HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1922-05-18, Page 8'iR c : ' 'a • 434443404 • r, Fitr. I< tl 24th , of. *11 ltaa frena recogmze4 acs the p rop r r te a to .don. yo>tur Straw .*H -After tkhrt colol ee4pail* oaf''Spring tune;, the warm• weather and the Straw Hat are Bialy lire, 1.411.111Store jai well prepared to meet the most discriminating buyers.. `We h*'y'Is'1fate for •alt 1►e*d0, little and'big. Sea'our splendid rata;*• to choose groin, elr, U'daY GOoda for Men are VOTE SHIRTS,. N>.W 'PIES,' .sI%,K and LISLE SOVgS, VOATLESS;BRACES;,1 QBBY GAPS,.,BELTS, GARTERS, COLLARS; and• a' fine grange of OXFOItD:.SHOBS; • lien's gaminer° Underwear Men's Mereno Vnderwear, very One quaslity.••Price per gs hent.. •$2:00 Menet Net rl Wool '.Upderrwear, ' T ere of notelt, for comfort and ' ,good wear, Pricedat 32.00 to. 32:00 'Men's Fine Balbriggan Underwear4 . in all sires, at .7$c,, 85c. and 31.,00. Middy Blouses How cool and comfortable. inthe: hat days is the girl in a Middy Blouse We are showing 'a range in attractive, Styles with often and colored • detachable collars. 'Priced ' : , :... $1.50 to $2,75' ,► n ciSd V I,n�es>Ou"es`ble°This weep• G111s' -Gingham Presses' far iges .6 4or4:yeas, Special • $1.50` tea $2.25. Bine.: and :White S tri fled Aprons, large' `sizes,' Sale Price 75c; 000d, quality Striped. Shirting,. regalii:r.05c., Onr Sale at lilt; Mice 'quality.-Cettoh'Towellingt Special llc.s a: yard. Striped'path Towe'll'ing ,at 20c." per Yard, . Fine White 'Turkish Towelling,: Special 35c, a yard: .,• Sale' B fires � � lar 6 0Q t$12,00, • n a at 1-3 • ' "]� T.adies Sxlk and Grape de ;Chane Yo eau $ . o O S >eOkl1F"♦. 6 . ashes •. Mcoat5 .$10:00 to $10:00, a #pif Price • fi we one Nay ' 10 is . at, You�rz•-Service. , . j,,l�i:figst �Z► Esc. Sell Cheaper Ttxsaa The Credit Stores-.. r. e Our Scor �eadquarters: 19th and 20th • PAY ---Y0 ASHFIELD: COUNCIL Council metas per 'adjournment. A11 present except Councillor•Came-. bell,. rho was absent through illness.• Minutes,of March Meeting read and on :motion of J"ainiesop and 'Sirllivaii were adopted. Moved' by„ Jamiesan andSullivan, and resolved that :Council ask :the Good Road System to repair road' 27a and 27b, Clerk';to *rite to R, Pattern son and B, Beavers regarding same •:Qn'ti otion of Farrish'and uilivan, and ..resolved . that:_Township_pay:. Cents' an hour far :man and 3 -horst roam while dragging road. Moved by.l!arriah and Jamieson, and resolved that all loads on. 'roan boos be Iiinited to. one and a hag cubic yards at the dump. •• The fol:lowin2; •accounts were ord-.. ered paid, on motion, of ''Parrish ano Suit/van:- uliuilren's • '"Aid " and Humane ` So- ciety,,:Goderich, $10.00. John-1VI Carfhy,: balance on gravelling, R. 3, ' $t).00. -P.. McCarthy, :gravelling X. $11.10. Wes. •'Twamley,' dragging R.• 3, ;py.,UO P. Gilmore; repairing cul •vert: K 1, '$2,00 John Swan, 'dragg ing R. 1, '$0.1.u. Gordon Ritchie.' re• pairing :culvert, •R,,.2,. $5.00 =Adan. Johnston dragging R. 2, $1.50. E. Jaime bagg'ing :.R..:.2, $6.00.• L Parrish, ging R.-,42, $1.80. B B. .hie, wagging -R. ' 1..34;80 T ,dragging., R. 1, 33.00 _'rank. ,Murphy, filling at bridge, R. J, 39.50. R. McGee. repairing road, R 5;-_$2 00._ urp ,.digging ditch, R. 3; $3.15.. J. ulli'Van, dragging R 4, $6,00, Mc- Lean, Kempton and McKenzie. dragg- ing R. 1, $20,00, 'Hunter Bros., drags, delivered, $62.50. Municipal World, supplies. $8.. C E McDonagh, bolts rot drag, $2.50 Mrs. Kickley, grant, $.30.00, G. Jamieson, repairing •hill, ttoad 1, 42:50: .. ' ' Council ,adjourned to meet ,May 25th.. at 10 a,m....for Court _of .:Re- v sie;n re Assessment Roll. • C. E, McDonagh, Clerk. •o 0-- • The Lucknow Hardware & Coal Go THE STORE 'THAT NEVER -DISAPi'OINTS• DIDN''T.' SEEM• JUST RIGHT h was condo tabll li01ht- Uncle dos w s_ y an m -one- co _ pipe in. .• the 11 r 'iT, his t v p g P daeiiing when Aunt Maria glaniced up •_:.-from.:ber-.knitting, ._...---'_=.