HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1922-01-19, Page 3'The teacher—usualy1i 4 i7es ana 100.ra, fto much in an 4tmo6pWe of iwjiatim, .1 tile ItbOughtlessnOFM of the' world out_�dde die was. Paremlis look * to' the, sch(yol to 'M- p4ce,the bome for. a'fevi touris each daT. Tey de'��garts paxient4l reVonsd_ 4111tk and disciplinje--so metinws a feelig OX great gladneal; to. be rid of a -burden fer a little while. Dor they bold up the hands of th�, beachers as they should?. Cominionily bhO do not, Too many*pAreno, with- wt- whatever, complOints the child pleAsei,; �o bring home. If, says the, ithe'par"t, histead.' If JiA;dng it,�out with the child, &� In the warpath,.Ivitli -blood in the eye. -'or the teadhe; The marvel laot tliat- - be -clieall, sebmils are- Pporly %ught. M nW." iqccupx�t� wul,then .111, vInces: during October-W_Ore valued as pubb Folded!p4ndis 597'� 0v1talJ1Y.�gt 6 t4ekrV,wel ling something 1'. NVelJvqIA the country. W Can. not $4,69'9;5 , .,.,British the, ve;ft- v to T willi4ir-As that so much of ii� their own. charm. OntWs h6uiso. al-, Ing 11; city ha Ing- rtjaintain;s*.sG . hijh­n %Und�rd. 14io eyeryill A,,� �Ye c4a :,Colu�nl�ia;--$74,1124---Alb6rta,--$290,'�60; _P4e, w.i.tbered.,hands,. that more 'th9n: I .140 'M rour- "( if whai do tvu t 0 trut). '' S'hr'u1J' I'll;&t. ])ring e it" Snafratch6wkn,, $274, 4nitoba, �NrAys h 5,_ vines" t1i el: Y, M Us., When *e X ff'd wrought for others, sln��,thed of, the li�ed` nbt qpst Monex; . tj�! kial over, possiblY. we - shou $253,625'; New Brpaswl&;'$20.5,900, now womin"'or, the iian-Nvh(. �od in rich s,�so contet it we cou�d.:,Like hurt 16f. tears,' ­ � r . ­ ir . child?, Whit inte;reM 6 No�a Scotia, $i95,529, and Vrfn�e Ed-' es -y" they grow ;A'A 10litaijo %6 teach Rocked ohildren's ci-Adleo, efsed ibe ha%, varfqty 0'9,4ea�jty� TJiei.,';N-JJd ItUili �4itl bf. big aie i0li tiffs $6,006: e ybft takLrn.in.wh.at'.is..bei.ng.,&nk,, fevet*s smaTti and our lands,qape.. Thq - C�,if di�e; they have their, priob- It, f,i the- stated Intg4tion -;of Ah6* foor- your child beyond writing aJi 0�-. Shaiwinigan. Cotton Company to ,en' Dropped baliu'bf jVniany 4111--casional'-pot requ9sl or renion� e of s ran faults of bullde":, lelirs. M16 ive*',w9it an d work f Or the large tbeir plant at. Shawinigan Falls, t ft? Is 'YZUP Wd's teaAer yow- heart; prclaim64. Ill li-be unsiglitlines big ll�qapk, there -is no hi�rm'hi dA)Ing C Quo.,'. next" p o rep 'rted 0 'fiiend? lie or Fhe�_khoulld*be' Y Ided, qave,, -'pres ough-C c t4 e cd red- ttp by� all 0, * (1,0 f& and in.. our little N ow, stfrlj�si fo like .11 the pro b" 11 ie C n afi thAt the Eagle -Knitting, Company will sed*, e aco riiiiii(Al in- 'at n'iature. - it would home�,--. 'the er he hard to flnd' in O�tario a�,y aij'huvJ,- 1, City papers now Of her �Prest in the trailling Of fhe - yi�ung little build a plant,. while. ilie ..Shawinigan breast, n. les h6us-a or s,clii gl-GU", a per" .'who qarr., fAhat- doiild "46t S'Chol. , -the smaller they. a the. Water afid.Pbwgr Company. are Instal- I% to do the work- 6finan or , mail i7l be, niad4 6ea�tlfua Iiftfilii�i'expend,.Itu' higbor.t#4 tult4lon! �' f the Miment nerdtors to . double pp�al they. t9ld'of labrs "Yo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ling. nowlturbine ge. to Of In0neY- Th'O. rura sebbols &at g f , we. posltivel� can, not bae the big -In of electricity for the -the da lroducth. city Xn w Take. iji�. th, teachWs .1chol that we want', we may at, least. of Montrea their pi6ttirea take,,aG horrio ell -earned rest that came. at -Lie twith a of min. ari Y. t:b4.n d'a our. very'vest to helli le little serious thought- miwke it wors-6. S&tietfll ourr litt Ektepsive pla4s for prq�noting. the our.own. The day -is �;femt bv.,Me cot,tages, that g0tlh;�lr�'pltirgs to be'as good as a, little school reindeer Jndustr� have been put Into I 'Ia # ro THE GREAT CHIPPAWA oar6 I om not with two or three can bi�,, We rhight find thlat. -QUEENSTON CAN y Com- Fro4n.tbe_wcin'brG* -the Me6 4.)f we like It; AL �peration by the 'Hud,6n ad swe t renj but with b p , it.'ma '' If the teseller and pup16- k. that, it ln`ay�. be 'afto'lthe� adVantage of An 4eroplane view of the powbi, 1�0use and the f oi�b " at Qu'� lision.. enai6av -to aie" y'bi, two o.:r,tbree . ml 1lem- ay ee pany in an vor prod PIC" As, It -*4n, angel -'s, kissr -the q,elves And t'od-t sur"u1Ii;dihjs!'n -at b fa. that hiukes ujg The.pb' tive h --vast- stretchell of the North 7hjlg she Ard.zou4try.'Ji irtion of the pqwer house seen no a the bottom of 'the photograph, Is pt, You- say -he -teacher- -Keep, t;ne.Tn -e n9f �tj - ` I r, - me or grain 1e1)Wf;014ng rs the 64e Of thG building whezr Ii will.b' X hundred reindeer have ebeerillig, thel III land. Over,.si io i " i e campl4ted. - The 118-- Had, "smootbed the cobwelf wrinkles Jintdre#ed11.._and b6w would y 432 ht' the. staadarizd& _ti lioar the:,woods 'and fields-, near 41A sures on the'face of the ro been recently, shipped f fqni Nqrway .ou do it venty�five eir qk are cutting& for the penstocks. The fall- at this' t3lirif e dulle . . if 6 tasR were. yours? what �1!6, citations ev�Ty A�V; fit . allid'Iffe - of furnks OR * farm point is to, Damn Isitind. Alpeomilinying, these, I over .460 ftfee'L - At the top the,jate house for confrolling the.,fall . with And given hack* the Peace of ojl&- wbuld "u. use to fascinate that roni­ may mr,--��InAl homiss. . ThiB envfroilnionit Mdght be ofwater from the fore -b animals -'were 'Lapland heraeri Iay. hood's day, ful and'aiade the -'.jrhited IIige . am. Che e6acher may lose'ller job. Exajill�. es, the lifth. tteir famjJIes,'re:lnde&. sleighs, "skis, nd on tbe'llps fhiLt, faint smileAlm4f -the'. dral recitatin lI# natJolpA*yield credit, credits' yield sl bore t:he-m-,s HYD41.0 ..ELECTRIC 'PROGRESS: I I I 'be developed, as compared witb* ano. all the equipment .,necessary to dIlplo,fila, an a diploma, elvesi might �be worse*; so -1116 1910, � C1149tioek, 10 UYban municipal!- 1.6.b,p. at Viagara'Falls., launblitli; said: is the 904 Of 119 *fill helP. the teacher,aad the, industry prop&ly,; t .. . . . . I . . "Xne'knoWf life',s teQik but -the hap- Yq�ii 'hid he iiest Danish schools have gained Ppis cle4ii-the s�'IGtplhouee it she ties�', using* .76-0: li.p.; .1-9211, ciistomers, Near Lundy's, -Lane' -)During the month �of, Gefober a total not, woer. ix by.abo'llsbing a3i Oxan . lititio Iling that they shou 236 rlian municipalities- arid,44 town. the bottom of Py. nerves, -are' sometimes Tasped to na, tredits fs�. wi Id base 63TY �be - Canal is. Gw 'groun of 'Immigrants entered 'Canadit, the 143:1eet bol' d 'So. ga�jng, wbei,6, ishe Jay Vre- knew raw.- You.*ne'o, I-Voj be surliri,s and diplomas. With,lis,. dipromai. mat- rq�vt (A.,- thaV.hig�* The ship�, wJiJr a t6tai of '�65,000. conermil Of- N�hom 2;176 weirs' iroin' tl�ie BritMh I..eduation. I.. lev� f les, 2,129' ill th tes ind thei)i human and, -Y s fro ter fut. erv, using -3015,941�h,p. tht more than edutatioll -and cer- sch we -And l5vrting could-'n't'cle' I, DEV L PMENT C 8 fe and 1,870 0om other count-66�, The esawfe e te4cher may,need-Ifr I _H4J'P*P A W' -ace E 0 P, Nrou 'd be, 11 —th ob, bitt:711k_e: the kawin, it is eath wat. �O &et, an� in r9 ir '5.' et. The foacbk ee� VIVY6� t Planne'dil Wofor. total* Immigratior for t.. lie, I first tell Is t. '-r- e Cy ea;- if, a I I is. lost, I It, despair tb e the' besit ly-O haveii-olf lnid�'jt�bjy the initihLeapacitty of. .' Eirth� . exci= was, .13,200,000 r.r teacher, and her pl.6414!