HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1922-04-20, Page 3:
U-- fig 'CAN NOW EAT.AN41-,.
Allan Crawford An Active Soy Scout.
. The nanurof .AliansCrawford and hits
.eeploit in planting the, British Reg on
Wrangel Island has recently attained
warld•Wide. publicity: He Is meet'em
•"phetically not thp swash-leuckling type
useally associated in the public mind
, With men Whorsell the high seas, claim
•territory ter their dountrie,s, end plant
- flags: Beetles. been known' bithertis
..for Cie, local ieterests rather tharefor
watiderings, far his humor, es-
eecially as circulation manager a the
' UtliVertilty. of T.oroute's•farnous humor:
enue pubileatthrl: !The .,-,Goblin"
than his acquisitiveneea, Atlan-Cravs,
' ford" Wks born' in Hamilton, 21 Years
' ago, and spent his childhood along the
slower •of tha Mountain. I Like other
• children, he used to realn about the
anountain, but nothing he did .the ex -
i" eept associating himself actively with
. the 13ey Scouts, presaged the exp ores
aye part rifehis nature which was stile
riequently to .malre him ruinous, Yet it
. is certain that his Boy Sco.ut training
was of immense Velue. to him were it
r . onlythe' fact that . ft 'preeared Mtn,
• or rather taught him, to be •prepared
• for every emergency,
. -•
New Troop for Brantford.
• ; Stareng off with a membershin dr 60,
,a new. Boy Scout Troop was recently
•.;,Inaugurated at St: patilli ': Scheel,
., Brantford: Every public, and separate
' school in the city of Brantford now
has a. thriller 'organization;. Very Rey.
-, • .
;Dean Brady; D.D., delivere,d• an inspir-
ing arldress,:ea the members of the MONEY ORDERS . anxiety. - At • this Season, conditions
new troep, enifiliasizieg the need for .When ordering goods by mall send matte, it 'necessary to keen the baby in.,
' activitY along Scoqt lines in.: thrediree a Dominion ExoreSs Illoney Ordeis • doors., He is oftenepotlned to over -
...age boy's life.. 'Rev:, Palter Ci immin *heated and badlyeventilated rooms and
Wes present,'asAating In the orgeniza-s .• catehes' Coldt. which rack his whole
Mi Lion. ' MJ, _AL s Shuteleviorth aisq . tt• has been' estimated that 90 Per system; To guard against this a bo'
cent. Of the 1..e.s which occur in the
..8101ilt.:on muttons, , pertaining to .the Air_ Ra by'se Own Tablets. should , be- kept ,
•duties Of the Scout, Mr..W. IT, Emery 'forests -of Canedit-iii -caused 'by he- IC the house and an eseartiOnal dose
: has-been' appointed Scoetmaster end mare eget:ley. ' .. 'i .- • , . giro the bay to keep his stomach
. vein he Assisted by Mr. Gilbert EinerY. , .. ' arid , bowels ' working regularly. This
' The nese troop will have eight patrols. wilt :prevent polds; ,eoltstieetion'pr
colic, end keen' baby well:- The Tab-
'1Cty •Scouttnasters !Organize. . •F e vissTMENT;
. he Scout ofncers •of Oetario's three -•-• 'Preferred 2100.00 Steck, wl(11 Dolma
""d "in"I''' " 8'.:' tete are sold,by mediereeelealere or by
melt at 25c,.a. box froth The De. Wil-
lergeat' cities neef haie fargenizations Parctreeulaer°smillillo%11 II.41'1.1ilin"Phell,'1'41T.ASdleitt:Iillkiliel. „Hama' Medicine. Ce., Bi•oekvilie, Ont.
. of their own to foster interaroop co- yese• Toronto.• ' ,
' operation', • mutual improvement ..along
*smile& liners, and sociability. 01-
". tatva',s
Ttakessehe form of "The -Scout- r
nfas.tees! roop." : Toronte's' is "The '. HEALTH 1. DUCATION...-
ses.i.,i.asters,.., AsSeciatio-n," - .while
ilamiltort Officers •work under the
merle or '" "The Scoutniastene .Club."
