HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1922-07-20, Page 8Or •• , rr L11 SIMW $111TI++4X IIIHR$IP , IVItY Nth, t • Iwo mor eweeks of Clearing Sale P. rices.. , an nt linesput,sale foe it 0 Veek S4 SWeepin.dueCions on Children's ReadytW e ar*. .. 1 W. st .. S k. :ices an Ladies Greatly Redacted P� • Clearing Prices on: Whxte, Shoes. See, Clegibig Lot ate• Another lot of Men's W�oi' �ork.•�ocks-a. 25c t • .. ' : ,• �� � pr. for 25c. "men's. Stocking Peet, good quality, Women's. White: Cotton Vests,, S°pecia1 Value at 19e. Men's ,°'s ,I,eathe . Belts at 3 Clearing Prices, 25 50, .r, � and. 75c Girls" .Mtddies ,. Clearing Prices '50 ,and 98c, en's Raincoats ---a real bargain, at . 7.5., .. : y :: inc ° , Clearing Price, $6.50. Ladle's' �,aincoats, C � . • tee -.Skirts. Wool __ Serg0 _land Fancy i . a.in Navy g � _ ., ... Lam... e Tweeds, reduced �3 •to 1-2 off regular prices. - r Gei�uirie Values 4ur-' �� y Stork , fo , • _ • . learnSale; :i �.:Q•ur.:C .. IBECAUSEOFWARB}f.S The Out Fly Assayf Cattleand e Inju#es fides -How Chep Peat !Vendee—•E ecta • twee Do r1bed_Pmveetiou and 'reettnent of 'Warbles, .•»* Weeds ,,Versus Wheat, •(Contributed by Qntarto Department of Agriculture, 'Toronto:} The name "Warbles" fe .applied. to a. rather common condition affecting cattle which is characterisced• by the appearance ief email -Ur: ps .along the. back and Ionia. TheluMpre gradually develop . durlug ;the. • late , : ,►inter ' •lmontlis, and as spring aPProachea the.. akin along the.,, back and loins la noticed „tae be covered with Kealy rounded swellings about the siie of a email: walnut, The lumps are quite`: tender 'at first, and • when they be- come fully developed a round hole, surrounded, by a little frothy matter, becomes noticeable in the centre of each little swelling. Through each. of these little openings in the skin a grab or *arble finally emerges. The explanation of the occurrence and development of. warbles in cattle is rather' interesting. The Gad Fly Ie Responsible For the Injury. _ • 'one Noi :10 -is at Your Service We for C• ash—We Sell Cheaper Than TIie'Credit Stores =R tUCED° PRICES TheYblanufacers •of Aluminum :.Ware have announced a de- crisp; of 25 Pet ,c . : _ FollOwing our usual enstornoizedneing priceswhen therices_ P we are redtnt3, ed to us by ,the manufacturer, regardless' of the price - pazd--'di wn goes: the:price of Alntninum. Ware. Our •"Stock is of `the"best aity, hehvy, well-finished,..nothing . lights os flimsy; Two prices as a sample:. ` Size 12 -•Imperial Quart Kettle at $2.25 each,;- Size i� :Imperial Quart Kettle at $2:00- each. MastOr Jack Cowan,,of Toronto,is slfending;the holidays with lit grand- father, John Cowan, of Lochalsh, Annie Ott,' of Lochalsh,' who was a patient in: Eincardfne Hospital,: is The primary cause is the "Sad Fly," of which= there aretwo varier ties technically termed the Hyderma bovis and the Hyderma lineata. These flies attack cattle while at°'ma- ture during the warm summer season. and are seldom troublesome during cold damp "weather. They make a buzzing . sound when in fight, and cattle.when, attacked by them become. terrified to such an extent as to cause thein to Stampede, which is common- • ly known as -"gadding." The aces attack the 1pwer parts of • the body' arid the legs. They deposit their eggs. in the hairs close to theskin, and in such a .manner that the eggs are firmly attached•to the hairs. After a time the eggs are