HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1922-03-23, Page 11k,
'4W 7
-"Ay " " " • - *
TsfA*IN ArrAmcfki
Foged. to the Front
The position of Halte,
lock -Flour in t his
community has be•
AS much bread and
as good bread (some:.
of our customers. say
better bread) as can be
obtained from any Pa.
tent flour.
Present Prices, $3.50
• and $315,
-13. Treleaven
I •
I • • " •
• VETEBINABI/ $11401141*,-- Dr.
Ntt, j. Keleher," Itipleyi'PhOu. 19t
night or day.—t,f,,
. Dr.* MacLeod will visit Lucknow
every Tuesday.* Oitice above that of
Drs. Elliott &Connell. 23.24t.
LUMBER FOR' "SALE.—Ilentlock
luitiber; mit to*order„ Budlike at jobn
" • jOS'AVO' 01.115e4'• ''.274104tt
MONE'rf•TO.-:LOAN'.'*en". mortgage*"
rand notes at reasonable. rates:
,Fire Insurance, both stock and
bluteal,•Companies. , Cpnveyancing.,
done with neetnese and...despatch.
.. Gee. A. S1448114', Broker. LIWIMOW.
, •
• DR. PARKER, OSTEOPATH, at at the
Cain House, Lucknow, every Wed,
ilesdar'afterpoon. All chronic dis-
' easei successfully ,treated. Osteo-
., pathy removes Optical causes
,. .
Of "disease ,e! Adjustment, °of the
illiineds more, quickly secured and
'with telver treatments by Difeo,
prithY than hylkiey other method.-
TOrOnta prices paid for all kinds, of
poultry.' **. •
0-6-tf , A. GrospoPf, Lticknow.
• FURS.-rEigheat *feet Paid for '14'
nds of reW fire and. If You
ave any, let me kirevehefore selling;
Pearlman; lPhone 85, Residelide
Station St., Warne% April 30;
Large sum of money to lend on
farm properties at lowest current'
totes. •,Alitb--.A•=nunriber of farms on
hand for sale or rent—Gee. Bid-
den. Lucknow.— . • _6-4,240:
• la. Con. 11. West Witwanosh, 'never-
failing-enring-Water on. botlt., Apply
to Mrs,.F. Bower, R. 2, Lucknow.
• I am Peking. the best prices for . all
kinds of raw, hrs. Spring-muslcrets-a
specialty. An agreement was Made
with alarge firms .to supply hint with
1000 'muskrats: and _ gouSt pay high.
prices, in order' to keen tip the agted.,..; '
-----'—inent:-Don't Sell your bark before you.
call at B. Blitzstein's Dry. Goods ,
Store, .
-FOR SALE.—Big. strong, healthy
Baby Chicks (the. kind that aka- tea'
to raise) from very heavy laying
„ strains of Pure bred -to -lay, single
- comb White Leghorns.-Black
eas and'Oarted Rocks.-Chielcofor sale
every week after March 1st. White.
Leghorns $18.06,per hundred,and the
• - others- $20.00 per- hundred. at . my
place, Add $2.00 per hundred to above
otiose if chicks are /to be deliveted or
eXprOst prepaid to your station. Safe
delivery guaranteed .anywhere In Old
:Ontario. 'Eggs. for hatching at $1.50
— per Mitting:Arfifteen by Parcel Vest,'
or $1,00, per setting if you come aftet,
them. Ten fertile or 'replace at ludf
. price: Book • Your order e at once for
• Chick0'.or eggs. Everybody cordially
. invited to clime and inspect inY flocks
I will be pleased to show them to you.
Daman NOluiedY, Box '12, White,
' church. North Huron Phone 42-,-611.
SEED• , OATS. -150 Bushel.. cheide
seed oats for -sale. Ruu, Middleton,
R. 6, Lucknow.
between Lot 6. Con. 2, Huron. and
.Leektiew ,StatIon, a parcel 'containing
Clothing. Pinder please' leave at The
- Sentinel Wee.
