HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1922-02-16, Page 6A Mon STRENGTHENING 'BEVERAGE ,t• •:• BY ARCHIE P. inteKISHNIE COPIrrighted.;14 1.1101nas Al;est. • broad -beamed 'single - sticker that'll i enlez'eelea- •"Aud, BillY, he flew eiray Carry ell.of us -:-.you, tee, teachereErie in im awful grouch:" • "Oh, ,hell soon get over it," laughed an'eme%body 'Wats to come along: Gee!' .• • Billy. "We'll find him waitiee fee us .? ain't it great?" • --L.-, ..... • BiITY ealit4 Ontit al% Vernet', te Lila! NEW Berle Of UNOPUR1 interest With a entile. . , win begin In neat Weeles lestite , ,aileg,Q4,44kinovreell,,glyalemeilleed,e'BzcilrlaY4 tale of0GiovetZ 1:fteiNtiouPeoLictit itilaiiiiiel:nelgitt, bogy, 'uncle* Vexes' '• . ' ' `-' the htlillent Engiteh Welter, AiltheliY: Elift d•M'Pe4 the TAleur i)le"allaS Uu Cart le. Tit evolves around -.action; r the-Meund and thefreleont, into the • Y 9 • ,euteehine tegethereend gathered elerc% a YeUr41 "Ira" Under "eaten" of When they 'had aid:414a the, Wit, they eleatlh end olie teaclore Will firid it 0 Went aerees to! the.Weede" Piet elleviliell thrtilline story . from etart to finial). Lto4etelat.slifietbti;Xvbfkidee-diebe9vrneelitt4. anT4hAr4,:wwezetice.6 to. p the op'gning, ehaptee fleet wild -apple tree, BillY• told her Olt he . , „had to, tell her, and heard her titist as. he leneW she Would s:sy., "Billy, uf- the lug fell, uPru•Pillg Mee with rue teeth" ' . , initiety duat. . '. Thee ;between them len ,tmenee i A.fiotlter moneerit end itie ees.s otitside . filled with underetendiUg ericl contentl• heide 1"'''''" bac and helc ill hi'S''''''ma•' inent •end thoughts that Tan, paealel Ce•eel".'r 'Was 11/W11"Q tgi lee seent , ptlereomeiaseme Bloat, srtrikeele, attlirotoztiloghtuf,u4iituo.e: enaelath:ere,p;oade italikeiagarael.dazPolemeeourNeah4hhet, eeere tee take the aelteol eiglin. ' An' °LuladeliYwe'amlittil;b,144.46)7'. 'mid got iv said the limeant me are goin' to build thatsail-l• beat v;e've always 'watited-ii him, •girle in answer. to Billy's lo.ok eof % farther on." The girl nodded': "Aid what will ' ° ey crossed the lot and went MUTER xxxvi.-40ait4. •. And leavirt" Arid •MSurice sitting you name' her'?" ' 1 • "HO, Billr c-ried MitUrice, "Bringlui 'Open-mouthed, ducked into the • e Ils•Cecl^ ""° thr u • ' ' ' si 'cheeks the blood sprafig as into ifhelrefiloetillPruitteses3itelrebtoirl,,!:LuolluaYsarerPeeatte' bay °Thopeaenp 'the stable ler er. „his heart joy ran riot . ter, eh? Gee! lookbat that base; Not until' he had put some distance -„,. • • .• aim .to call her Lou, 1•0118 ” said )OU ever , see- such a change in. between himself raid his friends did be' •. ' ' anythie in your life?" • • remember neat he lead not told them hesitatingly. " That isifyou dont "Th01114% has Sure fattened up," 1the great and- wenderful news OW grinned. Jiro. "I guess it would puz_l had been imparted to him by old The, golden head wasbowed and edd Johneton to know our; horse Harry. Well, never mind;, they would when it was raised to him, he saw a ifteW)," eh,- BM?" ' • . hear it soon. Harry would see ta that. deeper color in the 'cheeks, a softer "You mean your --horse, Jim," tor- He turned 'into a path that strayed glow in, the eyes. "Come," she said reeted Billy,. • • far up among dumps of red -gold softly, ` we 'must be getting back." • "No j don't either; he's only a third maples and ochre -stained oaks. ,The They crossed the sunflecked grass, Mina, , One Uhl's, yours and the other whistle of quail sounded from. a ridge hand in hand. As they reached the third's, leauriee set, • Of brown sumach's. Up the hill, across; pine grove the• girt pointed away above • Maurice and Biliy staved at him. the deepTolley where wintergreen the trees", "Look," she whispered. "it 'was Tont Money paid fen hire," berries gleametefiike drops of blood . Billy's gaze followed hers. High ,Billy asserted. "Well, what at it? Matuice found him a soft hidinf place and goodpas- ture on his Dad's farm, didn't he?" her cloak, and Billy poured the geld from hag and box upon it. .. Lott started to count the money. Billy sat ibakewatching her.