hatched, and. the • larva • or :young insect passes down the . hair follicle, through the stin, into the tissues.. Further .develop- ment of the 1arra takes pliice in the • tissues. aid .flptilly they succeed in peaking their way to the region of 'the, back; which they appear to select for' •the last stage of their ••development, and form little lumps in the skin, in each of which a grub or "warble". is ,present,which is the mature larva: Finally the grub• bores its way out through the skin and falls to, the ground, where it passes through the chrysalis or caterpillar' stage encased in a cocoon or sh'elt-like covering, and is transformed into' a pupa which, in about a month :becomes fully de- veloped and emerges' as the matur!' adult gad, fly. • Elects 'and Loss 'Sustained. The effects . produced by gad fiend' and warbles are chiefly 'economic Menden 3'ul 1°ith, Wise 'lacy Hall, of Guelph, is visit- he brothers: here, . • • ° AtrostTong send children:, of LOON are visiting 4her ,sister Mrs, Will Irvin. • Ur, nd Mrs, Onest Hail of Brant- fisrd,are 'guests•of Mr. and Mrs; Thos.. - Hall this. 'week, Mr. and • Mrs.0 Wm. Begley .and fan- 31;y,. of Hamilton,. were guests of Mr. and Mrs, H, Curran• last week, 'lark Fred :Holt, Of . Listowel, and Miss Mary'Phillips, of Toronto, Were. hej a last week to attend the funeral .of the 'late, bfrs. ,Jas, .Phillips. Rev; and Mrs, R; T. Kiipatr ek and l<IlSyd, , of Owasso, ^Mich„ and Mrs. Eugene Hanson, of -East Tawas, Mich., motored over' on ?Monday and spent the week with their ,brother,' Mr. S. f . Kilpatrick; . ' ' Mr. John C, and Miss Jessie Stoth- ers and Miss Reta Sturgeon are tak- ing a six weeks' course in Agriculture at the O, A. 0, After vaeation Miss Jessie iStothers ,will have charge of No. 9 ,school, Miss ,Sturgeon having. resigned. Before leaving ,the pupils presented her with a pearl, necklace, and in appreciation of the services she had so freely given in every de- partment of church work, the Blake congregation ' presented Miss 'Stur- geon With a silk umbrella, and foun- tain. pen. After four months. of suffering,: patiently borne, Mrs, Jas. Phillips passed quietly, home Thursday, 'July 13th, Mrs. Philips was of a quiet, re- tiring disposition, a ' kind • and loving wife and mother, highly esteemed by all who knew h'er, and a faithful and consistent member of the, Presbyter- ian Church, Dungannon, In -the ab- sence' of Rev. Dr. Campbell, her .past- or, Rev. .Mr. Currie, of London, con- ducted the services at the home and at Greenhill ,cemetery where the in- terment took place. The hymn, "Hy times are in .Thy hand." sung. by 'members of the Dungannon,.'choir, • astm, tmnade Noe OWN .TE Pictures 23 x3% Price $ 2.5.0. • Wit"hou,x 'experience and without experi- menting ..anyone can get good. pictures with. a Brownie. The pho- tographic ability is in the' box. , NOT1&E TO CREAI,TORfa In the' sitter of the estate+ a r' Lri& trge e, kite of the V`ti of LucknoW .in the q unty c,f, $rise,,' Schoci Teacher, deceased, . Notice.iskhereby given that all per. Sons having any claims or demands agains;t .the late Sarah Ann Burgess - • v�tbo deed cn er about the seventb'Id. l of May A. D..1922 at LucknoW in tint, Province of Ontario, are required to ' send by pest prepaid, or deliver'to the pndersigned, .executor 'under `the Will of the said Sarah Ann Burgess, their nares.. and .addresses and full part- . iculars in ,writing of their claims and • -statements of their