HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1922-01-12, Page 8'NtJAItT- $ENTINEL tit., 1922, UK, OW TE THE- RE-COUXT IX OUTH R.VRQN As *a result of the unieIP4-1 91�c- There -count, of votQs polled at th. tioip Mr. Adam Little, flour milleri.is. 6r reeve of TeeleTv"Inter, getting; 141.,votes Federal e1wtfort on Tue4day,Ajcejj&,1 W jiven' to Mr. G6o., Teo W� Sopli.for env (*"O�LEARJNG SALE bek 6th held before His Honor J�ud.ge against . s. - A 11' Cottheillors are- Geo. Baptist, A. L: tickson, in 040.rich, ag" oxpleted 'Strome, W, J, Frecinan, M.'BroWn. Hoss" Stock, Tonle Fr,d St. Mr. Wm. Black, the� on , i ay 14 13 own,and LiziMater were tied as �o U. F. 06-memer-elkt.gained.8 v . Xr.'Thonids McMillan ..the, Libqkfil �he vote, each, getting 119. - Tbqt .re- Will filrifty.-sti3ck, more thrifty-'.. turning officer, A. LQg;xn, gave, thej candidate, goined a d- Mr. J. J. W111 thapkc'a'run-down., animal that Men' Morn onservative candidato,' deciding vote in favor of Drown,'. *s,. -an Linklater, V1 :into %thfift, hc4lth� aimal: er,. the, C mng resigned from the ­0ase th6-flOW. of-aiailk, ond in the. gain d S. The.,total voteas sumnIed -e ouncil in 19U-... UP by. Judge� Dickson was' IS R Brill,.for 40 years owner 4 05; McMill4n,.4,061;. Meri witer Mr* ;116 and ter, and- ager of the ' Tees quality. --.,o .0 Will en y i. the., man, able ou to put your,h6gs' o., 'reamety, has -sold o4t t.b at busines$ we s soQnck. Will devote his atten orn , r n comPANY igusT d hereafter 1. i . o a. S an fk th OJO fOUr kcep h6 s fr9m, crip-! C. at INSURANC9 tion to-, a:-numbbr of side ihes whfab Will eute c.rS'Pp �djiogs� and .91 ho 4as`bein carrying pn.,. r. Brill's p in�. On,`Sep'tem�er 1910,' Arthdr. E. creameii af.,Teeswater`w.a,4 the first 1b., P,XCU49 . .11, - Pag, ary Ont. fe. of the 1�i "During'.J. n.. ndo.be'estal. a u 20 . I a� 11 e,�$ Melkeil, of Qoderieh, insured ,bls It iie. for tw ca�eftzl manage- -with the Nrth oAmericau L. tatici, and owing t .$1,000; giving. a pr romisoory qote f6r ilient, it always has 4`1a' ) r*ly �suc� and rec6ivixlg at.'Iteee r.9 . -. r -� - ees 14'e' S�'s Pt, ii a ibev �remidlri sful concern. : Thq.;.new,,� prtetors'. 'A 'n6t� f�lr�tko pretnium.' Thoipp�- preven .-,�.-'disease and policy. is re,Messrs.. W.'.L., and E., It.; and. had, n6-� ke,�T twice renew6j. e to it ld'when. he died on -February 20j -S n-- tore- -Xark Pat 5 Lb'P kage 85c. 1 .1 -2 Lb. Macha 9 ac ed to p;ay the e 45. 1921. The,company refus amount of the policy..0h the ground.. PRETTY MEAN- MAN..% that thew premium. had not been paid, -a ''John JQckson, a imember of 'the P 6ces Dr''Hess Lolts* I -this they 1�ere upheld by Justic6 n Guelph Township Council 'appeared Kelly, who, dismissed an action by the Dr.' Hess, DIp and Disid6etant before Magistrati Wa' -ph, dininistratoir. of McNeil to recover urc ving a 'Is'guaxanteed- to . flic lice,, cff cattle, horseg, tt, of. Guel base. ffigpey S 'ate division in police court recently chargedwith the insurance. 