HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1922-04-13, Page 1•-•44•70,4404.
OF73111,2nenr- .1700e51011/11,
, 42.00, PER. YEAR IN ADVANCE; 4.240 arozawity.
LUCKNOWso. Olkrrr• THURSDAY. .. APRIL 15, 1922;
Car of Western Olds
win Arrive,This.
Fit For S eed
• •
• 0-.-0-0-9,-o----0 O 0 co 0 0
i- ‘1
. 1 . , • ,',. A '
0--0-0-0-o-40,40.,' ' sz--o-o
• dm. mm4.444.4.4.
W. J. Keleher, Ripley, Phone 29,
night or day.-t.f,
Die, MacLeod will visit Lucknow
every Tuesday. (Vice above that of
iirs, Elliott re Connell. 23-2-U.
MONEY TO LOAN on niortgages
'and notes at 'reasonable- rates.
o Vire insurance, .both stock and
Mutual .CoMpanies,. • Conveyancing
done with neatness and •despatch.
GO. A. Siddall, Broker. Lucknow.
Cain House, Lucknow, every Wed-
nesday afternoon. •Alt chronic dis-
eases successfully •treated, Osteo-,
pathy removes tne physical causes
•of disease. • Adjestrnent of the
spine is more, quickly secured -end
(with fewer treatments by ,Osteo-
pathy than by anyother method.
•. Toronto. pricee paid .fereill kinds of
poultry, •
• 9-6-tf. • e A. Grospopf, Lucknow..
• FURS. -Highest prices lief(' for all
-kinds of raw furs and skins. If you
• have any, let me know before selling.
e -B. Pearlman, 'Phone 85. Residence
----Station St., Lucknow. , . April 30
• 1 am' paying the best rrices for all
• kinds of furs. 'Storing muskrats a.
specialty.. -Aei .agreeroent. mas made
with a large firm tasupplyaiim with
-riniskratss. and must pay high
prices in order to keep up the agree-
• ment, Don't Sell yetir furs ibefore-You
call- at •B. Blitzetein's• Dry Goods
•'.2tore. •
FOR SALE. -tie strong, healthy
aby Chicks (the kind that aro;easy
to raise) from • very : heavy laying
strains of Mire bred -to -lay single
• comb White Leghorn% Black Miner-
Jeces•and Barred,Rocks; Chicks lortale
every week. after March let. White
-,Leghotiis $18.00 per hundredeand thee
others $20.00e per • hundred. at my
place: Add $2.00 per hundred to above
Prices if chick§ are • to be delivered or
eiteresseieepeid to .your station. Safe .
, delivery guaranteed anywhere- Old
Ontario.. Eggs -for 'hatching -at -81.50
per setting of fifteen by Parcel Pest,
Orle.00 per setting if you oome aftet
them. Ten fertile or replace at half
priee. Book your orders at owe for
chicka or eggs.: Everybody cordially
•• invited to come and inspect my flocks.
I will he pleased to Shoe, them to you..
- - -Duncan • Kennedy. 13ex. .:12,,,• White,
. _
bred -to -lay S. C. White Leghorns and
.......--e„Barred, Rocks. _Present flock from
.Goilds Strain. -Leghorns materth
Linales direct'from 0. A. C., from hens'
with reeerd-tifs-t-612520-01-aild-Encks-
- enated-with.O.A CeStrain from hens
• • with reeord of 310 eggs. Price 5c. per
• egg 'at farm.-Jno..Farrisielmeknovir
• R, R; 7. 'Phone Dupgannon 82 x 13,
• elgurch, North Huron Phone 42-611.
O 0.90 O.•..
o.o o
Boost Monday nieht.hi, Dance
, Fall wheat in this part is leolting
•Remember the Danee, �n. MOli4a1.
night April 17th.--Gho4 Thpe.
RethWell &Turner tat better shoes.
See our windOW for,Eaeter Stykse,
Teninrrevi Will be Goed-Frlday and
a public holiday. Stofeswill be open•
tonight. • .
. •
• .
Granulated, bum at $6.75 -eer cwt.
