HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1922-07-06, Page 5•'s
Wui 14 -0 -
li#i414,it`7H,14+•F►p, 44444 ixiw *
DON'T take any chances
Ni 1 t h fire in On- •
tnrio'e , forests.
DON'Tthrow away cis-
stens- or cigar -butts, • •
Ripe "heels" or
burnt matches until
you are dead sure
they arc out.
' DON'T neglect to drown
out your are with lots,
of, water. •
DON'T build your camt,.
fire against a rotten
log or stump i nor on
windy points; nor
near moss patches;
nor at the• base 61 a
, Build it in. a -for-
mer fireplace„ or on
a flat rock, or on a
spot cleared down to
.the. true soil. below,
or by the edge of the
water. •
DON'T forget that the upj'
per layer of ground •
-• in the forest consists,
of . partially. rotted
wood which will burn.:..
IVER DRIVERS, shanty men, pulp
loggers, gg gers, and -all---men who work in •
the lumber woods,.on ' the river or
at the mill—get this: Your job depends.. on •
keeping forest fires from burning up the
bush. '
Every time you leave a camp , fire or a
smudge burning you are taking chances on
a forest fire that will do you out of " a job.
Every timeyou throw away . a burning
match or a cigarette, or drop'the "heel"of
your pipe on the ground, you are taking a
`chance. In summertime, rnoss, dead wood,
dry leaves or the regular wood -fibre soil of
the forest, are all ready to burn.: • Millions
of feet of timber and pulp are beingburnt
up that way every year.
Ontario's for sts are not growing
out � a' u . Forest fires
y - u job if they keep
on a fewyears more. Watch yourself...
• »UNG. liN F
Tuest`':.v, J''Yv d
We are pleased to see. Miss hall-
ough bask in the village.
Mr. "aA lairs. Hiehle; -of Rarniltor;
are visiting friends here. -
Mrs. Robert Treleaven entertained
her sons and their families r.who mot-
ored rip from Toronto for the 'holiday
and: week -end.. •.
Mr.. $ J. Crawford is improved la.
health, and able to ,be back in the store
again, -
The L. O. L, service in; the Meth- •
odist 'Church on Sunday evening was,
a splendid ' suceess, The attendance
surpassed that of any former year.
Over .oiiie hundred local. • and visiting
brethren marehed in a body' to the
church while 'welled
unique feature .was
the attendance of • sixteen ladies. of
' L, 0, L., Goderich, Rev, A. V Walden:..
conducted the service and dealt with
the part Orangemen have take in the
Watery of the past. The pineiples of
their order and the task now confront-
ing them, One significant statement.
"The' time is Plot far distant, yea, now.
is; when protestants must lay aside
their differences in politics and stand
as' a unit against the. political en-
croachnfent of the Church of Rome."
Our local baseball team was .in
Go ud lir hl pii July 1 . pl;sying a game
with Westfield. The score was 12-4
in favor of••Westfeild .' ,
A. number of our vilane -•eople took
the first of July celebration : at God=
erich. '• •
Miss Edna Pentland, Miss Daisy
Ryan, and Mies" Ethel Case, have re-.
,turned from their .school. duties.
----0 0-0—
Tuesday, July 4th.
Miss Laviiia • Carrick of Wingham
was home over the week -end ' •
Mrs. • no Eagleson expects to leave
on Wednesday
for, the West to visit
with her sons.
• Miss Lela Leggatt f . Bluevale
spent:Sundayi with her grandparents
Mr. and Mrs, J. Mowbray, •
`Mrs; Addison of Wingham visited
a few days with her daughter Mrs.
Ben Naylor, •' •
Mr, and Mrs. Wm, • Windsor and
baby' Patricia of Detroit- are visiting
with Mr. and Mrs. R. Carrick,
Mr. Walter Paterson. of Wingham,
.pant Sunday with his nephew Mr:
K, Paterson.
• Mr, and Mrs. T. H; Moore and son
Milan, spent Saturday with Mr, and.
Mrs; Jack Henderson at, Paramount,
Mr. 'Cuyler was over ' on Sunday
from •St. Helens and addressed t
"Methodist Sunday School here.
• Miss Flora Ross and Kathleen Ter -
riff of Toronto ° are spending their
vacation at their .home here. •
• Mr. and Mrs; Fred • Stanley, of
• Lucknow spent the week -end with
Mr. and Mrs, Duncan Kennedy,,
Mrs. Harry. McKenzie of Teeswater.,
visited. on Sunday: with Miss. Mable
Garton •
Miss Julia Naylor and Miss' Sail='
man, of, Toronto, and Mr; Norman.