- �ihay;-tlitow fill 1. 1001010 ft'v.,1611a maximum, of 190 1-tiefi,- refreshment. more., thali, §c oca , were thle b6st SChKH)l h,p.; . r 000f6ubic YaMs, rock 4,182,000' months f 1021 Is, 7.,2,015,- th.e.nev;_ ay sme -More o eaized,,with JuAial ga-pacity o U ,;�Mers An d we.. were, stile tbat.04�y. -ay The teaclie'r Ili st. ha`�e, �b-=-i'4.' 4w I those inultUddIn- M6,-, s c by, origin' being. Dritish �'34,5 �7; NyoUld be in.'. hop6ie f elibic: yards. - boucitto to her laaf W'Ifeh the saltir�, is 27 i amount -of other coun- e maxi-iou o 0 yards us�d. and go srome , fii) PIlilit; bu wliat 1;M-11-11181 is. Dot �,l 54600'kli,I .. ' I ' ' f:1 450 00.0 cubi tries'15,946." 'a wb 'all he sinlle' z.p bu Unifed'Staees 21,6.32'; --and Q-t'p-art% of tf:e coi un, y s nlia.,. ng day to, see how thp ti7ees come'l -If' 650 000 In ttle. Isethbol-Ift:k bb In the )VIth eketilon of oile-mile in e . arth lchi we. :C past terial obligatiob. is - &s,61,at.ged. Wt, rellminapy out in floiWr Ania ledf: - q�llxt­*Guld Ila ,Y60i P .*ork bega,;� 1927 - Anil .2,500 -feet bull't-up and.. -r'aA�tal of 27,1 may 90.out of�'i -t IAt the,end of Oeto-i,�, �ve. -excav4tion, 71�o ' kne*- he'r old or jwd aRide. Pay wh X1, , n,ever . . S. Remim *ItIv, arge shovP4, canal i4 ad"In r k 'e i-' ed men.haA lieen-setflbd an ..4 Ia bdg scho - ." . I . , .. . ' i rock -filled, I 14i.r tu n ear 13o f' 1),ji_ eq-111pleted and ope, cthe, land und . er the. Soldiers,' Settle. itt. payz. t -b Marell.. 1918; b* " best. the maiden and th4 and 'norWr illore 'ihm -1921. At'olie time S,foo rdla?s; Fur ned Widith of fin,shd iockcut portion I'lo are building 'tenl-ple� ater 35 to 40 1� to $86e. I - n spfung to -greet h6r-wl rein, bx 1�1�11 y P10YO ill. conistructiGn work, Be 504,857 had* been. gritnted to. 21.'69 , hu Onde . , . , . I 04 .28; -is 4�'f t,'a, pth of w Ment Bba7rd. . 1,6-ang ifnicuptin not -&to 9f Chl- eill d -hands wl�e Every'ditild knowsi the r, * ] feet. Q tb ill(: Q- with ness are diell1a and he.� g1l, but" jence lial &.& *, - wirr ell, speech a5s glip06 cause of. r, - -feW ons-, tie cost of POV��R FEATURES:. r.'Ilere is'at men Who ares6ttled on. purchased'and T the ii-st-nainea'. 40 ities in around 611 Ivill be-aboat 2 wimes ii6 Iiier. lore he tcicthcr ellriene1l, tilla-t. 0 a�id li�' hildifion thfore ire r, by 'the n -16"� eir rig 6re than: -h 0 11111 elctrl.cally�_&Perqfezi contro' free landg, can teae -th 'ut veiry 1!6ns, e s, ory4a,a depaitiir,� �-% ' deA. 'eirp*dl, ieli,t dt'ql. tt O;a�es, b in ad. it been done be� g 6,103 i�ho-hav� lim of if a06- ncw, Aftikitise. - one on fr e.DQmJn'iq'U In'll iinfoiltimate, when they �4.6e war' take GrigInl, m Ali d..' W.eb�ayne home" evietl, a, sph6b-lioom, sessiok§ -W (1:1� due tG, laii'ds anA ll�*e Jidi fd house Avili be� t�o ked far.financial feet I gasTed her hands;. ho, ha',s -m6st.io r=, to vig4t,-_ Antake at'NWgara,1 length, and- t �V;e traLolation of tbe� 1�roq,cb version '73'Of -S�bordil�-ated THR "DIT-CHII.,- ___To dnte,423 re urned iliLm roof 160 -feet- I a-bave --Ttrer :'b an .19- We d hu t -h: Id g of, .1 9 give to the.-boin - tri -7M oil river, enin' land have. repaid :their o.. �t and trose, a RG k s, of Toront; I �Pre ar Jo Aisthrb .gxesslve self - a�se river,- (.bippaws; to �klo'll Dr. Richard la - lids. Contacts for C. pxcavatRd. to depth of. 25 fe P iret. . I --'7--. :. Sangete,,, bet F canal,, lonfose't 1.119 to start the- raiiifig. 0. Iiiii ween tbacher a�d Vugllt�in, Tb''J-able qualitie .0, belaw river level. Ck. foxes 'ilver mll&- urb in e' RTC—] . alReat e 'bv T' 19ditud-1111 - . all ways. to wry, Ma R a man more ecomph and iat the -tile. I tot -O�X- Ih '0nt-';aud'is havingrane.h.-guar exr. pe.' t. M TAct remains ti 5'atil! . .. . I . . __ __ - -i * _: r7 about '32 (Teaei;i�6� �i� o IQueenstn tur Snow.. guds .:at the f ever bul-It, of 60AQ0 h.p. lei w o gav Tw6 �ol` tile t am I it- h his� U n dsiaribeil' i4of 327 feet- 1 inst'I'lled. yare' largest and a lit the origiv I the 0 ilia TTf, is a Jotal n , le, me tc� tile- 0 er ater pan-tou s. I eavi-, mrne Iflie$-unrel-atied in an�- ',ell vali;; V�i Th Q,s praIfti o�neral, T, 13 tr and-ledg-�,rc- v or every-,�uill!j, fot f -ter t- CTal 4 us.6. tc-dai!; itiade! 9ft Interestflig, ex- IlWorld.."IllIej run PA '18.7 as'That Crii ipp tin A _C_Qn�rt luill -the XeCiltiVeI. facilliles shbuld' se j" jilt. so a- theft *1 eillae of An d1s, 77. - - - I 1 i6, f 6ti,n -n a- men. renc. 1_ ap Vair, urj,,. I pr ed a ez*t Temperature -he. cou .i, ob.ta; e rea :Verre g a 4 fliat not i6 b jh� cthL,, bridge in bllo�ld-' S Gro' n. _d or.the C4,rbor will:' Ceylo.n Snail s,bu I e I from 6f Jce An �pi -h 'an. Th19-- Wwture prodd—o.e I quid lientina 1 S, be -cramp e And. -I I m"i te d' n May th6 roughly whf�. froll) four to, tom f -I 't, has t "woodeV I.which. of t1le-tale'from tbat.day-tQ.tMi;,vde-s'_- li� ittaft), a length of, .01, engineers . o, protee. �r_nie, as Part)14�m Of. the -study, the der. t, 114yr lote. Mfe absurd-ity.,,of.; .f. tht Country. five.inelie. piles all, dert-wafer by _oncat3­ ' .�! .� L,.Il;g U frien of th e the- freezing Point, or even of %li�w. anythin wribAttle and fra -,a Universities Raise Siandirds Iballiorpte.­ which saves Theaddition of coarke: salt to. snow orthe mali-ufiictu.r� of aab& them It. n slides, roul the ra.vagw of desitrtial-yo-_! Or �brok particleeino terel!46 en sea---w-a-Mis, -No _1�i b- t,H h -French .8,6rgeol� Tt'llas,be4n ddts�cover0d- inelt, ��Iianglng l, 'Toronto, : . ih.� IleI f'u_r.iInivvrsAiies, in OnttArjo_ he Characer of'btb. Mokes.-You -Shiver?: d I - ---- --- jisi t.c I. . . . . . Westr—rr -a Just lie -at leads to a a�ve b Tf ith�: the' Ajewtili'dilt-of witch lor It ILI. rJT 9, -T�a-tc,­L­tha, well -itown drow,viness, cold: Itaq: I lie, effe f ex- W61t.Ms5on-,.-- F aPP11;' lb s' I I was uhniniusly'deoided to in, -it Ifmlt 18 ed o -w n 0xtrenie-' Hithero it had -'_�lting..nild dkil uTbjyig- t. . lie: ner I . . , erdase log Thi�-fosji -th AV nd. -very. eat t requ ly cold V. her lit. le ch4fngCfs'notide� 'tbey. Coil. 'fio to the IfT . have -fdr fil'-,Pllace6 wiier'e"'I a ute", qa*tys al co-6xse, of tKf. F - . Pi. i . I We becaiisie,,',the retill para irsit Year. In 1923.1 cas- is qLs. faet. it, is-foritted*.. B' �'theory�was di's proVIM'a,t t', I frt*zL U a111 e wh.e-n* bf Medit, gc y T r� -as _ddy ed� upiIii in rt a df the: b. -6-1 ad. has._b6t tli r n) of' pl,otee (11,niplete - junior Teg have c NE C -h eiii 1) ehl.,a way tilat, tjiL�y caal tweuty.fiye:or Aegte IA tv c 11 l4tfo a. 7.6. ps6 r c repeate fb. - ­ �: x -1�, -Of �Vl.edgje6 -.r 13 0- nt 'A, _Ia ��1'0��_ �­ 2�­,­,.t.. , �_%a­­._­­.