'The appell failing to contribute to the support Sti Igave sJudiment reversing Ju . ce hog8'and poultry. of his aged, mother, Who bas� made` her Kelly V., nt.. and allowing the adniinistrat -'past W hoine for a numbor ' ith Lou.se Kill&. �%.dry powderl 75.and. 35c. per tin of years -he coinpany, it is held, or% appeal. T Dip -and. D s,jnf.,�ctant, liquid, IjOc. pe'�r'tin her daughter, -Mrs� W., J. B�bwn, of lie note, phd must- had deaft , with *1 He- Guelph. pleaded not awhen .,ad - the insuiance. .pay placed fh the wftnes:4. b6�, FARMERS. --Dr.' Hess products. are luitted-tfiat he.had''nQt �eenhfi$ moth- a, years: He sai , in answer s as reprey- YQUNG MAN H ig. Red' ctions er r fiv 'd .,jru a anteed to g-1ve tlie 'to 'Spec, B Made in' ANGS HIMSELF to questions dik- en.1, 1 . e -Se -If 1--d' a -rid it d gc4� r bk� .t�e, Crown Att' �dfi + o ;Wto Willia,11 Ow�ans, 22. years of age, owner of gdqd -alt S who hAd been doing f ork with, far"', had an -au"t6ni"obile %and, oWned e V. t, 0,11. 1pay youjo act 6nce -an dren s. -the. stock. on, the. f IT' M is" *5 s d CoAt Maurice Palton., A shoit distance Arm., ec. el.wgs And your stock.' and ppultry. in. a ^on a(- under"the new Act ed north'of KingWbr * idgO, AshAeld Town- ��ict' Ptario -ishiture d' healthy co'ndifion., -committed suicide by banging' I)y'the Oil 1, eg an �Ctr- ship, an a� $1.5 per wee c to. bar d. on Wednesday af fqrnoon of last week. derqd.to ,ing -7 t gin6nt, th--'�iii e bout his workAui pqr In padsin judf Agis -in.a eerful -mood, and tr�t�� fM, "You, are �th� m6eanest man. ixo rea -0 'O had'ennie, ou .CK: oys vercoa .the morning ts son foi his actio &dh be im�-- whoever app6ared bef6re this.court." &C agined. wens t f ron, Mj,s..� Jackson, ho, is" 'over. 90, yeais The l4no,-as a.,"134kriardo boy", 6f age, retcently.,fell and �rolce hdr, Bel�as�, Ird THE� STORE. TUAT- NtVER j)ISA PPOINTS -hip, atidjs� su fferin a gret ddal. a -pd had',i�orkbd, on A fairrt'in Hull�tt Towitsllhi- There evaqvilTeasonat ck, cruel'io the' 11,�e -s and. beii;9 CPA- MUST' NOT SELL BAD4RUIT nil �'a rices- to e . d victed -on a charg el an-� a d` S th' ds '-nd-- P h e G �o f cru * ty to -several.. morit fmals, 'he spent., bi- in A fruit vendor,of Winghain, ont., n:- being - released, he GodeAch 'Jail.. .0 pleaded guilb ece,mber 43th into Ashfield to y on D e- n went woik. Coro. er t id- of Goderich, on' fore-Magistra a Re, Huttoli, Who. uKas cai-le.&.to-.the scene S or qbstrjacing an ces o ii of , the-tr'g'd3r the `d' 2).. a a , afier attertitirlin, tm,6, charge ; (1) F S21386al Pri offiedrAn discharge o his facts, de6ld�d that an'.' quq4t was not npossession for sale fruit C0 -%Mk`%R0N URD00i iiec6gsafy aa er, $100. "t which was unfit for consumption. Tb%, rw 1 3 as and, cosis 'amount to ov -La-d 77 ORMER7-ASHFI -RESIDE NT -1: --Tlie'inform-at-ion-W.as-laid,�-by the Dfs- ELI) -DIES A . PORTAGE LN trieC -Fruii. inspector -.,of the Fruit T DECEMDE9,SC,.HOOjL RkpogT N p . -r-y- 'd 4A Branch of. the Dominio De Artmed -a -n -d - a� 0i S 3 9 The fulloing xneAtibn pf tl Vane as (,an receiv, 'hi 'b S, I& death The Fruit. B h 13' A-hfi Id ..S. No e of Mr. R 'G Muidoch - is- taken fl�ont in.