HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1922-06-22, Page 5y„......,,c-,,,i,,--: ,,, , ,,-...,,.. r ' Y - fC. are ��l ' .. arAA G w��e• Agents?" t � A h ogvse we know that. THE. , CANADIAN • .fence As FULL ADIAN . STEEL , & WIRE GAUGE No. 0 WIRE throughout COMPANY, LIMITED, spend and ` the galvanizing. will riot ,thousands of dollars every year peel off or crack,- It has the in .improving • their fence and: .,famous "CANADIAN"' knot and ....Out they'. give beneath value toss, no more than lighter said always.•. Every roll is exactly' as less durable fences. ` represented.' Anyway,come in and examine 'it. We'll 'Show you the "AMERICAN" •Galvanized Steel Fence Post, too. los We can sell you thisfence as cheap, as you can buy fence anywkl>re: RAE . & -PORTEOUS • ' Ontario. Lucknow, ' , TUX. TAICKNOW., SUNTJNLLr 4111.111,90" 'HINZ 221.., 10.22, l?tT4: c:101,3 OP -ME= CLairkll+ 1*A r,-ee% a, s:::': E'2 sweet el e, five' tCCt and. tea inches btall wet ,handed in at.' he 15entinel office, The plant grew on -?Jr. Doyle's farm -near K;nlalt ;h' and rare tire' told that he has a.nitmbex of ai:rs Cg the clover al};nt •this' height, • • . This Certainly. will 'give an rerior. mous yield of • hay, 'and during` a drive' in any direction throtiolfeut• this partasptendid f=ields of this .crop: may be •seen; Tt is now '•2eing. harvesting .and. the wet •weather, which has set , in is anythng. •but desirable for the farmers en>;aged' in harvesting swear cl :vett he thick jury stalks require a 'lot of d>.ying,. a!id if not properly cured •• the 'stuff 'is dangerous tt stock, as 'many hound .out to their dast thepaat. year. ' I)r. 'Frank 'Schofield,. of •the Ont ario` Veterinary. college'. has .Been tri veatigating -the trouble. He find.; that mould1y, ;sweet -clover • will Poison stock and eause.,death, .A curious fea . Lure. is that: the: moul.d.is:°nt' al,wayt :viseble, but niay be inside the '.sten:• •at the joints,. • .w „ Dr. Schofield states that the feed- ing of sweet :clover hay is -attended with real •danger to the stuck; sweet. clover eusilame is less dangerous and pasturing not 'atill!' • dangerous, HE further asserts that •roperly,'cured in view of the .facts, he asks. why use the crop unless it has some distinct advantageq, not merely because it is a try ad, or • because "everbody's doing ---\`\N\ • • ti 1,551 R V. Cllttrilm PARADE • 0 .AT f fDEL'•.1CH' (Go xtc Signal Iwep"str)' • The . parade Rartielpated . in aby •xenabers'of'tbe ,1-1o1.7' Name Society of ,b,G lerich. and:. three meighttoring thardhes last Siand„ay afternoon was -trite g. success as we11l`as an liven, of unusual in1portance for this.' town;. ' Over 300;2nembers of the. Order at-` te'ided, Rev, -Father :ean,' of Kings- bridge, leedhis group ••bf ninety-five, Rev, Father; Moran; of St. Augustine, preceded fifty-three of his church Rev: Father 'Fallon, of Wingham, headed •his band of ° sixty-seven, while the Goderich Society, • :Ted 'by ; Rev, Father Guam, paraded to :the number of ,one hundred and fif><y; The pxocession, aeeompanied by two bands, .W.ingham and Goderich, Mai+ched up North street:arid around i• •ig ':the Square to the• t.t„ht ,returriittg to.. the"church 'again by the same: route. The men ,ot;the order',,,then publicly renewed their vows in repeating af- ter Rev, •:Father Dean the :pledge to abstain from .swearing, perjury, blas- phemy and profanity, ,Vicar General Monsignor O'Connor, of London; in addressing ` the large audience before him spoke. from St. Matthew 28: 19 and 20="Go ye therefore, teach all nations to observe all -„things, whatsoever I have corn-. manded'.y.ou:': lo. I am with you all days, even to' the consummation of one 'world." This .passage of Scripture, . the spealier said, was the charter of the• Roman Catholic church.. After the twelve Apostles had fled in cowardice they were' reunited and imbued stren- °'th to• p' ea^h Christ and Him cruel- 'fie.d , o the People of Judea and Jerus- alehi. Peter,, who had denied his Lord, 'through hi* inspired 'roes -sage brou- ght over 3000 •souls to 'the `church in •a day. Wise indeed had been the prophecy of the Pharisee Gamaliel who advised' the •Jews .who persecuted the Christ- ian's "If these•words .are of men they shall fail, butif they are from God ye •ean not prevent .them." Ten times in the early centuries had: pagan Rome hurled her vaunted strength against the.church and each. time failure was the only result,' During the fourth century, under:, Emperor 'Con,stantine,' ."Arianism,". ,themest dreaded of all heresies, that heresy which denies the °Trinity of God; lifted up its head to, destroy the ,church, but at Nicea 325;.A. anima"was coxtdemned,:<:the church'.. .lived on! •' ., Other heresies' of all 'conceivable fashion .rose up iri the fifth and sixth centuries ;through' man's pride. to eti NTARhO:S forest wealth is `.dwindling..: Every year forest fires take disastrouscamperstoll. Careless s cause e slave n; per of Ontario's forest fires. • Last 'summer 112 cases of neg- _rent.n.• lected. c mp fires were'reported ' This summer be 'careful: • • • DON'T take chances with fire in • Ontario's forests.'. DON'T throw :away cigarette ,or. cigar butts, pipe "heels" or .burnt matches until you are dead sure they ....._Ism -.out. _ DON'T neglect to drown out your fire with lots of water: ' ' • DON''T. build- i• o-:u.r_..cam _ ..tem_ against i rotten log or stumd—nor ' ori windy points nor' near moss patches; not at the base of a - ,scar Build it in a former tire�r puce. 9r on a lint rock, •' 'or on -Ana cleared -down to the true soil below, or. by tile edge of. the wutei•. DON'T forget that t h e 'upper layer of ground in the forest consists of tiahy rotted wood which will burr,. e' you • When• you build your fire to;'make .tea, fry bacon. of add" Cheer "tit pipe. -and sfary�t`eliing time, use a w,00dsman's• precautions,: The real woodsman builds his fire on an old fireplace, if therebe orie hat�dry. Vail:it-kg that he scrapes • away `. all litter, • •riloss, :and; . fibrous rotted wood down to the 'mineral soil, or the bare rock,' arid preferably 'sorie place close to ' the water. He knows that if fire. gets into the ;moss o the upper woody layter•:-of •'forest soil, 4'. or in a half -rotted log or stump, it "holds over," burns away unnoticed' underneath, and unless fol- • '' 1iwed-'up miff carefully --put• Out, -••is- liable ttu'•break int'd, a flame later. c'He knows how hard it is to put. • su$ii deep -smouldering ''fire out. So . he snakes his cooking fire- : surprisingly small and compact, and chooses a, .spot 'that - i abbiiitely sofa=`M - It•-rs a make' of ;liis'finished _ wOodsmanship ;. how thoroughly he drowns his fire 'out wit plenty 'of water when he is through with it.. Saye the forests. You may want to camp again. •. ,Ontarl<o:• Forestry . BrafllOk. • NiVsoit Id V • l ak ace and well dressed she was wean a Dress or . k �r : of g L:=E thea newes:-t.-material for, Summer Gowns. - Lids'' th-at nice Krepe finish: " We* have it in 6 'popular - Hawaiian n shade.. ==Black Hawaiian Blue, : Flame,' Ocean 'Green, Fal o 'Brow� Elaric Blue; W t coming; 36 .VVh. e ... : W O�a gar int e � de 0 d. IT• S NEW IT'S POPULAR • IT'S.HERE H - N ARRIVAL ANT ER, NEW �R L q 'Fresh from , the factory. Beautiful,, fancy - 'checked -Ratline, in this season's charming, 'bright ' shades A ;little weightier than gingham,• . they fill in .a gap for a heavier dress.- .They are 38 in.= cries. wide, $1.50 a yard:. -'Come and see. them; just what .you were waiting for, 350 Ladies'. _White Rib -Knit Vests, in 5 different styles, worth'up to 75c. each, this week, Special 39c.. or 3 for $1.00... 