HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1922-04-20, Page 5•
('F;?' i1W
• T X A; (_ U4
.1.1.4,,Y, 20th,, 1921).
... '.... LA1..:, /
A penny savedis net always a penny earned.
Sometimes it is.jwo pennies lost, The merchant
who spends nothing orf 'advertising loses much
' more .than .he saves. •
The money. spent,,for plate glass ;windows ,is 'not -
looked on as 1o,st;. nor is the .money spent on
better. interior lighting. •
Anything that.. increases' favor,: that adds to. Sales,
that .i iultiplica .cust•olners is very properly regard-
ed as• it good investment. •
Advertising is a good investment—just as plate
glass windows; are, Advertising sells more goods
to more •persons: than shop -windows dp,
Do not resent having a merchant. addresshis
message to you in the form of an ,advertisement
inour colums.? On the° contrary, is •net your
impulse to respond to his friendly overtures?o•
Shop, Where You Are. Invited• . to. Shop
Issued' by Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association
(By One of The Party)
The ' trip from Toronto to Texas,
organized. by Dr. IL R. Samuels,
gene •al' Manager of the Erie Invest-
ment . Co. Ltd., fox the Tease -holders
of the company, to ,see the
at. Rockdale; Wiliam, Sutnmerset, } a:
taken in .by the_ fc.i.wing . i "• S.rnt�
uals, the manager;, J. W. Maciii0y,
Dr; E,, B. Foster, F. l4fehous, of
uss �l T'.
onto; Sandy Fox, of: Ili e ,
Lewis and Amos Tipling,, of jxr ing-
ham; G. W..Andrea,. Jas, T. :Web-
ster, Jas.. Ar Miller,..and A.. B. Mac-
KaI, Af Lucknbw, :
'The party left Toronto at 6 p,111.,
(March; 18, and was •'at Chicago at
o'c1oc,Ic . the .following .;horning. `Ori•
.the ' way: to. 'Kansas Pity, Mo., we
passed through some beautiful . agri-
county. We arrived at and
left Kansas City in very short order,
on the way to Oklahoma City, Here
we passed 'through some tarn• oil
fields and passed a l,uniber.of large
refineries. On this part of the trip,
having ; seen many . beautiful sights,
we began to think the • U.S.A. was
some place.. • •.
We arrived at Rockdale, Texas, on+
March 221 at 8 a.m., and; as arranged
for, our sleeper was Sidetracked until
morning, when the officials of the
town . gave the ••Canadians a right
royal welcome Col, Niehous, former-
ly of Canada, and at` one time Post-
master at Berlin i (now Kitchener),
C, • F; Drake,. secretary of the Board
of Commerce, Wm. Ferguson and Mr,
Camp and .a number of others, We
had dinner as guests of these gentle
laths " tai h , ':v take advantacre,
lali this n in,' 1 -caret to 1 ,.
veritable "care all". i
We left' next- rtr:+r './. ur Mexia .
whey:e are- th" 'lar ; st, 1 field's -in
lnrth c, i , ric,i, This field is 15 miles
.c, .r ai ,i •there. are hundred:, of gush-
rs, : :•,die. of the hells have a four-
c.c ii due leading" from their heads,
l'hrrr =,rh these the, oil •rushes to tanks
whieh hi,irl 85,000 hni rcls,, and, if we,
`saw one' `tank we saw,. hundreds • of
•�, t
ored through n0
st of
this field, and a wonderful .Sight it
was. Melia, in'' 1021, had',a population.
of � 900 negroesl and When .Col, Hum-
phreys got a gusher the world 'seem-
ed to; flock t ,.Mezis) •an,l' tvhi'ii ,c.
were ,there the:°populi . ,.a -t ryas4'),OOO,:
besi.1es a floating ,poliuiation of about
10,000. W • have a "snap" of a shack
and one mire ofgroundwhich c
for nhrh an
old negro got one million dollars,
Some price! And other'land in this
oil field was leased, and bought ac-
Leaving Mexia;' we '°turned home-
ward, heading for ,St. Louis,'passii;r
through Missouri, a 'very Lire State,.