­­.1.. -es I W a- tim6;. many o .11 �isafvpear -rapidly, su ijccts�- or complete unior ICU- ring i ne, off jn� years old. Dr. LeFiliatr�. ille Ile. IV. _2s __ -, wd'. recognize As- a IS is -d'S . . ..... Y�gobe yen fo dedr of United twin. na,med %j';iiT 1p,*Iit� jecti, or h:6r"ni MY Ca, I -r,junk. and g�fll pe 3 ­ a -_1 - ­­­­ IlIld N-arfety ot-,spR4111-c, 01 mu he an�.b Wg� Purpose Ili pro;�Q nr the blilw. ditln,at of trals1l tinbrokn Pe. U.za 11 13 10111 'Made.) "Tie -Y the Cold, ill 'ell- t any iet" on tick., Heltce'fott -apoe nwans: of �entrance is­to,-,.affbid- the A; 1 d F 'I. &aifi rt --.bdonr­t,o -eltu,�r fh6t sionie P. o NV Ih eon - 41ff ering, t -in -T- -b I -e e4li6 Pei, f lekt . -have. a _Dgiliftfl Cori), 11101 driVe A, Motbr rolind 'a blool' 1-mil9t have phi T4 If 'e ;F , -2 - d f4 -V e­att -Ai4v bo, ad b gms -dunm Q M e _o. r -t h,_ - I e act X Ayrtho�.sanie . Like nibst things whih 'to,pfepare Ttudents for- th4 and ly st spoken io -war-dy'. by cf?l Co IY- liornj and know, you- b*4. to rfolir iburs wjt.�,t)uj a 1119 'dig 0. r -Brit, She w t0 o ei�' have tli�6-larg�url 6" ou run all tres. fut- -thff 18b ong e mo,rnag hearl atevet 6an' Y ffice h bas, Its Useful fu-netion; fdr I wtilIns li� 6y,. :and that. the cftjzd.4,s ftbt 04, �as arii walting.f0t 11ate" 1-0 jai th and It wlLgdecided.t in-sti -es. This,,ellazige do -IlU. el t d* ve 0. pitttire ay., th4wt It'is time for, U o. o �th inen' mys f -lit biave-attire, in uzabne, MCI, tlo 6dfi3 the. intraJuedon of ih6, Dani -7 OJCE­ �� - -,-- V slifirts.-and-any,lijil b uy 1101 mo' T17 ei I —it hat 9fod 9 -ion a a elne di d. b,,i-' tilt _(I n-pw V '14 kPI-11— 1-Mre at me, their.asli Nvipir Ir, 'sell -Gobs un,21 ec dattifis Ani e T_ Y Ed zurd VW rc the .are interuption. Lis ind to t�ko pilope3� advdntage of 'And -Ittt IP41111 for lengthy talk! ng - must, how- : ' ri ..el,.s eunle, to jily, klic de, stern. d-ocun ent pr. PC. to s tbat evey, lie, 0, lisle- seven b6nes, yo -ti 1 -on g- hav e"' last iijight,'alid 0i e ret' rilveit'itv education. the new qwed�-wby 4ot.c() lie, fil' aild, .clumbla, whee. it � '��cod to me! tong. time, ha -7 P _91:3118tim� P --a pfellli= on appli. 109 I- rebutfs:z-Ri: W-19 - _ N even- _ena 11t- tilt! r6pl!6'd 'and na.w.such tj� Keel) your heart olean. aubles Inust bO tured--1,11 e al,ked for- Xtnas.--Gift.* g I in, abi fly 18% 'huns- ig� -It will til it ino mre.' vdtll'160 Pil"Pse­ of"ob., )l rn oUt 64 Like Prudeftlads' I -wil.1) ve, illy WIge,,,,l won't blow: gillid if,' �<eep your InInd.-free -be�ia' ­� 9tTUVtfUg other 0 .0 Alai) J.' Cobliani: ivell imoNI,l; ep,#Ait , t, I) ie. mory MY Whiskes lie ur,:bo Keep yo lh 160p out of 0 Is' Artfirle'lal 'Ostriell iPerhap" taxi" Pilo as 6�g i'9 aq&P lula 8 It was' th� .sorrow,, 2 000 miles. by a r io lle'nlor�. , 1, I) I . , ; ir'bi orde. .K,eep tbe -in airt,lyeen invelite ery hi of celt ful reply. "But this aa Chistill' q�.,parcel In London. .,He. Mold nd silk, sdand nortliorli - Afil'(%. EUER liv REC Gene g,,'O 0 r'oP'6 oil a I nifli6 journey wi.tJ 1,)I( Sharpe jof, Providen&,-- N% (�althi eILl T "! , TI arrived In Barce4ona on 211 % _N-hett hs 'Vfare- destred _'b fif to td a ParZel deilve,N Nr-Vtk,--r A Mir—, b Tf . I . : wan WNkd-. . . - , - 4--, B0 bef&e Chrlsfmaa ay. _�7 ITV.V- 7 Ing lieforeChristnias And MiAde'a.nor st,6p fliklit' to Dijon' N I ping After delivering 'the parcrj D*fv a C "Went- t7j"BriMbI ab'd ��is Mak- with frietilsAbere. 14e 6"taitee.. hi iw'day retrun trip to Spalt .5i. I'lYing a Do Haviland "nine" Mr, t the Cobhom !F taxi" pilot in.the world., He travels "light," without mechkfttc� He -ba" r flown ove Piactimmy all tboo mure, �_11. Pena eountrie In 1921 and says Jil that period he covored'inore, ihajl� id )lot bftve a single 120,000-nilletq. Hedl s.erflius aeddent., I(;reat B itdin �aj� (nt. kotor-car 110 it -.4 populat),6n. School .A Muth has been sia 0 14 about.the des- be daw-p-f 4;!le pr4ginim, it, would 1�ot able extqfit,dre, reported from .Alle�ent lwoii O,nd flueeMlily eonditia of the be'sW Wing bocim; r bat th-ere wquld not iir4 parts of Princ, Edw , Islabd, which, nwal S -6h ' aL "Th ' ral 80'410101bogsletno tabemlciiq In'% and it would.W iea It gets -VIlMed olicii whether It ; remenitred, wbe 9 day . wit�_ th6 vlasl ot A bigh quality anid billlia=e. need It or not.11 "The dug,t of. pgq,�,[ boks had en afvalien. The AlAhOfat, N.S�, lirte;r OxIllbl- -aettle3 -on everythto.,th]it I' h,, diwt I 8� Ilaso )n:b_* �q ol,�4n, whole- ittl Into 00111,4cild roc�ntjy * as. fripla W. I ezft P�Jnf of'vIw. The�leatrbis, ip- pupils'. .. Aj�j '#�* e4- .4, pti�jf from, .A�4 v6mim live In little h0s ,some, clfidid'.425 o eat 16; 2A head 't ' t ' 00 sheep whV do g6t, gr�,w vp in tbei,* A. big ad -1,800 birds. adhil .M.1116r, of Asb� It v tshould chalice to bose nT( y be sa r ay and often burg, Ontario, was one 1, the,biggest the dco SheltCT Veak anciecure seven 4 fall o*-aud '� 1, Ve io have, bitger b v ii�bst of tio' Ito first And six veoo.)W. prizes in.the fbpr.; 'C$Mn th-0 bukle. It OW114 be dpile and homes! and. biggeai selloolhous.e.s.; but 'The teacher—usualy1i 4 i7es ana 100.ra, fto much in an 4tmo6pWe of iwjiatim, .1 tile ItbOughtlessnOFM of the' world out_�dde die was. Paremlis look * to' the, sch(yol to 'M- p4ce,the bome for. a'fevi touris each daT. Tey de'��garts paxient4l reVonsd_ 4111tk and disciplinje--so metinws a feelig OX great gladneal; to. be rid of a -burden fer a little while. Dor they bold up the hands of th�, beachers as they should?. Cominionily bhO do not, Too many*pAreno, with- wt- whatever, complOints the child pleAsei,; �o bring home. If, says the, ithe'par"t, histead.' If JiA;dng it,�out with the child, &� In the warpath,.Ivitli -blood in the eye. -'or the teadhe; The marvel laot tliat- - be -clieall, sebmils are- Pporly %ught. M nW." iqccupx�t� wul,then .111, vInces: during October-W_Ore valued as pubb Folded!p4ndis 597'� 0v1talJ1Y.�gt 6 t4ekrV,wel ling something 1'. NVelJvqIA the country. W Can. not $4,69'9;5 , .,.,British the, ve;ft- v to T willi4ir-As that so much of ii� their own. charm. OntWs h6uiso. al-, Ing 11; city ha Ing- rtjaintain;s*.sG . hijh­n %Und�rd. 14io eyeryill A,,� �Ye c4a :,Colu�nl�ia;--$74,1124---Alb6rta,--$290,'�60; _P4e, w.i.tbered.,hands,. that more 'th9n: I .140 'M rour- "( if whai do tvu t 0 trut). '' S'hr'u1J' I'll;&t. ])ring e it" Snafratch6wkn,, $274, 4nitoba, �NrAys h 5,_ vines" t1i el: Y, M Us., When *e X ff'd wrought for others, sln��,thed of, the li�ed` nbt qpst Monex; . tj�! kial over, possiblY. we - shou $253,625'; New Brpaswl&;'$20.5,900, now womin"'or, the iian-Nvh(. �od in rich s,�so contet it we cou�d.:,Like hurt 16f. tears,' ­ � r . ­ ir . child?, Whit inte;reM 6 No�a Scotia, $i95,529, and Vrfn�e Ed-' es -y" they grow ;A'A 10litaijo %6 teach Rocked ohildren's ci-Adleo, efsed ibe ha%, varfqty 0'9,4ea�jty� TJiei.,';N-JJd ItUili �4itl bf. big aie i0li tiffs $6,006: e ybft takLrn.in.wh.at'.is..bei.ng.,&nk,, fevet*s smaTti and our lands,qape.. Thq - C�,if di�e; they have their, priob- It, f,i the- stated Intg4tion -;of Ah6* foor- your child beyond writing aJi 0�-. Shaiwinigan. Cotton Company to ,en' Dropped baliu'bf jVniany 4111--casional'-pot requ9sl or renion� e of s ran faults of bullde":, lelirs. M16 ive*',w9it an d work f Or the large tbeir plant at. Shawinigan Falls, t ft? Is 'YZUP Wd's teaAer yow- heart; prclaim64. Ill li-be unsiglitlines big ll�qapk, there -is no hi�rm'hi dA)Ing C Quo.,'. next" p o rep 'rted 0 'fiiend? lie or Fhe�_khoulld*be' Y Ided, qave,, -'pres ough-C c t4 e cd red- ttp by� all 0, * (1,0 f& and in.. our little N ow, stfrlj�si fo like .11 the pro b" 11 ie C n afi thAt the Eagle -Knitting, Company will sed*, e aco riiiiii(Al in- 'at n'iature. - it would home�,--. 