We buy cream and eggs at highest
prices, -W. W. BUIL
Seats • for the -play "'Dust of the"
Earth, TWO Hall. Mira 29thare on
sale at MeKira's Dq? Store,
A man said the Other day that if
he were the rainmaker, he would save
up some of this for Ium; or July.,
Don't fail to see "The Dust of the
Earth" on Thursciae evening April
20th. The story will appeal th yOu. •
• All ladies are requested to bring
luneli to the dance on Monday night
as it is in aid of the lieckey *• fund,
•FORMALDEHYDE for preventing
smutt in grain. scab in notate,. etc A
fresh supply just in. 75e. a pound, at
Meliim's Drug Store,
• It came out at the magistrate's
Court on Wednesday that $6,00 is the.
price of a quart bottle of home .brew,
and its "terrible .etuff."
• Dance in -the -Foresters' Hall, Lang -
side, on - Wedeesday, April 19th.
Everybody 'welcome. Admission 75e,
Under auspices of -the C. 0. F.
Mr. Frank Baker, a beet and shod
traveller from London, is responsible
for the very attractive Easter window
dressing at Rathwell eh Turner's shoe
store. -
Messrs. liomuth and Green. two
Winghain men have boueld the Te'es-
water flour mill, for a nuniber of
years owned by Mr.: W. S. Cese, of
Culross. •. •
'Card of Thankse-eMrs. -Thomas
Percy, Kinloss, *billet to .thap,lc, the
friends who wide so-Eifidniad, showed,
sympathy during •the -Meese- ---of her
late husband;
' James -Malcolm, M_ _Pe' for North
Bruce has been appointed Liberal,
whip for-Ontatioe :This indicates. that
Mr. Malcolm ise regardei eine of
the capable men ofeehe• eerty_ in -the -
pus& ••
' Mr. Tom Webster sPent the:Week-
end with Lucknow Mende. He iS now
With-theeTeronto-Brusli Coe -and -ha
Charge' of agencies throuphout West --
ern- Ontarie, -with....-headquarters:at,
London. , .•
A special' meeting of the. Pres. W.:
31. Se will be held Wed. Apr. 49th. at
•which an Easter Thank offering will
-be takeneAlL theladieseofethe
gation .are requested to be present A
good programme Is being prepared;
. •
,A couple of fine specimensof the•
tribe -Pike and Mullet -on ex-
hibition in Henderson's meet shop
window on Tuesday; were eeetured by
hlessrs, Johnston, Meguaig, Minh:
tied Itoberston. These were Pic-kd
from a hag of about 60. •
• Mr. and .Mrs. W. C, Webb , -have
moved into the house. they reeenti
ouobt from 3u�ner, Off Genili.-S
Mr. Webb did pioneer work in the St.
'Helene ViattinViiiid-Wairatethe-head
-a the -list of Old-residente His -son
- .
McKenzie Webb has taken over the
• The Lucknovi Dramatie Company
vvilr play• "The MIA of the Earth" by
Katherine Kavanaugh. This is a real-
ly entertaining play, depicting vari-
Farm Lot, north half of Let 8, ,ous phases, of human character. It is
Con. '12, W. Div.. Ashfield. will be well written and will repay these who
offered for sale by public auction at make it a point te see it. Thursday
" -Hotel:- -Itipley:••on Tuesday. -
April'' 18the• at 2 'o'clock p.m. The
auctioneer will be pleased to receive
enquiries regarding this property
from intending purchasers 124‘e,_ John...renew • letic organizations of the villacre.
"E'Verybody shouldelinerthet he -or -she
,Proprieter. Auctioneer.
FOR SALE. --A good dwelling' in
Lucknow.-G, A. Siddall. 30-3-tf.
• The proceeds of the play The Dust
of the' Earth" will be devoted to the
financial reouirements of the ath-
SALE.-100" Bushels white-
• - blossom Sweet Mover Seed.-7--Fred-J,
Webb, R. 1, LuckhoW,
• BUSH FOR .SALE. --13 Acres of
_____ bueliecoesisting ofebeeehrehireheliem-.
- lock and cidat:Wille tee Tolewith-or-
without the hind, George Jardine', R.
is ---
:Hatching Eggs for. sale
• BARRED ROCKS, •Dted-to4ay,
• 5 Coats .per Egg .
