HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1922-04-20, Page 1• • ••• •• • ^14.,‘ ; $2.00"PER YEAR IN ADVANCE; $.2.50 OTHERWISE. LU:CIRIOW, ONT.;, THURSDAY, APRIL 20,-1S22. „ SINGLECOPIES, 5 CENTS CarQf AIYIER1CAN CORN t-xpe004..to Arrive rhis Week TrejegVp4 I. o EVERYBODY'S COLUMN o • 5 -O -o VE1ERI14ARY S'URGBPN ,- Dr. •W; taeleher, Ripley, Phone 29, •ior night or day.-tf, DENTIST 'Dr. MacLeed wu •visit Lucknow eveiy iuesuay. Unice aoove that ot Lrs: iUio comma. MONEY TO LOAN on mortgages • and notes at reasonaele 'rates. -.env rust:weave. both- . St-Oe,k- MKS- iuutotti companies. Conveyancing' (ante with neatness and despatch. Law. A. niddaii, Broker. Lucknow. • DR:PARKER, OSTEOPATH, at the • Cain Itouse, Lucknow, every Wed- • nesday afternoen. All chianic dis- eases sueeessfuliy treated. Usteo- • • pathy removes the physical causes of .1disease. Adjustment of the ' spine is more qiiickly secured and. • tw:th , ieWer treatments by Osteo- • .Pathy than by any other, method. • FOR. SAUE-A 'quantity of—ciats, good sample, home grown. lit for .seed. Also sonie Green Mountain po- tatoes, -J. C. Stothers, W. 7, ow; Phone Dungannon .771.4.- •• • ' • FOR .SALE. -A good' dwelling in • • LucknoW.--7G. A Siddall: •• 304-tf, • . Toronto prices paid for all kinds of poultry. . . • 9-6-tf A. Grospopf, Lucknow. •,, MRS. -Highest prices paid for all kinds Of raw furs and skins. If you have any, let me know before selling. -B. Pearlman. 'Phone 85, Residence Station St., Lucknow..April 30 • SPECIAL PRICES' FOR FURS. - .1 am, paying •the best prices• for all •kinds -of Taw furs.. Spring --muskrats a , specialty, An agreement was made - with -A large firm. tO. SulOPIY.hini with 1000' ineskrats. and must pay high _Prichstiluorder_trr keep, up the, agree- ment. Don't sell your.ftirs !before you call at B. Blitzstein'a Dry Goode Store. • - • FOR 'SALE. -Big. strong, healthy Baby _Chicks •(tlie kind -that are.eaay., to raise) from •very heavy laking - Strains of-, pure 'bred -to -lay 'single comb White, Leghorris.-BlieklViinor: _z_casialiaBlirred'ReekS:'Cliielcs for sale every Week after - March rit. Wine .• Leghorns $18.00 per hundred; and the ethers • $20.00 per. hundred, at my. '•place, Add $2,00 per hundked to. above prices If Maks- are to be delivered Or express prepaid to your station. bate • delivery guaranteed anywhere in Old • Ontarib. Egg's for hatching at.$1.5u ' per • setting of fifteen by Parcel Post, -dr-$/.00 per serringif.yoff.conie after them. Ten. feitile-b1-101a-a-arlialt. price. Book ,your orders at once foi . invited to •come and inspect my flocks. IVin tie pleased to show them to you, ,Dungan Kennedy, Box 12 'White- • EGGS FOR HATCHiNG.-From • bred -to -lay S. • C. White Leghorns and Barred Rocks., Present flock from, • Guilds' Stralh. Leghorns mated with males direct frOm.O. -A: C., from hens • with fecord up to 252 eggs; and Rocks nnated with O. A: C. strain from hens .with r;rord of.310 eggs- Price 5C..nei• , egg at farm.-Jno. Parrish. Litekneir R. Thone Dungannon/ 82 r 13. Norch Ifuron Phone 4.4-6.1.1, FARMERS, 4TTENT1ON! Now• ; is the One to get your Pertilizer, Car: of Gunn's "Sure-Cto-p" on the the.. way. -G, §. Roberts4*. - • AUCTION SALE• . At Lot 2, Cion. 11, Western Divi- - Bien, •CoIlicirne Township. on Monday Aped:24, c5iiimencing at -one o'cloca m, A' sale of the farm lot, and farm 'Stock and iMplements, belong- ing, to the estate 'of the late .John iUninbreTiferifernaalt.-with -the:excepts, thin ef the farmiwhich will be- .offered• • . subject to. reserved bid, • •Sohn -P-urvisxictioneer; HaWhing Eggs for-Sije. ^ o p, o .o a 00400 • • ILOCAL AND GENERAL q O 00neo`a o 000 Miss M. ,.Ranson is at her home in Prescott.. •• ••• • • Mrs; G. H.