HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1922-02-16, Page 2........... 7
��wm- 77.
. . ........
uAta"t1w 4W
iewhat YNGITIS
ever, li, sow PHAR
Bjeodipg hir,4eg vat",, panu, 'firzti
MOO* of Sema 1%4-
e. 0 Over, ll��verw agitis eitht Jn&7'f0l*'
jn$t tQ typec'. TAY QP' Ton thak Chionie rharyl
re� ale
SCOTT. 'oil
Come impereoptit3y, U11
art$ t -as t or III&V
sulted ..ero usi gr(, rue visiOil'0 the thre. t. and 't,
t� that hom�.makivg in
cy aro �witb. any violent By
4 athe,+ -time The" **"'r b.Y
Atli foprWalafiM
0 ame, Toovelnell
of, O#aTia shdold lm4bepu work, wbile the In loal troubles
ti-4effine. wo buCtIl" The itution4l anci
rk IA 9rdOr tb.A treatalaut -been aplied, to imt juit a CORA to' hronAor.
REL has, =t thge. in was, ng and. sound Aution- I that, predispose 97wone
Ry Q. ai�a per- 11 1
1PROF. HMN 11404V bisis Q.. tra,
tq, proa.upq tb3t` it Ile
r extent -behind, thd as thQ50thfit.
rkam Ly
,dopwilftent I* to plac -'at'tho 6 r" Aps -far bring* on the
VIty �h,s,.phAVyngjti*
vu oh0*0014 b T
acute- attadrs;
Wo tc�.dAVO 00essi6b 064ing, W01 44—
ing etweeA ruTa An- -
-on eg0a And government I �
i4vige of an acknowltdg`110 eoka) - viev.- the legume fAmilY it oute :for ravel coar komen, call
40:4 w
in, p4An6jAIp,, b
r ta"" itodkoot tho 6 point of the� r
i -7— mY,,§ narrowed' do�m to tbq'! PiOnewsl , xr.o,ftstortietley,G, or, uk; �4 6. , - R,Ad the ZoVernme�i bas Clove group� ln-7 dap inteAv,
0 a -teeth or
0#0& of Ths CuliQuo Meth0ft 91F. msrjco�! -407 The, force, of r0r. I Olitarlo� conditiot'. of - affairs the pycirrhea,1414onat
drimsonf whjte� #40 'or rought- abo!it a es 11
M this-ocolumo4pithe Order' red ronic masal catalvlr-
1W *4014 SOW#* or-wol OPPArlorl ixpresses, Itself in ationin.Tbo,'10th
WKC"7.WrjtjnV,*lndly 141111, lilig, filial- whieb'.. it, - quarter- of ..'a "eentury 'Age enlarged: tolisils,'O
ing, Alfalfa -gro4AI, Inclul,
DairY ProdUM: alsft, maV)e *40W tkty'l of F 4 ed. . tlia, Mill ilging vev' hat Jluid$0%
mite#4 Is advi"ble WhorA e *bite ar ,t Omedick
As SP064*41 The orgAnized, 71119 *Jnd -aw, e 004eri, oned
y ihia--a staWOO.d and. Wo. 40--whn the ilxen Wste,4 Uallf-ed -foods and
to. ro.ellor 04 group, na! took de- aginatior; A-41
vhq;"� . : of Ahe country,;
CJ�WIIJUOnf V C4*Ada g.l4,pea,,veteh, and *.wee% ond women tu .. aff is - At the to 6111nef Excesm"�e'
mely, garden 01111tv�ersRTY10fthe Me, and" w el ea
Ong higbi
4patilleatal lee ae,6f 0 t0
tber.countrY in 1 and -the f1rot
eii and OrKeAlzi rynx �*,-'
world, 6610nion, - and finite action "Ise a t -he vo
than perhaps im ally se��vje4, .� .
j, the ;home,jnsbers through ift'itva frequent, 'Muse Of
pinamely gard
vv�pavldblft CO.. undt'sm. For nior�,, than jtvio agrou ti bhAM
the runnir 1eans., study ln� Br� chcdred years ail*r a T19V01' f,14tem Of s, 61ding, in, SaIttleet vf, theaffection
d dlviilual and co;mmun University Cul- Alva I
in e: ee� pro : lat�r" its the college resea
ese has bee kistah *�nown- r 6 col he vinoial ijls.t - itutions At thei ervi
Tba'(farmero -are sutipli4ftee-*ith bbttle4 Tow Extension issallid, some lait
in markets of that countn
Coujaefi, and The wymptol-49 of :�chronic III
diffqrence -An yield g.faetoti�s gol e,Creek
-1wought ir6z 91 V Institatex.,we
t efteeze 4;e AA it ning G4yeinjilent Aj* not. ..eirkeWlY
03 Ceiltral EX-, a#oft, an.
obot i -per erei etwooh, type e,. iwelety f& the FaTmete, sell trom is UW y not.
heb . r the. favius"as, the �case xni� b ; and Dlvisioh* of Bot �t's � . , � the - morning.'
