HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1922-01-26, Page 1.$2.00 PER TEAR JN ADVANCE; PSG OTHERWISE. • 4> ' Forged to the Frontl'I ° ° ° 0: ° 0-* r The position of Have- lock Flour in this • community has be- come established. As much bread and as , good bread (some of our customers say better bread) as can be obtained from any •pa- • tent flour.' - Present Prices, $3.50 and $3.75. . W. E. Treleaven 1 ' 1 EVERYBODY'S COLUMN 0 VETERINARY -SURGEON.- Dr. W. 'J. Keleher, Ripley; Phone 29, night or • ' •LUMBER FOR SALL-Hemlock 'z limber, cut to order. Enquire at John • joynt's Office. • • 27-40-tf FOR SALE.-Frarne, house 18x24 • ft. Apply to..Vaa. Fisher, R, 6,, • •15-12-tf. MONEY TO LOAN on mortgagee and notes •ht reasonable rates. Fire Insurance; •both stock and 'Mutual Companies. Conveyancing 'thine with neatness and despatch. Geo. A. Siddall, Broker. Lucknow. •DR. PARKER, OSTEOPATH, at the Cain Rouse, Lucknow, every Wed- - .nesday afternoon. All chranic dis- , eases successfully treated. •10steo- • pathy removes tne physical • causes of diseate.. . Adjustment of the - -spine is more -quickly -secured -and (with .tewer , treatments' by Osteopathy -than .by atrY other method.- ' Toronto prices paid ior all kinds of _ ,peulta. _ • 9-6-tf A Grospopf, tucknow. : • ' - • • ;• -- FOR SALE -Stove wood„ short of. Jan; arir-rinantity. delivered. - A-pply at Joy nt's office, Lucknew. FURS. -7 -Highest prices paid for all ' kinds of. raw fursandskins. If' you lave-anY, me-knoW-before -B.• Pearlman, "Phone 85, Residence Station_St.,_Luckno_ w. - April 30 • I will pay the highest market price "for all -kinds of raw-fnrs: PaY better prices if You . bring your furs tb me instead' of selling them ot home as expenset-Ivill" be laSa.- • 1) Blitzstein, Dry' Gods Ste*i. April, 30.22 'LOGS WANTED . We are iiraterred to buy all kinds • of' logs suitable for lumber. deliver- , ed at our saw -mill at Lucknow, and - will peyAhe highest nutrket price for same, -As- we use all the uro r n .the mannfacture of furniture, we can _be....easv on the claising of logs. For • -.further- particulars apply at the 6ffice • of the Lucknow Furniture Co: , Feb. 28, 22., , . -*-95-PER Of the Highest Paid ,Shorthand • Writers use Isaac Pitman . _ Shorthand , If You want the BEST, go to • a ' School teaching REAL SHORT- . .• HAND and where everything -_ else is -correspondingly high . grade; • . CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE Winghana, Ont. • Phone 166. IndiViduel instructions, Practical Book-keeping. Students admitted any ' thee. Graduates assisted to positions. = jou-trial Free - D. A. McLachlan. T. R. Foster.' President, Principal. ••• "•) • . yak FOE SALE ' 109 Acres; -In the Township of Kinless;"-gend---elaY71olitil,--about ,'aeres clear, remainder hardwood • (bush, 'brick hoilse,;liatik 'bath' and straw barn, 2 wells and spring creek,. orchard -an excellent property, well limited.. Apply to Bo* 157, Winghain, Ont, • „ . • 2-2-p. APPLICATIONS will be received • by the iradetsigned up to February 1st.' 1922, for the offices of Clerk, Treasure; Assessor and Collector for • the Township of Ashileld, C. E. Mcponagh, POIt SALE. -Set light sieighi and a cutter, both second-hand. Can be seen at my barn. Apply W. L. Mac- kenzie. • FOR SALE, -•-•A Coal heater, nica. and id good centlition_‘.-iintt the thin ii te• , for' shop ,br gm ore. ay Oa seen git 014 090114 , r o LOCAL AND GENER'AL •o • . •004)4100q.0144,44 Mrs. Wm. Robertson, of, Nanton, 'Alberta, Is •visiting this, week with Ntrs, Will Fisher. • . • Mrand „Mrs. W..' L. Made left •today for Chicago where • they will aPend a couple of weeks. SPECIAL -3 Pieces •all-wooll.Serge, -40 inches wide, Navy, Brown, and Cardhusk, 75a.