Loyd Byttg of Vtrey is •one 'of the in-
struct -ors Of.the Ottanske."Troop."
• Scout Landlords. - .
Suffered So • From 'Stomach
•Trouble He Dreaded Fo• r
Meal -Time to Come.
"Par the first Huta ie two..yeaes I
catt eat a. hearty meal With** fear of
distrese afterwards and I tette-141y
ant streng for Taniecel said WaAtee
Brodeur, 1472 City. H•all IVIont-
reei• Que.
•"I had acid stomach. or,tlie, worst
Bert and efothing agreed with me.' Of-
ten for tte tong as an hour aft* eating
I felt that I was about to choke and
would just here to :fight to get my
breath and I was so Worried and ner-
vous that I dreaded for night to come,
as it meant hours of rolling and tosa-
"Everything is changed now, • how-
ever, And I ant like a new man, eat
what I want, sleep all night long with-
out a break and get up in the morning
feeling as fresh and active as a boy."
• Taniac is sold by all good druggists,
Working' to rhythm is a study now
being taken up in British industry; by
it all the workers on the same job do
their work in special movements, cut-
ting, out waste of energy and increase
sing their outptit and consevently
their earnings.
• Forestry Motion Ilictures,
The•usual rnethoda. for interestng
the publle he foreata and their pro-
• tection hp,ve been continued. These
Jriclede illustrated lectures, • talks to
'Schools and' dietribution et literature
te 'Sehool children and to homeS near
to or intlie.forest. By the co-opera-
tien or the PubtlatY 'Branth et the distingelehes them from nailtiterle, of
DerartMent• of Trade -and Cominerce, ett'erac and they pdss out • of our
*Vying Pictures .have. been taken of thoegisse aa they pass sat of out sight.
Ores °and fire fighting,' and also of There are certain other individusiss•
however, whom' we may meet but
once, lnat who. reeve a lasting impres-
'sten with. us; there is something about
them that Make§ its indelible mark in
our memory, because tney are force-
""%ril. otjr
In our daily intercourse how m
people we meet and never think
again! lVe may talk with. oe
men and women, but there is note
about them which eepecially fmpr
anY D • In the United States is found the
Gigantic Salt Mine
rtaollif •AFTER FI•VE YEARS greatest bed of salt in the world, per-
, aging at Ieast 250 feet in thickness
and extending over—or perhaps one
ee mean) Merited individuality in t
"conversation or their appearanee t
• • , I sstiquoaurldo zeit5:tad:er--ap, area. of .10.0000
Ili; 14n E x'Se"le°- Man Tells Usr.77 . The enorthern e • nd ofethisesalt bed:,
. • • f - •
• treeplan.ting, so that hereafter Cana-
dian moving pictere theatres, lec-
turers,' . and educational inatitutfons
*in not have to depettd pictures (if
such scenes from other countrlea. It
Is hoped that the showing of' these 1'4 IMPelling personalities. These
Rime throughout Canada will give PeePle we inetinetivelY follow ,and
Canadians. Some; idea of the fact.that obey because there Is a certain coni-
thetr own COUlltrY ts [he an of pro- maadrill* duality •in their mentality,
grease—Ann:hal Report Director ot they radiate force and Masterfulness;
the ethers, ,matter how learned;
how brilliant, lacking this quality!:
never inake.aeY lastin,g inipreselon up -
tin'' us, There is nothing c•ommanding
In, their nature; they are simply more
of the "also rand." The impelling,
• masterful personalities are the ones
whO get ahead; Obstaeles. get out of
• their way because bhey are dynamic,
• compelling.
Did you ever feel younself rein-.
forced, your ability doubled; your
Power to do things increasedtremend-
ouslY in the Presence of some great
personality yeti admired'? It seemed
• that, you could do almost anythistig
• when buttoeseed and, Atipported by
such an Careening influence. His
qualities appeared to coalesce' for the
time With your own qualities, his
ability to blend With your ability, SQ
IN' .TIIE SPRING telela:":1711,1s flest'lltu:111111;:nis poWer N,hiassaptIrded
weralia es-
Ireirrestry, Ottawa.
