HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1922-05-04, Page 4JT1.yor •fault that your banker **ea *�t kilo* the tiesMbilIUe. .1 , yowl, operetinos better *Ai nekno '....4)444,4 *vary Therisl.er asivoilaor . ,uutartat. 4‘0,P410.110. Prorhaar ova *nu*. - TlitlItSIVVrt MAY 4l4.4, V111300At itAt 4t1jOat:' 41. BOSS CW NEW. YOBIt. elrf • • '711" The dallY papere. 'at* 41 few xs. ago* to" rtientiOn.,a1 X0141‘,44 011 'length the death of itichard.-Groher, • , who diad,on Apr d 29th.,. at ins hone near Difigiut Ire14ti4 where he Owned, splendid*tate• ,biS..youth "Crolter. 'Wee Irish -.heY, wha. Cate te-,,Sgri York aniong.,the eWarin o erai.griqitg- that grassed; the iktlantie ahout the niiddlo 3 3. 4 • of the last century,. He deveialeed mtg. pegillit of aelne note, and is*saidto all bit possailiorat. In other Werda, this „"Prineass" goodness harms, what he ta-trapPiut the Old itulln: Oa • robbed him and his f_araili .of it theY luid,Abont three, million, ,dollers._ • OEItliAlIX AND Al:ISSiAl, It leeks se 'though Gernienl! *u4 Russia bed not yet arriVed it that 444ge of 440044.14 -nt144,-would fit them to take Pert in conference for the re-establieltraent qf peace Ana presPeritY In EurePO4, Instead of cooperation ;With the natione at Genoa* with st• vikif to tt; Vetting the danger of wart the ' rep- resentativeof the twoeountries have Made use. of their4 rooting to terin. an alliance viktil interestsoppos. ed-te VOette of the other European eounteie4tThillwaii done and boldly. announeedjac epitit of. the fact that Such actien was directly' against the . , - .- ho.ve been a murderer, But it fwas not. . conons on *Web *Or were, .Per - •,..••••••""'""a""""""""m" -""""'"-7---,7 .0s a • 1.1kiii`Sit' • in* 4•11 eni ri lila that med • ' to attend th V . ' ' • - - • ,ittglee nf eence. :1 JJWLNG and ,NicOORMIC. ARM tmAcirizpias,401.,REpit.tfts ut.c.,oitotori- *toes; . Geo, 'Whit! 'Son. Threshing `Hat Vide; 144.0100 Uttar,' Carrier, Stanciena and Water Bowls; : Caged Wire and Woven. Fence Perfieffeli Electric 'Weshen, - 14,0* Winter LeeRir.g ' FOR! SALE, BY •• CKNOVV• onnicrep.ifts. Capitiil Pad Up i4,0004)00,ReaerveTu , 050100,q00,-- • Over •'• ,..t -•-s• • !,•• - It es not-aecesesiey, to.make special trip to the neatest': 'brawl or The Holseits Baia- every 'time yon want ti de-, "t Money - Send Year deposit to the Bank by mail. Write • _ y,t,w. the =direst 'manager of .The Molsons Bank_ for '- 0141101ml. 3' • agR,-,wcKisloW-BRA,N,c.ti Otoker -gained that measure of -.The „Ivo% ot goineny and Russia •tinctioi which entitled hint t roenoet- , atrOenoii. have' new, aeafrding r* ful mention at the timet„of e death. poptt concluded, two treaties,- 111 con - Having risen 'somewhat in his, chosen- , line of snort; Mr. Croker. became , rdat...1)(Inost ..t.,trbetta:hhet:ens. tott°41; wlirSeenault: , into city politici, and later became, in.. mereiar ,relatione, the Other conati-. saloon -keeper in New Tnric city-, got -- iffect dioatot ot the „nay, u,s, was tutes a military alliance: It's the old Story; While the mote, civilized eoun not r.nlayor, nor did he at any time tries work for peace, these' plan for occupy` a legally reeogniied. Office in war. , •,,,; • 1 , : . ,---,, . the -it sup- tionf. of greater - Whence than. _ ;ply 11,u‘ia. iiith limn,: and .ntunitiene, le said tiled •Cierniany-.ie to - " the Oty- ;government, dle held-a-,poil, ,, maker. li(11, wee, "ben!! -01. 'P51111)18115' with aerePlanea And Wiriess equip - Hull, a ring, or gang of. politicians . 'which, for, thres,luartera of a cent -cent -Russians in the use,pf poison gas waifaife• • ' . . went, and to instruct th *...y.,:. has . held i New York 'City in its . With'resiieet i to Hussie ,, t is is / ,irtin ' grin,- As how of this erganiza" Oignificent. We MT told that onilliene • tion Dick Croker Was king of the. city f et,, • ne especially childrin. are •i.