HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1922-03-09, Page 1mil% r I IF my g IF""PrigrilirPwrw`4 It P - 4 „ ° " "
$2.60 PER THAR IN ADVANCE]: $2.50 OTIDIR,W0324
Forged to the. Front
The position of Have -
Dock °Flour in this
'community has be-
come established.
AdmuCh bread and
as :good bread (sOme
of our customers sa-Y,
• better bread) as can be
obtained from any
• tent flour. .
Present Prices, $3.50
and $3.75.
W E Treleaven
's*• 1
0--o—o—o—o-0-40-40. D-0-0
W. J. Keleher, Ripley, Phone 29,
. night or. day.--tf. , •
Dr. MacLeod •will Lucknow
every Tuesday. Office above that
Drs. Elliott & 23-2-tf.
LUtlitioW, ONT.
'rlitURSDAY; MARCH 9, .* 1922.
- • • . I
o LOCAL AND •GENElininle.
I - I
• Miss Mtud lefurd;4 it Visiting this
week with friende en•Blethe
Miss Suti.feriand. of London. is vis -
Mile her sister. Mrs -Wm. lettledin
Mr. Jack McKee bee one to Kings-
Wbere he is enetteed• as ti weav-
..New, nobby all -wool Blue Serge
sSits. extra . fine qualiey, ehewn
Cameron; Murdoch .& Coes windew
this week; •Price $29 .to ' • •,
Car good heavy .C. W.' Fed Oats
expected to ,arrive at once, and 'sold
off car at G. T. In Station. Let tne
know. what you wante--A. R. Finlay-
son. •
leir, Paul Smeltzer wies in Brant-
ford last week visitiee et sister. He
says ethe streets there inte clear of
snow and cleaned up • an though it
were summer,
Mr. Sam Murchison, who was as-
sisting in the Post Office sinee Miss
Alton gave up the •petition cpuple
of weeks ago, has been efigaged. as
permanent assistant. '
In east week's issue an error oce
cured in Cameron, Murdoch & Co.'s
"Ad." in printing Special Shoe values
and. priees as 'Born " whereas it
sleould have read as "Men's". ,
Iniiilinee tut to Orders-Enquire-at-1On
Jaynes (-effiee.' 27-104te
MONEY TO LOAN on mortgage's
tied notes- .-atnereanneintble retes• .
Fire Insutance, both steen and
„Menne Oonepanies. Conveyancing
done wine neatness and; despatch.
Geo. A. Siddall, 13rcikereeleucknow.
• Cain House,. Lucknow,. 'every Wed-
• nesday a,ftereomn All chrunic dis-
eases successfully kreatede Osteo-
pathy iernoees tne physical causes
,of disease. Adjustment Of ene
• spine is more quickly. secured and
' ...event eneweeetreatnients ' Osteo-
pathy than by. atieneother method:
eir. Robert Douglas, of Ottaern.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jeries, 'of. Cap
del, and Miss Mary Hamilton, of
London Attended the funeral of the
late Miss.. Susie Burgess leridety of
last week. • '
nifOR NEW S •
Thirty-one barley Mission .13anders
crowded the ,Kinloss manse parlor on
Saturday arid Slime a pleasant after -
aeon. After. the opening exercises, a
neview getne of 4'Who? and Whae?"
brought tie. mind a Icit of facts about.
Pointe -A -ex -Trembles schOol. Tickets
Were then, ibeught -for Portege la
Prairie, end a little candy. and pea-
nuts helped to .pass the, time on the
tonne train .joureee. The lesson for
the day consisted �f a through in-
•spection . of the Indian Bearding
School, inside and out-. Scene arrange-
ments were made for the annual
Easter entertainment.
On Friday. Match 3rd., the South
Kinloss W. M. S. held its regular
meeting by combining in its pro-
grammethat outlined for Women's
Dan of Prayer for ;Missions. Mrs.
