HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1922-05-18, Page 3Oa- 'iUtaler the- Seat
For Ineallerneeltilr1111.07. fedntheitn-e-
dim the -sott.14t4v.leittch fleflinseaVI
141.94 beY9114 the reahns of possibilit7.
BtrtuetuatlY halMOttedt iat'rt
agie-and ha the flier two men
° lehrlY lofit theirlireel
The *hip tia4 slink la fairlY deep
"Ivaten Off the' llorldi coast, 'AM a
;hole in the bottonA at her hull where
had, struck 9a9dr1fting mine, and
•despite all efforts to raire ter to. the
eurfare., had, refused to inoVe
• It was -decided that the OnlY way to
get the boat up Wes to pump ,corn•
• 'pressed air into the hull, and so foree
• the water'out. If that could he t done,
to the slirfaCe.
14.. Two divers: Went glove aad, cUrnb
Ing into the ship through the hole in
' the ,hali stopped. Op all• cranks in tbe
*old with oiled oalcum. ;This wee a
Imple ,inatter as the. law& hole that
'rea0 her Was on.the bottom and would
not have to be: stopped up. Mr PnraF•
.ed inewould be • only able to escape
•throughani holes in, the ten. °
..'".But after air had been puniped tato
'the 1ilp replacing the .water 'in; the
" Main bold, she still wOuld not „come up.
There Wag a •leak sorhewhere, and the
•..air. was escaping ' too fast for their
The, two divers wept ,./lown once
more, and climbing into the hold Of
the boat, now empty • f water, stamped
. heavily about in their weighted beets.
Candles were lit, and 'armed with
these the men made a Careful search
for the point where the air was ("seep-
, •
• •
fag, the sudden gutter.ing, of the flame
showing where the draught of escap-
• lug air was.
" Then the disaster occurred. One of
.. • •
the flames licked the new dry oakani,
which, saturated With tar and oil, in-
atantly burstinto. flames. -
There was no time to force the
hatch open. and :let • id the Water that
surrounded them, and the two men,
• .hampered by their heavy diving suits,
had to fight the flames as hest, they
oould with their rubber -covered band..
One tiny .hole.to be burnt in their
• suits. meant death for themen, either
by suffocation by smoke, -Or drowning
when getting back into the water.
• Fighting desperately, they beat the
• flames out at last. Thee, moredead
than alive, the divers stumbled away
to the hole in the ship and signalled
to be drawn up to the 'surface, lucky
• at not having been burnt to death at
the bottoin of the sea. •.
ee-e-sie war lemesen-
-*ram; 'ow' • •
,71511. DR, J. 01. MIDDLETON
° PrOviticial Board of flialtie ()Merle
Dr. hfiddieten Will be gled, to answer -questions on Public. Health Mat
ten through tnift Atillinete. 'Address Spelina Nouse, 82010
. Crescent,' Toronto, •
The caut3ed 'or influences that bring
about a laxity oftenorals•derOne of the
great problems tacit*, rObliic
Health' officials and workers, for so-
cial leetterMent at the present- time.
• Professor',1'. A. Pale ef Teronto.Uni.
varsity in referring to the campaign
now being waged against venereal
'disease •in. this provinee,cites several
jnilleettees that: May tend towards
lowered situidard of morality. While
admitting that enviraninent. is a
poweefel Yoder in, the development of
character, Professor Dale erephat3ixes
the' feet that human -beingie inherit
certain tendencies for good Oe evil
ten eeeealkeeedeS Zettifeep Velele.11 reeeelii tgea. Wee leeee.e. IQ=LW
it11.4311. that. tieeteiele "WeeQl i4U-itteidentally to thedistillation of .004 miup.
sous OW the Paa4111414. §aell at re" fOr'iditlig derlag the War -,the 0%01
°pileieent nWeelUoit car 0 Plgat44:141:114:01: bbtriltif eroe.q7olairii4:t,rgtile jawnon,theturim tbp
e of
volou, Is sittelt VOrawswg Output of benzol has heett.eentinnett.
