HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1922-03-02, Page 4IslICKNOW 7111.5- V 1.4ralr17 "TSAI et cerrylltif the pros etusla frem'crikt Tickets, Wen ot Cattbs Pra4itgls attit 1$11(Poi 144. &lob the* $11 t110 Balt 4 Mk** MOO *tors 41140y be safe, • Tess en the* lease cheques to PeY utes end Prer peei, hook 011,4, Piga complete record 9U0111 your .rAloUsiagt ereritininster TAilkoaw, Qatari*, ,t.,X),114.040041.rt Pla*Istar sod BOliterg TOURSDAT,,,MARCH 24‘ 1922. WLhI VONT N • :11TVRO.', EliECTR4C . "The moat Sleet or .lee storm* whici violted 'South -Western • Ontario, and Wade Orest Ulm region, revealed a weakness .in hy4ro:410We tiyiiietna Which wilt be difficult if not impassiblo Ito overcome, . Qf courses. WO same refnark apPlIcli to teliddielle. and ,.telegraph Systonni• with wires, supported on PPles: It: does lint appe car practicable • ,erect a. system, of poles and wires that will resist the woos a ouch a steno as • wo had. last- we. 'and. it /night have 'been Mach more seVere than it wak: • • - • Fin tunateli -• such weather ti ons are rare, bat we rnsY expect somethiag of the !Ind at not infre!. quest intervals, The litoPpage of tran- sportation systems,.the stoppage of all manufacturing machinery are bad nourth, but far worse is -the paral. ,yilis ief • fire.fighting. organization', and the want of light. • Ilydre electric is the' most highly organized •system of producing and transmitting power and light yet do- !vOloped andwhile all goes Well at the source of ,powel,' and .with the iines, there Knotting to equal it for cheap- ness 'find efficiency; but its wide*. spreading -arteries-muet over be sub. joet to , the 'caprices a the Weather; . Fo11650pg the recent Storm 'thellY7 dra Electric engineers were quickly on )the job making repairs and it was •astenishing how quickly 'the eurrent was on again, NO .doubt many useful 3oson wUl have been, learned from .the Stormand the danger of recur-. •rance•Will be reduced to n minimum: o -o TIIE SCHOOL QtYES- VON .; ONCE. MORE • The school, Oiiestion • We have al, ways With us' in tonc.forni or another and . the peerile ,.of • Canada are ' likely to have it :With them long biter the pesent generation' has ..passed from the scene,' • •• • . . At ;bottom,' �f course, it is not a • schOsl gtiestion at all .htit,a religions er church question• -•-a Survival ,of.the •ald but Still vigorous • antagonisin of Rotitan Catholic and .Vrotestant, de-. nomination's, It is- by- an -means •an' -s-r-er-a---pluaiant-question 4T .deal with, demanding as it does n knovvledge of history and of law beyond the powers -•,of, •the' 'average Evei7 countrY and every community V f 4 ;I• ravlowl* DEERING and McCORMICK •FARM MACHINES,and REPAIRS Tractors and liktpinee; • - "Cilos White,* flon Threshing Machines; Louden% Litter Carriers, 8ta11a, Eltamtions and • - • • 'Water ROWS Prost* Coiled Wk. !Ind Woven .Pencei Perfection Electric, 'Washer; Gourleir, Winter and 14SetnIng Pianos, • . „ FOR BALE DT • • , . ANDREW, a LUCKNOVV. * IticaitOojAT.tas 140 Capital Paid Up $41,000,000 • neserverFuncl—S15,000#000 *- • Over Oomph** • • The lViolsone Bank prkles itself on the SoUrtesy. of all • its offl- dabi. motto how large 'or how small the volume of your , ‘• • 1. • bilOWN9Vith to 14445 YOU are *Woe assured a courtooni And .cordlal reception. " ti • • •,, Denett.lbs. by mall 'given careful attention, T. S. REID, MANAGER, LLIC,KNOW. BRANCtii , Awl Isticknow meet in, tliele"Aedge room everY 'legend Ties. dt*,,,,of tun ;Month a• t o'clock, pm'. Reitr aaaraarraftrarraarrati -14,14110W--lotglignLmeeta-tetevY Vridar evening at 0 o'clock initheir.. 