acounts and 'the ' nature, of the securities, if any,, held by them, duly, verified' by affidavit. And take notice that after th4' ..Twenty-ninth day of July A. D. 1922 the said Executor wilt proceed to •dill, tribute the assets of the said deceased ' d thereat► • among the • persons .,stall, ,. • having regard only to the claimsof which; he 'shall then have had notice and that the said Executor tvill'liot hn liable for the said assets fir aay Part t ereof to any .person. of "whose. Clans • , he shali'not then have received notice. This notice is given pursuant to the.-. -, in•that behalf. w` 1 statute Dated at Lueknow This Third da of July A. D. 1922, "William Connell" Executor. 20-7—C Stop at our Kodak coun- ter for a moment ` and • we'll show you—or your boy or girl—how simple it is to make Brownie;pie • tures, and how much fun.. FOR SALE BY A. Er McKIM' The Rexa11 Druggist ' LUKNOW, O:'iT. •eph, of "Goderich; Henry and Jerry, of Sault Ste. Marie; and three sisters, Mrs; Isaac Cranston and Miss. Mary was of her chosfng,' as were the Alton, of Ashfield; and Mrs. Win. J. �.-- Lucknow, Qnt. •- ' TENDERS WANTED -Sealed Tenders, plainly marked as to contents, will be received by the undersigned up• to one o'clock p.m., July 28th, 1922 for the construction of standard rectangular reinforced concrete culverts. Tenders to indicate •price per C, 7. for concrete including excavation, and to be accompanied by a marked cheque for One. Hundred `Dollars. Steel supplied to • nearer% station. Size etc, subject to. revision.. Kinloss. Twp: , Oppcsite, Lot,30, Cop, lr S by 5. Opposite Lot27 Con. V1II 10 by 3,, Village of Lucknow• 8 by 3. Village, of .Lucknow 6 `by 33g.' ' G; 'E. Stephens; County Office, Walkerton, Oita., bhymns used in the service, revealing ,Phillips, of Echo Bay, Algoma, The Employees of the Clinton•Piano thus the sourceof her strength while sympathy' of the ,.community pis ex Factory are workins; only three days passing thrlough• the valley of the �tended.;,to the bereaved' in this time"per meek, shadow of death, Mrs. Phillips (nee of•'deep sorrow; p � While Mr, and Mrs,, S. B. Stothers, Fr::noes Alton) ,was'in her fifty-eigh- ' or the Agmieultural Pep., Clinton th year.' She' leaves to • mourn,, besides , ` "Is your skin ran annoyance?" ask- were spending their vacation at Guel- her husband and son, . Elmer, and ed an advertisement. Well, no; we'are ph. Mrs. ,Stbthers was suddenly strto i - °daughter, y Mrs, Ernest' Blake, four .y undergo anh appendicitis and eco r glad do have something'wecan occupy operation..She is xQcover- brothers, Dan,, of Fernee, B.C.; Jos, without paying rent.. ing. ° . • r `... home again and is progressing r_essing favor- losses,.: which' 'the Ries cause by - - worrying- cattle while at pasture dur-.''. • c enin g ably. • . '• ing the summer time and i ss e. Mr- and..Mrs_ Gordon Hicks, of Tor- _ milk production, and , the iiamae onto are visiting with: her parents, which the warbles inflict to the skin; thus lessening the value of hides for ` f --and--Mrs-F: D; M•eL- ennan Loch-_ - -_ �� e- s " The: extent,=of tire - sick; • tanning petitinjury done to hides through warbles Mr; and Mrs. Tom Lannon motored is considerable, and it is conserve - up `from Detroit an .."t "d -spent •-a -few w Lively -estimated that twenty-five per cent. Of.eattle hides are thus'datmtg:T weeks. recently visiting_friends;„in ,'ed each year. canners.: and hide Ashfield dealer,, do not want warbled