„-, filo. eity ,goveenneent,ondoveri .14 Ow ,Pcitalliz:11141:i7,1.?;errYitnittcti:Inf4stda:tv.nte4h.rtehligqc.blih.ecinul4.11!:ii ' ' end Wee` maeter of the -mayor and of .,: d_to_ 4 -, eversrbedy pipe ;who had any part in • hiunhlest,laberer who Worked 'On,the • .„ 41.inost. ,erivinai.tiep, ne.i.vaninn.: Hall., :estitiyi'eciR.e.utiois:1;:n.i,;:r;•gT,10:dit.34;;;:rtp:;i1;ii:sit.d:inIxix.ao4,,,,Itatvit.elia,:cirot;b.:iiclun; .3:f street. i,..• . . •• . As a political •organization; of ean ''• .was long On 'Otitetaridint ,eScanipltr: t $. Buie* Cannot • save, the . .the^"limit" of itst had Itilici, and iInder 'odideen;„:15-0! tigt, :it can feed an army• : '...:the intlaterful• Maha‘genlen,t, .4., tinker. dr ' It Was brOught to perfe00. lii.name. -nanaeoliteZeld.The,,,Ifj!itue°14:e:111wuarelr itiC' 116414,7w4haitt . "and '• out-We-piform a 'democracy-. laving :i4, affairs Thaageit. by he does this military...treaty. 'with Ger- New York ,was in -fact an Autocracy,. Many. mean? and• -why this getting of . • The 'great city preeentedA•rerriark- vnlinPaoitttii":1::.i.gsal)wsf'sw.iwata4tai,btFLd'aAngieliddsbilti;71i:svitIth°11,04i. pleeted• representatives Of the people. i.able monnple of e penile getting the (,it.t.... ot, goireinlont _their ii*6 .fitted .Gern2alif, PerhaPi. on' some of • the' gruirant, short -sighed people inn- .... Vvese 'republics in pentrall Europe,, but n-adre likely „on the hated ;Britieli and, for, in spite ef constitutional -forms,. geOeeernent. Out of any feria of: gov• - French These 'are ty standing :kehuke ;:minini,ti,..4.311, own; they wilt preo.. to the Soviet type of ge:tiernment not, and Will , not have democratic gritty 'Produce a didator who Will rule t7eahoivehar'iniligeta-I'muueelislualgbaliniqehi6.,athdeesx; es' i-Irt.ues:s.:11... ne caii •City - who -want,, and. contd'._..carry on i"'-' Ravine- the ititivingg,,,anahdt litallatTitieng • g vern s .. androbthem, - .... - ,,,..• ..- .• . • '" ' • '-worthy•people in NeVi York ° ' Thirty Mil- . geut ana.. , b or *akin --,--There-' are •ef course,';rnany. _Intel' . good. , den)oer,atie toveriment; 1.3• ,:it .iaiaonsar,ramaYy 7dfle.a,gwgrelr there Will, be left tofhetEtraorpLonvei ;oh:ad-init.:1 titbbYi er he , as-sints: one hundred -and forty or fifty Mil - ilia: froli•Cwhicle,Fte draw men for The.' conditions . which -'produced _the red armies. That is practicallY *:•' Tammany Hall, --.- vAth_ beams Tweed American eople w iudimittd numlier, go they . .will let. ' gulled the 'city. . an . , . .z.Thal_croker,„iiia ,:thrair. successors of the elilidriiiiiiiiii.e:If the British and Liill, save _ a P1'1 1101:1: iymnr others, all of whom were. given with the coThe saved ones will make ins maierial, ja. a ,few ytihsewlieh:nte.rit. today; deve: . lcipecl coming of or tive-millionst_ so _ ranch - the .Russians, Italians, Austrians and geed fight - conies to putting, Britain and France: Indoor Alfe- Spending mere dine Niadoers. =ekes women fir morel subject to Constipilitin thee men. • The li/tertbeconies-sbiggi.sh, and* timid, the bowels Constipated and the system, poisoned by.irnpuritier• . ff you would get away ,from my.riad3 cf j11 svhih result from constipation, itis ?illy limes - AO use Dr. Clam s Kidney - Li ver • • The benefits- from their use are lasting as* they are peompt'and Certain, Mrs: l3arry. IS t. Aniable, . Street, Quebec, Qu., ivritest • • •_ • !Ili:Fr io• certify LIAO troubled for ,years with consupetion, and tried all kind,: 'of medicine* votlieuil relief. At, last, my husband .suggesd that I *try Dr. Chase's KidierLiver Pills. I did - so. and ,vn*aav that ther )ave -even me murk ielief than all the Medicine I have mken'during the last fifteen years;mikl also add thet,:l. have used Dr. , Mae's_ Pittman for piles. with excel- lent „ N. • Chase's Kidney -Liver. 