1a11 Ctunpbell Street. All brethren ,eordleliy Invited, . (Ulcers; Noble L . firentli\-Areit,--ilarbennlrice Grand, ,Altehlsoni Soo,, Dr, Paterson; Treasureri-AAlex,-..-Voss, ' • , - #titAWING. PIPE .STAll-TIWTIIM , Villit• 014411* 614- a frozen Wasto.. piparat...ivr. home on, the Turnberry, ififft Thursday morning, . Airs, A, li"euttle mteldentally sot' fir -e to the side' of ilia bewei unit pot !her • itende-padly 'burned- as !she tried, to AnttingtrielutkoAlape, ,.Beforit the :lire Was ut ont frost' bite alse:raildid- tlte SeVerity of then burus,' Tile bletteLnradnally unread up be.: tWoen thomt!tlitions, of the house.but • was prevent , front doing extonalve 411UliagetV" the prompt •notion of Vr. Prod LeAVia'11. neighbor, Who, kicked' a hole. through Abo wM,and' throw af - • buoketful of arates, down-upen .It -,fleme.other lielahores.,in9bi4!ii.11: 509. Vartunoo Tom Maolennalt,'Jno, 0akith.; tInderwood and Darold all. kilnion'had gathered and rendered' pf..• Solent "iiiiiiistaneri in putting out the -After hor.hande had boon . dressed hy•• MBA Vortune, Mrs, Vorgie eollapaed from .the effects of, the shockand- .p.xp_otture, At tito time_ thp ilre started Mia, Porgie Tieses,- ,r• nr-tr-vr.044:4r10. NVOitKiNG AT WALHEUTON., iizite Witlitertoo-Tologeope we. Aoki the lellOW1011L- • - 41U- relit Offteo hi' tieln• ii rewired by OontraotOrs liarria Pros. • Liwismow, who will complete the 3915 ill a low 41eys4 The aPeOPeatioas •ealli 'tee. ahout, 05 'light -a ,froM1 beet-, Meat to Attie and 'there NON be it Vory ntneb.needed ,traprovementin the lig Ing of the building, A tmlend. Id feature will bp the ereetton of •%hock Ilavat ion toloWes 'an heavy standards, .atanding tmt in • a t•txtv seven -or eight• leek 'from Ow buildings Thee •ktVill. add greatly to the *WOW* et the 11.1.operty6 es. tally at night NO" the three )fill04 littiti+ • s CHARACTER AS AN ASSET • hai itOphinS; Whose fertuno era.' _AtosIJIR.IPAIIIMcktv:Universjity.:•which beam. his nurse, sometimes refused lonus. to. paen.,Svho oeuK...offer lent seentity and loa,ned, money to ethers.Who_haci no finaneitil standing% Yet in spite,of this seemingly eccent- ric course, his loans Were alivoys paid, Indicating that his OOOrse Wati.net-lu reolity eantleious,,but was due to a1! j_ntuitive knowledge --of men. A 60 , wayit know What a num is Worth.' that does . nottdetermine my -judgment, about , the:Tit itif„*ITrTfintl-- out a matt dOOS not • Hite 'eletinly--1.- -1441k14.141t4/411Plirigt-114 'el"" to httariNie- boa a reputation for Shorn nriietice, In the belief that business* is business, t• will not, lend to hint If 'I find. hew,' Over, that: holoadsgood lifo,_:11s 'truthful andleir in-hia. 