.Butcher, of Wingham, visited on Sun-
day with Mr anti Mrs._ Ben. Naylor;
MBett , of Crawford and ted.odaugh-
ter: X41#' eftra
rl4eilMA,gVMV�Nit"'rl�rt .
. Betty, of Flint, Mich: visited. on
,Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Bee- ..
The transfer to the Bell Telephone Company
Canada of the business and plant of the. North Huron
Limited has been approved by
..;. Telephone:.. Company ..,
ntario Railwayand Municipal Board, and the
the O
l: be= merged July
systems *ill y 1st: next:
t .
Most satisfactory
has been found them
Because it �..
ethod entailingonly a small advance payment, we
have adopted the system ofimonthly subspr
rs ac
-colh-,--aYd -our new subscribers will thusreceive-their --
first Monthly bill .:on- orabout July 1st. next.
.._ _ ... _ ... .. bsc ,
We ..welcome North luron subscriber's into the
Bell System, and assure them of our desire to make
their all thatp
• efficient telephone service ought
,to be. �c.
We will appreciate prompt advice concerning de-
fective equipment or faulty service.'
D11.- A. M. SPENCE, ENCE - Branch: Manager.
The Bell Telephone company of Canada
_ the
•to ther about
VALUABLE ]'UPS will be Worthge
price 'of lx fifty,; acre farm.,.
post1'llfistcr Roland, ' of Deenlerton, Mrs. Berry, a iwidow' living on a ek Township is .the farm in Koppel Township,. near Wier -
had her house totally destroyed
by lightning during one of the recent
storms.: she �► it her ok were ill the
ru .
One -Agit Off Regular Prices
'These are all perfect.Corsets, being.models
that are discontinued owing..to:changing
fashions. : To `keep our:: stock up=to=date,
we are•clearing out'.all:odd'sizes and num
• bers to ` make room' for. new Fall models.
Ladies: looking for., Bargains, , will find
them here: -We°]have all- sizes :fron : Q_to
32' bust..:
From $61,50 to
$10.00 ' a pair
: $4.95
15o Surntner:
White Net, sizes
34 to "42
Clearing at 39c.
Worth up to
croft, T _ _ ,
Mr. and Mrs; Inc.. Falconer and
Nora visited on Sunday with Mr,
and Mrs. Angus McKenzie in Culross.
•Mi.' and Mrs; Henry McClenaghan
of Belgrave visited on Sunday with
Mr; and Mrs. Wm. Barbour.
Mr, Fred Clubb of _St._ Mary's and
-Ir. and •Mrs, Dow• of Brucefield mo-
tored up and spent' Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs, Jiro. Chubb;
'Mr, 'Roland ` P; Jienderson"left for
Toronto on Saturday, _He has ;secured.
"the �iosition of'.i'ny�ail clerk on a Toro-
nto=Sarnia train:•Mrs. Henderson' and
son Heebner will Nave for the city in
a few, days.
—`Mr. and Mrs.' Thos. Henderson and
sons, David rind Laurence, and Mr
and Mrs; Wm:, , Dawson "motored to
and en
Croniarty rt3► t the wa3ek=end`••
with friends there.
„f, ioV rppy' 'in C C
hap.'sesspr of four:ldvelY black
fox pun about 'six weeks' old, The
color aucl utility of their un is isaid
to lie. 'Wen - lolly' good. d. the When is tss lri4 lith
111110A41$sr' •• r '
Tuesday, July 4th
-- -• i kinson of�..: Kincar-
Tillie Hodg , K_. _ ....
dine spent the week -end at her home
here; .
Mr• and ' Mrs; George Haines of
near Glamis spent Sunday with M..'
ends at Kinlough. . • '
Ice Cream • will be served at Mc
Lean's store on Friday evening, July
7th, Come along;, Glad to see.every-
'body. -
•Quite its number attended the. Holy
rood Garden Party, and all report
a good`time-•-The supper-!was"one-oft
the beet, and the program•was excel -
]rent: f,
The services in the .Anglican church
ori Sunday, were” largely attended:'
Quite a -number of Orangemen from
the different ' dodges were present;
to enter by the telephone wires, Al..
most instantly • the whole interior of
the house was on fire aso that the
occupants bad to`travel without . reg
moving anything. Fortunately they.
was insurance of $ileo:.
