HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1922-07-13, Page 6'4; 0514V—I-asrprliMit,„
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(MAY ttiey are people ont tuatara offer
She p &Used. Vireld* 011. bs4 ions Clese
to Ilia tgeOlte •LTUShed her etas*,
der. wr,teltcl.the eam .o/cr tint
er chtc,-As at thoCentcet as be asked«
•dfy ,meax..
Murcia 01444,,,a wide geztue.
mr7:Trineamtak3treri_ae lna Aikraolorirerolikpte-0;
R41'dgeaebt hcr Iip, then. went 04
454474 'helPed' hfr• Trask, perliePe.,
TO inagsht that picture, of me,
- end 1 eenulaissioned, weather to give to
mtlTher:. -i1-4i0 did thein they
are bothgood-peoPle are heganntng
to say nice things Ahoat is work. That
is yery .nice -very sathrfaetory..- But
Araby, --ti•
e Gates
wilioNege civtafix
• Tke Begipaing. of lhe Story.
ocretary, to.'1,1rs:
Alden, le entrusted With some jewels
her employer, goes eat to Ion -
;thee*, With •Heninton Hosslaet, his
ntePplether YeadyRoSalaer ytid her son
Go It th puts the
'. She . pause* half frowaines 'then*
went on:
arettes•of a 'finer finalite 'than. she has
."I can give her seieets--eakes---eig.
seNicra boar sessip. So Tat a bit in
the dirk. hXsp lisr6 e"
"Iforrililyr Kara% ioke
liv4y; ritgam. *a bit bor Hp. "At
Ittst; 1---wbo=t WM=
ten to, goiatiwAtove bout led to
stand. I -I've heard. AiidZitY. Alden,
you know-m*0' '*re went IrietaiSt
.4u-diree,o oa fond et him aS if lie were
her broil:tor, 114 father's "Marriage
Made.* let of difference to itio Prop -
Feet% of eourse-and hes heavily in
' She 410.4 Site• -woo reinnuthPring
Ifempton a fate on the had seen it lo•-•
night, Ohler, sterner, a little board,
a little linot-as she luol seen it Fe.
oently while lo was talking -t0 Araby.
And, inAlin she wan eonneleno of a
quick uprising Of sympathy for him
regret -and at a very real desire
to make,things easkr for, MM. As al-
ways, she was,liervouill at eaSe--
witen'mentioning his name, or hearing
And 41Way's heldtkot baffling -14w hbleto afford. I can. give • •Slite .eonld not stint ber-inind entire.
ity; of_ distresa • •- " • ' lher Pleasure-akinMementsupperit 'IY: to What had been; that .that un7..
'- later; .an 'they roSe, she found opit theatres and lunches! But I,eeWt: gueno.edgat bond that was between her,
droll at her • ' .1pay het ;Wier orrg er elothesor self and Itosalaer; and it agitated her
to remember -it. She • met •• Waldrotes
eyes now with aconethin of an •effort:
' ve
going to see you home,"' he.' so many other m shelacks
said an he ali ped her cloak -about be?nuog_of the lack. of money!"
P 1
. .._ .bei'-' She.lopked at him quickly, half 'Waldron stretched out mit a . big hand
I.Ptela in the safe but fails to find the hesitated, hesitated, then turned' to Andrew smil-; and laid it for a illOMent Over hers:
'enPiirate key. She consults a 11.-Otec' ing a refusal of that little lady's de- .41 Trask is getting more netice it
Phalaatien 'who tells her she • cannot mend that they ahead join Araby and will he thanks to you -and will mean
live longer tbru Aix months; thzn her father for. a that at Arliss Man- an easier time for Araby. My dear,
snowers the eali of a solicitor to And . sions. . L think in a little time you've emit:1-
°st OW 14 heir to a large fortune on "Pin tired, I"- She Pleaded, and at .Plished quite a geed flea'. Excipt, of
condition that she inturiga before she something in her eyes Mrs. Alden said .course, as regards icenws To confess
is tiventy-one. Returning to Mrs. no more. But there was a Warm little the truth, You .surprise me when you,
.4, ki,eree she firld$ Xenlpten Rd:414er l
t mita l..... leered* martled to Araby 'light in her eyes as She watehea the saY'Om4t he is sumsg the 'seed*" ones!