worth. ;Vneivi!,4 to Preaneetlar ler 414.:Bratil trials have been Made of
4COMnreratirlY aahealirtleedryrillii4tr 011, 0; Sae" InsuiXtr uuree rontaininng alteholi.kerosene: .•
ON . rtpav,..,1052,41:Ltie
gatI.L...111011 Siii400" 'R RAY
"Mit . • . YOtiliWWITT*113AL FIROT. OR
°Amt mu v DHT
• • f to 'tht the endue 1 11 ric acid el 4 even castor 00 4 a
• ' M
SO eurelk end so well whether oil �r
foe' where Pil or gas lqinisequent difficulty on steep grades ..0............/
WM, quietly and aireeet ,-invisiblY but.. they 'have not been successful,.
:swinging with sraall *411upPitude in a OffiCial reports on results °Mallow'
acknowledge, first, .fewer miles to the
'smell exhausted Iron case. Shotild tell
if standards Of morality are to be r43 Are. bar it:
lain becomes. one of moral: education • • Willem; second, dituinished ower, with
raised. Parill.ration 0 the Mind and 'at°, the saml eDeke. cannot be °CCU' or with ,lieaele lOrldie Midi, trouble in
body of some F. le w a •• "
how can thia;„be deine? By increasing' tPelts ale Pre,nt t° exem tbeTe can' • after several Isms' ixileness; and.,
dctreasing - net be oil or gas in ,any quantities foUrth, . dirisolvent. effect on tanks,
the ••-*Moral Strength and
moral weekne4.- l'ePa re , h ;Pusresi.le:scittehs.eni3,01thotzatththeeab*P441.14.erlant..0,itielpt ' pipes, ete., with consequent clogging
of the carburetor. . I
hereditary tendencies of ...the indi-
viduale there are Many • influences: grasIi., on the. ether tiand, . • "The way. out? It ie hard to say
ing of literals.. These WO •L when its period is too long, this woulfle be, but •it is We te. IV
about a ' the pendulum is Swinging. Wetpolinfletwhyt, l What* it v4.11
tbat undoubtedly hring t lower-
uenees • are , found Most likely' it seems that we
well known and than learn haw .to make use of lower,.'
Mule the leas danger:1ln". Tilhielyaciecine4 olle!man:LtsheatihtelLerteja:stnffefo6rel4w'hiachdiftiecayt gradefuel 'tit .11 her boiling point
perhaps even keroseoe, though in
pover44 bad housing accourmod*Iont . lig oll, gas or rock of :small density, order to accomplish that we must'
'drink, hick ef exercise, delayed
that play a large part -in their au- of brOthel keepers am:Um:ire' degen-l' - n ea/1 ngs
But Now Montreal Woman
Eats Anything and Feels
Fine All the Time --Gives
Taulae Full Credit. .
fV. w••••••••••=....
"ornearYy five months before tak-
ing Taniac 1 had to live ea mUk and
Welly water alcine,"said Mine. LOoisa
•Breeen-,1368 Amity St., elentreal, Que.
'sliffered to, alma Lee pe.st two
Years.I Was 'almost a wrecle atly
digeattonwss so bad I was almoxt
afraid to -eat for everything disagreed
with me. My liver got to troubling me
lee, and pains' in my side nearly run
,was brokeu by ;terrible beedadtes. •
me wild. Nearly every leight my eleeel
4 teak the first bottle of Tanktc to
• • di bt' Plea bY dense tacb4? And. a den" Starting the, motor, in the morning
s • that while the.pereinlani is. able to
:Owe weery monotonous work, eidle work out .the problezri, of. erigineeeon-
predietedelinitely the tihsence Of oil
berecioria course, the aetitiltie.a aid gas,Which maymean•th
M thouseads of dollars uselessly 'ex.
Pleaded to the search for these dealt,-
gnitude of this task
tude towards life in general, and their erates, .