% "Yes, sir," he mused, "it certainly takes a• good woman te steady a man." For ten ,glorious. minutes -he buitt Air castles and dreamed dreams., • "Two thousand nine hundred and forty &liars," Lou announced, and Billy jumped up. ' '• :"Whew!" he whistled, "ant-- all gold, too. The three pieces that- Croaker took 'make the even three thousand." among the mosses, he passed slowly above the treee a black speck ceme •They *placed the money back in the and an to the beech -crowned ridge. , • speeding toward' them; a speck which, bex end hag.' Then Billy, pieltie* UP the treasure, spoke gently. Here he paused and his searehing- grew quickly into a bird, a big,'Islack "It'll mike 'em a• wand weddii? eyes sought the lower sweep of wood,. bird, who knew, apparently, just wher ' • t tou " • "Sure, but othen-" land. A ekump of tall poplars gleam- he was going- ; .. "Yee," she answered, "a grand 'wed- _ "Ara it's viz wti,o's geitu' to see that ea stvevy-witite against the . dark ' '‘It's- °maker"' BillY-- whi;sDerect• ding gift, Hiner.' , 4.- •• - Ile gete.eared for all. 'Winter, ain't it?"- green of the beeches; far down at the "Stend right still, Lou, an we'll watch, In' silence they passed: on -through "You --bet it ie," ;cried Billy,end of the. sweep of yellow tops of an find out what his game is. . l . '"Well, then, I claim he's a company hardy willows stood- silhouetted He 'drew her a little. further amon,g the upland gowned in hazy,'• gehlen spray. At the height of land they horse au" you meeele an? Maurice is against the udying green of massed the pines and they peered out to see paused to lot* down aerie* the sweep- : that 'company. Bine gazed down Now, :that's settled, cedars and pines. Croaker alight On the broken-backed ing country below them. Then blue let ree tell; you what Maurice and me upon it all and hie, heart swelled with ridge pole of the log hut. . eyes soug: grey an tan in hand, waS tallElll about when you met us. the deep joy of life; his 'nerves tingled Here, with many low croaks, he pro- with a new glad yista of life opening BillyunsnapPed the tie -strap from to • the ;tang of the woodland scents.1 eeeded to search his surroundings with fere before they went into the valley. mysterious, quick, suspicious eyes, straining (The End.) • - ' • ' Thernaee halter so that he might, drop Something deep, stirring, • the Wayside grass without hindrance had come to .him ti - • d t •closely- t b bush,, ' . e ehd eet elbow war o peel a scrub or - ' 1 g ite ' and•sat down on a o oPpos the one what that somethirig wits -it was tao then cunningly twisting about sud- Dye.Skirtr Dress • occupied- byltis':ftiends. . vague -and incompeeheiiiible -for denly•ae th,oughehopiegeto-takeeso ' tcher 'behind him un- or Faded Draperies Jiin nudged tdaurice but Maurice finition ju'st yet, • • skulkingw'!!', • , - shook his -head "You tell hlin," he His arm about the trimk 'of a tree; " a e Finally he seemed catisfied thet he in D • ia/florid Dyes, said. ' • • -* . he laughed softlyeas his eyes; sween "Bill," JIM' pried. eagerly; . - ---/' I Was alone. HiS harp.' notes became I "I got 'ar. lrbg the checkerboard of autunin a soft bit of news for you that'll make yeti 7 1 v• , rested guttural cobs. -1-le nodded his of coniferous trees. So that thewagras the hdg" head uP and down in grave satia- splinters off the treei.". •- I anent . faction„. tip -toeing from one end of . Billy grinned. "AA' I got it piece of shpercytedbit