• a .Yard. -BROWN'S. Mrs, F; •J'.. Lucas, •end daughter, • Audrey, of Toronto, spent a, few days of this week with relatives -in town. We wait to ask Chief Ward if he • intends to p:ermit the using of Camp - 'bell Street as a track - for horse -rac- ing, --Citizen,. * E. A. Palmer is putting in. a stock of dry goods along With his gToc:eries, and expects to have these opened up • in ,a few days. ' • -a ".•—• • • • • •"—•—•-•••••=1111.6111.11•-• Car: of •re -cleaned • Western Oats and beet grade yellovv, Feed Corn; on sale about Thursday and Friday. ;this Week -A. R. Finlayson... • .Mrs. Jean Ritchie, of Ningham, formerly Miss Jean Mullin, of tOwn, has gone • to California where: he will spend the remainder of the Win- ter, The_ _Band ivilL he_at,Lorne_Rinic every •Thursday evening :throughout. the season: Adinission- on Band night, Adults 20c,i; children 12 years. and under, 15c. -.-J. W. Henderson. • I.O.O.F. Social Evening on Thurs- day, Feb. 2nd. Each 'member of the Order with his wife of lady 'friend is cordially invited. Ladies''bring lunch. Barbour: , .• • • Mi. John • Thorns, C.P.R. Section foreman ":at Fordwich, called' en friends intown• on .11fondaY,, haying come corer to -attend. the funeral Of his sister, •Mary. -For an, acconnt of the death of Miss • Thoms, we refer „the reader_ to the •St..,IleletuLnews,_ _ •--Notwithstanding the much talked ,of depression in itradat the. SALADA Tea Company had an increase in 1921 '0 ,-ta7-0,1_:1_1111,10L-angt„ellOrthisil,-,Making, their total putpn_t_oirer eleven million five -hundred an.d. ninetar,six, thousand Pounds. If these •packets were all placed -it line,end touching end-,'IheY •would stretch' for' two thousand one 'hundred and •ninety-six miles. • - tEURCII.-1‘LEWS , -.Presbyterian -Guild.,The 'Literary • CoMniittee provided a splendid. pro:, 'grara for •the Guild .meeting Monday night After the singing.of a couple of hymhs:SteWart Sures read the Scrip- teSiezi, felich,Vedbi Prairer:-Miss Davorson; •Whitechttreh, favored •the •audience withtwo readings, Which were Well receiyed. Mrs; Phillip Stew- ard and- Miss Cora Clubb gave a - splendid duet Mr. Henderson, of -Whitechurch, gave a leete-Fe- on "Avi-- ation' , whtch was both entertaining • and iestrectiv•e„, Mi.• Henderson ex- _Plained Very nicely the work blithe_ Flying Corp behind the enemy's lines andthe great"helP they-Weie to the oaten in the_Aloneites- wittar,_ andienetnunition2Al. • The meeting 'closed with a hymn erid Benedictien, ' SERIOUSLY ILL AT DETROIT -• Aand__Mrs-......Ben._-__Meflure- are. in, Detroit this *eek, having gone there on Monday on accomit of 'fbe critical illness of their soil, Joe, Who recently. underwent an operation for . append- icitis. The. operation does not appear to have beeti quite satisfaetory oilae- . count of --the- advanced • condition of. the disease, and ,a second ofihration was undertaken on Tnesday. The lat- est information. Was. that the patient was •trarieWhat better."'thhil he had been, Miss. Jean' McChige awn-ripe:A- od-her_parchts to. Detroit • - . •,.. ,••orrIllk.1-ttn.• NEW OFFICERS, AT OLD LIGHT LODGE .•66.1.46.••••mb • • Officers for 1922 were installed, at the local lodge A. F, & A. M., on the ovenirig of January 12th. Rt Worship- ful Bro. D. Petersen, long* a faithful and enthusiastic member, acted as installing officer, •Officers for the year are as follows: Past 'Waster, N. 3„. Mackenzie; W, M, T, S, Reid; S. W., 3, McQualg; J. W,, Geo, 'Stewart; Sr,' Deacon, R. V. Mackenzie; Jun. 