'Pilis, one pill a dose. 25c a box,. ell-dealers.br Edmatison, Bates tic r• - , HALF..MINUT1PSERMONS - . -' fltioVED . DAILY EX 5UNDAY-1 5.30 a.m.5.50- GRAND RAILWAY 'SYS11,1Vt „ KINCARDINE' - Lv. RIPLEY „ 14*. LIICKNOW 6.04 aan, Lv„ WINGEA 1- • • • 6:40 a,m, BEUSSELS , 7,06 awn. • LISTO,IVEL- 7.50 rian. Li. PALMERSTON „ .,, • 8.28 rem* • Ar., GUELPH 9.46i , a.m. Ar. BRANTFORD . .. . ... 1.00 1,70.0 :TORONTO 11,10 a.ns; •• .7,40 on. efOrf -.4"."4"7,04-vii-pNewsese THE RgI) 1111)1IT HARDWARE ff. 333' Now. Is the Time to Buy Your Re quirements for Spring Cleaning • itememositossieesom • We lave Morose° and Alabadtirte to Make s4:jong and , ' lestingfinish ori the, walls,' . . • 9 . 0 . ' Alsehlartin-Senour 10.0per -tcent, • Pure Paints, Woodlae Stains for the furniture, and Marbelite or the floor4, Varneleum, • for the linollemi. . . , Paristdne„ the, bad wallplaster,Ot $25.00 per ten., ' Hydrated 'Llme, jest fresh from. mill, 75e; sack.. . .:, Barbed Wire,• $4,50 per spool. Collett. Spring Wire, , $4,40 per 100 ft, Black Wire, 6 cents per foot. ,-. • . I.Iow about your garden and lawiir• We have a very good • assortment of Spades, Hoes, Rankes aud,Diggii; Forks, , at the Right Price, ' , • . _ New Perfection Stoves, 2, 3- and 4 Burners, at greatly • • reduced prices from last yettr. • On ThtirOay,' May 4th.. will b our first regulari:, Half- Holiday' this year,. so we shall keep open on , WedriesdaST nights., Commencing May. 3rd. • •• . ., .. : RASp. 301-,trr.E.OU.S: b.etore Where Your Money Goes the Farthest. . .. ,.'0.h(itie' 66. 7.':;i•-. .lbliiCn -:. ..C6ir. • ' -r' ili_..1 • • - • ••• . . . •,. -. • : • .. , Wandering Desire ,. • " If 'stime men would bestow the the S4L,V, tention. on their business that they devote _toNside slias ,gted speculative ventures :they would net have to re- new their. notes, • • Far fields look green to those who are not food of . steady.' effort. Some. people delude theieselvei into the belief that they when they take their -pencils -and ,figure outwhet they might .heve Made It they had. bought "Lighten- • 2,54 p.m. 3.18 p.m. 4.01 p.m, • 4.23 p.m. 5,36 p.re.• • 8,35, Pen., • 8,307 pole. • nTURNING.,--Leave iretrOtitO-0-.59111aisennd 5.08-p.rk - Through coach Ithicardine to Toronto on morning train. Parlor-. Buffet car Palmerston to Toronto on morning train and jelPli Tor040 .ou eveidAst train, r • : ; 'For ImitIettfura apply to Grand Trunk Ticket Agents. •r,l'i .• . __.-.. ,, -___;____.._.___.__e,.....--------•--- NEW IDEA . F. PHILLIPS, Agent, Lueknoir, Lucknow- L.01e, 140.- 428meet in .their _lodge room every seetind Tues- day of the •niOrith :441 oelocg pen.. Jae. Irwin; Aee. 10 OY lacknow--Lodge meets every Friday 'evening at 8 o'clock, in their • Ha, Campbell StreelitAll'bretteren cordially invited. • Officers: Noble Gr -aid, Arch. Barb014.; Vice Grand, ZOblAttonel Ilito.44O-47Dr:Ratftsont Treattiret, Roes, ' ror, ortiCE ItEvpun The,revefiug of a poet office is a lair indication -4 the, amount of -bus- item done in the municipality tn year. kilere's the gross :revenue. from the leading towns and villages; in Breda Comity*, and some. .in Grey. It Shows that Hineardine is crowding Walkoton hard for *first place in glrttee •and Cbesley is right on the Steele of Wiertim for third place, • 'Welkorten 0120 J.8 tho right to vote; though.,:they_saw in their place. * . nothiog. in the • vote but a t.hingy to . - , • - sell pr give for the promise f a job. . . , --baleful •influence...,,. ANOTHER PROTEGe .. : Wherever . thede have gathered in large masses they have hadthe same TIONIST MOVE the,rile Of Boas Croker bad' • -The Canadian ma_nnf_aitneefs and - "Out Of :the abundanee - of -.the. heart. • ..government,_,40,ag_danaioped,ia waart .iinvarters_st,,,sleamargarine :have. is. the mouth -simaketh;" but often the. ,full.