HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1922-02-02, Page 8• • • a cI'tlrleY ' Ltltiltrl W !}�lilil'1iiislu, `i'•liVicisioAtt; niio, ji.r 4 • 0 IN OUR STAPLE DEPARTMENT :..This Department is one in.w . , .which e take a 's ectal •• -interest and keep wellstocked with a. godrange of the 1 est, value in the ,trade. .•:Thisi sthe Oest time to .m ak purchases, s a_ s toSpring get your. sewing done before • the rash of the 5 ring Season.• " P See our values in Shirtings • ,' Flannelettes -• ! C•" Denims Cottons Towellings, &c. Fine Quality Corsets Cottonacles Sheetings In' buying. Co sets, every woman desires th0se that t. give durait tYy , comfort and ease to the • wearer er as .welt •'as'.giving, a trimness, and neatness to the' figures. We -can' thoroughly'recommend the I eipo, Coilene and the better grades of Crom• -ton's as having these' desired. ualities. •• Our stock.of Corsets is 'very, complete in'.. these ,lines,.with a• full range of sizesand prices rang in •frOm $1.50 to $6.00 I_Showing . this De e,rtment We ar ea - nice range of Brassieres of ; ne unlit y at 75c., .1:•50 and $1.75;,, and _good values, in Children s Waists at 85c, and $1:012. • MERLIN, lecl AND. ',WOOD BUSYNESS LIVELY There has been',a good -deal of ,ae- tivity, in saw -logging and wood -cutt- ing this winter, farmersshaving .'turn- ed theiea'ttention that way' to get the cash which was not forthcoming from grain -rar'cattle, The season has been ;very favorable ,too, and it • is surprising tand wood' that g all the he o g has been• gathered up. The Luelenew Table Co. has withdrawn. its. adver • tisemen•t °for logs,,. the• yard at the millhaving b,come filled. up. The price -for wood•• we undo stand ..hss+d , x , hag been from $20 to $30 ,.per items - , and feet. Other mills. also,i•have. re- ceived .a fain supply of logs. This means thedistribution of a consider- able amount . of cash, throughout the. country, and lucky 'is tite farmer who had a piece.of good. bush on his ••farm; 0 o -o--- . ;BOY SCOUTS AT 'EXETER, A most successful , .banquet' was held in, Caven Presbyterian Church, Exeter on Jan. 20th, The .usual boasts were proposed and responded to, As- sissant Commissioner Frank Irwin, of Toronto, replying Ito the toast, "Our. Guests," In the course of his remarks he gave graphic description of a trip around the world and of Boy. Scouts he had seen in many lands, The chief feature of the evening was the pres- entation of the cross to Scout Bob Gambrilllife-saving,He rescued Scout 'Cli.for fford Lamport_ from :drow brig at the :dans fast . summer, Other scout badges and rewards were pre •seated to those en 'tied to them, Var,' ious instrumental • umbers and recit- ations. were p ed -•by the boys themselves: . Q ' --o 6,o— 'ONE-SIDED AFFAIR Ser vk��e- Y Y l - _i �t 'nur-r fpiioneNo; We Sell far Cash -We'. Sett Cheaper Than -Th Credit Seaat Dr. Hess' _ Stock ' Will . make thrifty. stock more thrifty..� ' Will: change , 'a run-down animalthat is -losing money, into a` thrifty, healthy animal.. Will increase the flow of 'milk- and increase the •quality. . Will enable you to put your hogs on'the market froi tb><ee.to four. -=weeks _sooner, _..• Will cure crippled hogs and keep hogs from crap, phng. 1b. it 3:80 1`U -ib. Package; .$1.35: Pa , • 4 1-2 .Lb., Package, :75c. • • Dr• }[est Panacea s .. ioand r ve • . -Will; increase egg. production n - __� _� nt disease:' ' amongst • your. poultry. 5 Lb. Package'85c 1 1-2 Lb. Package;35.c. -rets--'Louse--Killer Y -: SCHOOL SWEETHEARTS WED IN OLD AGE, • A quite unusual dna sonirwha romantic-hiatriinoniai-affair--•oceurred- over et Blythe' a couple, of weeks ago when Mr :.R; s W. ' Cole, of ,' Orange Cdunty;-.California, 82 years of age,- iitarrie'd 'Mrs; Mogridge' who is 75.E The`,young—old couple left', for Cali fornia a week after. their' marriage; While waiting.for their train at Loa• don, a Free Press reporter discovered them .and learning their . story' gave` it to the world;. It appears that while the were.