'Den, con, Ed. Hodgins; S,' S. Allister Hughes; J. S., E. Miller; I, G., ROA, Brown; O. G.! GordonMoore, DIM. tor of torottonlotio V4 A*000114 6 LUCKNOW .(iNT.,"THURS,DAY glitNUARY 26, 1922. DEPUTY ORAND. ASTER VISITS ODDFELLOWS Mr, Datiid' itobertscin, District, De - Play 'GrandMaster, -1.0.0.F., Made an official visit to the local lodge on the evening �f the 13th. inst. Officers of the lodge were, installed for the year, foilowil, whidh the, brethren enjoyed an oyster suppei,at Paimer's edifrom a. few' days visit With ,her restaurant Officers for 1922 are:-M-rs. FOX, Whitechurch. . Noble Grand, Arch,' BarbOurv-V. G , • MacLean Johnstone; Reg. secy., ^were at Mr- w4 M• T•Iwrill)"• Messre Jas. Durnin and Wallace Aitchison; Fin. 'SecY,, D. Paterson; Mfller Treas.; A. Ross; I. G, C. Cook; 0, Gson's on Thursday and Friday audit- .- Mg the township books, Jas. Nixon; Warden,. H. Aitchitidn; . The Annual Meeting of the St, Conductor, S. 0.. Plowright; S., Fred Nixon; LS, WmAmstrong; Helen's Rifle 'Club was held On Fri- RSto VG, , W .. Lockhart; L $ day eyening last,when the following . . . .. . . to' °Meets were re-elected caPtain-J. V. 0, And. Orr; R.. S. Sup., Allister -Purdon, secretiiry-4, D. Ander- Hughes; .L. S, Sup., Robt. Buchanan"; son, range Officersl-W. Miller, Chaplain, Ross short' address following in- John Webster, John •McDonald.• It stallairon, the Deputy *brand was was decided to issue a prize list for various competitions during the com7 very complimentary to the lodge, say- ing that the working of the ledge was IRELpisTS Tuesday, Jan. 24th, Misa.. Fanny Joynt Visitilfg riends at Lticknow. andWirightam. . • Mrs. • 40hf -Woods Spent' the week- end withlier daughter, Mrs. Phillips. in. Lucknow. . •'• •• •• • Mrs. W, J Humphrey has return- ing season. The.firstshoot. will be among the best' he had found' in the held May 24th. • distriet. • A quiet marriage was solemnized •Bro., E. Aitchison was a -delegate at the Manse on Wednesday Jan. 1,8. to an 1.0.0.F Convention which met at 6 p. in. when Jean, only daughter at Goderidh on the 20th. inst. Four of Mr. John Scott, Lanes, Was united distriet.s wcire represented. Grand in marriage to Mi. McKenzie Webb; Master W. R. Hamilton, of port•Ar- younger son of Mr. and Mrs W. C. thur3was present and exemplified Webb. Rev; Mr. Cumming' officiating much Of the wOrk of the order • Mr, and Mrs: Webb left next day: for a 'Short honeymoon at Hamilton., We wish the young couple man Y years of UCKNOW_TUCKS_ -• ANOTHER GAME • The funeral cif the litte•Miss Mary Thorns took place from- the home of. Strenuous Game he .Lorne Rink•Re• - happy and prosperous married life.t. • sults in Win for•Local Team.•‚hersister, Mrs.. Gillies,' on Monday, . to St..,Helees Cemetery. Miss Thorns, • Lucknow-9, W.Who., was the• eldest daughter oi Mr. inghom-5 "• Wm. Thorns, died ir ston, on -ues4 in hockey 'day, January the age 61 Intereet reached its high- eit • pitch en -Tuesday riight wEnn years. The deeeased, who had been ,in Boston for about 28 years, had not Wingham Seniors put tip a Streriu- enjoyed the best of health for some ous .fight here for league honors. The months, but her death Caine quite game drew a large erowd and the unexpectedly on •Tuesday while she spectators certainly • got' all • they was sitting by the range reading the. could 'ask for -good playing atid a e Victory for.the home teturi. " • • paper. Besides her. aged 'father, she With. this* game to their credit, leaves to meuin her loss thri) broth-. Lucknow has won 5 and lost ers; Ned at home,• and John, of Ford - and the team standsan excellent wich, alsow-twhoit--es jiisultrhs,:a.Tittnergitrs::: chance Of -winning, the distriet They Will meet the •Winghain teeth again 'MEL Leach, of Detroit Thefuneral at Wingliem next Monday Services Were conducted by Rev Mr, . ,C11111.10i1.1g..!and_thejoall--„bearers.