-, ormplaints. t6t %sorre de*alcrg N, ere O, Alton, L es- Hackett, J. Irwin, e rairie newspaper the, -of repack_nq. tender fruit 'Portag la P n the habit -;C. Hackett 'k- a, a. and T was* .o: I I., I ceit A. Bowles, Vint �d te, �,Qf- j�L Ct Xj.Xe -d -6ffering- -it for sa _1.,. Ile j - before -f`fhe urgi-n-al-To—iffily-6f, fruit �onv CR U, %-4L A­Crans L -Wurdda aG-ra-yel- Rodd and Con,. M Ash- .--stilictions --we-ye, Iss icholson f raed E. x _b;j Ha"cleett W -II. B� lland-� Ay fie' -he I a te... eecia ..att d b. acing extry, Z. 66 cy to this off 2nse with 'e esllt that rain -W ddi Le. and -a- bratheil of t entiou hQuI Ali . tb gue Nt I=J., Henry., C iston P. Murdoch. The deaih took, plaza this morning, ruit, inspector last. -Augaist visited ips. G -wee- k: Thompson, Vint, Ph in kilq�4obrs, bUt win not help. to build- up Wa''i t, fb r, i tl -Nintb. t e.* store n fit ie family,. residence,, 327. of the, in ucs&io C nneron ke n a t,,of..Pet -and, `,jo ,anA. d I er. George. rdoch,., u PC c ie�; teirit t n! in a r i P, The wise p. ann Np.�qn Roll 25; Aver Att: -113 - — -atUTebf-th'*-o7r,1Fof f invbek -art S.=- tiny- afterryaQW-it �7 reftfje� I&, n I it. is the C oroduct of C&I k and inatermdnt�-wlll'be at inspectox...he. aSsitulte�d th�e -I ­K­M--WdI-SW,­T "he df— 0 tor g -n -mis- and 6rderedhii to leavei,th,e--prc W I a square� -deal i3olicy of service an Side. Centetery. -41.1 wnt ed'b',r S. & No 4i, West 44wanoo The late Mki iurdoch'was born in. rf-,,� --9. ?Iso --destroy 7 1 ation was laid RTISING.�� Senior Room Ayrshire Spotlafid-, on AD. April 7, 1850, Tr;f-r' on ir Sr". V-�-Wfnn1ii%d:Farrie. An- nd -came to �Ckr#t awith 1% -AL -colille -,,S-ucce -ts t6 i '85 W G e AID -ft. R- T1 SUN eps a.inphe Vera Todd --- --- tbe,. a c, asse tt ingv negi ri�o th vfm -Woods, .79, rst'se' ' It Lu&xtoW, On ant witness for.the,,defe ents 'your e. & tly after was remanded from time to tiSe.. f6ritied Of bu"�Ss. Silch, knowlid J'ri' V=Vard Woods, 86;. Qretta tario� His. fathei Wor "teri ion C in e- .7 jg- th ... ........... �3- r4 Hennessey,. e GOD Fred XcQuillin, 65 1886. In' the 'year 1961 -W*ijb- F`rq4t �ran'ch' 66 -stamp ott-AII6 pfixe- 1ye reneT ods-,�,w, 14; Lila his 06 -and i '-Mtlrdoqh -f LYS 'O, FAIEINNG AG EA LE -j( P xv tite, o sing *i pr9ve an if d" pen iturq urse To n o ke S e0t uhtr. aiffl-fin- -PA �e women's rnst. C 6nt b Stm ca to Ili. yo if I T Jr..IV­Grace. amer9n, 74; Muriel all� settled in Portage..Ia Prairie' It'onic of �Mi IIt ble is the.f und4mental requiSit the h illei 71 1)6iothy� Me I 64; wh e .he resided.uniii. ihe.ji�fi �e6�Lis varUl au, Maw cvet-the-&et be M.CQU,. - --hether `i,ou� are pjanhing to, "I, w lir 60 George illlin, 59� Eddie He la��s to. mourn, bi� loss, a wifp �mer6i-3 youthful'. j)T Barber (t odiRy I -:and fou g d(ictor ', Q aunt 69-'Winnifred XdQuill" r chilAreiii four others pal as �a L�, iii -n- a in, 40 havin b present