Angus Graham gene a 'paper on the
need of medical 'work in India. while
Mrs. Geo. Lockhart gave a glimpse
intinethree kinels of homes there.
Dean MacKenzie explained how the
native "Christians themselves are help-
ing in Evangelistic work after wheel
Miss MacKay give a sop. The fol-
lowing led in the prayers as outlined
for the day, Mrs. Duncan Graham,
Mrs. Gollan, Mrs. leadver and Mary
MacLeod. Arrangements Were made
regarding the sending of literature
to outlying stations in the West. The
meeting closed with singing and the
Lord's :Prayer in ueison.
You are cerdielly invieed to the
oliiivilnk • of Spring Millinery at
• the nee( Store, an
• ThurSdiy. Friday I and Saturday
of this ween. (No ewohate alike) ,
A Nuinber of Important Matters
Discuesed Tuesday Night
Constitble Moore Will lee Askee to
Explain Why Subpoenas
Not Delivered
I 'rile *enwho , last week nhaeee "8.
-deer, with ilet!n4s, a sfew miles eat
of Inteknow peenaps did not know
that they were violating the Ontario
game law, and that though they did
not sboot the deennand maybe 'did
After theregelar •business of the. not try to shoot; it, they are .
never -
Village ,Couneil Was completed Tees -Ube less lieble Una fine et $50,. It is:
day night. Reeve Johnston said there; just silt mughAsamst the law to bunt
was that A -latter of a subpoena which a deer on the ferns' here' as hunt one ,
. it was said Constable 1Vleore had not in the •northern weeds; and it is ti
served, in connection with the recent feaure of thgame lawethat: if one
proseeution for dpeedirese arid Tensed -
purse e s' a deer' Vtilile. ,oArrying as gun ,
. ,
mg whieh. 'a couple of letters had ap-
he • Colancillors if they, th0149.11t 4111.54- sheet it if he could and he is liable.
Maitland Presbytery. -The regular
.meeting of the Prenbytery ot Mait-
land was held in St. Andrew's Church,
Wingham. on • Tuesday afternnon .oi
this week, with a good euttetulabee of
• arinisters and elders. An hnportant
tnatter_dealt with was call to Rev..
el; lelacKenzie; of Kiniougn ant.•
itiversdale. froth -the. coeserega cien :4 G.
nelmere and Mean:tabs. They tine
offering the new minimum 'stipend oi
$1,80e 'With bier; weeks' vacatken. u...,
ing to. the fact that tennongregation,
of Kinloueh 'Ann Ativersciale had no,
been cited in the leaden no actiori
mild be taken. An adjourned meet-
ing of Presbytery will thereeere ne
eeld nt'Teeswter Mareli 17. whet,
che call *ill be dealt :with.
The ;matter of the union of the nee
ehurchea nt.Ripley occupied the even.
mg ineeeing. The Preepyteriai nee.
mission 'consistirie of Rev. Oveeenc„
and. Mr J A Mackenzie. Kincardinen
feared in The Sentineleand he asked" it well. be aesemed that he'. would
thing should be slime about it. •Coun- to the same penalty Whether' he
einem Henderson -• aid he would like - • -
shoots or not. .
to see the matter investigatee, as, the
letters had dput leim in a bad light This strny .dee; ought to be ellewed
and he wanted the questions asked to live and run at ectrge, it Will be
by "Ratepayer" cleared up. He had in object of ipterest in the locality
not reeeived.a inbpoena and that was ' .
and the farmers will not begrudge
the reason' he did not appear as a
Witness. the food that it will eat
why the subpoenas were not given to atioe that the animal should be hint -
Mr. D. C. Taylor; special officer for •
the enforeenient of the Temperance ed and further sport along, that line
nen instead of to Meore. who is a Will prove costly to the "sporternen."