room. • -
a moving. down the long I thought he was having the usual -1
aimless but moderately .easy thne that
Tra4k) replacing the gents which his two figure
ta be •taa thief,. yard., promitea II:AA- Then AO drew a long breath, Plant- 'a man .-Of. bin- upbringing generally
stekbrother had stolen. Believing
!" •
epee if he- will marry her with* two ed her dimpled elbows erithe table and has .
•lays.. To shield has father's name
and in consideration of release within
. months, Kempton consents. At a
-restaurant Marcia fainta and ia angler.
nodded triumphantly Marcia. looked at him quickly..
• "I suPpeie," she: said, "that 1 can't "And 1 thought," sheretortal, "that
.elahn the credit of having brought yon tokl ime ou were his friend?" '
that about, But I'm just as pleased as
. "I. am! I always .have been. I'd
ed by three strangers, Araby TO if Ihad!
, dont think I've everseen
do more for -Kemp than for any man
her -father Who ie an artist and a two Peo, pie so absoluteIrsulted to each I've-eVer met or known -than for any -
wealthy ,- ,
• young man, Jasper Waldron. other.' , . .. one else in all this world -.save you!
,After the, secret marriage ceremony :Michael Trask looked up quickly But it's some years since we were
•Rosslairt,and Marcia go. their serteral And blinked. ••• ' together much, and lately it has seem-
. ' r -dia. ens, , •
ways; her improved mode of living. . As whomV' "he - demanded, and ed to me that he has wanted to avoid
- ...benefits Marcia's health:. she r.ttracts blinkeclagain as she waved airily after me. I've seen practically nothing of
the admiration:el lier new friends and Marcia and her companion. "Miss Hal- him since I've been home. And I very
the lave of Waldron. He pays,er large' stead and Waldron! My dear lady!
' gum for Marcia's portrait, Painted- by But -but surely----." • `
Ile was frowning, hut' he smiled a
Mement later:
"I had no idea of this,"' he told her,
and added,. glad you told
me." 'Be was silent a moment, thee
he turned upon her abruptly. As she
koked, half startled, hekid his hands
• ' flv• ',It firmly on her shoulders.
• • ne said quickly, `Nye were
ta. of you. Do you know, Marcia,
you re looking almost like you did that
first night I met you. And -I can't
have it.". .
There was a sudden. warm note of
possessive tenderbess in his voice. He
drew her suddenly closer, bending his
face to hers.
"You belong to me, now, remem-
ber!" he finished, and for an instant
the hot passion he had been so care-
ful to suppress leaped up anew in his
eyes like a' flame.
"You belong to me!"
(To be centinued.)
Minard's Liniment for Burns, • eta.
• Trask Lady Rossiaer claims reht- He broke 400. Therewas a little
- tiollsIlit3 vii.ith. Ildrs," Baistead and in gnIrling..,seund as Resat:aces sharply
-lists upon n visit. from 'Marcia 'which nervous moventent sent avrine‘glasa
. angers' Iteitipton The young heiress th the. floor: He was' staring at Audrey
• dteottVers 'that she ItiVeS Waldron but, blankly, an odd white lineabout his
' 1..40evs 114m•ipt .11 -'4t. -gree=: itosslaer no tips. ., • . .
'lenge*. Om ,s Maim., ,. - "" "Good God!" he exclaimed involun-
. • `... „..,2-,4... . ..-. •tarily. se harshly that- Mrs. Alden
CHAPTERxxxrv.—(conrd.) , stayed. "It's -it's impossible!" .• .
- .