WHITE 'ROCKS, $1,00 per .15''Eggs
Both Cockerel and Pullet Mating •
Eggs from these, ' $2.00 per 15.,
. These are all' headed.bY nudes Of
•etceptional laying stitin,
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Special Piicon on Largo .Loto • a 110n. •
• W. 1,
1000:0/ aik Nal 114)1114. 0 14
Harold Agnew and James MacCal-
lum were ne beiere Magistrate Me.:
Nabb; on Wednesday morning • on a
charge .i)f tieing inder the 14pence
of liquor In a public place, and each
pleading. guilty wee assessec1110 and
costs ,; the ebsts •litinging the amount
up to $23.85. " " -
'Although -there was no need of
taking evidence ,in 'either case the
ming men were, asked to gti into; the
witness toie to answer a..few quest.
-ions put by Lawyer Vanstone, who
acted for the preseeption.' This was
• done with a- vie* to future action
• against the party pr parties who sup-
000---- •
plied the liquor. 'Both gain clean-cut
and straight -forward evidence. Ag -
MUCH pAsmigi: THIS SEASON ee:ce, who was est caned, said the
liquor hid been Procured from Fred
It looks as -though that greatest of
field sports, baseball, wa.s coming to Whitby: Where Whitby got if the wit -
its own in this • district during the ness did net 'know. The offence had
coming slimmer. Lucicnow, of course been onininitted on the night Of April
will, have a team, and we understand lee Agnew said they had the liquor
that the Lochalsh team may join with at the picture sinew, and later, after
the Lucknow boys in order to orPan-
ize a strong and well-balaMea aggee- • nlian'a.4", they had been. about the
gation. street; They went to the door 'of the
But-thatisn't all, The eountry boys Family Theatre, and havinge, pushed
are taking to the game en masseese against the door, found that • it open -
to say this year. Clubs and teams are
being organized at St. Helens, White- ed easily so their went in Tiley re -
church, Zion, Rapid City, Holyrood mained for. some time and finally
Langside, and a few . other country went home, 'eating the bottle they
points, • • pad, and which- still contained some
Middle-aged men of organizing ab-
ility,. hre takihg actife interest in eliqu°17, in the theatre. .Asked if Mr.
the movement and Ade !mind at the "Smith; who eumages the theatre, -had
head of the Clubs and looking after given .them a key to open the. door
' the financial end They rezognizer with, or if he had the liquor, witness
these organizationsand_theeresultnee
as *a good .thing for ' -
said -that le had not, and that, so far
folk..lt helri to mthe,ake fa:ryoungm life as he knew, -Smith knew nothing about •
more Cheerful, and keep the young, the hquor. . .
folk on the •farm. These. rural 'teams MadCallumeio far as he was Mies,.
will be able to form leagues and en. Honed, , gave the same 'evidence as
joysombte very good sport, theyg, ivir
A newV and -eaid' that Aghew's state-
ne dou, also ,produee soine good
'Players Whe may enter larger fields. merit was true. ,
Wm. Smith, manager ef the Family.
,• • Theatre, was 'called to ansvirer ..to a
charge of haying Wiper in .an:unlaw..
ful place This was lased upon the
-Rev. C. -N. McKenzie will in-
ducted into the pasterate of BelinorC . fact' ofthe battle containing liquor
and MeInteali Presbyterian .churches , being foundin the ;Family Theatre.
on Thursday afternoop, Aeril 13th 'Smith said het was'.not'guilty, and Mr.
The induction cerenion- will take Vanstone, addressing tne magistrate,
t1lap1L in .the Belie ns Church '
• said that,invia aiethe 'evidence giy-
-The Rev. J. A, Agnew, well Iciieivn
here. and 'who" has been.Paiter of a the :other -cases, the :charge
large Methodist Church in London- against Smith wehld be withdrawn.
the _past few, years, has received a The ' neagistrife,'-ii-OWeYeri •warned
• pressing invitation.to become pastot -Sni- kehat he should bemore.ca-reful
of Methodist Church at St -Marys '
to --keep' his...Place better secured, as
Presbyterian .. Church. -5 p e ci
on another time „. • should; Uglierbe
Mestere -services- -will- -be-held- -next
. found eir-the prefiales, it might ' it
Lord's Bay at 11 a.m. p
and '7 in
Morning subject: "The Gospel of The
iteisurreetion " Eveninge-. subject;
"How.:Chriat Meana More 'and Mote."..