Mental; moral and physical make-up. At once the ma
'The original instincts of every hu- towards moral a
Man being, he said, determine to some becomes apparent
extent his daily apt; the things he ing influences an
notices and his attitude towards these are badly neeaed
things. There is in some intilviduals 'int -day life, but
an innate tendency to wrong doing as if radical ellen
dud to faulty.heredity, but these ten- made in our who
deneies can be in great part eradi- trial system, if th
cated oriessened by the exercise of and the tendenei
will control through. the choice of cleared away. Int
lines of action and conduct. Sex Men in all progr
instincts, Profess& Dale explains, go trying to find
'deep and far; *itch beyond the mere ground work .fo
matter of reproduction of the species. certed action tow
These instincts are intricately .iwoven moral etandard o
• into the whole human 'framework. In men. At present •
dealing With sitoh"a matter, the prob- begun,
- possibility et ,the'presetice of oil or
nd social betterment able commodities, it only forecastthe
d healthful activity
. Knowledge, re n- gas. •
it seems sometimes HIS NERVES NOW
everyWhere in pres-
ges will have to be . , ...,. .
e underworld of vice •EVER
I social and inclin-
es thereto are to:be , •
elligent men and wo- . • e.-----
essive counteies are How An Ontario Teacher- Re-
a ..eommon plan or .. , a
arrdestyraryrimmorneez g ined Good Health.
"I am a school teacher by Profes-
f hoth men and Wo- sion" gm. Mr. James R. Thomson,
the work has hardly
Chinese Art in Rugs,
• lqany very beautiful rugs are now
'being imported into this country from
• China. The best of theni are of
sheep's wool,. the raw material ebeing
• • derived from Mongolia.
The people.; a Mongolia are •mostly
nomads, their property 'being in flocks
ande herds., Wool is tilde priricipal,
• market produet, and they, 'ship it by
• Caravan. Sometime.s as many as 000
• camels laden with .wool will arrive rit
• Kelvin in a bunch, the stuff being fee.
• warded by rail from that poiut to
Pekin and. Tientsin. • •-
• Much this weal is Made int6 rugs,
which -figure very importantly in, the
every -day life id the Chinese.: • The
designs Woven into them are *veil sup-
posed to influence the Welfare and
first-rate quality 1110 improve with
- -age in- lustre mrid -beauty, -and are
banded dovni from father to son as
valued heirlooms. .
-.Every boatman the Yellow River.
carries a -rug tte a necessary part of
-his outfit; He-sttuats. Oneit• by-day:mid
-night.----Travellers in-
Western China always are provided
• ivith-rugg, to spread on the:longs"'
• it the inns, which custonearily fur-
nish no; bedding for their patrons,
Making it necessary fdr one to carry
The kang is ciee of China'e most im-
, portant institutions, and is found in
every dwelling. built nmesig one end
of -the Hiring room-- It is ra, Sirneture
of brick •or mud,- hi the -shape ofea
• ,divan. In Winter e.Ere is kept burn-
ing.beneeth it, and members of the
family spend much of their time on it.
In peer folks' houses the Icing. is
:covered with.coarse mats, but, in the
• residences of the rich handsome rtigs
^are -Waseca over ite •
• Improved Electric Welding.- -
• lectric*vvelding, has two, prineipal
applicatioes, the are end resistance
processes reineetiVely; !Oat. Welding
• being a special modification of the let-
• , ter applied tlysheet Work. 'Thee sip-
'‘- .-eted.work or for, sections of irregular
;lineations are unsuitable or complic
:.profile, so the fusion process hits been
•1 • By this p,gocess the two pieces to be
welded are brought sufficiently close
to strike a series of arcs between
Tha.pieces Etre than gradually
• dravin together, • sof-that the whole
welding area appears to be enveloped
• in a shower of sParits, the sections be
'ipg thus gradually melted in an even
• rnanner7over=-Theeitilidieiteede-
The- eiirrent 'is :then switehed eft'
is,.nd the two pieces are pressed
gether -and United:
. The strength of welds , made by this
'process is Chtlind to .°be. 98 -per cent,
of that of the unweldecl material,:and
• the process can be inecessfially 'ap-
plied for welding tube strips or 'Bind -
Mr material, and especially for weld-
ing tool steel cutting ends 'to 9n:tin-
