ASZ
Mr.. Bert Roisenberry. of Kitchener
who was -spewing lorroFk-witir-Itr
---Wr--LrL-Mackene, --liere-re-
ceived a 'telegram informing him that
his youngest -brother. Frank i and 0
nephew, Laverne Sinder. had been
drowned in Breslau Dam, a ,short dis
twice out from Kitchener. • '
The two lads were, 'aged 12 and 10
-years. They with a companion named
Howard Weber went out to the Bres-
low 'darn to fish, They came Teo, an
old boat 'end Weber first-rnade a Tittle -
trip out on the water with'it: When,
he returned, ' the Bossebberry and
Snider, boys went. out and were ,,oine
to make quite a lengthy trip about
-the 'dam. --W-eber'7----,lt -tertnt fisiftm
• dole for himself and while he was do-
ing this lie heard 'another boy eight
years of P COQ tallirie out that the boat
had -capsized. Mid .the two occupants
were in the weter. Weber ran, to a
nearby garlise• and told Jacob Rudr
end E, S. Elv Of what' had hanpened
TheY info the water, but could
net get within 20 feet of the boat
ring to the depth of water whieh
-rune no to their mouths. Unable to
Intim the" had to tern hatch, They met
r)scar Williams of Kitchener who
, was paising'in a ear. He could swim.
,md throwirte' off *his -clothes, be •soor
had young Boseeeberry out of the
Tater but he could not find the other
„lad. BeeseeherliT at first seemed te
have some life: hut all efforts at re-
meietioe failed, The' -body of fly
Sri(lor bov wns not reeeeeene 11,0+4.
halfahoer later when the dam had
1094 OW944 rvg, Ygt‘
• aolj.:
One Sent 23 Another Oct 12
Those whO enjoy a good varied eetet
cert progratn of piesic, elocution. ...rid
fun will be pleased to learn that the
Lucknow Fire Co. has made arrallge-•
ments two eoneerts to be given
in •the Town Hali within the next
two..months. The talent' is the 'very
best obtainable in Canada eo that
'Something teeny, good -Mar be look --
.ed forward to, . •
-On 'the 'evening et September 13th
the mutant Will, be giyen by "The
.Fax Fun CompanY". a comeany under
the, leadership, of Jim Fax,' possibly
, the hest -known entertainer in Can,
ada. As an entertainer Jim is "said tQ
improve with itee, and is better than
ever, He has with hint splendid as-
Soeiates; Charles Stanley is dr•scribt.tl
as a magnificent baritone, as good . •
:Oldfield in the opinioe of many: Miss
Craine. one of the most gifted sop-
• ramie io Canada. and a comedienne 01
a high •order, and Miss Mason an el-
ocutionist and pianist •with few
equals. • They give single numbers,
duetts, and quartetts. and their pro-
gram is. closed with a comic operatic
sketch. '
:The concert of ,October 12th will
be by the Bob Wilson Company, a
great combination of which more will
be said later. Keep , these ' excellent
concerts in mind-Septerniber 13, and
etober 12. About the same time they
•'will ° be giVen in a number, of neigh-
boring towns: • •
0 0-9-----' ,
-The• remains of Mr. Geo: H Law-.
rence, whose 'death at Winnipeg, on
Aug. 8th we briefly mentioned in .our
last id.sue,• arrived in . Lucknow for
interment on Monday of last week
The- fuheral which' was in charge of
the local lodge of Oddfellows was on
Tuesday afterneon, the service being
held in the Ledge -hall. 'The, Rev. K,.
A. Gotten. of South Kinloss coxiduCted•
the religious service *While • Dr. D.
Paterson and Mr: D. C. Ta.ylor lead
in the funeral service of the
in the lodge room and at the grave.
There was a very large atterrdance of
memhers of: the order and friends oi
the family, ' . . ••
The •late Mr. Lawrence was a soi,
of one of the -pioneer families of.
Leland* and was most -favorably
,knawn all. of' the older residents.
Two 'brothers Ed. of Buffalo, and
Dave, of, Sault Ste, Marie, Mich,•
attended the -funeral.. • -
Mr. LaWrence.who was 54. years 'o '
age, had been -ip • failng health for
about -a• year. but he was able ,to be
about and no worse :than ueuel mitt'
shortly before- he passed away. Abotit
e year ago he had a- severe attack of
brontical trouble and. from "this he
never :reeeovered. .
- August, 22.
Miss Nettie Cottle has been Vieit-
ing friends in Wingham. '
Miss Lily ,McQooid of Crewe
Sunday With Miss 'Ida
•Miss' Bertha MacKay of Winkham I
spent• -the week -end at her horne here .
• ..---Misses Maridn'and'. Ethel:Simpson,.
-,Cif Win -Otani are Vislfing-with...411irs,.
. Henry; '
.Dr: Mary Findlater of iffoghingtoii,
D C. is visiting :with Mr. and Mrs.
P.' Henry. • • .
-Mr. and• Mrs, Will •Fraser inent
Sunday at the home of Mr. and. Mrs:
B. Vsylor. . • • . " •
-Misses Agnes and Jean Kenn '37-
are:visiting .a few days with_ friends
.-at 'Guelph,. • ••• • .
Mrs: Wellw(;od -of Ortnikeville is
visiting with her daughter. Mrs. Ar-
-thur Moore. -- .
