HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1922-07-06, Page 8•+•• ••1) . • • • ..r.< r, A , 101.1t4111% tla1:. . { f 'w 'W . DAY, L, A Real lime 4s to La: IJ Cut in . ° ees a 's Suitt in 3*Clearing ;ots. Tweeds 11.50, 15,75. $+75, Ali -Wool Blixe at UM. *Per Cent.,off all our Ane, range Of °yst.. Sum MOWS Separate ts.'• Sone Surprising §hoe Snaps at 89c,, $1.29 and $2,08 Woe k: ra}c at ,greatly ° Reduced + .Valle Sre'Plit on sal eat 3 Clearing* Prices,.� ander, Andnice Fancy Corded �idie,.Special 75c. of Cotton 'Volles at 19c, r Cent.:alt our` Tapestry Rugs and ' at:. 3 Clearing-... Prices,. {7�, 50. �And jjj(y..,:1jL/�i cotileu li '" -: II.MAfS, • ?a l 4 ndeir- Aee oar lar bi11s Note the Bi, b,. Merchandise Aeductionse Terms -CASH.. ., Goods and Silks reds C� �� �. . Big Reductions prevail,: in- this Department. See'largelailis. for description and prices;. a e Departlitellt, . Pest quality Prints, •regular.'2$ 'and .30c. Sale Price 23c;; Clearing lot cif Printsa nt 19c. Nicee :Check, Qinghams, _our regular 28 and 3 linesi at 24c.. Shitting, ° Clearing Prices at 19 and 29c. Towelli g --}See ou°r=snaps in Cotton at 11c., { Un ons. t 147c„ and Pure Linen at 33c. • Cover -Ali Aprons Nice Prints; good. 'full sizes regular ,$1.25 for; 89c:,'regular: $1.50for 81.19: Ladies' and. Children Middies, big selec- tion, excellent values, Low Sale Prices. • ICE er'ie, e Credit Mori' • anbfaeturera of Aluminum Ware' have announced de- --pee " roiiowing uur uzual enastom.of redueiug-prices'. when' the.. prices. are reducedtaus *the nuf acturer, regardless iif the- price •• we •' ,,: •7« -do fl goes the Price of�Aium;nuiu Ware. = ",. r ..s ,she xoom ' imhty .. heavy: well -finished, nothing. or flimsy.,:.TWo•pricei`s as a •satrap/e` Size: it Iniperiel: Quart Kettle at $2.25. ,each: Sites A0.441004 Quart Kettle at. $2.00' each. r e_V jnanu{aeuu of Galvanized Ware have announfced a ddrop..e-. -e tae of all linea which: will amount, to_ about 17 pet cent, f5 We are A ng g our prices on the. new quotations. We have .a'liine assortment of Diamond Enamelled, Ware "and this pr c .ae not •. Boroeos, Pure Petit Green, '..Atteriatreat Lead... «.ws... ° . • 40e.per ib.. tine :Stone; •...................20c• per lb. The 'season is here. and- , yea will need some or all of the fellow- .1111t ollow.- g gds, twhia h we haven stock and at right priees. • *Moon Hay Forks, Sanaia3on andlea�, Tuiialp' toes, WY -Pa '?sanies, Hay Fork Rope :Machine Oil We are handling Brantford Binder TiVine. If you need a roof, see us about Paaaroid' Slate -Surfaced Roof- ing. It is good and fufly guaranteed ,eL10knowNardware8.tCoal"co. Mist Kidd, of Toronto_ is Visiting at left mosso' het gone to per home lie r St, Marys to *vend the Summer end *altei toss and font. fit' t Sundil it the home of Mr, and „.1Vni• Taylor, neat Lingside, A numbet front here attended the e.Villking of last week; • Mak *inter and Miie Leis mot of Galt* Sailed on ftlettgle • The Reduction Knife has cut very low' the prices of Ladies Raincoats, House Dress- .. es, Silk Blouses, Whiteweai, Children's Dresses and Wash Sults. The Sale. Prices ll appeal to you: Hosiery. Ilargains Laa]ies':Black Cotton dose, .good quality, • regular 25 and 30c,, Sale Price`22c. or 5 ,• pair for $1:00. • Q and.