Buteatti.. y ;ypel wj@Te it Ottawa;, Individual, ized as a sister sibia Pp'ti
A. ty" -twro,. As theJ market perimental ft=l _04, ol AKri�ultut4, Edu& he
arranged ifi-heapst oiI the ',it t t s* -,,lost be Npla in
tes iin�,,-,Jind tbe-Insti u e 0�; OW.
's% V1 Ore d sellers �Omgr tOfamers, it'mightlbe men I �re.'study,.a`nd iservice, to tht HWtb I
grjw. For owall
1922.) perpetuatedthe-dift s. paje. Buyers in e botti4j, cub, of.which similar c effeetiv� ebunriels through which a. litti-e pain or d4scomfOlit ilit
jag- 9-6, th,6 'same 'tiria ebd Oq A 11 1.1ritited tw thr
Q, t1ve, ntry home and- Us, Ituman toiltent, people,
ately at ethr and. dicker over 'the price le soon disappear.* as he eats
and type* bleft" Ain sufficient b4cteria, to bocu- 00u .1y hrou Clow 4VtwetO�nt is VOTAbk-- jhe. IX ' late a' shel of seed as wast,026,.t t 'ffwov.r
s.of t eir �bu is awar&.
Of .,orgnizattons,46, i
slooc of limated by the two Par- the. fam"t h , Brdn0 e I the sufferer
6101poriet sale ii; gonAux. pounds_� firs
plam tba a to meles
-Can ties st,6kjn& the Open -Pahn Bire : Ron. Prealden,
two ispez; gr" Apr6m%ultilt� 3 farmer di t014-. and. their graiR. -and were t Mrs. Adela especWly if be is a smoker,
su-9 the variety'thi dgnt,L- Mr& of the trouble njosfof the tim� imd
Urtedint cf, OM suitable h �w toge,thef apt specify.,in his. aR4 H6D&eeS, RAMilt.on; -Pres! h
Only he m' tents. In, - each' neighborbobdi, one sbtitkiftd
of, The, 'itnodoft method of selling in and $3 h4s- a
(b), F04 V��tuatiag_ types d. b�o. Mr6j. plkation. The bottle mill )0, to' hroliic rint tyl�os Vafietlea,- .).*t. 0 that cont Afternoon it evening a,monthmras-fMt in sr for that country was describe
-Xts e eeW n6ed "Storage, eoritain a jelly4ike substane ir Stbliey Greek. A Verson with
whl& niqov t ap airy an the gililL, And en -of re� been.three S erinten . He 4. Ruddick,, is, never perfectly healthy.
work of-bactekia whip Thess have'
. b,ttrano_ L. L'
such, at thi meeting [ ta-ins million$; inerftsed. Vonsibility. in hoWe-makin, to.,b d, rinera! and
*vm to wWch'thOy are Vrown- But Go . "I F, . .. L . _ I tei, Fa -poor digestion, a furred
�st Adapt since e,. seed, supply dents Ot the Insfitul li�q4acbes and,
colistmt attention, n Irymens Mr. F tdT�gue and'sli
itiowl - - . re.,
ferrod to th in loug-
acti ggish bowel'!
kret foni. requires of -additional I WiDmin? W. 64io
wesent -tendency to ers prod' * 6neb. tn; .-lose% 4s
0ppt,.c*n,be in As be bj. Oeor standi e
ad3 long thereiis, -and sintO
That Imp got ever T gig ing the -pl-ant to' store IV. Co-operaVion waa. the un ying; ge C. Creelm 'as a . -his. voice
reveTjho�just as soon as selwtiOli Is a e, a hd Te sides en0l iple. of.. these -oil-4piartisaiii :0011- ilder ,vho,961 illy cgt bycom- We the' dueb' 0 '��.a'nd ot o
Oes "ted jintigr. in its r6ots nitrogen taken from the ait, Wine :104,'Mr.. G. -A. Patham,-11 slonan, .. bicomes A
ter sectarian grbdvs� there baW been steady - ex- ind,husky but weaker.
practical farmert. rtegl rettilitip.. That for, "Home'and
ists. j that tis,,body. would be Dutter. e#ze e Countryll.,their, inspireV mtto, a during the r lultOd, tedi.
ment The t eatment is-diffiL
W, C. NOR superilitowe Thbking registered thus,
testified by palisili an4 6veiczi
Thi differ� results ensue is -better homes,
t �enefieia
atk., eppecWly, iilterested -to pn this k is to J"-.ou-t the
The first s,
Ally o"Wousl
101mentar Farm, llrayidolI,. M learn What is their "handful liast eighteen *Us. ta
the for�AWA ;�tjoned. Ilkistratio Stations n va
of 04 - a, 011g�. rwa. Su ba -exteided beyon lise- And remove.