with tnuclt beautiful s;enery. ' We
travelled formany miles through the
foothills of the Osaka Mountains on
the railroad 'along which the James
Pros, arid. t :civ friends, the Younger'
:Bros:, used t0 'commit their robberies
escaping into these' mountains, The
Missouri -State Prison was pointekt
out to us acrossthe river, 'It . now •
holds 360 life prisoners, It is a big
affair, and manufactures all kinds "of
stuff. • Besides it has a Targe farm in
connection, The new state capital was
also pointed out; This: building, we
- 4'4a 4 103k!, .0 bey5+�.(i 440,16.11wNif,0• *N-0.441!w41ll!o1 v ,}ii E$
Form) • an .•i p4r rant part, of the House Furnishing
this store. We have a extensive> range Section- of tli� of
M' • .
the -New and �'ask�ionableg U ater; lsa • .. .
REAL,SCRIMS and Fancy Border's in Ivory and Ecru shades 27 and ' 36 inches
d'IFLL, -I fain
wide, from 19c., upwards.
MARQUISETTES, 36' and 50. inches. wide; plain anil,fancy edges, highly. mercerized,
or Ecru, 25c, to :$1;00 per yard,
in .C,reanl
• BUNGALOW N FTq in�ahost Of a treyns suitable for any robin in `the houser rom Cellar r to.'
• •' 'Attic, but the show a, a it:eial tanke for Dining -Room. or. Living-fooni w ndoivs, ;Special
values' at 39, 50, 65, 75c, and up to: f1,50 per yard.
MADRAS in plain Crean- or with fancy colored. borders, 36
laundered curtain material there is, 76e., to $1.50. per
For' Side Curtains
There is CHINTZ, :35 to '75c, a yard
ART SATES\S, 25e. to $1,00 a yard;
CRETONNE, 25c. to ;!71.00 per yard;
and X50 inches wide. The
Curtains for Doorways
and Arches
,TONNE -In Fl?ral and Striped de-
signsr well -woven -materials, that: are:
pleasing, and 'attractive, 50c,• a. -yard
Irl% $9,25 to
Plain and Print
1 �0 per. yard'.
Plain Colored 11I.ARQU,ISETTE,: at.
50e. per S'ard.
DO YOU NEED NEW POLES for Window or Doorway? We have Round or Flat. Rods
for Windows; Oak or White Reed`Itoles for Doorways. All lengths and at lowest.Prices.
TF•NSION .Matt • -
Use Our Store for Your Next Drapery Order
TUI At' de
k , ro+.., '+•CetiJsda
That's wkly we'sell it instead of.'oth'er'makes.. It's of the . ,
highest quality—'in wire, galvanizing and worktnanship-
2 1.... _....
ONT,,.Who .guaratztee<><
. We can sell,you_this:lenge as cheap
as you
Lucknow, Ontario.
c��nov� ' . . t
TheTtaln That Carried. The Party__..
After -enjoying their'hospitalitN.. a
motor trip: landed us at '''n•',,,:
emery • which is :-about . •a#,...#
from the oil field;. Gaing '(t, .
-wells,We we ' b Mr--
c +,
Porter, driller' and field ni • itags. i
the,' Erie; -Investment Ltd. Viewing
Wells No.• One :and Two and the,well
under the drill (since "come in") and
by all odds the :hest in the field. We
saw -also the .•field tanks: ,and •took :-
few. `!snaps"' which maybe seen •fur.
the asking. •
Leaviiil,- ti,e •E-rie •hokitngs we view=
:ed'-tlie.' fi 7da`::surxoundi 1 •and
were.well satisfied with what 'we
saw. We. then motored back to the
town, making. the acquaintance of a'
number of men _engaged in the_busi-
ness: After the.enjoyinent•of a, hear-
ty -dinner, we `took the -train:-.,for-
Milan to look over the Erie holdings
there and to inspect the 'heavy rotary
drill adjoining the; Erie lease.• This
drill' is . about thirtyrods from the.