---- -- "Josh," .she. remarked,' i3do you know that next Sunday will be the twgnty-fifth anniversaryof• our wed; (ling?" "You •• don't --say •so. Maria," re- sponded Uncle Jgsh..pulling .vigor- caaly at. his corn >cob pipe.""What. about•itID "Nothing,' answered Aunt Maria "dnly I &mi ht 'maybe we ought to a, « elbow, and fracturing the ,kill them two Rhode Island. Red :, . ., two places.'the bone protrud- chickens: ...unt__Iliznueh .the.. -flesh; After-•strpkref- <.$ " feria," demanded Uncle the ^ss,►+ evening Mr, Stanley Dar'- Josh, :.'how can you blame them two '• Rhode Island Reds for What hap- ing jr, .was rubbinm down the rash, tienedtwenty-five yearn ago?" ---San when the same beast that had kicked Pretneissco Star. • backhis was ,tdrove amed. at him while his --opo-omasting an Wash at the back of his head ant' Most traffic cops ideas seen, to be fracturing the jaw' in tsvo 'maces, to keep 'the pedestrians froni inter Both patients are retorted to 136 'tlo• IOW with the 030411101 ing very well, - VICOUS-11O11:SE-INJ URES PATHER ANIS SON Mr. Stanley' rlarlirig• sr,, a prom- inent_ Carrick rominent__Carrick. r i me -and !his _ see •Stanley, ,acre otli ' laid .un with ser- ious injur : s the result of .'be°ng kinked +by ti -'ams= horse on lhe' sane- day T. s t•• _Friday after dinnei 'Mr: Dark r '..itching up a eam to work in field 'when one ohe nal kicked at hint, striking -him HURONCOUNTY .;;HAS. JUVENILE COURT Through the efforts of the Child- ren's Aid Society and Police Magis trate Reid. Huron county has, obtain- ed -a Juyn*sile. Court_thrnueh..the of Attorney -General Raney. which dates from SaturdaylV+^-�*� The object• of this court is' to dear with boys under eighteen, and b;,. very fair treatment m ake an itiVen erort to..any ctilprit etarm_im Tris -con- duct •and mak a fresh er i,:a•• The ac: cused will be held for trail at a de tentien-homier rather -than n-lgil,-:ant` supervision until •the age of twenty .me "is .to' be undertaken' in all' 'cases .vhere possible. Elliott • oatiion Office , andclerk will of the is Pro this court, ind as such will have the powers of a Provincial law officer A 'juvenile ^ommittee of six or eight _nenis. yet to be'•; appointed; `this body will very • `argely be renresentatves of the Chil lren's Aid Society. Police Masrittrate Reid ms•• pass ;entente on. the boys in quite a vari- tv of wave. They may be sent to the , ')ntario Reformatory '*,Toronto. St. Tohn's Industrial School;:w¶Tornntn, o• Miniico Industrial • School, They iv beparnted and --' --ars over to the. sireetion rid supervision of the Chi1- drenis ' did, . •, at , . r • ,,jSY�il T •Ile ■wb��, Its it *gam Foodt E ped Hy to Yoong;C*ttk Inveu. atlonaI Wolk by Provinctat voterosoans, It makes Castr'a- tion'•a�ud'l elhoriihig Risky. --Mu '', Research: • lend:. cpelHwent �Ne�'r uary.. �4 (Conntribut.d by Onttlrto 11,Qartment, of Agriculture., 'J uro>)lte.) Reeently considerable eleknees and • 'losses have ' been reported• among cattle beimg;fed: on••ensilage. In some instances only a few. .animals baye been- eeted oft.°:a particular fermi, • but in a few. eases the losses have bee0erious.: as one farmer is known to have lost 17aulinals out of a herd of 50 ' cattle.. The frequency ,and: pec00t3t of these losses has'led.the Departiuent to have . •investigation ' atnd ezperiments' made to 'determine tll4 cause.,5. _ • Inv.stlawtionol Work byt :Ontario: Veterinarians.. ',•� • The` staff of the Ontario IVeterinry College have. he -en• in: close touch -with the veterinary. surgeonsthroughout the province; ,;and reliable informa- .tion• obtained as to the ' prevaiting. circumstances where cattle have ated In; all_gaees investigation has. reveal;,• ed the: fact tiler the losses, have occurred hiaipng cattle. fed extenslrely on sweet .clover ensilage' which, had bee0Pre mouldy, Samples of the en silage were -shipped to Are Veterinary College;' and experiments conducted .clearly indicated. that mouldy sweet. clover ensilage, wap "'roharmful. to cattle. • m observations , and ,Information i available at the present/time, it.would appear that the`:: harm fa confined to,, sweet clover enailage which has be- come mouldy, and that the contipued feeding of. it is .liable,•to cause death, Young Cattle; the •"First ter Succumb. It is an• interesting !