You -are kindly -invited to these ser -
'That conference which represent-
atives ofBruce County town had with.
.the Grand Trunk oilleiale at Palmer-
ston a few weeks ago is going to have
part of the desired results. Mr, F. L.
Coombe, of Kincardine who etarted
the movement for a better -passenver
train service has written to Reeve
Johnston to say that the district pas-
esenger agent, C-.." E. Horning, has ad-
vised him that 'after April 30th, the
afternoon train from Kincardine will
arrive at Toronto •at' '7.40 P: M. in-
stead of at 0.40- as 'present. This.
will be a considerable improvement,
It was, however. found =practicable
to improve the morning train service
as the delay of an hour in leaving
Kincardine would -.interfere withtoo
many connectioes. ,
apnreciates the efforts Of the Dram-
atic Club to help out in this directiop
by attending on Thursday evening,
the 20th.- inst. .
A Dance *ill be held in the Town
Hall "Lucknow,--Mondav--night.-Aprile
-rith te *which - invited.. Proceeds in aid of Hocluer fund. A go.od
time is assured. , Lochalsh Orchisttsi
will supple Music. Ladies are reenes:
$1,00. each, Ladies each 25centa, gale
• lery 25 cents. ' • • , _
BieSpecial-at the Family Theatre.
. Mary Pickford in "Suds", Tuesday
April 18th.."Ducks aird.Drakes" play-
ed on Friday Aneil
Buster Keaton -Comedy,
Haldenfore-In Kinloss, Con. 18, On
.April 6th., 1922:4to Mr. and IVI.rt
• George HaldeahY; a son;
cook. -4n Luchnow. on April 6th.,
1922. to Mr. and Mrs. Charlet Cooki
.••• 44•••,•14•4•144,141'
D'Auwardorinittill .11121:1°14!
.vices„ • •
• The South Itinloss W. II& Obeli
its April. 'meeting- in the church :on.
April, 5th. Dealing' on the 'Medical
apd-Edueational-side Mission Work-
in China, four splendid papers were
given by Ella Sutherland, Annie
.fieghes„ Martha Sutherland and. Etta
MacKinnon; Mrs: Gollan read a' Per-
sonal sketch by Dr. Margaret Mac-.
Kellar; which wonderfully illustrated
how Divinely guided she had .been on
her. trip- baelc-to-India.-As-an Easter
offering, the Societycontributed an: -
0a -Memoriam" Life Membership in
memory of Mrs. John MacLeod, who
• had -been a faittiftil ;worker for Many
ment was re -organized for the tent,
-Theeregular Meeting of the .Pres-
-byterian was held on, Weclenesday,,Apiirtthe the President Mrs.
MacCellum, "presiding.Mrs. GOrdon
read the Scripture Lessen, The Presi- '
dent and 'Mrs. Wilson led in prayer.
Mrs. MacCellum spoke a fevir words
on the subject for Bible Study, "The
-Work of the HaySpirit," comparing,
the limited workings of. the Spirit.
•under the old ,dispensation with the
unieersal• manifestation of His power
after Pentecost; lite„' Oe."-Johnitin
-read passages of Scripture bearing
-on the subject' Mrs. Helen Anderson
gave a splendid payee on the topic,
"The Unrest -Its • Dangers and En-
eouragifirFeaturee” A duet in, .1%-r1'
Win, MacKenzie end Mrs. Murdoch
was much appreciated. Mrs. D. Mac-
leod gave a readine on "A Visit to, a
Chinese Mission Station." Mrs. D. R.
McIntosh made herself a Life Meng -
her of the Society: an increase to the
-funds: of $25., ; - •
. .
Methodist Church. -Easter services
both Morning and evening. The fol-
lowing is the :music for the hiorniiig:
• themeLEnter-LTriurnPV,J4r-Beld---.'
en; Duet (soprano and tenor), "A
:Vision of Angels." ,by Carrie B.
Adams; Chorus, Cheruse_Mee ,Lamentrof .The
,Wonoen," by I. 13. Wilson; Anthem,
"Sing We Alleluia to. Him," by Ce 13,
A Topical Song Service in the even-
ing, entitled, The Life of Christ," 1 -
"The Annunciation", Luke '1: 26-35.
