HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1922-07-13, Page 5wpm*. UNTINIa),
13&0 a'x.
(Kincardine' Reporter) .' .
For a. long *lie this eectn*2i Paas
-teen the scene of operatioi}, of a
moonshine still. It was no secret to
many, but it was impossible for, the
officers of the law to get the right
clue as to where.it was locat-d. Cer-
tain parties Were saiapeeted, hut sus-
picion didn't go. Around the streets
could be heard the remarks that the
law and ;theses who ,should enforce •it-
were lax in. their duty. There is 'an
old saying that' it's a long lane that -
has no turn;,, In ,this case. a, still had
.a long run ,without : molestation, but
pan Monday mornira, July 3rd, a party
composed of Chief James Farrell,
County ConstableaFrank•Cuyler, Rev-
enue . Officer Jos...Wltate, and , Provin-
dal Officer Blood' left Kincardine ear
ly, Their Aire was to find the still and
et the boys :who Were su'u lying the
moonshine. They succeeded „in. landing
the still, Itwas in action At the time
and a young man,who had been salt.
ing the cattle, was seen coming from
located. When the party. left -town:
the direction in which the still was
they headed for the farm sof Archie
Stewart, lot 35, 'North . Line. Here
they found Albert Stewart hitching
up a.. horse. He inainediatel<-. ran for
',the house..Chief Farrell went to one
. door and Constable Blood to the other
They got into the house, but did' not
find anything. Coming out they began
a thorough search of ' the premises
but found nothing around to indicate
thatthey were , on the right track.
Chief Farrell was convinced • that he
was landing near the 'place where
booze was "being made, The result
° 'was that he and Joe White took a
walk. The chief made friends with the
dog, and scan a well beaten path was
found, They 'came to one pully and
passed . through it without any dis-
covery' However, there' was a smell
that gave direction, andwith the dog
trudging along in .a friendly: manner,
theycarne to the second gully. It. is
:away back on the farm, and was an
ideal location for a stili; Here they
found the•plant in full operation. The.
stoves had been recently put out, and
everything was warm, while whiskey
Was dripping into :the pail at the -end
:of ..the. coils. About three gallons of
.booze was found and nine .barrels of
mash; There; ,were' two oil.stoves -and'
a big. copper boiler}'. To this was at-
tached ' the coils through which' the-
:liquor passed and these lead to a big
barrel: of. cold water where condensa-
tion took place before going into the
till pail. Itis said the mash was made:
from wheat. The .stuff is fairly vile.
and not what would be calrert Toort"
whiskey. The still is not first-class.
Inspector White dubs it as somewhat
crude. The outfit • was located by a
convenient .'spring creek. 'The capa-
city is said to be• about fifteen gal-
lons: The stuff.. it is said; has been
selling at $oa'. quart in this district, '
Now comes the amazing• part of the
thing. 'The officers have laid •inform-
ation against Archie Stewart, who
owns the farm He bought the farm
from his brother' Albert about a year
ago. Archie called' into :the Reporter
Office and 'assured usthat he was not •
near it and didn't know anything
about the still.` It was beins' carried
on. unbeknown to ,ham,'' It's tough en•
Archie for he will have to appear be -
fee: •"Magistrate McNabb on Monday,
the 10th' lost'. at '3 o'clock in answer
to the charge. If any of ;Archie's4
DON'T take any chances with line an Ontario's
forests.. , .'
DON'T throw away cigarette or cigir butts,' .pi,Pe
"heels" or burnt matches until you ' are,
dead sure they .are out.• •
DON'T neglect .to drown but ywour '' camp .fire
thoroughly with lots 'of water. .Stir up, the
• _ashes and throw on more water;
DON'T ' build, your camp' fire against a rotten log
or., stump — nor on high exposed •. windy ;
.points; nor near. moss 'patches;,- nor. at the
base of a' tree.
Build ' it in 'a former .fire place, if any at
hand, or on a flat rock, or on a spot cleared
'down r to' • the true soil below, preferably
by the edge of the water. ; _;
DON'T forget that the upper layer of ground . in
the forest consists of partiallyerotted wood
which holds fireands slowly barns: -The
only real soil which : will not,jburn is
Ontario : Forestry Branch
Parliament Buildings, Toronto
tarts on Saturday, the lStli.
usual • gray of Baga�ns
Buy the -
Goods you need at Prices away. below.
Regular V"al ties. f .
Specials in, Voiles, Muslins, Prints, Ginghams,
Dress- Goods, Silks, Hosier Gloves Cottons
Shirtings, Flannelettes, Underwear.