gi)rf°111at•aftlhOantelidrieerskW far be-• ----”' the ridge -pole to the other and chuckl- Mews fee you fellers, tee, he returned, - when LawyereMaddoe drew up the' Bill,"' Said Jiner "I heard Dad telling "But go on, your news firstrIlm." '1 ,"Teacher Staillte has made over a: deed of Lest Man's *Swemp to you, illte Hinter:all about it. DEW was there; •., . . But be feared it no longer. She had heevwlieselleedhfereemeesiggheeteee whispered.' cured him of that. She •had said that Lou. , and Of course she was right: . - : low was the :spot he had so feared! ing fear of the supernatural was fOolish; . A fzed-squirrel. - at . frisked down a . "Hush,"d'2.warried . Billy. ' His heart waspounding.wunatemhge softly to- hinsself. Then suddenly, s.stood.4ith ey'ea glued • . • g deed -Maurice, yine ciazy hyena, ea tree close beside hina.and halted, POP; to the ridge -pole. Ty- and. 'by they _you keep .quiet ?"' ;1 ; i eyed, to gaze upon him. "1 -tell you,' Saw a black tail -feather obtrude itself , . eeem,joe ,eate egReeehaeeemed eie elm ' Billy addressed' it gravely, "it takes from a. hole! just beneath _ the roof a. a geoid woman to steady a man." - The :log while he! •einitt d• cries that would able. -A black body followed and want; to' .standon your head and kick iiedojo a peemting math etatement was not of his own creation. geed& "Three cheers 'ler Bier he; He had heard it eomewhere but he had Yelled: "Be. discovered Lost. Hales never understood its meaning' before. Swamp eetefieueeToggereFiege.e_ Tim ilt,seemedethe fitting_thing_te say now ain't got .nutliin' on our Bill." • - Billy was standing rip now, his per-. plexed face turned questioningly -on - 'That's righ-ti-Bill,".'cried Jim. "YOU - really. did diacover it; you knowe-H•• ter sal/II-teems the only one who knew •the,,,oil vas:•there-until youraftednut •the ban! light. -.Bine and yellow,. truly o ors o a 0 'colorful thonght Billy. T,he scene faded and in its place grew up 41. face with blue; laughing eyes and red, smiling,lips, abeve which gleamed see that Croaker throw a fit" leaves, eataveay, coriander and cumin a' halo of apu,n gold. ,Theitthe-Woode They stopped -Out into plain vievrofi seed; fennel -dill, emiseeeOrdamonegiee land picture swam hack before him the crow, who Was.,muttering to the ger, cinnamon,. allspice,•cloves and.', In-. and the squirrel, which with the char- gold -piece which he now held _hefore an-ecurry powder; To this liet 1 lietetistk Patience of 40 • kind . had his eyes in one black claw. Croaker might also add mitineg, : mustard; "But, .urged 'Jim, "the- oil- waited to watch this boy who often. lowered his head and twisted it from turmeric, mice; eebete and- black pep they've found there'll make You rich." threw it a nut -kernel, called after him tide to Side in sheer wonder. He could =- -sheole bis head. "Pen-aserich -chidingter as. he dipped:down-into he 'itearcelYbelieve his'eyee; Then as Billie' 'Per ahd 6,1310e, tried -d - . Billy .was still thinking of -the; only girl when he topped -the farther and descended into the valley where stood haunted grove. He wondered what she would say when be toldher put her fingers in her ears .to stop the great news lie' had to tell her. He the sound. thought be knew. She would put her -"He's -aivful ;mad -Pe -grinned Billy. - hand; on his arm and say: "Billy, Fin "He's beetrkeepin'thieefitirto himself glad." • 'Well, he was on his way to et• • ' long time." At Boen'd of hear her say it. . As he entered a Inaster'S voice .Croaker paused in his 'lump of cedare he saw.her.:-The:esere-barangee and -promptly chiinged-his a cloak of crimson eherh'at had slipped tactics. swooped down to, Billy's to -her 'shoulders and her glowed' shoulder, and tubbed the top' Of his -softly 'through, the shadowy half glossy head against