:It/T.' iron -or- titeet,holders. shell
eases and foe all ledge, sections it has
• been found advisable to bring the
pieces tope red heat by using the cur -
rept as iit ordinary diiitt welding,
• forcibly separating them if necessary
• with the current switehed off before
•Starting the fusing procege,
OIL OR GAS LOCATED is due aeul)InfPli;I
• • a - • • at ' Ottawa .than
• .BY PENDUL .biitances are Meg
north. Thee 'la One reason Why spring
eveighing. :the g
graviteupon the
EARTH'S DENSITY poles arid the eq
FECTS OSCILLATIONS. • ference •atn•ounte
hundred the. • 1
With the' great
' • '" •
Pendidam. Definitely- servattons, Or g
• •_ • _ • as :otherwise ca
• Absence •of Oil and Possis • ef the pen
•.bility of its Preience. the gravity 'Of .th
•b Over. Many parts
We haye seopped before inetecit actual. linear. ni
and •watnhed theependulem go le and have been' made
fro, and tick off. the se:bonds Of. time earth is sdeteriut
in. its ceaseless work. Why it ticks gree of accuracy,
off seconds, we preibalily do, not know, latitude know
and *furthermore do not ,oare—we theoretical value
• gine* below that it is, lb 'baseness or, which .is the
. to. do se. . Hriwever, there is a reason; aectidetely the le
it is dependent -upon -the -length' of the, lum _inust have
• ,
Tenduluna "rand'tipon _the thee.° .eeeends the -e'
that causes. it to Oscillate. IV' we. „Reck Formation
chaege les length the period •will be The mean .den
different or if we .theagedie-ferce which is a little
pull, retaining the same length,. the tildes that wa
pli.yriod- will again be ,differeut.':• . •. ternened and. in
Attraction of .the Earth. • 01 the many di
. The •Pult or foroe ia essentially the formations- dint
attraction of the earth upon the die constitute the e
planga bob Of the Pesedulnineen. that. on which the -'es•
• we allow apeedeilum Of invadable ent, • Any 'cluteg
swing7.1n- (141Terelit--parts of =ottlient:71lk-there
the earth and note the' ininiber of: of the osellintio
s It makeiesaY an hour or in' -It-is obvious th
a. day, it will give us a measure for is morre effectiV
'eeterectiaing -the' differenc&of pull qt. .remote in its 'att
eitttradtion of .theeeartete.whieh Would,
mean that it would 'tell us the dee;
• tiett distarieerethatawe- are- from --the emphasize -that
cetitreref-theLearth at_the_variou. .penduhunia_den
tions ef obseriatioat. From this it is trib'ution.„ of -Mat
Obvioui that theligure. ft, .
of the earth may be found by Means We are just n
vealing what the
of the pen;dulum- . • • .
Thatigure and rotation. of the earth the work Carried
effect the,'pendislunie in two distinct ObservatorY. L
ways- In, the no_rthere lemni_Spheie- go- weeds of the 'p
beg Southward, ^ 'sat; •from Ottawa to keit-dee eneerea
Wagbingten, we get a Iftitle farther lums hese no cl
ttway frometheepeettre of the earth on oo an agate p1
accouniebtetherequateriaLbulge. Then, egateeknife4edge
furthermore, at 'Washington the 'Mee.- letion of a eingl
trifuteal fore .is Kreger, there is_a_ eto:_ean':_e•extritar-
greate.r tendence to fly oft; so that curacy--Ao the
altogether the -pull etiletta.weeteegreeta_secand_of_time
or than •It Is at Washington:, rived' from s
, .
Effects on . Sprite,' Balance. , • Tell Whether O
It may be obeeeved. that it miner; • Hence, if we
v,veighing his gold the Yukon by at a 'deice whos
means -et -if it" spring balasteeennd . 4E4. ly knoWne and
lieving,eete tepreSent so Many. Pounds oSeillation of t
atbd ounces. would • naturally •be eine period is known
•prised lie.eweighed the same gold Ottawaeand Wa
with the seine sprieg.balenee ,Ot• .Whether there .1
tawe, before turning bie gold „over_to of° mass about
the• Mint, to find that It weiglied less In another wo
bere by somahing like the 550th part is Amite, We fl
eet-whatelteweighed_akthe yakon."This, ebeeeeadttimei.e
t of the scale Whae
that gravity is less
at places further
al as appliances kir
reatest differen.ce in
earrtli ig between the,
uator, wheri the' die
to fully one two-
many peutheum ob-
ravitY observations,
iied —• because '.b
dulum we deteemine
e earth—distributed
of the eartirebesides.
easurements which
e the figure df the
tied with 0, high, de-
• alt that at any given
• in, advance what the
Of gravity should be.