•)Smith is visiting friends a Tboroki.- . M. Alex. NiehoThn bbitne •from Toronto 'University. • Mr;.,Steet Mackenzie is. helve' &bin Kitchener fOr the week. • • Miss 'Mary 'Connell is home front. Toronto. for the week Miss Colina Clark is at her borne in St. Helens for the week; • R. J, Cameron is readY to do' your papering -The Old Reliable. • Miss • Joan MacCallum •spent the week with friends in Toronto. Miss Mabel McClure is at her home here for the school vacation. •• Mr, Huntley Gorden was over from Walkerton for the •Week -end., . • Miss Nora Stevens, ofToronto, is the guest of Mrs. J. A. Glernith. • Miss Cora Clubb spent Easter Sun- day at her home in Whitechurch. Miss Dean Geddesis home • from Brussels for the- Easter vacatien. Miss Martha MacCallum, spent the week -end with friends at Clifford.. 'Miss Freda Aitchison, who is teach- ing in Toronto, la home for .the week • Mrs (Dr.:). Gordon• is spending the Easter week with friends in Detroit. MisS Katie MacDonald is home from Stratford Normal for the week. '.-Mrs." W. E. Barker Ts spending the week with friends in Mount For-. Miss Isabel • Douglas washome from Chatham far the .recent holi7 day. •• • . , ° Miss Alma, Alton is at her home on Stauffer St: for the' Easter vaca- tion. • . ; • Miss Annie Mackinnon, of Toronto; • was at her home here for the Eastr • BARRED 'ROCKS, Bred-to-Iay, nt 5 Cents , per Egg . - ROCKS,„,,,M00 per 15 Eggs • .EXHIBITION BARRED- ROCKS Daft Cockerel and Pullet Mating Eggs freni these, $2.00 pe k 15. • These are all headed by males e•t oxcepilonal jaying 'strain, • Satisfaction Gnaranteed.. , • Special Prices on Large Leta W. 14 IVILLE111' • 0 yout wairdrobe god bowie furnieit • 2 N 11 ga 44 4$ I "OW rod, ndPriotlY week. • All kinds of painting and paper- ing done by R. .1. Cameron, Box 174, Luckno Mr. Jack_Newten_ia up from Kitch- ener to spend the week at his home on Havelock St. Mr. Ernie Milson, o't the Bank of Hamilton staff, Hamilton, was hdme over Sanday, • • Ifiss_treleniMackenzie, of Windsor, was: the guest of Mrs.:Jos. Agnew for the-Easter,week, • - _, • •• . Mrs. Temple' Clark is up from Goder-leh to spend the-weelilVith her mother, Mrs. Douglas. •;R..J; Cameron is now 'prepared to . do all kinds of painting, graiOng, sign painting,-andspaPer-banging Mr. Harry .Alton, principal of the Walkerton -Plib14c--School,7is•-ist--11is: home here forlthe Easier. vacation+ W. J. Freeman, erl'aVaterriurd Milton Duffield, .c.f :Toronto, visited over Sunday With Mr; and Mrs, Bark- Mrs.. ,Jack dark and daughter are down from Southampton -to :pen& the" .week with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. D. AS Macjitto"s'h: W. G7Uolgate,--e'ditorLef-Tlie •Wingham -Times, and hi ,assistatit, Mr Sentinel office on Friday afterneen. Mr. „Allan 'MacLeod, of A. -Ana -re- ceived 'Word this week, of the death 4 his sister,. Isabella MacLeod, She was assistant .matron -at the Protest - :ant Orphanage, London; •,. A Dance under the anspices of- the '3asal,lai1 boys will be held in Lochal- sh Hall pn 1.7'riday April 21st. Loch: .-alairli-pieee. orchestra: -Gents $1.09 Ladies 'free, .7.. 'A. MacEendrick. . The small farm,. property of the late- Jas. 3. TirYlor-, south -of -Luck.- now, has been bought by Chas.'Dex- "Aar, whry resetitli-eame--frOrn •Sault 'Ste. Marie., lie will take" possession in about a morith: • .