the boy's cheek, whispering low grid' lying . thrinteetif endearment. Lou l•aughe'd. "What's he up teedve • •• • and ragouts with real improvements. BillY?" ' • • . • . "fle'a-trytn! :to coax me- away from 'fillnaries L fir talent Used by Yet erioarkee his treasure," • Billy answered. "Now, Croaker came tip -toeing back along the ridge. . The girl. ielt her companion's band tighten spasmodically an hers. • She -and there was nobody to say it *to glanced up to find him staring, ,wideL except the squirrel... . A blue -jay and a yellow -hammer "Billy'!" she whispered, almost for- . eyed at the bird-. • ' flashideby him,-eside-bye'sidee-racingegetting caution; in-bereanxiety.--"Wha for the grubbing -fields _of the soft' is it?" . oodm. below., -theireblue-andeyello He pointed -ea --shaking ;finger at bodies, Marking twin- streaks .against Croaker. See that shiny thing that old rogue -bas--in-hisebilleLoul" he asked. "What do.you 'spose that is?" "Why, what is it?' • "It's. one pf the gold pieces your uncle . hid, away: Come on, now we'll •tti: the ponds and. situr.the oilrbubbles -breakin' on ,fera:' ,He says' that fete tune likely Ilea there-, so. you. see-" "An' TeaChereStrinhope, he deeded the ewsnetp tame," saki Billy dazedly. -lie got up fromethe, log and --squared his shoulders. "Well," be spoke, "that - Weseutlghtyegood Of. bim, but -I eip't lea:Aire, that serail*" • the •mOst Wonderful c 1 f 11 th Each, Package • of "Diem:mid -Dyes" contains directions so simple that ex -y,, women can dye or. tint faded,' sho.hby skirts; dressei,• 'waists, coats,:• sweat- ers, .steekingd, hangings, draperies, -everything like :new. Buy "Diamond Dyes" -'-no other ltind-then perfect home dyeing .1s- guaranteed, even lt you havenever dyed before. Tell your druggist. wheth.er .the material you wish to dye is wool or silk, oe -whether .• , ThisllW caidy-coated tlatd ..,:gllderg young-altiilh' 0'14. • . . Et *melts inyour. mouth" andthe gum in the 'Center .reniains to aid digestion_, • brighten teeth and soothe mouth. and throat.' • There are the .other WRIGLEY friends to choose from, too: • •Every. .111ear ' 11 DOMzEllar4d=l4EMINT A . „,1 1 4.01f .Y41146 "A‘ r.1N s7AGA. :: , . . •• Not So Bad.••• it is linen, cotton, or mixed goods. Nations Which atioPt any great Dlainena.pro-s.aeirer_atrUti. "Speaking of church, weadlitgs," I ektenis the staple t4te of another n -a - C., "Fe:nee heard. ari old 1, tion, begin -grattuallY: to adoPt 'th.e rUll, • • "Season to Taste?' The subject; of seasoning is 'indeed a delicate one, he_ culinary matters, and for this reason. I hesitate before the words, season to taste. Not only -do tastes -vary -i but -to-day-we-find -the average housewife quite willing to lee • ratiefied-witbejuistleepper arid salt. The European limiseWife is familiar With ehervil, sweet basil, phivee, •.• ME NATURE VERY UTERI OF STORES FORTUNATIM' Y FOR THE: WELFAREOF FILM/IAN j BEINGS; . • Despite Nature's Wastefuloess- litTliftetremAuirdeoyLi,Tvi007i.QT.hoicikulpir. • • Consider how Natureiieita.ey'raegexe A - i't:a.Ndasteue‘rcies s , geld. ep to us trious, she -certainly is. But thriftir Even a Goveririnent department; would - not dare" to be so extravagant, . Model of thrift' and latinstry. ' There are • reughlY eggs fix the'rop of 4, thlity-peunti cod., If all the ;eggs tha roe a.p.,•clia nOr "siiimming "abedt iu the !auks of 'Nevinotifidland wererto itaf-ch,•and all these Utile WOr0 to, grow nr• and breed on the esene lavish smile, In theee or four vire .the Gered Banks would be Solid mess. of fish. „ • AS a matter of fact, cbd spawn Is the Maple diet of a numlier :of.sea Crea- tures. Even father cod is partial to . ft. So the eggs; which never -40h ;s1 serve steetiote purpose. *1,354. The' ease of ▪ the .butterfly • is even more