HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1922-08-10, Page 4•
IGH grade cattle sire the onIly
kilts to makemoney fawn.
aaure that :'etch keels *your herd up to•'
tete highest peeeible standard: Of qua,
Sty.- The init ot" Hamilton ,is pre.
'pared to 1044 Ion, in 'eve'?'y possible
wAX. Comsat, cult Loren. 14Mana$er,
alt LUCHNOW flEHTH4104 • THBI$BAY, , Az!42 HS -110 ,2
. LXiir it1Om
/Wet •.
4.4bilobed ererioithersda,'*out*
at bi*ikuow. tlal;srie,
.„t, n AR6.Oii�p NZIAy ProorbOor
1" S Miter.
THURSDAY,. Au4118T' 20th,, 1922;
LUC1 1Q " I MA IcH-+J A. Gient►ie, Ml►nageri
ri►r!r�rriri►t '..:.a 1f1f,.ht1fl1111Ihit t
m '
LUX. : Tiacterer and Engines;.
• Ge. o+ -Video Ati• on Threshing Mac hues;
Lout4ett'ai Litter Carders, Stalls,' Stancions.' and.
,water Bowls;
braise'*: Coiled Wien! and "Woven Fence;
Connors Perfection . Electric Washer;
' GonrlaY, Winne `and' Leeming Pianos.
11,1CQ0PO13ATE0•• 1855
Capital 'Paid Up $4,000,000
'Reserve Fund $5,400,000 ' '
Over 125 Branches •''
Why Keep Surplus n the House?
It is dangerous?. Better to take this money to the nearest
Grinch 'Of The Molsons' Barikand deposit it•-inia`savings ac--
&lent Where it=wa11;.be,.ab(iolutely safe (Money may be de
positedrorwithdrawn by mail:)
... , A K O W BLANCH:
• S. ..REVD, MA�'�IA(iiplt, • 1'. v'C ,l�
_ ._.. SYSTEM
Daily Except Sunday
Lv, Kutcarduie • 5.30 atm. 145 _p.m;
Lv Tt'iple7 5.50 a.m.: 2.04 pan:
Lv: Lucknow" , 6.09 a.m;•2.21 p.rti,
Lv, : Witmgham 6:40 a.m. 2.54 ' p.m.
v- Drifter:ls. '7 06 a ni, 3,18 p,m
Lv. Listovrel 7.50 u«m.....4.01pm.
":. L ;' Falmerston B 28 a,tn,_ .•4.23 p m.
Ar Guelph' 9,45 arm.• 5:$6 pin.'
m' 8
35 .nl •
t 00
' tfoi=d. p
Ar B;an, p
• Ar,,.`IfeinKfo ' .• 100.1a.Vi 8.30 p.m
• . Ar, • Toronto '1130 a•m, ' 7.40pan,.
Retn �in =-Lease-Taxonto°6.50 am.'
and 5,132 pw.
Through coach, Kincardine to ,Tor-
onto on morning train. •
• 'Parlor' :Buffet 'ccar ,Palmerston to
Toronto' oft`arnrning:train-and Guelph -
Termite on
Teronto"'ion evening "train
- - apply" to Grand
F -or full ' articularis apP y.
Trunk, Ticket Agents. •
F. . PHILLIPS, Agent,, Lucknow.
Highest Cash Price .Paid
- for Cream and Eggs
Any Day
Test i icSa I/•jj
�._ ,
"Once a Customer, Always a
Customer , - --
-Give Us A Trial
Those Who Stay in
the Valley Will Never
GetOver the' Hill
6 •
, Bring'us.,yout ..
Cream,_Egp.gs and oultry
and be,'on the hill -top
ray You,.CASA:.'
Honest -rights, Accurate Teats -and -a-•
Square Deal • to All .
o•DS .,
For --Service
•''a• Monument
-U-Need- e Yet' _
--T-he-Lucknow -Marble- and -Gran- ---
rte Works has a la'r'ge and nom '
pieta- stock—. the mostubeautifa_I •
.designs to choose from in Mar
Me, Scotch and` Canadian ;Gran
rtes. a...