County Constable. The reeve explain- • • ---0-0-ce-
.ed that . the •lawyer from whom he •. , '
got. adnice and also Magietrate • Me -
Councillor Smith wanted to know A nuneber hive expressed indign-
Nabb had said "that as an outside '
a istrate WILS being called in to Room I •
m g
deal with the ease, it would be betten
to employ a County Constables On
delivering the subpoenas to Censtable
Moore he bad mentioned that Hend-
Clase-Excellent-G, lifeDonalte,
L. eylornl./. Branson, M. Robinson.
Goed-R. Finlayson, A. MacKenzie,
erson was one of the most important D Henderson il. 1/inner, Winnifred
witnesses, he had later called Moore ' •
attention to the fact that Hendersoe Armstrong, I. McMillan, K. Brown,.
had not been served with a subpoena F. Thompson, F. Stewart. Fair -R.
and Moore „said he wauld attend to Mullin, (11. 'McLeod and M. MeDon-
.tne imaeter right away. It eduldn't be al,d) '' ties A. Wilson, Wilson Arm-
s- cask of forget tin g„and, if it wan tee
M MeIntosh T Anderson T :
e •
-eonsealelenevann _liable to fir,gen, in an- sinnelni M. . _ e T. e T.
other case as well as in this dee, ; VleccK-enniee-L:Webeter..
- Councillor Smith rerearked • that it B Class--Excelleriten. ,Bradley,
as a strange' thingeif the Constable..en Irwin, C. Finlaysop, E. Agar.
oing •tt decide as to what Wit -
A Revelatiast in Green Tea ,
,sold on. merit and merit alone.
w: once and you .*01.nevet" go..ba.ckto
japans. At all grocers.', " .` •
Reeve Johnston was a delegate to
the Provincial Good Roads Conven-
non held in Toronto for three daye
last week. Addresses were given be'
• some of the leading road builders in
Canada and the United Staten. A
feature of the Convention was a
luncheoreto the 600 delegates at the
Government House. invitation of
the Lieut, Governor, also a splendid
3anquet at the King Edward Hotel'.
Among the speakers at the Banquet
were Premier -Drury, Hon. Mr. Hae,
Tien, Mn Ferguson. and Hon. Mr.
Riggs., Gatherings 'of this 'kind cannot
fail to be useful and highly educative
to these. taking a . leading nate. in
municipal life. ••
nes:ees sheuld be called on a case,
and 1! More was geing in thee that
upon himself, it was time something
should be dope. He thought too that
, when the Council prosecuted len.-
•breakers. all members should . tirke
their parts h% -the rnosecutioe. It war,
nota pleasant matter, but irnthe in--
terests cif the' town, it had in be done
sometimes, • and he didn't think that
all the disagreeable things • should be
• left to aim •two membera.. of the
cil.• • . •
nfligh-way mtem. TheeC--ommittee-aten andPW W._ •A,enered_l_e_en Teee eater. ene.Tgeeoucen
pointed_at the January Session, of vnich, was in charge ofire-rieentia- ' leonmenfenne_disedesion was
Which Reeve Johneten that on motion of Smeth and enilier,
Geo. E. Sidehenson. an ex -Huron
bov. now of Toronto.% has been ap-
pointed Engmeer for Breee Calm y
Toronto prices paid for all ninds-Of
poultry. . • • •
- 9-6-tf , A. Grospopf, Lucknow,
FURS.-Iligliest prices paid -for all
oferaviefeleseend skins. If you
have any, let me knew nefotteselling.-
--eneBe Pearlman, 'Phone 85, Residence
Station St, Lucknoween--
"April 80
Large sum "nee Money" 'to -lend on •
farm - properties at lowest current
, rates, Also ' a number of fermi on
hand for. sale errentenGeo, AnSid-
• dale Luelcnoev. 6-4-240,
• FOR SALlenennAlniniens
',Con., Kinloss. Owner in poor health.
