HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1922-01-26, Page 8is
calf t, thaw ' SBNTINEL, THLt tS'»AY, JANI/AftY :2a :. 1922.
n a
r•n •���:.��n of n a�
Dui � an. a .
dffered • to'i�A�h o e:: r +�•
te• Goods
ea .:�t•
f .or a 7.5 „ learin. Lot. of 'Men's i and.
3 cul . left the .$7 0 Clearing
Youth's avercoatsnow to clear out at 5.00,
, •i 'o1y Men's all -wool ool Overcoat, extra bargain at.$7.95.795
Buffalo Clot Coat,splendid wearer, :'•Re Regular
• 'OS, now to clear- at $21,.50;
Mens Black, Melton Coats, heavy curl •lining, Marmot
Fur Collar, Regular 45.00, Special Price $24.50.
The balance of our finest heavyweight;- double textur' e,=
�o . ercoats re .$38 and �40 reduced to $27.
woolp. , , , g �
° •our : fine $23.50 and: $25.00 Overcoats
The balance of $ : $
now to clear at $:17.50.
1, Only extra aualit_ all -wool Mackin aw Coat, arge s+ze,
bargain. at . $9.85.
14- Only Leather Coat, heavy lining and ggod wool collar,
largeSpecial ,P
rice $9.85.
See our• Clearing Prices on balance
of Ladies' Coats
abrin last --da s--of-January.;: - -
4 Misses' Coats, regular up to $18, clearing price $6.95.
5 Children' goats - regular • up .to $10, • clearing at $4.95.
4 Little 'Boys'. Overcoats, up to -$I0, to ;char .at $4.50.
15 per cent. o all dines. of Men's Leather -Top Rubbers.
See Clearing 'Prices: on.Men. and Women's Sweaters.
URiDO:Cii &-. -
Phone `Na.• l0 is at Volar :Service
We Sell for Cash -We Seli .Cheaper Than The Credit/Stores
Dr. Hess' Stock ' Tonic
Will make thrifty stock more thrifty.
Will •,change .:a l
run -clow ,_atlimalTthat lrtsing
money, into a thrifty, healthy 'animal.
• Will increase the flow of milk and increase c
duality. • .
Will enable you to put your hogs- on the market
from three to four weeks sooner. •
Will cure: crippled hogs and keep hogs from crlp--
25-1b.'.Pail, $3.00:• 110-1b. Package, $1.35
4 1-2' Lb. Package, '75c.'
_Dr. less Panacea
• Will increase egg production and prevent. iii ase_`
amongst your poultry
5 Lb. Package 85c. • 1 •1 -2 -Lb. Package_ 55c,_� _ P
H :s .me4. Kill.
Dr:Hess.=) ip-and ' Disinfectant
Is guaranteed, to clean the lice off cattle, horses,
hogs and poultry.
Louse' Killer..a dry powder, 75 and 35c. per. tin.
_Dip and Disinfectant, liquid, 90c. per tin
FARMERS ----Dr. Hess products -are
guaranteed to give the resultsas repre-
sented if fed and used according to dir-
ections. - It will pay you to act at ,'once
-°l-ee - --your stock and ': poultry.- '
and p y p in a
healthy', condition. {
•. CITIZEN .- ,
Cou, ell met as per Statute on Jan-
uary 9. , ,Memhers 'having subscribed
to the ' It of ofl'ace, the, following
were , decl ed the duly constituted
Council f 1922; Frank' Johnston,
Reeve; • Jo n 'rlamiesonp Dep. Reeve;
Thos, .Sufvan,•John P.• Campbell and
John Farrish, Councillors
The 'minutes of December,' 15th.
were read aiid approved on motion of
Jamieson and Sullivan.
By -Law No, 1, to'borrow money to
pay interest - en the Bonds of the O.W.
S,E, railroad, was read a :first,- second'.
and third time: and finally passed, on'
motion. of. Sullivan and Campbell: ,
By -Law No, 2, to: borrow -money.
.when '•needed, Trot. - Molsons .Bank,
was read a •first, ' second : and third
time and finally. passed, on motion, by
Sullivan, and Campbell. •
Moved by Jamieson and Campbell
that . all , salaries remain the , same as
last year, -Carried.
Moved -by Jamieson and Farrish,
that ,the' Auditors. of 1921 be re-ap-
:.pointed. --Carried.
