HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1922-08-03, Page 8• l •' ICIKNOW TOINI., `>fflV DAY, AUGUAT Wit., 10U, .. `:. Bargains for Frill and Satur These .Two Days wilkpe the , ,ficial . c1eansup of our iii -Summer Sale, and except onal.values are ti ered.' In clearing `lines :of Summer. Goods Leak& Black Cation Hq a lVgular 25e,, Fni"al Sale Pricy ... , , Socks,: regular 26.c,,, for . «, �.:.:.. , . , , •., , , *. . . MiGw a Cotten Work � • • . Boys''. Knitted .'Jersey Piair SUBS, . r6gulgr6.76;•C'fearing Price ,, .. ,: :,'.., r ..70e, wiee, rate Wash lis Ballance at 95c, and $1,75:. Co _ret Covertlynigelp , made and trim�'med; regular 75es for: • .....:.'. ., . , .. «, , • • 4 , .. Voile % VARA eats! nice Style„ Half Price .::.. , . ... e . •.- .. _ . , .', , , , .... + ti . $2.25 2 Pietefi, Fane? Check Organdie, , regular •90c., Sale Price , . ,; ,'... , .. , i,, 58c iShirts, 2 Specials .. , , n • • . . , :. :'E r , , « . , ,, ..:' 85c, ' and $1,19 AYs►a Vine Straw Hits, Special Clearingat • • .. $1.54: ms'st a rasa Coverall Suits, a Snap at . Wbite was aask Talsl ng, 60 inches wide, Extra Value at .. . .:... 48e. Udine 1 : autyr Liele Hese, in Black and White, .Special :.. _ , :.: .. = • - • • .50c, White 1. and 2 -Strap Slippers also White 'Oxforda • all 'this year's stock, at...:.., ... .... , .. , . • 20 Per Cent. Off Regular Prices ;t ensc cis Oxford Shoes in Black and Brown, 16 pair to Clear at .. ; , :.... , .... $2.98* We $earn Work ,Sbnes: regu]r, $4.50 and '$4,75, Friday and Saturday :. , : .. $3,95 i4 NG$ID$.. eW.0 are c slla upoas dais week to report tits death of Mary ff dliaasrIF known as Mtrlllf li'e'd, Miss• ltvld't` doth ;Wag hardly unexp+ ted 4a be had keen atirisa!usllr ill f:op tii*i?' .m nth 4nderid' she had never enjoyed good health since fahilaihood:.Sh'e utas in her 41st year, gull is; survived 'blip her :parents, two brothers :and •one, OP, sten ;Tbu• ftcne?ral will be op Thyrsdaaay sf'ternoon ie Tifin's ten a e'ry," WOW 'AN» 'CRAM m iBAllQ i1«I r• he 'cigarette habit is rapidly' grow- sing among Women and every once in it whilesomeonestrongly eoad'crans,at *Quirk- the -.Pr'@u, WI*. what has man ter •ed'the eulasaneipatign otwo•-' 1 #,` Piny to be excepted that she Word .feel free' to adopt •asny. of I the habits and eustcma of mere. ;'cosigns that~ .ale chose. Leaking at .it iwm p. xr•.and square •standpoint, '. one 'is: bound to it4mit that,a. Yvornaan •leas just as 'noel' right to. smoke as, a' rganbas, but it • is to bat- hoped .that the practice will not become .gaeral Asule1iE1 D woos, EIYINA1TS `: REMNANTS ne closing days of our Sale finds us with..an additipnal'lat of Remnants of various lines of Dry Giocls to clear at_ very low price's. '' See our, Remnant fable on Friday and Saturday.; • DOCH&:COs • Discu Ssing the question: Commercial Rueauaya August 1st.' first rE eBlass werehotels dtiniip$an fbLPs oneR.n; ofgeleslate," Miss Sophik Kempton, :of. Laurier, says a flriend., just ,returned from a West has the, following.' has returned tO Detroit, ..toutr of 4alifor , 'To, our left at a Mr: Sam, Bradley is up: front 'roma, near-uy table sa ' a woman With two nun,. one ttf a h'om was apparently her to, visiting his home at Laurier.. • husband; Between, coursesas: the,men` Mise Janie Ketehabaw, :'of .Para- were . smoking: 'their cigarettes, the mount,: is visitinsc -with "friends . in . walvnari reraa'e.1►ed over and `took as eig- )noU ravegazette from' rite mouth..ahi- one of the zie •. laic al' mom, took liwolong pulls from it• and Mr, Itectoa Macken. , of G - ttg ;.in' a friendly way 'blew the :smoke in ,ia visiting.his :uncle, Mr, :.. J Mae- the ,;:nom's Mee, and .