•youung a • lo've affair had develo ed between -the rtwo;but Mr; Gole was; not then in a -financial posy-,- ten to assume.lhe responsibilities qi Antaa r ied.rlifei .and he ,set :eut::for •Cali-: fornia to make his fortune intending to return and, marry, Perhaps the --making of-a-fortui a took -Ton longer than - he 'expected, and time and distance caused CupidTto•lose his hold, A.t any -nate- the present Mrs: Cole --became;= Mrs.. Mogridge, and Mr: Bole fount:. ,a bride in . the -.Sunny , .Sotath.He 1)e cane a wealthy'fruit-grower, but -by • Disiit11it;+r; �,. in. • tl!Y �:�� YJ�i� �l�tul a ii•. Is• guaranteed'to clean the lice 'off cattle, horses, ho s_and. ultry ;'...... • , Louse Killer, 'a .dry .powder, 75 and 35c. per: tir.. Dip and Disinfectant liquid, 90c. -per lin FARMERS. ---Dr. Hess products • are gx ua anteed to give the results': as epre- sented if fed and used according to dir- ections fit �i11 P., a you to, act at once• - Y. and keel' . your stock -and poultry in a healthy condition. .....a..�..&Co e 11 k�ew� .rdw� . a The . THE STORE THAT ' NEVER DISAPPOINTS 1 CAUGHT NAPPING The Fergus News • Record had the following; The inspector paid ragas an off1- tial visit on Friday, and as usual on such • occasions, caught chief several nise the brigade napping.,' fortunately out of 'town, the alarm was' frozen ,'uli, hydrant .wrenches could not be found, while some of the members never heard the alarm at alt, On the other hand, iaveral made ..1t: 60010414Pnnall - A • miaow livid the situation' somewhat, When th- ings got going, we believe the tot was satisfactory The property-11o3r1- ers have long been lookii'g for a}. ra- •duction ih rates, none having bean made eince our, waterworks 'systciat was installed and upon which thous- ands, of dollars. have been expended The report to the. Council at a later date should give full ,particulars, • A man thinkshe knows but a ?o kNaww, -h e40A-- sawifs-by-death�1I•rs .r;. ia r )a}e, in APR& of his 82 years decides ;to lealize•his• dream5of 60 years egg and make ;her his wife. She was .will ing and they, were married: ",Wasn't 'it n•onderful"of, him to ••come%.•back tc, Pie after all'• those ,y•ears?" she sok to' the Free J'ress Reporter; and 'slit added,"I ani just 'as -happy I.. be." And :the: repot thought- Mr; dole. teemed _,just as happy as his, bride. $aid he;. "I. always.intended •tc.; come back if spared, and I am thank- ful that I llave been spared' !_think,. fir'''e --•are - going to ba very ;happy' Let us hope that' Father. Time wil: deal' kindly with them.. • , o.o-oma • .b`.1 `IlItU-Agy ROD AND..GUN.: R,eaderraf-etitdoor fiction 5wilT e' x airline with interest :the February Rod and Gun In Canada, This issut of the miller spotting monthly'con- tains ..stories, by such well , known- authors as Harry M, "Moore, Rey - mend Thoinpeon, •George, L; Catton, ' George Gilbert and the regular con- tributors, Bonnycastle Dale, A. Bry ., an Williams.' The various • depart- ments ,are up to their usual high :"standard and there is a special de- . pertinent for every • 'sporting roan whether his •hobby runs'to guns, fish ing, trapping or any of the other fas- cinating attractions of the great out- , ,door life, The February lout 1i now url gale;. at tlitbeok *0 The' Herald and Times of Walkerton says; :The fact • was brought to the attention of the Bruce County Coun- cil here on: Tuesday•night, that while fineslevied on violators tof the Ont7. ario Temperance • Act all go to the Government ; when the charges • are laid ..by : the