`Wirmake. a Specialty of Family
• Monuments and invite your' in;
inscriptions neatly -and prompt
ly done. . .
Call • and see ns before placing .
/out -order:,
:. ; Lucknow, Ontariti,�. -
Until we.. are permanently'settled
• ren W. J. Douglas
AS the greet Chippewa Canal nears
comPletioin, the Hydrb Electric Corn -
mission,, 'with ,Sir Adam Beek at its
head, is looking about for new fields.
to' vonquer; _
• fee •Chippawa Canal is one of the
greatest engineering £eats on the etln.
tinen�t,, and one of the greatest pov►'e3r-
development plants in the world.
When construction of it , was started
it was thought: that,'on completion, it
would meet all. 'demands for• electtie
current for along time to' come;`iut,
so advantageous lathe use' of hydro
electric current, for power,- light and
heat,than the demand has. outrun the
aulfply'even. before the canal •is •com-
Speaking at Galt the other day, en
the- occasion of opening "a new hydro
building, •Sir Adam' Beck announced,
that already- the ,commission had
plans under way to build another
power 'canal at Niagara, larger even
than the Chippewa Canals•
''he estimated'cost of this new en-
terprise is one hundred million dol-
lars, The' •Ghippaita Canal is said to
have cost about that amount, but it
unfortunately, was built largely when
the -high cost Qf constructionwas at
the peak ,and labor/was at its lowest
point of efficiency. Construction of the
proposed e,w .canal will 'be more'fav-
ored{.in that way. But Sir Adam as-
sures the public that the great enter-
prise will not • cost the - tax -payers a
single cent. The whole undertaking
will be .self-supporting, As: in the case
of smaller developments the users .of
current will pay the whole cost,the
charge. to users being exactly adjust-
ed tomeet the cost, '.
A•ceording to Sir Adam, invest
ments in hydro made by the commis-
eiot up to the ' present' time amount
to 3230;000,000, '
_0 -e -per_
With the improvement ,of .the coun-
try "roads, automobile touring is Malt-
ing immense strides, One can scarcely
believe' that during the year 1921 no
less than 617,285 automobiles entered',
Canada for touring purposes. ' But
these are the government figures, and
as every car entering the country. is
registered, the' numberniay he -taken
as practically correct: e great ma;
jority, of these cars r ined in Can-
ada for less than a• month, They had
just . come• . for.. a . ,short trip, .in -many
instances the purpose being to visit
friends for a few days or weeks;. In.
1920 only•93,300 cars' came into Can-
ad'a, so, the popularity: of Canadian
scenery . andcamping groands must
ere growing 'rapidly. - •R.
It is said that a- popuIgar;plan is for
the- traveling party: is to: make • its
•home, in the automobile; Bedding and
a ..few cooking _utensils are carried,
Is athome whenever
and -the ' natty' s
. 1� �._. r.•
night overtakes them
The Dominion=Parks=Branch-e:ttim
Fates that the
expenditure each .day
a party travellinbwith htouringear-
is 20 'to 25 dollars per day, other
estimates are 37 per day per individ=,,
ual. Such being the case,the traffic
i�esults in quite a ,large vol>une of
business. to -the ';country..eachy year.
The amount for last year is put at •
'8,1, -08,909,009. -And th i . s it:affi C and bus
i ess is only in its 'infancy,
A.F. & A.M., G B.C. Old' Tight Lodge
meets every Thursday 'night on or:
before the full moon,,, id the Mits-:
onic Hall, 'Havelock St.; Lucknow.
WS., T. S. Reid; .S.W., J. 'd.
McQuaig; ' 3,W ;,. -Geo. M. Stuart;
Sec., W., A. Wilson.