;2-43irth of Christ." Luke 2: 7, Duet,
8-"Legerids of Christ's Boyhood,"
lohn 21: 25, Hymn 81, 4 -"Stilling
the Tempest," Mat, 8: 24-27, Anthem.
tialeie," Luke 18: 31-85. Solo, 6 -"The
Triumphal Entre' into Jerusalem,"
'Mat. 21: 2-9, Solo. 7 -"The Lord's
Supper," Mat. 26: 26-28, Hymn 250,
3 -"The Sacrifice," Matt. 27: 33-50,
.Duet. 0 -"The teautrettion," Mat.
28: 14,, QuattettO, 10 -"Tho Afton -
eon." LW; 041 50, 51., Hymn 70. 1.1--?
"Chriot T uniphook, rotinoNt 0n4 24110 -1410 Gaunt have tio a fk 4401 VII 11 -- I t
The regular meeting of the Wo-
men's institute was held at the hoe
of Mrs. George Bell on ThursdaY,
Aprir,6the a large number •of mernT
hers and visitors being preeent. Rev.
Duncan MacTevieh 'gave a splendid
address on the .topic, "Morel and
Physical". Harm of Fault -Finding".
Miss Margaret Beekink gave another
of her interesting readings. . Mies
Daisy A:yles and Mrs.. Jas. Wraith
each fevered the meeting nvith a eolo.
Instrumentals were well `rendered b,
'Mrs. Earl liodgins, Miss 'Daisy Ayles
and Mesta Stuart Bell. The sum Of
$25,00 was donated to "The Save the
Children Fund" :by the Institute. The
meeting closed by singing "God Saye
The `King," after' which hermit was
served by the htstess,-Seey.
. 0.,0-••—••
Mr, and Mrs. E, Taylor spent Sun-
day with Mose 'Champion.,
.A number of farmers in the local-
ity have started their spring plowing.
John: McGee is cutting wood and
chopping grain for- Wm: Dow this
week: . •
We understand that Charlie Martin
has inVentoi and patentel a new tyne
of •road scraper. .
Mrs. John Jamieson spent the past
week with her daughter. Mrs. T. MC-
Guffin, at Listowel.
• Mrs. Wm. 'Martin visited at Wm.
Woods' and E. Weaeherhead's at St.
Helens, last week. '
Mrs. Charlie Martin spent the
Week -end with her mother:- -„Mrs;
John Gillespie, 'Whitechurch,
The fine Weather was taken ad-
vantage of to haie some work done
on the "Geed geed System."
• Mies Ada Clubb of Bruesels, was
•haine ior the week -end. •
Mr: Vernon Sinclair of. •Brussels
visited over the week -end with miss
Mable Garton. .
. Master Jack Rutledge of Brussels
is visiting with his .grandmotaer Mrs.
Cleo. Garton Se; • • •
Miss Lavine Carrick of Wingham
'spent Sunday with her parents . Mr..
and Mrs. Robert Carrick. ' ,
• Mrs. Mitchell twho has spent the
• wipter with her daughter Mrs. Scobie
left on Monday for her lime •in the
West. - - • , • - • •
:A/re-Garton Srantle-Miss IVIargaret
Garton returned home on' Saturday
-aiter-visitine A de --w 'Weeks -With Brus-
sels friends.
Mr. and Mrs, Robert Henrir :Pardon
who have, been ylaitiiig friends here,
'leave this week for their:'home 'in
Wallebol, Seek. ..
Me. and Mrs. Allan Turner and Mr.