Lincense Inspectors or other. Provincial officers,: yet • where the delinquent -. refuses; to cash up and' goes to jail ;that the' County has to feed • and maintain him during' his incarceration. In other words the Gov- insor 'the .'the fines t ernment collects country -feeds:the prisoners iii all such convictions, thus evidencing the. most lobsided, bit 'cif financing on the county-'s--part-that-one-could imagine. -•-If-Bruce-ha$-to •--€eed--these-jail-liir'ls then this country should- get the fines where the: offenders' prefer' to cash. Govern-_' �..: � '. a...the:... hams �ce.�. up t ei- hent insists on collecting the fines •tiieri'it sliou%I aTS� p�y*�f`or"�t�e"up=' keep • of the 'delinquents • when __-they,. ° iecide ^to saniple the prison fate cath- >ar_than finance the impositions -df the, court; A -,communication to this. effect 'will be sent to the Government this -week; • —o.0 o .THE LOSING FIGHT. ,OF THE SMALL TOWN: (The ' Toronto Daily Star)` _• • Tiepopulation of the sniail`to-wns-of • - Ohta'rics continues " In a list of --sixty-:-. :tyro such tenures,_,issued recently bye the census bureau,' thirty-seven ed a decrease since:1911. 4n such fine �,, l- :. coonties-_ as_ Hu �xu+:e_ �anct_ We _ o lington many'ef•the'sinaller places, are either ':steadily ^going behind or` barely holding t -heir- own; These. typi- cal cases indicate what is going on: HURON • • • 1901' '1911 1921 Gl-ints•-,-_-.• _- yr54-%---2',254 Ooderich • 41158•x: 4,522.:: 4009, Seaforth ; , . 2;245': 1,983-1;829 Windham ... a :, 2,392' 2,238, 2,085 BRUCE - Cltesley '[Kincardine 5otithampton• Wiarto>t 1901 ,• 1911 1921 ,` 5,7"4 '1,734 1,708 , 2,077 '1,956- 2,074 1,636 1,685 1,536 ' ' " • 2,443 2,266. 1,701 WELLINGTON 191 '.1811 1921 Harriston :.. 1,637' 1;491 1-,253: Xt. Forest , .... 2,019 1,889 1,713 Palmerston. yr 1,665 .1,521 The •large, -centres -grow - -rapidly; The . drift •contin';i s," 'to be towards these centres. Y:„p` any of ,.e famil- ies which move '• oulad be” happier, and in,• the main 'better, off, were they, co , remain in the small. towns which they seem to be so anx- ious :.o .tease hchaid. _ City wages,must be weighed with 2ity expenses. City advantages must be weighed with city .disadvantages, The artificial.. life offer"ed.bby the large ^entres of •.population is a lure to many, But the spacious lawns; the nut-of;door life, the '.neighborliness,, the simple pleasures, and the coin munity interests of the small; town are. worth . something after all. De- yopulation of these, centres is not a oleasing phase of the decennial cen- 8us, Still, the man who tells- Suit that: 1. iiab no desire to be rich may be. 004041 noul14 i#1' Qtbo •ire*peeta. NOTICE TO' 1CRED1TORS, In • the matter of the estate of Ed- ward Albert Renwick late of the Village of Lucknow, is the Coun- ty of Bruce, Ford Dealer, De- • ceased: Notice. is. hereby given that. all per- sons having any claims or • demands against the late Edward Albert Ren- wick. who'died on or about seven- ththe • da of December IJ 19 1 YA.2 at the Village of Lucknow in the County of Bruce, are 'required to sendby post prepaid or to deliver' tothe under - 'signed,. Agent for •Stella Rose Ren- wick, •Administratrix of •the 'estate- alid. effects of the said Edward Al- bert Renwick, w their 'names :and ad-, dresses and full particulars whiting of their claims and -statements of their accounts• and the nature'.of the - securities, if any. by •them, duly verified 'by affidavit. .;• . ' And Take Notice that after the Ninth day of February A. D. I.022- the 922the said. Stella Rose-Renwick,will pro- ceed to distribute the. assets of the ad Beeas s._i d .......ed among the persons en: titled thereto, having regard only oto the claims of. which she shall • then have had notice, and •that'•the ,said Stella Rose Renwick will not be liable for te said assets or anypart•"there- of to any person of whose claim' she shall •not •then have received notice.. This Notice is given pursuant to the statute in that behalf. • Dated at Lucknow this 12th. day of January A. ,,I). 