••••-who _-_es follows_ were old school mates, were Messrs. laicknow— _:Wiogham Arck. Andersen, WReid goal Aitchison Wm. IVIcQuillin, jas.•.Purvis, Walter. ; ' Def.. -jek-shink ,Webb -and- Rich-•-:McQuillin. . cre. Johnstone R Def., Lockriclge•0-00 MacDonald . Centre Houston ' Allin L. Wing _ .• CantelonASHFIErb NOTES: ' Agyrs_w___ • R._ Whitten-:: C. Reid: Sub. • Morden, Raynaid, ofParamount, ,is vislting,With 'itiends near: • rood. • . Miss Ellen Ketchabirw spent ,the • , •WHITECHURCE-. week -end 'with hi ,pareets' in' Para- : "•"' moura. '' • : ' ' .1 ANOTHER CHAUJ'AIJQUA COk; CERT In an article in The -Sentinel - last week'. We referred to the series of .0hautatiqua„.•coricertia.• arranged for :this season, as having been coniplet- • ed. This was a mistake, aa wee prtint- ed out to: ut 4y Chief Moore of the Fire 'Company. "converts,- not four, are te be.given; The next troupe will be -here on the evening of Feb reary Ilth; The Alexander Triowill present a program, of music which should be a rare treat. Mr. AlexamIer, who is heed of the troupe, is a master ef the saxOphone,A14 mellophone end guitar, Mrs. Alexander plays the tike - tele; the mellephone and the piano, and, Miss Vivian Pierce, the third member of the troupe, is a lyric se- pranci, violinist and pianist. The' com- pany heve just. completed a long tour of +he coast and. Middle 'wept States, where their work has won the highest commendation. • • • , FINE BARN DESTROYED- .' 'BY FIRE Mr. Melvin Reid of' neat Lanes, Ashfield Township, suffered a heavy loss on Sunday.morning last when his barn was totally destroyed -by fire, Mr., Reid was using h torch to Ahatv,out a Water pipe, and some hay, '-overhead become ignited..Almost in- • stantly- the fire was beyondcontrol and Mr. Reid turned to getting out the stock. Jur the livestock, including poultry; was • gotten out, but all the .feed and „It .few. implements were, .burned. Neighbors gathered and by their efforts near -by' buildings Were. saved. A cement silo withetoo4. the fire and a large quantity of. corn in it is thought' to be all right . kr.' Raids's barn. was- built only five years ago ariifit was One �f the finest and best -equipped in the tOwn- shipHe has it fine lot of farin stock including a bunch of fat steers. For the present the cattle are sheltered in a •neighboring-barn,which was -not -in - use: The building and contepts. were suf•ficleiftli•-insnred te greatly -reduce,' theloss.- • • Reid,:is- grateful to the neigh- -Von' -wira'vb-7"-Wit-valtiable-aktisz- tance hi saving- the -house -and-other- buildings;SundaY-If:will -be rerrieral)- .eird_._,weaL0--vel-7- 0014:4Y --•with• high w •• • BELFAST • . Mr. Nelson Raynard of Ta,ramount Sisterlit-fe:Walter 'Alton, - • - , • Mrs -Wilson Irwin is spending. a, few days with Mr, and' Mrs. Gordon Miss. Eva -Morris-an of ,Tor"bcLis- Misses Sadie and -Helen-ileDonaltli _Irwin .of Wawanosh. 'With- her parents Mr. .and Mrs.. as.; of PaTareount,,spent the week -end in Miss Mumie_Edwards of -W ar,on. Morrison,: ' • • --• -. . • - - -•'•-• ' winikaw -- . .. - ---:. - . . _is_visiting with her parents. Mr and . Miss Lenora Webster of Lucknow Mrs. Jai. Bradley- and "Mary, .