, The Milani, lease, has_ been, pro-
nounced by
ronounced-by geologiststo be the, best
holdinrnx in, that part, and , the oil -
finding machine,,while on the'proper=
ty • gave a very high. test, Thin
machine -is a new cbeimra•1 'arrange
nient and has :proved -satisfactory:in
the •Mexia' fields,
Milani is a beautiful place and .a
Winter resort "with. hot springs and
111 M...w .. ,-
A View of The Texas Oil Field'
MINISTER S'ro1,1,, D , •
Rev F,. C, Overend was the hero of
4e. cicaei' e titre- of a runa:ivaV team
on Monday sa+•s the .Kincardine Re-
view. James Gardiner's dray horses
scared • at something that never a-
, lams working boys and girls -the
, five o'doek whistle,,'rhcl;, ran tip
-----Queen Street as. fast:: as; dray ._homes
can go, Mr, Overend tried to head
ahem off, but failing in that he grab-
, be-
hind, Fortunately. the lines were a-
vailable and he soon reined them in,
.turned them round and drove them
back subdued and somewhat repent-
ent, their horse sense tolling them
they iritist have been doing something
wicked when a Clergyman had to take
-nota in 'handy
ter• .._._, ..
•11UiLDIN BITRNE17-t.:.
_.. •( ,v e:Chesl�e
About 'two years ae•o Cleo. Butch-
art, of the Township of'Eastnor, ant -
chased the; farm' of Geo, Hawes. a
well-to-do .farmer at Spry in Eastnor
Township. With the ;poor crop last,
summer Butchart,."it is alleged, found
it a difficult matter to make the pay-
ment clue on his, farm, His; barns
and house were destrov,ed by fire last
October and. as he had the buildings
heavily ,insured the Ontario Fire Mar-
shall .was sent up to investigate.
13utchart claims that the fire was
caused by a lantern fallin+Y out 'of
his hand in the hay mow and errnlod-
ing, As a result of. the preliminary
hearing At Wiarton Bttchart hds .been
lromu ittediar 404 azt4 wilt come u»
tae.re`'told, • cost, four -and -a h ilf: niil
)1 :n - a massive affair,
e. • it •vine -once
«c'pa..cd.'tliiou�}t Bots s ,
t i:0 hone. of -the f•tmous scout, D inie1
aTIt Ind!a i.=;t" .;ting
b. , n Itt-- the: •e< ,..•1 „•-
s of
and cut• we.
•a 'er s o
great assistance to the goVeritmcnt,
it mber of
he later became a r e
C'r . gress.
\" arrived. ,at St, Louis at G.:16
p.m, and had four hours .iii the city,
but -.we :did -not see 11i.nch. as .it was
ni lit, WVe left for betroit et .1a.:30
:and, a riving• At that city., crossed tc,
Windsor-. •-and ' weir soon -bounding'
elcrtig . for :Toronto :where SVG rill vec1
at '10 p,m , fn away,,' glad ,t%c trl?S
ryas ended, and feeling ssti:lied t illi:
the conditions of. the 'oil fieIds ..at
Rockdale. •
It was interesting •to.;pbserVe the
changing:. character of the 'country
and its products as, we : ntot ed south
First the- great. fall -1 ii.,at f clefs oir-
the north;l'then wheat and corn, then
nearly all corn; then coin and cotton;
'and fianally all. cotton, The season in
Texas, o"f courses,: -vas iiinch farther
;'advanced than it was here, and•rott.cin
`seeding was in full'.swing, We could
s:arcel y • realize that win.ettr
tions still prevailed back 'horde,
at the next competent 'court of jur• IINLOSS
'`isdiction in Walkerton to answer the 4
charge of attempting to defraud the
Lon deli,'1Huttialz.Firu-T,tnstitati t- 'e
pang, There, have be several invest- j
igations by the Fire Marshall in this
e)atifity-111-Aiir)ast lew--years- ane;
believe in every case the. suspicion
.:has been aroused by :high, insurance ,
• - o 0 0--• .
Much of the dificontent felt-. by
those who travel on the sea of matri-
mony is •occassioned�by the lac!: of
AYod aro not
e x p e rimentr
in whet;
i`nu use, 1)r
;';lase s <)int•
Lmerit for Eczema and Skin Irrltt-
ttons. It relieves at once and gradu••
ally heals the skin, Sample box.1)r.