remarkable. The buttestlYX gay Ilte Is • a• very, short One. • None the lets; the butterfly duds enike time to carry ozi its species. So' prolnic • are • butterflies, that„ if all came• to. ina- turity,•the living descendaets or a •fe- male white butterfly would :bave. to he ,neinbered, a the end of 'five yearb in Allylieotns.vr. h ite butterflies; ,tiniough• , mon enough, are mot .aggressively nemeraus, Their infant etertality.rale must be prodigious: • • " . , Where Do. Seeds GU'? So with seeds, We- ail kilo*, 'trom experience. in our . back gardens, hair fergetIme-nots -an d • ritilets_.' spread. No doubt -each of us. Whels:d gardent.r, &Pent 'at least one Saturday afternoon lest autumn pulling...up seed - in' handfuls... 'Yet, for evere'seed-. • ." grows. Melly fail to mat fit the.case of seme growing 'ttilpg.i it:ls.ta'bc.regreited that the which fait is so large, liluslirOomS., • fir eXample.' You may Avand&r 'over 'three mendoWs; perheps, .in the, early hours of morning, only to find two naustroomi. Yet, if All•the Spots; . • In asingle mushreorn isfore to germin, ate, It retidire large tlejd to hold the 'resulting crap. • - Ferns .prepogate by means of spores on -the -froinh7 -i-f-feircumatenceS-ero-r-77 •••••• .lady say that the organist played The ' racial characteristics of that nation. favorable, each Of .these ipores will Meddlesome March.' " • idinard's Liniment tot' Colas, eta. By means of an apparatus which can he- built' into- facteryeeleinmeys;ettit--, 'American inventor, claims he cam 'Cleanse the pis -Sing through: • 'Pe.eeziatie" on on athing corn, Imitate. -Between ,tht'lLgee-e't-l'hirtralutillitet-r---- -ely that ..corn steAis burtIng,•thee-then f0P-910 elePhaat-larW have camilY • Doesn't hurt -.1k 'bit: Drop a lltt.s . The elephakt, on the other.hariili • • rat will'predhee seVeral litters a year, • '.-eaCh• of -ten..or.-twelve little rats; One: • . rld's. history plagues eflocuses ltaye these, in tarn,' breed vele! young, 4he denrags • which they do, ene most • . iti:raeatetil*Irly.; .slaag91.40-117117"-Eitakti, la_fa.7-ah tgey. do -in -immense (inward of dam .8 :War agelust„rats an urgenLneOlt.,.. -ter theliofigeili-Of d single rah': that' a few pairs Were taken there. front be a menace to mankind. .EverY•erna- .t.eur_:gableper, knows. the,-.0filcultyr.OL_i___ • eglit' the astonishing' fecundity of .rabbits really serions., • ' :tube refiwaya •ofeLontione England, . England. Theihere now become the • :these peste', are carriers' 'Or dis.easS, •I'F',Airt4ndgiria°:t's '7a. ':• v-ei'rY female ' Et r -up., There 'ia'nof a- farmer; even - E,fle7idir r:de:'y.w.att teat: Atiatraikette situation Concerning,, • Many as filye. spores -Enciugh-- - keeping pace with Weeds.. Often in the - ' Mitt That .•:: ferns have on each Of..their fronds as damage in tbe'Pg7. Pt of Biblical times;.. • ": that, at the sine of three years, the They are resPoneible.•for the ca.rrying ,g,ifV,:ei":iritst.i.ee.mto -eine* fern. ' Non% some agelettitirro-tror6-.--=' - '- age to crops in South Ainerica to -day, : • '' Would' not provide a warren big eneugli e. _ Weir course, if ell lived to grow up... ' , • to eenvert a wfhole county into a fern: rats and rabbitti iS one �f the sertotis been tte cause of horrible famines. . LoCusts did :an, immense amount Of •__ facts of life. So fertile .are rabbits •••• go to the island contInent,and actually: see it. • ! ' site. r.'ettart 'd t riefiveness, does not liegitne breed till it is thirty.. ciirse of the. continent.' :.To appreciate 'But,' des.pite Nature's wastefulness, . And. far toe Many rabbits de gitijy,,L.. . , . . • "Freezonef,__torA• taiV__centS;--GulDolent - •Tittle-YlEtr dirui4g' giltstr-i'sgelltla tat*. winlyth.bofitict:ee'r;36:i .to.:remove every hard eotn,.s.oft _wen, ' birthday' present, but did. not . or corn between the toes, and the cal. ," a lititee,Witheut_prazteas Kne.ee_whet to give heee, . .! . eel, leek, Parsley, tarragon? theme, • IN'VE1N T ION S garlic, naeturbiti,m majoram, summer.