Moved -by Sullivan. -• and Parrish,
that :Clerk advertise for the other
officers • in the three local papers,,-
Carried, -
The -following. accounts were .order-
ed paid; on . motion of Jamieson and
Dr; A. A. J. Simpson, M,H2O,,$100.00•
R. C. Hayes,legal accouiat, . 40.38`
Election expenses . : 86.00
,John H, Webster, 'graveling
• R. 1 12,00'
Geo. Hunter, putting 'in tile,
'R 2 ..... 2.00
K. J. McKenzie, graveling R,
1, ... . .t.: , . , ....• • .3.00
Bain • McDonald, rep. culvert, 7
:.R. 9, Vit. .. 5;00
Joseph McAdam, graveling R.
7, •L.R', . ::. .,. ° 3,00
Mike Bowler, cleaning,ditch, •
R. 2 5.25 •
'Donation to Sick' Children's`
Hospital, ' Toronto, , ... ' 5.00.
:. John Hepner of the firm •.'of Ste;
ens i Hepner, brush manufacturer '•
Port •Elgin,• died in Welsley Hospital
T ironfo on Jan. 13, afters'brief
ness, Mr, , Hepner"was a native of
Waterloo County and was . 72 years
of age. -He came- . to Port Elgin as •a
young' Map and or' a time engaged
in carpenter work, He later . got' into
the brush: --andbroom •busines, and -
after a number ofsetbacks succeeded.
with bie partner, Mr. -:Stevens, in.est-
ablishing the present very prosper-
ous business, In 1919 he retired from
. -active-•participation- in -. -the--business,
and he with his wife spent the past
:two winters, in Florida. They Bad"
arranged to "spend. this .Winter in
Jamace, but he was advised by, his
physician to take treatment in 'a hos-
pital, and a month ago entered Wells-
ley. ire- was -twice aniarried-sand--is
survived :his.; widow and one daugh-
-t-er, Mrrs--VlcLean- of Toronto.----
On motion by Jamieson and Sulli-
van, Dr, A. A. •-J.•.Sinipson was. ap=
pointed M. H. O. for '1922, and, Wm.
B. Hawkins member''of the Board of
Health. •
Council: adjourned to . meet Feb. 6,
at .1 pm. , on motion of• Sullivan. and
Campbell;' , - ' -
C.= -E- McD.onagh,•-Cleric,
-o-o o --
Ili' the matter of the estate of Ed-
ward Albert Renwick, late of the
`Village• of 'Lucknow, in the Coun-
ty. of Bruce, Ford Dealer, De-
No ice is hereby.'given that 'all per-
-sons having any claims or demands -
against the • late Edward Albert Ren-
wick, who died on or about the seven-
th day of;: December . A. D. 1921, 'at
the Viliege•of Lucknow in the County
of Bruce, are required to send by post
prepaid or• to deliver to The under-
signed. Agent for , Stella Rose • Ren-
wick, Adrinis'tratrix of the estate
and effects of 'the said Edward. Al-
bert Renwick, •their • names and ads
dresses and full particulars in writing.
of their. claims and' - .statements ' of
their accounts and the nature of the
-securities; if any. held by them, .duly -
verified by affidavit.
And' Take Notice that after 'the
Ninth day of February* 'A, D. '1922.-
the said Stella RRse Renwick will pro-
c ed fto distribute" the asset's of the
said "deceased among the persons en-
titled thereto. having regard only to
the claims of which "elle- shall then
have had notice, and :that the said
Stella Rose Renwick will riot be liable
for to said assets er any part there-
ofto any person of whose claim she
;hurl' not -then have received notice.
This Notice is given pursuant to
the, statute in. that -behalf.
Dated at Lucknow this 12th. day
of January ^A. D. 1922.
Joseph Agnew. Lucknow,
Agent for the said Administratrix.
Mrs. Todd, of Orillia, has a revise
version of "Mary'.. Little Larch-" as'
follows:- .
Mary had a little lamb,. - . "
That day has passed away;
No lamb could follow at the pace
That .Mary sets to -day... -
.Now Mary. sits .at motor wheel, •
With- skirts tooshortby half;
No lambkin stays' her,;airy flight, .
_.But_yaut can -see her_ calf_ '
i taz is A ' I I CARDINE
(IVricardine 'Review) -
Police Magistrate McNab, sof Wa-
Ike:ton• tried his first case in Kinner,
di'; e, Tuesday. It' was laid by Inspect -
oars White and -Beckett .against the
Ontario Wine . Co., of Toronto. The
chatrge was soliciting .ordersand• dis= i
trihuting circulars for- the' sale of
wine, The wine was bought by :'three
local. dealers . and resold lay retail.