•retuirncd the' Kenzie, Laurier thing `which • be continued to smoke.. Miss Gladys Rivers, of Luckiiow, is ,'Che course. 01 conversation continued the guest of cher friend,,141anche James ;smoothly through the operation as i€ dist were one • of the regular numbers 'exon, of Laui"ier: on the Program, M.r,Daniel McNaln, Montreal, Is "ht' our right a middle' aged and spending his Vacation- under the par- ;richly dressed: matron with three little ental roof .at Laurier; children, apparently her own, the' old-' order - Miss oufse McDonald, of Toronto,est about ten years of age, was order- r i a dinner that a ul h v' tr •wi her is isiti g with t Mrs D J ng o d not have cost leas than eight dollars While wait - MacLennan, , . ' MacLennan, of Laurier. ing..she 'took fr• om a fine little case Mrs, Worth and 'Mrs. Daniels, of cigarette, lighted it, and leaned back Ingersoll., are visiting' their •cousin, and blew the smoke to the zenith,. now • and again flicking the. anhes from pier Mrs., J. .N. McKenzie; Laurier, coliin` 'ail which, she held 'in hme•'r fin Donald McKenzie,, .of Chicago,'is gars with refined -ark spending a few days with'Mr, and'' ' "In the dining :room'. of .,one. of the Mrs;- John McRae, of Lochalsh. . best San Francisco hotels, any wife Miss Verna Haanilton, . of Para- and I encountered no less than eight mount,' spent the week -end with her women, . one with a_eurly,';headed dao cousin, Irene Strathd '' e, of Huron, ghter, 'alt s poking, cigarettes, all Mrs R. L. Wh�ita of . Chicago, is. with the fan' •••blase familiarity with the weed that ,Men oxhtb$t-'wbohave spending a few weeks with her •math- , made' it a lifer -kink :praaetl'ee From er, Mrs. K. McLennan, cf Laurier. their skill and': artistic unconcern one = Mrs. Claude. McDonald,• of WaPella mii;ht, infer 'that .the'ttad smoked a'_ Sask., is visiting with her mother•and .thousand and one years, without lett.;` sisters Mrs, and Misses Rose,' 12th, in g the fire go ,out Con; a'As fear myself, I, have seen but one' woman smoking, except as, a, boy 1 Mr., Will Walker, of Petrolia, .was saw. some - old Kentucky farm. Wives' the guest• of his sister, Mrs. James smoking corn cobs This woman was ,Struthers,: of Paramount,. during the in •a fine 'hotel r.,vom and she was Week. , a consit'ming •:a cigarette. She had a bark one Miss Verna McLaughlin, of Win• g coold nrher fiascribeto-early ce that to piety There ham, was the guest of Miss Tena was, nothing* m• her. facial make-up or, Buckingham, Hemlock •Ci• y, for ' a . her behavior that would .commend her week . • . ,. •.., to sou or •xne as` a sister,- a mother or Mrs; Jhs. Cox, Clifford arid pandawhys n the; namesoft nytli ng 'in the are visiting • this week with Mr. and dictionary, she had. chosen to come in Mrs. Wm; McGi'll• and other • friends ;to'public to•eoln nit,an act like that. I in Paramount, could pardon a woman for. paring her The Paramount LT. F.G O: will, plc- corns at the' table before ::1 could for nic at Bannockburn. Park, near Point such .anoffence.".—Renfrew Mercury. Clark on Friday afternoon.of this ----o-o-e week Everybody �' yWelcome. - George Galt. -a, farmer loving in Mr;: and Mrs. Robert Hill, Mr. and ICepple'Township had' the misfortune Mrs, Melville 'Hill and Mrs.