a. -c� Mir, jittln a� IF It's 'like .p..,t?p1e 'of the 'most,*.yyA,­iC1 il f) 31 xxi _Wffi- your hair cut?". ge ilearn oll io�e& muclij.. Youthful Pro 1gy: ust like pkpa,�. �Tj -,:t ande, 20. niVeg, Man.; 'john Muraochg Iliftle ound bole on the top if ouglas, Teacher. Minnesota; Mrs,..Alf. D., Str ud, -of wi get.. - 'The Dor�othy� P..'D,' tW,a r reat as' o . .0.0 & rs,f ntin A list of,aAVertise' rom U. rr *h,) Deleraln�; -and Mrs.'john'.D ;Id, j)f yo pleage.11 .......... handbag or Oocket 1§ th6 best, Olt el" GLhihsb6,rough S k.. NIks �actuajl� pjiln)e oIII your ARRY GIRLS WILLI-NO TO, M 33 n.,,,. . ' . . KING. Will$ Y, OF COURSE, I T'S, BUTTER being briislhie'a d bhmt.'As' ybu'. KI 10 j caft q Jor.. "luck" shoe you H0rqP. .. .......... .. Iput.-it �t . I ­ I . �­Th I f- th- -farriie PECULIAR ACCIDENT 't, in Ay f 6 I'l, l�ly �-o a aT)pea o e ergus r D6 Valera 'said that he'Sin' Feln 'O S I f a- 'fe- will -,not- he in -vain if the thd­ b advertisement , is an. in- t; un - ------ l4yIx1g,t COn. feA a *t %. . . , I .1 - . . 11' ;Lng -V1 cull ittic eli of else to 1),M . gc�od.-` t delegates broulthV back orputhin -do square n b T oil a, sLill -�'One bf thd Inht- eid' i Qjjt ho -a .1. A Aioxi' Y-. - thgy th E was-publishea-m-The SunAas-t w akj result6d in: the', death on ',Saturday �-'his manner, betrac�d.. iST) a certi4m. e6m.; th�: �j a. . I �� t il:ej chat di AW I I 4i1iy to the _§ayq the Qrange�- week - of 1r. George. Drijjle*4tq?,, that better thfin getting rn,o�q�.. to. 'o or 4� -W"hete U A'XJL %J -nN the I. -dar. M. -1) iiik si up Y' �jcai t'' acentcy 11.4 out. iev. or p, A y A wa Unlibil IS flng war r6 s ajeV t, Ifl 6 .�17�1 V, . - -thiten personal interviews wiih-h4TTd-; has �b6dfl I1VihjT'*ith Mi. Fergilson. laiiii-7—Xin6aVdine Revidw-. of order', for the inabiltk 6 ilow rej;oses, !.*I oI11 IRon a '-yo ng 'ladies who � desired' to, on the 1th con,, Amabel township. rn6on, be was A. HARD iffi'. il'l his way %hatover he the fihegt� ve a Versonal interview' 'With tlig On. Satur4ay, afte 0,1 of �till that ba, ever b een sk&WL%,,Lx-iih-the. -Feriis'on- boys n some 4.0 -a)19P . . --- i� — --- -�gi� A 9 I 0� devasta'ting one'was. given a meriA6'i' inl%ht 'tbe-lniide tracJi,'but the.. of the fields,'of Mr,. Dunn's farm, too fluorit, in zidmiratiorf. �,T��t 16 a t 'SMjtb'.,of Milton, made Lov br t ]on 6rs �of the ottt-of-&or life Will 5 0 t oug"'h vi'it fh4'4ch6oIs , j uAry ddition annuttl -shipment of turke We 000 t e an d how to handle bis matrimonial biyr� sT-Wi rly Oro and Ourt.in waterPiq skate caught in a weed frb�- t I lo tha t yoor I . it �asionally and 4 t ,lid.a 4goosa- tthe jng.jk�t in � T �to oil Saturday Canadaj which contains ind thby were, very,'politely, told on in thts Ice, aljd,a.q a; result he wais _41a questions. in the Isignment consisted of elghb the ice, a r% SUPici-11VI Cit are not,. 