Junes l;Iaverso K.• C;, of ,Toronto,
appeared- for -:the defendant ,company'
and took the ground that the' sale by;
the =Company was; not through solici-
tation by the conmeny but .on order;
from the L al .deale•s. Judgment was
reserved. It is news said that the °local
dealers. will be charged'with - selling
contrary to the Ontario „Temperance
Act. Under the -law native••wines'ii r
be gold for. domestic ruse ' regardless'
of "the alcoholic content, .but wine
merchants are prohibited from ean-
vassing for orders, •
(Iarriston Review)'
A Minto farmer, whose . farm• ad-
• joins. the ` town,- went into a local
bank on Monday std borrow .a • small
sum of money., . to make up: the a-
mount to.: pay his. taxes. ' When he
was informed that he had money on
deposit in the bank he scoffed at the:
assertion of the manager, who then
turned up the bank books and showed
him a de;:"sit' of four hundred - and
some :odd • 'dollars .made five.. years
:ego, wl,c 'i t Io•c.h6r with the interest
for.that ti•" brr:•ceht the total. up to
nearly five 'hundred• dollars, A. pleas -
--When a, plu7m ,makes a-m-iitake,,
he charges, twice mor it.: .
When .a :lawyer "makes_ a mistake..,".;
it; is just.whit-he_wanted, because. :he
has a chance to try the. case all over.
When i;'carpenter makes a mistake,
it's just what • he expected: •
-When a -doctor- nials°es- a , mistake,,-
he •buriee it.
:When..a:. judge makes :a .mistake;:. it.
becomes the' law of the land, .
When a preacher makes a mistake,
nobody knows the""difference. ,
But when the editor .makes a mis-
take . go'tid"'n'ighty Excliatige; '
Collier's Weekly, in a recent Issue .
carries a story, • the truth °of\which,
is amazingly.unusilal, It has to do'`
with the earnings of- our mothers, -,
It , is e enerally the rale ' to refer to
the head, of the house' is 'thea bread '
i h re
v�tinner, bub the story wh c ds•
printed below, gives food. for thought -
"Great t4 who, after all, is the .
Heart" of the home. The ' stol'y • had`.
been. given: wide --publication and
should. be printed p in every news'•
paper 'n the' land ere
She, never• earnedany. money.-h Si
liveson an Ohio farm, but' she. lives
on almost any other farm. She is
:somebody's ,mother, maybe. your own,
She has- earned nothing: -1''o, but nag •
served 409,983 'meals;. she' has made
' 3,13 garments, 32,000 loaves ' of
bread, , 5,390 cakes, 7,932: pies, 1,500
gallons of lard; she has grown 1,432
bushels of :vegetables,"and has raised
7,660 chickens;. churned 5,430 .pounds
of butter put up 3,625 jars of fruit;
scrubbed 177,825 articles of laundry; ..
and she has put in 35,839 hears of •
sweeping; washing and scrubbibg. At
accepted prices' forthis work it ;ia..
worth $115,480.50: :She can't. retire}`,
on her savings -she has kept on.
Not: earning. No, How do you' define.
the • ordinary woman's contributions
to her family wealth?"
=moo a o
Alf Price ' a workman - -in ' Arm-+
strong's 'blacksmith shop, Winghain
'met with a peculiar and -painful •.ACC,
iclont last week; While turning front
the forge. with • a heated rod of iron,
his hand came in ' contactwith,. tile- • „
end' of the rod and a hole was in- •
•stantly burned throueh his hand, the
• ,rod passing between the bones of two: .
ant surprise, 'sanely! This farmer,
being' a bachelor, will pe doubt btiy.
his best • girl a• diamondring for
(Walkerton Telescope) .