'the er he hard to flnd' in O�tario a�,y aij'huvJ,- 1, City papers now Of her �Prest in the trailling Of fhe - yi�ung little build a plant,. while. ilie ..Shawinigan breast, n. les h6us-a or s,clii gl-GU", a per" .'who qarr., fAhat- doiild "46t S'Chol. , -the smaller they. a the. Water afid.Pbwgr Company. are Instal- I% to do the work- 6finan or , mail i7l be, niad4 6ea�tlfua Iiftfilii�i'expend,.Itu' higbor.t#4 tult4lon! �' f the Miment nerdtors to . double pp�al they. t9ld'of labrs "Yo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ling. nowlturbine ge. to Of In0neY- Th'O. rura sebbols &at g f , we. posltivel� can, not bae the big -In of electricity for the -the da lroducth. city Xn w Take. iji�. th, teachWs .1chol that we want', we may at, least. of Montrea their pi6ttirea take,,aG horrio ell -earned rest that came. at -Lie twith a of min. ari Y. t:b4.n d'a our. very'vest to helli le little serious thought- miwke it wors-6. S&tietfll ourr litt Ektepsive pla4s for prq�noting. the our.own. The day -is �;femt bv.,Me cot,tages, that g0tlh;�lr�'pltirgs to be'as good as a, little school reindeer Jndustr� have been put Into I 'Ia # ro THE GREAT CHIPPAWA oar6 I om not with two or three can bi�,, We rhight find thlat. -QUEENSTON CAN y Com- Fro4n.tbe_wcin'brG* -the Me6 4.)f we like It; AL �peration by the 'Hud,6n ad swe t renj but with b p , it.'ma '' If the teseller and pup16- k. that, it ln`ay�. be 'afto'lthe� adVantage of An 4eroplane view of the powbi, 1�0use and the f oi�b " at Qu'� lision.. enai6av -to aie" y'bi, two o.:r,tbree . ml 1lem- ay ee pany in an vor prod PIC" As, It -*4n, angel -'s, kissr -the q,elves And t'od-t sur"u1Ii;dihjs!'n -at b fa. that hiukes ujg The.pb' tive h --vast- stretchell of the North 7hjlg she Ard.zou4try.'Ji irtion of the pqwer house seen no a the bottom of 'the photograph, Is pt, You- say -he -teacher- -Keep, t;ne.Tn -e n9f �tj - ` I r, - me or grain 1e1)Wf;014ng rs the 64e Of thG building whezr Ii will.b' X hundred reindeer have ebeerillig, thel III land. Over,.si io i " i e campl4ted. - The 118-- Had, "smootbed the cobwelf wrinkles Jintdre#ed11.._and b6w would y 432 ht' the. staadarizd& _ti lioar the:,woods 'and fields-, near 41A sures on the'face of the ro been recently, shipped f fqni Nqrway .ou do it venty�five eir qk are cutting& for the penstocks. The fall- at this' t3lirif e dulle . . if 6 tasR were. yours? what �1!6, citations ev�Ty A�V; fit . allid'Iffe - of furnks OR * farm point is to, Damn Isitind. Alpeomilinying, these, I over .460 ftfee'L - At the top the,jate house for confrolling the.,fall . with And given hack* the Peace of ojl&- wbuld "u. use to fascinate that roni­ may mr,--��InAl homiss. . ThiB envfroilnionit Mdght be ofwater from the fore -b animals -'were 'Lapland heraeri Iay. hood's day, ful and'aiade the -'.jrhited IIige . am. Che e6acher may lose'ller job. Exajill�. es, the lifth. tteir famjJIes,'re:lnde&. sleighs, "skis, nd on tbe'llps fhiLt, faint smileAlm4f -the'. dral recitatin lI# natJolpA*yield credit, credits' yield sl bore t:he-m-,s HYD41.0 ..ELECTRIC 'PROGRESS: I I I 'be developed, as compared witb* ano. all the equipment .,necessary to dIlplo,fila, an a diploma, elvesi might �be worse*; so -1116 1910, � C1149tioek, 10 UYban municipal!- 1.6.b,p. at Viagara'Falls., launblitli; said: is the 904 Of 119 *fill helP. the teacher,aad the, industry prop&ly,; t .. . . . . I . . "Xne'knoWf life',s teQik but -the hap- Yq�ii 'hid he iiest Danish schools have gained Ppis cle4ii-the s�'IGtplhouee it she ties�', using* .76-0: li.p.; .1-9211, ciistomers, Near Lundy's, -Lane' -)During the month �of, Gefober a total not, woer. ix by.abo'llsbing a3i Oxan . lititio Iling that they shou 236 rlian municipalities- arid,44 town. the bottom of Py. nerves, -are' sometimes Tasped to na, tredits fs�. wi Id base 63TY �be - Canal is. Gw 'groun of 'Immigrants entered 'Canadit, the 143:1eet bol' d 'So. ga�jng, wbei,6, ishe Jay Vre- knew raw.- You.*ne'o, I-Voj be surliri,s and diplomas. With,lis,. dipromai. mat- rq�vt (A.,- thaV.hig�* The ship�, wJiJr a t6tai of '�65,000. conermil Of- N�hom 2;176 weirs' iroin' tl�ie BritMh I..eduation. I.. lev� f les, 2,129' ill th tes ind thei)i human and, -Y s fro ter fut. erv, using -3015,941�h,p. tht more than edutatioll -and cer- sch we -And l5vrting could-'n't'cle' I, DEV L PMENT C 8 fe and 1,870 0om other count-66�, The esawfe e te4cher may,need-Ifr I _H4J'P*P A W' -ace E 0 P, Nrou 'd be, 11 —th ob, bitt:711k_e: the kawin, it is eath wat. �O &et, an� in r9 ir '5.' et. The foacbk ee� VIVY6� t Planne'dil Wofor. total* Immigratior for t.. lie, I first tell Is t. '-r- e Cy ea;- if, a I I is. lost, I It, despair tb e the' besit ly-O haveii-olf lnid�'jt�bjy the initihLeapacitty of. .' Eirth� . exci= was, .13,200,000 r.r teacher, and her pl.6414!- �ihay;-tlitow fill 1. 1001010 ft'v.,1611a maximum, of 190 1-tiefi,- refreshment. more., thali, §c oca , were thle b6st SChKH)l h,p.; . r 000f6ubic YaMs, rock 4,182,000' months f 1021 Is, 7.,2,015,- th.e.nev;_ ay sme -More o eaized,,with JuAial ga-pacity o U ,;�Mers An d we.. were, stile tbat.04�y. -ay The teaclie'r Ili st. ha`�e, �b-=-i'4.' 4w I those inultUddIn- M6,-, s c by, origin' being. Dritish �'34,5 �7; NyoUld be in.'. hop6ie f elibic: yards. - boucitto to her laaf W'Ifeh the saltir�, is 27 i amount -of other coun- e maxi-iou o 0 yards us�d. and go srome , fii) PIlilit; bu wliat 1;M-11-11181 is. Dot �,l 54600'kli,I .. ' I ' ' f:1 450 00.0 cubi tries'15,946." 'a wb 'all he sinlle' z.p bu Unifed'Staees 21,6.32'; --and Q-t'p-art% of tf:e coi un, y s nlia.,. ng day to, see how thp ti7ees come'l -If' 650 000 In ttle. Isethbol-Ift:k bb In the )VIth eketilon of oile-mile in e . arth lchi we. :C past terial obligatiob. is - &s,61,at.ged. Wt, rellminapy out in floiWr Ania ledf: - q�llxt­*Guld Ila ,Y60i P .*ork bega,;� 1927 - Anil .2,500 -feet bull't-up and.. -r'aA�tal of 27,1 may 90.out of�'i -t IAt the,end of Oeto-i,�, �ve. -excav4tion, 71�o ' kne*- he'r old or jwd aRide. Pay wh X1, , n,ever . . S. Remim *ItIv, arge shovP4, canal i4 ad"In r k 'e i-' ed men.haA lieen-setflbd an ..4 Ia bdg scho - ." . I . , .. . ' i rock -filled, I 14i.r tu n ear 13o f' 1),ji_ eq-111pleted and ope, cthe, land und . er the. Soldiers,' Settle. itt. payz. t -b Marell.. 1918; b* " best. the maiden and th4 and 'norWr illore 'ihm -1921. At'olie time S,foo rdla?s; Fur ned Widith of fin,shd iockcut portion I'lo are building 'tenl-ple� ater 35 to 40 1� to $86e. I - n spfung to -greet h6r-wl rein, bx 1�1�11 y P10YO ill. conistructiGn work, Be 504,857 had* been. gritnted to. 21.'69 , hu Onde . , . , . I 04 .28; -is 4�'f t,'a, pth of w Ment Bba7rd. . 