*, Buy Your Seed Potatoes- Now.—
Good white stook. for planting or
cooking, $1.40 in 10 -beg lotai $1.45 in
5 -bag lots, $1,50 In 14niglots. Please
bring your bags, --W. E. Ilarkei. •
Liwiit Otani, a fialf Lot 1& OIL
11, West WaWanOillti • will • ate;
Siuotlen Sale of MS lath ltoolt 1414
incOlontintli• Stud lom. hOUSSIt014.4fo'
-heti on March alle,e0inin0114100..At
OAS o'clock .1),114. Mt, Grentli is
of. *gallant Olislitar#
clAtIOn, EVrthM,'W141 0thifa1M01
A ..WP:4;a14
Maid wantbd,---Infetratielt. at *
Sentinel Office., :
It Will pay ireutit:tit;:n
stein's On Dollar Day,
'00nie Rid *hare in the sensational?
Dollar pay :Sale at Mc1nthe.,
,'MoIntesh fi eipoctink the greatest
throng of OPtc.benets on DoiIar Day.
Mrs. C. F. Rlchardson. is visiting;
her. niotber,.. Ma- Douglas, 'Canning
Great Bargains will be WI* at
Vitsstoin's 'pry Gotide Stereen
• Dollar Day.
'Mr: lifalcOlin Beaten was over from
Seaforth, and:spent the:week-end with
friend; bere.°
f0,-ruft Picked up okthe street
deting, the week awaits,Ithe:,owner at
The Sentinel Office.
The 'biggest list of 'bargains atvaits
ei'ehYhody at Molutosles store on
Dialer Day, ' 28tb of March ;'
Mies L. COMpl3e11. of 'Ritiley. and
Mies J. CaMeron. of. Hineardine were
,visiting friends here laet week: •
:Sao ef Pont -.tar at•the
Cain ..House, Barn. on Saturday after-
noon, ;March 25th„ at 2 00 &Week
-Ur& Bruce .'4ammie and little son,
• Robert, of hear • Arisit,, Ont., are
spending the week witlyher mother,
Mrs. 'Woods. goes St.
.S2d1or. Hats at $1,50;.,;ntlier. *tiles
at $0;701, Black .Rihhone at' 12e, a
yard • ran this Sea.A3Onte OtOCk). at B.
Rohertesin'S on Dcllar Day.
. • .
Car Of bate on the track, unload-
ing_ Thuriday, Anat•tWay, Marc 23,
and 24.. Car of Peed .Cern .to arrive
Shortly. --;-k R. ,
Every HIM of!":40erelsandiee ,will ;he
in evidence-TClothing,.,4400,„
41-18abit nlyftkiaridiP'sr. Y'tn4'DOctgdsillit,f,011-41171.'IciAci*
•TuesdaY.;,oeit.- will be Dollar :Do
in Lueltriew. Look' over „tlie,aditertifie-
Inents 4n „The Sentinel this -'weelci
There are Many real bargains'pr
cluOtresd.„ pere.y Leslie
and 17itt,10,i4n..01
Owen sound were 'guests ' of. Mrs.
Gordon .and Miss 'Whinfe lad 1Week.
Mrs. Leslie was forinerlY Mita Bertha
Treleaven. ‘. •. • -•• '“
Mr.(4arfield MikeDbliald 'who haat;
been at his • hairte:here--.4or4-.--le
months; returned to Saskatchewan on
Tuesday. Mr. MacDonald is in the,
Weyburn district and is, well pleased
with the West •Essex.g•
teed good eiiS'er'"r*g.rran
rullaton`lud-freefre4boret.:Shelled or On cob, for 00 pe
bushel, off ear- 064-, M 0,-.4fit,4•4Beek
your Order at once, •
--Hente-grawn_ 1926 Seed 'Ort for
Sale. New Century and If.fiiindeWESO• •
IY: Yielder. .See,,,atintide at utOtefr4A.,.'
R. Finlayson.
. •
'. A dance wiJl be. given in tha,Carne,
tie Hall Lucknotw on Friday
March 31.st, next. On Satter Monday
night, April -17th neXt, another dente
will be liehrin the •Carnegie 11411.. The
Lochalsh orchestra has been engaged
for the two dancet. The funds will. go
towards defraying defraying _the ..debts of tho
Lucknow floekeY teams and the
Luciano* Baseball Club,- The admis-
sion Will be, $1.00 fer.gentlemen and
.25ets, . for .% ladies- and Ion: .gallorY
'tickets.' Ladies of the town will pro-
-Vide the luncheon. As the-ilebts-rite-
'Pretty heavy,it i$ • .important that
these dances be Well patronised' and
those- of the yillageirlui are lovers of
sport ' are 'requested to contribute. :Do
/not forget the .dates. =.,' • -
,,Arriiitage, for many Aare
a- resident of Lucknow, VASSed-AWM,
At the huh* of her.' Son' at London,
where she, had gone to :spend , the
Winter; on .Friday of lest week: The.
