HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1922-03-09, Page 8Job
. -as
• e big purchasing -mouth for Otttons, Sh y
Flannolgitte4,, Shirtitigs,Donlins, Prints* eingilainSt.
Towellbigs, Ere!
fikt Our qualitiesqiudittes goodt. and. -out prices' reasona - e
t% t 1Fi 20 22: and
ierit►tUi .relglits, xxi, nee; even tht@1i4, R ,a 3, . i
�4� 5:ce s. d
•� t_ .
Vic& -haloes in 6;4;and 9»4 widths, et 6, 603,7:
G pts.
sage ,
Troll �ti,�l�0, 4.°; and. �� -ingh .`vidtlis, :at � ..
and, 75 cents. '
o5 and 28 cents, '
` I?xce.'peitterntt,:ands rxila qualities at . � .
Right value at`28 to 35 •'cents °
"tight And dork 'stripes, at 3q 32 and 3li cents.
T cis nA' g MA*'
THE L ANNIVERS, ii ' W,li.
know- the story how our sires.
came 'ptgt •eeross the sea„
Aid grap1ed with the dangers of
bo.., and stream: and. tree.
How their untiring labors made this
*land so free. ' n
Where homes .arid• fields- and pleat::
• and 114144ness might be. •
Tho ;pica ere of grins nati.»r, we }lot or
thein kndsay
`,4Thisa•cntry: s'to them% a debt, it
neverouems' roweepay,
And if they could 'evisit.this land- of
our today,. > °
'The wondexs •theys Made possible
would. take their- apeec'h a�vax.
Tonight w4 .1geet `to •honor the. pioai•
eers of a "plan.
(It's five.andtwent7• re's' ago, since,
fir t . the thing began)' •
lir► Saltfleet .Township,. Stoney Creek,
some *omen said, `Wei •carr K
. the
Be.,yan id'talk. about Tl>re�,liom'e, t,
- greatest Aft ,to. man
if mencan have. an Institute and
65° talk of barns^ and grain,
- h `c " ' we'stu 'house: and home,
W y an ,t • �
4•ia l
bur ds
U up A.
F'or is it not •within, the home, w
women folks do reign.
That it is doubly needfut: to have an
active brain ?" ' • '
We want a Better. neighborhood- ani.
• this can only be
By having better ;home life and Soil
lability,• e • •
Which makes a better. people, intelli-
gent and free.. •
Home -making is �a Science, . all surely.
Our'range has splatidid. una1itxes and good'teaor-
T ` 'in a iwidtha a to: 36• 'inches, at 20, 22, .45 and
04:: ciat�Valtie, in "White'Flannelette, 3a inches wide: at 25 eente
'and. •:
� Wo con recommend 0111. Sbiutangs for their ,wearing
A I., Vfi.7 . `'washing properties -4' .'Priced 25 to 40 . cents.--,.-.-
neat stripes,: at 30 at{ci5.
- 4•
•�E Li . �iine i.
al value StriPe Turkish. Towelling at 20 a.
nd. 25c
, l
White Ruck Towellangat �3c. ` �e�cotton and
e at is) and 35c Fure1 inen jn°fineiqualities.-at 40.and 50.cen
:lsc n &„
hn eF
V e '+1 11 lOr Cas .
Lower 'rices on Seasonable Goods
* a;.x « � -' : ' ,•.-` ;.rte
s a �r'
1 c
'• Seit'Cheaper Than `The : Ciedit Steres
I eavy-Jute Her Blankets,, 78x65 -in., at..$3.75 each.
` h Boilers at 4.00 each.
upper'', sh BotlerS.art 4.00 an 5.a 0'
T� arrd' `aadc Tin Dairy Pails with:iron.clad.: bottoms,
�,�y e ch.
ea `�alvaniz�d.St�hle ?ails at: ���c. a
edtic r1Ces:on all Tinware and Graniteware.
S€lect.]ickbr / Axe Haitdlesat 70c. each.
ares at .$O0. each
Snsgn' Axes, h died with best quality handle. Every
.•p :axe:guatanteed. At $3.00 each;
Cut Saws.. at 5.25 -:each.
.E� blas of Cross $ .
complete line of . Stable' Shovels,, Manure Forks,
•M.„ Halters, 'Curry Combs and Brushes.
Mme .VV all :Paper Remnants, ata extremely low- prices.
Don't forget we -are running a "Tinshop,
*here,- Mr. Solomon repairs anything
that can be repared, or.. ill hake: ny=
can be made . in ainshop: Tinshop;
that •
ucknowI ardware&1✓coal o.