Rt No. 1, Centialla Ont., "yet when
I started nivel teaching I .waa in very
• poor health. I suffered a neevous
breakdown, b _
brought on by overwork
and no. relaxation:- I. was unable to
.think, to act, or even to eat properly.
Queer little prickly sensations Were
'continually running up and. down my
back; my arms .and filly legs, like so
many •,needles, seething at times to
fairly paralyze me, and often •my heart
was thumping like a trip-hammer.
determined to gonsultour, fetidly doc-
tor, and he immediately put me under
• orders. I had to give up ray sehool
and return home in order to recuper-
ate my lost health. Milk was his chief
remedy, and I drank quart fit; yet,
though it helped me, it 'did not build
Me up to my normal condition—some-
thing was missing; Something my• sys-
tem was calling for, better bleed: Otte
• day, when I pickeceup a newspaper, I
caine across an adeertisement of Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills sukgesting just
atruetion„ on new lees..
Thre Pra.yers b •Stevenson.
e y
• In Robert Louie Steveeson's'journal
of his famous Travels with Donkey mw, 'kat anything, and have n° more
trouble from mina or sleeplessness.
I think Tanlac is. wonderful.
Tanlac is sold by all good druggists.
please my- hueband, 'who worded over,
itiy case, but my, second bottle I took •
01 My own accord for I -Wait -beginning
to feel so fine, I have a good appetite
' * Ir
1190d 'comity? Write Norman
Mostgage, Banker* 111 ,tiol•ittion,a At- *4
ant. Klein* LW LEW AND lunge"
Pettiest. venom sews. eabls.bosameltilnia
see.. saipersi subjoin -to annrovsi at ,109rege
IITICIES1 in Canada: Tonic 111111V21110 CO«
In Tong. mum; Tostorgo,
To .do' your hit in forest fre Pre-
vention Puts you en the side of e,rider.
ly 'government Anything ,else is
anarehY, '
Minard's Liolnient Bellevem Neuralgia
appears a beatitiful paesage that for
some reason was left out of the book
when dt was *published. The English-
man, Mr. William Harris Arnold, who
OWES mei of Stevenson's .criginal
Raised Twenty Feet. ,
amleannugewicrithptse,nhreans egtihveere eiht etioeethheit:epribwhne
Opposition to • the city authortties of
quote:London to the erectien-of tall build-
• 1 find some prayers among the lees new .seeins to have ended, or
rather is rapidly pe,ssing, Convinced ,
nwohbelnest1 arniesideregn•nin1 file awoprlealds;norefteinn
that tali baildings are eafe.and a corn -
making there mYself, as one would mercial advantage, the London County
Make a ,sidonet. . I walked beside Council, which holds the power re.
my donkey I made a prayer.or two mY- gulefe taings in the English capital,.
s.ma,whic,h I here offer to the reader. has ,decided to, allow structures of '
as I offer him any ether thought that large area to be built 80 feet high.
springs UP in me bY the way: . • This twenty feet higher than the
"0 God, who givegt us day by day maximuiii height now permitted. The
the support of thy kindly countenaute• eecisiones the result of a report made
aed hopeeilePirit'amonn the manifold by a eCommission appointed by the
•temptations and advpotures of this 'Connell to study the question of taller
life, having' brought us thus far, do buildings in London, The commirsion
not, 0 Goa, desert us. , but with thY reported in levee of emitter' height'.
continued favors follow us in our path'. Every progressive Cite in the world
Keep us upright 'Mid humble, aid, 0 has skyscrapers'They' are the. out!
Than who equally guldest all mankind," ward murk Of progress. .••
through sun and rain, give teg thy Although the commission' reported
spirit of great mercy." • . favorably and themeuncil Uptight that
•A Prayer •for Mind and Body: • • London should -be allowed more. than.