. OfilY Itoseltier's' visits' to' the big . --....-
a Astudio" overlotiking. the old . ''' ' CHAPTER XX.XV. • ,
; -*Mid '.tangled, garden had not tieen - The vhert drive to Marcia's fiat was
qtlit4' mi ft -Went .am. the 414 -"Y`J. very silent.. The. girl's . mid gayety
8-414 thy were .11141'e frequent thali seemed to.haYe dropped Mtn her like
' in the immediste,Pas‘ and -some of the a eloale.-tffe• leaned_ back in her cor-
f 'wfstfAtteas died out of Araby's eyes.leer looking tired and a little white.
' A little, of the inconsequent glad gaiety
;- JaSper Waldron looked at her once or
''-`"returned , to her manner. •
twice witti swift searching and "(ramie
• At the seine. time she continued to dissatisfaction.
. notice- a Certain change in,Keinfitort's . But he, too, was disinclined for talk.
• .attitatteloward her. It bewildered her, The thought of parting from her, even
strbile yet shoed:TM. find noname for it.
for only a short. time, weighed.upon
She began to realise, with tt' faint 1,
'tense of shock, that it was me mark-now-iin* He had ;scarcely 'realized until
how much a part of his life she
ed after 4"31' ell4nte eneeent ;Int° had become --how deep was his•-feebng
Marcia' Esteteatt. ' • ' for her. Ile wished irritably that he
To=night she had the faint
had not to go; wished, too, that he had
notleft telling Marcia of his impend-
ing departure until to -night..
• At the door of the flat she hesitated
and .1ooked up at him. He took her
'gently by. the-elbowrendling-down at
. deepeningoVectler in Marcia's fate
• es -site.;•41a-d4iVt*-Xenifiton lia-hand;
. 'had,•seeit the nervousness in his: own
4-1.71.!et@ig andr.lind-wendered afresh.
shadow had fallen.upon her fide,
*Alt it ,Igted..,,i1,'-after a few ' moments!
thatter,;with the ethers, Resslier
•"I'm tenting in jtiat for a mement,"
, gaYe-Ins attentain entirely to her._ The he said., "There's -something I -want-
Warinth -,ereft'ittitir to her iYeet the 'to say to you -I won't keep you long.
toior,to her cheeks, the siniles to her judging
I by the way 'you're looking
lips. Love irradiated her; it revealed ,.
bed's, the most suitable place for you!"
. ''itsefir 'quite wiesast"iel:SY• ' ' '' ....,glie passed in with .a little, half
nervous rettgb.-ThVtouch if his hail
on her arm was like a caress., Her
lip quivered for an instant. 'He, wept
on as he took. her .cloak from, her: •
"You're. overdoing it, Mareia•--sme
Kempton saw,
ruilftehiSpheict. -111,1-iiiisei"quicken-
od, • his• eyes 'brightened -under •t14
apell'of her -light little laugh, half shy
enehantment. heforgbt that whigt had
teen; Ihat-Othich was. He- remerrthqr-
led only. that_they4oniaa_and.. the • new 1""way and the other! I told yeti so a
ago.- break down if
sternness,: - and '.taeiturnity- dropped1-1.111q •
ou go on like this -you want to take
things, easier. 'E_vettenjoyment is apt
to be exhausting, you•know.."
. He stir), smiled, that•wide, straight,
rather -boyish smile of his., but his eyes
were-grave.--=She.met them, flushed,
and matle a quick little gesture of her
from the two to:Marcia. • She was bawls.,
"lookingat.thent under lowered kshes,
"I know. But there's such a lot of
lierlieatf &lightly bent. 'Waldron; not- time up -and -= such a little
ing -the_ unusual_miercing quality. 'of
Ate .• -glance;., loll m•md- d°
Butneitherhe nor-Trask-toe:Id fathom
expression -that-Was Upon Marcia's
'face. it Isle utter -Tibet -fling; yet each
• titati-Wae troubled by it.
.= A Wistful questioning was there;
trouble -sadness,' too... As Audrey
*poker to her she shook .herself -lo -
gather with VA effort. But more than
I'Vern him,kke et -cloak: • -
••,•fle.was hi,V-boyish self agubi-,7 in
,7earkeequeat; .reektest of at save the
light that lay in his lady's eyes -:--the
we that beat high in hia'heart.