Ch 80'11 Ointment' free if you mention this
afiet and send 20. stamp for postag0 coe. a
cut ii ail dealers. or 'hdmat100) , Date •di Co.,
twitOd+'.I'4rontwi ,4 . ,. -...,.... --...._,-
The Store .with
The Stock
S9C:.P.R. Tickets'
.Corsets •
• TI•IE SEASON FOR SW ATTI\ G 1, Ruth, or ° Ping Bodies with the bat, •M.1 It1EU AT TEES i% ATER
FLIES DR AWS NEAR i «c -Will start our -swatting- ea1•l.y if
" we 1; ens hat
and`- nelsons, traps and: atA ins' was :soletiiinized ;
quiet �wedd
The, season of ,the fly is comm , the the •home of •Mr, and Mrs: W. J
health oficials s iy+,. in a bulletin ori atieklti.1 (it is Written), help a lot, •
Harkness, Clinton Street, When their
-. eldest 'dal hter,- Margaret_: Jean, -be --
House flies, If you want to be a credit: lint; there's nethi so'effective-its-the- g
to your, country,.fown and stat :v31:1' good old-fashioned swat,
will swat the little erlttel—Sit ,t ]rim Per you can't reform the fly; it'sa
early, swat -him "late,' 'Fo-i,• the `'louse thing•that ;can t-be=done; A-11-attemp,ts
fly is: a menace; he's not fit to be a have' met with failure ,since the .days
round;`so the "thing to do is•spat huh' of Babylon, -Read your—Bible;: read
_whcrever he is 'found. how
;oses walloped Pharaoh
araoh 'twixt
c.Here s newsab�ut-the-hause. fry," ,the ay.es ith one plague rpot air=
the city Ed; "C'ah't ♦you boil other, -,worst of all the plague of flies:
it -,clown; and tell u hat the health Read .how rife' was made a torture
. • even. in the Promised Land, bringing'
psaid .•s»
•(n; tentle xea-er, take he: word 'ofgerms tountles
one: who • read the .pamphlet through, ed in' that happy,, strand, .And there
rhouse fly -•never Should a
ssociate, ` it he ;roper: club—as it:lw
with tou,Gr anthin;• that-s--tou-r
n<cined--thti--dec t1,. bo• c e ,
$o strive to see:that he is killed .or zebu i
else kept out of doors. -Altof-which., you'll .find recorded in-
If.lialf the.t c,
hin>s'thet sat- are true 'the' Health 'Beard ]3ulletin Buy• it,
—and tvho -would :dare to eii<uib:t':em ? • steal it; get •" it, read it— : and digest
r' t •.. • you . the facts therein; .Then_ go out and
—the other' half `cj::n't it:artc ., . �
don't need to 1:noty ah iitt.'eiii, Just stt'at, the housefly, 'swat and show'em;
ti),i•;k: A .ttoriral • I -enure 'fly. •,Bink, you'i•e.no.dub, for `by'`swatting' every `..,,Becahse;":after which -a buffet tun-
, . . .. . ...ALO • ._' . . ..� . u -_W ilL.swa: _.Beelzebub
1i0� ilti�', S� they sift., of lily in +` e,,,.,:• ;.ittuscfly y o swat .,
:._ - _ .- _ _: day.- _ . Exchan a E_chegn was Sery d let '4 r , Bradley
in_1�'holesaie'litt5, ten•;du!enin t g .
�whet; proposed, .toast to..th i bride, ,and the
These egg§ hatch out in no time
_ ___ groom very_fittfnglyrephedr
the, -We thew. faU.1y'_Itben'. incl five t'1TTIE-DIE ERO3r_--DIEHO12151'IlT,.'•_
fel that the n+ .t horn fli: s- Be- ..
evenlrlg•was spent In games and mu
d.lt . -after morning _.. _ -sic. The .left.on T esda ,ntornin far
giu =to Gtyarni,. .And so- it goy?; nie>rt. .' �j tIhani,• Cassidy of C,;,on S, Bruce Y Tuesday- �' g
came the bride. of 'Mr. James N,
Ther ton, • •son: ''of Mrs. '.Wallace
Thornton, also of Teestvater.. •.The. Y
eerentiny 'was performed by Bev„
--fir i1R• Bradley, bf>Ktiox,.Churah,..last ...