1,6-ang ifnicuptin not -&to 9f Chl- eill d -hands wl�e Every'ditild knowsi the r, * ] feet. Q tb ill(: Q- with ness are diell1a and he.� g1l, but" jence lial &.& *, - wirr ell, speech a5s glip06 cause of. r, - -feW ons-, tie cost of POV��R FEATURES:. r.'Ilere is'at men Who ares6ttled on. purchased'and T the ii-st-nainea'. 40 ities in around 611 Ivill be-aboat 2 wimes ii6 Iiier. lore he tcicthcr ellriene1l, tilla-t. 0 a�id li�' hildifion thfore ire r, by 'the n -16"� eir rig 6re than: -h 0 11111 elctrl.cally�_&Perqfezi contro' free landg, can teae -th 'ut veiry 1!6ns, e s, ory4a,a depaitiir,� �-% ' deA. 'eirp*dl, ieli,t dt'ql. tt O;a�es, b in ad. it been done be� g 6,103 i�ho-hav� lim of if a06- ncw, Aftikitise. - one on fr e.DQmJn'iq'U In'll iinfoiltimate, when they �4.6e war' take GrigInl, m Ali d..' W.eb�ayne home" evietl, a, sph6b-lioom, sessiok§ -W (1:1� due tG, laii'ds anA ll�*e Jidi fd house Avili be� t�o ked far.financial feet I gasTed her hands;. ho, ha',s -m6st.io r=, to vig4t,-_ Antake at'NWgara,1 length, and- t �V;e traLolation of tbe� 1�roq,cb version '73'Of -S�bordil�-ated THR "DIT-CHII.,- ___To dnte,423 re urned iliLm roof 160 -feet- I a-bave --Ttrer :'b an .19- We d hu t -h: Id g of, .1 9 give to the.-boin - tri -7M oil river, enin' land have. repaid :their o.. �t and trose, a RG k s, of Toront; I �Pre ar Jo Aisthrb .gxesslve self - a�se river,- (.bippaws; to �klo'll Dr. Richard la - lids. Contacts for C. pxcavatRd. to depth of. 25 fe P iret. . I --'7--. :. Sangete,,, bet F canal,, lonfose't 1.119 to start the- raiiifig. 0. Iiiii ween tbacher a�d Vugllt�in, Tb''J-able qualitie .0, belaw river level. Ck. foxes 'ilver mll&- urb in e' RTC—] . alReat e 'bv T' 19ditud-1111 - . all ways. to wry, Ma R a man more ecomph and iat the -tile. I tot -O�X- Ih '0nt-';aud'is havingrane.h.-guar exr. pe.' t. M TAct remains ti 5'atil! . .. . I . . __ __ - -i * _: r7 about '32 (Teaei;i�6� �i� o IQueenstn tur Snow.. guds .:at the f ever bul-It, of 60AQ0 h.p. lei w o gav Tw6 �ol` tile t am I it- h his� U n dsiaribeil' i4of 327 feet- 1 inst'I'lled. yare' largest and a lit the origiv I the 0 ilia TTf, is a Jotal n , le, me tc� tile- 0 er ater pan-tou s. I eavi-, mrne Iflie$-unrel-atied in an�- ',ell vali;; V�i Th Q,s praIfti o�neral, T, 13 tr and-ledg-�,rc- v or every-,�uill!j, fot f -ter t- CTal 4 us.6. tc-dai!; itiade! 9ft Interestflig, ex- IlWorld.."IllIej run PA '18.7 as'That Crii ipp tin A _C_Qn�rt luill -the XeCiltiVeI. facilliles shbuld' se j" jilt. so a- theft *1 eillae of An d1s, 77. - - - I 1 i6, f 6ti,n -n a- men. renc. 1_ ap Vair, urj,,. I pr ed a ez*t Temperature -he. cou .i, ob.ta; e rea :Verre g a 4 fliat not i6 b jh� cthL,, bridge in bllo�ld-' S Gro' n. _d or.the C4,rbor will:' Ceylo.n Snail s,bu I e I from 6f Jce An �pi -h 'an. Th19-- Wwture prodd—o.e I quid lientina 1 S, be -cramp e And. -I I m"i te d' n May th6 roughly whf�. froll) four to, tom f -I 't, has t "woodeV I.which. of t1le-tale'from tbat.day-tQ.tMi;,vde-s'_- li� ittaft), a length of, .01, engineers . o, protee. �r_nie, as Part)14�m Of. the -study, the der. t, 114yr lote. Mfe absurd-ity.,,of.; .f. tht Country. five.inelie. piles all, dert-wafer by _oncat3­ ' .�! .� L,.Il;g U frien of th e the- freezing Point, or even of %li�w. anythin wribAttle and fra -,a Universities Raise Siandirds Iballiorpte.­ which saves Theaddition of coarke: salt to. snow orthe mali-ufiictu.r� of aab& them It. n slides, roul the ra.vagw of desitrtial-yo-_! Or �brok particleeino terel!46 en sea---w-a-Mis, -No _1�i b- t,H h -French .8,6rgeol� Tt'llas,be4n ddts�cover0d- inelt, ��Iianglng l, 'Toronto, : . ih.� IleI f'u_r.iInivvrsAiies, in OnttArjo_ he Characer of'btb. Mokes.-You -Shiver?: d I - ---- --- jisi t.c I. . . . . . Westr—rr -a Just lie -at leads to a a�ve b Tf ith�: the' Ajewtili'dilt-of witch lor It ILI. rJT 9, -T�a-tc,­L­tha, well -itown drow,viness, cold: Itaq: I lie, effe f ex- W61t.Ms5on-,.-- F aPP11;' lb s' I I was uhniniusly'deoided to in, -it Ifmlt 18 ed o -w n 0xtrenie-' Hithero it had -'_�lting..nild dkil uTbjyig- t. . lie: ner I . . , erdase log Thi�-fosji -th AV nd. -very. eat t requ ly cold V. her lit. le ch4fngCfs'notide� 'tbey. Coil. 'fio to the IfT . have -fdr fil'-,Pllace6 wiier'e"'I a ute", qa*tys al co-6xse, of tKf. F - . Pi. i . I We becaiisie,,',the retill para irsit Year. In 1923.1 cas- is qLs. faet. it, is-foritted*.. B' �'theory�was di's proVIM'a,t t', I frt*zL U a111 e wh.e-n* bf Medit, gc y T r� -as _ddy ed� upiIii in rt a df the: b. -6-1 ad. has._b6t tli r n) of' pl,otee (11,niplete - junior Teg have c NE C -h eiii 1) ehl.,a way tilat, tjiL�y caal tweuty.fiye:or Aegte IA tv c 11 l4tfo a. 7.6. ps6 r c repeate fb. - ­ �: x -1�, -Of �Vl.edgje6 -.r 13 0- nt 'A, _Ia ��1'0��_ �­ 2�­,­,.t.. , �_%a­­._­­.­­.1.. -es I W a- tim6;. many o .11 �isafvpear -rapidly, su ijccts�- or complete unior ICU- ring i ne, off jn� years old. Dr. LeFiliatr�. ille Ile. IV. _2s __ -, wd'. recognize As- a IS is -d'S . . ..... Y�gobe yen fo dedr of United twin. na,med %j';iiT 1p,*Iit� jecti, or h:6r"ni MY Ca, I -r,junk. and g�fll pe 3 ­ a -_1 - ­­­­ IlIld N-arfety ot-,spR4111-c, 01 mu he an�.b Wg� Purpose Ili pro;�Q nr the blilw. ditln,at of trals1l tinbrokn Pe. U.za 11 13 10111 'Made.) "Tie -Y the Cold, ill 'ell- t any iet" on tick., Heltce'fott -apoe nwans: of �entrance is­to,-,.affbid- the A; 1 d F 'I. &aifi rt --.bdonr­t,o -eltu,�r fh6t sionie P. o NV Ih eon - 41ff ering, t -in -T- -b I -e e4li6 Pei, f lekt . -have. a _Dgiliftfl Cori), 11101 driVe A, Motbr rolind 'a blool' 1-mil9t have phi T4 If 'e ;F , -2 - d f4 -V e­att -Ai4v bo, ad b gms -dunm Q M e _o. r -t h,_ - I e act X Ayrtho�.sanie . Like nibst things whih 'to,pfepare Ttudents for- th4 and ly st spoken io -war-dy'. by cf?l Co IY- liornj and know, you- b*4. to rfolir iburs wjt.�,t)uj a 1119 'dig 0. r -Brit, She w t0 o ei�' have tli�6-larg�url 6" ou run all tres. fut- -thff 18b ong e mo,rnag hearl atevet 6an' Y ffice h bas, Its Useful fu-netion; fdr I wtilIns li� 6y,. :and that. the cftjzd.4,s ftbt 04, �as arii walting.f0t 11ate" 1-0 jai th and It wlLgdecided.t in-sti -es. This,,ellazige do -IlU. el t d* ve 0. pitttire ay., th4wt It'is time for, U o. o �th inen' mys f -lit biave-attire, in uzabne, MCI, tlo 6dfi3 the. intraJuedon of ih6, Dani -7 OJCE­ �� - -,-- V slifirts.-and-any,lijil b uy 1101 mo' T17 ei I —it hat 9fod 9 -ion a a elne di d. b,,i-' tilt _(I n-pw V '14 kPI-11— 1-Mre at me, their.asli Nvipir Ir, 'sell -Gobs un,21 ec dattifis Ani e T_ Y Ed zurd VW rc the .are interuption. Lis ind to t�ko pilope3� advdntage of 'And -Ittt IP41111 for lengthy talk! ng - must, how- : ' ri ..el,.s eunle, to jily, klic de, stern. d-ocun ent pr. PC. to s tbat evey, lie, 0, lisle- seven b6nes, yo -ti 1 -on g- hav e"' last iijight,'alid 0i e ret' rilveit'itv education. the new qwed�-wby 4ot.c() lie, fil' aild, .clumbla, whee. it � '��cod to me! tong. time, ha -7 P _91:3118tim� P --a pfellli= on appli. 109 I- rebutfs:z-Ri: W-19 - _ N even- _ena 11t- tilt! r6pl!6'd 'and na.w.such tj� Keel) your heart olean. aubles Inust bO tured--1,11 e al,ked for- Xtnas.--Gift.* g I in, abi fly 18% 'huns- ig� -It will til it ino mre.' vdtll'160 Pil"Pse­ of"ob., )l rn oUt 64 Like Prudeftlads' I -wil.1) ve, illy WIge,,,,l won't blow: gillid if,' �<eep your InInd.