HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1922-05-11, Page 4•
,0•1" ' •
Vitt henklees elnsolot, km a
rasorre neCoant .which
psrti�ief tio-prothaga rogo
le* PO scut* * lap& ***1141. tor
ikvolopisitt « ornifttagt.
flitatteli twat* tittle la Ida reoorv..
feyeand iihandol,ha coathintally grow*
log. It *go: need boa, sal ns.
1,110040)it Giennie, kassateV.
'1)EERIN.(1 and' AlicCOItlifitcli.
ifARAt m4%cHINE4andanpAIRs
White. * Sett ,Threildag'llaciiinas;
Ja*dn'* Litter Oeriete, ;Stella, Aitancienit
• • ‘' Water' Bawls; '
Irreetlit Coneltilate and WO'fen Vencoi -*.' •
ommove Ferfoethrit Electric Igaslialt; -
• Gonr144 Wintoi and Loonier Piano0:-'
Eucluinm *Unlit
erwirreasislisi eigee•hat
Esteitinwii Ootarim
4• 14,641C10161A. Pro4ditor
Whether a is, duo toihe peetiliaF
naturp. of the Iaw or a lack of whole-
boarteesYMpathY with. St* Iraqgreat
difficalt5is eXperieneed in enfoTeing,
'the 'art .4against tragic In *toXieating.
liquor's, • - ' -
Nsr4 had' sn illoatratiOa,of ths her
last week in 013' eint*e -against David
leta*, with itke rellnit that the MO
et the people * virtual **vary,
**1 enothe verge. of starvation. Not
Only Oa 'prop.* ot Itufoisus but of
*fltognars wnovsrb the
government, Th ia is,. ono thing, to.
the Fronch objected. 'Before
*attiring into anY' iltreeMeat.
Russa the Wench insisted that the'
ProPort/' ottOroiriarain linSela be
teetered', This the RUSlane ratified to
$44„ what Premier 1,010.4gt Oeerge
...e9614 eipeetlrom an ugreeMent with
ishell Men: a* the government. of Ger,
manx*,and 'lluseia,sent to the 0000 -
'Once it la ditlieult to nncierstand.
Houston, Thete was no difficulty in' The failure. -of the GOMA COOT -
proving that-,114aer Was found on Mr. elm" may have Serieu* eentlecitienet*
Houston's pronilaei,,, Where it: should for Lloyd George as it Political lead;
not he. But Mr Houston Ifouaton incher n Britain, His , political •Onearies,
old Man that •,orie cnold' her* OS, ef course, Will make the Moat of his
Peet :him 'Off being ,S.-',44bootlegger, 411010e,ta get :,En4e. tOilethe* on a
whatever sympathy SYMpathy he. Might have peace: ,footing eve* NIS :Mende
with the intsinesS. The likllitood is Mist adniit • that be,for once :Oiled
that souie younger persona were the to, take the tireSore4of those with.
real actors.' : • whom he prOposed'Ao
There is a. lot ;0 be proved in 'a AS. the situation nertlippears, there.
ease of this, kind, ,The liquor has not. is Only one sensible course for Er",
• only to be discovered „but great care Oda and.Fratiee to,: take; and that is
must be taken* in baying it analysed; to be Prepared to fight ;Germany -aid
Otherwise -4 Perfectly clear case may tOtteiat.,for there den belittle.doubt r
fall to the ground. Tho sample to be that these Would. gladly ,4103 *ad.vant-
analysed must be takeirin the prea- ago any weakness 911 *Or Park
ence lir witnesses, after, wbich the, '
contain°, as well as the bottle con-' GRANTS
: IP •
taining. the aample must be sealed in' •
thepresence o itnesses, rind as-
• •
- PuWre .11-1.E4 be ggiven 414 the "11' •
Por several months there has been
ple taken was the One deliVered to the ' aigookdeal of warm discussion over
7n71.41571st. -Therithe tertificapowleg
. thl .antount :of. mone,y received 0,oni
• the natiie of the stuff must be sworn the Provincial treasury,lredpectivelY,-
to. Failure to keep everything instby public'sehoos and separate Roman -
right 401, spoil a caSe. All thie is to Catholic. achools in 'Ontario., In North ,
iitelrelit freecle, by - deteebi"si wIll'h Huron the subject developed except- '
sometimes, ar°,•pver zealous in secur0. ionat interest due to the contrast be-
ing eanrietions: ' ' , • tween the granta received by the sep-
:The puidio feel altogetther different orate school at Riagebridie ifnd the
towards a 'person.. accused. and appnr- public school at Dungann6n; also
antlY gUitt:)" of breaking the law Separate ,BcItOol No. 2, West wawa. -
against thett,i,Few will have. ern- nosh- and Public School No. 2, Vest,
PallY Pisfate °OA but a*Mat Elan•Y Wawa:ill-AIL It was in .connection with
are picaiea tit 'seethe PreeOlti°1-1 in these and other cases occurring in
'e tcluer e".4,014 ettlier.tk6Irel 'lack ,NOrtli flurOn that Ar.. -Gen. ,Spotton-
arevidence -or,-botter still',, through .madt : pnblic somewhat..sensational'
sothe technical' • or bit C e clever
, r • _ .