. ' 14s; piing gafl
Old worisre awfully troubled;
• Men know not where to turn .
From lack and strife and discerd;
Hate and anger barn!
Everybody's worrying,
Everybody fears; s
Seems like things are tottering --
Rank disaster nears! . •
Yet, 'midst al the turmoil •
Rains the graeses bring,
Leaves and buds are bursting,
Carefree birdies sing;
As from the beginning,
• Comes, another spring!.
. • . - • '
Once? Have yeti •never, 'felt surprised
•- 1St/Ahem: virliii-haie little ones in the at- tire things. you could- say ter- ,StiCh a
honie find the Spring a thee of great Person which.You'neeer could say to
yourself or to otilsers? Then again,
hoys often, en. .some great eniereency
or..crisis, we, feel weak and inconinet-
en t to cope with . the ocoas ion. Bei
suddenly a Strong persont.lity cornea
Mt° yourepresenee, What a reliefs
vita t !It'd edietreenti'Leterd .bisit rese In&
'POWer-rush.16' our aid! We feel at
once like ,a new eers.ons--no•Ideger in '
need, no longer. lacking„ but .whole,
complete, efficient. We• are, •now Mas-
ter of the situation': . All we 'neede
wes re-assuranee„ confidenco,..• sel
trivet; .someone,to make es do *ha
ewes' pas.stble for us to. do; , semeone. t
take away' our doubt and our fear'...--:.•
e-- . , • Success. . , .
.' The ,grev7thof :the Boy' and dirls'.,
Club movement • in, the United States
• % mid Canada hes, been almost 'phenem-
.. By bR,. J. j. , MIDDLETON.- : .enal ar.d the, work' is still• in its' iree
Provincial•Board Ofilealth. °Mirky ' • .ginnings. It is interesting to note that .
the: Movement, has -.spreadste- Great .1
....Dr.:111„Iddletcn_wilt be glatt.to„ansWer-questions' on 'Publie. Health mid. •
Bi.itain."The f rst club itteEnglend
' ....ler" thri,ugh thlircolunia. -AddFiiiii kinvat Bpadina Home; &pains*. swasi'fornied at Hen'yotlicinsbevonshire, 1
. Crescent. Toronto. • • •
• The new .1st Beeton '.froop ,Is' the ' ..• and more. recently, eiubs have *bee
. . .
, eise e-eop eepaieed. to have taken up, %.-,..-forriterle•-ats.Kingselere 'I:Newburyi
. . . .
Hampshire, and at Weiwyn; liertferd
the slek-anse'eltivery Scout a leuellord." • Is there any need for motliersto be with the rights of the home •,nor ,Would.shil:-e, •, ...-• • •• .. •
'. This ' treeoshas.ebeen, . sybarite:0g- -on. instrircted by a PuliliC'Hbalth Nuree'llsestrele be tolerated. -' It els. neither -the • . . ' , ' ''' • '... - ' . '
eirds and. recently .conducied, a bird- to how babies should be fed and cared desire.,nor the inten•tion • to take, the Thereehave been over. eineet-lieusansi
_. .
stieusseleintilsli eget:antes Le seLeireeStuerte -fosesee. - e----..--e----e----• • ••• • car --ofethe I rld. . . ,
eses---,------ .. . . 1. $ 9 different varieties et potatees, but' oni
Thompson, .t iie Toronth naturalist, Pr- :. ,Is pet, the PrenesitiOn-to.'ehave--a-•-the-PareeteOrts-Fleerelieve them of the -a. few of these are wortheultiv.ating.