•. •'Card' of Thanks.. -4 -wish to thank the Lucknow Council and the Luck- • new „Fire ,Company together with the many 'friends' Yi.119). extended their kindness to Me. at the time of my recent bereavement -John Bell, theAate,--Joseph,Purklie who• Wish to 'subseribe to the fund for theerection ef a suitable .monu- • 'Pent th li-eictriied at th-1:-grafe:Of 'the Said Mr: Pnrdy,--ntay leavetlonationS with or send to Wesley Boyle, R 1, Holyrood..• The ,Ladies' • Guild of St. Peter's • Church, LucknoW, will held a sale o deer): on Saturday 'afternoon, Apri A9th. in the atere..formerly.,,ohCiiPle4 by D4 Mallough, House Dressei, Children's Dresses. Underwear, Tow els, Centrepieces, Cushions, and *the • useful and ,fancy articles, along wit • horn -made baking and CandY, wilI b on site. See the window dieplaY earl in the Week of the dale. Do not fiiis thie chance of adding something he 1- • Mr,' • Wm. M, acKinnon, of Paris, Franee, visited for a few days., of the past week with.his.parentia Mr. and Mrs. Angus Mannon,2 'of town. Mr. MaciCinpon isa member of • a large banking company with head- • quarter's in Paris, and was or a husi- nOas trip to New.Ycfrh: • • •• MR. D, R MacINTOSH SELLS OUT' To Vie map buSiness • changes whih have taken place in Lucknow in the past year,another was added Jest week when Mr. D. R. Macin- tosh sold *put his .inerchantile busi- ness toMr. FYW..Templin; cif Lend- : on, a .former Kincardine .merohapt, and. Mr. templin irpniediately, re -sold. to: Mr. .E. A, Palmer, who, last fall), Moved to Lucknow from Kincardine: The two dads went through without a formal stook -taking, and Mr. Pal- aner, has been ix .charge last TimrsclaY. • : • - Mr. MacIntosblicia been•so loag in business here -some 43' 'or 44 years - that his retiring Will, make a disiirict change.: He is thefourth "old Bland - by" to pass fsom. the _scene of active business on Campbell street in the past few. year. We have in minJ Messrs. .1; G. Murdoch, Win. Connell, David Mallough, • . • BARN DESTROYED BY LIGHTNING ' • • Me. Josh. Dawson, whose farm ,is a Miles gest of South Kinloss • Ch'urch on the 3rd. Con., .Kipless, had the inisfortpne to loge his fine barn by fire during the electric storm' Monday night. Mr. DaWsbn ;Wits in Toronto that iffternoon, but the, folk at home Succeeded in getting out all the live stock,. ,,The barn, we under - :stand,, had a metal roof which was connected with the ground by light- ning cOnductens.'. Unforttinately, a recent stain had Orn away a small section of the metal roofing and this may. account for the fire being, start, ed-bythe lightning. At one time' during' the progress of the fire the • dwelling was :in a good, deal of den-. ger, but no. damage was done to it.: • Mr. Dawson's barn was :comparativeq ly -new, . a 'former fine •occupying the sarrie site haviiir re-en-destroyed-br. fire:a 'fen; years:-• ago. There' was insurance on the building and-coir-- -tents,Iout few _buildings are now slued for an amount that will pearly replace them, so that Mr. Dawson's loss will be considerible apart from the great inconvenience to which ...he .,Naillabeaput. • . • —0,0 0 cguRcif NEVVS, • LUCKNOW HAS HORTI, • " CULTURAL SOCIETY • • t • That a meeting for the fermation of a .1Pforticu1tura1 Society Yves,. to be held in the- COoncil Chamber Oa the evening •cf: Tharsday a last Week was not knownto many, in the village; :and as a resultjlie gathering was a • small o,ne.-7that is so far. as grdwn- ups were concerned. The •schoM thild- ren,, e,yi`ently had heard. that there .Were•to.he a,showing: of fine pietures, and they .Were out in •ferce. ••• The meeting .was called on very short.notice when it was.learned that Mr. Harty, of Seafortli, an 'enthusias- tic organizerof such societies could beahere that evening. However a •ao- ciety wasorganized with , between ferty and fifty Members and -there is reason to believe that it will • soon reach mtich`larger punibers. Officera, of , the nevi, organization are: Iron, President, John Joynt, M. P. P.; President, Robt: thompson, • Vice Pres: David . -Sheriff; '2nd; • Vice,. Pres.'