Statements a few Months' ago. ' •
work on the :part of the do..4ice. ... , In the oases:. above .mentioned the
• ' * '. .7 -'' • ,_--.-
grants to the separate sc on s were
"L'I'T BNOA so considerable as to. materially . re -
THE. 'cOliFEICE AT " 9 .
. dude the local tax for . school pur.
Great and good resiilts Were ,exg
,incoutioniann -
Capital Paid Up .$4,00%
4,4troo rood , ,` *5.000,000,
125 :nr4achie,::,,,..
ea „ Industry: a.!Rd.111.ii,tt...
lice!iill* eaten* for.deini,wdrk around. the. ,Issanie, '.and-Saf
Prssa. open them the, iMiditance or saFiOg their earningi."-.
, ,
Why not open an en account ,for ' them ' thO, Savings `12107
paitnteni Bank Money may he derailed •
and wnlir
1/4 ,
.4, TRU
, _„.. '1
Ilk , RAIN -_ SE XIC
. . .., ,. _
.. 0, , . • , * ,
IX* ''Xi?L‘MARD1100 * * ;II * ..* ; ,.: O. . 5•39 a.m.
Lv...1t.IPLEIT „;...,...‘:.:....... ' 5.50 .11.M.
• LUCKNOW 6.09 a.m.
• VIIIGRAM • • 6.40 _
'Lv„ 7.06 a.in
tr. Lwow's', 7,56 a.m.
• PALMARS'fON 8.29 am.
• OtfICLIM •-45
• At. • nu.414M110-.
Lr TonovrO:
-Pairler-Betifet ear -Palaterstom. to. Toronto on nuicning_train,and:
• • .01.10. • 41•40.
1-00 14nc- •
1.45. pm.
2,54 P.m;
" 4:01: P.M.:
4,28 lint,
5,36 p;m. ;
tr•'''' 815 ir.m.
." 8.36
• 7.40
Thoilpt•ta Toronto ea evening train.
Fe Tull -ParticiiIirs-71110* t•O—Ori.1141-TrUnk, Ticket -Agents..
lm no' -we the priv-.
pected from' the conference now• be- A: fe*,‘Yee.we
ing_'iteld _rut' Geood,.. and for which • elege of -eXaminingi a statement .pr:
Premier . Lloyd- George was., mainly ear.ed _by Mr.. .loynt, member . for
the Department
North,. Huron, from the
responsible. But : 'at the end 'of •
though very little 'would be..accom- n4'dietttheer:
list week it -looked_ l'ierY' Much as , ,efdiff, er4601.1caerticiinn,.t4seeX:pglra4iattsio
plialiert It Wasevensaid that Pre- which ." accompanie4„,..tbe . statement
says: 7ou.viill see by this statement
mier 1,,loy,d, George, with all .his op- •
that.. the large amounts _received by
'tinriem,..... had.. come to ,the _ &inclusion
the. sea:lett- 36o/ill are due. almost
that .the anabi purposes- for which the
entirely to the pr rata distributiOn
conference-' Was: called 'could not be
eccomplished, of the'balance jeft 'ow' hand at . *the
grain were f412,4nake' Eis.-lettlement 'lett"' liPiefiliiflfr"--7*. --'---- ---
tion will& nattiiiillY oieniri: -to the-
oPean . narionS; with a view ta. get- •
.. .
ive,....terms ...with _:ple.,, allied ...natimit Mm.ister of Education, made a fairly'
neat its, get GerMany: bacit oii wrok-' P'Y Awl .24;, E!en. R- H. Grant,
complete-statenient,-..-in- the Legisla-
which fought her in,ltbe war, and,:toT .
tnre,. regarding the grants to-vublic--
arrange a.' tieaty . pledging% all the
--tedThe--"tenetat..featotes,;':4, ..gie:put.,_ Separate 'schools'. 'share ef the. Legis-
PPetite 419040
*-Gailiect 20 lbs.