• Q 85c 1,58.,.. Silk I�aose,-extra values at� Fine Lisle, . regular 75c. for, 58c, Children's Nose 'Underpriced, Some Special Snaps n..Da75c.,fmaskor 48'Tacbling; 56 inches: wide, regular . en',sHeaatyWork Shirts at. 85c and $1.19 - Men's Eine Shirts,' extra quality, regular $3.50 and $4.00, Sale Price $2.75. Linen Collars, clear:llg lot, 3 •for`25c, Men's Black Silk Hose, regular $1.00, gale Price 60c. •`Ladies' . Summer Vests, Specials' at 19c. and 35c, • Mees All Wool Sox at 25c. - • AKIMBO NOTES ZION - TrIMI ,COX of London. was "the Tuesdayi-July 4th. - est cif his inter - Mrs Jack Hainil- Mr. Wes. Tiffin, of Langside,„ spent ton of Paremount, one eveniag‘during Mies • Marguerite , MacLennan, of Windsor. is spending her vacation Leman of Laurier. , • Mr. and Mrs. Toin Moore, of White- church: spent Saturday evening with Mr, and Mrs. Jack Henderson... of Paramount. They, were accompanied, by Miss McQuoid. Miss Pearl McIntyre.. of Kintail,:is Gertie Stroud of TiVerton, are renewing acqueintancea at Zion. 'Mr. Jas. Craig, wife and family, of. St.- Aagustine; visited at W. T. Gardner's last Saturciai• Miss Valettallffin, Zion's energetic • more long drives --for a couple_a_ Zion Taxis Bays mei. last Thurs- ,spending a few weeks ._with, friends „day, and _liatened .to !a. very -,-able ad.? We -are -pleased to know- tha iss Annie- Grant,. of Hemlocic 'Ono. t underwent an operation for appen- dicitis in Kincardine ,Hospital. is sett-, Storage forthe preservation of• Fruit: Butter. Eges..etc..-1.1te on hand. boys, this Thursday night..The boys -are all- oing to tell' a lunnorous story. There - jug along as Welt es can De expectea. will be lieens of run, The-Constitn, • Miss, Christine MeNam. of Toronto. is'Visiting. with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. -.Jas AfeNain of Laurier... MiSs Mamie Johnston has returned to her liaise at Laurier. Miss Grace :Baird. is spending- hei -holidays with her grandmother. - Mrs: hie; Baia -of Parementit: Mr. Charles J, McGregor, of Kit- chener, is spending his vacation witb his mother; Mrs... Rod. McGregor, of. Cassie mantosh,., af Washington, is visiting friends and„ renewing old ae quaintances in Liickhow and Ashfield. Dr. and 'Mrs. Arnilld Cowan and family, of Toronto, ate spending their' vaeition at the home of his Parents Mrs. Mary McRae, of Lon Angeles, Pal.. friends -iii -Lochalsh Mr's. Chas. McLean and family, of Chicago, _are visiting' at McLean's Miss Beatriee Hogan, of Toronto, is spending her vacation at her old home at Lothian. Miss Annie Pickering, of Detroit, IS spending her -vacation at. her hom6 in Paramount, ••••• MiSes Anita. BeffSie, 'and' babel icenzie, of Kintail, are attending in Guelph. Stratford. are visiting with. their Uncle' and aunt, Mr; and Mre. George. Swan. Quite a number of Ashfield folk lore in Lucknow MI July lst. to see the baseball tournament. TbeY report a' very enjoyable atterno011; • a pretty and interesting event took place at the home of Mr, and Mrs. John Cowen, ,12th, Cent, when their Mr. Dungan Keith had the misfort- une ,of losing a Valuable horse last A number from her attoodect Mt. and, Mrs, Cecil Flood and little eon. nf Toronto. visited at the home of the latter's sitter. WA Geo, Itidh- godson, on "Friday ef lett week, eri° Savings Bank was onened Walkerton last Week. A inuriber of provable* citizene Of the. 'County ',fowl/ sod autrounding, *Mast took Pad in the epoch, Malting ind tend.) 144 Of 004 , tions and pins are on hand noAv.;:and will be given out Thursday evening. 