For particulana seenJohnentobbn-R.Re
• airreerepaeed-toeant lie:nettle•
in the 'Counties of Huron'and Br . ,
and ' ereepertfully'• solicit- a share of
• your patronagee-BIliott Miller, phone
e 70, Lucknow.
FARM 'FOR SALE. --1.00 Acres,
west half 'of nee 5, nese en, Ashtield,
-For earticulers see -Albert Struthers,
elneneennuelute • , •
- •
cions-eit Ripleyenhaving resigned, a
new commission consisting of Rev. K.
eionnn, eolith Kinloss. Rev. et,
.vlacnallunin Lueknow, ancle-Ree.. Mr.
Gomm, Pine River. was appointed to'
-carry on the negotiations with a view
to union. . . •
—The --question- ef-theeneweeninimunn
stipend was left ever until after the
meeting- ofe the eGeneral-.Asseiptily. le_
June, and will comeup at the Sep-
cernber meettng .of the Presbytery.
.the Clerk :vvas insteucted .to 'as -lc -Con-
stable Moore 'to anrieer before 'n
ial eneetine• en -the Council
hav'e had. a• big task, but they nelieve
they have seeueed... the. right Man
Stephenson is an :ex-soltlien havirie
saved in Franee for 3 year's. ,enterine
the ranks as a private and advancing
theancomenienipnennettlinese, The County
has madealmost a coinnletineraligeee
in. the:Highway officere this year. .
o -o -o---
w Eliminated_
In Semi -Finals
• •
,- League hockey is over for tins sea-
non' en nue ai Lueknow ifs nenteenerles,, --oncetteineeeninge4e e2Itheen
_After a series of splendid successes
in which. batlinSeniore-ande junteee meeting or The Knirslien was held in
sticeeeded. in winning the groue 'both the 4th. Con. schoolhouseeTheee was -
teams .met defeat. in the :semi-finals; a niusical contest conducted by James
- -eng 'team from
Ei-ntetnnutl-Zieriell. Litteeneehe played on ne_thene_eiolint.sel.....
the ..Se •nearseetieing defented Jon a
and the Juniors going doiWn .before ections fromntwenty songs while the
"(neat' Stein& ;Lueknow . Juniors , at tnentbers. :wrote down_ the Mentes '51
but bif thenetine-lee din -ranch better,- qie. airs M
_ r. Rod. MacDougall and
Owen Sound lost by a score of 6-0,
coming off, eiders. by 5=1... GoaIe Mn Sam Carnbehani_eantained the
counted, howeven 'and the final count sides and Ofl marking the papers, it
remained.. e_e _in favor . en ..0Weeee yos found the latter side had won by
Semen . - - -•-• - '-- one numenene A- musical tableau:
- given"ler"Mr.• and Mrs John Christie:
NEW TRAFFIC DEVELOPMENT and Miss Mary lVfaciened, accoinpani-
-'-'-- --T. — '-en=n - e".' en -r- -7- ed-Inn-Mrse-CarnochapeeTne_meetinee
Rotor Busses AO Conne• ct Points cloiedetfter the•reading of "The Kale -
Good -B. • Drinkivalter, (X. Cameren
and :M. Henderson') ties, K. Ferris,. ,
Pinner, (W. nobineon. and E. Baker)
ties, M. Cousins. Fair -P. Horne, E.
Whitby, T. McDonald.
A nlass-nExcellent-D. Nixon, II.
Greer, S. ICameeee, C. Johnston.
Good -n. Soloneon, (M. Stanlen and
T. Wharton) -ties, Detiglas, J. C.
Durnin, Buttee, M. MeMahe
on, G. Peeves; JeMeAllieter, C. Men-
nen MeMillain Holly.man,
firaeay, In %Marten. :
' ' I. Minedien Tentheenen
-Owing to a. nurnber of causes: of
chief. vehich lwas.the great number of
-entertaining events this eeason the-
Silven Anniversurn of the Womeies
Institute --did not have the. ''audienee
that the excellent .program meeited..