- Emily to loose a 'splendid barn 'With the . `. . vic ` IS: at ::,011.5 C oa. 0 r T n The Credit Stores Sell C4ea► Aa ar >t ibis •Caai *l We i S- s '- ICE E ii• The Manufacturers of Alnminiim. Ware • have". ennouneed • a 'de-: cre*ee of 25 per cent,. Y'e'llowing, our usual eiistem of ,•reducing• prices. when the. prices " are.reducerttorus by the manufacturer,. reg rdless_ -i the price we pea—downgoes:the price of'A1nminuuk Ware, .•' Our.tock is of Bite best quality; heavy,.ivelitfinished - nothing: light or flimsy. Two inlets Aid a sample. •. Slze 12 •Imperial;Quart Kettle ., $2.25 each ° Size .'1,0 Imperial•.Quart Kettle at,`$2.0Q each.'; -- The nmanufaacturers of ,Galvanized Ware_have announced a de- crease on all I;ines which will amount to about 17: per'cccntl;;;of a drop,- We are arrangbi- g-ourpraees on the, new quotations: Mie have a fiiiie;atsortment of Diamond Enamelled Ware and. the price is not high. Bergen' Pure Paris Green, •...,50c, per lb,,.` Arsenate of Lead, :. 40e. per: lb. , Blue Stone, • . +, . • • .20c; per lb. • T%he season is here, and you will need some or all of the follow- ingsgoods, :which we have instock and at right prices : Semi= 'Hay Forks, Samson Handles, Turnip Hoes, • Hay Fork Panics, Hay Fork Rope. Machine Oil, .4 We' are handling Brantford Binder'Twine. WHITECHURCH Tuesday Aug, 1st, Mr. Fred Newman, of Toronto, is visiting with Mr, and Mrs;. Ben Nay - Miss Helen Paterson.: is. visiting with her mint!, e a t, Mrs:. ' Plowright, Lueknow, ' Miss Irene ' MacQuoid . of Crewe spent last.week :with her,cous'in, Miss Ida MacQuoid, Miss;: E_ya.:I wson, of WingTiam,-is spending .a week':s vacation with Rev'; and Mrs Scobie, • ` ' • ' • Rev,,; Mr. -Jones•-of B.elgrrve, occupy the .pulpit in -the:presbyterian church on Sunday: ; : - • - •Miss Jean. Dawson visited last with Mr, Jas Patrsdon at` St Helens 'at the ' ' „ Mr, and .Mrs. Robt• .Ross and boys spent Sunday •wth Mr. and Mrs;: Alex Coutts in Winghan. Master Randal Buschlen f Arthur Ais spending ' a few weeks _with! his unele__Mr..K; .Paterson... • Mr. and Mrs:. Walter Alton, of.. ..Lines, visited ' on .; Sunday with:,.. Mr:' and Mrs' W.'R. Fa'rrier, Mrs: Buschlen and children, of Ar- thur, spent the -week-end .with her brother Mr; K• ; Paterson•, Mr..and.I.Vlrs, J';ack.Brewn and fam- ily, •_ of 'Creighton Mines, area visiting. with Mr and Mrs: Mac Ross We congratulate Miss Winnifred Farrier on passing her :lower school exams taking first ,chess honor§, Miss ~Dorothy FIufefiisoi of Wkngv• ham is spending a couple of weeks with Tier" cousin,'M ss Laura Conn. . 11fr, ''Hawthorne, of Brantford,' and Mrs Kerr -of • Goderich are : visiting with their sister 'Mrs::Joe'Holmes,' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Prince and baby, gladess, .of ;Wingham ,•s -pent_ Sunday with Mr, -and Mrs, Amos 'Cornelius Mrs. Joe.. Weliwood of Wingham and - Mrs, R. Wellwood-of Orangeville are guests.with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Moore, ' Mr, and, Mrs, Jas. Sutherland and. Mr. 