1922. Joseph Agnew Lucknow, n„'• Agent for the said:' Administratrix; . ---.o o o— . , OLD LADY ENJOYED HER PIPE While •waiting' between trains at, Palmerston the - other 'clay we•., were• surprised o s e earespectable-look.,I t .. ing, -old lady walk into the waiting room, with `a big "bulb dog" pipe in her mouth, and a cloud' of'.tobacco smoke floating in• her wake as. she. headed for the sitting room, This ,un- usual' spectacle quite took away .the breath of the. waiting- room crowd but one curious spectator strolled ov- er and began , to question 'the : old lady. She was ninety years old;she said, and lived in a nearby' ' village, k facetioos_ry.-atander •beganto'draw_ the moral' • that if women want to reach a ripe old 'age. they should be- gin early and smoke strong tobacco, But he was a bit too quick in his • con- clusion. The oldlady.. went '' on to say that while • it was quite coinmon when she was a girl for pion 'er • wo- -men in the bush to smoke she had net learned the :habit until late in. life. She had been advised to use the weed -for some kind . of stomach trouble. She tried the pipe, found it. helped 'her ailment and still kept up her daily, drag. She said frankly that she knew•it leokedqueer,to see a wo- pian smoke,, ' but then' s'he had got past • the worrying age for ' g ,ving' about 'anpearaaces even "if she did give people -a jolt,=Walkerton Telescope. p • . • ,LUCInNOW SCF,O,OL ,Aseo•n9 I.: .. S1'; A•UGUSTINE • Cotinuat o n i._n Classes Foran 'I -B Lane, 61 ;''G'`Blake, 64; L. •Thor.pson, 61; S,+14dcKetlzie, 61; J. Lane,. 59; , i . , Ketchaba y,, 09;, A. McDonald; 57, 141.: •:Douglas, . 54; E.aton, 50; W. 11lurdech, 49; L; •Mo=• 1;illiviey,'49; I. Chesnut; .48; L; Mur - d -ch, 44; R.'Alton, 43;' B. Chesnut, 39, Forth II• -E. 'Switzer, 75; E; Quoid, 74; p. Anderson, 72; M,, Mit- chell; 71; R. McDonald,' 66 J. Dur. nin, 65; C'. MacDougall, 61; O. Rirbb, 61; T, Alton, 57; A, 'Colwell, 57; C. P. R 5 •+rrison, .v7. S. Grant, 56; ,J,, H'a's -o sa11, 55; F., 'McIver, 55;' 1; Johnston, V..; M. McInnes,,, Sn;:E, Reid, 53•; M. Mi Donald,. 51• • J. McIntyre, 51 F. Sliackleten; 49; C. Hamilton•, 47; E. R;vers, 34. -• • Form III --1. Lockhart, 761 I. Rath - well, .60; ' 1. Johnston, 64; B,. Grant, 64; C. Webby 63;"H Thompson; 62; CT. Douglas, 61; G, Hodgins; 61;' V, M Qui lin,• 61; H. McDougall, 60; • J. Long, 61; D. McRae, 59; K. l•Iill, 59; A. Murdie, 59; P. Agar, 59; F. An drew, 58;• S. Burns, 57; M. MacC'al- lum, 57; M, Woods, 57; W. 'Alton, 55; F. MacDiarmid, 54; R. Andrew , 53;' W; Thompson,. 53; J. Gellert, 52; M, McLean, 52; M. Webster, 51; D; Mit shell,: 49; R. Thompson, 46; K. Mc- Lennan, 39; M. Ross, 36. -E. W. Ranson( Teacher:' ..BABY 'CHICKS. /Hs -cheaper and- rore_satisfactory. to_buy-ready-hatch ed chicks. We guarantee safe .delivery of vigorous, pure bred. husky chick- ens of .all,breeds. Write for free book- eet-andl ' ,prunes,-T.he_,,Canadian =Ch -ick • • Hatchery, LtdD'ep.