"The making of-,Canadeet Flag" had
non'orily much artistic. Worth but also
poem "The Pioneers," composed. ,sp-
• ecially for this occasion by a local
artist (see another column of this iss-.
in the Clerk's office on the evenmenof
oom II
March 12 • to explaineliis failpre to Sr. II-Extelfent-Helen MacDon-
deliver all the subpoenas given' to him.- alde, Katharine MacKenzie*,. Lenore
er connectionwith the prenecution •••Robinsop, Clifford Webster.
liirTalitrire7-7rIre-11115661I'll"---"• 4iii-ere inenWenebrinneWinnif-reel
imously agreed to. • •
nMr. Phillief.Matelitl*aerneare.d• bee
.fore the Council to -see,' about the
opening nin a sfreet neer' his -Plane
which had been blocked by- Mr; Paul
Smelezer having piled "woodeon the
same. He had asked the Council be-
fore aboet this reeeter, but nothing
-had been- done. The Clerk rwas, in-
registered letter that the street must
:be cleared by _March :•15, -otherwise:
prosecution would follow. Mr. ,
Mtetan said this was satisfactoryto
lhe ('lm-aL•lett
FOR RENT --Grass faem, about
100- acres, pienty ofgood'water-and-
shade, close to Lueknove.,Apply to P.
11. Terrance, Box 1639, North Bay,
Ont. • '
HOUSE FOR SALE.-Franie, '7
" large' rooms• good stone cellar. hard
and soft water. in house. three-quan•
teracie lot, orchard. also small
stable. Possession May-Ist. Infertile-
.' tine at the Sentinel, Office. 16-3-p.
13. Cot. 11, West Wawanesh, never -
failing. spring water on both„ Apply
toelnrenen Bower, R. 2; Ilucknow.
• I - • -
" Where .Railway Servicee is Bad shea Gazette."' The next meeting will
. • n e'''''---• e .. • i . be held in the SixtheCeneesehool•-
, The announcement le:made that a
, . libis'e 'on • Mondale, Meech :13ble A
.betWeen Guelph, Finites and Elora !geese
lned that the larenens wife has
Meter -bus service has been started ieerei 'interesting. debate will no given,
-and anothee bus. service is planned fewer opnortunities to enjoy 'life than
itegiileir-tneps will be Made -while-the 'led eby -theft married...women against
.three or four times a day as business to come Prepared- to tell- an Irish
Tenders • will be received b:V the
;•• undersigned up to Saturday, lefare.h
lithe 1922, to purchase one acre of
land, -mare or being the south
westcorner.of lot number Thirty ,in
the Pirst Concession of the "Townehit•
of Hume, together with the black-
smith shop. dwelling and ether build-,
enene eageesittiateteereen.
lowest- or nein 'etezidelneint-tieen
Joseph' AgneW. LucknoesnOnt. *
essariler acceeteti, ' • -
between Owen - Sound anil Durham. the farmer." the discussion will be
roads are den for motor' illettie two, three young men,. We would like all
may demand: ." :' :' ' - .• stoty as this {Meeting Will be the.
This is a•inees d'evereinment-nefeing nearest enn -Saint Pateickes-Daye It
net on the improvement of roads and „would .greatly -assist in the .muSia if
the perfecting -cif the motor vehicle. inembers. would bring their copies 'Of
The liklihood is that these bus ser- the Keirshea song tilting with them,
:.vices will become a prominent .feat -Some of our peogresnive erietnbeie
ure-of thie-higlawny -traffic especially neyee_t_misr tlans„, You try‘:.and. help
in the: southern -Wirt of the province them 'Mit 'by bringing _your. co -1 '
where the period of heavy iinnei is • with yeti.. .
short, The will siipnly ninny a .de- •
efect-'inetlienpasenger •itransPPY.tat.iq'
, .e.1107:::07nIte.' 1. "______. _
if ethey'can be Opera -ten :at a nateeeie
all reasonable:, , •
.ster, ,Yereneherriff, Margaret McA -
lister .abeerit), Main Bina**, ,Chailie.