.Con, Deeker; Sec. -Tres.,. G H. Smith, Auditors pi, G. A, Newtoin- R. Johnston. Directors 'S. -RathWell Mrs, D; M. Thpropson, Mrs: K. A. Gollan, Mrs. A; I:I:Mackenzie, Henry . Mathers. • „The Meeting: was opened by Reeve johnston who after statin'that there were already fi've or Six horticultural societies. in, . Bruce, . introduced •Mr. • Harty explained • that the purpose . of strch a sedietyr•-•yeas--toT-prom-ote-inter- estin the • beautifying of the town, and if homes. whether in the town or country„ by.the planting and caltiV- ation of trees, shrubs and.flewers. .. The Ontario • Horticultural Societk was. organized 16 years ago at Toro- nto. ir he Membership fie iS ene'dol- lar and the •Provincial Govern,ment foymarly sapplemented' this•by grant- ing a dollar for every dollar Paid by members. The yearly appropriation is now $20,000; and as there ii• a mem- bershipcif about' '40;030, the grant does not -now'. a:inch:Mt:to one dollar. pet nienilier. The. :governinent • wilt however:give. • to -rie•w societie.s one dellar ter member up to $75. Reeve Johnston made the statement' that the County of Bruce made a grarit-rif'-$25: to each iforticuitural society- in the. • Of, late yearsthereha been a good -deal of . developyriferit-41eng-this- Tine, country folk as well. as town folk be coming: members. There are now over 200 societies in Ontario, and 40'places: have. 'made ..application_ for . organiz- • ation this year. A society at the small . village. of Waltham has A. member-. ship of 160, many being country re- •-sidents= • Mi Harty_-showed-no.int-fifie -lan- tern pictures, in some cases showing :how a. bare • and uninviting house could by the ,planting of trees and flOwers be cc:inverted into a beautiful and iattraetiye home; He also gave a great deal •of useful information About :planting. of shrubs, bulbs and trees. lie„,is practical•gardrier hini- self and • has many 'fine plants in his gegen ,At _Sealorth, •• A pradical advantage of belong- ing to a horticultural society s that members can get their flower seeds, bulbs and 'shrubs ^ a't cost an •appli- cation to the secretary; - • • . „ . li5 .. • The Rev, R. MacCallum announced last Sunday that contributions by the Presbyterian Congregation to the Russian Famine relief •fund amount- ed to $264:27. Of this amount the •Guild gave $25.00 and the' Sabbath Schools $11.00. ---LucknoW- attend Divine •servicer At the Metho- dist .Chirrch,.. on Euncia....,Aaril---3(1., at 11' o'clock A.M. Members will meet at the Lodge room at. 10,15.. -All mem- 'bers of the Oixier are cordially' inrit- 27-4-c, • Presbyterian Church.: -Despite' the: unfavorable. .weither,.. a., goodly num,: -ber attended the meeting of the -Guild • on • Monday evening, and all enjoyed the splendid program prepared by the Flower' Conimittee. 'After the 'open= ing hymn, Miss Bessie Murdie read ...tha...acaipture reading,,aad Rev, Mr. McCallum ' led • in• ,loraver. Misses •Ferii_Reld and. Dorothy Douglas each gave a reading. Mrs, Horaeo' Aitchi-• son and,'Mias 'Mabel McClure each contribu,ted a. solo: Mesdames -Doug-, • las, Murdie, Murdoch and 'Geddes fav- ored- the audience...with a •gaartette. Mrs. Fred Phillips gave a very iater-• , esting paper on the topic, '',,Teachings from Nature." •77 • —74.797° Change in-Itasineak' _ .An-extenshfe:_xnerchantile deal: was put through,' in town last•week when D. R. Macintosh' sold out to F. W. Templin, of London, his large and beautiful stock of dry goods, • Mr, Templin again sold to/E. A. Palmer, rtirther particulars wily be announced in a few days as Mr, Palmer will be Patine -lin a great -Sale whengoods will be offered to the. 