Misses N: Cottle. Cs. Terra- and
-V. Henry. ere . holidayieg this week
in .Kincardiee. • , .
•We are glad bo repo % that Mr.
John Clubb-'who was injured in an•
is improving. .
Mr. and Mrs, Gordon ,More and
baby of Lucknow spent SiindaY with
• Mr. 'and, Mrs. J. 'Purdort; .
-Mr.---.Glenn-- Phillips -of -Creighton;
"-mined-is-Spending a few days Nvith
. Mr '. arid Mrs. Mac Ross, •
Miss Kathleen Brownlee and. -41a-
--stet Ernest Srvarling v , are visiting .
with Mr. and Mrs; Geo.' Cettle. .
Miss Carr of Dungannon and Misi
johriston of Stratford are spending
jthoehinkstovnacation at ,the hoine of J.
• Mrs, Rev. John A. •Mundell,and
daughter Ruth' Elaine' of Detroit, are
Visiting' at the .home•-of,-
Kengie, Paterson
• Mis,s Annie Sirnoson..‘03"' has been
enjoying. a holidav with her sister,
Mrs. F. Hepry.-returni this week to
_her -home' at- Alberta:' _ • -
Mrs, Howard of Toronto. Mrs, At-'•
kinson. of Guelph, and Mr. and Mrs: -
Barber, of Acton. visited last week
with Mr. and Mrs. W. R Perrier.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Johnston of Tor-
onto and Mrs. Sherriff and daughter
Grace of Wingham visited on Sunday
with Mr -and Farrier-
. Miss Isabel FoWler, of Saskatoon,
Sask. Miss . Paterson of Toronto;
and .Miss A. Cummings of Wingham
are enjoying a holiday at.the home of
Mr, MaCkentie P,aterson.
We enjoyed on Sunday ha. -in•-• "r
Hwang a representative of the Bible
Orioctihetey rwrehsdb:tsevripatioNelwlirlt,eivib andtegi els.
tete views of China at the eveniee
service •was vent interesting. Mr,
Hwang is a Native of Chitia exL
nects the eemnletiee of his Uni-
versity •studieA to Clrltm as
ibtliSSiOnitrY tg, 0.10 DOODle. •
. .01WadaYS7
.a "SALADA". for
.13,Teara.faist,for dinner,
• for supppie and five
tinent wide
Per -Cent
Tea as staple as our daily bread •
. •
- "The Big 8"
(Under the auspices orthe
Ladies' Aid). -
will hold a Sale of
Home -Made Cooking
it) the '
Basement of the Methodist
Church, on .
Saturday, August 26
at 3 o'clock. sharp
"U -Need -a -Rest"
Patronize Us
Eggs, •
.. • .
Our Saturday Specials -
Puff Pastries, Crearn
Slices and Fruit
:Home -Made Bread
Top Price for BUtter and Eggs, at
The following special prizes -.have
added te the prize list a the Kinloss
Township. School Fair to be held at
Hdlyrood, Tues, Sept- 19. •
1. Best Calf:born on or after 'May
1. 1921. Prize .1st $1.25. 2nd. 75c.-
deriated by Ernest Ackert.
• 2 Hitching and unhitching con-
test. Each Contestant will supply his
or her.pwn horse, harness and buggy.
Prize by. Jno; 'Purvis. 1st $1,25 2nd,
20c 75c • ' •
25 to 35c. 3-
. .
Writing. "In Flander'l Field's."' •
$12 25 Prize by -Henry. Mathers. ist. .80c.
• • 2nd .60c., 3,rd. .40e.. 4th .20c. °
• " '
A :Special Representative, Of
. •
.p_ op ,...Hatlors
bs:e. with --
Wedne-Sd4St: AUg.Ogit 30 (only)
Neve.s.t. Fat Materials, .Tailoiedin: Any - -
.!Style on'.Wish,711104 „ tit: •
• -• oar, • .3to.•
) ••-
, • _
Our range of a.rnples, which will be on disPlay, -
it. Coo. Decker's, includes the Finest °Indigo.
BotanySerges,•Plaiti and Fancy Tweeds, W_or-
eds and Saxony finished cloths in the latest
• tteins,and_colotiqglscg,FalFand-Winter-Wear.
We will also, show the •wellaCloth-es--
Quality" samples from $24.00 ° •
Made -to -Measure Made -to -Fit Made -to -Satisfy
DO.n9t. Miss This Great Cipnollunity
. fdneScla,y,.:
•Neat, 'Spappy and _Dura.ble_Ai Our
New Modes in Ladle Strap Slippers
- :and 'Oxfords for Fall.
•-• '
The cool days and nights remind 'us that Pall is approaching, and
Surinter-TOotwearie getting -pretty ii61-1-1WWrii -out-IN'Te 1hae•
some Very nice lines in Tau and Patent Strap Slippers 'with
buckles, which nre very POpular, at pi -ices fronj 35,00 to $7,50.'
• .
, $chOO1 Again in Two Weeks
School days will soon be her again. Let us fit up the boy's and
girls with good serviceable ..shoes at i-easohable price:, • -
A Special Line of ll'oys' Black Elk Shoes at $2.75,
' = •••
We Aim. to Give You Quality and :Service.
v v•-..;•420"-• -
•. 1,••••• •• o