Rolling stoner anther no 111051, but
i1R1�!Aa: to001meli a li�111' t . Cyt 010
1,111041V •
.._...�,....�.' �-• rte. � 1:�y. .. "...
' . Promoted. to C. class :
Will Robinson, Wilfrid Bradley, :Ern-
ie Baker, Leonard Irwin, Clark Fin-
layson,• Rhoda Pinner, Eldon: -Agar, -
Bernie . Drinlowalter, Kenneth Camer-
on, Marjorie Henderson, Kathleen
Ferris; David Horne, Marion Cousins,'
Dorothy Nixon, Clare.- Johnston, Ed
die Whitby, :Mae, McMahon, _ Thirza
Wharton, Don'alda Douglas,' Harold.
,tion ,lv .. • wart
Cameron,. Harold Greer, Elwood: Sol-
omon, 4. C Durnin, Tom McDonald
_Remaining,' hi A class ' -
Clifford Meriary, Philip McMillan,
Dorothy Hollyman, Mary Bradley,
Jed{ McAllister, Edna. Agar_
-Promoted:--to _Junior .:Second
$onourk (75'. • per :'cent) ---Gladys
McDonald, `Ruby Pinner, (Lorraine
Brabson, Fred Stewart) 'dies,; _Wine
fred • Armstrong, . (Loreen : Naylor,
Francis Thompson) ties, Mae Robin-
son, Mary McIntosh, Alex McKenzie,
': Rdy Finlayson; •
Pass. -(60 aper eent)—Keith Brown,
(Isobel MeMillan, Donald Henderson)
ties, Margaret • McDonald, Helen Mc-
Leod,. Laura Webster, ,Tom Ande'rson,:.
ikon: AiriattrOng"'Rasxe3lx ~14tuilin;.
strong- Wilson,- .(Torn' MacKenzie
was physically„unfit to .try the..exam-
ination. He has, been pronioted on his'
'Year's work.) •
I. 7Glurdie, teacher
• ' —coo•
Promotion Exams.
Jr: 1V, to Sr,'' 1V. --Ethel Richarr
son' 65r• Thos. Moffat 63, ;Wesley.
Young 60, Jas,,Scott 43 (recommend -
it the natural desire of every woman,'
and is obtainable by the use of Dr.
Obase'e Ointment. Pimpies, blackheads,.
roulehners and redness of the skin
irritation and ss disappettr, and
the skin is left soft, smooth itind velvety.
All dealers or aidmanron, Bates & Co..
LtnSited., onto. pimple free if Ton
mention this paper.
JrIII•—Dorothy Wraith, , Charlie
Tiffin, .. ; '
II.—Daisy' Kennedy,. Alfred Pat-
terson, Huntley Dawson.
Ma'cKenxie,= -Harold-•
The' June Sessions of the county
Court which was held 'here last week ,
Purves, Donalda MacCallum, Stuart, -"before His Honor"Judge-K-len-and-a
Dawson, Goldie Purves,; Johnny .Patt-•
- Pr,—Catherine- Patterson Billy
:MacKenzie, •
- — er.: =of .Eastnor -T.p.: who ryas .charged
% I, Shelton, teacher;.
. • - 0 0 • ,• with perjury, .attempting •to defraud
Jury, proved . very heavy this ye,,ar,
the. Court sitting._the entire week -
Of -the four criminal, charges thre_e,•:
were against--Jo'hnmBntchart,..a. farm -
BELFAST :in surae a company` and' watt. u�-
Monday. July' 3rd..
-m-M1�Ei1%ott°-Miller--aY►d�Mrs� i4iiller:
Lucknow. scent Sunday at Samuel
Mrs. -Charles Alton; :and 'daughter;
Fern,.are visiting with her• -parents -in-
Lucknow ._
-. Mrs, Geo Webb, of St Berens. vis
ited at Geo. Lanes' on' Sunday.
Diss _ Welsh _ is- spending the vaca-•
tion at her home near Pine River.
Master George Topp, bf Toronto,
is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. James
• . Jr.III. to Sr.,III Farish Moffat 01,
Jas. Copley 60, Bert Moffat 60, Jack
Jr 11..to_Sr II,• -Elva Wall 69, Wil-
liam Moffat 67, Jean Orr 55, Jas. Orr
49 (recoinmended),
Sr.'. to ,Tr;Il.-Robt. Orr 60. •. -
Primer to Jr.Ist--Ivan Conley '64,
• •Irene Morgan, teacher.