'and Mrs: Ed, Gaunt and -daughter- Gertie spent last Wednesday with fri- eiarls at Kincardine.' Mr, and Mrs, Andre* Eromerson and Mrs, Calwell and daughter, of Kincardine, visited_on Sunday;with Mr,: thid Mrs. -Alex E'mmersorr Hill, of Chicago,. motored over from season',• crop, so far harvested"in it, that city'and spent several days vis: Mr. Mole who lives on the farm put king' Ashfield d Luck- . k his . horses m the stable at 7 o'clock -dication__of fire 'hut at two o'clock ting friends in shfie an uc - ,did nob use a lantern rid . so no in - Messrs; R. Button, Jas, Webster,; in the morning he' was awakened by Wellington Webster; and Misses Myr- tle' Web'sten and Elleda•�Stenley, of Paramount, motored _ to Seaforth and --'spent . the ;,--week-end with friends-. there. •1' Q. • About 3 o'clock Sunday morning i3uckingham, R"happening to --be awake, heard a car stop at his gate. Curious to know what': they wanted, he•gat up and saw two .men going :in he•-direction---Of---his- barns; :Just-. -as they. got hit- driving -shed door open, but before they had an opportunity to take.:anything,, he spoke to them," when they ran at top speed back •tp- 'their car, started up and -went -ap:the: road; at =a. furious pace. This -id-not-the first time, that- sneak' thieves have been in this locality_. =Others `have -at different times •had rugs, whtp�s, fowl etc, stolen from them. 'the noise and. heat of the frames. It is thought the fire Was due to spon- taneous•combustion. • • • ---• If yon .need: ••roof;. see. Os about Paroid _ Slate -Surfaced ing. It is good and 'fully guarantded.• • Roof- :e Lucknow Hardware.4Coa1 Co.:. THE STORE THAT 'NEVER DISAPPOINTS UN OVER By TEAM The American Lana•iiage • �Mildma Gazette) On:t: Taresdsslg while the daughter of Mr. Alphonse Zettel, north of For - mora, was drivingrhoteam with a into of wheat to take the barn, the horses became, unmanageable and ran away. Miss Zettel was able. to • get off the lo aifd unhurt, but Mrr Zet- tel seeing t e horses running away, ran in front sof the team to ,stop them, but was unable to do •so. The her.tt . wok the load of wheat .went over Mr.. Zettel." who was terribly bruised, Hitt luckily no bones were broken, •Ile'' wi11 be laid up for some "I speak four languages," boasted the doorof keeper a hotel in Rome,: to a guest, "Italian, French, English and Ainerican;" "But English and American are the same,'•' protested the "other. "Not" apt` all," replied the door. keeper. -glancing out nt the weather, "if an Englishman should .arrive at thus moment, I should' talk like this: 'Oh, I say, what shocking weather we're having!' But to •••• American I'd remark, 'For thelove o' Mike! • Some day. ain't it? :Guess this is i the second flood, all right3' •-o`o 0 MR, CAM ERtjN..'GEDDES • _:SINGS. FOR RAM 1 ' Happy Thought Ranges hairs •been. the 'choice of Canadian house- wives for 40 yams. •0 Happy Though.t Heaters make rooms wonderfully, comfort able in the stove:heated heti*, ..% —zero weather'aind%a gale out, vide, inside the warmth and glow. of autam er .a ll around.: No draughty spots, no cold floors, no frigid corners, just an even flow of warm.. moist airhhrou3h, outthe house. This is the principle of the Happy .Thought Furnace -the scientific application of 'ascending hot air and descending cold air. A Happy Thought Furnace insures the.utmost in warmth and econ `omy, burns all kinds of fuel— it is easy to install—simple to operate. For the larger homes, Happf Thought Combination Hot Air, and Hot Water -Furnaces insure ideal distribution of heat at • • minimum fuel. cost.. . . Forty years of experience in the . application Cheating principles are behind all Happy Thought . -• products. a • "POR SALE' AY `RAE' & 'PORTEOUS, L cknow • A • urnaces • MItS. FORD A HOME WOMEN, .Though she has.. risen. to 'millions 'from' coinparative poverty, the wife. of one of, America's richest men never 'has become a social climber -•-she shuns society, She is. Mrs. Henry Ford, She, is seldom identi- fied. with btrlic : or social life.' In `Dearborn, MM.. where she' lives; she 3s .associated with .philanthropy aid socal betterment. She is said .to Own. a third interest' in her hos- band's business, but she is decided- ly a home Woman, In her dress and. 