�11t, Vn are plit. and, people, a better community, I ! r y
ti . I . : . The
athe.otbet _baa --ph,
tbAt tlkl ve iakill se "Some -bg -eth- s� a ince
hi 19 s -is expo' -a perintendent T0C idea'
ls� s ca
grovin . eea corn. the *rty,of 6f 4 Wers" tippler s'Qei I and. ra
received There veiy strikinig M- bttter litario. no
jujigt The
fr larg. vitha, ds br enharged tonsils
ier an -a7A qttotiug�: . Om a few letters- dial widc, j"ge 4f.prices toits that an&more entificgricultuTe. t
av Vj.Tjg_ also 4`91a
cc ','has roeuted 'light Of theadvan� Cbettei
Tho, Aence 4 iming to lt pim tea- ba from t e or. Tem0v4
-of 'le-
rithin the past he dreuniferexice -sim
month. marked On t With the. , le worklhi' 11 a
until there - are nt-ally treated; and a
ea Must 'be energ6 Ii!
NQ -.A - -write&: , "After -'eansid pointer,.which is opterited b electri- t�Lge, 91. cgotis.it seems. You- know, a gb64. thing$ I Atlantic ta�_ the'picific beealls t,
IgidWturaf. E3;periinent In adver Bel
se s It Als- tendency �O
point and, -wen g"U'Mes..
eO.bull6atiA AQ� �ve bav* not f0und�al`y 'of is �et -at the high �eil fdjj they d!rew out Of 116 Well 01
6eding scale. to make, all the differenceibetw 5perkiice to helo each tbek,'dtseo�� glitin., England -F $ccitlaiid, Wales go . uty or I, Quill
musslowly descends' the
conditions in by diet.:
biberf varieties were te t new practi I method% T $tarted, :failure. In tbe� 631 '.be corrected if poisible
01 our � 0 . an I nd
Each buyer. has g inforltiation as riat& rem
t SttLo ore was a, an'. electric butt6`11 su0ess and, dismal ��elqping p they did so trait, New Zeal
Very* liTomiSillo t eiing- and d� �jujt, 'ea -eekin. by. approp tedies a' yX ich be ca
n operate unse, e&j.tjj of ts,j t I I -fTc)n) 4earsini and -antiseptic,
themoelv�s j
wh Bil'by any present 'drY, season we bad a Oot Of a w eu n nd gerly
increasing - yiel& over thi;pre"nt wel - filla the seed'fOr which wai; ietlicils 61 v6rk'And- TeiililtS 111bg. 'Local* c
-which more,an-4 more iliffluene- ton!
to %dat rs. When the is by nleans�,of a swjb 6.n
arjetjoi4bith appeared ?ed V�Tiety, Wehave, h pointer 64 other; qftorts Hand-
r6W of his ileighbo year,
.)J� AT
I 16ar'selectioll 1.9; rather im� ih� price whiih any latea.- nitro:.eultkiie tb- rovernment R
coin found qd�piovipcial. life and sictioli, mfalls. oppoidte
de, ..In the case,
Value -were actually ton. and- a ha issued from
be oi$ mli:141 smoother, move and spraying must.-bems
'At I ye 'Ile
't6 pay -,bay Iii fadt, of a publi
Ig d
)ortant and- hat- the iiz oresi6s the, which has cut OVT The' Women's, Ifistitutes early c spea-15ei wrong habitl of"
r is willil per-Agre.' in
tj 'o, And from
er �eq�rj give-better--yieldig' u -staps-,-ah red Iku k
nter roughly tw Ilp-Branches them-seivez.6. voice proc
a ite as. the sympat ruetion often
aMger" to e AgrjeulturAl lege and the De-!"' W, qice * culture
4 ;; es Areyielding.