Wednesday evening; April_ 5th, ,'in-'
.•the..presence=of,--theTfaml.liel of Ilio `-
contracting parties and a few- friends
The bride, :who. -was' beeam,ii gly: atYT
tired in nigger brown satin • de chene
trinlfned with georgette 'and heavily '
15eaded,: entered the .room fe the st"r
ainsof-the wedding mart!: play ed::.by
'Mr. R Id i .ori: the •arh oL tier,
K z}
who ave her att.ay -She Was
g •
attended by her sister, Winnifred- E.,
Whowore a'dress' of navy matin with
hena cantoncrepe, and heavily 'beaded
while .the groom Was supported by his . ;
brother Charles L. "Durifir"the''slggn ''
ing of the register.. Mrs; „King •sang
flies• more eggs,; from, Apri't;to Sept 1' lest three head .of young cattle out
i ' `• • s•hi',hcr of free be dehorned'and Peter Urqu-
ettt.+{L,•.t.11 the tltt'L1 SCDTL+ ,};C.t h
than. mostMammaflie, rc;i;cinher :hart. near Tiverton.1ost 'eight out'. of.
The. scientists, 'however, fis;uics • a, eleven head• in .the same manner; It
is -claimed ;that the •sti:cet.cl1over sit
they foot -,`'em up • ere herewith
brotlgltt to light., wage 'these men had ..been feeding
Ten million fliesy: the re Cords s}t6w, '; thein 'cattle 'made" the "blood' so thin
-' - _ -- .brit-•-it•-Will •-not�dlot• whentrtli 1
yntr v srrtna from' inie• fly's t iytn;;--. '..t ,
which makes some clot; some.fainill --horns-
are', cute and the result' is that the
tree, some buiiclt lis, goes the s•ty .r;,r. c<lttic dies) froth. loss -of blood:
That , isn't, all: Iii forty dtisrs, • :thee••`—••-o=A-o=
13c,.'111i .sharps. esti-mate,' c•tm -lily tt Derr -,i.
il 1 ..... i I1E .REM PAW WAS •FATAL_,._
• nt ''tc 12,000;000 fliesc. 3UO nil + urs• ltd• -:
}te 'ht, To k 11 S0O -reined of ,flies - "Pid \•ou•hear that Bill ryas dead"'';
, t .: "\i,; what.did-he .die Rof,,,
tB. igh 1'cllete tt ou ;ray. ni}t we+.4t..1 � ,.Oh. hi+,had lumbago, They rubbed
ta' e the scientists assort, coiisial o n •h broke.
, h?: hack; alcoh 1, ,a d e
al./:,e swat, And<as tte're.not all Babe. his 'neck trying to• lick it off." •, '
•0....�.,::.r. .... «:w., — •
Ripley wher4 they will ;mike • their
home,=The News. •-
-o 0 n'— ..'
Churches and other •religious insti-
tutions are now exempted, from mak- •
Dominion •44`
,tng • returns tolt � t e � inconie
taxation 'officials' on salaries paid to
ministers And other eitployeeii In'
emphasizing this • fact; Inspector
George. lead1]inr .s_tate<1.'_-that they:...
were, as a, class neglecting to cont
piete the- forma, All etnployeis pat =•
fug more than, $1,000 (:,r, its: equiv.- •
' alent in subsistence) required to
make •1' return or in defin$tpay a
$10 a 'clay fine, •
114 A itdAt A pri1 1 i . i .
Mrs, Geo. Richardson and childeCn
'of near Teesrvater, and Mr, and Mrs•
v'e Gent7«e-(161:1 l cvet e ti°ntlag' i--teYs,
With :Mrs, A, Stanley,
MvAtanIev_s•spr+ndln•}+: a few
clays with .Mrs, 'Latchford Thacker,
Service in' the Methodist Church
litre Will be' held in • the evening' at 7.
_ _Miss _ Lattilaakelins ,r4'turr.od to
her hong, •
A play will be given in the Church
lin the evening of April 'Malt, lyre
groin -•Pumpkin Cri.l:r' is, the
title of the pltty,.•Achnission Tic,
Mr, and Mrs. Walter Kaake. spent
Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Alf; Rtis-
sell; I ingar , •
Try • t . irtile' -7 e.
L ti. ,. r...BS
23 for
•rr •
p=er.,,. c.r