'dealing's, thew. 4111.mmtilly lend, regartliess aa. Seta, mid I seareely aver •have Li note MA& Paid -AYR -le -Interest , in the end, The important as -set Is ehareeteri.for, that grows .in etrongth which capital. Ss eometimes lost.." ---:-.111k--1,titigniellt-rdt-n-InleVezisrui 11140 Is --worth- the - consideration -pf all Young People. The importimt. asset la Character, Some ‚young mon. are_om. hittered by • the reelization that ..theY, eannot start life With 'the :s& ' • of van inherited capital, that, th.,,v must-hegin at the botte . • the lad, der. But•the money wiii. • ,s inhofito.I is poor thing' eompared" with the -oharaetor .whleh is ..aellioved, botoro- nrofligaeY and .folly. many a fortune snel to away -like -snowflakes In the,40n, - Oharticterla an important aseet, not only in business but all the vela. tiona-a- life, The voting clean record. With a 'rePutation teuth and uprightness to. haek• no his ability,' hat) 'no need le envy anyone - -Young Peophes Weekly, • M ST NOT squIR R LS • TIIIIRBDAY, MAR 204,, W44 (Teret#0 SettP310 Night) The MOVIOrPietere is' getting ginner • additional .adYertiOnfit butt is not of chatiiety nondiseiva to enhancing receipts :or making screen' pier more popular, The recent, myhterions our-, der,. of Sitillisim Desmond Tayloi, motion picture directOri' in his-elionie 4044 bos once more brought the' business into this lime. light. Of course; Movie people are. • Mach like other people, good bad, and indifferent. Sudden riche* is their chief (rouble, When people spring all, in a day hem .poverty to affluence' their mental equjpment is 04.100111es not"; of, a character to aucceastOUY • Stand the Strain...Young girls, who in thekoriginnt humble walks aide, would ass as inet "cte," a would probablj find piryinto t pounding atypewriter'suddenly find themselves in a.hlaseeok giciry, They are literally ,the talk of the town." Money 'fails bite . their lapsand they spendit, not as people do who are accustomed to ;such, but • in bizarre toys. • , - Brains and stardom in the movie business do not necessarily go hand In hand. Some trait in personality may du the trick. Even a pair of crooked legs, large Size, a funny. looking face or Cross eyes have been knOWn t� land one in the high Places. • To say nothing of genuine beauty which So many. of the women stars de possess,. Thenvagain, there are other • ways � getting.along, the favor of a directer or producer, for instance. With 'these movie people the long grind so necessary to real success in the- 1egitimatn2theatrieal- field -is- al- • together missing, ,Ppor and unknown to.day, famous and 'rich to -morrow. They do not earn by the sweat of the • brow, so to speak. And this being the • case they have little or no appre- • ciation of the value of money. ?or imams one well* Ittiovni' male star testifying recently in a divoree court, stated-that-his--incorne-Was-$100-per week; that he had pie • in the thank, it being just after pay day: Be also had three 'automobiles, a magnificent, • wardrobe, but.no Other assets. • • Of conrse it. 'may be taken for • granted •that there are many sensible people in the 6usineso7-men and wo- men who lead sane lives, own homes and have well looked atter families of children, .and who haVe never figured in divorce eeurts Or in other ways got their names into the scandal columna. Naturally this kiiiii eseaPe attention, as do. all norinal ii•Ohg PeeP)e. n is tho. abnormal that finds its, *ay into thetted_page • • trv•- • The. Iciclpeys The °Ike Man and the Outdoor worker suffer alike from derange - meats' of the kidneys. •••*..' "Backaches and. headaches are. among the S'ymptome; . soma cams Wight's "clisa:..e soon de- • velops, others suffer frOm high IgOod ritespure until harcng of the arteries sets in. , • in order to forestall painful and fatal ,dizeases,prompt action should be taken at the lint sign of