ated W the .91,61
the if gher ears.'�. 1 Indic se 0
DU er s llsebf jtj ii; a,iid'iess ns in V
6 most productiv� taxio co *ork, Wo
No. ,W.e'tre at pre�qht follow--. the sale is reedrded. The aPpa, 1= Ag.rcu a .'befqr6 j io with,, hmility, and
ch bay as
istut nigbtM vo therefore, that
im -an. -2. re rsjjj partment of
o. 19,in which
'91aWn roe" Ing tWO lins: f di�g-in- that no two .'buyers, call grassps.. Thip is a ompete xinder'g gdod, teacher may yum Is 'M
N fu' er: Trinity Of co- jersous responsibility,
corn br9e, jbL so� arranged can at- many vears a. fu -9 Agriculture . as d e utiog dbroft-id phar
64 bulletin Was' acbigV&�tbat Ontarians,. regardin
cl -tor0w %nd "the of previous'ex-pbrience and we C
'RQgaes. tensifie, 'sier it.the same time, And n 61 ag the -jhol;'jh, often
g0jeetIon by eftr pur6_1�ne regi nj ,6 pnd - not dis� tribute the cha:nge to no ilifluene I e but Opera IQ heir baige Iiiiijistry, inotberi
aopu it yarAW6j, ident 116me, . tb e Collegej,.4.nd the G�overii- t
ieliy, in; iiwt xerging 01at method , jj�* of the puivIlaser is -SC!'ielices home-nialuilig in *6 end.
great I . .. . 1, f
I value selectin. Tbe-:Jaiter .1 method appar- closed faV the'time being.,. Lots are ineduliti-oli,." U6 aresult 61 this - V�4s. the got O------
fitlt�., Sepd,of ajJp4renft.'c A. m.$t, pro es-
�positlbilities, but' -we f what, is'th� U the
east, �pintta; Ql ev4DlUti0n gT.vd.0
inter Work- for
t W" able to, con ribute owtird the s"ond, quay er
-on set t a recqn, COM! the
h�LVg. not Itate
and. =bn, - � t - , t Dgjair�ent f 'Home-makflixp�g ik qf nation-4bifild-
and through its use. Les Ment,Afig Thstio. century in this v�; t munity x.neetin
t. the Stttion. A yj� 111ijiroved. varieties up � by any gavon
ed a as 10,11os, r I . '
c NO, 3.:. "For e e an intelligent nd in
liusi per a re Th Sundav- chod. ,th 61 ing through the, lqu4itioh "Wh-iii paii a fktkn)er do
n tutes Btafi6h. 9f,
�.thd ai e�tion. �to �ftei hisch�-r
Out sdi6ntific att es Ater
402, buli A01cWtuire a j hii
per acre of.corn s best. -4f the Prbrvince: of, On ), the, Nvin�er tinle
Ion ht wary
klass se$eetldn and, developAle io,mke a few �xtra dollars,"
pr6ducti dolie
C e4 returned 25 tem in%*
Antr4l. seed 30,
qeesfidnnf�ir AARY -.19 ta
Of rio.
%v- & ly. !Of e are 6, few th
et, U16 value- of commend,*-,.mgs9 seliction for the t up.' Heir
Thepe, tes- Th t -the
ts mplijasi,7 is. oarrie ou profoun odr town -
'are being done her 'in
Thev" alAQ -ertogg farmer. The ear-to-ro* tpethad be formed from 'a -e
'ha �N"M'11 th6 So. 1' -1 . 4. taltew pl§i�� can shi#, Wkit�.s a Va
best: method a an 2'Kingo 5: 149 9 Golden
'wa%,conobded, to be t e, Erle
�jj - f0i ii�wn-Ubacco-' th-At'in- 1920'the
0-h; _-G One neighbi
e not 1103--, 2 know-1.0ge,of the"faet
ad breo& or -took "'a few e ill 093
of Xg P
m b
-est ot:other. ounte4, to ywexg naffin
7 im iro Uawn.-OfJobag- su*mi .-b-ak-the iawoA,
Ifttionsi- The I ta $:
t4s.-a-semi�r giou ndoubtedly-.�. large- 40n. Me., d Il..and
)v I�C. 853 -and e prA the manhood s 01, h
en tfiik�6- Th of.. <Xla;aa� dte -Iuqr . r, Now , e is n
that, corn Time-�-Bitween ci
tebord- &6ftetfon as the �-f& �Se per
we c. Samaria
i6f "high ihe localftY in PIace-I)AMascu80 sypriliklO the leper who -9, or A six 'bunds ilig.them at twenty
dim to . . . . . . . countries, indulget -in" the use of.what lion pond crates and'sell.
yare bre& p6d Lev. 14: 7�. - up I
times, nt wee&.". capita., -,Of the What I
riefore jord�, Book Of was apiqce.
seven -tenied, "the 2i,698,500
avvoed; 'the Tl� , (1) bg- gi ien. fiv� dents.'