-free -be�ia' ­� 9tTUVtfUg other 0 .0 Alai) J.' Cobliani: ivell imoNI,l; ep,#Ait , t, I) ie. mory MY Whiskes lie ur,:bo Keep yo lh 160p out of 0 Is' Artfirle'lal 'Ostriell iPerhap" taxi" Pilo as 6�g i'9 aq&P lula 8 It was' th� .sorrow,, 2 000 miles. by a r io lle'nlor�. , 1, I) I . , ; ir'bi orde. .K,eep tbe -in airt,lyeen invelite ery hi of celt ful reply. "But this aa Chistill' q�.,parcel In London. .,He. Mold nd silk, sdand nortliorli - Afil'(%. EUER liv REC Gene g,,'O 0 r'oP'6 oil a I nifli6 journey wi.tJ 1,)I( Sharpe jof, Providen&,-- N% (�althi eILl T "! , TI arrived In Barce4ona on 211 % _N-hett hs 'Vfare- destred _'b fif to td a ParZel deilve,N Nr-Vtk,--r A Mir—, b Tf . I . : wan WNkd-. . . - , - 4--, B0 bef&e Chrlsfmaa ay. _�7 ITV.V- 7 Ing lieforeChristnias And MiAde'a.nor st,6p fliklit' to Dijon' N I ping After delivering 'the parcrj D*fv a C "Went- t7j"BriMbI ab'd ��is Mak- with frietilsAbere. 14e 6"taitee.. hi iw'day retrun trip to Spalt .5i. I'lYing a Do Haviland "nine" Mr, t the Cobhom !F taxi" pilot in.the world., He travels "light," without mechkfttc� He -ba" r flown ove Piactimmy all tboo mure, �_11. Pena eountrie In 1921 and says Jil that period he covored'inore, ihajl� id )lot bftve a single 120,000-nilletq. Hedl s.erflius aeddent., I(;reat B itdin �aj� (nt. kotor-car 110 it -.4 populat),6n. School .A Muth has been sia 0 14 about.the des- be daw-p-f 4;!le pr4ginim, it, would 1�ot able extqfit,dre, reported from .Alle�ent lwoii O,nd flueeMlily eonditia of the be'sW Wing bocim; r bat th-ere wquld not iir4 parts of Princ, Edw , Islabd, which, nwal S -6h ' aL "Th ' ral 80'410101bogsletno tabemlciiq In'% and it would.W iea It gets -VIlMed olicii whether It ; remenitred, wbe 9 day . wit�_ th6 vlasl ot A bigh quality anid billlia=e. need It or not.11 "The dug,t of. pgq,�,[ boks had en afvalien. The AlAhOfat, N.S�, lirte;r OxIllbl- -aettle3 -on everythto.,th]it I' h,, diwt I 8� Ilaso )n:b_* �q ol,�4n, whole- ittl Into 00111,4cild roc�ntjy * as. fripla W. Which doas not find Its V61'sy". the some am,(r beautiful.. -, So -me pood " ezft P�Jnf of'vIw. The�leatrbis, ip- pupils'. .. Aj�j '#�* e4- .4, pti�jf from, .A�4 v6mim live In little h0s ,some, clfidid'.425 o eat 16; 2A head 't ' t ' 00 sheep whV do g6t, gr�,w vp in tbei,* A. big ad -1,800 birds. adhil .M.1116r, of Asb� It v tshould chalice to bose nT( y be sa r ay and often burg, Ontario, was one 1, the,biggest the dco SheltCT Veak anciecure seven 4 fall o*-aud '� 1, Ve io have, bitger b v ii�bst of tio' Ito first And six veoo.)W. prizes in.the fbpr.; 'C$Mn th-0 bukle. It OW114 be dpile and homes! and. biggeai selloolhous.e.s.; but to.en olasses, kud alz a4es Q �ih. sweepsi would, he'done� Ro�mdjliigg filth Is not that hoP46 �'is Die :rea:son why Ve �q� ana �specjial 'prize for the bes. t pu�iie: 4441lifty tisk -butlivib is Jn- not now. keep ele4n, and.plant breA heifer. pqt. to, be thouglit of The It 4. little s,6hoo-lb6tioe' Is' Pamily ould be betterfok. Its victory; bav*e, we It0ler4ble, Tll-,e value,of buildig- permi s,issitted n tho-Provino of Quebqc';duriuj 6.cto, can its, QS8 -o a- 41jy wqw(Lbb ilfore.stidtire. The inalt, 1C.wholly UnVerviceable ab" ber, C COTI double 't.hgt of tb )at4thbors w6ul.4 know; they alw#Ys wamitg,,­ Dirt is not irremovable; I respoiiding.perlo'of 19210, -being, �f t .6 Al -vine in, - ob"r is nat a.- pdrt. ' 430,394 . and' $0 83,4�6 respectively. %-' ' A ..h and 0 0 rage thb- R1111di 1�cirrilits iasli�d. in other ow 'The teacher—usualy1i 4 i7es ana 100.ra, fto much in an 4tmo6pWe of iwjiatim, .1 tile ItbOughtlessnOFM of the' world out_�dde die was. Paremlis look * to' the, sch(yol to 'M- p4ce,the bome for. a'fevi touris each daT. Tey de'��garts paxient4l reVonsd_ 4111tk and disciplinje--so metinws a feelig OX great gladneal; to. be rid of a -burden fer a little while. Dor they bold up the hands of th�, beachers as they should?. Cominionily bhO do not, Too many*pAreno, with- wt- whatever, complOints the child pleAsei,; �o bring home. If, says the, ithe'par"t, histead.' If JiA;dng it,�out with the child, &� In the warpath,.Ivitli -blood in the eye. -'or the teadhe; The marvel laot tliat- - be -clieall, sebmils are- Pporly %ught. M nW." iqccupx�t� wul,then .111, vInces: during October-W_Ore valued as pubb Folded!p4ndis 597'� 0v1talJ1Y.�gt 6 t4ekrV,wel ling something 1'. NVelJvqIA the country. W Can. not $4,69'9;5 , .,.,British the, ve;ft- v to T willi4ir-As that so much of ii� their own. charm. OntWs h6uiso. al-, Ing 11; city ha Ing- rtjaintain;s*.sG . hijh­n %Und�rd. 14io eyeryill A,,� �Ye c4a :,Colu�nl�ia;--$74,1124---Alb6rta,--$290,'�60; _P4e, w.i.tbered.,hands,. that more 'th9n: I .140 'M rour- "( if whai do tvu t 0 trut). '' S'hr'u1J' I'll;&t. ])ring e it" Snafratch6wkn,, $274, 4nitoba, �NrAys h 5,_ vines" t1i el: Y, M Us., When *e X ff'd wrought for others, sln��,thed of, the li�ed` nbt qpst Monex; . tj�! kial over, possiblY. we - shou $253,625'; New Brpaswl&;'$20.5,900, now womin"'or, the iian-Nvh(. �od in rich s,�so contet it we cou�d.:,Like hurt 16f. tears,' ­ � r . ­ ir . child?, Whit inte;reM 6 No�a Scotia, $i95,529, and Vrfn�e Ed-' es -y" they grow ;A'A 10litaijo %6 teach Rocked ohildren's ci-Adleo, efsed ibe ha%, varfqty 0'9,4ea�jty� TJiei.,';N-JJd ItUili �4itl bf. big aie i0li tiffs $6,006: e ybft takLrn.in.wh.at'.is..bei.ng.,&nk,, fevet*s smaTti and our lands,qape.. Thq - C�,if di�e; they have their, priob- It, f,i the- stated Intg4tion -;of Ah6* foor- your child beyond writing aJi 0�-. Shaiwinigan. Cotton Company to ,en' Dropped baliu'bf jVniany 4111--casional'-pot requ9sl or renion� e of s ran faults of bullde":, lelirs. M16 ive*',w9it an d work f Or the large tbeir plant at. Shawinigan Falls, t ft? Is 'YZUP Wd's teaAer yow- heart; prclaim64. Ill li-be unsiglitlines big ll�qapk, there -is no hi�rm'hi dA)Ing C Quo.,'. next" p o rep 'rted 0 'fiiend? lie or Fhe�_khoulld*be' Y Ided, qave,, -'pres ough-C c t4 e cd red- ttp by� all 0, * (1,0 f& and in.. our little N ow, stfrlj�si fo like .11 the pro b" 11 ie C n afi thAt the Eagle -Knitting, Company will sed*, e aco riiiiii(Al in- 'at n'iature. - it would home�,--. 