Luckily/ LOX., No. 428, meet in
.their , lodge room every second 'Net -
day of the month at 8 o'clock p.m.
W,M., ,-Jatt. Irwin; Rec. Secy , Wm,
McQuillin. , •
Lucknow• Lodge meets every
,Friday evening at 8 o'clock in their
Hall, Campbell StreetitAll brethren.
cordially .invited. Officers: Noble
Grand, Arch, Barbour; Vice Grand,.
MacLean Johnstone; Ree. -See,.,. E.
Aitchison; Fin. Secy Dr, Paterson;
Treasurer, Alex, Ross.. '
The city of Chicago is just through
With: another .strike of, the street
railway-• employeese .which far, six
-days completely tied •'up' all the lines .
in the city so that . folk had to' get
about by the steam roads •(of which
there are ,no -less than 36'doing lo-
cal work in the.city),. by automobile
or ' on fent Because of the steam
roads and the auteanobiles local tra--
ffie• was-liy- iso means paralysed; and
business went on .such .as usual.,
The. strike was brought on. 'be-
cause the street railway companies
announced a• reduction 'of pay; The
result was a compromise, the men
accepting a reduction of LOcper beer,_
inst'ad of 15c as epropoaed by the
companies. This leaves• them with
about 05.70 fob.. an.' eight-hour daffy-_ a
pretty ,good. thing -for' men requiring.
flute' knowledge;: sides"or'expaieiiie.
The purpose of the' union was 'to
maintain* the `-vvar-time,. scale -of pay,
though everything else has '• come
down. •
While the, strike was in 'progress'
the City. Council took slips to es-
. tablish a motor buff service to- take
the place, of the stret . care, 'these
=were to be operated at 5e a ride while'.
the street railway •charge is .7d, A'8
this service was beconnng established
the strike came to ail end, the parties
to the strike evidently ,seeing 'that
the .city -operated bus service "would
cut deeply into the . street railway
business, thus throwing.many of the
Byre do n .
• '-The extreme depression and
discouragement which comely over
one at times is the Most'.alarming
Symptom of nervous ex. haustion
This letter is. a message Oaf hope
to all who find themselves in this
unfortunate condition.
` . Mrs. Geo: T. "Tingley, Albert,
N.B., writes:— ' , •
.. "For years.' 1 -was in i very nervous.
run-down condition. was much depress-
ed in spirits. and suffered a great'deal'
at times. The. least noise would irri-
rri late Me and at times. I felt as thou
I certainly would go crazy. 1 ' con-
sulted different doctors to • no. effect.'
"A friend advised the use of I)r.
Chases Nerve Food and 1 -can truly
testify . today to the great benefits re-
ceived.. There was a marked change
before 1. -had finished the second box
and when 1 :had • used a dozen `boxes.
my, nerves were thoroushly restored and
was entirely relieved
1 y of those terrible
feelings I used lo,..have. I shall ever
be ready to testify to ' the benefits of
this wonderful medicine, feeling sure
that it will give to other,' the quick and.
permanent relief` it `has given rue."
Dr.' Chase's Nerve Food, 50c
a box, ,all dealers, or Edmanson,
Bates & Co., Ltd, . Toronto.
strikers permanently' out of em-
ployment. - •
But the . bus service has come t'
stay, the 'couficil 'e�Yidently concluding
that the\,travelling public should not
be Left at the mercy of •a• street rail -
.way service 'that .. at any time is
able to quit.. . •
7 -•Three --'or four 'ears -•-'ago--° these-
sa`'�11i e' employeese indulged in another
strike which Iafted. for' only three
=days, That strike was far snore, pay,:
This ,was when cost of'' living was. at
the . peak,' and public•- s^ympathy ,was
with the.strikers; They :won 'their
:demands on that occasion, ;but now
Lose part of what • they . then', gained.