`act that•young "cattle'••under. •threo years -of age are the ones which..huger moat• severely and succumb the .quickest. In illus • tration0olz.thia'` '.411n .case,. ineptioned where 1u,,a, herd of 50 • staf tl{ez;the 17 . `.which .died,,were all yrou_rig, cattle un: der, two• ,°yearsd of age . and, in good condltton. No.pickness lificbeen•pred ent in'the, herd. until after the feed- ing:et e the ensilage •commieneed, and the Yosssts oe'ciirred'' Within a"•few weeks ,Apparently ' mature, : cattle over four` years;. of • age are able to ;withstand the ill effects better than young . cattle. ',However, .continued . • feedingr'of damaged sweet clover en •"silage may ;be harmful to cattle of all ages. •. ' . It, Makes Castration and Deborning.: • . Dangerous It, it; also interesting to note• that operations, ' such as • deliorning and. casea/Aragon� performed qn cattle that have been, kept largely on mouldy sweet ;plover ensilage caused sudden death .in -many -'-cases„ while the: same operations siinilarly performed • on . cattle ,ted .differently have not been followed by'ill'effects. The exactna- ture of the poisonous factor associated with the ensilage, and the manner in, which it produces harm- -till effects in cattle-antl•to cause -their death has not yet " been definitely 'determined, ' and any . opinions ex- Ore/Oleg at the. present' time are based on '.*.practical observations. ' Moro "Research and Experimenting • jltoquired In fact a large amount of intense study, investigation and research Will _be necessaryto obtain reliable con- e-hisicths regarding. the '`possible dan- gers i;nc dental --to the• 'feeding- of mouldy sweet clover•ensilage,or as to whether sweet clover Cut at 'cer- ` tain stages and under certain con- •ditions 'develops harmful properties .as silage. In the meantime sufficient.' evidence is at hand .to. justify warn- ing -fanners -against-the---feeding ••of - mouldy ° ensilage to • live stock in ;order to avoid Josses, and under no circumstances•'should, operations' in- 'cluding'delrorning and castration be -Performed: on -:cattle -ay hich'a;re-being fed • on sweet clover- ensilage if. it _appears. iouldy.: Such animals seem 'to.develop marked vascular changes which produce a tendency to internal hemorrhage resulting in death.=Dr. C. D. McGilvray, Presideht; Ontario Veterinary College,' Toronto. Clover Seed Grown at Home Is Safest. Ciov,er • seed from Italy° and other countries of similar climate produces ,:plants that are not hardy in north-, ern districts of Caiiada and the: United States. In 1919'four and one- half millions of pounds of this seed came -into the United States. This feed is not sold to fanners' In the & iidttion=that--it comes 114 because. seed=houses know • it- is inferior and .vill not produce ,good' trolls -There- fore it -pis. -mixed with native clover' seed 'and undoubtedly is the' cause ticonsiderable extent of the un- --tiatlsfaetoi`y clover crops. The only way to be safe is to buy 'rom relfabbrerms which will gear. ntee the source: of the seed or pur- h ;se front growers . in the .immedi- csY ici � � � a When ' Pc�i IiasitY'g direct iom r 'rowers care 'should' be exerased -'to 'setsre seed free from noxious and iior wl`se troifbleso" 1nq;0 d ids C. Amy., University of Mifilesota. ASI.IPIELI7 NO*' Ian McRae is spendiniC * few days vissitipg-friends in ;Toronto, r • ,Ir Etatign, of Lucknow, *pant, - St ndiy at Tato Ensi 's, • . ' . Mrs, Rob ,'Ebben, sf Ifint*il, call'- 'I ped cn friends to Iloehaalsh 'during the week, • - ` ' , Mrs. -Valencia MeIOulre is: visiting' With her mother, Mra. •Jseac Ensign, er,, for few days" , - Mr., and Mrs. • Jack lender's on end iiliildren, sof Paramount,,..visitied with friends in 1tilhiteehureh.