trouble. Mr. A. D. MacKinnon. Kirk- wood. Itivernesi county,. writes: • • 'I can highly recommend Dr. Chase's -Kidney-Liver Pills to all suffering frqm weak kidneys. suffered from kidney disease. for a long time. I may also say that for three years I was nearly always. troubled' with headaches, aucl no treat - raw. emerged Op dci more than afford temporary relief. I was finally 401c1 of Dr. Chase's Kiclnek-Liver PIlfs, and rifer using a few boxes•wascompletely • relieved. I have also used Dr. Chase's Ointment with the best Insults and never fail to recommend these wahderfid remedies." bk:. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills, one pill a dose, 25c a box. all, dealers, .or Edrnanson, Bates & -Gr.i-Limitedv-Torentoq • Irwin-Emmerton-That. p. C. Mc- Kinnon, and W. J. MelCay be a corn -, to have the Meter,' removel according to nctice,--Car. . • ;, Emmerton-Irwin=-That the Clerk be instroeted to write to the Toronto General Trusts' Corporation asking them to furnish an annual statement re Ontario • ei• West Shore Railway Victory Bondt.-Car. ,•. McKinnon-414,ennaii- That • the, • _ . Reeve be authorized to signt the con- ----0 o -o--, • .. tract with the Hydro,electric.SYstem, • . for light for hall.--Cafr . ... ' • HORON-TOIVN.011P-COliNella • - orMcleerit-asyi;*eocpileliennonfT-TThhet.4.1hueniCclitrakl-1 has ita unfortunate sions and Council met ptirauant to adjoerti- BY,Law No, 643 to provide for ex- . World fOr Council and Clerk.--Cer. , — a.411" fment-with-Ree_vejimin-An-tha-ehair. -penditures-on-roads ..irk,theffowna_h,10, •ttrgolirsinir'ffilik-ing -Zo-operiftion •in .1:11-inod S.ctates has its :diviedon be-- Members were all present, 'Mtiniittes A Huron 'during the year 1622 under of last-imeeting:-wereread,and-:adopt-f-the-Ontarit,_ Highways -Ac_t,-Wai..•_dtilY_. • government difficult and co• st4,,,, "The hOS its divhSion of English and the mune, Vizi' ' . eadd..aTirahe,tifL.11elo‘wil nigssuaccedoluonit.spwayeifiree:ilptas.: pathsseed,6sTelgiknci:0,:na7liostelle,(31.ntekit'noii:. tween- block AO _Whlte,-and Gonads, Involved "ivit4 the ' division along A. Munn 4 'Sons, $3.76' for black -• steec°:ailddvtartise foe temjers for plank by McKay, was instructed. Eronch-speaking elemento,•closely sectarian linew-.Pi and Rom.: oilcloth for...table caVers, • Thos. E. tomaree, . he locket% e-dci.iiteda".hr and .eini, Morgan,_305_for-aerv-ing-rilotices and -tenders -tofile-opil 11-, (-4a-holiith regaill---ttr-e-atain matter:a' these cannot- be harmonized .0.00 for one.day examining location office Feb 22, at 8 o'clock'. of drain iiii Con; -2, total *6.0'. Neil • 'licKaY4teliilinglik7That the Toini-- reate-shifts' and- colnpromises AS' best Od'wv-Pnist Just-AVriggle• along :with- . • ' 111 eololntielittt-Islieg.I'litinIttnllin- r TUE itED. FRONT HARDWARE „ Reduced Prices ` oniAll Axes' $2 00 "True•Sot" Axe,.guaranteed, ()leering „et Z. "Samson" Axe, guaranteed, 'Clearing at 85 $1 49-s "Keptene" Axe, net gueranteed; Clearing at.''.; •00 .11.• i17, • II 0. • • 00 A large.'nuinher .of first-class; se'cond•growth Hickory wen Ane Handles at" ......... ... ... ,i`Treiniee". and "Improved'Ilacer" Cross-Cet Saws,- iioth T • „., :.t ally g nara n teed , at , greatly reduced pricee. • 'Also • . mpeciel, price on Oross•-Out Saw Mandrels,. : • ' We trio cleering our complete ste'ek 1 -It re() toric‘o illanhets -at greatly 'reduced prices-- . ' "1.,reonoid."