Men's and Boys' Ready=to=Wear Clothing at'.
Big Discounts
Overalls with bib at $ l 19 per pair`
Great: Big Shirts for $1.00; and 1000 other like
alnes. Makethis store your Sale Headquarters.
We h&ie the stoacky and everything Cash o,Eggs.
;, 4,rr..' *r..Orr •+w"..+..« ✓kr w".•+r•Mr�+�w`ftim
hold',oi nae by the biceps of the•*ar'ins.
I said tohim "To tell -me -is -enough,-
you don't_ need to put your, hands on
.go."."Blood', said that Bowie
:'grabbed hold'of his- arm -again -before
he left the farm. '
' J. M. Bowie sworn, -denied Blood's
_neighb-ors. taatee.s-ceps_ s:ti'a?gge cbaract.• ,• ersio_n He -stated that Mood mass-
- -er-s- around' -there, Who. had_no_right -tinned- inn-abou-t•-a--platter that-oecur--=
on his place, they would have done
red a year a o last.fald. Blood asked.
him a big kindness ,•te•'let him knowg
for he will <have„,to--defend the: matter;
Bas -Jiggs hhere, Igrst`t. tit say
.hasn't walked•ifl:exactly •the --narrow-'
n He smokes and swears • and grave
faults `hes ot:
g ,
-St Peter : stood --guard- at --the- .Golde
gate •
With• a solemn mien and- an 'air "se
date, olden
_. : ' ___ .. __to '-of .-the.. -. - -
When up- le the P= g - •
...AM 'paglg aed�or .Jiggsasc
ing the.
adinissi4n• •'->they ••:came
and stood
Before St. Iseter, .so greatacid geed;
In .hope.the +cityof peace to win.,
t .Peter to let„them 'ifi,;
„.And asked S . ,
. a. • . _ _ -d ;thin,:
Maggie fuss •tall•• and -dark. and... .it,.,
With' a scragly •beardlet on her chin, •
Jiggs• was; . short. and thick' ' and
:.' stout
Arid his.Stomach (vas • built so it.
rgunded out
. viiia pleas,ant. and a11 the
,” � • I•I•ia. ,face ;
He'vorea"Tadl gentle ;Shiite.
-"--411(ein the distance the eehoese-
rtd -Jigetept- stii.-while__Maggie
- spoke. : •
'' uardest
O thou' who ' !the gate:.'
Said,, she. -
� "We ,'two„ come (t'hither Ibeseech'ing
thee ,
et MS enter t e heavenly land, e.
Play -our -harps- withthe
;band... '
oe ' doubt
` Of me, St, Peter o they isno .• There's nothing nothing from heaven to -bar
me out, : •
Fire ;been. to, meeting .three times a
. we
t e and a
`=;- ;;�.aad:speal a�.ivia3cs.• s pe'
f'Ve told the sinner's about. the "day
when:they'd repent of their evil way.
i .told tft neig hbors-i've told
all Y g
'Bout Adam "and Eve and the. Primal
I've .shown' them` what they'd liave to
.If they'd pass in' with the chosen few,
I've- marked the path of duty clear-
Laid out• the. plans of their: whole
• . eareer, .
We talked and talked to 'em, :loud
: •
'And, long; '
ll'a fry •v<oiee is good and mi,y lunge
. fife strong, •
good St Peter,. you'll' clearly see
FMof hsw+m' lei' open tel• 149,
So .I' don't know' whether; she'll
or not.
He -never-Who'd-pray -with-an-earn-
with-an earn
_ -
o 7
Or. go.._;ho_:reva_vad, .4t.JQain .-n,.
While: -I- •the-s'ns,•_.of= .my=-=peigh'bors
bore .
He „added.aboutwith Tit -Moore.
Ise made a practice of'•staying out
late, d,.
h is a in ll 'w en hate,: Whit s a om ate,.. :
But at- lastwhen he did come home'
The rolling 'pin. went straight to his
.. rt
1. know. ,him •_St .Pete lino:. -
.. s .r, w loin
welly ,
To'•escape from ire he'd go to, hell;
But St. Peter'' I need. him here.
And lope you ean see: .your rt, way
On earth I lore a heavy cross'
:Give me in`heaven still Jiggs ", f t- e
o Boss,
I've, brought "and ;ray -rolling pin,' plates
' ''
J ,ars'
To keep him. from 'dodging` among
the stars g:
"But, . say,
Peter; seeym
s to m
This gate isn't ke t as it ought to be
YouougTt righthy the open-
ing q there, -
Atid .nettei• sit down in that easy"eliaif
And say, St. Peter, my sight. is'diim.
