HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1922-01-19, Page 5• -S•.x'e'r -"- "--c ` A.0 ° . 'J i u pay, usvAi r 19tts,, 8 • ;-.r:.. 0 • • urther Lift o' xceptional B4rOjos*. January Sales are half throu flave you been . e tting your share? Are you watching • he .annouriceme is in this/ space from week �t4 week,and �picking ::.•u the things.you need at.:abowtHalf rice. - • NIGHTGOWNS 36 White Flannelette Gowns, trim- med with embroidery;., or stitch . ing, -good full-sized garments, sizes 56 'to 60, worth $1,75 each, Ja n'y. Sale PriLe $.1.15- :. MUNN'S, Fleeced Underwear 55 Garments,. Ladies' Fleeced- Vests • and Drawers, medium size,'heavy weight, beautiful soft fleece, high neck, long sleeved, vests. Closed drawers- only.. Regular 11.00 per ` garment . .. ,• . , ..,. Jan'y. Sale Price, 55c. .---MUNN'S. BLANKETS , • 15 Pair Grey Flannelette Blankets;, Scotch make, extra heavy. size. • 64x80in., ipink 'borders, A heav-.. ler blanket than usually sold, and. • at a lower price. Worth t$3.00. • .' 'fin. Sale Price, $1.95 MUNN'S, /. ,• WOOL HOSE We& and Bora' •beav7t•-weight wool hose, 8%.: to 9%; of„ 4 -ply. ' • 'WScotch' worsted yarn.' The, only intre'r stocking, almost; talireg- ular price; $1.25 ` per pair,, Jany. Sale Price,.: 69e. • .*-MUNN'S. FANCY GOODS Stamped Centres,, 'Collars, Coreet_ Covers, Doylies • and' many . odd • , pieces, of stamped 'Linens .and Cotton, A' clean-up of 'odd pieces. worth up .to 31.00, to clear out At 25c. each _MUNr4's, ' s • • • HANDKERCHIEFSS . 1 Dozen• Ladies' White Hemstitch-.. ed' Lawn -Handkerchiefs with •em- abroidered=-=corner - Regular �1To w fan'y. Price.T3�.for.-25c. i11U'NN`S. • • CHINTZ For Comforters,_ 36 inches wide, heavy, close, . smooth finished cloth. "Will..wash andwear well. • We give you a large selection. • Worth up.•to 50e. a yard, at `,fit 29c. yard Coats' ,:Cotton. Thread -Black or White, '20Q- ',Yard Spools. Janu.: Try Sale only 7 5ci•-: per dozen. • r Gloves and Mitts 50 . Pair Men's all -wool Scotch knit Gloves, Khaki shade. .... ' 59c. a�pair Balance of our stock of Men's or Boys' 'heavy Leather Mitts and Pullovers, lined or unlined, worth up to $1•i0 per pair, January Sale Price 59c. --MUNN'S, • -MUNN'S. DRESSES ALL NEW -NO STALE STYLES Silk: -Navy Blue only. Paillette, Taffeta and Duchesse, handsome- . • ly trimmed, beautiful dresses, 16 to 20 year sizes. Worth up to 625.00, ...N • January.. Price $10.95 Serge Dresses,' slat some Tricotines in navy shade only, embroidered... . 'in wool or silk, some with braid= • ing. . All this seaeon'e 'newest. • styles. Values worth up to $27;50, , January •. Clearing Price , $1'3.95 MUNN'S. SOCKS 100 Pr./Mea'a .navy all -wool Socks, • gray and 'wits, -A comfortable • sock for .the elafn sett side. Made 4t6 sell at 75e. per pair • ..:.. January Sale Price 50c. MUNN'S MEN'S PULLOyERS. . Men's Pullovers, with V neck, pure • :wool, with coloredroll collars and • cults. Bodies of Brawn, Green, Navy . or ' Black. Regular $6.50 ' garments,.,t.,..._.....••,•:,•..',. ' I. ian'y. Sale Price .$3.95 • MUNN'& Men's Handkerchiefs -15'oz. Mudd Ezcelda 1Handkerehiefs, hemstitched, medium size. ..lust the, rag for the man ;vi#ta cold, . Soft' and absorbent. Extra value X ' • 3 for 25c.. 6 Dozen White and. Blue Handker- chiefs, soft finish. 'Regular -isc., Special 4 for •95c. , . '--MUNN'S; MEN'S SHIRTS 96 Men's Shirts,made to our own o r, of heavy Brown 'Denim, iuaanteed fast color. All shirts are full-sized, with collar, A .•per- feet value -giving garment, Reg. ,ular 'price $3.00, Jan'y. Sale 'Price - $ 1..95 --MUNN'S. • ':BOYS' SWEATERS eb»e' and Youths' `'V :Neck Pull ver Sweaters, in various com- - • inations ' of • colors. All ' sizes from 28 49 34. Values' up to 34.00 each, : Jaa'y. Sale `Price $1.95 • •-$1VNN'S, TOOTH BRUSHES 10Dozea laditeaud-:Children's Tooth Brushes, white bone hand - c v .ch -brx les: Regular 40:. to 60e values,::: -MUNN'S. • _ . ,ART .TCK-i+IG- pr. • Fancy Pillows, or covering cushions, chairs,: etc: 30 in. - wide. - Good value at 50c, per' yard....' .an'y.- Sale- Price, 2_5c, WAISTS -"-19-Fain y'"Yoik-1Ya si-te, worth' Up to 36.00 each ;- 1 Jan'y. Price,' - $1.95 5 Georgette Waists; all sliadea,' worth•-upp'to• $.10.00 sac ► . • • n -SILKS 15 :Dress Ends-Vancy silks in ,Taf- feta and' Paillette, regular 33,50, For -$1.95 -yard= #..eT A'ns#A�tA , }eta wide» ,regniar 32;25L_.per�,yard, January Price x$1.45 Black.:. D:uchesse,.,.,36-inch,., _heavy .;, weight, regular 3:35, ;,,... For $2.75 •AIi.,Colors -in '40 -inch Charmeuse. , was $5:00, . . JanPrce, Grocery' Bargains, .: for JANUARY ONLY Yeast. Galles, :per `ilox�. ;- a• ▪ 9• 5.: Starch,. Baking Powder, h. lb: can...' .. •: ,15 Extracts, ,any 'flavor, 3 for....