--celebrated Lieo liestroye‘r,. elating at Pee' Jralf gallon. . tb • .• Oft *0.. All Iiamt Sleighs we. oiler at a Diseount. of 16. pc,' cent. . off regular price,' , Prince Stable Shovel, a ,,goo,d .heavy blade, and long • handle. '„ . • • • 65c.. •. Oyilter Shelr, lierkundreds pounds „'. ..... ... . , CID 7 spassir, , We .have the Buckeye Incubat.; ors ond',Brooders. ,Call in and see this famous Incubator. - AE dc. PORTEOUS 13110NE.., .66 Highest Cash_Price-Paiti. fOr Cream -and Eggs Any Day Test Guaranteed . , • , ' At. PALMER'S GROCERY 'Mere Fresh GroCerkee Can Be Had at itm .Leywes/POce "Once a Customer, Always a Customer . Give Us A Trial. PHONE 75.. PAY DOES PAY?- - _ Lastweek two of 'our remit uates-took positions. .Wehad a, crid for another at $100.00 a • math Which we„..had nu gradu- ate to fill,. Buainess men look to us for. graduates. •• CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE Wingham...Ont., G.Ftti fultirto MAN" 1..F I FlUnnSYSTEM TBE DOUBLE' TRACK ROUTE ' MONTR,VAL ' . TORONTO • • DETROIT and CHICAGO. • • -Uneiceellea :Dining: Car Sewiee. Sleeping care -en Night Trains and Parlor Cars on principal' Day Trains. , • , k Full inforrnatioa: fram any Grand • frunk 'Ticket Agent ir C. . Bern. • mg, Dig tiiet Passenger Agent, Tor- onto. . • - . • F. F., Acent; Liteknow; ' -Afe-Adam, $T.00 and Mrs; Alice 1.1Ob- ship • .Trensurer biuthoiedtoL ertson, *8,00 refund of Statute i.4aber ;barge the following account to the Meli(eriald-and- -Truste4.1 Thei.,,m. 'wash; $.2-.00.-iniehini refund' ,;.rises'•in-eOniii:Nzt!ini. With 113rdio, of dog tax not'having any -dog An-• Kiecaiairie -Iteporterr foT:printing gus Martyn, $22.00 for registering 45 debentures, $60.00; Salary Of Robert -births-13 -marriageS• and" 80 -deaths, -13 De ;Return*, -Off:leer No .6 - • mar -take comfort 'n the refle.etion that we are •inizch bettor slit', ithap- the' people of days :soots. by -when tlUlt_ whole human: race, was divideillide small warring tribed", when every, stranger Wis. an •'11 4,, form in whieli the stehool ques. •tien presonts itself in Ofitarials in ..tho_demanti. the:...-4oMaa-Catliolic- inionrity for public support to sop; ;us:10 (Itoinim Aitholic) „high schools. •Thei advocates' of, separate . high seheala-sarthat in-law and In Justice h hoots ..are entitled to such Aopp•ort. They .soy that the Roman Catholic" „minleritY in Ontario have aet the eillacational PliviteRoO 4Ntieb the. Peotestant minerity. have :In Que- ..boc,rand4liat niuler-the- previsions -0 the. lleitieh 'Mirth America A'et. (the is it4ti ti ono law _of .,..Canada) _sop- , on to selvois in Ontario iiro. entitled. to more public support than they get, 81 hop Pollen, who Is -Chief .spokOS:.•• vtmfor the 'Reiman Catholle' party • eonteode that 'they. .are asking .ff ti thine het their simple rights and. a stiouro — • '• To Ardent Protestants .it looka al- tewthor different, They. See in the movement nothing but another stcP • in thenover‘ending effort Of the, RO- _ . Ian atholie eltureh to have• its int. W!.r4.,i11:4• p!:0414.fte“tr-th0 OVPitttiftteC..trhe'' imentry .ot. large; Their views is ptibliv-selvind -is not a -Pre-• to:stant sehool but son-seetarian AO. to 'be. good enough for any. botij., Rut to the Roman, Catholic the Tlie $ larkeetworeitivub,rulelliiptrit;',,liz1411; sehool looks vonr, muou Imo a Mu, est ,000 or' Pre t ,s4ant. aelniet, contending. that verted into a hospital- at ;••:‘1 o•., on 'the books, A Brantford heard of one for th% first time two talnirrehl keet (.,tige at le. home twere confiecated by Ow Ok. multiunit of loleh mid Game ot:, , rin.....And, _wets ,aent. to;Vovithio ..uroMuvalion- • of tholr.