be --so easy to prove that he wag, and Mts. sSichrey-Pleiwrighteen-d son
*honk ignorant of it, 'He knew of Allan of Lucknow called on friends
• tworecaseseineWhich,a-ecenyictio _had. in- the village ore Sunday—e,-
been recorded when the proprietor
Claimed to have been ignorant ef the
. liquor being there at all.,
Judging by the. course of events' at
• this Cohrt, there will be. something
•enereeleing in ehe near future_ Cen-
stable -1Vioore -evidently has strong
evidence lie to where the liquor which
got the local yeting men into. trouble,
came from,-andthe case will be push-
ed Those who appeared to know
Mrs. Herbert Laidlaw, Mrs. Jas:'
tieClenaghan and Miss _Lorea. and
Master Melvin MeClenaghan spent
'Monday with Mr: and Mrs. -H. iVic-
Clenaghan. at Belgrave • •
• 041 ,
_e_111ieleid Mrs. Raymond Finnigan
spent' Sunday at Mr, George Twain,
ley's. •
• Misi Ila 'Maise Spent .a few days
lAstk week 'with her gousin Bernice
something "about liquor, pronounced
'the staff- iii: thebottle"home brew,' - Mr; Charlie Twamlev- has pncraged
and R, tameron, wholuid-acrecras • k in Mr. John Button's saw
constable when the bottle was found, 1
mi 1 at Luekno-w. •
Rey. C. • Cumming, . of St Helens,
remarked that it smelt like. terrible ,
• the -W, Al
• -STe-HELENS---,-.---
- •
meeting Easier Monday evening, 'the
-17th. Th-ele cither. entertaining
- - -
Obituary -On Wednesday, March
. . Tues.' Apia. 11th. the 22ed. the home of Mr and Mrs:
Miss Jesele Cameron is home from- Milton Kilpatriolc• was: saddened. 'by
Toronto. thesudden and entirely unexpected
j)reparations are being made for the death of their little son. Melvin. aged
moving Of the Public Hall. ' .six years .and ten rminths. The family
Miss F'antes- Anderson spent the were all. sick with Influenza Influenza •••which,-
weekLend with, Ripley friends. with Melvin, developed into pneurnon-
All those interested in havhig a ia. affecting_his heart, rwhich was al,
Beef Ring,thiesummer are, recnested. ready, weakpned ,by A former attack
to attend a meeting on Friday even- of pneumonia. The funeral took piece
in- r-xt. • • , Friday Mar, 24th to Dungapnon• cern-
Special Easter Services will be etery.Services at the house and °rave
held in the .Presbyterian Church next were 'conducted by Rev. -De Witt 0o.
Sabbath,. The pasta. Rev. Mr. Cum-• Bens. The syrimathy Of the common -
mingewinlike as ins subjeet--"The -ity IS extended td 'the' hereayed-qtres-
-Day of the Immortal Hope,'.' - ily.
Miss W, D. Rutherford was home "There is no flock however watched
from Mitchell' for the week -end. She and tended. . •
*ill spend the Easter vacation with a , But one dead lamb is therer - - -
party of friends visiting' the cities of There is no fireside. howsoe'er
Philadeleltia; Washington and New . , .deferelede. _ ......- ,...... ...... .._
York. . ,- '' But has one vacant eliairl"-
Mr. and Mrs. W 4 C. Webb are mov- "He is. not dead -the child. of our
ing to their new home in Lueknow affection- ' •
this week. We are very sorry to loSe•
-M-r,--and- Mrse-litebb -from -oureeeen-. -... ----Where he,no=longer.needs ,out
But gone unto that school
intinity, but are glad they -are not.go. • ..protection,- •
ing far away. , - And Christ hiniself doth rule,"
The. death, o.._3(4.10S,_,SIABan__Br011n r ,,,_ LOTIgfenbW "IkeaignatiSID."
took place. at the home of her neehew • ,
Mied 13rawn 'whese hone wee. 'in Myth ' KEEP THEM' FENCED IN -
---o o o, ---
Mr. Will Weatherhead on MondaY. . • .
has spent the past few months here ,
and her death after only a -Short -ill- '7— ' .
noo4 alto 4 with 4 shock -to hot Very .soon it.will he garden-plant
in g time, and resident* of town
The Harris Mission Band held their „should see that their cows and hens
April meeting last Sat. afternoon are fenced in. Cows and hens per -
with e large attendance which shows mitted to run at large are a frequent
Ilie Inteieatialcizi-IY the childrein - A vendee,. of trouble betWeen neiehbors.
review of laet months visit to Portage Besides, its against the law to -have
them at large. -B. Ward. '
Ming also the lesson ivliie • Asieted
La Prairie was taken by m. Cuin
in a visit to Ethel Bert 8.6(561 H01116. LOCAL MARKETS
'Short stories were read be Miss Irene
Lynch and Miss Muriel Miller. The (Corrected' to .,Wednesday Mon)
Band decided that the.* would pike ,Eggs „ „ .... ..
a quilt for the bale. Miss Muriel Mil -
4 1 4 4,4, 4 i 088 tO 850
Always Deliciout
lways Ref'reshinfg
: 'UV 313 JUL.'