Saw that, the tap: oi' his head' was bare
-Re-called-the :old boy back and said;
"Jiggs how . long . <liast ::.thou. -been
"Thirty years" <.(watweary--sigh"..-
-awecry- ig
then, he -.thoughtfully. ' `added,
uwhyae,' '
St. Peterwas.silent°with head bowed
ticd rai
ansera hed" d 'is •-hand '
•. -li ro
- lS � _ !'gala- •,. :...,.__
Then, seeming' a ,different' thought
--to take;
Slowly, half: to himself, he spoke;
"Thirty years awfth• that woman, there,
'N :.won ar the inan hasn't tanY
S;webring.. is: wicked;' sniokidg's ' not
Ile smoked and: swore -I should
think he would!
"Thirty, p.ears• with that tongue so.
shar- . •
Ho! Angel Gabriel! Give him a;har
A-jeweletl It ewitir a golden string,
Good sir, _pass in' where the' angels..
sing, • .. • -
abrie �•give-him-a-`
--Gabriel- -�
seat -alone
'One' with:a- et -Olden, u �
throne, ' P near the
Coil •u
p some angels to play their
Poor, Jiggs has surely earned a rest."
But.I don't like they, wa n'his-'
you 1i
kers .are trimmed.
=3'ltey°r tlt axr••ou
ward toss;
They'd: look better' terror/ and
straight across.'' •
St.` Peter sat quiet and ,etroked .his
And in. spite of his office he ,had to -
"Who's tending this gate,' Maggie,
• w yon or I?" •
Then„she arose in his stature tall,
And pressed 'a• batten • upon the wall'
And said' • to the imp who answered',
t, bell,
Escort this female 'around to hell,
Slowly Jiggs turned, 'by, habit he
Tq, follow wherever mea Rie 'went'
4ti POO �itRn4'ing o assn All
• '(Kincardine Review) -
At the Police Court,held on Friday
last before Pelide''Megistrate- McNabb
of Walkerton, fifteen complaints were
laid "against:motorists for speeding on
the road from Kincardine to Tiverton.
The charges were laid by John Mont-
Of -the- fifteen
charges, two were dropped, and
otherWas not"tried .as.the summons
was- notServed.. The following. paid
their fines 'but 'did not -appear: -W. F.
Bald; Port Elgin; Wm,. Reis; John H.
Hart, Owen Sound; A. F. 'Bowman,
-Southaanpton.;.'V - -Peacock, ,Hamilton;
Geo.' J. A, Gale, of-Arkona:: Thos,.
Caruso, :.-Kincardine, paid • $10 and
ollowing appealed: ealed Irwin
, Thef
Paterson; Tiverton; J. B. Watson, J;
A, • Mackenzie and Thos. W. • M'oore,
•Kincardine. •
—A -••Technical -Assault-•
• In the morning .Mr, McNabb tried a
case --Of assaiiit. Graiiville`P. 131eody:
P vin ci .o i e le ed xo n aL.Pc.1 ..-._ (lace
Bowie,- of • Bruce Township
that • Johnw p
Used . threatening language to, him,.
grabbed by the arms and order-
ed him off his farm. This technically
is an 'assault 'under the law. Mr. Blood
who appeared husky enough to defend.
himself was' investigaing
some off-
ence that -happened two years ago lie
asked Mr, .Bowie; a number of ques-
tions and them asked'' him if he was
"See e that
eon thefinest
ambrosia sin he
feeds _
Ifo's':lad about all the hell he needs
It isn'•t hardly the. thing, to. do -
To roast hire en earth and in the'!
' future, too.”
They .gave Chian a harp with golden
tr .•x
And; Jiggs looking down from his
°'h` level; """ . �. <__,-___
Thought ' of Maggie and felt
for ..the. devil. sorry
-,-George Pradshaw..
-In the Pere Marquette. Magazine,
Montreal is. an island entirely sur-
rounded by American tourist cars.--
Ottawa Journal.
no not suffer
another day with
Itch i rig s Bleed
ing, or Yrotrud.
ing riles... Ne
. ,iuraloal opera
a ti o n`req uired.
aDr, Cle ae'I Oint�myyent will yellow) you at *nee
d afford acting benefit: QOe. a Y all
a stin ted
�d eon Hate Co„Oo„
You ;nee a�sn�
prepared to swear to the truth of his
answers. After sonie heated words,
Mr, Bowie committed the so-called
"assault?' .Mr,
-. Blood ,Ie ed'his owts
, pleaded
easem:R,r,.:3...,Stew,art:..app'eared 7r
When sworn, Blood testified that
he was a provincial solace officer. He
went to the accused's place in Bruce
Township on Jun�e .19 to interview
him. lie stated that the went to him in
a: friendly manner but on broaching
the, subject of :the injury the defend-
ent immediately became hostile. "He
told me," said Blood; "to go ahead."