• savory; sage, mmt 'awl dried Parsley a.tui ter illat Ot Winted 110 - . ' tants. Fortuns• bows boon =ado IMO dasida • , Ideas. "ratan Protar!tion" bandit on pipsest. C;SH1P6111114 co AThroweve 231 BANK nesse Fames seueees • OTTAWA. ,CANADA as I ever want's be right now, Jim." •• stepped forward and called him by Have you ever tri a ing suet e ..- "Leak here, BM," cried Maurice: name his black neck -ruff arose in feer. caraway seeds to a beef stew or • " "Yeti ilen't Wan:VW-hurt Teather Stan- e . , . . - •- _ .. . , .. . ., --- - anger and, dropping his prized-bit:of- ragout, or one-eighth each ____,, inirsets feeles, do you?. • gold, he poured .out such- a torrent of of..:nutmeg7_.sweet, bindle thyme,. Sweet -. ' Billy glanced at him quickly, a abuse upon the boy and girl that Lou Marjoram, to dumplings to be served troubled look in his eyes. "N -no," he with meat. " • , „ • .,, - paw, "you bet I don't.' ' • . . e ."Then thees all there i's, to it; you Grated ' enie ) „a little gerlic and _ _ .,__ . keep Lost Man. that's. what you do: . some -finely-- peed. tarragon to re- , - e Bahr -considered. -",I ain't sayinijeat heated -meat dishes- •add , zest • teethe , . „ • what P11 Pit do,” be spike finally: "I got- flavoring. A pinch of mustard to egg ta ask another person's advice on this dishes is attractive, -• a little , thing . But if 1 -do talteit YouTim, an' grated omen and et pmeh of nutmeg ' you, Maurice, are'goin' to be my part- to a dish of mashed' potatoes Will Add ,ners in Lose Man same'e you are in real variety to the. food. Alrtiost every herb •end spicemay be lidded to soups,' stein, toulashes • bay Thomas- -Here, Maurice! you take --- She -stood -beside -Old. man • 'Thomas' to our stable , an' give him a Scroggie's graye, a great ibuoch of feed. I gotta 'go somewhere else" golden -red in her arms. e• , To WomeliTho Do Their Own Work: Suppose you could save- six minutes every day in 'washing - _pots and pans—=two .ruituttes after. every ineaL•In a month, this -would amount to a saving of thiee hours of this disagreeable but necessary win*. This saving can be made by using AMP enameled • -kitelien utensils, as their smooth sanitary surface will not absorb dirt argrease„.No_steraping,..seouring or ' • -polfshingiffifieaed when you use Diamond or Pearl Ware,• "gitilip, Water and a dish &wells all you need: ..Ask for • -Diamond Ware -is a three -coated ,e_pameled —afee1;s1rf Wife and -white outside livith a• snow7 white lining- Pearl. Ware is _enameled steal -- with • two Coats of pearl grey enamel, inside and out. • • • P C.Aet NETT INSTAL t'pk RODUCTS-CakDAer9cosirso MtilTREAL 'T0ROttre•--vvi-Ni4ipso domo TON vANCOUVER '''CALGARY • III t. er j'est watch him." ' e. ,e ,e. - Two New Sandwiches. '191at' Y-914-rth Will:it- '•-a 4°4birdneek The -fleet' Andwieleauggestioft beloW• :he' asked, stoking' e 's • -- conies to us guatanteed to be a fav - feathers • smooth. . „ . "Kaveakl" said Croaker, and 'jump_ orite with - men, no matter when or 'rig to the gratin(' he started' raway, where served. .The second we sug-, head twisted backward toward the boy gest as apprepriate for a somewhat and girl, coaxing sounds pouring from sophisticated tea table. his half -open beak.. Have ready the required number oif "No, sir," cried. Billy. , wirou. done fOol me ag'in. I'm •goinl to Climb up fresh biking weeder . bisauitse split 'buttd liereghtly. ' Fry o a crisp there an' see' jeat how much geldand ' is n - : t • hid in that hole Under the gable," leght brown one .slice of bacon for Croaker watched limereachLfor-ea-:-eae.h..sandwith.