In a botano which' IT la 111 Links-, 'an.mik-wx0th; ie, tride' ois I a r Pall xpects- to- Nit. what #34 - aa I y Ili Ae
-be-�s-� n4 n
trilhgeW011 CrOPS -cau se.. th t that- Elio, and 26"40Q,o e i1al for.
t ---5t- jT,: isard$k.neceisatY'1o, s�ay t] ow lie e
are-, vrobldni� -in � T to 'll(lill1iODs 00 lbs. In
e.', �VROSR fbe, -o the his.; dollfiTz aiinua4, y ce. b xes and
64" r I - 't, SU as: a. g� cou and that'r the crates.
Withint fhti6 in aico'divi-
#cjink through an inter of
d desirable Of tth� operations of the Tob importalit litereas fido -it 0 i'Autos ciear. bd, painted,
q a.
,ave. along. t
nes. "'A Kilig"g, PistrP*
erenesi 'the as ju$j i�gen pl�61i§hgdj includim
ory li,g td, Wi -Y
ge&d rt-�-of
owl which hq e 'u*to
aItio ir�
ViorWRF ]Tow ns, Jn-W
ie 6A
fob6 agical for; __V name anbas. e. n eI gkb r has -up. He'
dng. ize __ � .� . I I- I ce,, a
! era
s.9, lig erci experim e.hos no to that t
Caothin. of ih -;V 12. -The A 'top. g an
It flit; _P& M
t 00,5e: 1 etc, Affeaxe� -417n-osi planto iiieithods inethods of curing the'c
Ing '�d to "is cujtj,�at�oli, 6r. the, toPadcb, ple
Aglk sgnd�6 blit in tht older s6wn,', country ce , s we a tap ntut. it. was I ne I t !alld-4in
�_nd 4n
Fdf-lhe- Daii�aScIfAT ch
are or . ion 0 sense:bf `hgR4 -0 S_. a nd, S. --A of
i1jA4. L pest
ere No, A 4i -e L - M�. I'Mm-as-cus is watered by t* di,*age --godde 4al. n
'hes, �s inetud eetil niilitar�V . 'd 8, leained how'to make I
termificilogY dit-itiegfi eip
e4e� c6mm0W7- -Zall' " OV14nim the region,o t j v AW osp I I-
sipt,the Syria "This �was the- kingdom IAba"v aid-to�the-,.i
trittlieven'branz oDepartme mprLo
are..kind from 46mdilig tAk era t1 0; omini �o ,
;aeed top$
of Arameaus, ase. ftpitalL. 'City' was qrigm sPutting,his sna tile
wh out of which flo*� through xperl- df:ex still 'eies'and, the tj
er,� elew brh. tua.�Wtitj and - ture; *as ttanifer-red t6 the'E tal., ",40 e
ropW, ion are al'so d -that ol) n
yunriing, nearly cal 9 YAP
bil W111 Th,& Arameano werp i0te And; the. pherpr, i -Siiice tini i' of, ew (-, es.. In this connection king *cus
C, erloticY. foodpr*duc bana Doll men
The wi! :.riversi' -.tjkfEF,.-hhsJbee!t pe� plan' smiles -to the hion tops, 1br which he.
and, Dama*eais� in
cre -d-rei
jil, ur: was: an c eitilnk
PATle les 15 11
4r .",
rtain -tradem.. (L�L em);:fuF fin
4,41por, I ,
arm --qup-nti. iacI6 each year �o aPP I 'O,ne other neighbqr'is clerking in, A
j4jjgttL of ..e meg:decl-L�ypes or trdde; Llke� t6iy'. f oinee, -they-, ftnw'. the in revolutin,in Ilie Arade,',vast
up J1 . . late
--a're Vokini�j --s&ti�=between o -up awe -haT 6f hsti
e y"rs spci
B tur 'onsum a . ij on a
gd ed- of, im, I al� tte �I' s It a
Affsyria; -butchering -',bogs.
It art -mrketst
As yet Neama 99mi to'X�6,dev6hypment ofe).p
Still., the lines 0 CTO 61 b*s t&Ew, t'alA contrast to- iahA and eeves
116ight I, be16 id
ot i More 'ft Pi!Te kin s"rkling it,
str 'These lire stiviino'bove been him gnto Syria. whter�` of -Jordun. thatlwds. PrdVid;Usly iiMpolked. which 'they rotitil 10 tb4if,'nblighbdrs.