--suovie;t. .:111-0!0. 6. VenattY attarhol tO 140oivoi: t.i. "sgOttrels without icenae._ • , HANOVER *In ctn. **Raft 11:11 s t agri ' his father, 10. Rued te pee, eee furniture nitioufacturet, akleOCO for $10,000. Mr. Kneelitel hag t!.tk"Ig5'4,!'14 "" „„„ moo ant13 0.0 it to the tOWitv for pUblie, together with ' $3.000 tOWOrds • it2 onninteent. the town to valve an ado. itiouil *1•000 tor Ible purpost. •ft. though they, May not teaelt Prates.' tantiam,.ffireetly. yet • the teaeher is usually protestant, sncli 'religious ex- ete:'ses as are indulged in eV() protest. ant and the history taught IS of prat- '''t/t CO10'011141'. • '4h .• geostitm of: separate high gr'.4,01A appeare to be One tot the hihnr oeurta to Settlel and there It 14telY will be. settled , • • e , p. . during the year 1921. Roderick Mar- $4.00; Salary of 'Robert Swalwell, Thorough business training, Pit. • -,iran's Shorthand, Bookkeeping, "instructiOns.---Gradir- . ThoseWho Stay in • the Valley. Will Never .Get Over the Hill • -Bring us Your , Ctieam, Eggs'and-Poultry--•• • stes-assistett-tu.positirms. Athlee-- ated. with Central Busineia . CoI- -lego, Stratford. . .Jeureal, Free. • Phone 166,, • D.A. itel.aChlfiel.“ R.-FciSter,s - °President, _ 'Prrncxpal • 11,_ s1.8.00Alor-interest-on ,averdraft 0„ R, ,0--Liri-Ne,-4,..-$4.00;--1•1t:--,Staley, _ _yeltpx: Aons cATilEs-1.'. 9 - in Royal gunk.. Ripley 1.1r:1m-electric '-rent of Polling 'Booth, $3.00, Total • ' . . oi•TAlict.;, Tr • i ii liOtti--$S5-6-.27-foirb-Til. of 13inTadary SR- rhif7the-faoVing officeii-Watifeirit--- eount, G. II, Ruttle, $400 timein pre- ..4,4,, viz:--- . • - paring abatement o . expenditures on 'Assessor -Donald McKay; Oolleet- ticrads, under the Ontario HighWays erL-Wm.: 41._ McMullen; School..At- Act. Huron & Kinloss Municipal 'Tele- ,. tendance ‘Offieer--Bohert. Johnston, -- phone • System, $1019:73 for balance Carried,' By -Law No. 644 to appoint of loan from .1toyal Bank of Canada, the said officers was drily passed,. as follows:,-fdan from Illayal Bank signed and sealed.. ' • , •• under BY -Law No.• 642, $6000,00, be- . Si -law NO, 645 to amend By-Lav4 duct balance owing ,'`hy Huron and .No. 641, fixirig the 'salaries of Townr Kinlossr Mun:„ Wen -Mini., SYStein";-al ;hip .081C-ers by inciiaSing the'salary Dec. 31st., '1921, $4980.27-$1019,73„ A'a Township Auditor from $10.00 to ' Angus-Martyn, 84,00, ifisfittending. 515.00, was duly passed, signed arid sittings of Div'sion Court Feb 9th, sealed. - 1022. Wm, i. McMullen, $100 fer sal: D.C.:,i1elcirincin-• McLennan -That ilryr OT.00ileetor and $8,07 for postage this Council do now adjourn to meet : and stationery, total $108,07, The. • again .4 the TOwnship Half, Ripley, Treasurer of the Teriniship of Kincer-. on Monday, the . thirteenth day of dine, _$59,97 for, !balance of *44417 March, 1922, at ten o'slock in tli.e._ gtficiet'illiFii;r:19Zolser,:1$3.400-ertea7M.eh *iffor sba°6-1a7c! tcirell°°11'-"CarrAniilgus Martyn, sop* of witneis fees in the suit of Robert- Ripley, Feb. 13, 1922. • ' sun va, Huron, The 'Treasurer of the • • , Township of Kinloss, $90$0 for bal- ' • -----°-°-°"-• - tenee-.44,,Bottialary-liectorttit-102-I-:-Thes..1 .