,TraftWitts Mated and lacked fiirtiVelY
,brice,Iterglatice straYett back to those
he -broke off. WaldrOn' Stared,
then 'laughed Outright.
---"You child! -Your life's -before rat
-yeifir get tired of pleasure •if you
Th134"-Liahity Charm List,
• She= is -not at all the girl with the
perfect features dreamy eyes, long
glossy lashes, Cupid's beir mouth -
yen knovrthe girl we all like to dream
about and Wish We might be.
She is the envy -of all.thegirls, they.
copy her style and her mode of hair -
dress, they, run • to her for ideas and
the boys! -well, they ' are simply
baffled by her indeseribable chatin.
•This girl of wham we are talking,
knows sonmethine of the secret of
personal daintiness and has -attained
a degree of artistry. in appearing
• Her eta:eful toiletrfor .the- clap:really
begins the evening'before liangingby
her dressing table, in, plain sight, is
her- Charm List and -What 'I gay time
she does ,have checking off each' item.
First there is a thorough scrubbing
Of teeth, and the prescribed ,twenty
tell us that girls' in "the. 60's" made it
104 Strokes!) Next, a nice war& bath
-with a 'delicately perfumed bath soap
whieh is .refreshing and such a joy!
•A.fter -„theliatli;Tprinichng--ertalcum
on .,slioulders, neck and arms. This
giyes yeti such a -Velvety; 'comfortable
feeling and then you are all ready for
the fresh sweet nightie and tit middle
dxrtrin (like a contented lrittne by, the
e_for: a. refreshing sluinler_._of__at
least eight hoUrs, ' • '
Each garment for themorrow is all
arranged, batons; hooks - and eyes on,
necessary.. meneung. done. and ,everYt.
thingtike •andelean. -• No „wonder she
sleeps a "beauty sleep!" e. •
• , Our Dainty -Girl -revels, onced Week,
in a suday ceremony that' calls for a
_washbo.wl 'of beautiful frothy . suck _into. •
Which go her frilliest bits of under-
wear, •dninty cellars and cliffs; sheer
blouses and -dresses, and best stock -
go on e _._ •
Again she laughed nervpuslyi , still
agitated at her uneoiascionealip, Then.
she. looked at him a shade Wistfully.
petals' in rose aeasan, carefully dries
them, and fills attractive bags for:her
dressing -table drawers and shirtwaist
box, „, , • . • • •
Here is:her Charm List: ••
Evening beautifiers---Brualf teeth;
brush heir . (twenty. strokes);
teeth; *sit hair (twenty strokes);
warm bath; thorough rub down; • a
-Sprinkle of talcum; a ftesh nightie;
apply cold cream when needed; apply
hand lotion, garments ready for te.
morrow; complete rel•axatien, (at least
eight hours' sleep). •
Morning tol1et-7-Eaereire before
open window; brush teeth; drink glass
of water; wash hands; press back
cuticle of nail:pi:splash of cold water
. -
on face; dash of 'powder On nage to
remoie shine; 'brush eyebroWs; dress
hair-behoiningha •
Once -a -,;week aids. to kivelitiees-
Manicure nails; clear akin With add
cream; wash -bowl • laundry, special
care_of feet; weekly mending.
' Every two weeks-Shanipoo hair,
wonder,"s e :se:d?. "if deep down
h k I' •
• A Progressive Party
• • •
If you- would hove a pleasant and
econoarieg- variation from the- usual_
kind. of suininer partY And Would give
"seciable"-that all of your friend
the girls who are in busineis as well
as those Whe-lire keepinghouse-will
enoty,_jain_with_tatro of, yaurfrienda
and send out an invitation something
like this:.
• : You are invited to take part in an
all -day summer, frfrolicon •Saturday,
July Breakfast. at ilte-lne self
at 7*a.m., hintheon tat Yfisa
"ehome.at 12.30; sapper with MieS.
at her honte at 6 p.m. Be prompt,
Wear trample& clothes.,• • .