' (1.cint•O A'S j1111.4.:0±-11114,-,a13P:,gEM) Allessnurseeineeversee&ornniunity: err :inter-.. reaseeneiltilite-of .. the i3roper, rearing
boys and their friends'. pile pf his 'in- , . .
fe,rehpee with the rights of the:home?. of their effipriegebht it,is_ the earnost„. Row maey'g_as_es ..a.heart:_disease ar
;tut i table ! talits-ml iiirda_aud..-bledeliteses -7,---.4--te--61ife-glyeituint-in •a---.-IsreethaT111.-Ort-'' deilre te- eo-operate with, and to ase to neglected areas of infeetio
' - selendid Work of,.Field'SeCtari,'.-,' ' '‘es --to- neVesespeF.--reeentirgglmt tiSeie.. 4it Parent.s...by .s1-7t-ifi.c:pcivIc4,7to such.as diseased tonsils and adenoids
, Mr:. E'arte• H.• Destisoni, Provincial cluestion.e.'. They are•intelligent spies- imprOve. the plrysisii endetheegeneral-eor riefectiw teeth? Hew many 'el
Vield Secretary; reeentlY 'Made at telt- tion a 04 deserye:..ge5bus 4 ' C Onr.i.ffe ra:. . Qn.iti t i o n of their ehildreii.bY instrect- young merC.are there in our eountr
dtty organliation trip Etrough Western t,icrii., ..• ,'. . .. • , - ing: -them as to proper feedihg,. heirs- becateSe ,. infected. areas kept s dii-
'Onterie, aud'dhring that-;tirreelereue- -Dr: .1. -AV, • :S.. . ,141-eCOleugh, ;Chief. • , eganiteteore..eest -iiicl7reoreatiate. Charging 'their ireitating prisducti inte.
..Ceetled in estableietee nine .new Medical Officer of, Health for Ontririo, toSachieve the''best •results'in,the de- the bleed stream for years 'before the
:troops. Nearly , a- newestroetens Ogyl-- replied- to- th it-- eerreependentrendehis elernneets of the 'effilciten. Further, Symptoms a the cese -beCanee 'soffit '
...Theyearreessiteratedent=theefellowingedetterewas-pirblishedsirethesamesnews+theelfcreecalling• a •:dectot le
•ceetres.: Capilacete,•evarssiee, 'sorest, paper 'ie Which the correspondent's not alwdys Apparent 'at e eofficiently
. Psi -Rhin,' Ailsa•Craim.New Hambourg, .questions appeared.. The whole matter early. stage , to Make the doctor's sers
• .Waterloo, and two, treoeis At. Wallace- is of absorbing interest, for no more Vice of the greatest possible Value. te
Minard'sLiniment forCoughs and Colds
Wife.tound New. iXealt
Ceneral Kairea6,, hoe been known
Pr mans sears; hat not. until recently
was ,the fact astertain•ed that it ex.
tend thence in sauth-westerly.clirec-
Hon throtigh • Northwest Oklahansa
Northwest Texas and Eastern New
Mexico. This 'discovery has. been
made by numerous 'borings -not for
salt, but for oil, gas -and water. 'This
vast .bed :of stilt extends at least 550
miles, Prete north to south and 150 .to
250 from Oast to weit, rflany'parts
It is Lore thaa i00 feet. thigif. and in
-seme plebes Rs thickness ekeeeds 700
feet. Assnmilig an: everege thickness '
Dt Oni37.201.? feetethe be must contain
lea.sts30,600 billientems of salt! .
It wos fanned by Wel evaporation
during long ages, of a shallow sea,
which en very ancient times covered
all that part of the United States. The
deposit hes great economie verge, the
salt being easy to mine (as it, is mined
even now ia Kansas) by the simple ex-
pedient of boring two holes and. fore-
ing water down one of them. The
water comes up out of the other hole
laden with salt and is evaporated in
pans. .
' is thought that valuable deposits
Of potash salts May perhaps be foued.
'1r:really in this great basin of saline ec-
cumulation:. -
"1 to testify," says Mr. R. A.