Webster, Are -belie Ceneinon; Red .Wets
'sone Ruth B:radley (ablent);• Sheila
McLeod• Fair -Bertha Milne,, Archie
. .
*McMillan, Inn Drinkwalter, Mary
Jewitt (alssent), Elwyn Pentland.
•• e*n.-.---efe-M-xcellenteeseeek. Brelesonee:
Almeda ' Den -nine, 'Clarence Greer,
Harold 'Joliiistoiesee -Alen lenirdoehn :
Good -Ada Wateolie-Arthur-Aridieeve,
Jhn $tewarte; *mien Paemer (abe
sen ,
Mary Miles Minter.
. in
"The Little dlown"
Admission, -20 & toc.
ee) is 'not the doggerel. verse often
foetid' in local papers but is fell of
fine 'sentiments expressed in truer
poetie • verse, Is it beleivable that
the slight piquing of a woman's -cue-
eicesier-eoulclebyndee _ens eaenueneesech
---eig4ntienepronerticies fishown
rrueiday .night in 'Now "the- ':Story
fere?" And yet we neigreedmin that
it Wag the telieetenlifenese of the
words, actions and eostumee of the
young ladle's' that gave the amuse -
Institute Members take this opport-
unity- of expressing their -grateful'
thanks to the chairman the gentle-
men conducing the; buten-ens' Pent,
Mr. Devisee for the loan of furniture
and all the participents ,in the Nein-.
able assistance.
in -
"Clover's Rebellion"
, on
Coomb, ' of Kincardine. neferrieg to
a movement • by • all , the. towns -west .of
Palmerston, to pet better passeneer
thee service firom the -GrandeTrenire
railway. The aim. is t� have. the neorp-
ing train lane the lake shere ' towrn
one hour later. 'plc council Reseed a
eesoliftion--to be -fOrv6Irded.-•to:',11-1---.:
eltherfiagendistriet Pe esenger agent..
and Councillor Smite...was enpointee
• to join a delegation which is to meet-
egne-tiiliere Superititeedentnnf leas-
enp.nr traffic. at Pahnerston-mi- March
14th. • •
W.:McCoyemade apnlication for re-
newal of pool ine'nflineinseeandebeeketi"
that the .fee be reduced from $ao foe
-firit table and $20 for. others to $25
for first and $15 for others. •As the
Council wanted mcire inforptation, the
matter was left over to the ppecitil
Meeting to be held on the 13th.
- • en- •eommunicatiere.fromenlre Jolui
lelacDiartnice who is in Victoria Has -
pita), Loncien. anted that he din not
expect • to :be able to perform the
duties of assessor this year. as the
_length of his stay in the hospital is
uncertain, Reeve Johnston and Coen-
cillor,Mullin'`wete appointed' a tonne
niittee to loon up someone who woun
act as assessor. The appointment will
be Made at the special meetin-g. '
Mr. Victor Durnine wanted to kiln,
if e the eeetateilenvere-willing-te-enann-
artangemeitte, by whieh he would eee
timie his machine shop in the old'
Town Hall. He has paid rent at the
rake,. of $150. per year .faneeleet
einfonfend-the- thathewoulie
-net pay nine much .iffethele."Vetin'eHe
said he had another place in view
andwouldlike an earlv ;duelist/in •
Councillor Smith said it would be
worth .while -considering if • in woirle
not be better to pall the eroeerty
than to have it rented as presept.
The insurance and up-keen.eVete met.
ters that hadlO be considered.
clearirAk. atiction 'sale of horses,
cows, young cattle, initlements,
hicles, harness.. etc.; etc., will be held
at the Cain House Barn. on SaturdaY.
March 11, coMmencigg at 2 o'clock,
• ElBott Miller, Auet.