•,Of course youwill decide with your
fends whowho,you will entertain at
breakfast and who •at• the other two
• meals, and will writethose names- in
• the invitation. In planning for the
food do net attempt elaborate -menus.
Have ;simple, wholesome dishes and
.aee that the three Meals are well bat
mg and nutritious whole 1,1seas little
hirm-as-possible- -Papeta-eupa-and
dishes, and paper napkins,• of .course,
*114 simplify the cleaning up. •
The 'chief 'charin about breakfast
will lie in getting abroad in the fresh,
early morning air and in making that
_usually hurried meal an occasion for
Social pleasure. •Serve the meal in-
formally The best plan , is •to set
every -thing On 'one big table and let
everyone help herself. Afterwards,
when those who have work to do have
gene to it, round up . the •othera and
take thent for a tramp _in the_ woods
ltnd fierds:-te gather flowers; grasses
and foliage until itis time to go to
luntheola .
Use some of your flowers and leaves
to decerate the luiteheon tables (Sev-
eral small tables will make a pleasant
ehange from a 1 put the
'rest in water until the • afternoon,
Then take the company out of doors
and let them work the blosofirns and
the foliage into baskets, tokens end
bouquets to be tised for dinner favors,
If possible, - Serve • dinner out a
doers. It should be a more stfbatan-
lial meal than the others, far every-
one Will hiiV,e time to enjoy it fully
mid at leisure. ••
. .
Close the day with oldloshioned
- Had res Today!!
Steady Expansion Will Follow
0; loicrefie of Exploitation-
' Daijada with her vast ,storen of raw
Materiale on "which to.. draw JOS irre,
toff" .paid little attention to .the
•ittitlzation of her waetet O1.
the major ,industriets, thellsherio4 per,
haps present the moot luerative Uhl
for the 'manufacture , bylproduetts.
. Seek Comnaodittes as cod liver ollt llsk
l'ertilliper; fish glue; flab leather, 114/1-:
•tnettl, glyeerine,,leringlass, and fish 0il4'.
are cOnstant dallY use. and thelr
'Manufacture tn. Canada. at thje.preSeettl ,
time la on a , somewhat scale. !
tant fish 'by -prod u•sed; 7,08 :
Caviare is one of the meet impor,4 ",-••04•44
'Founds of this eonaraodity being put , •
up in 1919. • A good sized sturgeea
gives from 5 to 35 pounds of Caviare.
which fetches: from $1 to 30 .pound.
OR the =A.meritaa market. Before the
war this product was shipped trent the '
Inland lakes ef Canada..te New York,
where it was prepared and forwarded
to Hamburg to be finished and &Old as,
Russian caviare, NOW the sturgeon •
roe In transported to Sandtisky and
Toledo,. Ohio, where It finished for
the Anierean market. •
Various Kinds ef 'Fish Oil.
There are several Made 114 oil,
among the-moie. prominent being end
liver; herring,'. whale, pore Mile, seat •
and hlackesb. Cod' liver oil . IS the ••
most -widely- known, and Is malatifee. ••"
tured !n Digliy 'of:runty, Nova Scotia,.
It ie iiiafie from live% Crioked whII
practically fresh, and void as. crude •
CO d' liver oil.- Chid, hellish* :and ;par -
Poise otla are used for tinning; aml
and whale oils for burning in miner's
lamps; and refined whaleand PorPOide
oils for lubrication. The Waste; !rem
the manufa'cture o11 can be made, •
Into cattle meak.coneentratea;•hog'feed .
'aim:ditty se:fa:tea "feed, dog biscuit .and
a' good fertilizer. . ••• .„
Isinglass and glycerine are not' of •
very great tmportante Glycerine,
which is sometimes Made fren1 Aog.,
est, is produced Canada is • a by--
produet • of pao,p inanufakture. The
hest ibinglass is made from the sounds . .
of sturgeon. These are shIlyped from
loakessErie to the Untted•Statea for .
mearafaeture, • In "addition, the, Hud-,
eon's Bey Company ennui* . Ship . tt,
small qUantrti -from Northern -Ontario ••.
