HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1922-01-19, Page 4G' Y .t1C'• 4. }yrs � b;.rc ,.y +i ('•; son of the :ebi*f sbet 3W1der that he vvalt about twenty, years of age, and -'that 'be wee drawing the modest :salary of seventj4wo thenSand dol- lana per epr. Titin Yount, et ,cause, new not about the • business' did noth-stain ;for it.` He was rade` president'and was being paid •tlte big Salary just sae, a mean of robbing the Other : shareholders, • and • oat, keeping the dividends down: to 'reasonable proportions. 'And the company really' could not'afford•tar pay 'higher wages. to its conductors. ' It is for reasons such asthese that the Bell Telephone Company says it must be permitted •' Q dig ar little deeper into the• pockets 'of the users: of ° telephones. And it may, he that thittty ,thousand dollar president ,will' "put it,. ovel!Cy the; Railroad'.. Board and,. thus earn his salary not by the sweat_ of his brow ,b it'll r hi Gunn- ing•. THE REASON WHY ' Wh1 is it that members •ef parlia� ment becoming : Cabinet Ministers Have to present .themselves to -their constituents for re-election? It isbe- cause the sins of the fathers are Vis- ited upon the children. Centuries ago, tine. Kings of Britain used to win over to the royalist cause members elect• ed to oppose them. It • was done by giving them places of emolument un-. der the' Crown, To prevent this; part. iament passed an Act which compels member$ accepting such places to se- cure the .consent of their electors. That law is not so necessary now yet , it would be unwise to, repeal 'it; Sup- pose. Mr. King had succeeded In bringing into his government Mr, Crerar-,and- several other Progres-, sives, would it'not be proper for them to get the consent of their -electors? It• is :possible that many . of those electors having been' taught that the tleotold-"p taies `a bad ;would object. to. - their' representatives linking` up - with' one of them. Having failed .in that,' he might try to win•.over'a few Conservatives by offering them places in his Cabinet. They .were elected to. oppose'Mr, King, Would itbe fair. for them; to- support him without getting' bhe-consent of their constiuents?. Those bad . old Kings were respon- sible .for some good old ,laws. --Kin- cardine .Review, 421 .• • • ,p BOYS AGIR k Came hi and join ons Christmas Club now. You r W01 pieaue your palmate. when you do, and they willheli you oaten enough to ***kg your musette, TWO CENTS will start you.. • . TbS- following table* sxplaia the different Clubst; .:: , • _INCREASING CLUB PLAN InPtist 10 . 20 0 or 10o the lIrttt.wsek. ' INCREASE. your deposit. 2o, 6o�rflOo'each. Week. In 50 merit: •y L �y �. lo Club'' $12.75 _ CIUb pays 20 Club pa $26.60. Oo Club pays 5127.50 - DECREASING CLUB PLAN " °kart. with, the largest aunt and l ouP Ma,.:..' -. =its- .eie kt;,• This IS a very popular plans ° , EVEN AMOUNT CLUB PLAN ' Put In the SAME. AMOUNT math week. In 50 weeks: 250 Club pays 212,50 05.00 Club pays $250.00 50c Club pays .00 • r 0.00 Club pays 5500.00 Cl -db pays 50.00 .00 Club pays , lu 1 000.00 :00 Club Ma 00.00 00 Club pays 52400.00 •. We invite ,every; Boy and Girl, and every . man and woman .ton join our Club It makers `SAYERS" -slot, "SPENDERS:' • 'We will Welcome icrth ': "BANK of4 IAMILION d.. A. Glennie, :Manager. 07044'10Ui' IlaA$CH * F • • w.. • •, a'nd McCORMICi •,3, �E�RIN •� , FARN[ .. , MACHINE and.REPAIRS _. • . , • I.HC. Tractors and Engines., Geo. White- It Sow Threshing' Mac hines postdate* Litter Sarriera, • StellaR 8tancions. and - .