Mrs.: John:. Parrish is reported in •
very :poor health 'at -present.'
'Miss dessie,•M'iDonald.• of Lochalsh_
called on Tiaurierriends -during the
Miss Mary Mctvor, .'Prof Ifintail.
spent .the week -end' with fiends in
• Must •agree;: • •
They little racked when first they met
that they had lit -a- ' flame,
Hut from• this humble.; meeting the
Institute became ' -
A power for good •throughout our.
land, : an organ known , to fame,
And. / %roll •' it we associate • good -Mrs,
Hoodless' name.:
The Institute; •received' support first
from the O A. C. • ' • '
And whiclaterhmade froma
And. so there was: evolved the first.
.Departamente'er to• bg'
Setup by any':G:overnment for Home
• • making. /you; see . 2
Thus' was the'•vision :carried: out. 'till •
;;wee:hcome : .se `
-.4rean i;. •but rattoier, .inee our'•.ttxne,
grandave reality t
• That ',hont -making •4,4s `.•not ,alone•` -a•
woxnali s, ;tas, to. ,be
,rBut that of idea arid *pmen,16o0i, ani:
Government decree, • ¢''.•k
• Ms. 3/ Yallaca._-lYliller, o'f St. Belens
• made a .business` trip', to Parainoun,
• this week
Mr.: Jas. iiarkwell, of . Lochalsh, ,vis-
-ited-with friends in .Paramount du;
ins: the. week. ,
"Miss Luella Cowan, `teacher at
Bluevale, spent the week -end at beg
home at .Lochalsh:
r:_ Hub Mcdn Bali uekn?dod -
is' spending A. -fewday's at -his OK. -
home in
home'in Paramount. `
-Mr,',..-and Mrs. James West,"-OrItin.
tail visited their daughter, •Mrs.` Geo.
y .
of A Berle .
TJlliott. n} y
-Mr; and Mrs.: Jim • England of -
-Lueknow,-- Spent -Sunday-with Mr-,-and-
t�iliitt'ISS PrON1SEIt PASSES' ON when quite a' !young; anon, Of an ' ex
I$'Mae$ea• * one' of the -a 'part in land -clearing :operations of
` `, ceptton'ally strong 'tphysiglie he took
Mr... dry
pioneer residents o'£ the second: eon., early days, and •lived to Yet"
*Items: died at + +i, . home
of comfort .on 'his farm .a few miles' contest was most •keenly contested,
#.a laax.
i fTuc- lav Mar li 7th.
& '.. ttaktlida, i /exandor. 4ncnt
week with kIrs Fox, ,
Miss .Nettie +i rttle as speudi-ng
tow. days• at her home Dere.
Mrs.' PitterSon..of Lalcliraaly, riwi:b
1,e week -grid with her ' cousin; Miss
Mr. *ha Mrs. Thee. , Henderson, °o1
the Jtgnetiont,apent Sundary with evil?
son, ;oland Henderson, !n the 'Village,
We are glad to- report that- itt'e
Janet Craig, Who was' seriou ly 111
with r«eunmonia,•„is/ery..muea •'„otter..
jack. Swan, Lothian. •
K: a
and Mrs. D. Webster.
Lucknow, are visiting their daughter
Mrs W.-Gardner,..4 Zion, •
Miss Hazel Webster.. of Lucknow
visited during theWeekwith. Mr. any
Mrs. Fred Anderson,' of Zion.
Era. W. R. Walker. of Huron, visit °
ed for a'few days ►vt'ith her daughter.
Mrs. Jas... Struthers.. of Paramount
Mr. John Cameron, . of Huron, was
•the jtuest of -his' -sister- Mrs.- Arthus
gook, of Paramount during the week.
Word was recently received .off the
death- at-:IDirlut'li-of-Mrs. John` Me.
Innis. She was. a foriher resident of
Wesley Twamley. of :the 10t- Con.
who recently sold his ,farm to Wilfred
Drennan hes 'bought bis father's'. f4m
and will move on to it.'
Mrs. W. Alexandria. who 'hag' been
visiting' with her mother, _Mrs, J. S,
Pickering, of Paraomunt.'.has return•
ed •to her home in Detroit.