'the er he hard to flnd' in O�tario a�,y aij'huvJ,- 1, City papers now Of her �Prest in the trailling Of fhe - yi�ung little build a plant,. while. ilie ..Shawinigan breast, n. les h6us-a or s,clii gl-GU", a per" .'who qarr., fAhat- doiild "46t S'Chol. , -the smaller they. a the. Water afid.Pbwgr Company. are Instal- I% to do the work- 6finan or , mail i7l be, niad4 6ea�tlfua Iiftfilii�i'expend,.Itu' higbor.t#4 tult4lon! �' f the Miment nerdtors to . double pp�al they. t9ld'of labrs "Yo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ling. nowlturbine ge. to Of In0neY- Th'O. rura sebbols &at g f , we. posltivel� can, not bae the big -In of electricity for the -the da lroducth. city Xn w Take. iji�. th, teachWs .1chol that we want', we may at, least. of Montrea their pi6ttirea take,,aG horrio ell -earned rest that came. at -Lie twith a of min. ari Y. t:b4.n d'a our. very'vest to helli le little serious thought- miwke it wors-6. S&tietfll ourr litt Ektepsive pla4s for prq�noting. the our.own. The day -is �;femt bv.,Me cot,tages, that g0tlh;�lr�'pltirgs to be'as good as a, little school reindeer Jndustr� have been put Into I 'Ia # ro THE GREAT CHIPPAWA oar6 I om not with two or three can bi�,, We rhight find thlat. -QUEENSTON CAN y Com- Fro4n.tbe_wcin'brG* -the Me6 4.)f we like It; AL �peration by the 'Hud,6n ad swe t renj but with b p , it.'ma '' If the teseller and pup16- k. that, it ln`ay�. be 'afto'lthe� adVantage of An 4eroplane view of the powbi, 1�0use and the f oi�b " at Qu'� lision.. enai6av -to aie" y'bi, two o.:r,tbree . ml 1lem- ay ee pany in an vor prod PIC" As, It -*4n, angel -'s, kissr -the q,elves And t'od-t sur"u1Ii;dihjs!'n -at b fa. that hiukes ujg The.pb' tive h --vast- stretchell of the North 7hjlg she Ard.zou4try.'Ji irtion of the pqwer house seen no a the bottom of 'the photograph, Is pt, You- say -he -teacher- -Keep, t;ne.Tn -e n9f �tj - ` I r, - me or grain 1e1)Wf;014ng rs the 64e Of thG building whezr Ii will.b' X hundred reindeer have ebeerillig, thel III land. Over,.si io i " i e campl4ted. - The 118-- Had, "smootbed the cobwelf wrinkles Jintdre#ed11.._and b6w would y 432 ht' the. staadarizd& _ti lioar the:,woods 'and fields-, near 41A sures on the'face of the ro been recently, shipped f fqni Nqrway .ou do it venty�five eir qk are cutting& for the penstocks. The fall- at this' t3lirif e dulle . . if 6 tasR were. yours? what �1!6, citations ev�Ty A�V; fit . allid'Iffe - of furnks OR * farm point is to, Damn Isitind. Alpeomilinying, these, I over .460 ftfee'L - At the top the,jate house for confrolling the.,fall . with And given hack* the Peace of ojl&- wbuld "u. use to fascinate that roni­ may mr,--��InAl homiss. . ThiB envfroilnionit Mdght be ofwater from the fore -b animals -'were 'Lapland heraeri Iay. hood's day, ful and'aiade the -'.jrhited IIige . am. Che e6acher may lose'ller job. Exajill�. es, the lifth. tteir famjJIes,'re:lnde&. sleighs, "skis, nd on tbe'llps fhiLt, faint smileAlm4f -the'. dral recitatin lI# natJolpA*yield credit, credits' yield sl bore t:he-m-,s HYD41.0 ..ELECTRIC 'PROGRESS: I I I 'be developed, as compared witb* ano. all the equipment .,necessary to dIlplo,fila, an a diploma, elvesi might �be worse*; so -1116 1910, � C1149tioek, 10 UYban municipal!- 1.6.b,p. at Viagara'Falls., launblitli; said: is the 904 Of 119 *fill helP. the teacher,aad the, industry prop&ly,; t .. . . . . I . . "Xne'knoWf life',s teQik but -the hap- Yq�ii 'hid he iiest Danish schools have gained Ppis cle4ii-the s�'IGtplhouee it she ties�', using* .76-0: li.p.; .1-9211, ciistomers, Near Lundy's, -Lane' -)During the month �of, Gefober a total not, woer. ix by.abo'llsbing a3i Oxan . lititio Iling that they shou 236 rlian municipalities- arid,44 town. the bottom of Py. nerves, -are' sometimes Tasped to na, tredits fs�. wi Id base 63TY �be - Canal is. Gw 'groun of 'Immigrants entered 'Canadit, the 143:1eet bol' d 'So. ga�jng, wbei,6, ishe Jay Vre- knew raw.- You.*ne'o, I-Voj be surliri,s and diplomas. With,lis,. dipromai. mat- rq�vt (A.,- thaV.hig�* The ship�, wJiJr a t6tai of '�65,000. conermil Of- N�hom 2;176 weirs' iroin' tl�ie BritMh I..eduation. I.. lev� f les, 2,129' ill th tes ind thei)i human and, -Y s fro ter fut. erv, using -3015,941�h,p. tht more than edutatioll -and cer- sch we -And l5vrting could-'n't'cle' I, DEV L PMENT C 8 fe and 1,870 0om other count-66�, The esawfe e te4cher may,need-Ifr I _H4J'P*P A W' -ace E 0 P, Nrou 'd be, 11 —th ob, bitt:711k_e: the kawin, it is eath wat. �O &et, an� in r9 ir '5.' et. The foacbk ee� VIVY6� t Planne'dil Wofor. total* Immigratior for t.. lie, I first tell Is t. '-r- e Cy ea;- if, a I I is. lost, I It, despair tb e the' besit ly-O haveii-olf lnid�'jt�bjy the initihLeapacitty of. .' Eirth� . exci= was, .13,200,000 r.r teacher, and her pl.6414!- �ihay;-tlitow fill 1. 1001010 ft'v.,1611a maximum, of 190 1-tiefi,- refreshment. more., thali, §c oca , were thle b6st SChKH)l h,p.; . r 000f6ubic YaMs, rock 4,182,000' months f 1021 Is, 7.,2,015,- th.e.nev;_ ay sme -More o eaized,,with JuAial ga-pacity o U ,;�Mers An d we.. were, stile tbat.04�y. -ay The teaclie'r Ili st. ha`�e, �b-=-i'4.' 4w I those inultUddIn- M6,-, s c by, origin' being. Dritish �'34,5 �7; NyoUld be in.'. hop6ie f elibic: yards. - boucitto to her laaf W'Ifeh the saltir�, is 27 i amount -of other coun- e maxi-iou o 0 yards us�d. and go srome , fii) PIlilit; bu wliat 1;M-11-11181 is. Dot �,l 54600'kli,I .. ' I ' ' f:1 450 00.0 cubi tries'15,946." 'a wb 'all he sinlle' z.p bu Unifed'Staees 21,6.32'; --and Q-t'p-art% of tf:e coi un, y s nlia.,. ng day to, see how thp ti7ees come'l -If' 650 000 In ttle. Isethbol-Ift:k bb In the )VIth eketilon of oile-mile in e . arth lchi we. :C past terial obligatiob. is - &s,61,at.ged. Wt, rellminapy out in floiWr Ania ledf: - q�llxt­*Guld Ila ,Y60i P .*ork bega,;� 1927 - Anil .2,500 -feet bull't-up and.. -r'aA�tal of 27,1 may 90.out of�'i -t IAt the,end of Oeto-i,�, �ve. -excav4tion, 71�o ' kne*- he'r old or jwd aRide. Pay wh X1, , n,ever . . S. Remim *ItIv, arge shovP4, canal i4 ad"In r k 'e i-' ed men.haA lieen-setflbd an ..4 Ia bdg scho - ." . I . , .. . ' i rock -filled, I 14i.r tu n ear 13o f' 1),ji_ eq-111pleted and ope, cthe, land und . er the. Soldiers,' Settle. itt. payz. t -b Marell.. 1918; b* " best. the maiden and th4 and 'norWr illore 'ihm -1921. At'olie time S,foo rdla?s; Fur ned Widith of fin,shd iockcut portion I'lo are building 'tenl-ple� ater 35 to 40 1� to $86e. I - n spfung to -greet h6r-wl rein, bx 1�1�11 y P10YO ill. conistructiGn work, Be 504,857 had* been. gritnted to. 21.'69 , hu Onde . , . , . I 04 .28; -is 4�'f t,'a, pth of w Ment Bba7rd. . 1,6-ang ifnicuptin not -&to 9f Chl- eill d -hands wl�e Every'ditild knowsi the r, * ] feet. Q tb ill(: Q- with ness are diell1a and he.� g1l, but" jence lial &.& *, - wirr ell, speech a5s glip06 cause of. r, - -feW ons-, tie cost of POV��R FEATURES:. r.'Ilere is'at men Who ares6ttled on. purchased'and T the ii-st-nainea'. 40 ities in around 611 Ivill be-aboat 2 wimes ii6 Iiier. lore he tcicthcr ellriene1l, tilla-t. 0 a�id li�' hildifion thfore ire r, by 'the n -16"� eir rig 6re than: -h 0 11111 elctrl.cally�_&Perqfezi contro' free landg, can teae -th 'ut veiry 1!6ns, e s, ory4a,a depaitiir,� �-% ' deA. 'eirp*dl, ieli,t dt'ql. tt O;a�es, b in ad. it been done be� g 6,103 i�ho-hav� lim of if a06- ncw, Aftikitise. - one on fr e.DQmJn'iq'U In'll iinfoiltimate, when they �4.6e war' take GrigInl, m Ali d..' W.eb�ayne home" evietl, a, sph6b-lioom, sessiok§ -W (1:1� due tG, laii'ds anA ll�*e Jidi fd house Avili be� t�o ked far.financial feet I gasTed her hands;. ho, ha',s -m6st.io r=, to vig4t,-_ Antake at'NWgara,1 length, and- t �V;e traLolation of tbe� 1�roq,cb version '73'Of -S�bordil�-ated THR "DIT-CHII.,- ___To dnte,423 re urned iliLm roof 160 -feet- I a-bave --Ttrer :'b an .19- We d hu t -h: Id g of, .1 9 give to the.-boin - tri -7M oil river, enin' land have. repaid :their o.. �t and trose, a RG k s, of Toront; I �Pre ar Jo Aisthrb .gxesslve self - a�se river,- (.bippaws; to �klo'll Dr. Richard la - lids. Contacts for C. pxcavatRd. to depth of. 25 fe P iret. . I --'7--. :. Sangete,,, bet F canal,, lonfose't 1.119 to start the- raiiifig. 