• Sold in , sealed aluminvini packets only "
Welter in 15u111. •
Lucknow' -residents were greatly
slarprised oil Monday of this iweek to • • -
learn that'MrseJohn Bell; wife of the .
tewn engineer and caretaker, had pas-
sed away that morning. A few Weeks
ago Mrs. Bell went to Pine river to
visit her daughter Mrs. Fraser. From
there she event to visit a sister. Mrs.
King, who lives with a brother, J.
.MacDonald. While there Mrs. Bell,
w he was 74 /years a age suffered a
fall breaking the hip bone. She .ap-
:seared to be on the way to .recovery Special Eater Baking for
until Wednesday of last 'week when
pneumonia Set in and she steadily be-
came worse until she passed away on
Monday morning. Mrs. Bell's maiden
• name was Margaret MacDonald, and
she was a native of the Pine ;River.
locality., Besides het husband' she WANTED:-SeCond-hand baby car -
leaves a son who is farming in Huron riage. :or ope to, hire, Mrs Parker. in
•fownship, and a daughter. Mrs. How- "-tate of .R.1Mullin, Lucknow:
ell Fraser. of Pine River. The funeral
was on Wednesday afterneoe tp Kin- FARMERS, ATTENTION'- Now
cardine ceinetery. is•the.time toget your Fertilizer. Car
. Of •Gunn's "Sure -Crop" on the the.
way. -G. S. Robertson.' '
• Saturday -
PHONE 33. 1.,uckNow..
7 -041•117. --
Monday, April 10th,
Mr. and Mrs. 0. Keifer visited in.
oar 'burg 'lately: A
We are sorry to rePort that Mrs.
McCoirrt seriously , ill. ••
Miss Rae Redmond -snent Sunday
under the parental roof.
Sorry to know that M- -Murphy is
laid eip with a very severe. cold and.
• A tot oi the folk. are busy with
wood,eutthig. andepreparing ior the
• spring work. .•
-glad to see Miss Iqng. about 'again
after being_ confined...3o the house
with a severe cold.
Mise Alexander. who has, been
numbered among the sick for -seme
• time. is niuch imnroved. "
' We this ,week welcome heek to our
biiig two Of -Our sprY- ifien;"
looking hale and hearty.
• .
74Q 1.r • 111Orlifi. Qt 111401 . • . 10.1..4 v t..1$14.0.
•••. •••
FOR SALE.-Manunoth 'Bronze
Turkey Eggs. -from matings of large,
vigorous birds. Price $5,00 for sett-
ings of 9, eggs, Less than 9. or if,
shipped. 60c. each; Anoly„„ to W. R.
Farrier, Route I, Luelcnow. .31)11one
3 on 615, Winghein Central. 204-p.
,H1.(!H'..T11 CON. Kr.NLoss.2.:
Mrs. McLeod of Ripley is spendinir
a few days with her -daughter; Mrs.
'Mac Smith. '
Agyfrei lryttle, CM:meanie was, en
or el2 Wm. Sem-0s, 12 Con. a couple of • •
"days last
the Townshie of Huron
on -April 8, 1922, to Mr, -and Mrs. Del
'Worthy. a daughter.
'• Fishing very popular at present ,
but-accordingto-reports- more -colds - ---
than fish have been caught so far. •
'To the People-oltUeliNOW:and District
Will give the great*. opportunity to purchase
clothes to measure at their well known
One Price 24.00
Their "Representative be at
• •
on Decker's Store
ednesday, April 19
• ,.
with. the.newest of Wool Suitifigs to your measure
For $24.00
Your Easter Shoes Are Here
'A.dorable* Spring
men's Low' Shoes at Prices from
$4.00 to Character,:origin-,-
. ality and. good taste, coupled with
Ivorthi--while quality and-good-vat--
1mi all, go to. niale, our popular
prices the more remarkable., ,
Men's Oxfords in latest Styles a
$5.50 to $7.50.
You Get Quality and Service at Our Store,
• n-ro