reinairis• Were brought hem for 'inter,
elem. service lbeint held in the Anir-
litan-Chutelr on Sunder attestant
e,411.`114;_thgdocesisic the, ineet,...
ing of the Xairshea, held an March 18,
was both entertaining and instrtictilre-
After' a spirited and interesting .de,•
bate the judges declared it proved
that the farmer's- wife had mereq.,013-
• Portunitimi_ for amusement than .lier
•husband: whe, "Kairshea ,Gatettef'
,WaS a pleasing diversion fronithe ex-
cellent editorial on °A Good Titre to
the amusing "personals" which were
all good natured'? taken. Next- Mon,
27, We
still 'better programme including a
lively spelling match:, the aticceSS of
whfeh dejnds upon all eallisfigrin
good -humour and prepared to do their,
bit. -
• • °TeiteArlitatteeit iiriMarY
?markets continue to indicate •.*
strong eltitatiett With • UPWArd
• ; tendencies. Locally there Are no
changes -but as Stocks Are net
largethere is a strong:possibility
for some advances,gut importers
• state gpot prices as. still far
hilovi:%eost of tevloomonk".'
Tba *beet statement In eh.
adlan atiese of Morroll Xot)i '15
Thos. whit'underetentt the
.tee Sithiit401t. SOY 41% 4.1*
• 01111011 smilow
kot Vert t)10M$rlipIN4,
141610ENOVii ONT4. THURSDAIG MAUCH 23, 1922:
Mit .ok 000D SPORTS
- PROM 041PrON
'Local checker -players had their
Pat to the text theend of last
week whon MeSsrol. WITI, *Grant and J.
Cook, of .Clinton, two 4evotees oZ the
n'le COM OVIK looking -Whom 'they
COW defeat. EvidentlY tbe. tlinie of 4
few LueknoW players had • Pm- ra"
bread. In, fact a nn‘nber of themliad
gone to Clinton the weelc,before. en-
joyed the beePitelitY Of -friend* there..
and.: Of 40arze played checkers. • We
• underOtand "they 'found, Memos Grantarid Cook Worthy of their best 'effor*
The visitors to Clinton- were Messes.
Joseph Agsgeivo. McQuilllin and
Otulield MacDonald. 15( t ,Grant and
Cook were' here playing a return ser-
of 'rgantePi //11"to 3ay. We under-
stand they' ?encountered not only the
men, Who had been at Clinton. but
other local celebrities 'Such es James
Young, T. • MecDonald, T Watton
and Geo:- j.„ Anders According to
report lrimeg prove be more th4n
a match for Ina felloWlrishman Cook
(That is eccasiOnallY,hedid) but on
the whole the LiielgteWites. found the
visitorhard Viol to boat,' Trowever
they didn't didn't get .away with all the
They proved good ',Ports and
greatly enlivened,' -the circle in„.whigh
they - movedwhilehere." They -were-
'accompanied by Mr,' Abe-Durnin .who
visitedwith friends here
. •
Presbyterian Church --Services next
Lord's Day at 11 a. al. and 7 P. m.
The ,Merrfing serVice:will be conduct-
ed by the: Pastor, Abject:: "Seeing
the Divine in Common Thins" The
evening service will be conducted by
tit AlexanderD.
-'eeeretary,of,the Committee on Church
Praise. You are kindly ipvitcd.to
these services, •" • '"
MacKenzie. lurving
accepted the call *to the .eorigregations
of Bebnow.and Maclittosh. •the;.cen..
gregotiona of Kinlough. and Rivers -
dile will ha. declared vacant on Sun-'
day , April 9th. Rev. Mr. MacKenzie
has been been appointed •Moderator daring
the yacan0qand" all matters regard:.
ins" 'supply should be addressed to J.
R. Lane R. 11.; 2 HolYrood, who has
been appointed secretary of the Contr.
mittee of supply. •
Presbyterian Guild.—The Devotion-
al Committee had charge of the pro-
gram in -Guild on -Monday evening.'