.HUghes, of Hamilton, Opt., "as to
the efliciency of your Dr. Williamrs'
Pink Pills for the following sea.spris:
"When I tetorned home- in May,
1919, after neatly five yeers ebsente
on army•service, My wife .bad Changed
from e heelthy, robust woman, to ono
nboo, life wase burden and ordlearte
ditties' aline:at TbroUgh
wr worries, 1one11des ani: other
tors contributed theciugh my unaveld-
ceibe as an pridermining proems,' for
able -absence, • her heelilt had been
"1 was fully aware from her letters
that would not find her- the seem
woman, but, when I reached tiome, I
was terribly shocked to find her in the
condition she was in. . Her • healthy
color had changed. She seemed blood -
lees and her skin .was She
was weak and listlees,, and .vvith diffi-
culty moved about the house. She
hardly ever moved out of the house as
she becume no short' of breath and
feared ehe °would fall during one Of
ter dizzy spells, which slut, &aid were
becoming More frequent:
, •"The day ,I arrived heMe Visited
our doctor, who is an old friend, and,
later through his advice, consinted
with another physician of this city.
Everything was done thee could' be
done .and many medicin•es were pre-
scribed aterfaitlifiins; taken. As we,
were of no avail I trhsted" that. time
alone Would Office to build up What
Had gradually been undine tin the
course of five years. After twelve
months Conditions had become worse.
Then ',decided pe change ef air, gave
up my position in ttie Clty 'and Moved
to the countre. Even,this did not do
any epod. I think' it added to , her
depression: , -
'One day a friend visited ns ana'n$
fl. result of their conversation my wife
is excellent for 'indigestion
because it assists stomach
and liver to do their work
naturally and efficiently, •
With the drgafis in perfect
Working order-indtgestion
is impossible. Tey it today,
FOR 1 141111 G ESTI Oft
• •
classified Advertisements ,
N../ 24e., No other fee., A. ilieCreery.
Phstharril. OW -
TV reasonable wipes. Tarns. Pure
• wool, chiefly grey seconds. arty cents per
pound. Postage extra. Sweater yarns,
elx beautiful colors. seventy-five cents.
Samples free. Ceorgetown Woollen
tieorgetown, Ontario.
AJJNt MOO...TO 250.00 Mit D.A.y.
ng. Ire Independent,' wa
teach you. Write for particulars._ Chief'
instructer. Canada -Vulcanizer. Londea.
Aummigiii.t.: saves ao-
ei!lents—Never rails. -Prim $6)0.
Write Deacen Co., 40 Adelaide W., Tof...,
On14). (Agents wanted.
. AusTzei.E0 re34 -per.33: .
jee STHOTH and Jumbo hives And
turnishings, bonny extfaetors, pumps,
to e t s• a orn 1 t•
'regliclegfagekseepriangg retntillrerneilg• reenci
fgt. our catalogue. Ham Brothers Com-
pany'? Ltd., Manufacturers, Brantford,
• emyruva rola 111A1,.B •
setting; pulleys. saws. eablahose.packinir.
sto 11)Ped 811V..°44111ir CO_
prte.. I Cann4
Ili YORK. WritftlIT. TORONTO. (-4
The art of pleasing is the Riff- (JP'
When preparir.g a mustard plaster
use the white of an egg insbead of
water and the plaster will not blister.
rising in the world.
America's P41310111. a•rneate2
Book on
- anti How to Peed
tailed Free to any Ad-
dress by •the Author.
• . May Mover Co., Tao.
129 West 24th atreet-
" Isre'w York, U.S.A.
• • •
. Bulk Carlota
fierllotomer Suenisegsilisetoistyelad
• • • For 'Spantsh hillaug
f • •
' Made hp her mind to try r- USE SLOAN
• The 'Liniment That Relieves All
liams' Pink Pille. . •
f- •
ot "I had, not:neigh faith in what I
did but procured trree.-boxes.' This EASE LAME BACKS
happened, nine months ago. • was
surprised. to hoer 'eV wife say,,tafter
about „the tenth (lay, '1 believe theae.
pins are 'doing me good;'-' A week or .
so .aftee that I certaiely ,believed they
Were; for sa* color returning to her
chairs ae.d.the ulhe,althy color, ,
disappearing." 'rhe pills were certain-.