hides;'” - Miss Lizzie, -Baird, of 'Ter -onto, -yrs• as the. uses 'a. `grubby bide can •ba oath savith put to are • limited, , and as a result impending ,she .,Summer. months ,they. are .graded low • and redued in her mother, Mrs; Jas, Baird, near price. Lueknow, • —. -Prevention. and Treatment. The 'manufacturers of-Gal-van'ized ,Ware..have' announced• a de- er'ease,on all lines which wi'll.amount::to about 17 per cent. of a drop. ,a amen-' our"prices 'oft the "new quotations. . W`e re amine*, . e assortment of Diamond Enamelled' Ware and • . We have a fele.•_ . . the price' is not high, Mergers' Pure. Paris Green, .......50c. per ,lb, Arsenate- of Lead, . .. 40c, per lb. ' Blue, Stone, _ . " 20c, per ,lb. The season is. here and you will need some or all ()lithe follow- ng� Udic �wh!cirwe-:have•in-spock-and'.at right prices,-� Samson Ilay Forks, Samson Handles; Turnip Hoes, may Fork Pullies,'Hay ,-Fork- °Rope. --Machine.,- •Oil;. _ W ere Handling . Brantford 13 hider :Twine. ' " If yon need a- roof, see us about Paroid Slate -Surfaced Roof- -ing. It is good andfully.guaranteed • r &CoalCo. . w'�a�rdwa e _._. �eL THE STOAIIi ?pHAT N$YES' DISsi PPOI N`I'i3 argains mer Dr , The. Rev. J. S,' Hardie and Mrs. Har- Various _~ preparations", have been die are' at Oliphant,' on the shore of reCommended and used Se repellaut k "liuron�where tl ¢s► spend a .jo ward off the attacks of gad Airs Lae , and'prevefnt them laying -eggs t -o cat months vacation. • 4 : - - _- -' - tie during.:thesummer:'season. Local Mr,. ,:and Mrs, Ta. Henderson, of treatment of the bacfcs of cattle with ar and Paramount, visited the' latter.'s'broth. train t le isf 8opular. but iti, oil ot .would would er, Mr D. McGregor, of Teeswater, appear to be of little real service. during '-the •Week, .. It is now generally . considered that. liiij�ss.MargaretArmstrong,.yof 'Ken-. in districts 'where' warbles are -- ,..� .. a _troitbleso>nit3..that the best course . to L-nd�es Comhl�atyn with short'sleeve .. ,reg . ri a�andSaturda : 9c. War 1 1,0U and X1.25, y F d y � ...:•.. •,. . 5 Dozen Ladies,v • • ests, sleeveless style, nicely • trimmed okes sizes 36, 38, 40 ' and, , . e ..ular : cQ and -60v., iSale-Price 39c, iworth,-Ill:,..was. she guest of•Mr. and . be adopted is to keep .the cattle" -fur'.. ' Mr, John " McRae, Lochalsh, :for a der shelter or the shade of trees few days last week.,' • during the „heat •of the day in sum • mer to prevent thema being attarke•:: •Dr and' Mrs •Alex, (Barnby, of by the flies as faras possible Dub?Hamilton; are spending 'a couple of ing the •-winter months: the Cattle wcek2' vacation with his father in ` should be„examined every week. and• Lothian -•and-in_COlborne if • any of them are :noticed to be 1 -pr. -and Mrs. Edgar. Robb, of Win -. nipeg, motored over from the western' city and are visiting with his,another, Motherandsister. in Lochalsh,_ . Mrd, and'Mrs. Jas. Struthers and Mary, Mrs; Jack Hamilton and Jennie 'G iil'in-motored-to=-London during he-• -- -.week.. While_ there Mrs,_ Struthers_ had;; ' a successful .operation' for the remov al•of tonsils and adenoids:), We, congratulate Mr. Bain McDon-, aid, X:intail, on being the: first in Ash- field to install a -radio - telephone -out -.ht. It is one of high .power. and will kis . caliable” of" receiving: concerts broadcasted from almost any place in the United States. ,ASHI IELD NOTES ' Rev, Fr. Jas, Mogan, of Lucan; motored up and is visiting with