The,ifirstl,part-of-theprogram was in
the form Of a Song Service.' a special
featuteof tftis ;being a -number of
hymns on the phonograph, which Was
followed by the •Lord's, Prayer in un-
ison. Mr; ,Clare MacDOUgall'read the
Scripture lesson. Three papers were
given on the, Topic, "Twice Bern: -
Men!' ,First Piper was "Billy .Sun-
daY'.', by Mr. Earvey--MacDougali.,
Second paper was by
.Miss ,Alma McKay; and the, third. a
sketch from Herold Begbies, "Ilikice-
. Born Men," by Miss -Annie McKay.
Mr.' Alex. McNair favored the aud-
ience With a solo. A selection on the
Phonograph And the closing hymn
brought - a- very profitable evening to
a close. .
To the Editor: '
noticed a few- Weeks ago an ar-
ticle by 'Citizen" regarding this'aub-
ject; and thought. it rnight-not be out
ofplace for citizen No..2 to express
fieWs. .
;that a ' park ornamented- and beaut-
ified would not be the wisest. meth -
'oriel. The annual up -keep would not
• be sustained; and the park would re-
vext.to the original condition in it levv,
Years. 1 never knew it to be different
-in a small town. •
Suppose the-Park'idetr is proceeded
With: .First will be the Preparing of
the soil by cultivatinerand
loyingMit of -beds of, !flowers ^plant-
ing of shrubs etc. The first year will
be occupied with •getting, the ground
'ready.' Them it would ,require the at-
tention of a mail for seven months, of
• the year—whole time for some
montha. Dart- times for others. The
*cad' filk 175'a:443;1w $z.orper day
Would be $350. Add to this the cost of
Seeds.* ihrebs,. and gime method of
watering; ' • '
Then for five months this thing of
:beauty walla _under the ,ineve,--Trav—,
idlers, coming : to town may, enquire:
"Where is your soldiers' memorial ,
You reply that it is .under two feet.
of Show. Wheri.anless it be fenced,
some summer morning, when the
flowers Are inbloom, forty steers wiIl
vomii along, seine of thein will get out
of hand and may take a @cantor over
the floatersbeds., to say nothing of
stray cows and dogs.
The idea of a otwn, Clock sOOme to
me a geatterie.--ThiEtireidd be seine -
of real service .' Which one tOi.ild eve
and hear all' the Year round, It would
be s -real -asset to the -town; It would
tell fellt,iwheil to go to work; when to
quit; meat time; whetto come in At
night; remind. the 'Otani *an when to
take hi* hat and break away. It would
be -.4 real boon to the ',School, children,
pegiutitui.olock, with thinces ne0-
48satY; could be larochted and main-
tained at. less coot than the oronolied
Perk., The clock would be of tea and
lasting take to the plate, end wodid,
be serving the Ohne when the park
Would be 110 ShOrk),
TO tall, a .00114 Meeting to disousit
the 4naition before proceeding with
:anything definite would be e. *1)0
*or).. - 'citizen No. 2.
tiiti V fillit.tcjilVi
DOLLAR !YAW is ionspicuoits..in our -
:advertising colunms, The, Sentinel, hap-
pens to -know that it is three weeks ago
since 'the Inerehihts of Lucknow decided
on a date for Dollar .Day, ahd proceeded .
to make preparations. We are4 toki by a
*mber of them that 1922 will exceed 4)1,
Previcius.,Lucknow Dollar Days in the gen-
--4iiiiel)e*ss of Bargainp. The absolute neo-
essitY of deflation has reached the mind of
the tardiest. The result is that onTUESri,
DAY next , hundreds of dollars • can be
•Saved to the intelligent buyefs who come
to Lucknow and look over the Dollar Day
f-lere they
D. R. mantinh
Cameron, Nur,-
'loch 8t Co.
,RO13pkBrownI. Little. -
A R. Finlayson
• ,
. •
A' Rae & Porteous
W. W. .Hill --
A. E. McKim
. Henderson--
Rathviell & Turner
R. Button' ,
Estate Wm. Allin
-H011yntan Bros.
M. A...Treleaven
A. 11`...1a. v.isOw8/
Son .
M. Spence
Lucknow Hard-
. *are &Coal Co.
Johnstone- Bros.
Wm. Perris
Bank of Hamilton.
W. E. Barker
—Con. 'Decker—
Largest sale
114Tchkeetth,cinAsefifoieliiIrwa. arltblie orSpenIentiocipab
..nretty wedding On Wednesday Minh
15th, at 5. 30 p„ m, when their eecend
youngest daUghter., Janet. Was united -
in marriage to Wilfred -L. Drennan,
only son of Mr- and Mrs: japes Drert-
rum Ashfield. The ceremony was per-
fumed by Rev. C. W. De witt-Cosens
of ''Luelinovi under a beautiful White
arch hung with a large wedding bell.