'On. incore, or that vo xe tO. in a large aill a-' The cot y many interesting A�4 instructive " .'that there as'nothing d'.olng in the thrown., he'vily trikinjz efasges, I] �do.wn to a lead . coil .......... . imt irds". -for stories- dealing with -Il.'aturc, once -be spoke .About -Mr." Lloyd p , bout - TA g,00d bi -name'-of"the, Wirm; jr -b ck, a- hi§ a 6f -head th,the fall, For you have fulled in. e ived ifteArly $d0o. -gigs' Smith 'has and,�her children,, ln'­tli-a winte "Init tbby *are told th4t tey ebuld 'few, liom'ent%­ III` 'was 't�nnetl'but who,'he'saidf Avis I of fit! or-(Rnry garbage pail,. a a as, a Stateq- tant art,' g tutICSYS for 'Several "Teens Less TwentY," i� the . title of leave tbeir names and, iddresses and' tljp� b man, "Now, Zt' coil coint-o od at the bot. been, TOM) 6 got up�. and 'Proceeded, home. .1 w,l,y r (& tjjc cars for the - Toront y Charles D 'y 0 markbtf and A,romantic story b orulin, they would be -notified of his werival without compliti in -:or uffering any statesman'.is?" he finished up.by a I11,11811. i� #r. each yekrxecdives a little"more than the well-known short stoky writor. fre, * Fergus.. I He als' Sk.. P.-Otting close to People. You appeal 0. an(l then. in the boll- o received a pain' On retirii,� for the i�ht. his ;rk# _Prjee all ir.--hest- by- -,7,-.-: ­ _t �'whick unc o - a drs, from would-be 'h id. hA& t -tI V 6 t e 9 elt "a gne uality of her -with 'a, 16s by such o pain _veta A few,. a ery few have na it ft till it v.t Cq t h r; of Ae2 loxtra th'er storl s, giving all particulars about them. attendance wa�, sunioned, �btlt Ae "Ple!00, tit, it tAtegrdfift is ft'Mall uwh the'e.oil to the fowl We ATe not tolil how. well-known �vriters!ag V. V Williams, Selves and praying that bor nilght passed away th# eiv'ebi hn'makes ess 'without Ito by -virtue of jcer.ttin PAII, cooled by -cold, water.,. ifiTo his death V arthi and lyp pjv6 trinscendent.qWalities, but th..At qu�ce- rj bo Pqor &opq'ojt of * the end of niudh Miss Swith'pqjd, for,feedj'"Ot HtLtry M. Moore, T, n a ch&nte. One letter was beint,, dud� to internixt bIeeding. hard,19, tb�,t;i. 1 sametimes care given �.others, -equally. famous. The 'January frolil a Sc* -h girt v,ho has olil been -The litio, Mr' k' 9peechcs,.b# lit not a -state esa is alvmyq a, poor Z-ollipal-ell Tha ap-mratus wag'rixde� h6W *uoh th� lk�or and rth, It would,be lideessarr In b, -port t�� and �Nntist were, W ;to of the. �4 tiblIAl 'Sr)oris'�Wl'l in.jhis country two wee6j. she years, *,of age, andf his wife prdde.' nidn." with What it lilityllt luave fieen if I an, e,. Ivi-mitht hie'thitiks before WO cA)ft.t magazine of I Canada -is publiAllod il to Tritike h It A edased'him About a'year ttgo, The 'in Additton *to. the.ir',iother they eort. hn,zwb-�'re from $to to �7s- know it fle ..moithy y 'W, 'The little ii,ana went up ugfjl had possessed the art of being i - !-It will be a V t to, ott4wa to be ro *116thor or vot 66 blad, i vrorth.vfi Taylor, Lbiltcd, iarni, Thire will be something 4oin�o re6a,lns Were tgUon to, Wi4rton for 11 "I know, Sir, % statesman Is a with on b0fo 4ble, the dopartment thoto, P-0 to to bs prdiumed - *Ohe W0041took *ho r4akeo 004 tIle owl