V, doiug What4011 claim •they :will do, '
and, of -her own• -free Wiirshe-ceptiva-e4'—
.hem for about ehree Menths. At 'the. ..
n. end. of. this time she s.semed quite a •
n diffeeent woman, • "Life .wase Worth liv-
ingThelisel'eseness had gone and
• . she. :Could walk --ep- theeseeen s -
which. is half a mile long; leading: to I
XTOU can't do your best when '
• I your back and every muscle
, aches with fatigue. •
Apply Sloan's Liniment freely, ivith-,
eat rubbing, and enjoy'a penetrative• :
glow Of warmth and cOmfart. •
Good for rheu mat ism, neuralgia, •
• swains' and strains, aches and pains, ,
eciatica, sore.muscies, stiff joints and, _
-the after-effects of weatherexposere. A RMERIS wiFE •
, For forty years pain's enemy. Ask
yourneighbor. Keep Sloan's handy. •ri
.At all drugsetsm---ga5nc;4740e, $1.40. REGAINs HEALTH
• .
y onyenienee.. At this Stage she 'fits- Lit-
t inn e,r1 .th 6, Pills* and elle. is eietit as einageleamerailammea
Well now• d's ever she was. .
Re .1-1j.itatlilatelid's"s_ptelj_k_lieiaa,ava%_suert
el have had Meet. and -I believe that !
d 'what this medicine did • for my, wife
• burg. When year kiwi) be onthe
Bey SoMit Mee? • ••
4, •
Canada's Maple Sugar.
The maple sugar induttryef Can
confinedi to the provintes of. Quebec,'
,OntexCei Nova -Scotia, and •New";11runs-
. wick. Quebec is -by ter the bedviest,
*prottlicer ,with about 60,000 fOrmers
- engaged in -theeintlitetryeandseecnitnte
a •
ing roe- seventy per cent •o -f -the Do -
in inion _outpet. Quebec Is 'pre•eminent-
Se the ma:ple spgar area of the cote
• --tinent Only 'Smell amounts are. pro• -
. . duced, in the. otb.er provincesswhereas
ittQuebec, the •itnanefacture set '•im-
'4 portent Cidustryebeeoming more and
' more Commercialized each year, and .
sese ,Ite.,IMPtistaaesta_ delisreetigetzed by •,
the -provincial g.overnment 'which .hrii
framed legislation for its elicoarage-
. ,
...-....sesemontandeprolectione This recognis
• . on the part of the•goyernment ot
es _the great nosSibilities. of .an export
•N. trade has resulted -le a ,resumptioir In
preduction -on a enhatantiai-scale After
the mentrfactitre had Signally, declined,
- --and more -Fragile and- smile' ds being
pro'duood novv than ever in the histort,
.of Quebec, • •
Important 'problem
of hild lifeeenci the beeldinilebs-larips-to;.a—teheaer-erlehltillfeveffir701'11:1""InTr some of tesleehoble:r,Iflin-
dalsr as a nation than thb• preservation dren been lost through diphtheria,
healthier race .of people. The urgent "feetious diseases because of parents
waiting too leng-before calling aelec- • ' ieesyet- being. done. Efut '
toe? How man -*Aged
every 'community enton read
deg t,hese forceful remarks freer. the .eyesi lit am " h ' • • '
ently'-ergent o'd-i'mand- attention
Attention should be draWn to defect
at a Stage suffieterttly early to el'Ice
correction. before permanent disabilit
ensues.' These remarks supply foo
for thought All around us these
very defects in the young are .appar
ent, and yet in many localities littl
it cat do for .others,". . •
' •-
You Can get Dr; Pine
from any medicine dealer or by mail
at 50 cents a •box, or Six boxes foe '
52.50, from The Dr., WiliLiams: MedI
? Go.,. e, Ont. '
April Rain..
Are they signs of sorrow end of pain,
These down .slanting droos et Anril
rain? _ .
Rather after winter's chill annoy
e overfiewing tears of joy!'