"Give ns peac4,of mind in our'. day, 60 feet building height, the fire bre
tt Lord, and • a, sufficleacy of bodily gads. was congulted, The head of the
comfort that we be not tortured with fire -fighting force said that the extra
height would' not interfere with the'
, efficiency. of his force,
With everyone favorable to taller
buildings,. it now "seeens eaetain that
London's skilineevill be lifted higher
then. ft. has, ever been before, ,
London's Skyline to be
FulnessAfter Eatini
If' you havelubtess after meals,
• .a bad tasteln your mouth ill the
morning, fur on the tongue, fiat-
uhsneelifter meals and no appe.
•• tite, take Mother Seigets Syrup, It
will dean your tongue, renew
• Your appetite, ;give you rend! for
food arid the power to digest it
thoroughlieand -assay. Sold in
• 50e, and 31.00 bottles at drug
stores. • 11,921
changing friendships or opinions, nor
grucifled by •disease, but ever in
strength, constancy and pleasantness
walk in a -fair way before thy face and
in the sight of men; and if it please
thee, 0.I.aird, take ts soon In health
of: mind and honor of liody.into thy
• what was • neee.ed in my case—new, , A Frayerfor Friends:
eternal reet."- ,
same thing, we know
ngth that the pandit. rich, -..
;red blood., I immediately sent God, who hest given us the love of
14" Dt*dt4'r to swag for a box, -and when the doctor visited...women add the friendship' of inen,
I told him I•bild ciecidedto try Dr. keep alive in oureeitts the sense of
Williams' Pink Pills and he seemed old fellowehip and tenderness; make
satisfied. By th •O''' time my box was offenses to be sforgotten • and services
nriarly done and I. determined to; get rememberede protect those wheel we
another, by the time I .hed finished love hi e all things and follov.• them
this I was kradually -coming'. back to with itindnesiee, so that they may lend
normal. My strength was returning, wed uneuffering lives and in
-I could sit inewalk".without etrein- the enta-die dimity with quiet retinasee
Tor the next few weeks continued to ,••• •• •
take the pills- and -they were working Comfoitlor the 'Scrub Lady.
wonders -with!, me:. My head was .15e-
-coming. dearer; 'my meteoric -better; 1Scrubbing is hard labor: This is a
and -thy nerveswere 'becoming stead-
ier. I began -to go_ouffrequently, en-
joying myself, 'My appetite improved
ified ives even 'better than befoie I 'had
my break -down. I was myself again.
ing is to explain arid I got back my school, and to this day
-.the oseillationeue Iehave- had-no-raturn-of the-treuble
cadent upon the dis- and tunveyelien_apyreue _comes to, Ine
ter around it end be- with nervous trouble I instantly sug-
• ' ' e' • - gest D. Williams! :Pink . as a
oviaat the point of re- reinedy, as I•believe that what they
• periduluin shows and did in my case they Will do for others."
on by the Dominion Dr.•Williams'. Pink Pills can •be.ob-
et us •here say a few
endulums used -for
Hons. These pendu-
Otkwark. They awing
dne 'sepperted"bY an
e awing is determined
theitre-degreeee-of- am -
one ten -millionth of a
--the thee beingde
tars. . •
11 Or Gas
set up our apparatus,
e latitude is emanate.
deterinine the tineg ef
he pendulum, whose
.at a given :Place, like
serington, we will find
s an excels or defect
the station, or place.
ed. and the revelation
nd. tor instance, that
Wino too quickly for
aand Other Minerals
sity • of *the' earth;
over five and a half
ter, :has been well de -
ore so the densities
fferent kinds of- rock.
otirer-minerals that
rust of the earth, up:
dilations are- deptind•-r--
a in the diseribubien
foreraffect the tem'
fie �!t115' pendelniii,
at the nearer maeter•
e than matter raore
!action on the peedp.
Ali the pieced
A Gift from
Natares Stoiribbuse
. . The delicious,' Crisp ranules
eg the wheat atui'bar y food;
contain an the natural uP-bitildr
In g values of the grains.includial
mmeral salts so essential. to'health:
A food ecoally well suited the
. . _.rectufternentt Muig
.Theres' aRea'ai op"' r‘av''
Sold by Oroceps every-wbire
it is always safe to sead a Dominion
Express .Momey Order. Five Dollars
• costs three cents-, . •
Y -11
man • has ne right to be satisfied
•unless he has done his •best:„ •
We get no higher work until we put •
the 'higher `Motives' into that we haye. •
,,tt( J1•1 CA • to
Colima Toilet Trio.