• •
Albert MdQu'illin, 83/4 Miles east of
kucknow, will have an aution sale of
is farm `stock and irrmienrientS, on
arth 21, 1022, eleffitiveneinn at One
OfOlOcit in Ever thin will .be sold
is ),, illin , ae Stioted Oi hit
j#0,64olin. ray lib .ocItiattiotto*,
• 'ItiNtOSS.
Menarye, •Evelyn Nixon4. Fair -Mar-
garet Button:Jessie MacKenzie, Stele
neeStewardn(eessie Neylon Eaeneenr,
tin),. G:raee Anderson, Ala. Smith,
..Stewert Ivy 'Whitby (ilieent).
nee 'Neither lateenor ..ans Ont. _fluent
A" ry pleasant afternoon was'
' t t the home oe•Men. Alt -Hod -
Tuesday. March ith.
A milliner took in the sale of Mr.
William Guest, North Line, on Tuee-
dank , •
Mr., and Mrs, George Ilichardson,
of Teeitvater, Went SundaY With Mrs,
A. Stanley. •
Don't forget the Social evening
tip Orange Hall on MarCh.-11,Every..
body welcome, 4 :
Misses Ina Culbert tna Lydia
SMIth AVIA an avenititt got iweelt
1• N.' Itritk. In the
isnot lido, KinlInh On tea 19.5
kin WO* Ail Nal ISO%
011114 ,
gine on Thursdne, March 2nd , when
the Woiriett's •Institute held their,
monthly meeting. A large number of
members 'And 'vtete were .present?
Mrs. Jas., Hedging gave a readinz on
"Our Sineer Anniversary".. A taper
was giveli by Mrs, Will Cox, taken
from the 'fifth line of out Opening ode.
vie. "No unkind word out lips shall
'pass," deserves sPecial Menden. In-
strumentals were Well tendered by
Miss Notine liodgins and Mies Mary
Becking, Miss Notine Hodgins sang
a solo which lwas much enjoyed, After
. Norma F. Titemeson, Teithefe
Tuesdan. ilanehe7th.
Me: end Mrs. Chater Taylor visit-
ed at Mr, George Phillip's Sunday.
Mr. C. F. Martin and gang are
pressing hay in' the. :Vicinity ef St.
Helens. ' -•
'Mrs. R. Haines and ion. Edw,ard;
visited at lefenGeorge McRoberts' on
- •
<no- •
Tuesdai. Thee
:•Mr -s. Mac. Smithhad a very suc-
cessful quieting en eridieneafterifoo -
Mrs, James Need'him, 'of Glamis,
spent the Week -end with feiends on'
• the 'Eig•htle • • '
Mr. Will "tale' fairehaedd
horse this week. Will intends to
hustle things this. Spring.
e Mr. Alfredellarrise.wh_o ,spept the
-net setting -of_fifteeneleyeparce , .
• or $1.9(l'per, setting if you e -Tie nenifter'
Wi ter with' his brother,. Robert "hie-
Admission, 25 &
Family Theaire
72, also Danish White. 1.929 crop. K.
R. Mackenzie, R. 5. Luelmow. 9-3-0.
I am 'paying the best prices for all -
kinctsenef raw fues. Spring muskrats -an..
specialty._•An_ agreemm
ent . was ade
to beheld •
with aelarge firm to supple -Jai with
'1000nniuskrats. and must nay high .
Prices in order to keep up the -agree-
ment. Don't sell your furs•before you .
eall at B. Blitzstein's • Dry Goods. •
Store. . •,
..BABY CHICKS. -It clindentettriden'
*ore satisfactory to buy ready -hatch- • .
ed aides. We guarantee We -delivery' •-• ne
,nf vigorous, pure bred, husky chick-
ens of all breeds. Write for free book*- . •
let and prices. The Canadian :Chick .
Hatchery, Ltd.. DeneC. N., Hamilton.