1044 will attend•Divine. service in' Zion Church Sunday. evening, Julr 11th. -A _:.ortlial invitation is extended to all the. neighboring lodges -and Y;siting -,041140 ion was Well represented at Lanes' That in some picnic truck, • Alfred. You sure .got over a ton of hninan freight doWn to The. Elbe* "on July meet on Friday night. Jult 7th., to mike arrangements for the 12th. of July celebration.. ' When the People on our line want; to know the right .time. they. just h the arrival of our mail carrier. •Elets-on time; rind. needs - no winding up. • Miss MaY Cameron and Miss Win - Ernest, of Orangeville, were visitors With; Mr. and Mrs. Qao, McRoberts for the week -end. ' Mrs. Arnold Barbour and Dorothy. of .Fers.u1.44 are visiting her- parent's,. Mrs. Colin McDonald in in. this Ileimital where she recently hid her tonsils operated on; • .Rev. Mr. Climbing conduct.0 ser- vices ot South Kinloss on SundaY• (while Itev. Was•the preach- er at Lanes anniyersary. Rev. Mr. blies, et Beigrave. Preach in the -Presbyterian Chtioch‘ here on Sunday next. second daughter_., Annie, Was Unxtea • Rev, Chas. and Mra. Cul:ming. and marriage tn. Mr. Swart Jamieson, Margaret Visited at the Manse, White - an enterprisiV young fattier .0f this church, on Slender'. 4, Performed the ceremony, Only the salvor shot Togs vriday when burnediatefriends *ere Pre,50nt. Their the followin0 scarce *tn. insole at the many friends wish them a long, Imlay goo„yidd range. eug.0 tioextitio 150: - 141611114 cos..NOIL,008 Tuesday, July 4th. • Mr. and Mrs, John S. taud►ert spent' than weak -sad with tha latter'. broth.- ,er, Mr Gaa rge 'Needlialti, of Pinker- ton. wtto inkerton.wtto is. seriously 1111'. was Ethel Ellison.. Mr. mash: 1$proule. and Mite Elliaapon'a unole met- axed UT) frori Toronto :and spent the holiday with M. Masa Smith Quite a number on Vile >line attend[ - ed` the Pk.* given by St.. Paul's S. s. of. Ripleir. PriLdaY' last, The day was of than bet, and amusement andtunelai seemed • **hot ,'encl. and wee highly° enieyed by atll:' pont forget _the Gloxlous .l2'th anent WedneedaY--in Ripley. •The delta no •doubt. will he' one to be re'member- ed., sa eitlzenns. and officers in charge •nfnrograninri,e. and a rnanagement'are raking groat 'preparations. Jack England spent an evening last week en the 8th. We were agree h informed, re - . + brideas elel wee bora ie fully attiredan a *OwnMadaam. Toorgordea, and lb* ware picture hate a..Oat#rn Of i,a a wr e tt*. Mr. Gard •er i* a native •uf No feel!:, Virginia, being 00111 One 1 oldest southern fannilius in Araeri Ottof Scotch- ta:Wtis1 ancestry. .>u*iuebs as that ofatogisal and, bow ti aJiug ,en theNew Teri; ••tock e'1 change. After the ceremonY Mr", gra Mrs.., Gardner• were tendered a' wed- ding capper a the fanasxua Edge ;vests'+ Beech Hotel on Lake, Michigan* Ville a co .erne were laid. for twenty -f' r„ After supper► to the music; of Baia son'�;: orchestra dancing mus indglged until tlaa "weak sine 'hours" when eta Mrkw Gardner secretly stole *way in time ; to amaze' conneetioxas . with their train ler the "West,,' Vhere their -• centiy, that theac or e, a e honeyniotni was aevnent. They are aiigaw mg *rest 4• rest of', short duration, is age again "at Hoare," 4628 Lake Part . Avenue "able to, be around and occasionally Chicago ill,• eusuues its old-time route, being seen again near Teeswater. . Just Arrived. -�,A brand, new piano, in one of, the 8th, Cosa, homes! Now, the 'attractien•.will be' stronger than ever. ,as music hath eharmsi ,and Pearls are, priceless, and Mrs. Walter Hodgins and. family spent Sunday -evening with Mr. and Mrs, Earl