-heart...runs away with the • head. :et sek-ticeEversr•-eity--Job,--from-tha _ -.seed a pamphlet -prvtesting against "He that hath loiewledee spareth his trig 'Preferred" .when it was at 38. It is a dangerous vice that keeps a man from putting his mind on real things. For every man who inakeSo fertime by ' taking There at stocks ter:Tumns at ininiog shares you can find a thousand who have seen their money swallowed in the post without any re - :suit -beyond the..-understrioding -of the words "better is the sight of, the eyes • than the wandering • of the desire." Ohre your business the 'full benefit. . of your' brain and muscle. If it does hot' respond- er-ymir,„yrian find _some! thing that will make a more adequ- ate return* for - your honest . --toile change ,but ,this • dabbling= ire- outside_ nterests is , fatal. in. more respects than the loss of; 4nioney. We will never have better times until peopre . realize that • 9mOney gotten by greed ,s vanity. e . • !" • /9 • Highest Cash Price Paid • . Golden Silence- • open month is usually the sign leif -an e„.-oty head. Ihe more a man *nose's: the less 'they he is/ to talk, '#)r Crearn Eggs , . Any\ -Day.•. . • • Test Guaranteed at . •PALMERIS DRY GOODS STORE "Once a-Cuestorner, All/gays-a _ : Custpmer • ' Give Us A Trial PHONE '75. SPRING TERM FROM 'APRIL 3rd. CENTRAL BUSINESS CoLLEGE - _.:__*inghaine.wn. • • -Itook-keeving; -Pitman's 2Shorte ' hand, actual office work. Person, al Initrnctiona a specialty, rea- • settable tuition, graduates assist• l ed positions -Affiliated ,*withe • Central -Business College, Strat- ford. Our .graduates are in intimaned..• ..NS.otudvean4trmavyaceantrip_o411:; enY Catalogue 'Free. 'Phone -138-.• D. -A ;11/1cLachlan, R. Foster,. - • • President.. • • Principal. ose. 4z) a .. tile Valley WittNever Get Over the' OA „ Bring„us •. : Zt earn, Pggs.Ond.POUlt.ry-. and beonthe hill -top .VVe Pay "You:.,C.41.1 tiosest Tests. and a • Square Deal toiAll • • • '81 INORWOODS, For Service . • ' .. • , PHONE 47, • 1.11/CIIROW A.F.& A.M., G.R.C. Old Light Ldge meets- every- TinirsdaY . night on. Or _ before the fall moon, in the Mets- Ifeivelock St., Liefkrio*:`-`" kadiconzie; o • Reid; J.W.; J. Bie4uaig; See., W. 4. wileoe. L' ---------- of mayor, to street -cleaner was given, the prohibition of the manufacter- words" The :mazi--who-•-tanLiet :his, and , every mw enforced or elot en-; in" or in:time-ling of this food in Can- mouth going and .walk off end .leav : forced -with the one:end- in view, of ads.- - • . ' , , - •- , it may he gifted in a way. but his „ • ' words will miter get -.beyond the upleelding the ruling hops and ring. if existing laws are. not. changed sounding brass- and tinkling syniesd. If there were laws ieegulating.ealoonsi thio, prohibition l'.,,,ill come' into effect when you are tempted to lei Your -evith, severity tinnistrgretis .:otizzi; rii.wt)f tongue loose. take a hitch 'on it. The- -aitiblingplaces, low theatres or vice, next September, and all retail these 'were enforced 111.. e- L world. is full of blatherskites whose • amairist .enerides• ef the ruling ring, ter Marc s only t is a substitute for and titre in ttlir 11% alifpVt1.1 e0 leomaargarine • • butter, and,- cure, it is the dari .your 'words .whether you be wise oi while althoeCany-priveterre to. break FOR FALL FAIRS 'the law could be bought with a sub- men Of thia -country that urge the otherivise anci, e Op arid • . • , atantial contribution tp the funds of eft d At `th - time don't make- super,modesty 7'n glcCUS▪ C . he lestowel .exhibition. or a we el go ree, e exac len product. They Want ,to heve a moho- 'er in talking. too* as :we.11 s atm of an artiele w icb ppr a no e Tammany Hall, On. . tins principle, goirernment to put a stop to the itak- call you bl se . e same the prize lists of the legal exhibitiort murderers and robbers were prosecut- ,iag or mP g .