. •
and, Northern 1Vianiteba to he 'sold at
Pehlio auction London, :•. •
'Whale .By -Products.
The production of • wlutle
ducts is confined to -the Peale coast,
. _ .•
wbere large ntnnbers of these Mint.
mnli. are still...to...be: tonna: Froth the
sperm Whale, which •Is meat. iin-
fertilizer inducting •bonemeal are lib: "
"tained: trein • ether varieties,',Whale •
oil, and•whalehone or baleen. A fair
sized whale yield apprOXiniatelY •
six tene_cit _oil. During 1.920,' eheut.
80,000 gallons of whale OS, Ivortik'ap•
Proximately41.00,o00, _were_entiotted._:_
In addition, . 2,500 'pounds 'op whale ,
Meet; valued at nearly 420,000;•lettithe
'Country during the same Peii0di MAI% '
Wrack entirely to the United Stake,
The Bib bY4iiiidact ladnitrY ot Can.
• ado is as :yet in a primary state, of
velopment. -There Is .an: .undiMit'ed
supply of raw material for manutactur•
lag purposes, good transportatiOn
•proaimity markets
and a steady demand.,. The leek otex-,
Plottatilon and ...capital . has retarded
thee kelestry to twine extent; butywitli
hubinces-centlitions nsantaing a: incite • "
-normal. aopect---: tirer#7,:rstrouyi be a
Xte, la EST lunch is two packages of
II Little Sun -Maid Raisins/and a. -
glass of milk.
Tastes good when you're liungriT.'
•( Nourishes yet -keeps you cool.
' Raisin's 75 per cent fruit sugar is
in practically predigesteel lrm, fur—
nishing 1560 calories of energizing
nutriment per .pound: ' •
-Doesn't fax digestion so doesn't
beat the blood, yet energizes Almost
immediately. " ,•
f' Big men eat little •lunches to en -
serve theirthinking power. Don't -
overeat and Iag behind the leaders..
r. Get two packages of Little Sun -
Maids now:
i .
^ • ,
ttle Stira- aids
:Between -Meal. Raisins
5c ,Everywhere
in Little 'Red Nckages
• ...... • • • •••• • -•
• • •
• •
•games, feats oral forfeits, Story -telling
and singing. ,• • ••
Of course, since not a little of the
fun of. such a 'sociable" is in 'heaping.
• the guestsdoing things out of doors
• Tor the better part of a long summer
day, you must peateene -the Party if
the weather is unfavorable.' •
• •••
A Sampler Dish.' • '
The Moat popubr 4ish of ihe-sum-
iner-iee cream -when -flaVored with
raisins, isnot only a cooling confection,
but one that helps to take away the
listlessness caused by Nfarm weather.
The cooling adadaties of •ice••ereain are
• but relief; it le tiOinted.
out; -eorabinedavith-thedelicious flavor
• of raisins, it is , truly a delightful,
healtihful disli•.
The 'sugar in raisins ip in praeti-
callY4redigested formiandais ' turned •
into .energy almost immediately. This
.-re-vitalizing.-:Anatity•'- a -...the n
makes this fruit -food a boon to warm
weather f=atigne. anctlistiessness.
• , •
"minara's Liniment for Dandruff..
.gulte True. • .
iiework "Ed a -their directoris hard,
-but it is.not•wircify:•withouthumer: .
experiences witli the bey Choir •�f an.