'Public at less than wholesale prices. • LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected up to Wednesday Noon) Eggs 1 I h of • 4 1.'11. • •••• 250, Euttsr 16,1144,44444oi4i44lit425-8154 1144110 0.11,1114f14111411C.4.4,11.4:1.00figfRO LUCKNOW 'AND LOCHALSH ORGANIZE FOR BASEBALL .• A 'joint ine,etiag Of the baseball fans of Lucknow ;and Lochalsh was - held ip the colincil Chamher on Tuest dhY, for he purpose of organizipg a team to enter in the B, A., and to be known as the-Lhelcriehr-Lochalah- 'Baseball Club, for the season of 1022. The 'folloWing officers were appoint- ed: Hon -Pres., joynt, M,P.12„_; S, Reld; lst, Vice Pres„, D. R. • Macintosh:: 2nd. Vice Pi•es,, D. C. Mackenzie; 3rd. Vice Pres., Dr. A, Cr4, Elliotta 4th. Vice Pres., N. (I. gacIterizie; Seery,--Treas., • Bridge; Managers, Mactean-Jel0'n alaa,-.MaeRendrick. The two man-, agers were authorized to make pur- chases of necessary requirementa, they only to mark the bills of sup. plies 0.E. as vouchers to the See'y.. • 'for settlement. This orfanitation'apl • peals to all citizens of Laknow and • surrounding country, to Isave no stone -Unturned- iii-bbeating anch-eneourag- ing this fascinating and manly ,pport. They also Want every offieer appoint- e'd to -take a personal interest in the, team, not only by being present at each game, but by assisting in every other way pessible• Don't forget the concert tonight, "Mist of the Earth", in aid a oie club ,o.. .4 • • LUCKNOWAOY OUT wgs; • . WRITES Rg MEMOBIAL,PARK • a__ . • • Saskatoon, • Sisk, • April .6, Mr. Editor:- • . 40^ Although •a broadeXpants;, and many, r -ilea of steslseparate the, in my preseneabode, from Lackner'', T. always look for my. "SentineW, wh'ch helps to kindle the ir.oraories Of and interests In the•old town. Althourh I *moir be :a youthful intruder, yst that the kindred spirit and ',,T14t:oil • of the Past warrant this meagie voice from the West. . • • • Re. the' Soldiers° Memorial: I see that Citizen No. g expresses some very logical'reaSons for a•town clock; I' agree that the,town chock is a gbod .one;. but May I offset that idea with some views that have not been set forth, !which, to my . mind, •apealcs highly for the "Town Park Idea," That .it, (the town clock) .'sill tell people when to go to wark, Meal time, when to come in at night; remind'the young man When to take his hat and break ,aWa,y 'agree; but , has` mt Citizen No'. - '2 judgedthe situation purely ,and solely 'from a practieW sUndpoint3'. Ler me ask -this clues: tion: "Which idea' is more effective In preserving the everlasting and sacred, rnemery. of .our fallen heroes ,(1) a park streWir wjth hyacinths, daffodils and poppies, or (2) a town clack?' 1 believe. that youwill agree with me that the sweet, animate eye . . of nature reflected .in the flowers is To Test -Tea is to Titsie • Natural . Leaf 'Green., Tea is proving a revelation to. those who have been H3yi users of Japans. TRY- IT YOU WILL EIRE IT ASHFIELD W, M. S. • The regular meeting of the Ash- field W, M. S. was held at herne of Mrs, Russell Bissett on Wednesday, April 12, the President, Mrs. Hardie presiding. , Scripture lessen was read by Mrs, Duncan. MacLennan.. An in- troduction to our new study book was read by 'J A. 