432 Pair Men's Sox, .Lisle* in Grey, Brown, Navy, Green, . regular 60 • : to 75c., value. Also a Wool Workman's Sock that was 50c. a pais., . Your. Choice 3 Pair for $1.00. T1iE . STORE • VWITH THE STOCK RI PLEY hying destruction to the church but $ 9 00 Th • IVIa are, filling snnkiiole all to'. no avail. os The• _ ""Greek schism," _the.disobed- and widening -,road, $15,00 _ -ieni:'tly the Popeereut'th-e-church-;froin. the ninth to •the eleventh century but stili the ehul'ch survived and contin- ued. strong in the faith. • The , last great blow : aimed . at the thus •h in the• sixteenth century was the Reformation, Again, ` the ,church withstood a blow,' which shoulld, hu-' manly speaking, have brought' ,inbbout hz .do'c-nfali; rbut"imw-flotrrjshes:-in -its unity-, sanctity, and- Catholicity; enrbraeing-three hundred -million •pee _pl,e,' the :.majority' of the Christians: in tl?e' world. . • • The ':•Holy-• Naine Society: was :a:• great organization,-.. doing a grand work becaiise its inemibers•'Wer e led to' •thealtar railing, Not:onlyshould'the • embers,, of:, tiie , order'• fnlfil_..their. vows„ but they should .set an:eecamplle to all' people, within and'without 'the cbtireh; '-assunr positions- of_ ieader 'ship'• among allr'citizens in =both reli- gious andtempoial-:lines,: Rev'. Father, Guam thanked the members 'present ° for having turned °out in such numbers to make 'the day a success,' in its two=fold object "of .glorifying God : and , edifying : the people." : Parliarnent Builditngs, - Toronto KINLOSS COUNCIL `• • ' _th... •. met ..o - • .lune_�..16 __Council:- n `itieni�ers present Tlie minutes of last tneeeting,i ere'xoad •and•:aprpoved.`' C otiiubiniination. ;.of • J G Hriston•_ t.e. repair of drain constructd under By - Law 69. Moved by . Rosa and Colwell;. that. Councillor Ackert examine ' the draft constructed. under Bylaw •69, and if; iii his ` jiadg+n ehf, It can .'be •re paired .without. too much expense, is have the work done, and if not to re- p i-£otfneil-at fig t. Xneeting,, Car•- CATCIINa• • THEM- ON -1111F Constable Blood, while rete rn.ing 'El in. ' home in,.anauto 'from .Port g Paisley,. driv- ingLeslie Watch, of along the highway., in Brant Tp. 'With only one marker 'on his. truck ... . • The, Constable ;stopped hint and also 'found that he was minus a e'hauteur d license.. Weneb was assessed $5 on assessment.. ,pent. for llilt`�t' e01311t, a tot* ds the Miran: of 020.70, n,of Roberts t a fir, . antl .1‘117., alz ..... .. ,... , Clinton have been appointed manager and matron, of. • the Huron County House of Refuge, at salaries of $600 Mr. . and "Mrs; $=l00 respectively, Reynolds who were in 'charge had resigned, '. ' Tobacco dealers report a:'sltarp. der cline in the sale et cigarettes since 'the now taxes went into effect, More men and youths are. buying, Inpes and tb o' actio and, the demand ,for foie cut ' ..tobsictlo tor milnufactltx..e,their • owit is, too on the irmvea$e.' . Owen- Sound tremas to have asa .'i,sidelit` `the `oldost woman in Canada. She •is tMi s. Maurice Ranson, a color-' ed woman, •ts=ho lives in a .small shack, the . _ <v S� is oldest s daughter She c E , ty cl u,. ter of the late John -Ifall,'and is .10th' years of age, having ben born in 1813, Tho date of hor.' .birth is well marked as being just before the close • of• the -war of 181:., Her father was, on escaped. slave who tante to Toronto, but MeV- ed to Owen Sound,in 1837. • • Thep of° r patio � ellae nd i$ always ink disturbed by .some one who ,wants to stop hot tiiities,- l t icaxdine 9� vfow • ` Couneil • adjourned tomeet: at the call of'the Reeve. Geo: G. Moffat, Clerk 0 0— M.UST GET' BACK ,. . TO' OLD PRACTICE Take our-adviee, says --the Algoma Advocate,; and- adopt the. old, pratice. • of =looking ;under. the..zeds,la_dies, be-'•. fb°re . retiring:- ;at_ nighty A: _.co-ttple_if; nights ago two Thessalon..ladies went' up stairs to their chamber and lei surely.got• .ready, for:3sed—turned: out. the electric light, tucked themselves iii" -between the 'Sheets', and prepared for a night's refreshing, slumber, though one of them '•remarked, that. she thought.. there was a peculiar odor_' in the roan. Soine• hoursa passed; like= - 1"3°; when -both "«vvere--aavakened +by a noise'. 