�l�VC r s �4;vicd owed;* his ne na-rL s - enwouragin
b, that,
V" L Kja5nin� 'sb law -a
ooI�e -city- �cus6mers
est'of-the had not a&hOW16dged 0 charae fj ehovah;I the d bf� subordindte�
town for am
StT 9 they keep surkplied wil
pjr� -time Wit. n
t6 sec-
ihe MkIq 5: urb osv& af� the prophet. er in
-of !the whoe
Rlie-r Uri- Kings Tegar
"In - the' �present T1. s pur- e4ch'
straie witliill'.. Their
alfis' Akli avi Israelite.%,' But the. 'of in
e been tories camQ frov �,h frsh,nleat.
the, h
the 4ta inals itn t, T
4A Iil 46.9 fory -Z 14 Then wen e. . e
of. Gc?d; for the ufilling Of � Ilk rrang J�o
e�ar. of A migh "jaWin..Valor ti64 the
fjOmL -h Gd s
6t4flo,opon breeder is, to' pioblg� of �orn wipTovement courije. An-; rds' deeawors,,. and kee�P,a- �uppf , fish Lon; ban
bdire,706 0. Orf unusual strengtVtildi rg to, j�iy that alithoug t :are 11 inaicuvt4oa y of: frol ell
wk Ways intt, Ii- -.The niain'., i4dea thila- Onvenien
grown bbe, treedlng..s6zrdpoint�, ' �'must, of vmdaro" depended comitrgands were n6t: h`1 o.klyi.g -and other' fa�ixi'ers'd-o�dad.,pe4�'dl&-tliem"
den I hold
-:an .,go, ced t -tile �hw 06 otl�. to od-stu 9, c
6, o, not nft;e.%1;Ityra igth Of— JhgL gible-tomaiV, i etd-, bout-oi-k-eep up -Advertisin
ng.* c, ber -N;;j t e u Inp
-eitrto-row eftlee, al wi us e -fk-
S.. AK so OAP_� boards -above. jeh
Rotmahiyf�&rmerh eej) lee or s
OT fi� Ae e:r* e6 %Ajj 'k
o ie�i _* � ?FeCO 'I mos
�: _0 mmendingi-- ith. -Th,.--,,Ge
A ree it reeding metho&_. the' nlletlWd- i)f h69d-;Df-the"-army. es�Vbedlen�e amd �Iuidls 4 fle-chil The flesh dy. Te* for spices, e and per ap
stu. is eon emene
e -h-el Duy I ULU.
-at-p-M-0 ea Mt ha.V e rj
'n ap
�61! -th0_,wrnstaUs and, eake& Neu eis� in oor�-the; e
- - eason 1. . '. 111. - I -_
-of f0red strains� shall pro`�o practic- .,-V- -2;.:Alhough "o cla 3
. L -S- " for-noi using Ito 'with Tollael t e yXians- madt -der,.,and the
-ion of We rorh e
th. j9howu that pr4idlia see no Israelite teri.: lwsh came - Q YOUR, hoight�
wanf idea 'that--thi dumb-4aiter wil,l be ehIC6,1i vs Aw U
9ditions 0' n y It nLS a CUKe. er ir�
U Ion auding. ex e
t p --rj--r-e To—ry. The object of these xvids 'Was was. e able tor,.,stan& anth V&
aelites, back oi you'll Put; jerishable food -in-R,, each -7 xes d 'to,
�he prolem,,ao not .. troffy - -b
-attention at -tb�- preognt 6b. the 9.r --th ace sPply.',
'to eir--draps was
., .. - - - : �'Witbut Den wli6 oj
t. to dr6p t�e, dumb iter ifito ibe cool for his neikfilbors n pr ice
opinioll it cvuld welleceive, 4 Achieved." and. to tAkg cap Ives. be uncle ia -little -wa
:'"1 may say that we fre urg,-, . 1. 1 - . . . . .1
eat moreratt�ntjo� ov- 3 Captives tAiken in. warL fire!w- Application, your e tension is! cel -lar' and let iiverythift stay doin pJutting up their o -'V requireni<s,�,
st,wbat the right din:
gri rs, thle'w!Aom t eir ' rel�igion -but' show ilill You'L "
rn' gzow-_ quently ` introduced 1. -�Kaaman- a mighty gen 11 It have a woo in'
-o& tie' 0 UIP ., oi III * eral� tbort unti. the njaxt niea14ime. .1 buizi g outfit
on �ur farme 'stiazi cially as iho a ity attaches go, -tieu-ja .11 -he Chri piti .7 'a ar rown seed 3s far 118 P08' simong their captors, . T a leper. oad , wwfl. for oth IT,
'j of Ontar L -9 .6 Araift-b -and wish to
[Ag. a At ve endofthe shik-a
jroqched4 r, seed -Y f the,table is 6, 1094 up. sign
m introduc6d. Chris-� ult the de- 'In the midoffile by darefuly saving. thel Ramazii in this Wa -. to: him fatthis afflictibri. B I've iihowit ii th6 left`,#hivh would be'a good-1dea to put a
�nlg. tiinitk among tke norther, ena
S'.kj . 1p or t thit effeet., An �er.Uselljent in
Nill. natura) hy, �j�ve 'plae Ath-hbt�*Patet; behin et