The bride who Was given awe* by her
father 'was gracefully gowned in
white satin with :bodice of Ikea and
bridal veil. crowned with orange MO-
EMIT'S-. Her bouquet Was sweetheart:
roses and :maidenhair fern.. She„,,,_,Waap,
agtot:lindeedd-iib:whinter.e_twIngn lat:itfldejeo,ieselied1,44 .418,ses,
Wintifred Bunter' as ring' bearer
Eileen Treleaven, as flower girl
gowned inwhite silk.: The wedding
music was played by illisS Violet
Drennan, sister of the groont. During 1
the signing Cfrthe'•register Mrs. ',Herb I
Stotler% sister of the bride. , sang
"The Bells of ,St. MOWS." After the
.cerentony- a dainty wedding dinner
was. served. The groom's gift, to. the
bride was a handsome gold ,mxiit
Wateh.and to the flower girl and ring„
bearer gold bangle bracelefi.. Many:
valuable gifts were received by the
• bride and groom. Mr. and Mts. Dren-
nan will reside at Crewe where this,
take with them the best wishes of .4
host of friends. • •
. • ;.-7-70-0
ties a
• On and after Anvil let. 1922; the
rate of postage on 'money pAckages,
will be 5c .per ounce. or' part . an
ounce. to addresses in ,gonada.-in the
Empire, the 'Elided States *al Mexico,
This is an irlereape'of-36 her 'Ounce.
oeothdePrCi-nssecl5itrItiabeist id:!141,-Iver! stocks '"(1'
coins, Millions.: •goW, dust, bondsand
-Money packages include; bank not*
'• A pIeeluinttime was spent at:.the
annual; Congregationalameting in the
Methodist Church on • *Wednesday
evening of last Week. Inapirine
ports came front the,, various' organ,-
-izationis-othe .chureli:4--kr.-George
Andersen Ably filled the chair
apirsing the progain with hOmorOns.
temarks. Mr, S. C. Bothwell repre-
sented the Sunday sehooL ." giving a.
r.growin,g account of the progress,
there: Mrs. M; Naylor represented the
Cradle Roll departaleht -Mrs.. George,
Andrew the' Moiety class Wilfred
mens' clos's Ita
41 Webster the Wittig ladies' Class
andittai, Rivets the Melts' class, The \
EPswortli League WAS represented by
Ewart Taylor, Ladies Aid by Mrs
.Rgtkwen;,*,.:Ate S: by Mrs. (Bev..)'
Irwin. The choir by Mrs, J. W. Joynt.•
-Mr, T. S, Reid reported on the Build-
ing round and the. National , Cam-
paigis Fund, A brief discussion fol.
lowed each report in which many look
part Idinglhig with the report were
munial numbers; a volin solo by
don Henderson'duet by Irene Rath.
Well and Plot& Andrew, piano solo -
Margaret Rivers, Great satisfaction
WAS ei*Ortuldedat the financial .condi-
tion of 'All departments, 'The ladies
aerVed luttelt a tha eloss of the pro-
gram 014 '411 *IA sway ivoionnettig
itliSatirt iintigiictory pn en'
• .
.•l'uesday. Monk..
Owing to unfavorable weather nnd
roads. the -crowd at the -play given by,
young people of -S. S. No. 3 was not
as . large as was expected. "I Can't
Afford It". proved -a good play, and
the various parts ivere well taken; ,
Mrs. Elisabeth Salkeld ef....Goderich.
few 'treys of test week with
her aunt 'Mrs., It:E.- Miller and Mrs.
Gordon. Mrs.. Miller -returned to God-
erich• with her on Saturdayand will
visit.thete this Meek.
• The regular ,meeting of the Wo -
diens' Institute will be held , at the
home of Mrai[lt. It. MilleronThurs-
day afternoon; 'ME& 30, The subject
fozi the day is: What puler institutes
are Doing. Bell Coln How To Give
-Met Ohieks-The--Beet-Start-..---
• • KuslLoss..
• .Syyugni'inikiiiglirtlie order of the
. .
Miss Ethel Young is visiting friends ,
near Marais, • ' ,
A number from here took in the
play at Bervie.