The •third session of the Courey's
Corners -Farmer's -club-lifoek-: 'arlia-•-I
nient w.as a decided success; T.he sub---
`ect of discussion 4{fas themigxatioit
Bill • and ` many `" excellent edch
were, made on '.the' quality. of4kmmi
rants' that ought to, be allowed. It
Made an interesting • debate, and ,Svcs
greatly enjoyed 'by all; ' -
the best ;time' we ever had in. Loch-
alsh Hall is the unanimous opinion,
of everybody who attended°t/he liter-
ary Contest.bet'weep the, married and
sinle people. last 1"'riday evening; Thea
• . Tuesday,,° March
Ou, the:o ening of February 20tht
a haply fami1'y, gathering was held' at
the honie 2of 'Mrs. Elizabeth Hoyle, the'
purpose being to 'celebrate her, 87th
After theen", a
bi hd no t of
xt aY, et� yir► ..
splendid supper, the grand -children.
s �
and • greet,grandohildre;i formed a.
circle around. 'the aged giosteSs
singing "For She's a Jolly Good Fel-
low,,'' while her only, daughter, Mrs..
J. W, cCox, 'presented, her with many
pretty birthday gifts, lis. Boyle is
now •the oldest pioneer in •Kinloss,.
having cometo., her present - "home
with her husband . in the year 153,
That was•liefore there Was any be2,,in7
ning of Lueknow, and before the land
'of the township was opened for sole.
She, was'born •in :"Ily-Town,"now the
city • .of Ottawa, . and capital • of the
Dominion, 87 years agc.•While' still" ..
-a-child-she- went_with: her parents to
the county of Middlesex, . the family
Ideating on a farm near Morrisville.
At the age of eighteen the subject of
thislittle sketch becamethe bride of
. etch
the late Mr; Boyle, and soon after the
birth• of their first child=: and,.: only.
daughter, the young couple moved 'to
,Kinloss as stated. above, As a sug-
gestion of. what, these pioneer women
:,ould do, and would do it is related
that . Mrs. Boyle :car'ried' her' baby•.
girl :in •''tier' arms :all the way .fnom d.
Dungannon `to' the hone, in; the;'
woods. a Here sic,. brothers, to
Mary' Wereborn;;,,Jolin,,: late .;of,. the,.
State •of.•Kansas,, Jae, also .of• Kansas, !
James; late; of Lurcknew . Witem of
Moose Jaw, Sask. Levi, `.on' the''
• hoinesteli& " nd Wess1er 'df tin1ough •
There are, 27 grandchildre4 and .24,
' great, grandchildren Mrs.w$c;rle • is
wonderfully active for her age :and.
never:is .happier-than••when entertain-
higher friends and neighhor•Her hos- I
band; died 33 years. ago. She is' a I
staunch Anglican in religion and is
regularly, at..ehurch.'.when the weather
permits, - •
... It• is .quite possible that a French-
...;:._ .._
°when a .:man's; sympathies are 'en- . man 'Made gold out of: lead for look
listed`_ you still have to get him into . what the; plumber makes out.of piece
the -firing line : '_ _
•"For Home and •country"` is the
• .Phrase.our Institute refrain,
And;'flf you know a goody thing `just •
pass it on: again."`
'Twould' niak ' -•tne world a: •happier
place it a ••wou'ld only deign .
To -carry out this little'ruie, so•sunple
and 'iso plain
Far beyond Ontario • the merle/ today
extends, •
From where Atlantic billows roll; to
Where Pacific sends" `
Its 'breez s o'er the: weetdrn. shore,
and farther still :it trends •
1 d Bel tum W�a'les
-Ta_Engiand,�,Scsat a1a_ � �>•�z�
nor .even there it. ends. •
- f onrgkt; we celebrate. ' aith =' oy -this-
Ann$'ersary', ,•
And turn -With -•-e ageraces;_.Stil}-__tu,,
greater 'things to be. • ,
.What shalt the second quarter bring?
' Ontariansl we see •
In this. our forward 'glancing.--Rg-
seen:ail:An �y
• Our .workin nation building �emaiids
• an insight clear;
sue -feelings' of the -Patriot and vis
ion of the=$eer. ',,,y
°A,, better : type eat.• citizen our firovince
still.. may' rear .
And this -shall bet our Slogan,: This
Annwevsar +. Y ear.
NOW GOintn at.
'4 Drug Store..• .
i r h
l°° 'ale
. �c.
fit: 1
• '
• ��
For this•- Sale we are ,Offerill re�llar a � 3.75 bag
containing 25 lbs. of this well known Stock ' Tonic
at twor P
for the •°rice°of ene' and just one cent more '.
2 Bags' for $3.76
Primrose Design
6 c. T)esFert forks ..
. 2 for. 06e..