•for not saying what v--- ought. when to be held next fall: are now readv Dar " • comes into eompetition viith tneir. , • ed llo d -t I • th distributiOn T • e right time conies There is clang directs:ma heve genera long way to- being cai•efiilly proPortioned to the- • joie of the rairket regardleSsOf how ! talkine too much_• •• • , • • wards =men* the •success of /their crime, • : , • *,-,--o-o-o---- so early, in the seasoif-The maxrity- 7.- 7., t may affect- public. showhy getting their prize lists (let At intervals the better element in . - -...., TANK :EXPLODES- o' , tne-en-y-, usually absorbed in Intsines$,- thalhe mall ae rers .. re_ of fall• fairs, do not• get their eri2e•, io. tu * of oleOesty that - -- AT TEESW-ATER vertising Value to the fair. If the its attention to city polities, and tosnttehantdottattheit Lity.amas illii.e4litritt trot Tem; . their product is just as, clean and pure lists Out in time to be of Miuch id-. being -driven to" desPeratiOn, ttirned Albert -----Stronte, an.00to re - say June I, iu,each.,,Yeer erhibitorS 121_1, _effort was_i_u_s agi.___,_mclic' ..___ a lot of the that if under certaint °Adak% some in making, a wad on the end of, a peopk, intent -to -buy -oleomargarine_ -largegasoline. tankMline an etnr,gen:- ind USe it inetead, of butter, "that is eceteline torch, :an- explosion -took their siert; affair, They know' Suet place vvhich tore -the end off the tank lraintrard/Oe a • a otfrr•w . r 1165 511 -.1$01$66111. 4rEe.1.4 4,...09 705' 85' Cheeky 8689 15 Setithainptott e,... 5012' 89 Oaten • 45221) 91 leicknoir ........ . ..• d951 Zhnitood .1.i.1,94tes-43.9031.11,4 r 140.1Y 010 "gel. IdliSn15°"' Bat" Ed' C/1 .11!!4,11.1t • prize _lists were issued not later 'then swept the •arig from power. But such taste es butter, but they do contend pair man of Teeswater was engaged every -departmen u -nbl- time' in -which people hated -real •Jaand-Taramany theirentries:1.11V yieleid :be esti t hoe been in the past.' the're is no er.,,, ev worthy suceessor Crok- tiu time after the lists are issued for th.• a . ladies to get ready any new fat er. Work or articles of domestie menu! ' Apart from the sort of Wisdom re - facture. - . • qe:reti for directing one .et the worst • pellteal organizations that ever exist - The factories Would tun if the con- Richard; Croher does tiot appear sumer would lenz the consinters hav,e been wise. Familf relations would buy: be had the -mone-e; "do not appear to_hiree hkelLgOd., for have the money if the factories Would „. it is said that, though a mi lioriaire run. three time over, he cut off is four children without a cent. Tis, evi- dently, nom because hissons, whO jive itt Xciv York, had, a few years ago, inetituted legal ptoetedinge to prove ineapable( of managing his Own btiginOs5, wife had died in 014, Weeke after that *Vent the o!,41 men married an `Indian Prin. mid selling should be ihmt mi tree /or e ifiTtlfe -- par • e:!a! was soon in ,ower again. •It is there ts:• Af. t‘t-41g,v; mxtglcr the .7goicienge-- of4loss no not stuar anethar day with Itching Bleed Um, iretrwl log Piles. no surgical ope? a ti 0 u required ' Ora (IWO% Otiftellt wM relieve you st °sec Wan