Ontario. • ; • •
FOR SALE. -Big. strong. healthy '
,Beby-Chinka'(theekenclethetenre- eneYee__,
to raise)' feint very .heavy laying • . .
etreins of pure " bred -to -lay -single e
tomb -White --.Leghornsi Black_ Minor-
eas and Barred :Rocks. Chicks for sale
every _week aftee March lst. White
Leg erns
others $20.00. per hundred, at my,
place; -And $2.00 per hundred- to above
prices if *cies are to be delivered or •
exieress prepaid to-yeenestetion. Safe -
delivery' guaranteed anywhere in Old ••
Ontatio. Eggs for hatching at $1.50
• Mr. and Mts. A. H•aeeni and
daughter, Jean. visited .at Me. Elliott
Taylor's off :Sunday,
'Glad' to 'hear that leln-DavicieMatite
in'e little boy, who was laie rip with
neetunonia., es imenoving nicely.
on ine elrireeinenene -
Miss Irene brunt is vieiting with
Mends at Kinlaugh. •
ee Me. and -Mrs. Alex..Haekett visited
-Wawanaih----fitT6nlaf-teant -
' Mr, and • Mrs. Waltee Alton,
--on Peramountleinds SeturdAyn.
Harry and Miss Ida Haeltet
spent Sunday With Laurier friends.
Mrs, Elmer Alton and daughter,
Elmira, are tisiting-friends- at Lang -
side. , ' •
• Miss Violet Drennan, of Rintail,
sent week -end at .Satt ‘• Sher -
wood's. •
visit (, 1• week with
ihig1rtP,u0o4 gave the King", a
splendid lune wo .b the
Aosta% • end 140111110 11000 UMW
A in dashed don't), the .corridor
"Hag anyone any whigkey Tr A lade frie, n I
hie fainted in the next car. . •
of a sleeting car callmv .
. : I 4 • o . , . .
returiled teehis home in Dakota..
Those who•attended Me; Jos. Gam-
ble's -salenonniVIentlitne report-one„...ot
the best .they ;been at for some
, Folk are all glad to have the tele -
p mne-werkingnagannethe, linen:leave
ing•beep badly .damaged in the receet:
ice sterm. . • • . • '
Mrs. John Culbert :nes returned
home -.after. spending _a few weeks
with her friends in Armow and Pink-
erton.,While on her visit- elle received
,_.the_ sad news of the death of her
cousin,' sad.news-Hareiston.
Mr, T. "i, Rae Alton
them. Ten fertile rep a e If
-prite. Book neer orders at once .for. -
ieks-orneggse-Svezybecin cordealle ,
invited to come awe:inspect .ranetleeks.
I will be pleased to show thein to you. '
Duncan Kennedy, Box '12, White-
church, North leuroxeennone 42-611.
Butter • . .. . , , ..25 to 3()
}togs -en.- -e !•.!,f-4 .
A flaslt was handed to him. Ile took A 1,1111, ..01.0yr ieeple At-
a liberal drink, returned the. -flask and tended tht. ti ,at 1'61nn.m
then iiald on Tuesday „ Isgt '11 re-
"It oviratra meta in% soo lAdy , -
101414" & *09% 1,4kot
New Styles for
For Spring Footw,ear, the Ladies have a decided
liking for strap effects, Our Spring 'shoes in
01,1ef IWO....orilire..e.,_=gAyls,_-:Oth_sPort and -
;Baby Lou# heels, are juitwhat y�u oking
for, and-oUr prices are in reach of all, 4.00,.4.50,..
and $5.0 up to $8.50. '
en sFine- Shoes
-We-fat' 'received -xi- FL -1T —cc of ----Men's- 'Fine
Shoes, Goodyea-Wtt onk k.-47 -1 rubber heel,
rn Vcal Calf -Leather, 1, Dark Brown
,c(i,f,;.; to qc,I1 at $5.50 .and Suku.'
-Try'Our.Store for Quality and Service
I I •