• of Mrs. James Ate Fisher. .' - . - • •- • -B • • ' • • - - Mary of •Leurier-.,visited at -Jeseph- , Edwards, . visited en" SundaY with Miss Anne- Laurier, Visited with friends near Mrs. lames Bradley and daughter 'Belfast, recently, . . Mr. and Mrs: D. R. Webster, of Haekett's ,Wednesclay. - • • • Mr. Bert Hobbs; of Star City' Sask '•-• - . -I.'• The farrneiS around here .are.tak, "is renewing' ad- negtminiteriees-in -Varna 'in • ld ' - ' , aie newg p_ncquaint-, . this vicinity. • ' ances an Ashfield. • -Miss Chtistena Finlaysoii of Chic- 1.,TIeltacLareelitly..-1ith. her aunt Mrs. Jas. McGregor, • . .„Mr.. and Mrs. Chas, Cainpbell.of Ditartocia ---sperit----a -day receelly_y_v0_ .:Mr.tatid-Mr-....and-Beecroft, . . • •Mr„ and Mrs. Duncan Kennedy en- tertained •a few friends. at progress- ive euchre' on Friday evening. , • • Mr.' and 'Mai. Robert McClenaghl in and son Clarence spent last Sat- .urclay with kr. and, Mrs: H, Modlen- agnan, of Belgrave. •Dr.-aild Mrs. Petrie of WmgliArri ap-ent -a day rIcently -with -Mr:- • and leg adVantageof-the••ieleighing by haoling.. logs_ and wood to town. • • Miss Tena -Kempton, who spent her ion with 'her parents at Laurier The- weather has been returned to • Chatham' • ." •-0Tab1eathe--Dast-4e1"24418-17-4-1•0t4lia- Mi. Dan; Finlayson ',spent a day 1 country Pastors to held • church ,ser- -vices, reek wit . 11-endersen, of-Paramouti • Miss Madeline Gaunt, of near St. Helen's, .visited, for a few days with her ,sistero„Mrs„. Jilbn Seott.. •Miss P :Myrtle Webster, ;of. near Lucknow, -spent ' Sunday with :MIS's. ,Ellecle Stanley, of Parainount, • - Mrs. R. X.---Buliefifsh.; Mrs. Rev, IVicCalluin and Mrs. 3. A. Glennie.- of Lucknow were guests AV the Manse on Tuesday of last week. Miss, Florence Platten entertained the members of the wide awake elass- and a • number -of -other friends on Wednesday night. A goad time is re- ported. *•. Mr. and Mrs, Roy McGee attended the;;Keeiy-Wilson :wedding recep-t- ion near -Liicknow. The bride was a -former -teacherAt-S.-S.-No.--14,--W. Wawanosh, • • I Mr, •anki; 'ThOrnii of Porawieh W5 here attending the funeral of his sis- ter, the late Mary 1Thoms, which was held on Monday from the residence of her sister Mrs, D. Gillies. The regular monthly meeting of the W. M, S. of the Presbyterian church Was held .on Wed. last Mrs. Mitchell of Victoria B. C., who is vis- iting her daughter Mrs. Rev, Seobie, gave a very interesting talk on the Doulchobors, Which was Match enjoy- ed by all present. ' ' MrK'IVI-Olvin' Greer -in -ear Lneknow. - Mr. Jim Gibson, who has been vis- iting with Mr. and Mrs. John Gibson, of Clinton, hasreturned: to his heine in Zion: • • . • Married. -At the St. Helens Manse - by the Rev. 3. Cumming, Miss Jean Scott, of 'Lanes, and Mr; Mdenzie _itebb,„ of -St.. Helen& .„ , • Mr, George Blue, .who underwent an operation for appendicitis in 'Kin - &Hine Hoepital,thaS 56 tit* f4CoVerdtt. to be able to returnto hts„herne near Alacrity, • • gPoiLED'IllE TRW' ' "Ma, do we • keep a hen any place?" "Why, no, my son.. Why do YOn• ask that?" `• , heard pa tell the new maid he Would take her out riding when he tent the old lien away for the sum,. meet -Boston Transeript, • • Nowadays they teach • _children to Ilo ivho has no time for his friends read before they teach them to spell will eVentaally t1nd flat he hag no They ought to niahe,a' fine crop of frit0011 for Itio tire* • otorogrophors, • ...W., • e Fla MOLE COPIA!, 5: CENTS To the most