,o 00
Boy Wanted—a, good .reliable bay, -
one .you
ay,-one:you can •r-eeoremend to,a respon-
'sible - position;' only a fair education.
needed. Boys of this: class • are al
ways. in. demand and inquires are
often ,made. The•, suggestion sets bus
• Is there any one we, can rake up•in
the . recesses of our :mind that will -
_fill the bill _ exactly?_ The ...ques.tion.
seem s ' easy, , but to .give an unquali-
fied 'testimonial of the -boy who will
fit, sin• every: =particular 'is= quite',an-'
r matter. Theyare to 'be found'
othe ,_
but'they are' not so'com'monas a per
son might suppose. Lack in one o
the qualifications unfits many a boy
with` :a bad habit •will: be --set aside
for the, one with a better record.
Boys, your conduct is being wat. hed
and -if :.you.' fail ,to lend _the .,jobb, you.
•could like_ there is often'• a reason.for
the ail• •
# urn; • .
There are , hundreds 'and thousands,
of good boys 'who arse. shttitting them-
selves oat of •ood.positions : by care
g. P ,
Tessness of condunt' and foolishness"=
ei action. No em'ployer'.wants a boy' .
who loiters listlessly in •questionable -
places. and.. in. questionable company,
Some of. these :'boys may scorn the
thought of dishoriesty: but their ass -
oeiations arca'harri��r l twgefl tbena',
Arid tlao aces who would' otherwiso
give thein. employment,
Eyen to -day there aro. many boys,
end we speak from personal know-
ledge and observation there are. far
too ndany frittering away their :tulle,
wasting their opportunities, invok-
ing `their- chances of future useful
;less and useful greatness because of
their associations. witIi. the Smart-.
Aliicics who long 1ag„o:rafrie'to be re-
eognized" as t efni adjuncts.. to . all kinds • +of "respectable son ehtt ; '
it is safe to judge a 'iCoy by' the
coeupany: he keeps, and we know
some • who would remain a long time
unemployed before we could con-
scientiously recommend thein for pe-•
sitions of, responsibility,,
Boys are -being watched snore ,
closely than they -have any Idea; of
• and .' a bave blown boys who lost
their 'chances of good.` ppsitions "be-
cause they were too smart .% public
• If •boy's actions," in .life lire' to' go-
uncliallenged he must keep a strict
watch, over tis conduct:•, As a pass:.
• port to the responsible positions there
is nothing in a boy's life that counts
more than good behavior.
Honesty in.the handling of money
is not the- only qualification ,to con-
stitute honesty in .the bogy or young.
join setting' -out to make his mark
in the world,• This i's, in. fact, one of
the cardinal virtues; to be, possessed
b ;r the boy whose services will be •
sought after, There are many little
details,�'fiften not considered, that
form 'just as important a feature . as
the one to which we have; just refer-
-red. and without going into a sermon
on the• subject we'll leave the spatter
to the thoughtful boy to think it out
for hiniself. "Boys are wanted,' but
only boys. 'With 'the qualifications to. •
make .them trustworthy and reliable.
4 O '.
"You `Can't . Expect Beairer`• Board'
Results Unless T his.�Trade-mark
on the Back of the BoardYou Buy"
Lonk for it Be sure this mark is on' the' back
of every panel of wall board you buy;
All wall board -is not Beater Board. Like every
other product it is imitated, and while some of these
imitations .may look like Beaver Board they can
never sect liheaeaver Board.
To be urs of lasting wall and ceiling' satief acr-
tion look for.the Beaver Board. trademark on the •
Lack of every -panel of wallboard you tray.
• "Fara Going "--415 tfi WINNIPEG "Fare Returning`'—.$20 from WINNIPEG.
melt pet 101 wiuipig to d.stiiatiea cut per ane startlug Oat' to Winnipeg. '
Frbnt Statle a in• entario. Sntitit's Fails to and iaeluding.Toronto on Lake,Ontario Shore Lida ,
vel k-Peterbor Line. and From S;attoas$tngiton to itentrew Junction, kaclustve.