T think he meant with the 'inyestil-
ation and that I would get nothing
out of him, I started to go away from
the mowing machinetowards the
road, I had gone three or four paces,.
He leaped off the Scat' of the mowing
triachiai On whichhehad ees nit.
"Obt to
t • ticp U vtt „ 11 is ` t o gvo.4,i?
;frim if hewas prepared to swear to the
information he gave. Bowie then jum-
ped -off -the -mower ancLcaughthim_ by
the shoulders' and 'fated- him towards
the road and told' him to t`to .it
•Blood'-told'him he • was a provincial
officer and warned' him not to assault,
him Bowie said that he had 'no. 'no-
tion _of asnaulting him but that he did
not Care what he was, :He _denied .that
he put his. hands' on him again.
Magistrate' McNabb said that:Blood
was, lawfuily_pon the' accused's premiss
es that morning ' and he found accused
guilty ef•assault, He imposed -a pen-
of $10 and oosts or ten days.
jail, The costs. were $13.05•
The Sneeding Char -•
"Irwin Paterson; of Tiverton was,
charged ;with driving at a greater•rate
of speed than Permit
ted' by law,
`May 17th. He 'pleaded "net gy. John.
M.• Montgomery stated that he- timed
Mr.. Patterson as he was driving
along the Tiverton Highway and that
-.the.lattex iwas go;ng,over 30- miles_ ser
hour o • • •
The magistrate. found ' accused
guilty and gave a fine of .$10 and
dosis. --
'1bos_Caruso,: of.-.Kincaxdirle;_ wan
charged with. sante 'offence. He said
he •d'idn t• •know -whether .he *was- guilty
or not but that he wanted to hear the ,
evidenceso nd 'entered. •a `plea of
a en Pie not
guilty, Mr. Mont'gom'ery testified that
he was going over 30 *miles per hour
..on May .24th. .Caruso had; a great
manquestions: toask
Mr. . Mont-
ne a a r e a M
o r Eh_ .. Ma t P
,., x Y, g s .tet. -_.-yid..._ �r.
A, Malcolanson the C.tunty Solicitor,
put. he was found guilty and fined
$10 and costs: .e • -
Thos. W. Moore, Kincardine; plead-
leaded not guilty to a charge of
"speed -
mg"' on - un 3id :Montgomery tist
died that he was going over the line-
-aragistrate-found hinr-gui
tar; J. 'Montgomery .was again called
and stated that he toned Mr, Mac-
kenzie andfound that he *as going
over 30 miles per hour. The law, :said
Mr. ,Montgomery, set the limit at 25
utiles per hut but he made an 'allowy'
ance of 5 miles per hour in, order to
catch ,only the reckless drivers Mag-
istrate McNabb found 'accused guilty
and imposed a fine of $10 and costs,
R. J. Stewart appeared ,fi Messrs,
Paterson,- Moore; Watson and Mac
kenzle. Ile argued that Monta•omery
used a verylantieuated and inaccurate
niethod of tituing automobiles and
that his evidence timid not be acc-
epted, Ife. gave notice of appeal in.
each lot the •*bout@ four ow,
- For-almest twenty, years•the':'Spot
ton Business College.' Wingham, has
been training and placing ,in tate best
positions efficient.. stenographers,
bookkeepers, civil servants and sales.
.men. This school is affiliated with the -
College, College and:
Spadina, Toronto, here every gradu-
ate is guaranteed a situation. Mail
•courses for farmers'.sons--and ,others
with privilege .:of, attending, tciiy::of
our colleges. during the Fall and Win.
ter months Write to -day for parti-
rulers'-: Fa11 • opens
Sept, firth, . Pte only college in .Wing -
ham: If it is not convenient to at
tend in Wingham, tell, us what city
or town you weuld like as we .have•
colleges in every important centre:
(Paisley Adv ' ocate.
Alfred and NiecTocT,lirx tits%'.
, an
brothers'--of-Mr. .