The trial of Frank' Stanley, the
Bruce • Township farmer, .charged
with arson, two charges of perjury,
and ' attempting to . obtain money
under 'false pretences, was conclud-
ed -tact 'Thursday °`afternoon,, 'after
fi" ring :which
lasting over three day .du g
a large number of .witnesses were
examined. Judge Klein found. Stan-
ley net guilty of the arson charge. It
was clear, His Honor stated, that
Stanl=ey had put articles widen he
• had: not -lost, -in his list of claims a-
gainst . the -insurance company. He
therefore found him P guilty of the
.fraud charge 'deferring. sentence -for
t re &Coal -
Tie-��C��Q� �� �1�� -o �
'The dictionary Wile us that a gent-
leman is a .man who cultivates 'a'
kindly, courteous, considerate attit-
ude towards ether' people. To .some
that.nlfay seem a somewhat effemin-
ate end formal -programme for life,
but 'probably , those • who feel that
way about it have . never tried to
live up to it. It it riot exactly an easy
or surfaco' thing, and it will *lake
0011111 Sterni and virile demands upon
ton .days. In: the meantime .Stanley
will have an opportunity to bring, in
any- recom•niendatiens-a:# -te- previous -
good character' from the people. of
his •, neighborhood: The ,perjury -
charges were left over until March
31st ' and Mr. Otto Klein, 'who .wes
prosecuting,said he would recom-
Judgment ,was given, by ','Justice ,
McLean at - Yorkton, Sask., in- the
$5,000 :breach -of --promise action by --
Elizabeth ' Adamson of :Owen Sound
against. -.Philip- .Pearce,"of Rokeby:--.
The parties• met at Rokeby in • 1918,
and Miss Adamson afterwards en-
tered •the',employment of a Toronto
i,ore'w' ere ri alma u t 1' - eav-
iiig where to' -"in kr preparatim s -for-
her marriage,' . ' 4 •
• Justice McLean, says breach •might
continualiy for -His -word which .throw.
have been avoided -f there had been
a little more sympathetic consider=
tion on 'the_part of. Miss Adamson._
He' is not ' convinced that she has
suffered „greatly in: body or mind,
and evidence "shows that Pearce is
not. wealthy; He awarded the plaint
iff $250 damages • and costs.
•me to e orne -
nd' the Att y General's
one, But would it not make . zc great
differenee to life if every one of us
was a real gentleman mediatingmediating to
'this definition! How the acerbit'ee
of life would be made sweet and pal-
atable! How the rough end hard
places would become, if not- always
smooth and : easy, . at least possible
and pleasant in spots! And talk
about problems, would we have any
problems.;groyiing out of our social
relations left it every Man of ne was
kindly 0»41 cotirtsouo itiitd consider-
Dept, that' these charges 'be dropped.
•-'.,--o 0
Perhaps a household hint is one of
those things that is all a husband
dares to offer, -
ate? They say gentlemen are 'born,
not made; but we dissent from the
proposition to some. degree. Gentle,
nun are being made every. day,' even
though it' may lie a somewhat slow
and laborious ;precearr,
.�._ ,
to the natural rtepire of tvUy 1 -rrian,
find in obtainn.bie i v t' n r st r,f lir:
• Chaim' IOlntrnvut. 1'1u t,.r,n, i,1 4:1.l i r dli,
roughn, (ul and rndn4.'N3 rt ti 6 al in
Irritation and r.' zcrm rl,�nfrnpar, gra
the akin fa loft 'aoi , rszi•r(. th and volvalf,
All (,nates ar Ed�trr,r, Bail., .' ':.r
Tiimfted, loronto. , znvrl•: flea:f wozz
mention thio paper, •
y Bargain atOur Openin
._. 50 Only trimmed- and untrimmed Hats to be •ilea:
out at 50 cents each.
35,;Stoles and Muffs in Fox, Coon, Mink, Wolf andViink
• lblartot-, all at exactly HALE PRICE.
We -still have a good assortment of -that splendid -wool
Un. -erw.ear fcr.men.- Shirts and drawers at $1.00 -a-.garment.
Boys' Fleece -lined Underwear at $0 cents each.
Men's Fleece -lined Underwear at _75 cents eachp
FLANNELS• English Flannel for'. Jum .er_Dresses ..Middies etc. -Colors
Copen, Navy, Paddy and Coraline, 56 inches wide, $2 yard.
Ladies' White Flannelette"Nightgowns splendid quality,
CHd4 TZ -:
2 Very pretty patterns in Comforter Chintz, also suit-
able forside drapes. , 36inches wide, at 28 cents -a y, aid: _•
.The, busy days of the.., past w eek hyebro g ht to: light
many endsofPress Goods,,Flannelettes, etc. ,
measured up and marked at very low prices.
e have moray bargains to ' offer you. ° ' Anyway; when you
come to town, come on in,. leave your ,wraps . and get
warm. We wonreven askyou to -buy,'unless you ate.•so
rncilned = Vial e OUR store SOUR 'tore;- --Ver only i.'ecog-
- nizs one'•Bo's's 'and that- is the ' Customer.
Successors to in. Connell.