- - . ___ a. er Moak, • ••. '� _ �-�V to • Front's' Coiled Wire ane -`Wove n Fence; Connor's: Perfection 'Electric Washer; ;GourisY, Winter' an Leeming Piano%' FOIA SALE "B7i - ,•. ND2EV, NOW. r•s qµL ,C t y ,If,•I.n T {LLl wp.Lnun/ �7 n 00'irattlitunn *tunnel • Tabes alk swarf T►grM,a, satscalnat at lr•i sew• tam 1., a •MA EAMIc.. Freak* luta pito* . i'HIJRSDAY, JANUARY '19tk,, 1922,, T E CHApJTAUQIIA ' ENTERTAINMENT'S The program .given lin ;the Town Hall last -Saturday evening •by (yap, els anal: •Company brought this sea - sort's aeries of : Chautauqua concerts .to a close in Lucknow. .' •This series ''was arranged for #ay the Lucknow- Fire Company with the double purpose of giving the people 'of Lucknow and vicinity the oppart unity of . enjoying .sgtne� of the best musical ' and elocutionery' talent now before, the.public, andincidentally to. get money to carry on their works of patriotism and charity. - In their 'first aim. the 'Company was 'eminently successful. The, talent was all of 'a high order,' and th 'pro- ,grams were entertaining and elucat- ive, Unfortupnately the enterprise was not successful in a .financial. way. There 'was net a, good crowd in the Hall on any : one of the evenings .and every one 'lost money for the Fire Company. ' This appears 'to be the experience in. many► Ontario towns and villages where the• Chautauqua courses, are.. given.."Elsewhere, _ as: throughout,. the greater parte of the,,United• 'States and in: our own western - rovince3 'it is, different, • There the Chautattque entertainments are very popularand are a:succes• year 'after year. .. ` Xt is- unfortunate ,that the :People of Ontario have not taken more. kind ly. to the ' Chautaqua idea. - There-: al= ways is something unique about' the program. It preserves. its original aim of being•=edurga'tive--and-elevating. The• Dixy Duo which gave the Second entertainment here portrayed - the Manners .and social' life of -.the dark and white people of -the - Southern States;"and they did this, in a most` atttractive and .z, entertaining wap. Dr. Carpenter, .the thought of whose lecture • '•seemed to frighten a great many,gave a :wonderful•description of the universe,so far as science has' been able to reveal it •And he did this withoutN•for -a moment tiring his audience., Indeed those .who listened to Dr. Carpenter felt, that they had. enjoyed a, treat. and that their intell�` igence had: been,'. put upon- a higher _level. Then. came Oyapela,^the Indian A:f&w days age a., mall who has a princess--andher=iwo-•companion�•de= son--who--has--just---some-- within the , _ pitting ; the 'social customs and cere-- range. of the Boy ' Scout' age, Mademonies • of the vanishing Red'Man, application for his boy 'to :become • a In every; instance there was some Snember of 'one of 'the local troops, thing `mode tFian "In -ere', , In - talking tooth eo Sutniiirsteriin- Ment which pleases for. the moment . very pointedly asked for' the names and leaves 'one • no• better off than "of the members of the troop; As the,•. before...,:;. - lames• were called over‘he stopped at • , :ane, Why,is that boy a member of • _ • ' " • - the Scouts,' he asked, for 'he has been WHY THE BELL, TELEPHONE Co proven bad to the'core. ' NEEDS •MORE MONEY What a big mistake ` to • majce by • a — - 'calling a young boy -"bad -to the tore!-: As - is generally known the Bell: No boy_ is bad at heart while he -is so Telephone --Company is asking -for --young : ;Al_1==he needs as -a hfb do=get h ' : THEY GET • A CHANCE:' • • INCORRPORATED'1855 ' - Capital• Paid. Up $4,000,000 Re erve , Fund ° A5,000,000 Oven .124` Branches • e e Is its _ courts 'f oil The_, Molaone Bank•.prides itself on _the. _ ..:.. tty__t► .. >l _ No Matter' how -large or luny sMall the volume of. your business with t►nkyou are +�iiv s -a u r . courteous ti d -cordial• reception. t1�aett3' sli .ed 'a _ De - mail given care f ul- •attention. ' posit.