E , D. McClocklin-sof
Durham, were married recently to.
ttrin `sisters, -'Misses' Mary ` an� ii Katie
Henderson, of Toronto. The young
opuples purpose an extended 'honey
moon tri f
or a few -days . -p,.. _first ,....... days .in
Detroit and thence to .Durham, where
thy wi1lcainp for about two months.
at the Rocky Saugeen -camping
grounds.. A further coincidence in the
_double marriage' was the fact that
the .flower girls were also twins, ,
17 4N�S- IiiFIIUi1 ANIT• O. 111(13 ---
An annoymous letter writer !iAs
been_. makin . life. miserable far:..Mr.,
g __
_ ,in . ..
Wm Finlayson, son af� Lorne
Y , , says the
Walkerton Telescope, Threats' to encs
his life and d destroy his property have
been received from a party who' clevz
erly made up this letter from printed
characters clipped .from'• a newspapei'
so asto'
not reveal itisP
,.nmans hi
zrinlayscn-has-apent fivchundred not,
Jars an detectives'• fees trying t� run
'down his persecutor and at the June
session of the County Council asked
'that body to pay a portion of the bun,
The cotincillors however thought this
• was"a,. piaster for 'the Pyovincial
thorities to deal with andtook" no
action, `
`• The end .of the ,teaching .;year at 'the • '
London Technical: School sharks the �-
retirement of .one of the older mem-
hereof the staff in the person bf John •
EITiot " B 'A'"; wf5 !or 't'lie-'past year"`
has` been connected with the commer
tial department. Mr, Elliott • is step-
ping nut :of active .educational work .
after forty-three•years of service; five
a -half d . -
years hi public schools, and
thirty-seven -and:a-calf years in High
• Seiroels-:,_ata t _Cttlleg arcs = ie gi tly
feels that he is _now ,entitledto a -rest. :
Few teachers in Ontario 'have so
many friends : Among the profession.
Ile is a past 'president of the =the-.•
nl• y - __.. _ . •.
atical section of the Ontario. .Educa-
tional Association and•an ex -president '
of • the High School Principals' Assoc
ciation, He takes with ' him pleasant '
.recollections -of- many --s—old—students.—of
wham li _
on a is,fiow_ � _
iistL' w:
Loud- .
•J ylt
A native ;of Colborne township, Mr,
-Elliott began Iris tEadtirig'career•:iri•
-owns '
..Kinloss:..t hilt, at __.._H-olyrood; ..;. •
On the first, day he .taught, 'he .had .
fifty-seven • pupas, . and the number
,later increased t.o ej;�7ity 'lhe attend-
ince an,the°satire: school nets.. -is .about-. ._.
twenty-eight, `
Returning to ]ti's<old Iiah School at• '
Goderich for a Year, lir; Lliiott dual-
ifted as a High School assistant, be-
ing -the first to o•iitain.'a first=class
!ertificate from, Gooerii:li 'Collegiate.
After .that he •�tau„.r lit in .Caledonia '
slaving won a iitethect,atical scholar-
ship -;he attended- itoronta-- University, •••-`
.Tora year and.th cn ti
nt h•.
�• Iirus
,.� .
�111.e Loilcbt<}�c for thic;e
and .a -•flail.
years. A:chanee to move into'Westeri..
chilal•!ci tittered attii' he 5rr1•Cd'a5 ma"- •
cbeuraties and . master at
rr alkei'tun for six ;, uai•s and $teas then •
_ t unted first print iiat al teaming-
on iii
Sh i. ' iunatne2
J'-elaniingtots-- etc---years,-B:ownianville
Biel Scpoul opefit+l. to hum next and •
ite served th:'re . for seven. years as;
principal, lea tit; rio take an assistant
mathematics htus tel ship lis- Lotidon
Collegiate. After one year here he
: -
_..i• i ; ..tit;hel ai:. �ratC� t..l. jIe`rc.
ll l i.
''signed in 1:+,fit, and -moved' to London. •
Since t tat i" lTi; .'llioit iiia nt1=
The Standard Remedy tor ��HAY-FEVER
and Aeth,n old b all good DruddlIst
•FQr1pPOTfI$ Wfl leopletoss,TQTRoto
old' 4, Z, '14X41
wercd three ceq.;a.•ts to return to'.,
active :•irvi e, one. front • Listowel'•
[tigh Seh oI, where he supplied as,
,trineipai, otic• Iroln lois old schooi at
iiowinan‘i.isr and the lat from Prim-.
pial Leal, 8f the Technical Seh3ol,
1,,.nc,ou, to fill' for a time a position
at tractcontit'terctai deriarttuent, .
When far:;:ere are in need of a rain'
all they need to'oo is to- ask a £ew
town peopt to plan a pi.:laic.
Thtitare old-fashioned taoaed title too
a d towear pr entatyle?Mbut
one doesn't see very much of them f
• r=