Engiet..eatli7edTai: -"I was ttlitliiiii.-
LbO111,". he saki, "to Chant, the Litany
and flattered myself that. ebeavere.get-
ting along unusually Welt when I :rio-
-ticed „the -words they. were .elianting
for the respoese. Every.,1a.st one of
themhts. Saying, Load, .h,av'e merey
upon its, .m Ise rahl e s 'rigors ! ' • Surelyjt
wastriie euough .of mot oi-thein:"
• "" •
.; The earliest; records . of lioreg_go
two So dee IY absorbed in a h in Y°111r east you t m selfish? I
She also has , dficovercl that her
stocking bill is redtmed ahnost pro-
portion to the frequency of •the waih-
angs, so after each clefs. wear, they
:are...treated:to. a- dip -in-suds-or -clear
warm water.', The voice of thrift pre-
-veil -a -even -when -they aro.beand--ne
and it is stteh a temptation to put
'them tin all -their freshness 'from
the box for their first wear. They last
longer, too, if introduced to ;the wash
bewl before their first wear.,
On -doyen the list is the weekly mani-
cure when her nails are died, caticle
removed and the buffer gives just the
mere Sitggestien of a shine. • •
'Very 'important ig the matter of
removal of altperspiration odor, which
sontetimes persists in spite of perfect
cleanliness. A special toilet prepare -4
thin, used about onee a week lifter the
bath, thereemes this diffieulty-.' 1
Girlts tiny little brusirp-rnuch smaller
• = ••=" wonder if, I seem to volt to live only
for myself -=to take all the good things
of life that my wealth can buy?' Per-
haps I am selfish; but I 'don't mean to
. Be free from pain... Thous.
.tinds' of •sufferera have been
relieved of Rheumatism,
Neuralgia, Neuritis Sciatica,
•Lumbago aid Gout by
Life Remeily.:
• Countless grateful testimoni-
afs received during thp nast
• twenty -live years
those benefitted b "Nevi
be.;.. dent, Mean...to..beL...„1Lhurts-me,-
sometimes to realize how much -I've
got, and how the folks
especially some." • •
-.Waldron's smile tok quick tender -
nets. He wat,ched her with a growing
warmth in his eyes as .she moved
across the room and stood leaning one
Tong ' white arm the _length of the
Her meek was bent, the smooth
shodclers gleamed White through the
-half veiling -meshes of her gown.- She
looked eery young, very sweet and he
was moved by an almost uncontroll-
able impulse to catch her close in his
arms. • , •
She wenton. without looking back
at him. - - • ;
"Of course, do What cin,and
Merida in eorisequente! distribute
Indavrinunate largesse to beggars -4 than a tooth brush, which she uses just,
toys -I tip tirci waiters and waitress- • '
L e.
Does not contain any harmful
drags. Pleasant to take and
• does:, not upset the digestion.
(It t
•One. bottle for One Dollar;
Six bottles for Five Dollaro.
Mailed dire0 to (*dinners!.
- /bailiff lafiiirbtaQinmpanj
• ,
' 741 West Adelaide St, Toronto
• buy 1:ttle ragghl kiddies. sweets and for her eyebrows for she knows that
= her eyebrows must be brushed gene
es extravagant!y---) subscribe t� van-
as religiously as her hair.
cus charies, and whenever"! h-...ppen
to cone anrczs any needy person wbo
will accept money I give it to her7-iit's
always a 'her' yo- a know" -with A Sud -
"en flash of whiimsical humor. "Gen-
crally a very earneat ant aapirine., art
student, rr a young and enthusiastic
actress sti I !king for work!"
She let her arm fall and tutted and
laved „
"It 'maims me happy. But it isn't
enough There are other people-
' And the Matter of perfuniery 7 One
• of the tolled, ideas is to Selegt One's
fragrance according to one's type.
Who could think of -the quaint girl,
who euggents hoop skirts and bro-
cades, vvithout4hinking .of the frag,
ranee of lavender, buds, -The retiring,
shy girl chooses thescent of the "mod-
est" violet, urely many types .pf
girls ntay use the fragrance of the
'people whose need ta T11ratL. rose. The Dainty , Girl gathers the.
- • '4.411044111.1i""ir4"6110611,114 Or...",*
• #
. .He Prohably'Got His Wish.