narbapiani feets- of' heaTt aid chart�dter whiA is g
Dent' <am I, artifWally dr
'to FliAt corl� -as Ole co Ah eentu uIpped, man, 0
in the third and fou riew A.11 Wo da tlierw1Z. well. eq a.o t goo we mu
wis C. -he ear -to- t "As k' d of �Jeprosy is vnthingbuk or to 1nd work will
the ha she 'Ives Th in I
at accomp i4h station irriod -on y t
Variety ;�ik dlui'f 11, something
(1� r6w metbord..of bre kindness to her masteri relitch and'is curitble. edinz. Dddss6ling 'willing to do *.a
to to, two important., e_-�
olffer in yieldi-and '0ztdai alternate rb-wa, forcing 'cropses. I-1-pon Elsba`,4 wnderOWOrUing The highest in the land re -quire
-(2) that
letasseled iq�vs; then. selecting the' mlig the the samptleaning As the lowest.' Thir
v,%s well nown ai caladit is the firs ourlitry, in, the.!
itonliti. (2) Thereiseed. of a Text th I i C,
rawtbat sho�*edA;eflnite Improvement. =tes'-and that. 110 wag I , ar 11game,4LVanfSin1g,!I,beeause it is'af the,
world, to, eatroblish -legal- stanclar4st- for
bas- been �Ple. 'Be would. recover, es 'dire�teA to
N�arjwq' -Out latest work in, -breeding. among theec! heart. -NaGmAlk We$ U.gulml -111
Foch- and
Lepros; wim raglalrdw an In- Syri= atmy-L
Men like
"WWII breed cold resistance into etc. _y The Hebrew . maid
D -the diff6rent dorn..,g . table disease. Haig were generals in,the Allied, arm -13rain. Work. in tlie whiter'time t A.
ay cu z
W099 'Of tfiis prqvi 'me. Gold�efi. Glow therefore. lighting ltbii- lamli: of ks and, btp are nummv fine co-implenlent to� niuscle �ork7d.-_Ur�
101 no by.- Ing carry, our. larger corns -in'the noitberrl. "Wh 98 of,adespairirig man. thdIr'' were helpless
NOW. attean, be do I I Ourgtate,. The Iqld, r�sist_ant'j. ope in e 6W rQiziii liot N�eather.
_O, �zites that Of the DiVIne.
gerMilates at a lower e-filper-1 so mueb,Vorn.' t -wife who infoirldl to .74beveUlosis �anliot live 6-unithine.
'Of * it wns Ns.'Aian .3.. The simPle ulide)(10 n
-suggestiolf. Naamon arf e
iffustredive- materia, as. is' ature than. rn him. of the child's propheL NaamAn WO t d', I;Ieward -next st6ble 'a
In ),our wao not,
g war cool,weatber *hqu 'was � too Useitl a servant . for the him bandsoinelyi,,bUt :91i
I the, Show, now being h 6111 grow dUTin
$01ma I] , I. rn re�main Syrian king to 1080 if there was tiny, a fratficker.i sacked' thinIgs. And. cili to enteY. Veel7,
"Abre you meideais eaabligbeil, by most other Va ties. of c
chap4o f his rpeovery. The king, evi-� -be' did not WeAt, the ftrian
'etu 13onlialit;".
e ..repo _01 T110, t_tljnk-t dently- 1 ft
urging -hiia 44&rbl' c
oP yea1% �g# n. 8� I ma,idis suggeation. for in �bis letter--hel.. .',I'd bought. -and like
to in" &*Tind- the d
e" certainly loix y breMing -any particil.i&T work ade no ment ion 00fatur
ho J)e. c bteeding corn ion 'of the pmphet, v. tj ble, In "y Ve
t -if
141, is pere
The Chri is iiiiially-U&- move� to
ticulafy inereit6d i med torn -antl Ide! toward. Tiv,61tient- Thu ability -Of
vlont St4ijoll %An�r years go l*gan of -Israel would. ii1dicAte rnakingiiioreorle-,i,a.s,Pecialtyofii. was at the t4me in a state of mers. thig" a wil
to -select;for',highbi protein and 'higher For ljj" tbe'idil set-44Wilt thrie Mopt housewives.holathe nilop I ii the to compare,things-pregent with ilms*
these, we ding 66d 1, to q wimb.,06)
are recommer born.,, How sliall- we rega. d
yria. jj;n , that: tbe� attitule 1,�e floor. This tight &and', and take the dihog, out of the pitat, is , imostvaluable. asst
9. kn
Iect5on tears, from standifig stock 1 and. oneA411 Efe�tr
ilonti 01 UIA,
Protein content of rat.ees f oryi was is 11" ma. a good with the left. in the farMing bu him.