'manner she isvery quiet. She seld- j om wears anyjewel except- her wed- ding ring' and occasional}" 'a string -, sof -pears. She is fond, of motoring and ` outdoor life, but •her greatest interests are Henry . Ford,. 'her' sora, her son, •Edsel, and his two babies; Henry and Edsel hi, .' 'i GODERICH The death etcurred of George Por ter; "qii July 29, for many yolati one Of 'Goderich's most prominent • bush'-. • ex's men and citizens.. Deceased, -who Was in his 58th year, conducted a. book aro . 'stationery 'business here, first in araiitnershin known' as '.Fra- ser &- (Porter; but for the past;: 20 years ad proprietor; He Was • also • loc- al manager for a number of years of the Bell • Telephone .Company. Mr. Porter took an active part in the wel fare of the . town, both from a :busi- nessstandpointas well as a conttnun- itrt-'spirit.- For many -ears'' he was a' warden of St,. George'as Church; also •w a• lay delegate to the Synod of Hu r= on,. Mr, Porter • was a . member of Maitland Lodge,NO. 6 " .1 .O ; 0. F.•. One'�dau>'liter, ertrude 'and- one ,son. Ernest, survive. his. Wife having pre- deceased him a few years ago, • ' As is now pretty' generally known. to 0 o n aa our redders The ' T t Daily .. I. Star has for somero time been broad- Q• casting radio entertainments, In a re --c nt-is "e.-itahad-'the-followin o•say a -. is t - s of its urdayPpr ram of the pr evious Sat - ' night; . • "The feature of Saturday's radio program. "was: the - singing Af Mr; Cameron Geddes and the playing of the orchestramusic from Lohengrin by„Wagner, The number are undoubt- edly the finest, from the public point :rif view, that have been broadcasted from the Star's station, The arrange- ment was splendid and suited the size of the orchestra . perfectly, It . Was riiih_aCid fit'll throughout and: at times `twas--found- unnecessary -to --use- the- piano„ Mr, 'Cameron Geddes, the pop- ular basso Xing, '"On the Road to MViandalay,” by Speaks and was ac-• eompanied by the; Star •orchestra;. This song appears to be 'particularly .adapted: to Mr. Geddes' style and it was a real treat in every way. He has' a spendid' range which.' showed, to advantage, in the Toreador's Song by Chouchois. " ---o o. o--- • A Correction Last week's Entrance report should have credited Lena Hackett. of U,S.8 No, 13, Ashfleld, with first-class hon., ors. ' ' "As e e a merr general thing the most sever critics of good work are those wh., can't do •it. ••i $.. -.ecial:--P urea a made Toon- a early '.Mondayo:rnin` with the un • --.derstah d ng that we were to., pass the.. bargain alon :to: ou. Tho . are ,made. fr m o he t best o n iE Yls �r-- o v � and Cambries.: All: are - guaranteed fast -1--` c for a sand erfect fittn Saes 14 : o ' 1t will• be worth...dour ° wile to seg- cure ;seve e prices° -v erre' In. • reas< .1 licates ti Lt 'd part of Pallor. Many` a man dieted to grave addicted to la • Pr• t�k;' • tt,,' .b&•tter whi% thi,., the is ad deliberation is merely finen, . 4.3 i11 ces linoleum Rigs at Special • Prices !f D.86 A-, Corsets and • BrAssiers� 6.6 •