tritics,ial of 1 pastes. That's by, the,. Appea "sae is so great and ever increasing. • • •sur Ass. is the nation's Beverage. • KINLOU,011 . skating is the order of the -day. , We' are all • 'pleased to -report that Mrs. Isaac Pinnellpis again able to be around after several weeks illnesi. Mrs: Will Wall and Children spent last week with her 'mother Mrs.. M.' dance at Billy Haldenby'S„. en Wed witha .severe eel& A number from • here attended the dance at Billy ,Haidemby's on Wed- nesday evening of last week, and all report a splendid time. .• • On Tuesday evening Mr. and Mtg. Ed. James entertained a number of their friends and neighbours to a So- cial evening and dance.. •Miss Millie Haldenby, of Westford, left on Saturday Morning, for Burl- ington,' where the intends spending a couple of months •with her •:sister Mrs:" John °Lockhart, • • ' We are all sorry. te'hear that little Elizebeth Hawkshaw, of . the tenth concession, • had the. reisfortUtte', to fall on the' ice and :break her collar- bone; (hilt We look for speedy recov- • The entertainment in tee 'Anglican Church ,basement, -on Ja . i3th, was 'a:huge success, the • program consist- ing of three plays, put On -by Bereie- and Kinlough. Violin, selections by -Mr. Fred: JohnstOn and sort•Cecili.nd -t"ty-o." alsore- tations Citations by 1siis Peari Hald,ernhy: and. Miss- Betty-- -0-tahani, Which? Were all greatly eppreciated. " _ , THE GAME AT -KINCARDINE:.- how, Jack -limiter -ot.,-the-- • Reporter saw the- hockey 'genie 21, :Kincardine. It4seemed like hard luck for Kin- eardiee- to lose to Lucknow,-for the :tea*. -wOrked 'hard' to .a :mari, -Hefty was the star plaYer and Lucknow 15 played well in goal, it one tithe he •1got a nasty hi in the neck, ••• ,,,;//,Cincatclirie ,in the first period .Were aWay with' a rushand scoied 'two goale±lind, • did.. net al I Ithelcini•W an aperting,_The period_ended.:2'. to..0 in -Kineardirie's favor; • ' . ' The second • period was .Well played • by•13oth- .sidei. "Pelt" McCoy made some splended plays. Johnston, sub,. -was • put .on and made eouple of fast • rushes. got twe gTiiiiin this period tying the -score 2-2. -,-The-finattperted--was a fight right' te the last five minutet When the score was 3 to 2 favor of Lucknow. . • ON••••••••••••rormil.pr..p.. inne , aMlin OP 01 eISIE MO HMI WE SELL AND RECOMMEND Eitract el Cod Liv.eri . The Best tonic or Coughs, Colds, • • influelfm and Grippe . IT IS better than ordinary cough meclieines, for it reaches the seat . •of the trouble, relieves the Cough Iand' supplies continual treatrnent•to build up the .systern towithstand future attacks. A splendid blood . . . . . and body-building tonic felt. 'both young and .old wholake it regtdetly. • ' Price .• .$1.00,: rope SALE -BY A. E.AYIRKIII • or • LUCKNO114 . • . • -TENDERS- WANTED7=rer supplyine of' 15 cords of -224n: green' -- body wood, maple and :beech,.: to the ' Paramount School.. Albert -Struthers, FOR .SALE.About two- and one-' quarter tons id stove coal at Para- mount &h&j. Apply to McDon- '•alci. Chairman of Troatie Board. - • - - • APPLICATIONS will be received • by-the.„-tindersigni4--up2-to- February - 4th., 1022. for -the office of Secretary . • to the Paramount Cheese & putter Company. State salary expected 7 Alex. MacDiatrnid, Lucket.W. • good- Working -order; 1-Inforniation- - *ANTED; MEN AND WOMEN to sell -to women in homes rubber -lined, Waterproof', -Gingham Apront,' for use in the. kitchen. Can easily earn • 214, daily or more Rapid -seller and .