• • Mrs, W. , R. Walker, of Huron, visiting with her daughter, Mrs.. Jas. Struthers, of Paramount. • Mr, and Mrs. TedDexter' spent a day last ,t*eek .with Mr;, acid , Mrs,': Charlie, Dexter;` near *know; Mrs, Albert Campbell,, . of-' Amber, ley,,.was=the, guest of her sister, Mrs Jap:-McDoneiid, of 'Paramount i fqr; a. few 4ay.s, recently. Mt, and Mrs,D. McLennan have returned honie- aftei",: spending a..few days in Toronto',with, their daughter, Mrs, Gordon ;fiieke. - Ray McGuire .and. Neil McAdam purchased the two fast race horses,. "Tony C." and "George Alfred", : from. M,"Durnin,, Goderich, •and we ex pect they will be, attending the races this Summer in Canada and .-the Unit-. ed States.• ° 0.0-0— • FOURTH CON. KINLOSS rs...i i , visiting'': ' lli Melvin Irwin le with friends in London thie week; . Mr(Dink Martin, is busy . hi Ming 'tile from" the St.- LUelens Biiclk •yard. Our line was wen represented at, the Presbyterial) Church Lucknow on" -Sunday to hearthe Mr. Patter-. son of Srirnia, • Mr. Ed; •L. ittle has :m 'ed on to the farmwhich he- bought this :siprsng from 1VIr; Rod MacDougall, while Mr,: MacDougall, has moved ,to. the Peter. Macintosh •,farm,, east of the .Grdy Ox corner, •. • . . . „ , Mr. John Christie, 'who with his. family . came ' out from Seotiand •a year ago, and has 'since been, einploy- ed with Mr Walter MacKenzie • has: engaged to work with Malcolm :Bros,, of Kinlough, and will be 'moving there i in the near/future. - It is- very encouraging to farmers, to see such a fine prgspect of :a rich', harvest of fall wheat as we 'have in this part. On a trip of several ' miles' taken- •recehtly We . sans. •:many fine fields; but think one belonging to Mr; Hodgkinson of Huron, Township Was about the best. . —o .o o=- The faults which a man condemns out of office are • the. ones he -com- mits when 'in: 1 A SP,Ec IAL l h \ 0 Bush, NOV Century Oats (1920 Crop) Carmen. Variety Seed Potatoes for Sale . • (only a few bags left) • Will be altering the. following New Itriinswi'ek Seed. Potatoes. (sample Can be seenat the store):. Green .. Mout/tali, Irish' Cobbler' and. ° Deleware, This is an • - opportunity to secure a change o fa. first-class' seed • • stock. .Call and see sample„ and •bock Inter order, Seed:, Corn; shelled or on `' cob. ' direct from • corn fields of Ontario, where Government ,experts bevel fail ,;to locate ally corn 'borer, and• guaranteed, as good • germination as is obtainable, to be sgld off',, ear at G. T. R. station about. 'May 15th. for $1,25 bushel, (Customers booking orders ' will feceive above price • • • or in and will be • advised on arrival:) All kinds of Clover and ;Grass Seed -for •Sale, in¢1ud -, ing Ontario Variegated Alfalfa, Northern grown and'. 'Grimms, Red and Alsike Clovers • and Timothy, . as well' as White. and Yellow (Albotrea.. Strain) blossom. • Sweet Clovers. Some Cane•Molasses still left and can be secured by e thbarrel e. smallquantities, aswe have it -on tap. - R.• F} SN rododomoimoomoo 1.. r G•e _ Sad at eo , oods'Wand. y 'Gerit�s . • Furn�is ngs Conti hued Until lYlaa -20t. at LUCI Now. &Iiiiesthi Celebrate, by wearing one, of our. _New Stra ' w Hats.. See the splendid rams we are showing, � ,g, all new. from -$2,0f to $4.50. • ' m Special lines of every=day fiats at 25c. New Neckwear, the season's newest novel® ties; 50c.. to $1.00. Stri ed Cream 7xrou p .. sers,: pec�a�l. $7.40• a parr. , �. Plain• °Gra .�.,h • odes. alb $4 New Shirts, ._ just in,_ Priced $1.75 KhakiOutingTro • , users of the better kind. d -Nit 1 it -it -de a • y nd cuff . bottoms an,d be •R It $tri • Keep Records. +. Adequate records •are.necessary to 'to efficient management of any bust., ass. The farmer, to be successful, lust -be a business man as well as t grower' of crrop9 and producer of ' dye .stock, .: a bs. man h; should have suitAsable btisluinessiiesss records.e Uniformity bestlirable. :Every poultry raiser should make a study of the market demands: A uniform color of eggs and flesh' in Poultry is desirable. A mixed flock • wi11 not prOdaCe ilnlforrn eggs.or meat, and exitfrom such a Se • ire • ifftreit • Try Us 66 for - Hosiery. and Under- wear ~;a • f!. Lino leumE.: Oilcloth and • Curtain Goods