-No. 9 Kinloss
A S,
V;=.Wrote •exams. at Lucknow.
Sr.IV Triried entrance at Lucknow
Sr;1V,--Robbie Purvis, Win. Devi.
soil, Fraser. Purves, •
'Sall—Annetta Fishery Jessie Pur'•
MOO M+►ollttyre, Mort MacKenzie
Msy , ,
;NM �Marggfliet John J9hl1 ,Q P1 _ Q
• .Mr: -Wesley Agar, of . Seaforth: call
ed on friends in the burg on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Maginace visited at
Adam Johnstone's • on .Sunday._ •..,, •.
Quite 'a number of the people. of
Haskett's congregation, attended •the
Anniversary services in -Lanes Church
on Sunday:.
Miss: Alma-.Ager,,:of •Beaforth, uisit
ed a few days of last week in the
rhe- Belfast :team met •their •first
defeat -in baseball last Wednesday.
evening over et Auburn. urn The Auburn.
boys won out by a score of 17-14.
' ---o o .o=
Mr. S,' 13 • Stothers>: Agricultural Re-
presentative. for Huron County states
that Mr, John Joynt, M P; P for
:North Huron has offered solve extra
prizes for intrested' in the'fol-
lowii%g stitch] fairs: Howick, Wrork
eter,. Bluevale Belgave' St. 'Helen's,
•and Ashfield. The prizes are for, att'
exhibit Of per mansllip for girls -under
12, The exhibit is to consist of a let-
ter of not over, 50 words, addressed -t
ton • The story of B itchart*s fire was„'
given in last week's paper:_The Grand- _
Jury -threar-out thearsoti charge, -arid
Butichart was tried before' a jury on
the -other two charges It was_a hard
-fought-case,: Otto. E. Kleinwho con
dusted the investigation before ; ►ro-
ecutiug and W Ii; Wright of :Owen
• - .:.Tri roc .....-..
-S-Sound defendang._ e_;Iuzy li_ . ght
in -n verdict• of- net ::guilty on _bath'
charges. • . . -:
•James .iVlebonald ; , a farmer living
near Tara, was accused of going over
to the property of . his neighbor,
Walker; accompanied by his °: two
sisters _ and, pounding him on the
head. with a pitch -fork;, The dispute
was over ; McDonald's cattle • being
•�irri canoed . Iz6.'.alker's�,.testini_olly .was... ....._..
--u ►supportect,.:M'iDoneld' ..havin. g..'_the
two :women to corroborate. his evi=
dente. The my :found` the defend--
ant• not guilty after being out a-
bout an hoax,. 'Cxov4n .Attorney.-Dix-
ttorneyDi.xen prosecuted and 1VIcDonalcf'was de-
fended by Lawyer W H. Wright,
McCallum vsi,, anac-
tion -brought-'.by'-.Wt Geo _McCallum•.
acting as agent for his brother, D. '
McCallumi, who wives in the West,
x$500 damages, was' defined by -the
plaintiff„fioni, George Weight sand
;his .sofiti::Wilfred,:; who •weir: joint.'
tenants on his farm in Brat, for
alleged lion -fulfillment; of the terms
of the .lease; The farm was since sold,
for . seven thousand dollars and the
plaintiff' claimed fox -less -money; ow •-
ing to the condition of the farm,
Robertson & • #McNab appeared for
Mr..Ioynt, the subject matter to be on the plaintiff and W. IL Wright K: C,'
school fairs, The prizes are $6, 6t 4, of Owen Sound represented the de-
fendants: The jury was out only a
few •primates, returning 4 verdict in
favor of the defendants.
:3, 2, 1. Eaeh • exhibitor must have a
`;statement from the teacher, certify-.
ing that the work is that of the pupil.
At Wingham Championship Fair
the prizes will be just double those
giver]' at the local fairslust those
winning first, second or -third ]pace,,
will be cc pota lit Wint
Constable Falconer who was fired
by the Durham Town 'Council for be-
ing too officious has been appointed
a CCoun Cons ble. ao the people will
have to put
h ' up with hind w letiteI'°-
3str iih 0 Qt. , t11tii
•Vii.. } '�' ' •+k►+