before the eTo-P', is thoroughly - 1AA-'rank wA9 escorted by an t, t pre.ailed toward, the natives, of kiv4s you 0
from 10 to 17 per t6 Oq. 66ves twenty - , ilig on outdofth.. - I bbVemft 0tteMpt,6dtd givb any
Sta� tured,. An.& thor,,ugh dr)ping�land good cavaicade. India, who came- ices in In4is view 'of whaVe. go 19 an *On menAltars, ear those depoiiiveTy1grge gelnory'is, a,val - uabIq feculty and,
mgine AgrimItural Experiment ing's Cun t.1 i years ago ad consequer the oink
the, care (.-If this Pfier it is pickec eK Nrcctly under
tjon lo 1007 underkbIc-to 1 1. '111 Th 1 that were alarming. -On th gh kto,61` th t ly on the width and thenigth of the should be, I�ulflvted, hu t the j'se�
nipikated Methods of corn V. 19. A Cab,, the The more do, it we evi isept ber6, kitcheii, and on thc individual prefer. WJII aid it -by k&'Ping deNli&
cf' Oweet angelize the Chbitse Who SPRr
a,, tlWre ig, a..fille: (4111ce,
$o.e vs. 20-27. W"11, in tile can be iaisgd- -or lowerecl 1
4Mr I callad eficfj of thg Ordin&ylly,
nj thst qtdt6 wore. staising for 0;Art, stand,
re either too dan. It is not tlj,z�, our. Christian effrts 4 is a goo-ddepth for tht, table,
em sweet corn regarded -
g in, the Jordalt as I "Go, that you, can 0
tbtir 30 canising,factbA �4hj aa. itg&. T your wor*k, just as I do at my WO-1*1t, two- f"
mouq omplicated ear general fal.,111 Use., (it Wa 1 Id be �ffect; rkh ftuiU iU 01113
lios,m4ad the state of Name ig c The tuft won a Tyin. -out of gas V,ou
i thern. E nro that slide -out from ulthOugb eighteen illcble'9 *ill anft'Ot )f your ,e
-4 the curo � P6, w1h%8re I A eauple of boards
AIA the StAti6 WSq appeal.ed to to, the htages, to'be are too jorddn people from 90v T�herg - taltt in
adv a , S �y very well, and.will a fairly Wouldn't -tit ill o the tire8,
&I whet% Naam an ont to the' � njV
VVOU14: ri"n hor,toot probleitatieal to jusOfy. -Maired a man living On, Our'P*r tuble-tO PUMP More t
in f-aft1r, Jewi8*,, Wo ave invite4 o-r,07thijg-oj tjjjt laigo sluk TheIdumb-walter will rc You xall't Iake ond do for the us in retol lionding them for 115101on4,thifig to do, for
YrAb upgett yieWO 61 b( -A 'lualit heloxif 1� M.Sy to %�i; and dim, 't of, .4011 Ypt..sonie dairym%eu- tjy ta teedt thojt:
tbent t6toui and we must orj One a th&e to the tight, quiro a shaf ome Certain,
1iiz.(1. Y
t ii el dij,' ii, -h J
tet4il., 'Two tyvgi"a oar1j"both Of oral u�%e igt the ptesn me,, - ordab
Mills , , 'theln the, best, 'wo. hAve--a 126 Out. wilbave to wofk out COW% �111 pootein r you will isee. front the above hat -be the 9,110 trt'm - bieell pear04 to be olwtot Ide rietianity'.. We Must some, 0
Wkih V aJtL or ob UrAornesth Do table, at elt-hev, sidt- to Suit f -cods aad go witout the -Otjojr.�
Ang corn haa thb ap- iftoi f purific4it,i)II., Ihi'curO,
the, idea,of brele the H#. not :exploit t1leffi.
I W.&d the speci4list5 of all uring it: NAghing -among
W.ftj of Aft�yeat-�t *40 foil
K " % � N. - 1W -1 19