• Satisfies every. want of
most critical in cleansing;
purifying and beautifying
the. skin .and complexion.
• Nothing purer, sweeter . or
more effective for -every -day
toilet purposes.
Sesp2Se. Mahood guinea. Talc:n*25c. Sold
throughout theDominion. CanaclianDepot
Lrens_u,, limited, 344 St. Paid St., W.. filoatreaL
'Cuticura Soap shaveavithout meg.
7 e4.
. Armetrong -B.C.
.- Montreal . - Woman -Finds .
.. ,
O. McPhersen ' ' - . e.
Furniture Dealer and Undertaker, ..
Minard's Liniment.Go Ltd ' _1 Health -by Taking' Ly
-I)-anYr aSrillirsc:--11thSinceStha ;tart of tha
_ _ . , E. Pinl&am's Vege-
*lief so Timinifest that li" New -Yor
Inventor, George- A:Stank, has. been
baseball season we have been hinapred .: table Compotmd •
. . .
bleUireth to -originate a • contrivance with sore rnueclege'sprained unkles;
• It etc., but just d's soon as vee started. • Montreal, 'QUebec.--"I was a suf-
thee will• render it less arduous.
is a little. platform that dins on cas: using MINARD'S 'LINIMENT our • ferer for three •Years,: not able to do
teasaand is.upboletered for the great- troubles ended. Every baseball player iny hirusework. My husband was
discouraged, for I was no aetter and
er ease of the scrtiblier.kneilieg upon should keep a bottle of your. liniment
it f - While thus-kneeling•she:can easily handle--,......Y.,gers• trely,e,_ • , _ -had hadethe doctor all this time and
propel- herse• lf.- from • -place . to __Piece
Sec.; Atifialienig-H-;-Se-Begeleall :Team: eeleepyehadene_appetite_and =tiered,
.. . • w, E. meisatit-s-E,g—: - 7 -nothing- helped 'me -'---1 -was---always--;---
aver tbe floor by her hands. • In the .,••
with my left; side. ' My mother in
• England recommended Lydia II ' 4
middle a the front. of the platform is
leinitham's Vegetable Compound, be
• '
a circular receptacle for soapy water
• cause it hail helped my ,,sieter, so l•
or other cleansing fluid, which is pre-
. . bane been taking it I am now able
tained from any dealer in medicirie,.or vented from ?nlitabing out by e down- to do my housework .said .1 can not
LI Mail at 50 Cents a, box of. six boxes wazinterior d -bent' ring, aroUnd the praise your medicine- too ,highly as
ganirioa's Plows; Dog illamodiliO
, 'I have great hopes ler the future. I
for $2 50, from The DrWilliams"
•' and 'low to Feed
Free to any Ad.
. .
IS: may mover eo., ;no.
120 West 24th Street
New York. U.S.A."
Beak ion .
dress by the Author
I •-edirtetr-itinareeelerites to ---me--
'Medicine Co.. Brockville, Ont Thus the scrubber needs no _paile
and for brush and cake of soap, the! ' what -good It has dont ,ine"—Mes. M.
. • -
_platform •is'eravided seith a_ cp uple of'
Chemists -Seek New.. .
' "Alcohol ean neVier Lbe anything HEALTHY CHILDRE ,
. .
More than a help where motor fuels
_Wessex, Ste Henry P, 0.. Montreal. _
• . shelve, one et each end. • -- , . For nearly fiftY . years Lydia E.
• 'A.14 .61% T
Bulk Ctirlots
Plnkaaniee dregettible Compound." has -'
-ebeen- helping women just as it -
helped Mrs. elesema oftentimes after •
doctors_ end other medicines .
arnccitieernede' tea official of the MS., ' If pott nee suffering from disagree-
Burese Of Mines said recently. •A..111 ALWAYS' SLEE• P. WILL
the alcohol we • are able to produce .