I_Mis.e, Ida Xaake: is ;isiting, with
Mrs Topi...1Carike...
Dir. Wallace Hewitt spent the
week -end at, his home here.
Victor 'says the boundarv is muddy
.eapecially on a rainy night.
Miss Pearle Geddes • has gone to
- Kincardine where she will upend a
couple of monthts,
We notice that -one of our boys
fixes -un pretty nicly to go +west late.
ly, Any attraction St --.-1,..„
A large CroWd took in the dance at
,the 0". '- 'all butt WatintstlY
.. it 410140414 OM%
-. —.... ..
• • '
' R. H. Griffin, Lot 2, Con. 2, Anton
Township. will have an auction 'sale, -
of his farm stock and implements. on.,
-Fridayc-March -24th., -commencing at
one o'clock. Everything will be sold.
Elliott Miller„ Auctioneer..
, _—
Farm Lot; north half .of Lot
Con. 12,, W. --Div.„ • Ashfield,.. willbe
offered'. for sale by- public auction at
Jrwm!s,Hotel,_Rzpley on ' Tuesday;
April 18th., at 2 o'clock. p.m; The
:auctioneer will. be Pleased to receive.
enouiriee regardingthis.- property
frourTintmrditig.--putchlisete; .-124;07,-
H, Dig.nan, John 'Purvis.
Proprietor. Auctioneer,
Tenders- will be teceived '-by the
Board of S. s. No. .2, West W,awit-
nosh, 'up till May 1st.. for raising
school house and putting in cement
basement. ContraCt ,inhy. be entered
upon •June • 30th., and cowieted by,
August 15th 1922. All ten ers to be
sealed and marked "tender'.Pions
and sPecifieetions may be seen at
• Secretary'a. • Lowest or , any tender
• not • necessarily •accepted.—W.
Anderson, $ee'y„; R. 2. Auburn.,
• 64-200
wtaheantt3reolillialaret en'Yeet k•oti?ol*fiklesilurelli
; in vision,. In reading you first -
netiee Don't neglect it.
your eyes attended to is here-
• ywa noed the ove tbee:mvsetryprogle,;caelhea;
cur* optical work.
Our *dyke- to.- You ist MAY. the'
host. Ton, gat satisfaction.' #nd
satisfaction is avorai much:„.
e„Here First.
-gOott assortment , o
the latest stylesinHAts
and riniMings#
Also a few Fur Ci�kers
-fOr the .-SPrihg Suits
door to cf.:, S. -Robe
Hhing 1 Eggs or Salo
BARRED ROCKS, Bred -to -lay, at
-IVIIITE-450e1CC74"10Elrier 15 Egg*,
Both Cockerel and Pallet Mating ,
Eggs from :$2.00-iier 15,
These are all h�aded. by niales of
• exceptional laying strain,
• , Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Special Prices on Large Lots
Lucknow R R 2.. N 11 r 2,44 Sr 45,
FOR SALE.—Strong BAY Chid*
from pure bred -to -lay, Barred Rooks
and Blade Minorca's. at 20c. each,
Mixed :chicks, illoOthr Rocks. for 3
broilers. 18c: at my place. or add le. „
each for delivery.—Frank
6„ Luck•noW..
• 13411GAINS
Wewantto make LUcknow's DoIIar Day, March '
28th., the most Auccessfulwe have ever held. Shoe
Prices are .down Values'are up. You can get better.
±-Es117561-fcifless ni6n6feift).obt--Day.thatt you have
been able to buy since PreNtrar.Days.
L. Ladlea'..„2-Strau-Slinpers; Heel with' Vanity -
Plate, . .. : ........ ...Dollar Day Price $3.51)
Ladies' ,Brown Calf Strap Shpper, lew heel, Dollar nay Pried' Simi
Ladies' Kid Bal., all sizes; 3, to 6, Louis and Sport heel, mg*:
Aar prices $6,50 and $7,53, ..... Dollar Day Price '44.75
Men's Pine Shoes in Slack trid „Dark Brownregular pricei ,
• $6.50 and $7,00 ..,............. 6 6 Dollar Day Price OA*
Vien'a Work Shoes, good strong shoes,lust the shoe you want
,for Spring Wear, lot... 4 6 *6, if 1616 • * *60 64 • * 618**15 a pair
Special Bargains - All Through the. Store. for All the Family
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