•:. ^ .25 Raisms,_seeded •.- • =packaage-w Currants,, per Ib.. ..::..17 • Dates, per package: ;19 ':Prun s- :1 `Tomatoes, per can , . • ....:.,...:.15' . COLLARS -' 1M`en a andYouth'o `Jolla .=Some. - ,•styles --we - are net keeping :.stock, 'also some sizes . 'in .fancy sofa collars, odd sizes, ho- com ... piste Iine�Regular��6�-to�--50e�= .•goods, .6..4'.i'i7Fib T'•-.i'il'7i,. Cr r-.-. rw January'Price. i5c. or ._.- .' -2- or.25c.- • Jersey Dress' Goods. • • 56 -in All -wool Jersey, in Old,Rose, Copen, 'Alice, Navy, Reseda, • Sand. Extra ..fine -quality.- Rae-. _ $3 50..per_yiard,..^ ..,.2~16-0.._.,.-....,• Jan'y.: Sale Price : $2.20 - MUNN'S r- - =T6 Georgette -Weide,. assorted col - ors worth=,up to,- $6.00 .each.... ,', -- , Jany. Price, ' $3.45 3---'Aicolette Waists, regular-$k'ifr --'-- Ca • --DRESS' GOODS, Everywoman in this vicinity :knows that Munn's carry the .largest: stock_ of fashionable Dress Goods. We are offering Special Discount of 20% on every line of Serge, Poplin, .Arrowe, Etannne and Tweed in stock, With -the exception,of lines already reduced:- -Aid' -Dutch -'for i•}i 4 r y ; .a 3 . ...:......... Canned • Soups, per: tin s :. , ..:..13 Baked 8 Cape de chine Waists,• pink and white colors only, . worth' up to 312,50, • .. c. 4 .........-444--4'4.4-• y.,. -. Jan.' Sale Price, $6.95 Waists. 'run' from 86 X42 Bost Now "$345 1-monr4F-lb•= -tits ..:.. ......il See -the 56=in. Serge- at $1.95 a yard (worth ; sa..so - in Navy, Brown•_and Marion. Get your share of Basks Check in all wool Navy Dress Goods, 44 inches wi ,. at.98 cents. • . Fanc ► Arinures in Brown,, Naivrond. Co n, good values at $2.75 a yard, clearing today at $:.50. MUNN'S Marmalades and lams, extra val- ues in tins . and . glasses at, Palmolive Soap, 4 for .-Co" i'ee;pure, ground to order; lb. ,4F' Jelly,powders, per package ...2,.-.,.11 -•• -MUNN'S. - . RE IYINANTS very- Department ;is s'howing Remnants ---Dress Goods, Cottons, Ginghams, Skirtings, Towelfinga--- ---ail have odd ends. We ire selling these lines at 1-26 to 1-2 of their regular price.; ..Get In On, The Bargains .t orie Stoe With, • • • • McCall Pattern. G , 'Ic ets u IlE ORANGE ,The Orange is one of nature's fin eat .gifts to man; Orange juic °con-, .. teina predigested food -in a most del- for ad form ready live ► and attractive icioua late absorption and utilization. im1 he amount of food contented in The �$ jam' 2*ip ri %til•, • et n 'to that•found in a 1141!• Mice of bread, but it diferd from bread In that it needs no digestion) while bread, before It can be used in .enorg- ng i i and strengthening the body ising leubtundergodigestion # o r sever al hour!. It it for this reason - that oranges are !o refreshing' to. 'an eft SIM Pr, 01110 rel 'of loge' • SKI s'. • . er the orange, the greater its - food va zoo4 lint the energy value of the or liege, which for an ordinary sized orange • ait►ounta to trent'f8. to 100 e to only cr 'calories t! b no Means t y venue • Crangs juice is r,ch in salts) ts, eae -ially in lime and alkaline delta; which - aa�l�l� �t 141 1111 1 Oilig f #t that is always threatening sedentary time and on rising in the morning people, hearty meat .eaters, and those are excellent meani of stimulating advanced in age. The fres use of bowel action. Oranges may be taken orange juice is a 'valuable means of between 'meals with Brent benefit by combating the" inroads of "Father, feeble persons . and those snfte r"�ng Time, ,and to also an excellent 1/411111front eonstieation, The delightful of a ti o i Ytent the badflavor and generalstimulating n d t n bo some « h a ein gfi' , effects of indoor' or sedentary) life, nonce of orgf8"e jure Quito mit. Q pl., fl tl WI $ lac,, tltii ►i tiotr, omit to irtio the accumulation of food residues in the color► whichleada to put'efaction and 'auto-into*ication. -•Good Health, Why •are hooka 'your beat friends? Bechuse when they bore you you con shut rim witilouti ;tying 41111/41 • VV•heti is. ii .pictuie lika-weak tea 4 ` •• 'Whoa it it lot wall drawn: ' What is the difference . be .fi One. . .. who looks. up anti another wit!; Walks , cr u tit e rs 4 P .Rte • •/ One steps up the delta an4 tit gUlll; oteioa up tai/ tte ' .. ,�.•.�i •y 1;