Culbert. • We 'are very. pleased to heat that' `our Trustees have been fortunate' in again . securing• theservices • of Miss ;Morgan as; teacher in our school. Misai. Morgan is enterina-now on her fourth year, and' -is well thought of let all.; As ,teacher. she is hard to !beat. LANGSIDE , Word was -received here recentlY of • the marriage, et Chicago, tin May 20 ith. of a fernier Langaide girl, Jean MacKinnonk. daughter. .hetle MacKinnon and the late Allan Gardner,: of Chicage,,' The Rev.,,Paul Allen Officiated,: the ceremony being at' 7 o'clock in the evening. The bride . Was .attended by ber sister, Miss , Betty MacKinnon, -of D'etroit, while the groctin*ad as his attendant, 'his friend, -Major George Gescheybidt,, of the: United States ArmY. . The' bride -Vies annst ,beeeminglY gchined in2a creation df chiffon over 7 -silver clotht.trimmectiii_actiade;ancl. „fa hioned in effect after . the qaamt • NOTacE: yO� l lhB! T S Inthe utatter of • the, estate of Saar.. `aRh• Ann Burgess: late. oi'the VillaagC. of Lueknow in the County of'•Bruces School Teacher, deceased'. Notice is hereby given that 'ail per* • against. the late •Sat4h• Ann- aurgouA 'Who died'en of, about the aeventli, der), Ontario", are requirett underOgnede executor under the . of die saki Sarah Ann Burgessi *OW' : namee-and'addreSsee and -full liartl, 'lentos in writing of their cleiras and , statements of their Iteounta od natureof the *cavities, if any, iteld= by them: duiy verified by Iffidatit.'"' 'Amt. take notiee that- atter 'Viet . the said Executor Will proteed.te 414'4, tribute the assets of:the said deetnised innolig-the Perim -in' 'entitled thereto.t: having l'egard oalv to 'the eleinik 04, wbith he shall -then leve had iietian- and that the said Executtir Will not be liable,for the said assets ,or ant' PartV thereof to any person of • Whose •clain he shall not then have received notice, statute in that behalf. : _ Dated at LucknOw. This Third daSli hoop -skirt and' crinolines of 'other days: The quaintness of her costume was aCcentuated.. by it hat of sheer lace modelled after - the -poke -bonnet, of grandmother's_ days. „ died at the Generall! OW following' an- oPeratiO'k,':•01`. firtoe:: was beim- on a farm ,neet,,pfofd .about Aqgug.ist..,.. And As. it is' oui polity nottO Intla, Con: lie Itev. J. S. Hardie, At, the lame Ratige,....tho„tourth and prosperous quarried leo. Will Web:store 46: Harris Plirden. 44; • - The Horrible AxititiOle-CrOced., floss never 1ifi"01 thi. the long raft, Look :John MeDoliald. 4(4 Wallece miller, 40; .neeir Wittily, 401 Ebner •Ptirdoni. 48; Elwell Viebetert VS; JAW Web, Fsont or Beer -Lacing, reviler. .Iuly Price 32.85 HO 20 Dozen Ladies' Black Liale Hose, WAISTS nicel3T-trimmed, and all worth - more,''Clearhig.at the 'Low , MEN'S SHIRTS . , 150 Fine Shirts, neat patterns, good washing .imaterials,.. full 17„Begular $1.15 to '32.50; NaVy0..Brow and Khaki, sizee Terms of FLANNELETTES Winter's suppIt 1500 Yards 35 - in. Striped Flannelette,7July Price - TOWEL NG,. 100 Yards Turkish Toweling, n•viiite,? and ' colored, 17 inches wide, a yard, July Price ' • about 500 yards, regular up to' - all at per yard 8 Only 'Tapestry Rugs, ,sites yards, 3x8Y2 and 3x4 yds.. regu- lar up to $26.0o,..July Price siq,o0 ' size 27x54. inches, 4egular • Price - CURTAIN 'SPECIAL 42' Pair Only; 'Cream., Madras,, -Cart; . • aiwi, 'This is a line- that cattle in* Vory late the' season, .Itegiiiiir; $2.75 a pair, Salo Price $2,10 Odle •