0441 Not reel Better
• From 'Nervous wreck this man
wee 4 reitored to heiitif: stfeeilth
and happiness., ,
Het hitorn stow in this
• Mr. 'kaki' A. `401)exts.
LA;- "vice417;1;Si":116:4171.itc:lalt . **
failed 25 pounds' in woisht,
very 'nervous and Rad ha,
given up. A. hope of recoyory. For
son* time had mimed from 'Coosii-
psti'mr.. which kept Agleam; work,. xntil
1 was far( beeomma tot./ wreck.
*P.Ociore and their ihurte were sending
mc icf lay grave at the age of 39. •
red ' Admit People 'heist
..restoced. bY'rbr., Chiksie! Medicines
after- three menthe' tali of Dr,:threes;,1 ,
..,Kerve, read and Kidney -Liver 'Pills I.
*found AO seri bowel's were rerterod fro,
nOnt411 1.11011eMent ea ay and ros
4rst uattricrrei IP°eniidaa,111 good eL
could net feel leiter- I AA alwe71"
be grateful for .theso'hooein.",'
• • Di. 'Clicseii Nerve' Food. 50c
a hoe' Dr? Chases Kidney -Liver
a hoi: all' deldete �r
-,_,EdniansOn; Bawl Ca.,
Toronto. '
btwen Rtissia and thet--Other Eur-- ":154at....belebee
ting. back on business terms. again;
er provincial grant, given on „account'
of`the. larger salary would' make tip
tke.'difference. It: •is even ,said. that
some selfiiol'seetiond found that they
would gain rather than. lose Moue*
bit pairing more to the teacher, •
In. 1921 eighty-seven per cent, of
the public. schools in • the .province
earned increases..in theirs provincial
,grants by paying higher salaries.
This necessitated additional. ap,
proPriation,. or rather a .Treasury
Board Order'Of 0555;000: Now, ac-
cording to the Original bails of div-
ision.of proviiiial appropriations be-
tween public and separate schools,
which is 91.51 to public•achools and
_849 to separateschools,..the separate
ichoels of -the province had to get
their. share. of this $555;000, :and as
only small percentage had qualified
for , a share; the amount ;which Went
te these was. large, =minting te 90
per cent. of the Original grant. This,
•82'We''.40*-tinideretancLik'accourits lot
the $579.60 which,Was aded to the
"1921. gritatiof tlie4tingebridgi-School
and •• $220.36 to Separate Sehog
West Wirianosh., . • ,
When the metier twas at orst
hrouglit to the attention..otthe_ public
,ernment was endeavoring to curry
favor with the supporters Of separate
schools, ,o2! the.t1the Separate school
boards were rodent,. it pier the De-
partment:of Education, and certainly
, had that appearance. , The canclus
ioh does not appear to have been
Warranted," and . the .116n.;1414 • Grant.
-appears to be juatified when he says
thiitahNde one Cent of - money :which
-belongs to the public schools liatheen.
_taken away from them. for the_pty-,:
pinie Of 'paying higher grants eep4
orate schools; and not one cent Of
*Money has heen, given U. separ‘
hools oyer and above what the law
-guarantees them." '
,In explaining the.reason for having
the grant proportion -ed in Some Meas-
ure* Upon the sultry paid to the teach-
-er; -the-iviinister -et- -Education--says:-
"The largest proportion of the grant
has been distrihnted on the basis ot
-,the sqlarteapaid, because iiiperience
has shown that well-paid and **en-
trained teaehers,.With inducenients to
rethain -the continumis srvice
one school, form the chief:factor
rata' school improvement,"
nationi to :refrain' from. aggressive . 4.-na separate arbor"' "OS statoluoutY
wog for it period of at -least ten,years. .1;1/lila las.imenirtenedin printed form
and, no doubt ' can be had 'for the
_ 1nacting out to accomplish these .