his Tuesday; July 18th, '( brothers at Lothian, Miss E. • Drennan, of London, is I Isabel! Walker, of t etre:t, is spend- - vsiting frienda at Laurier.' ing her vacation with her aunt, Miss • Earl Ogen; of Detroit, is visiting Walker, of Alnbnrley' ' A John Walker's,..Laurier. ' Miss Bessie Barnby, returned from Mrs. Walter Munro, of Fliht, Mich,,, a couple of months' visit with friends is visiting T; G. Brown, of Amberley,. Mr, Peter Glazier, of Toronto, vie- itea for a couple of weeks .with Ash- field friends. Mn and Mfg, Jack • Newton), of in (Toronto and Hamilton. Miss Ethel Anderson, of Lueknow, Was the guest of Mrs. Grant filmier- inid, of Paramount, recently, Miss Tena Kempton, of Chatham, parents, Mr. and1tpeltl.>it:er, �%. ��.r are at DAs, Pmltry is visitingwith her solrl% of :041401)r . � ' 11rs, Win, kemptoii, of Laurier. The Secretary' of ' the U. F. ', O. is in receipt of the following expres- sion of gratitude: Lucknoiv, Ofat,, July 15th., 1922, To the Members of Courey's Cotner U. F W..O, 'affected --with warbfes the grubs- ;.shoul.d pe ectuee ed out of their ba?fks every__fclw weeks or at least once a month. To' 1`acflitate '• the reiitoval- and destruction of the grubs the -.little openings inthe- akin over.. Belt: lump may be enlarged" a .little' with the -point--ofa-sha-r*--kni>:e-and-'a_ little :, iodoform Vaseline ointment onplied:—This--aintment- is --composed- of one_part of iodoform an_ d five parts of Vaseline, and is very efteetive in killing •the,: grubs. . The • grubs can be r iadily squeezed • out. of the lamps at• the proper time and should be de- stroyed ' to prevent their. further . deV'elopment and thus lessen the n u mTie r -o l`�pl es=fut� tTi�.eoknil_%g .� m= .. mar, :..- It.:tj ese precautionsand ..rime Pie 'iieitgu?es were carried but -by- cattle owners each winter the occur- rence of warbles would be largely overcome, and .a'tieedless loss avoid- ed which in the aggregate is very con- siderable as it° involves loSA• of ,con- dltion, lessened milk production and damage to the bides.—.C. D. 1)1c GiWray, Principal. Ontario Veterin- ary College, Toronto. ' Boys} -Play ^ Suits Blue, _Khaki_ and_ _BlacI ltrimmed and:pricecl - ,98c. at only nicely y� garment,' sizes 3 to 7 -Ye -ars. _.,_ ci 32=Inch .English Ginggamin the popular __checks -.clecksand_1aids _re u 1 .r er ar for �.,�w�..�.2•�� ._ . per We desire to'eXbress our heartfelt ' Aveedis- Versus Wheat* . thanks toH;�all • the members for the Ragweed removes front. the soil beautiful wreath: of flowers which ,po•G pounds h of .nitrogen and three " pounds of plioaphoric acid fqr •each they so lnndly placed on our dear ton •of weeds, while the same weight one's coffitl ' 0 • of wheat in grain add BMOC removes We' also thank all the members for only 12.2 pounds of nitrogen and 2.8 pounds of phosphoric geld. One ton their kind sympathy and help' in Our of Such wheat IS equivalent to a r'eeent sad bereavement, 13 -bushel crop. ' Mr. and Mrs. John Little, • reen feed and hot . Warm water, green and son,',, b, Little, $rhea boost AS Pu P1'iyt ucti9fl 34c. -W •Satins for :Skirts,. the -Season's : popular fabric, -colors to -and: 1-u - reg tlar__$2.75_ _ard,__for_ $2.29 a yard. we now have a complete line of the famous tee Bee Voo s -tor -Sweaters,-Etc.: alt the popular • colors.", Also "Beehive"" Yarn in Black, White, F':rk Brown, Red. and Grey. ••4 • Linoleum ``` Rugs at Special Prices f! D. & A. Corsets and ,- Brassiers