•. . 'Into n
s .. v_egeses_of ,ime. ..moreeandem oreethe-intelligent- people •-
:IViInard's Liniment prevent*Spanish Flu
J-•.--11pCunniiig -Autograph- -
.Many, are the Weitz .that 'Cunning
autograph collectors have practiced to,
,get A highly prized signature, Settle
men speed much time and . patience
on 'the task; others --like the driver
ef sthe iocal omnibus, at .Rottingdean,
England,whereRudyard Kipling set-
tled clown to live- 'accomplish their
purpose with' little or no effort.
et ng n ma y instances of this province are giving the ere-
"No attempt is--.0.nade to interfeeess.dae_ego_l ek.ofeaelyereed•icaleattention . -consider
Chief Medical.Officer, of Health. • • to complete blindness in 011 0e are servation life their serious
, The Encl. of a Perfect Jay.
There was a little man •
And' the ,fire -was Stilt glowing• -
kr its head, 'head, head;
• ..• 'He dropped Stlif the Wood, . •
Among the leaves pist..where-lie stood
• To light his pipe before'he camped
And mado his bed, bed, bed, • "
eYeti must admit he didn't
• Ilse. his head, head heade.
, •
. Soon t.11 Is eareless'. ittle • man-,
• Defend' ,iihri it yehe cense. -;
retina the forest all about hire'
inazing red, red, red;
Ile ran to the brook •
But he wasn't any duck', ,
• And he floated to the bottom
• 'Quit:leas lead, lead, lead. '
' (When the forest ranger got him
• He wax dead, dead, dead).
It, Iteshe, tionanlon Poreat Sot'
When Will The—re . Be A
Dis'cirmainent. ofDining ,Tables?
'Suppose everybody would 'Grape, -Nuts .rnakes• a friend'
recognize the fact that there's no of the taste. and .an 'ally of the
'gain but much- l.os in keeping.' .,stoniadh. - s
up hostilities with the stomachl T.piere's, a 'charm - and satis-
faction . to This .delicious food
Supposethe ancient aggrava.-
tion of improper food on which prompts appetite to pay,
nant diiestive organs should be "There's a meal!" and digestion
-settled with kutiranteesof sen- , to answer; "Thank-. goodness,
sible diet and tranquil digestion! here's .peace at last" - • ,.
Grape -Nuts is the perfected
The saving would be beyond nutriment of wheat and.malted
411possibility pf countinibarlek_sweeti. crisrv_and:won-
go dzdc1arfng deriblly nourishing. It digests
on_thestOrnadvand-acce.pt7---7rquickly, and provides the ne‘CeS-
'• ing War in return —kiadirig up. - ale-
' on starchy, heavy, unbalanced vital mineral. salts, for body,
and highly -seasoned . nerve and brain. • •
food at breakfast or Order Grape -Nuts from your
lunch .--,and wonder- . grocer today, and let a delighted
ingwhycomfort,h,ap-. lasteLpa.ss a treaty of peace.along.
piness and efficiency to an enthusiastic digestion and
,are. out of reach. assithilation.
!. 7
No of What and- Wit/ •
NOW*, Cmo
A Popo
l'P-94,...„,-""tr-- • 16*.,
ItCONO""ft" M*4
Grape -Nuts the Body BuIder
• "There's a Reason"
IVIade by CsinadIall Postern Corea! Co., Lid ;$,,, Windsor, Onit.
rmanent Har
FreqUeeteiliamebos with Cuticura
Soap, assisted when necessaryby
gentle -anointir.gs with..Cpticira
ffordttlie- sweet:-
ee t and blest economical -meth:rid
of freeing the scalp of itchings end,
scalings and ofestablishing a hair -
growing condition. ,
Se8p25c. °Wand 25 Aunt S0e, T;InestSe. Sold'
throughout theDominion. CanadianDepot:
Limits& SUM. Paul Vt.', Montreal.
SW -cuticula* Soap shaves without mug.
Eves—Credit to Lydia
Pinkham's Vegetable
Fork -River, eMiteitlibee-"I saw in:
the newspapers where Lydia'E. Pink- '
hams Vegetable Compelled was doing
. so much good to, women, and as
euee_dedssomethingtIebegan to take ir.