Worthy, Ands, pad •Geotge appears asking,. Cleats , up AIM matter so fat
con -
to have over ". esdittlited. the good cernedas the present :g11;ierninent is 'a closing comment Mr,
sense :and the good will of both • the .` 'An
Russians,and the* Germans. : G..,,rent says: ."But as, no scheme et
- :The "aitiqes- ()U. -Germany wstributbee "be absOntetf 'P
represent '
4,fili to the -itiethodo- eto, ' e , it le ..donhtless yue,that-nry
appear to -.
'.diPleeniey followed by the. rulers_and Pillveinenti ea be Made in the meth-
- ca of distiibuticci with a view, On the
•diPloniats of that country before the
war -anything to bealtherotheileP -'-nne,--hand;AWeeeening:the:disparity.
low. They are ,as ready • as ever to .'betwe9n Pia' grants 'FM 10,:.. public
"scrali 'andfseSrat* s,c.lwaiil the 'Berne CM -
treat their pledged word us a
of paper" No sootier was the con- menitie.e, end, ' On the other hand, of
At mete equitable division between the
ference under way than the 'dermas
separate, schools themselves;
and Roasian representatives got 4.0.„
The *fay i!f....whicii°'-the provincial
Cekher and, bellied the backs` Of the
grants are apportionedamong the
.etli.er representatives,' fmade two .
treaties' einiceining,themselvei only -sclu"Ple- bg.by no means eimPle. 're be
with, "the share 'Of Vieseparate:
one of 'a coininercialand the other
schools in the government grant fot
of * military • nature. This action
elementary '.e4cation is • secured by
showed bayend a doubt that the Ger-
the Sparate School Act of 1863.0 :
.mans and Russians , had no.,conceP.t
tion of whet. Lloyd oeorge haein The eulne4e be aPPioViiiated by the
Legislature ;for elementary education .
view, and that they have no idea of
are voted tinder three :heads: • (1)
testuning life • upon frielidty- oornas
Votes to urbin public and -separate
!Kis their neighbors; Their Methods
Me • stili-'7tricketY-iind -feted; -T. _schooli;-(2) Votes to rural publie and
sensate cho�1, Counties; and (g)
Frenebtften i•eera 'better to have rip.'
Pretealed thia Ilthan Lloyd George. 'I'It'es to rural' apd "4'44144 '01°61rit•
District .. - ' • •
The utter stupidity and dishoiaesti
On top ct this there are arrange-
-1,ithe-Rnsziati.; , rePresentatives .is
shrma int their -- are Ai-.
demand -Vint-they 'ft 61-1P1S-grin#5-
portioned depending upon the number
_ receive a loan 'of something like' a
of _pupils attending a Nape!, the goat;
billion dollars ,ngoldfroin--the Other
ificatimis of,ilie .teicher--iiii to CertiM
• European countries ns a condition
that they enter into ph figro.ement cote and length et service,. and the
salary Paid to the,teacher or tesehers.
guaranteeing peace and fair/dealing.
OCh.eraet/t . This last qualification, designed t
One scarcely knows how to
encourage the payingof higher sal-
erize this iMpudent and absurd de- -"'
/Wes to teaehera was ' introduced
mend. It is especially tad comine while Mr. COO was minister of ea-
4-rOlirt-a-peop1e ,r.viho, had justteptid7
iatot oll. - s, and who. motion, -under-the.. lete_government,.
but did not col
could not pay what they owe if they; t.e iiite affect until
1..pelitrichr Na. 428, meet. in\
their lodgi, room every' second Tues-
day if UM menth at 8 .`edoele
;WS., „,itwin; Roc. Beey.;
Luchnow Lodge -webs every
Prldni eVeelsg at.s. eclock 1
Ctenpbell StrieilAll brethren
cordially -Wilted. Officers: Noble
Aitch.,13arboVk'Vice Grand,
• MacLean „JOIMstene; Rec.- See:,
Aitettichit See., Dr. Paterson;
Treasurer, -Alex. Ross, .
(Clinton News Record).