70c..Medinni 'F'orks
a 2 for 71e.,
' 1.35 Cild Meat Forks r °
'.2'for. $ja6
William-•Siefort`,- the Mildmay_:.liv-
eryman, appeared in court obefore.
t;oanty Magistrate McNabon,4I,on-
day charged; withselling liquor•with-
-aut aa- licen§e, • says the Walkerton:
*;telescope. Siefert had got four gal-
lon jugs of ' whiskey while down ` .at
Kitcrhenerover the 'holidays._ He kepi '
two=for:. himself and - sold .the other.
lugs .• to two . friends at Ilarriston,
Siefert told the court hedidn't know
whether the liquor, was home -:grew or
oat rots it was -mighty good -stuff any-
way. He ,pleaded guilty and ,Raid- a
fine -of -x -$200 -and,
,,- south of Tee�3water na'nv the 1.o erity everybody taking • a; deep intlrrest.
of hiia4iaughtea; Mira.. Straitch, rondon > The judges gave their .decision :in
on ]elb• 30th. 'fire remains', tvrere of ' sonY lie ;gave up work pn• the
r- ,brolitwittCuhroz,i foie' inteitnent in ;farm several years ago' and , spelrt- the favor of . the married - people.
' - etie'�r ou l�ib
gond past
year in Louden. He had a Munn• Dorothy Pickering of the Para-•
Topes* , ' as mount dlstrlet whose' serloui illue>ls,
s ,vt ai war 1l0 her of itsoqusinesneea in Locknow iia..
' ► inst t`x sit 1y: /leited • his *latex, the00. has c lie ted melt f} a lG
-: Li J♦tl N
30e. D aspoons.
T blespaans-
2 *for 7tca
60c. Do ssei't Spoons .. •
7.0c. Soup Spoons t :11.10 1'icc1 le+ Forks .
2 for°:71•°c 2n or : 1't
30c. Five O'eloc ,Teaspoons •
•• • 2''f or
GOc.; Orange t_ goons :•
.2'•for..61 c,*`
65c Berry S'lioons•• 6, c•-,13uttex•'I nife :�
And many other lines or this
'- SilveTWare. not ' listed.' here.':
E; ` FicK
1,1. Y.•1 11IO -.:,
^�MI�MN^V'�r �•Mr.neiy�•J` vM�r�1r-^V''V �w+UtJ.
You can always estiniate the lens f"
of time the wife has been• array 'by,
counting the empty sardine cans a- '
bout.. the .,preniises. --
past few months, was taken to; a
Teronto-hospital over it week ago and
she, is still -there, Her, sister
Alexander. of • Detroit, is- in the city ,
-With her WO' change in her Condition
'is reported at time • of writing, ' nor .
haver the specialists who have taken.
2harge of her case stated•'what they
;bink the real trouble is, The 'many
'riends 'of the family are, hoping for
s favorable turn. '1•
3..S. Hardie of' the Ashfield
hureh had an experience one day
mast weed whiell__WAtains_rt uaefu
a1letson `for n1I 'householders, ' • Mrs..
iardie •had been burnin1 a gt'antity
'ft erste palter and in SOME ' way lire
was communicated , to the box ' con
gaining• the waste,This was soon ex-
t'inguished Or thought to be, • and the.
;bb# containing' the papers' carried
into. a summer 'kitchen.. Sometime•
after a ,large cat was hesard making
an unearthly. howling in this kitchen
and 1VIr, Hardie, going to ascertain
the gauge • of. the distur erste found
the room filled with
flange, Evidently a spark of fire had
remained in the paper and :rood broke.
iatto tame. The fire' was readily ex•
tingtiished, • but had. it not been for
the Warn% • given by the eat the cotl•
flogestion doubtless would toe 'bion
mi14 oar* osivio �i, •
o bi
- The�ri�w. 'L'noleums 'and Oilcloths. are. here, 'and
prices are again Much 1oNier. t•hri 1 st
the g
: sReuasson. ,
in.•. Curtain Materials;Etc_\
Several mare of those- 1. tt enii
oideled-Se es
Skirt _lengtlig just arrived. $7.50 per'_ length.
f •
--fieverallyatterns7in, he -very -newest styles' in
Men's and Boys' Caps. Special;'vaiues at: "1.00
1:50 and - 2.00
This week • we jus: opened a.' shipment of new
Swiss :Embroideries,' and the • i ices• and ... uali-
ties .a.0:,1)4.4:_to ire -war tiiii •See ,:the
�:. patterns H in the 2711 Plouincldn s ' at SUc., 75e.
:and.. 1.-.{lO..
Let Your .116•
' Next `Suit '
be a -
° Leishman
Custott- •
• Store -
•: Staples 4,