I Used to be very, slek but I am net
now. I live on. a farm in the home-
etead!distrIct-lind we have to. dos all
our own -work Ietellealletheevromert
I see whet Lydia E. Pinithara's Vege-
table Compound does for nate • I think
it seveestte from going :to a doctor „
and is the best Medicine women eat*
-take.".—Mes. Wee CoULT1S, Fork
River,' Manitoba. • • .
Lydia• " E. Pinkhara's Vegetable--- -
Compound is a, medicine for. the ail-
ments pecullar•to women.It is. pre-.'
--tared --from AttriadMitl -171aMeb, Wlill ,
care and' accuracY.ThlteralIeblEti-
by-women of tiny ag,e. '
women Make ri Serious mIstake_ta_ •
alloWing .themserves;,to Demure -so
...weak and.. nerecias-tlist-iteisewelleggli
•impossiblelor them to attendee
Such semptetas as pairis,and .irreg-
-Ularities; allgone feelings2backache
• heddache, 'hot flashes, nervousness..
Willi a general run down condition.
indicate some'form of female trouble.' •
• The Vegetable Compound tigus
brought relief te thousands of Werner).
sufferingsfrom, sueli ailmenis. • Let IP
helP yea.
• ,
The driver often. annoyed Mr.
ling bY P6Inting. at him With Itis whia
and announcing in a :steniorien voice,
"Hervetee--hassee. . 'esifeling , ile sol.
.dier Poet." , • • •• • ,
Mr, Kipling' entre:red' iit iin<e 'tag. -
the ire -hide isan..,iitto his favorite tree •
anddamaged it badly; then ,,he wrote
a vigorona -letter complaint to the--'
oWner, Who "sves:la,ndlord of the .White
Horse- Inn.
The fellow laid the letter before the
select company °flits bar.pai•ltir, and
one and all adVised him to eppear in-
differeet One man offered Win ten ,
shillings in 1heele1tereean4-4,
-the landiald-e-areepted elle- effete.' A. ... _-
second and stronger"'letter. followed
the -flee' t -thes4en diord--•earriedethee---
arilligraPhstii- -bank-getter alieselts •"'
Mended a pound .for it. • The Meissefl-.
er eagerly snapped it up, and the land-
lord begat to dream .of atom miatives.
But the next day' Kipling entered
briskly and wrathfully.
"Why, don't 1, ,answer your letter,
.ateretesaitt. thestandletele.: 11'Why,_.L AMR
hoping 'you would rend meu fresh
One every day. .They per it deal better
than driving a bus!"
jobs al*aye took soft to the looker.
• 111:itict4411 ?si:::arts 44,a7.111;411:,9i uild it in
the open, not itgainet a tree ibe leg or *
fear bruele Scrape, away the. ritale •
rom all around it.
ISSUE NO. 15--'22. •
• . .
**L'ARNIV494-7:-S-ay "BaYe07.-when—you buy As ;Mu:—
Unless ,you see the name "Payer" on tablets, yoti are7-
not getting Aspirin. aValt. Why take"thances? °
Accept only an "unbroken package!' of "f3ayer Tablets of •
contains_ directions_ .and -s .
hys ns during 22 years And proved safe by rnilliops for
• Headache Colds
Toothache• Neuralgia Neurilis
• Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain
trendy "Bayer" boxes ot 12'tablets---.Al50 bottles of 24 Ana itx)--.1)ruggiRt.4. '
AsolrM1 t1e. trade mailt fro5i5t7.1-(8 15 rana,t,m ot littyer ittnutstrureo or lusiee
aretionehlester of Raney/it-arta While It is well known tInit •t rt 11,4%..r
martufacture, to assist trio 11UhiIa lifMtratit Part',O,P4 Of 1190.0r (.otopon,
will be i4,10111.4 with th.lr won: treat) mark, tha :east. •
*.r.11=10 •:%:.•: • tx.
s • .see's