0. Iiiii ween tbacher a�d Vugllt�in, Tb''J-able qualitie .0, belaw river level. Ck. foxes 'ilver mll&- urb in e' RTC—] . alReat e 'bv T' 19ditud-1111 - . all ways. to wry, Ma R a man more ecomph and iat the -tile. I tot -O�X- Ih '0nt-';aud'is havingrane.h.-guar exr. pe.' t. M TAct remains ti 5'atil! . .. . I . . __ __ - -i * _: r7 about '32 (Teaei;i�6� �i� o IQueenstn tur Snow.. guds .:at the f ever bul-It, of 60AQ0 h.p. lei w o gav Tw6 �ol` tile t am I it- h his� U n dsiaribeil' i4of 327 feet- 1 inst'I'lled. yare' largest and a lit the origiv I the 0 ilia TTf, is a Jotal n , le, me tc� tile- 0 er ater pan-tou s. I eavi-, mrne Iflie$-unrel-atied in an�- ',ell vali;; V�i Th Q,s praIfti o�neral, T, 13 tr and-ledg-�,rc- v or every-,�uill!j, fot f -ter t- CTal 4 us.6. tc-dai!; itiade! 9ft Interestflig, ex- IlWorld.."IllIej run PA '18.7 as'That Crii ipp tin A _C_Qn�rt luill -the XeCiltiVeI. facilliles shbuld' se j" jilt. so a- theft *1 eillae of An d1s, 77. - - - I 1 i6, f 6ti,n -n a- men. renc. 1_ ap Vair, urj,,. I pr ed a ez*t Temperature -he. cou .i, ob.ta; e rea :Verre g a 4 fliat not i6 b jh� cthL,, bridge in bllo�ld-' S Gro' n. _d or.the C4,rbor will:' Ceylo.n Snail s,bu I e I from 6f Jce An �pi -h 'an. Th19-- Wwture prodd—o.e I quid lientina 1 S, be -cramp e And. -I I m"i te d' n May th6 roughly whf�. froll) four to, tom f -I 't, has t "woodeV I.which. of t1le-tale'from tbat.day-tQ.tMi;,vde-s'_- li� ittaft), a length of, .01, engineers . o, protee. �r_nie, as Part)14�m Of. the -study, the der. t, 114yr lote. Mfe absurd-ity.,,of.; .f. tht Country. five.inelie. piles all, dert-wafer by _oncat3­ ' .�! .� L,.Il;g U frien of th e the- freezing Point, or even of %li�w. anythin wribAttle and fra -,a Universities Raise Siandirds Iballiorpte.­ which saves Theaddition of coarke: salt to. snow orthe mali-ufiictu.r� of aab& them It. n slides, roul the ra.vagw of desitrtial-yo-_! Or �brok particleeino terel!46 en sea---w-a-Mis, -No _1�i b- t,H h -French .8,6rgeol� Tt'llas,be4n ddts�cover0d- inelt, ��Iianglng l, 'Toronto, : . ih.� IleI f'u_r.iInivvrsAiies, in OnttArjo_ he Characer of'btb. Mokes.-You -Shiver?: d I - ---- --- jisi t.c I. . . . . . Westr—rr -a Just lie -at leads to a a�ve b Tf ith�: the' Ajewtili'dilt-of witch lor It ILI. rJT 9, -T�a-tc,­L­tha, well -itown drow,viness, cold: Itaq: I lie, effe f ex- W61t.Ms5on-,.-- F aPP11;' lb s' I I was uhniniusly'deoided to in, -it Ifmlt 18 ed o -w n 0xtrenie-' Hithero it had -'_�lting..nild dkil uTbjyig- t. . lie: ner I . . , erdase log Thi�-fosji -th AV nd. -very. eat t requ ly cold V. her lit. le ch4fngCfs'notide� 'tbey. Coil. 'fio to the IfT . have -fdr fil'-,Pllace6 wiier'e"'I a ute", qa*tys al co-6xse, of tKf. F - . Pi. i . I We becaiisie,,',the retill para irsit Year. In 1923.1 cas- is qLs. faet. it, is-foritted*.. B' �'theory�was di's proVIM'a,t t', I frt*zL U a111 e wh.e-n* bf Medit, gc y T r� -as _ddy ed� upiIii in rt a df the: b. -6-1 ad. has._b6t tli r n) of' pl,otee (11,niplete - junior Teg have c NE C -h eiii 1) ehl.,a way tilat, tjiL�y caal tweuty.fiye:or Aegte IA tv c 11 l4tfo a. 7.6. ps6 r c repeate fb. - ­ �: x -1�, -Of �Vl.edgje6 -.r 13 0- nt 'A, _Ia ��1'0��_ �­ 2�­,­,.t.. , �_%a­­._­­.­­.1.. -es I W a- tim6;. many o .11 �isafvpear -rapidly, su ijccts�- or complete unior ICU- ring i ne, off jn� years old. Dr. LeFiliatr�. ille Ile. IV. _2s __ -, wd'. recognize As- a IS is -d'S . . ..... Y�gobe yen fo dedr of United twin. na,med %j';iiT 1p,*Iit� jecti, or h:6r"ni MY Ca, I -r,junk. and g�fll pe 3 ­ a -_1 - ­­­­ IlIld N-arfety ot-,spR4111-c, 01 mu he an�.b Wg� Purpose Ili pro;�Q nr the blilw. ditln,at of trals1l tinbrokn Pe. U.za 11 13 10111 'Made.) "Tie -Y the Cold, ill 'ell- t any iet" on tick., Heltce'fott -apoe nwans: of �entrance is­to,-,.affbid- the A; 1 d F 'I. &aifi rt --.bdonr­t,o -eltu,�r fh6t sionie P. o NV Ih eon - 41ff ering, t -in -T- -b I -e e4li6 Pei, f lekt . -have. a _Dgiliftfl Cori), 11101 driVe A, Motbr rolind 'a blool' 1-mil9t have phi T4 If 'e ;F , -2 - d f4 -V e­att -Ai4v bo, ad b gms -dunm Q M e _o. r -t h,_ - I e act X Ayrtho�.sanie . Like nibst things whih 'to,pfepare Ttudents for- th4 and ly st spoken io -war-dy'. by cf?l Co IY- liornj and know, you- b*4. to rfolir iburs wjt.�,t)uj a 1119 'dig 0. r -Brit, She w t0 o ei�' have tli�6-larg�url 6" ou run all tres. fut- -thff 18b ong e mo,rnag hearl atevet 6an' Y ffice h bas, Its Useful fu-netion; fdr I wtilIns li� 6y,. :and that. the cftjzd.4,s ftbt 04, �as arii walting.f0t 11ate" 1-0 jai th and It wlLgdecided.t in-sti -es. This,,ellazige do -IlU. el t d* ve 0. pitttire ay., th4wt It'is time for, U o. o �th inen' mys f -lit biave-attire, in uzabne, MCI, tlo 6dfi3 the. intraJuedon of ih6, Dani -7 OJCE­ �� - -,-- V slifirts.-and-any,lijil b uy 1101 mo' T17 ei I —it hat 9fod 9 -ion a a elne di d. b,,i-' tilt _(I n-pw V '14 kPI-11— 1-Mre at me, their.asli Nvipir Ir, 'sell -Gobs un,21 ec dattifis Ani e T_ Y Ed zurd VW rc the .are interuption. Lis ind to t�ko pilope3� advdntage of 'And -Ittt IP41111 for lengthy talk! ng - must, how- : ' ri ..el,.s eunle, to jily, klic de, stern. d-ocun ent pr. PC. to s tbat evey, lie, 0, lisle- seven b6nes, yo -ti 1 -on g- hav e"' last iijight,'alid 0i e ret' rilveit'itv education. the new qwed�-wby 4ot.c() lie, fil' aild, .clumbla, whee. it � '��cod to me! tong. time, ha -7 P _91:3118tim� P --a pfellli= on appli. 109 I- rebutfs:z-Ri: W-19 - _ N even- _ena 11t- tilt! r6pl!6'd 'and na.w.such tj� Keel) your heart olean. aubles Inust bO tured--1,11 e al,ked for- Xtnas.--Gift.* g I in, abi fly 18% 'huns- ig� -It will til it ino mre.' vdtll'160 Pil"Pse­ of"ob., )l rn oUt 64 Like Prudeftlads' I -wil.1) ve, illy WIge,,,,l won't blow: gillid if,' �<eep your InInd.-free -be�ia' ­� 9tTUVtfUg other 0 .0 Alai) J.' Cobliani: ivell imoNI,l; ep,#Ait , t, I) ie. mory MY Whiskes lie ur,:bo Keep yo lh 160p out of 0 Is' Artfirle'lal 'Ostriell iPerhap" taxi" Pilo as 6�g i'9 aq&P lula 8 It was' th� .sorrow,, 2 000 miles. by a r io lle'nlor�. , 1, I) I . , ; ir'bi orde. .K,eep tbe -in airt,lyeen invelite ery hi of celt ful reply. "But this aa Chistill' q�.,parcel In London. .,He. Mold nd silk, sdand nortliorli - Afil'(%. EUER liv REC Gene g,,'O 0 r'oP'6 oil a I nifli6 journey wi.tJ 1,)I( Sharpe jof, Providen&,-- N% (�althi eILl T "! , TI arrived In Barce4ona on 211 % _N-hett hs 'Vfare- destred _'b fif to td a ParZel deilve,N Nr-Vtk,--r A Mir—, b Tf . I . : wan WNkd-. . . - , - 4--, B0 bef&e Chrlsfmaa ay. _�7 ITV.V- 7 Ing lieforeChristnias And MiAde'a.nor st,6p fliklit' to Dijon' N I ping After delivering 'the parcrj D*fv a C "Went- t7j"BriMbI ab'd ��is Mak- with frietilsAbere. 14e 6"taitee.. hi iw'day retrun trip to Spalt .5i. I'lYing a Do Haviland "nine" Mr, t the Cobhom !F taxi" pilot in.the world., He travels "light," without mechkfttc� He -ba" r flown ove Piactimmy all tboo mure, �_11. Pena eountrie In 1921 and says Jil that period he covored'inore, ihajl� id )lot bftve a single 120,000-nilletq. Hedl s.erflius aeddent., I(;reat B itdin �aj� (nt. kotor-car 110 it -.4 populat),6n.