benefit- Orle. a es en , moue, elitism vas • ' • e ;for i what- they 14.6 -buying - ufsrtatilig';-' and talkie& zatir: strove in sir trines He was badly bruised all over form of the long-standing strife ale• the body and his face and hancTh The coritroverey is • just another out •protection and free trade. This burned and cut, He washable to pick more himself up but before going far he case, however, is just a little collapsed and had to be assisted intO glaring than that of the inenufact- he -got !medical at- urer of ininlements, cloth Ornialc,toolllst who whales to cripple 'foreign coin. a garage, where pe'ritiori before breeing taken-honie. His li.etition by having, the goVe.„.___, impose .11 tax on imports; The ditty- iniurie/til°116-13alaful-are-414-dan Man wants his competitor killed off ereee• The large tank which )14 been used alosionr-So-great was the force that the tank,• 14- feet long and 4 feet in diemeter, and filled -With Water was •lifted and moved several feet, • meter aaartrYmd the:. Irtiterwa"ollfg.ollet. tht .1w7thil°N-Vidatinegi EgtralittlhweatsiZeeitongrittaesinteedd ,n,hoissonie (and that -mote than thotigh are had been taken to get eellsjor whit it ia,,the rrianufacture troepini:oifttetdelividatethris bet octiengitota 1101 tett) "Ite.,!,orch,thus reusing the or, eltogether, about 00 galons, It appears that right, So long as ole�. is pure and can be Said of all the butter) and it rid el all the gasoline' a sniall (Peet' tt FARMER WOULDN'T , ' PAY HIS TAXES - - Showed Fight, But Broke Down.' - When Constable _Drew ,Going__ . A, tertsiin citizen , of Artemesis township :refused to pay his taxes, and as a consequence 'County Con- stable-, Cook was oiled , upon to go -and collect -than -or_seize_nollatexid sufficient to justify. • the Claim, says .elesberton Advance, Taking a wit- aees along, the constable went out and interviewed the delinquent, with the result, that he ,vva.s... met \ „with a joint. Wank reicd to pay an more Axes. •Upon an invAtation to go to Ile stablc. and shu.v hiss hors:.s, the gentleman seised:4 fifiC1C :a tile 'door ef the stable. tareatened •to spread en the mend the brains f any map who tried to enter. In fact, he raised the stick preparatoE3 • UissCetalg the •conStable. The lat- ter pulled his gun, when Mr. Fight - ng Man apparently thought better il "it,, In a twinkling, the stick VMS Lcicked. from Idehand and a pairot holdings gracedhis id for help, but there was lip res- ponse. And he wept louder ...than ever Rachel wept for her children, but his spirit was broken, and he in, tited the constable to the house, vhete considerable specie waS no- oarthed anda chequegiven for the balance. Thus was the majesty Of the law* vinditated and the coffers of ha tAwnship outlawd to the egtent oi "111047.00 deflate, - JOHN SUTHERLAND & SONS, Ltd. • • Guelph,_ Ont., Insurance, Fire and • Marine. U - eed a Monument The Lucknow 1Vidible and 'gran - :Ate Works-has-a-larga_and Com-- plete stock -the most beautiful • . • designate choose from in Mar- I ble, Scotch and Canadian Gran- • ites, • • We Make a Specialty of -Family • Monuments and invite your in. Inscriptions neatly and ,prempt.P. -•-ly Alone • Calt and see is before placing • your order. • • 4 • • 110t1:4• A. SPOTTON, • • Ludknow, Onterio. ... 0,440 ` OUgliti! wa 1:•+ an:Cruiti; in _making 'them Into 'thread ptiactliik;• 1o* Is ttes-tibeto-Tbsidi - 11t1611. • ' '5'410" (nigh' Colds and • Bronchitis -•- tenterierd-te -Death' - " by , Buckley's'Bronaitis Mixture, Tlie greatest remedy the world ima eVer known. , • Car lrosatotil lititele,Catprattitee„ • 40 noses Mr hian • Sold bVn1 druggIst4 otbir Melt:rota W. K. itueldeg, Limited, 142 teslial et, ?erste Elold .Lucknow by E.