Mysterious fires often occur, de-
fective wiring, spontaneous conbus-
timi or some other cause being as-
signed.' But -it -is -just possible that
Old Solt hunself may sometimes be
tha OulltY party. This- was impress-
ed upon tiS *On Monday morning :when
we saw in the window of, W. IL
Hellyar the beginnings of a nice
little fire which Old Soll had set on
Salurdak. this window was a.silVer-
plate. standing on edgek. facing the
east and the „ morning sun. 'Just in
front of it wee some pasteboard
ns contauung alarm cloaks. The
ovHAVB GitEkT ilat:striking the -Polishing centre -of
carte '
, „,ortna .this silver iilate, was reflected back
-The `Owen -S. -Sure-Tithes 40,ra, ..on.these caitons_414the heat cham.,,,
ed quite a big hole in one Of them
sPonsibld for tlie-folloVaing fisb storY.
burnine the nas.tplicard thrOurrit
rwhich it, says is trim: ThirtY-five of , til the ashes fell to the 'window' be:
low. Evidently. it did not blaze and
the young boys of the Disciples Sun-
. day School were off on. a very toitc- 1etth 'sal? thhgree ahdaiail:letis
ineovntded. i‘tihre.
essful -fishing trip on4 Saturday. A..t.:- Hellyar said
_tomparded_hy fathers and teachers paper but sunnosed it ..:-,as usroniinne-
they Spent the day it Ogden -Valley- thing -in _the_stave-lie_Ard, not dis-
on the
take Huron „,_,.,. pnt.,,,,e %. a COVer the actual cause unt:1 heha"
shote. 1-i'' ^"' occasion to fro to the 'win .
good ritit Of path, Ott Cid the boys . ., - , dew.
brought home over 1,500 of -them.
" *maids like * .i"fisli Amyl! but
the boot biougut the evidence . ha&
With thin and shared the wonderful
*tilt letat litell Isle* Shout the
eiti•The Weather Wee fine and It was
1 OW ifitif $1,4 0# 04 )070t
Our musical ear is se poor we can
never tell the difference between „tun-
ing a fiddle and tuning a violin.
The Statesman who said that Mae 5*
la it state of Mind is right, Ita
ktvottpt iTona Your.own tt_414$14, .194111" ". ImInuNs 11$90 intioNlittoora otOe 1011$ ""rIri,"1411401"
NOVir Is the Timv..to Buy Your Re
quirements for Spriug!Cleaning Up
• We have *Irmo *pa Aleliestine to .Th.ake a l6ag .10
• lasting ih.lieh :the Walla,
Martin-Seneur 1.00per cent. Pure' Pelntii; Woodiee
Stain o tor the fOrniture, and ilerhellte: for • the floorso
Varnoleum for the linelleuM,
Paristone, 'the hard wallplaster, at *2500 per ton.
Hydrated lAitne, 30et fresh from mill, 7,5e,:sacic..
ilitarbed Wire, $4,50 per snook
Coiled SPri,qg Wag, 0,40 per 100
Mack Wire,, 6 cents per foot.
• lioir about your garden and lawn? We have a Very "kood
assortment of Spades, Hoes, Towhee and Digging Forks, ,
at theRight Price. „ 6.1
New Pertiction Stovei, 2, 3 and 4 Burners, at greatly
rednced prices from last year. • .
On. Thursday, May 4th. will 1; our first regular
lialf Holiday this year, ao we shall keep open on
Wednesday -nightsrtornmeticing May 3rd.
The - Store Where Your Moiiey _coes4lle:_Farthest.
..:Phop.e "66 - - Lticknow.
__ _ ---,
'hid Those Who Sfay. hi,. '
s the Valley W11.1.-Nev'er .
Get Ovei the Hill '
Higtieit.C.a.sh,Price P
for,Creant. and Egg
Test Guaranteed
"Once a Always a'
piste:tier •.'
Gil:7.4.1).8.A Trial
- .
. 1921, This change hart Many peculiar
,The present ggvernment of Russia directs, some of tiiem, rin doubt, Me
• 4: • •
expected by the atithoe'ef the lutes -
has nationalized all ptalietty In the
ure, , , •
country: There is iso. private oentAr- .44,,,,. 4.4.4.,..e. . 4... .
AMP, and rail iftdostrst is (limited -14 .' "---"--"-- - ...—Aer einild a8k
government agenglas. elitoif 60. "„ toT ro Ineresee 01 salary and 00
.with 'birth tha it winild.nctt oast Mit
' .
• , ••
Bring tis•yOui-
Ctpam, .Eggs. and Roaltry
and he on the hill top •
0 Pay Yon- CASE
Honest Weights, Accurate Tests' and a
--Square Deal yi All
Pot .Setvict..
PHONE 47, . • „I UCHNOW •
Winghain, (int: '
• 13o6k4teening, 'Fittuarea" Short- \
hand, actual Office work: Person..
al Instructions specialty.
tuitioil,..gradnates assist-
ed to to positiOns. Affiliated with
• Central "Business College,, Strat-
ford, Our .graduates' are in de-
mand': Students may enroll At any
time. No Easter yacatiOn.