•• able symptoms eausea by some female
weakness try this splendid medicine. -
.It is a evomati's medicine for ivemen's
can be profitably used in 'the making The healthy child sleeps Well •and tee, on I. s, and can be taken in Safety;
of ftiel.inixtures, but, for all that has during its waking hours is neve y erase;
been said to the contrary, the quantity eut- always happy. end -laughing. It iS I i? ..tyrwomae.„ •
litaticiit of ,eereetitlke I or making al- not sleep_well; if -theyearc tress and;
peevish. Mother, if your childyen do!
' "Much has been said &Mut the ^uti-
Ory a great deal; give them hillY's]
cohol on an enormoes Scale, blietheret
is nothing in the idee, Cornstalks Own Tablets -and they will soon be
are bulky; it would not pay to trans- well and happy • again, The Tablets .
port them ,in great quantities to big are a . inild' but thorough laxative'
'enalte slteh. use Practicable Ogre
-thitimitiefi.--_r _ire, which -;regulate the bowels, sweeten' •
the stomach, banish eonstipation, Collet,
central; plants - for
Miles, run perhaps on a co -Operative sleep. They are abgolutely guaranteed',
healthful l'
ehotild be a plant for every five sip:tare' andindigestialle and Prelticfe
plan by farmers. Ea how many e1. i free from opiates and may be•given to
Hong Of dollars e yette would it cesti the neew-born babe with perfect safety.!
-ta:watch4,-,the..fariners -and see , that i' ra eY are sold.hy medicine dealers prL
the alcohol was not sold for .beveragebY Mail -at :25 eente a nixt flInni- The
purposes? • . , • Dr. William's' Medicine Co., Brockville,
" • 192i id i lOnt.
obtainable is relatively small.- only the sickly child that is cross and'
In the. yeat we consum n ' •
•thie coutAnei• 71080;000„000 gallorts..of
gasoline. During the • same period we
exported 1,954,000,000 gallons. • Our
produetioneete alcohol -he- the --twelee
month was about 160,000,000 gallons,
Se you aee how smell a figure rela-
• canidnarrylt '
'Arr Ireeli endediati once met, on a
summer's day in Galway,, a man driv.
big a horse tertlilethil, 'It ataggera
tively the alcdhol* ctit. • "3"iWt hWyalkdadon".t you Wit oldre flOhli On
"Alcohol ean never take the place of that nag?" he exclaimed indignantly.
the Trishen anewer.
gasoline as winotor fuel. There would. "dere, is 11?'.' the
have to be a special carburetor to ntl• why, by tbe "wers14°111:Y°u s°9
epporiee it, 'cro the power generated that the poor creature can hardly car-
. .. ..
be it what is nal nearly so gieat as that r"? little there is on him now?"
tur1i. . ' - '" "-.L.---e-a..ea.
'taintible -tone faSolirie• or -a Mix-. -
"The no_ealieci ,aux. iiiery, s inota Minard's Liniment for sale everywhers.
fuels'are composed either of .gaeolitte
and benzol eiteof-those two with aka -
hot added. Belted, as you doubtless
know, is a b /. y -product of coal distilla- ISSUE No. 19.-12.•
- ,
. .
The average life of an oyster is
ten years.
Litile,88_0,t1 see the ,natne "Bayer" on tablets; you,are not" get-
ting,, r '
Aspirin at all. Accept only an urk ro en .p g r
"Bayer Tables of Aspirin,'" which contains directiont and dose
worke'd out by physiians during 2.2 years and" proved safe by
millions for
Colds Headache Rheumatism
L Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis
' Earache- Lumbago'-----4"-LPAilv-Pahr-----
Itandy "Bayer" boxes o i tablets --Also bottles of 24. and 1.0--Bruggets.
Aspirin is tho trado mark (registered in &ottani of 'floret. Afootattoto ta AT ono.
f Satierileaeld `While it la well known that Asririn tn. are eaver
ntarneacture, to assist the IMMO against inmatione tee eateeo.e t1attt tYonpaay
• will be•statnoed witit their gerarat trade Ittark, the "13a4.6t•
• •