AUGUST 21 . From elation. on Toronto-adb'ury direct line.
From Stations Dranoalto Pott'McNicoll and auricle's. to Hobe' Oscan, ln. Iustve. • ,
From Ststioa."South and Wsrt ot.Toroato'to and including Hamilton and Windsor :Ont
14 •From Owen sound. Walkerton. Otang lle, Teeswatcr.'Elora, Wstowol, Ooderich, ht. Mary's,
ir11d • is
, .. Port Burwell, Pad St. T1io ranches.. • •
' AUGUBT 23{Front Station. Toronto and Northto Bolton, inclusive, . _ . . -.-
` ..
AUGUST 11 end ■ oc o
• ARD, DiatriJt Passenger Agent. Toronto.
Pull partieuliies gross Canadian Pacific Agents. ' • W. 9. H014V
They -naught a. bandit in. a summer
hotel the • other' day but `the report .
doesn't state whether he Was in front
_or behind the -desk.• •
Have yeti Rhllittam of Neuritis, -
Sciatica, Lumbago ?' Now Is the
time to get . rid of It...Nature Is.
doingall she Caw _for.. you. .• Just
help things along. Get a boy - of
Templeton's- Rheumatic Capsules
front ourADraggist and yyou will'
-snow be fit -and ° welt -again, ••' -
standard Remedy
y T,R.C.s
• Seed by 'A:' E. McKIM
Friday ',afternoon last Mrs;. James
ymon_noticed. two_Inda`a'ns _making a_
hasty exit'from the rear door: of her
home and upon descending: the stairs
h des eov red. some money had been
s e e s,
removed from her purse.
She telephoned Mr. Symon,-sho-in
turn notified Chief Fitter. The Chief
got busy' and in twenty minutes time•
had the culprits `Under arrest; locating
"tli'em •near the:old su ar b _et_factor _
It! was , discovered later -that they
-had a horse slid •bbuggrAin a -pasture;
on the' CoTptiy s roadTand that these
had been stolen at ,Southampton,- They
were taken, to Walkerton'for-trial,
' If the '. modern girl rust -'reveal•
h f:• m
some charm :to' win a husband, let her
reveal some ability to ,cook, •
John Joynt, M,' P. P , North Huron
has . generously` donated $28.00 to ..
`-Eastv'Huron''FalrPair, to`Tiii held at •
Brussels, Sept. 14 and 15, as 'special 1 -•
Prizes to Horses. o' '
s F r best Heavy ,
'draft. team # ea 1st,. $8:00, 2nd, 36.00. For
best Agricultural . team 1st, 38.00; ; - •
2nd,' $6,00: This should bringalar - -'
Humber of entries. We hope' to have,
avis-•Joynt--present - -on Fair day.
Brussels Post;
Do_-atot suffer__ _
Itc11nig ,Bleed.•-
Ing, or Protrud-_
ing kilos. No
surgicat oper.
•a.tio.a reqquired.
'Dr. Chase's Ointment 'witl.relieve you at, once
and-afford'lasting benefit, con. a box; all -
dealers, or. Edmanson, Bates R Co., Limited.,
Toronto. Sample Boz free it you mention tbls
caner and enclose 20. stamp to pay postage.
Theowner of a Model 81 Overland (name on request)
tells us he recently made 'a 900 mile trip using orily:
--2 qt arts-oi ::I Aerial `.Polarine Oil, Heavy (as' recom-
mended -on the Imperial Chart). > -
Big ()Wand gasoline mileage is just one of the many
.._ advantages... of easing the ,proper grade of Imperial-
Polarine Motor OIs_In any car or truck: Consult
the Chart:. •:
/Warm/dee/trews and Marketers of Ii erial Polcrine•Motor Oils and
"•Marktlera in Canada o rGagoyle Mobiloil. •
Mado• tri five grades
for the proper Who
rication of all makes
of automob•ileb,,
trucks and tractors.