Catalogue Free. . • Phone 166
D1 --A McLachlan,- - T.. R.' Foster,
: President 'Prineipal
Up' on the SaUgeen Indian Reser-
ve,. Bruce •the,
naine-of ilateb--,TheMpliew-16 years of
'age, lost life becoming mile& in a
liOg.J.kat , He Was sulgeet
epileptic fits and not bright mentally,
About -eleven o'clock Mother Saw
•Gteyhound -Extursion-
io Detroit
The White Star Line 'again announces.,
the big annuat 'excursion, Goderich .to
Detroit, On the Steamer GteyhouPd. This
splendid Ship will leave Detroit Monday,
Juno 12th, 8:30 a, m., and arrive,
Goderioh 5:30 p. °
On that- eveithig 5 --6; mo�nlight
partr, will be taken out for a three
hours delightful ,sail on Lake Huron to
enjoy diming ow, good music. Don't
'miss this. ,•
On Tuesday -Morning, (1nne lath, at
'0:30; the Greyhound will depart for 'De-
/LT..0h ' with the Usual: happy* crowd
aboard. the fare is only $2;00 one
way 011d 0.00 round trip, a large num
ber of •passengers will, as usual, On.
doubtedly-Make the trip: ---
Those •going will -have all day. Wed-
nesday and. Thursday Morning in. De-
troit. • • .
Returning, the Greyhound will leave
Detroit Thursday, the .15th, _ati_100..._
p. -m., reaching 9 i 00 m that
evening,. On Friday morning at 0:30
she will depart for Detroit On ,
trip. . • ,
According to newspaper l'eportc, Do-
hini r Welt reifttitiirig ite Proaperity, by
would ncit go far. Is he failed to 're- leaps end bounds. Headlines •of recent
turn, and could not 'be found about lemma indicate that the employers of
home, a search was made. , the that eity are finding it tamest
afternoon another lad named Jesse sible to secure sufficient, ,skilled hibor to
Root found the Mbasing lad stuck fast , Meet the req*ements of the. factory
in a bog he had undertaken to cross, output. Very recently the 'Packard
Root .pulled -Thomoiroir out.,ibut-as-hetAittottiebile--ConiPalii-edded-,onethoutw
tilwtuarelniMunnugadbih'11:!°147htWOWInaell)nkStet4bor Yhtaefivivk sn()filf Orli I and *Slpractically de:LegSdni. r4iet eIththoefitshP:alsidt ada ipetdr;ntel ae:1 In:It:1; it :71 t: ntni ate between
6towtow-tettenr motortibusloilinsti7.0m-zel,i.
to be dead. •
the Michigan ?State Telephone Company'
and the Detroit Edison Connally en,
& Oid i.odge _ _
• medts.every, ThUrsday night On or
'before the full moon, in the Mas-
onic -Hall; Havelock St., Lueknow:
W.M., T. S., Reid; S.W., J. J.
Wilson:._ • .
' Guelph, Ont., .Lisurance, Mrs and
Need** Mintunient
The, .igickno* mob)* and
jte 'Works' large. and
plete stotir..-rtbe ''ntist beautiful
design'. e--to-ritooseiroin'lititie
ble,: Scotch and. Cnnadian ;Gran-
ites. •
We make a Specialty of Family •
lfienuments ail& invite yoni his
, . , _ _ _
spection.• .
biscrintiona .neatly and prion4f.
ly done.- - - -
Call .and see us before pLicing
your order.
Lueknow, Ontario.
Until we are 'Permanently settled,-
- . • see W. J. Domeier • •
qiinef 8wearriglit eitrof.e4steliceby,
The most powerful reMedy .y on 4.M. „,
use -to ohtaiti tot Otte , relict •
4.0 norm for irao. ..under. a
, . driaaiste ' .
or, by Num tree*.
wit Itette•i1.1itied. 141,Witralia tem
SoJd ii;-1.-f.;c1;i7row' by A.. 'M. C}C151,
. . •
If low ie the will of the nommen they' ere laying eoluluitil for making round tripe. deli
people,telien0 and eleettle Ilghtfog service diStanee it- be 5 los-sYri'd Tth:
Wa Mt unlvorogi us of tii.10 krtights 01 OILY serv1e0 will linc1:404001)711nrvillit-slot-
II " "...Pm* lighigh 'worth Imo moot
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