$ .kry ¢, - _ _.. •,o: ifti Ci PLUMBING• food plumbing in' your home it a source of pleasure 'to the whole household.' ' • • r can ..e -.1 bath- ;. _..• Any handy man _ nirt _ta! _. boom- .fixtures Oat make neat_ °. 'appearance,:' but the vital parts . of a plumbing Job Are concealed; under the floor, and require :the . a - - al mechanat,__ svorkm nalaiA..�n-.a--,rn r Ba. alto' to .Consult ua'::befara •, taeiii °youa p contrast, { }g • We handle; the wolf known :lac- • . la, Pipeless, and the Empire King,` Pipe or ,Pipeless• Furnaces. Thes furnaces, installed by us, are - a pleasure to . operate, and give 'A No, 1 heating results. - Headquarters #or • Eavetrou2- ing, Sheet Metal Work and Elea:,- trical Work, • • Special Attonties:. Paid to All • Country Work, DRINKWALTER, olaaER R TINSMITH ' 'POO .lir _ ,. Lychee Lucknow L.O.144 No. 428, meet .in their lodge room every second .Tues- day of the- month at -8 -o'clock pm: W.M. Jai. :Irwin; Rec. Sec'y., Wm. McQuillan, „ • LO.O.F. Lucknow Lodge meets every Friday evening at 8 o'clock -in their Hall, Campbell streets All brethren cordially invited. Officers; Noble Grand; .Robt. Johnston; Vice Grand, Sick. Barbour;: Ras. Sae., I. Aitcbi+ 11011; -Fin ==Stns, Dr. Patarsonl4"rirstl nrer. Altai'. Sons. ` • 1. permission.; - to increase, the rates. him .out of writ that he has unfortun' charged• -for its-pservice=to•phone users--ately:-•slipped Ante :All.+boys are _giv • '. Being a natural monopollr; and be... en a chance in the :Scouts ,to make ing rn. the enjoyment of priveleges good, ;, •Do;•you sincerely:_ think that. • a oy if b tsrho 'h s'mad'e •it- mistake -in_ granted --by; our goyerments,-tire- conn- . a :pony-- is sot allowed -to--fix its own -his early day_ss-:when._ptaeed - amongst' price -tor tor:its; services -if •it were- so --a group- .of—good—boysvwi11 cop-ranpt i Lisa's , Hstad-Whit. _Moore.-: : -- Lucknow-Root; Johnston;.• Paisley -D; :Forrester. :Indoor - J4 .e.n .. -.r Spending- more time indoor make% women • far more subject to , constipation than meta.. , The liver:. be. cows sluggish and torpid, the bowels constipated and 4th> iystem poisoned by impurities. If you would . get away . ,fronw' the ..myriads._of 118;,• which..result.. from constipation, it is only neces- sary to use Dr. Chase's Kidney Liver Pals. •• The benefits from their useant as lasting as they.. are prompt• and certain. Mrs.' John. Barry. ^ 18 St. Ainable, Street, Quebec, Que., wr• ites: ••"bib isms certify that 1 was ,troubled for years with conitipation and tried. all hinds ofmedicines without relief. At fat my, husband' suggested-. that. 1 try; Dr, Chase's, Kidaiy-Liver Pills. 1 did so, and must say that:• they have given tae morerelief than .a11 the medicine 1 have taken during the Iasi fifteen years. 1 rimy also w add. that '1 have ed Dr. Chases Ointment for piles with' excel- lent results." • , • Dr. Chase's , Kidney -Liver Pills. -one pill'•a' dose, 25,c .a box: all dealereor-Edmenson=Bates c - Co., Ltd:, Toronto. • k • BRUCE •COUNTY. COUNCIL ' • FOR 1922 '• , Thirteen nett members . in. Bruce County "Council•, means -that 'between •one-third and one -hall of the mem-' hers .will be new blood,: The Coun- cil for 1922, - which holds its first session on Tuesday,: January' 24, at Walkerton, will ' •pave, among, 'its, menrbers the - :following; • new ones • U in'marked :with,an asterisk e� a' ,. Albemarle : -: *Chas.: Craig, Amabel-J... K : D:a nso Arran -"`J, W '"iSindair.'' Brant -*.Archie `Weir, ' Brant,1 e u't -*D "W. Gregg. . P Y Gregg. . ----;Bruce- *Peter -Dobson "-. •_Biuce.,_Deputy-`Wan Begg __... -Carrick=*A: Siegner. • 'Culross -Geo, Falcoin'er ' Eastno'r-N, S: Landon; `' Elderslie_=Jas: Lewis, Greenock -Michael McNab. • Huron-Robt. Irwin. , • •-- Huron,::.D:eputy. ' *D .n. AtIcKinnext. Lindsay -Dan_ McD o nald,.