• ready -dernand. Send 74c.. fAr__-_sample apron and-ftill---Particulars. Money • -refunded if Sample 'retui•-rie&British - -Rubher--Co232-11vOill-Street; - real. ••• • ' . • 2-2-c. • AUCTION' SALE ren; of 'Limerick, Seek., spent a.,few • days'•recently renewing .acquaint: •ances in the burg. •-,„. * inirattlY •ineeting-of • .. the W. M. S. was held in Hackett's Church ' Thursday • afternoon. Al - .though zee- daY. -was. - disagreeable 'a fair_attendince. was •Present, The nsual. good time was suet by. "diarge gathering at the soeial held in the basement of the-e-hurch 'Friday, evening; A niiXed programme was rendered and the -reniainder .of, the evening was pent inq9Ptqsts _ ttrid _ games .after -which the ladies served sandwiches' and tarts. MAFEIUNG ..J.Icknow in....these.-laRt• few ,minutes... brokeloose and scored three goals winning. the game by a Score of. 6 - Al] , who' iirithelied.`the-*gatife7d'ecI: ared. it 'good_ The 'Kincardine .hoy's played hard to win. They. claim the Luticriawt-rink--is-very-rialorft-lightecl•-, Aloit the peck was hard, to See. This is the 1 ast league game . between • these two teams. • . • " o o . • CRUSIJEI) UlqDER GRAVEL . Mr, John' T. Rethiger, a ,prorainent farmer living on the Culross -Carrick -town line* near F01111,05E1_ Was the vie- lanci-olidellit-gravel littt Thursday afternoon. ShOrtly ter five o'eleek 'Says- the Teesweter Teesday January 24th••• neWS. ' .11e Ni,th...GrederY riacher Md. Mk*- • -heel- Retinger were. putting -on the last.Ioad of gravel for.the day when the overhanging " bank of frozen gravel suddenly gave way and he was -completely env,eloped with loose .gravel .and the feozen chunk ,of see-- eral tons 'weight. His companions worked frantically to 'release iiirn and • had- to hitch Abe team' to the frozen chunk and break it up to re- • lease him. They found him unconsc- ious and. pretty badly crushed, He was t4aken to his residence as speed- ily as possible. and medical assistance called, .but his interal injuries Were - Mr. 30sepb, Phillips viiitedifriends. rn Lucknow last week ".• . • , Miss Rebecca. Thompson, of West, Wawanosh, spent the week -end with her 'friend, Olive Anderson. Miss Rae Stothers has been in Clinton for the past two Weeks, the • guest A Mr. and Yrs, S. B. Stothers. • A little boy came to stay in the home of Mr. and Mrs, Herb. Curran • Tuesday of last week, COngratula. tion,st The young people of this neighbor- hood enjoyed a numher d skating parties. while the ice "Was in gookcon- dition. The recent snow falls spoiled •the.lee;.but we will •likely soon have go serious that -he died the next 4ven- anotiler thr, .s • • whose barn • was destroyed by fire ' last Sunday, will hare an Auction Sale of his farm stc,ck;.zrod irnple4 inents oti Tuesday... Januar-31.••The • , sale will commence at one • o'clock , ;harp as there is a lot of stuff' to dis- pose of T. •Gendry, Auctioneer. . HOLYRO.OD:. • • , ,The monthly--ineetinA.• of *the 46a. men's Institute will•be held on Thur- sday, Feb. 2nd, at the tionie,_of Miss Lizzie Purvis. Topie. The , importanCe of regand' recreatisni for the home •malcer. -A ood. proe'ram is being_ pre- pared. A full attendance is requested.. Visitors always welcome. Seek. • - • •• LOCAL MARKET • - - Eft'gS ogs * .•81.1•00 • MARRIED Keer.)--Wilsott-.0n Wednesday, Jan - nary 18; 1022, Mis.s. E:izabeth Wil - on, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs.. Wilson; :West, Wawanosh, An Mr. J. lrYin • Some, inen with a big head.haVe a, .small income. If you, suspect a Iran don't ..eMploy if you emp1OY him -don't sue, • Pict 111014