'MacDonald; An inter- esting chapter, dealing with Home Mission work in the Eastern pro- vinces, among the foreign element, read, by E. Sto#art, vala very good; and a portion dealing with Missien work it India,, read by.C. MacKenzie. Mary Maciver read .a paper bearing on tlie 'Convention of the Ontario Provincial W. •11/1•. S., which is to be -field hi Ottawa Easter, week. Enhe• mere tyriisia of • perpetuating. these sacred ,rnemories, than th4e: inanimate Mock. •In the words of the poet.'ask the: question, "In the Sweet ey,e' of . nature, which Is the best?" Certainly, .it may coSt $350 Or even $1000 to tut it into shape; but then with a popu- lation Of 1000 persons, that only means one dollar 'per head, or the price of one clance. Then again, I feel 'that this park attired. in' ,nature's clothing would be an inspiration to many. a 'ieliool-boy, which if • embod- iedin his character, would add .more to his, aesthetic nature.thananything money could buy. • • ' Lastly, but. not 'least, if the park -reverts 'to its -orighisal condition, Ladies and Gentiernera it will- be from _ a leek of .1OCal patriotism. But Pat; rietiam 1 know has been a quality •of• the. citizensof the-Sepoy Town. I positivb the embersof patriotitm ,now are burning as brightly as ever. I love to inealLetand_reflect sea, the: quhlity of!otir Lucknow people; toey continue te think .they are neer lacking '-in-Ideal_pride.,-enthusiasm-and• patriotism. :•• : , •• In clong,1da.not -wish -yOu to think this juvenile voice dogmatic in its' ton es-; :rather/in ay "this be a - heat thought, think can be manned, engineered and executed by cur staupch body of fire- , • men and • townfolk as a whole: Just a -Meagre Voice frern-A Luck - new Boy • - Harold B, Borns, Sask, •University.. ` lopes fait special "Easter ,Offering -on behalf of 'the Society were distribut- ed,' also 'contirbutLort to the bale re- eel-seal:AC*110 meeting was brought to a close' by Mrs. Hardie leading in -pray- er. The next meeting will be held at Mrs. E. MaeLennan's, Gravel 'Road. - Press Secfy.' •• DEATH CALLS ,MR. J, J. TAYLOR . . . . ' Mr. JarneS J. Taylor, whose serious illness we mentioned couple �f weeks agostassed away on 'Friday :of last;_week'. We understand that- be /lad developed p(nno 'font of ganger. iiie, a disease of old age with which themedical profeSsioncan do little.. • The .faheral. to ;Greenhill Cemetery was : on Monday afternoon of • this week, and Was attended by.. many. frienas :of the. fainily.- . The late Mr.- Taylor was:for many years a resident of the •Paramount 'fiveeks,ago, members. of •therT.Library--, lecalitywhere he was:known, net Bard decided upon a little Spring, only as an intelligent and industrious housecleaning, or shelf cleaning, we farmer, .but as a "local preacher" of should say'. Mink books were upon the „Methodist-, -Church;- of:- unusual the :shelves in'. a -Most- delapitated ability. He very frequently; took the ocaidition-backs off, • covers and work -on the--Hope-Zion-Haekett's-.Cir:. leaves. ..niisaingi. •and some of . them cuit, and also on the, Beryie Circuit, little more than ,laundles of loose -h -andis--.•addresseas. always- carefully- lerivea7-„These.-bookS were 7note,--rbeirtg,--,,_:- parjr_lvereTteinarkithle ler-their- read -and --they were •little -more -than :good 'sense ' and uplifting mature, But an ey,eaore,on the stielves. They ;were Mr. Taylor net only preached well, collected from the shelves and piled but he alsa lived well -an 'honest, on the floor awaiting the decision of straightforward, quiet man, Whose the Bciard_as JO what sheet& be done everYday „life. was a worthy .exaniple with. them. It. :wita suggested that to the neighborhood in which he was they be sent to the furnace room, bat known. On leaving the farrn kt Para- the librarian thought that as there •• - • • • • • • meat. some years ago, he movedtoa were many readitcltheng'plotvery - - FOR SALE. -Mammoth. Bronze • TUrkey Eggs, frommatings of large, vigorous birds. 