Tornmy, .tuough very Young --he is
Only four -bas a precocious appreels,
tkia Of the *east -tread the table; Ills
sister; who is a few yea ra older, has
reorrtly been . stifferiag fi.one, one of
•the common_maladiesi of:childhood,
and as she beeatne•convaleseent, Tom-
my freqUently_served the mose
tempting delicacies being carried into
the sAck roonyfroni which he was .stilli
excluded. He 'decided to put in a ,
word for .himself. The next Mille the
saw % his mother bearing a tray cif 'es-
pecially appetizing food to the .in-
vnlicl:s dOar he made his plea, '
- • *iltiother,'-he' said, may •I have the
•measles Wheiryfolintliiiiiii-eir-With
If we .are not represented in *your
locality write at once for our prone-
sitious_trakeqovne zreal_prolit. on
Radio Apparatus ' now. . •
• • • •
We furnish Complete 'concert 'Radio
• .
. ' -Ree_eivino, Sets,
-Auttmiatic Telephomm-and-Time
' •.Recorders, Ltd.
Sadie nest.; tto victoria Bt. Toronto
Beekeepers will fine, oy iooking•
-up-our-catalog, -everything- need•-:
ed for to production of honey.
• Brantford, Canada .• .
Successors to Ham Bros. Co. Md.
Bend foria copy.
is needed in your town to sell our
prOduct direct to contuine)'. iils
wrench is the. best ever trump+ and
has neep adorned by go00 rostbanIne
the world over. This is st sure,„ tire
seller, and Prod is are gond' Roll fest.
Only reePonsible parties tionsidered
no aaelltr. Replies held coratiden 1 la
Umvcroal Wrench t4o.'
vourosoa, olvpkvaxo • '
rig.Week‘ d
for WOOCIL •
Fvrnit lure
,,,A. size --tor
* eery article
, itfinish tor every'•
taste. Vilill not harm y0ny-
•.1looin-or.-eartiabie'litaliee house.
• virork 'Easier. See 'that' all your
nett furniture -is etteti with
R101144 Funs rioas SHAD
aalt year ranger, h Abbe** dialer.
All sizes otia styles, hoth
, east base and smoth
• metal hose
Made in Canaria hY
Kitchener. Ont.
tfi 1 '
co" -
stoudi" expeinbien.
• . Mixed Menus..
National foods are amidst interest, ••
ing studY. Scotland's fonitr is Mad,'
.taken .in‘qparritoli!' Porta. • ' Why ikuts 1r,
Bedtime ,they are heating, and Scot,'
leaf, is a •cool country; 'Ireland's
satbe-abatatelathrr '
ealiae irlsb soil Suits Its hativatitia,
England's national food is roast bell.,
r,Why?-141r.oll;-the-Englistr-,were.,•-eveta-- -
buccaneering ,race, andthe lighter al,
ways :requires red Meat . • "
:Tbe Hindu'national food is riee,„
heed/dee a/unpile; in -Epinal foriivati
*extraordinary muount et, energy ;and •••
staying power. . That is exactly What
.1t IIllC°ntilititorittilfood
Thea:of Germany is
any• forni7,--heeause, per •
always 'tbe food of the rlever
eerntetemL•Ti btit_afacthat•lato,-.at our lette
ies., •-• -
Our Freneht friends ..have..ne •standing national food,' but arethe •
greatept Vegetable eaters In the werld...•
That,' tieltiatfinfittlY.-le a sErgia:4of vlrL11ty 101th '
have „/.11oftii!oprulan. :glen Ittan:lkiltadhoiettai:
.vestigittifig the deellite and fali of Rtto
Alone. .
Italians like oily feeds, That in' bas
cause they are not great Meat enAera,.
and they MAU OP the idetiedoncy.it
protein And carbohyttratea With oil. •
• Russia's 'national food is 17e. r'Phat
la due to econonik eireurnatantelaft
ks easy to vow, eheAtrir and nottrishing4„.
It lias been called "Serf toed," tiatttlint
T°11.al eit11.14 States
toed; but It I's qtteer to itote
verstil Is the detflattd .therd-Or pr.
'mired fo043.11fleitly tateltnn IiUkh1
digested. That" inditateS .111t 411016#
7 C7T.