HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1922-08-10, Page 8for "RywritirrM'IT -77-9717741""717r":
nn Tabling has been - scarce goods a and high in
price during _latter years. Iiiiiwere fortunate in a.
special purchase of extra. fine q- ality, gc weight.
. s►nd nice even thread.,,,.. This is guaranteed pure
Ilnent 70 inches in width, and is- specially , .
` priced •
$2.75 yard. Those , whose linen stock is low
should See this excellent :valine and secure some .at
ih is'r� reasonable. price. 'Two otherr, .nes vie
- s •a.part linen,64 i .. wido at U $ i Q, 'and
commend, � . •
a Mee 'bask Tabling at 65c.
• , e� eetlence in Z wellin
• ��nen is the standard of � � g
in .:lain and striped.
e are showingread value p •. p
Towelling at 40•and 45e. a yard. Also nice :quality'
Cotton and ;gash towelling
at 13, 20, 25 :. and 30e.
Vide Uuekaback Towelling, special ` at 23c.,' :and
Turkish. Towelling, striped at 22c., pain white at
35eand: "an. extra fine quality. heavyweight white
with broad Oink border at 65c. See oil' • � rvalues' in
Stied Towwels at' 50q each, and Bath 'Towels,'
plan and with colored borders,' at 60c, and $ i.00.
`S, S Na. 8, We_t Wawaneelf Mendali - Uk 7111.
' Samnd:Yesristudent who passed in . Mr., 44 M'rs.:Sano Sherwoo visit -
all subjjeets• :•Ansui W anbe'U, 4 first ed at the 'tomo (cif' Mr. J. MaWhiney
class and' 2 lecean'.,l ass i. Wjnfifrod ` : t`iile. .- .t
Farrie1, 41st. and 2 d, era Todd, 'Mv. Raymomi :Finnlguo repent Sun; •
1. 1st,. 12n& Aad 1 3 0, dwy at the home Of Georgo Twamley
Passed in 5, aubjeats out of Mafeking.
vin Woods, 1 1st., 2 2n , and •1 3rd. Mt dames Culbert of, the " West
,First-year students who. passed in visited at the tions of Mr, John Men-
ai" 4 subjects-- Ve a oodia. 1 `22nd' any, Saturday: •
and• 1 3rd. l Fred Mcs .illin, 1 2nd. Mr. and Mrs.. Barlow,' of 'Goderieh,
and 1 Ord.; Greta ebb 1.2rd. • • spent Sunday at the' home of Mr,
Passed ::in 2 ubje ts-.Madeline tsaae. Gauley. •
Hennessey, • ... Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Maize of •Toro-,
.]Dorothy C. ons as, Principal. .iito visited "at. the home Sof Mr. Wm.
, • Hasty during the weeks ,
--�o-aD Mr, and Mrs. Joe Kilpatrick• of
THE WEATEE t4 ULY Goderieh• visited A. -the -home fa Sr.
- - John Kilpatrick, Monday
Master Herbert Begley iss spend-
nng a few day&, at the holne of Mr.
Wm. • Sproul, Dungannon.•
Mr, and Mrs. Bert,'Treleavef and
family'-.• visited .at 'the- homeof Mr,.
George' Hu$ter on "Thursday.
Mr, and' Mre. Matthew Shackleton
visited at the - home of Mr. Robert
Reid,, Port Elgin►,• on,Tuesday.
gone 1o. 10 is at Your. .Service
r.. s Ball torCa �►h-- W t Sell Cheaper Tban The Credit Stores
The Manufacturers of Aluminum' Ware leave announced a de -
Create of S6 per gent.. ' , . •
Following our; usual +custom of reducing prices When the. prices
Ara ret3nced:to •us': rl the;,5nanufacturer '-regardless 'of the price we
paitf dpwa goes the •price .of Aluminum Ware.. • . '
• Our atock`is off a best quatity, Heavy; weH=finished; nothing
light oro f nosy. ,'Pwo prices as a • sample:
S's 12 Imperial Qaari Kettle ,at $2.25 each;
Sire 10 Imperial Quart Kettle at $2.00' each,
The :manuffactttrers of Galvanized. Ware . have announced . a de-
" crease ort all. Tines which: will amount to about 1'7 per cent of a drop.
W e are erragking our prices on the new quotati is.' o,
Are 'have a fine assortment b£ Diamond Enamelled ' Ware and -
the price: is not high; .
Before Pure Fairlie Green, .. .50c.: per .1b,
.... rg
Arsenate of Lead, . .. ..:. 40c per ib.'
'Blue Stone . :............. ... 20e, per lb.•
The season is here and yeu will need some or all of the follow-,
st goods, which. we have in 'stock, and at right prices. • ' •
Samson .Hag: Forks, damson Handles,'Turnip'Hoes,
H Fork Dallies, Hay Fork . Rope.. Machine Oil,
We etre. handlinb " Bt itforul Binder Twine •. •
about Paroid Slate -Surfaced :