'under; -the: bed, and, then, as quick as a; flash, a man crawled out and scrambled' to his, feet,; dashed to the : door, which he:jerked open. band' ran dawn;stairs-tiwo steps at.a trine, An investigation after, showed just where the fell'otiv--had been lay- ing and a;half-burned.,cigarette• This prowler had, evidently been engaged going through_ 'the. oovas ._to--, %teal _ when he beard . the folks coming up• ' stairs, and. crawled under the bed . to --hid --Seeing, li•kelly-that• he -'d_•. -have --to stay_ l re until• daylight anti get cap- tured, ap , ler re , • al. "make. a ,break .ed �r zi: . ;ttIr , dom, he adopted. :the latter ,,course,:: and, to -Use •a ' street phrase, "got away ,with it' • • • LITTLE GIRL DROWNED . IN MORRIS TOWNSHIP • • A very distressing accident oecurr- -ed ever in= %rris Tonknsbin-cit .Hata .1O, when `Viola Scott, the eight year-: old laughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. i - . • M.. Scott, lost her life by d>.owtttnh, She S b , sot out for the cows immediately af- it: r supper, and as she failed to re- tarn in 'the.- usual time, search was made`' for her,' •Her' hat . vias : found floating in,the^ stream, usually .small., but then :swollen by the recent rains, This lead to the belief that she ,night have fallen •.into the creek,' and sure' enough_1ier body was later found its a deep Dart. It is thought that her hilt may have been blpwntrinto the 'water and that in an bifort to recover it, elle VISIT 'US WHEN YOU WANT;„ VALXE • w! lr+ef•miJfrM+>•rwl. A eb.ts and Debtors Moved by. Ackert,' mid ►l+ errs ,that • the time fora eivtn te ge`xs the "Ross rain be extended to July '3, 192• Carried. ed, A c ufls -Ira nk Henry,making Curlin, award Barns and > .$2.00, Alex, Nicholson, saine•as above, $2.1)0,.' Thos„ White, same ,as above, $2.00, tit. James, 70 yards gravel, 87.00; K. •R. McICenyie; 39''loads gray. el,.' $3.00, Anthony McGlynn, 89' loads gravel," $8,80, Tom Burns, 50 loads gravel, $5,00..Tames Johnston, renliov- lig logs Baselfe,• $2,50, 1 .. Mathor's, . . - ..Per. • -408 -ft, �esc'h plank et $ 35. b11•� felllIi d was - unable to• get: out. . 04,2$, R, Cha n roi gradin f cpI 4i or If w e give 'a merchant, our custom, we have a right .to expect hi in ; .to. advertise—to tell us. -w kl� <Columns of _ `-`T.he' Sentinel"- what- ee y• in the • fie -has for-us-•-Advertising-is--.shop-news;-de-' 'signed to ` it -doff -n-147 save our . time, and .bring io._ 'our . attention desirable : merchandise.. Every .; retailer Who is• alive to the interests•of •his• , customers has _.,message -often -many messages. <. for' his customers concerning new goods,special " n feri-ngs, and things . that we aught, to know about... • Cust'omers and non -customers will be at-: tentive • and: responsive 'to these messages; if- they • are 'delivered_ every week in the form of ;adver- ; <; • tisentents in "The: Sentinel." The way to get more .business is to ask for it, • A:NOTE TQ•.MEtRCHANTS Would YOU b . e . uy much.. or regularly- from. Rims ••' that never solicit y our trade' Do you • not say— "The "Rim '"that Wants niy ;business:must`-tante' of • ' tern, it?" • �Y = §o3ite; =of- yilu=day; iii ffect, re otwc rust"otnefs --"We're here,. •If ;jou want our goods,' come: and get• them, but don't .-expect ea. to •go after . you" - It's a poor• rule -that doesn't work -beth ways;,' Shop.Where You Are I ivited to Shop a, 'Issued • by Canadian Weekly . Newspapers Association IS NOW POORER $irT WISER . • A well known man of Guelph was the truth of. adage reminded of the adage, r "All isnot as t seems," when a travelling gypsy asked to be allowed. is bless his money,..a custom preva- lent'in. the •bandit -infested- country 'of the Apennines. On her request, he promptly r,emovea • a large roll ;of bills from his pocket: Sh r'then ask- ed ,that die take Out some, io silver so at s that ; abQ �co�l4 • .•4it�rae tat� � . fib_ . )411 y she took the bills in her hand,, she opened them in orddir to ydo the job , properly and then neatly. folded them again. The man returned 'the roll to his pocket apparently intact, , blot a later investigation dist°losed that $2G was missing.. : ' A vote of •prisoners in a state lieltt. itentiari resulted in a yote` 100 to i favor of prohibit+^-- When the devil ,•. is in, the devil, a saint is,lle.•..-QIt Jourlielo_ :- la • ,t • e " '.i,, : r►