__Drairiiand-ohop-fi chink ,in the,legs and -raise himself to- Mix _the bacon with equal , parte of wardthe treasure house. Then he ehopped celery and meisten With thick became silent and sat 'huddled uP, mayontiaive. Spread the mixture. be- . wings drooping discontentedly, his tween the ha biscuit halves. Theie are whole asPect• one of utter despair. LottAinding-toecatesnbim-rheard f delicietio when -served- wiethecoifeee ' This hi tile sweet sandwith: , Billy give, an :exclamation, and ran , 'forward. "It's here, Lou," he cried mrange marmalade, (the stiff kind), excitedly, "a-etin heit =an' a shot -bap almeede--th9PPed °line -end' -cream full tif.gold in 4 hollered -out log. The, cheese= Mix --thoroughly- and spronil mOut.t.,,his .been ripped .open br•Croaker. I between thin slices of white bread P11 have to ;go inside to , get the box lightlyalto buttered, This is delicious en brown bread. ' . He, dropped to the sward and step- ' • . i investors— Special! . . Theieventor of the Cash Register and ' the Computing Scale tat now perfect- ed a mechanical devise for progreseive business and proposes placing this soned, there must -he an opening of product on the market. „Co-operation tome kind there. He lit a match and in limited amount le desired, with pros- . held it close to the log. Then lie C peetive participation in large profits. Whistled. What he had. mistaken for ommunicate direct with Jae. P. Cleat. At pine knot was a small button fixed, levIttunlgtietogn.SSegt. tEll,e,eTr'd8rollnittee."6" No ° AS he saw now, in a tiny grOOtte, He A moved the button and a small section _ • ISSUE NO. 6-421, ' Q.11L1 SENOR CARD • . FOR -THIS - 11110111'e 14 n }311,1 .WRnt rog PRICES ON BUILDING MATERIALS. PRICES ARE DOWN- - -LET-HALLIDAY SHOW YOU. =HALLIDAY COMP Y-umm' HAmILT0 Pi Dept, W. C ADA. ped through an unglazed window into the htit. Nailed to one end was a crude ladder. Billy climbed the lad- der and peerectclosely at the leg which held the Money. To all appearances it was exactly like its fellows, no door, no latch to be seen. And still, he rea- aseilne i Trade -Mark , CAMPHiOR 10 Going from the warm, -steimykitchen tOthecold , wrridyyardis sure to chap „ your face and hands. "Va.selioe" Camphpil Ice k-teps them smooth and . soft. It's invaluable fcir housekeepers. • • CIIESEBItOTICif Mt. CO, :Ac SO Chabot Montreal • — .1 e • dt..=02.1.0114.111.11mompo Io s WS * SUCCESS Loth' of fertile 'eggs. .Ilealthy chick .s,--"---Everp-- Wrd. kept in • vigorous healthy, Profitable eon- • dition, by Na- -tures -tonic- PRATTE; POULTnir REGULATOR . Booldet "Practical Pointers' Shows .the way, to profit and-suce-- cess. 'Write- • PleAlle; TOOD-OO, '0 •VANit10.11. LIMITED • TORONTO Lift Off wit • ifiger5 ' ATLANTIC cITY.N . Tgist NEWEST HOTEL AT THE WORLDS MOST FAMOUS RESORT European plan. Novel kits innovation; unicine color scheme throughout; Rettaltrant overlooking Beach etodp:esti. Dsnenig in Trellis Room and Raz Single Rooms $1.00 up poulde kooms $8.no up ill/1,100SM tab% Neale Bath and fait ekean Viva • A li..1Aliteltnr FAt GIJI4TAVO: TOIT SlocaAnut,44o•vol.r„, . P44,4ottiolisor . . . floosto,00rosposoonosoosissiiiss;isips., 4 A riait hi- decided to give• hell 4 Btbte After to had hciught it he was • 4turnped.' kale, as he 'could not think what to inscribe on the front page. After a. good deal of thought he de- rided oti the 101101ving, which he had seen hi several books: dear mother, with the author's Pont pi i me nts ." . • BorIng a tunnel, removing the earth sispleced, and leaving the eavity se mede lined with concrete blocks, 4, !rawly -designed Amerkan mathine entiy built a finished tunnel, 52 inohea in 'diameter and 18 feel 8 inch.es long. in feur bout's, If ▪ r 000ssiosso1mommillilmluill10101101.11wil.eFe • -ellperieellellielle Pa.