--.'--A- hoard -of -health i'-oi:ii.7that.' costS ,itift-w.--$.1.g...-to: fa, Amoy kined bst I -Fon $12 a, week without room: dogs. Peter Campbell,. $2.50 for Val- eutor'S fee. 'Wm.- .1„ McMullen; rie., balance of tax over paid. •Alex:a W. Patterson and R. J. Graham,. $15„00 each for Autlitor's.salary„ The Church Wardens of Si Paul's .Chexch, Rip- ley, $20i0 for rent tot Church base- ment used. by the pupils attending the Short Courses in Domestic Sci- ence and Sewing. McKinnen--114cLennan-That merit- : hers a CO=0/I superintend rcicis ir the Township Polling Sulkliviaions7 as : fellows -I, Robert Irmr:h1; 2* join i'• 1 Emmeetern 3; Wm' 1 McKay; 6, Roberick xitietteutA and 0 DU. C System, $2.84 for, light for hall. TIke I61.00. -Carried. easthe f the Township of. Ash- W. J McKay -D. C. MoRinnim-- Coughs Colds and Chronic B ronchths Totally (144roYeci. by Buckle?: Breirlitir litaturs, The Wokid's most woznIerful tztrackfT„, GIV41114:111511,'D teethe raga or trakraev regraded •", 40 Dale% foe Tao , „ sed att d'IteriTE-40 or Ov maim= Pitant lantat, *mat It Telma $4100004 -Cir; 044 tit 1.44000‘ bit A,t 1;44orria4r- !Km, j,ithen....Agpoq ' ennips- to Qi.en24,__:. •;In' that .ofd gowo of big% That's braved"the battle :and ,.the breeze • For years that number two. And- takes -her seat in parliamenti.; - Amerce the Pigmies' there. Contentment will spread o'er the. land, And, vanish Dull Despair, • , • When Agnes comes to Ottawa, ' The Lagriers and Blakes •• The Cartiers and Mcpenalds. Adflh for:their. sakes' Tr'SV' 13.a:1}1.s forgotten be, And in the rising gresitnesS, McPhail alone we'll see. When 'Agnes cornea lb Ottawa, *With spectacles afid. sttatf, And schoolma'am economics. . Andemotions all on tap, To i00._ with Mr, CFnrari lettink;i1Ptinngsz-righti-: To other legislators bid a fond -good -night. •• When Agnes Nimes to Ottawa. The wigs upon the k teen, From Wellington to Tower'a 40ot' -----WitriCrittered lie1 The- doetrines and the -dogmas That swayed the men of .re, Will alt bt-alteitVitlilither naite • And never heard Of more, • When Agnes cetnes.to 'Ottawa, , From battles freshly. fotwht, From Women's Clubs and Instittites From ploughland and back let; " To turn the.light on finance • From butter and from eggs, The Fosters and the Fieldings. May well take to their legs. When Agnes tomes to OttaWa.,. And makes that maiden speech. .41 the "'Elvish" public building, That Shea first niaid to reach, There'll be nothing we can ask for In a legislative way) This land will he Utopia; We may forget to In4/Yo-••4x, ' -We, CASH 444 • . .., • . Honeat 'Weights, Accurate Tests and a . , ....„ All--• . . • _ •SI INERWOODS, - For Service koliOrii 4;7, . ucKeibio G.R.C. Old Light Lodge-- InietS every Thursday night on or before the full moon, in the Mas- . onie Hall, Havelock St.,•Lucknoft • W.M.; N. G. Mackenzie; S.W., T. s. Reid; J.W., J. McQuaig; Sec.. - • JOHN Sill'fiERLAND 4,SONS, Ltd. • Gue1i5h; Ont.; Insurance, Fire and • Marine, u-lNeecl a Monument Thts LueknoW Marble and Oran» ite Works has a, large and coin- , --pleie-steckthe Most beautiful- - design° to n choose from in Mar* , ites. . We make a Specialty of Family , Monuments' and invite yotr aketion, , InVeriptiona neatly and ,prompti ly done. • Call and s:ee us 'Afore pLicing • youi order. ROBT. A, S?OTTON, Lticknowt Ontario, 'Until we are permanently Olt) HO WI 41, D914111111 ee.ea