-_- • =Kinea'dine 'I'wp;-Geq Glake._._: Kinloss- Henry Mather$.• St. Edmunds= -*W. J. Simpson Saugeen-Geo Jamiesom;' Chrsley-J, W. He'serman. -I{tiv-.:t e ortli - iaa: A meson•• ._.Ki-neardhne_'Town.7.13. Woods, .THE, RED FRONT HARDWARE We have on hand nota, • •. Venango Special. lamp` '• oil It is'a high grade • Coal Oil,and also dou- ble. distilled, per gallon c5�+�': Also regular Imperial: Coal' Oil, at per 7 • gallon, • We have .a limited num- tier ,of New' Perfection " • • Coal Oil Heaters whichi we are offering as long , as they last at greatly . reduced prices. 'keg- . eg-• .alar $8.75 'for X7;00• We are • headquarters for all' good hand -made 'axes; ranging in prices; from $x.65 t° $2.25• Every one guaranteed. • Also a large assctrnient of g o o d. elm and second- growth hieltory axe haled les at prices f rofh 4( c. to'75e We are pleased to ,an- nounce,a great 'reduction in granite ware. Call in and see our reduced prices Remember, ,if it is Hardware, we have it at the right.price., Chestnut and Stove Coal of No. 1 Quality on hand PORTEO.CIS "The Store Where Your Money Goes 'Farthest?' PHONE 66 • To be.happy, you must forget your. solf. Learn benevolence; it is the only cure of a morbid temper.' ' Let honor be to Ali . as 'strong . an Obligation as necessity is to others, -.- PI iny. thers,---Pliny. Each heart is a 'world -toe find • all within youoseif that you find withoat -to know yoursolf you have only to riot down a true statontent of those that over loved or hated you. -siva-' ter. .s 4 permitted, it- would, on business prin ciples.' charge "all the:Iraffic -would stand"_ for corporations, you know,, have neither souls nor hearts • The -charges -which the -Bell -Co may - make are regulated` by the Canadia'n Railroad Board, and: this body, before giving a. decision, thought it wouldbe well -to enquire int -6'1W business df company to•x-see wh her not the company was in needTof more moneyot'o carry on its business d pav reasonable dividends to its share- holders; ,The company 'claims to 'be quite poor and •unable to• make a fair profit at the•present rate ofcharges. One of the discoveries made during. the -investigation was -that 'the pres- ident of the company is- paid a' salary of thirty thousand dollars a year, A; number of , other lesser, lights get twenty thousand dollars it' year, `and a few more . range.: down. to eight thousand ,dahili g :t _.rvJ111d be inter- estng ,to know what- ell the pres-• ident does towards earning that thirty thousand dollars;. It ie safe to conclude that tilt. elgh'b-thousand doil$r men . are domgmo�reto, make_ the business a success than he is In- 4eed �.iL. 1rc luently3 happens that thope high -salaried- presidents have 'time to be vice 'president's and dir- ectors in a number of concerns from all of which they draw a .princely eatery, It is 'safe*to'say that it 'never occurred to the highly -paid executiVe- of ..the Bell Telephone Company that the ahareholders might get more if the officers got less. ' . . A fete years ago the affairs of the Chicago , Street Railway 'Company were investigated because The man: aging board claimed that the coin- pany could not 'possibly afford to pay motormen and condutors more they were Wetting. It was found that the rq$14'11t Of thin, company wsu at them_'all? Do 'you really. think'. that? �- There tare -=