° C. •1V., Hamilton, C1nterio. • Tuesday, Januap� 31 ts - liir. billaon, of Mildmay; 'Wes • in our burg last weik. ' ' ` ;• ha,t delightfp'l Winter weatti eet ; But Bear -day 'has to come yet. ' We are,. glad . to see Mr: George , Brophy on the way to recovery after his ,ilness. - A staccessfni social.filming ', gven g was: 'kheld in; the Parish Hall on Friday of last week, . ' Mr. Thomas McCourt, of Montana, is visiting .his sisters, Mrs, W Bro- phy and Mrs. T. Cumniin s . g. uite n n, e young fol a utbrofoury� b attended the ball. at Dungannon, and,-'`' of,'course, there was a very good' time,: A little girl came tq stay at the •home 'of Mr. and_'Mrs, Hugh- Ding :last week; We extend congratul- ticns. Room •III ' Sr; ' 'Class—Excellent=Mary Doug- las, Rena MacDonald, .Jessie 'Stewart. Good—Gordon Fisher; • Robert Mac - Callum, Floronce lVlacInnes, Kenneth Thoi::pson, Pearl ,Nixon, Geprge-Mac-• Innes, Cel': in' -lilitzstein. Fair --Har-• -;ey Webster, Dein McIn es', Blanche Pinner, Lenora Webster, Cecil Web- ster,• WilheI line Agar, Dave Milne, ,Myrtle Palmer,. James Baaket;;,Tracy Webster .(absent during 'December), Percy Webster, (a"bsent' «during • Dec ember-); Sadie -Jewitt; Harvey -Naylor; Jr. Class—Earcellent'-Billy Hend- erson, Mari•cn Stewart,..Norman Wil- son,,•-Good—Robbie ,Purvis,: Living stun- iVIenary,; Alex.. Andrew,, Merger-, et :1VIcQuilliia, Winpifred Nixon; Eliz abeth MacDonald, • George Pinner, Wesley Barker. • • • :J. MaoCalluin, Teacher; GODERICH • BOY DIES . • `OF LOCKJAW''. • The -death occurred on Jan 25th, of John, 10 -year old win' of. Mie, Peter 'McFarlane, from tetanus. 'The• lad` while` playing around an old shed stepped . on a nail. •While thewound. was; treated nothing serious was ex- --o-opt,..-. BELFAST 11r. Gilbert Vint is under -the Doe-. tors' •care. We hope for a speedy re- - cwery, Miss Hazel. Raynardspent a few days recently with her sister Mrs. Walton Alton. . Mr. and Mrs. John Enamerson of l inloss speti't Thursday with . the latter's parents here, ' , • ' Mr. and Mrs, Bert Treleaven and. .daughter of Crewe spent one day last week in the burg. • ° _ Mr. and Mrs; -Adam Johnstone vis- ited with Mr. and, Mrs. Wan. ,Sher- • ' wood- during the past week,' The: Ashfield Ladies Aid intend. giving a hot supper in Hackett's Church Tuesday . evening Feb,14th. Further .particulars .later.' • Mr; and Mrs. Waite Altonopened their home.in aid of the Sunday School' Thursday evening when- they. entertained -about 100' guests. After. the young folk; enjoyed themselves ' ' at skatingthey returned to the house 'and a very jolly evening . was spent • with. games, programme -and refresh ments.' After which a, hearty vote of thanks was tendered -to Mr., and Mrs. Alton for . the' delightful . evening which was enjoyed by all. Collection '•aiiaounted to $12:00 --� o o o--- GO SLOW ON' THIS. .' . • .... It ,is 'said sand that a --Montreal house - is sendingout circulars on' how to make booze of -any kind. Put up in p711- form,. You _,dust rdrep one in__ A•lass of water and' get any kind of convulsions known to the . medical p cted.- Later, however,''• lockjaw set profession and many times one gets in �and in :spite .of' every"thing that a kick 'unknown to anyone.. Better • @Ouid be'�c one tfie'jad; e`c nt c`on`vu7=` bo�ttle�this ; receipt an'T'pit safety first. - • • 11 Vie-wait. to -clear - every o mot jn r :furs in tend. tu�a�r ` `tis:-tk o reason for the remarkable' Low 1 rices. Below we 'ist a, few:--- Back wdlf Sttoregutar. $40.00 for-$20�00-.: '� 1 ,Manchurian Wolf Set,`regular $62 for $31.25 1 Cross Fox Stole, regular $65 for $32.50. 1. Coon Set, for girls, 'regular 15.50 for $7.75. as :a bear Serte;rguittirlii 1 Beautiful Coon Sett ' regular $ 80 for . 40, � 1 Isabella Fox Stole, regular $13 for $6.5,0., .1 -Black ,, - wolf tole regular -Su). fo►;l` .._... 5 �$5 00 .1 Muskrat .Shoulder. Cape, regular 7.50 for $3.75 1 Black Wolf Stole, rega ar 18.50 for $9.25. A. 1 lifink Choker, regular $25 for $12.50. Many other odd pieces .to be sold at the same low rices. These' -fuss .are._.. rice'. so„,. _low tha • _ �P-o�- did not like the style, it would well pay you to have them e store.. 1 • made over. • L DIES. 1n T ° ;Ladiestoats� :left- • includlin 11W--l+ur-dine y � g dtoat, o clear at $15.00. .• • 66. w