'Price $5.00 for sett- ings of 9 eggs Less than 9. or if shipped, 60e. each, Annlv to W. R. Farrier. Route 1, Lucknow. 'Phone 3 3 on 615, Wingham Central. 20-4-p,, • • Specials for Saturday Maderia Cakes • n Lemon Pie Large &lection of Cookies • Home -Made Bread at c_ HOLLYMAN BROS. BOOKS WENT LIKE HOT' CAKES - Fur a couple, of days last week there was 'the greateStrun on books ever: experienced at the ',Lucknow Public Library; se that the :Mir -Arian 1 felt"tlit that a. complete record of the day's easiness was not neces•• sary... She had nol idea- that the boys and girl's -yes; andsonleof the older - folk of town „anecountry,•had Such an appetite for hooka as was displayed for ;the two or three• days during' -.which' the available supply, held • out; _ The, unusual .clisplay_ asm came about in this way, 'A few SinalI farm south of Lneknow 'where prth esentable books in 'e .some STL , HEENS • he grew vegetables arid fruit.. A year folk might willingly take them to ago he7-left this farm and- moYed firm 'homes to be read at leisure. „ • This was agreed to, and frequenters 7 of the :Library no sooner. found out that books were to .be .had .free •.ancl • r for keeps than a lively un on the • books began. They were sorted over • and over,' and carriedw . aay in twes • and threes and four Si so that a num- ber of the young, folk niust now have 'little library of their on It was • — much better than sending the old books to the ftirnace, . . • . .niss Gladys Webb is , 'spendingth holidays with Wingham • Miss: Anna MacKenzie •has., gone testier hoine at Kiritail 'fire the.,Easter • vacation • • • • • • • • Mr. and. Mi -s, Marvin McDowell and • children, of • Westfield, were •Istera With. Mr, and Mrs. Clark on Tuesday, Mrs John Miller and Kis. wet., lace, Of Lticknow, spent •a lew days: -of the week -with -Mr. .A, Mrs; Jas. Irwin; Mrs. Dan. Martin and MrS., Rielidid Martin spent .'5un;,, day' their • _mother, Mrs. Wm-, Weeds, , . •. • Miss Mae Cameron, of near Tortiry- to„,apent a few days 'with. friends andwill pass the. remain/Ter of. the vacation at her home here. • The books from the Public Library • have been rembved to .the F, 0. lc-whe--te!=th thanall under repair.,.. Mrs. Everet and Miss Pearl Taylor, of Auburn, are spendinFtiliter •kacatien with their Mr: NV. Taylor, and other.friends, 'here. • The regular meeting of the "St. Helens Woriten's Institute will be held at the 'home' of Mrs. Mackenzie, on April 27, This is the.annual meeting and-- election of. olliceas-A.ApeCial in- • vitation is extended to all mernbers 'to he preseht, Among those at home for the East'- .er vacation we note • the following: • Miss Pearl frbin tear. Tor- onto; Miss Colina Clark, Lucknow; Miss D. Webster, Winghern H. Puidon, • Winghamt 9.ra Woods, Guelph;. Witingred • W000, DreYtcal _•nearer to• town -Mr. Taylor was 74 years of age, and he leaves. a widow • and 'a brother, Mr, ...Joseph '_Taylor, Whoalsp lives just •south of Luck - flow,• . o o • 'BORN -11.1a clayish . • CO, ross, on April 9th:, 1922, . to. Rev, and Mrs: D. MacTavish; a son. ' Oxfordi.for Men Will Be Very Popular This Season An Oxford must be well madeAo -ketp-its -shape- Wewerever-y-careful to select models that will wear well and'have a good appearanceT-afvrices- • from15.50 up to $7,50. • Our Men's Work Shoe S are bought from the best makers and will give •satisf•acti•on.; ,, 'RATHWELL & TURNgR We Mtn to Give Quality and.Service..