HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1922-01-12, Page 5-- Til] LVCKNOW "aN'1' +i % °i'IIUitSDAY JANVAR7 2t9a., flue. 4,44 fit Every Department is full ofExceptional Bargains. ns.You will siu. • Why Ori want at great) •aces r reduced' prices. A great . o �'�L��. , fey y, the thrifty housewife tosecure most des rable tnerchancHse Prices are ��-�ood until Februarya • fraction of former prices.good b 650 Yards Striped: Flannellette 36 -in. Wide, blue,, pink and tan stripes, heavy weight, downy fin- is)►. Worth 30c.i a , ya,rd, 23Cr January Clearing !rice .•, , 10 Yards. for 81.00 MUNN'S 200 Yds. 27-in.•Strip- ed Flannellette All light colors. Special value. at 15c. a yard: 40 Yards $1.25 for , • 1VIUNN'S 700' Yds. Dress •Ging • hams. :. Canadian, American "and Scotch goods, beautiful cloths and colors, ,. ^checks: _ar' stripe, .worth up to :' 75c, a yard. Janual'y'Clear-. '2�� ing' Erica -MUNN'S 8 Pieces Mercerized Giighams. ' • 88, Inches wide, all handsome pat- • • , terns, worth '$1,25 a yard, 59c, • January clearing Price : ,... MUNN'S Colored' •Cashmerette 6 Pieces, plain • colors, "some with self -stripe, green, brown, . navy, cardinal shades; regular.50c. 25c. yard, January Sale, Price.. , .-MUNN'S • English Galatea The''.best cloth for House -dresses • •and- Aprons made,:'40 in .Vvide, ' stripes only, blues and greys, reg- • ular,$1,35 a yard, 'January , 5C Sale Price , . ' • -MUNN'S • Wrapperette In Grey shades •only, smooth finish, the cloth for Winter garments for - young'• or old. Regular 1,5c• • 45c. January. Price , . •....' -MUNN'S Kimona Cloth In heavy„ weight, , 32 -in. wide, in hello, tan, grey or bile, nice, tior al' pattern. .Regular 75c.' '3at. __ Junuary_Price_..' ... , . , -MUNN'S • tints:: Iny piece'of:our, :large -ass' Anel. �fP etterns"ii..Irg ht cr dirk ciders,' lilacs ahilblai;ksidelu'ded ortlr up -to -35c -a-yard; .Jtinuary _ 1 9� - Clearing Price , ,--MUNN'S Corsets 75 Pair D: S A;, well known models' e' of Corsets, .worth up to $6:00' a pair, January Sale Price $1 25 b0 Pair Other Lines at 9Mrs ovie MUNN'S . Corded Velvets Wide-wale,in nice range 'of colors,., navy, copes, cardinal, ,.oldrose, • reseda, white and brown. Good • value today at•$I.011``' Jan= • 50c .vary Sale Price.. ... a , -MUNN'S Flannelette Embroid- • ery For Underwear and nighties, white embroidery on. ,grey, 'red, light • • blue and pink, 6 inches wide. Worth up 'to 35c.. Sale.. Price 5e• • MUNN'S Coats''Thread. Men's .or 30' s' Suits- •30' Per Cent. Discount . muNN'4 ,200.1 and Spools, black or white; �y any number,'in dozen .' lots only and as many dozen as • you . like, for this month only, . -MUNN'S• 240 Yds. Men's Shirt- 'rig ' • In Brown Checks,. twesd designs, ' 30 -in. wide. Worth 40c. a yard.' See it and you will ,hay:,it 25c. at per yard MUNN'S • 160. Yds. Black and White Rockfast. . Shirting Neat marrow stripe's. A splen- 25c., did bargain att -MIJNN'S. • 100 Pair Brown Cash- .mere Hose • ' 100. Pair Brown Casltinerette Hose, 8i.) to 10, extra heavy weight. A • splendid Winter hose. • Regular 75c.: quality, for 49c: a vi .35 ' glair, or 3•pair. for ..... Ali++ -MUNN'S • Erosions Mea>ii Ctrisnkerable Loss to Many Fafnl . T ling, Op'Ditd dug. incl TerracinTy RecoOnnmeilal$-.EF:ovo to and Py� �the Work -,-WI:; )ra'tlsar'l .11C0ntr$ibtateen$ by Ontario Departm..nt•at L�gria•ultuuo, Toronto.) • The erosion oi' hillsidesand this flooding of the'land below by 'tint eroded .Material' has, dont 1 ,'a 11 , a• -worry and an economical lots to many farmers In hilly and )luau tainous •sectisins. This call •fr.,:quent- ly be prevented, and the .mf.talt,d (•n1- • ployed dapeniis on the conditta,u, l;x-, ' '®bile, sucltas the nature 7of th soil; .light :or,' heavy the ste,ei n,& ss of Al:$ elope; and -the type' of at;;riculture 7acticed';* pasture or tilledtcro,is. �y e "pain@; of. "Sheen -Drains '• �. • Wetliiilsidea• used as :slrecii leas tutee may be much' improved by What are'sometimes called. "sheep- drains':" These are merely 'shallow crp(•n ditches about 30 inches wide x,n,•top,. • •, inches wide ou :'the bottonn, and., 15 inches deep for removing the sur- ' ,face water.. They,ar`e dug slantinglx, around the slope to interce' t • the. flowing;WAter--.., ,r(d- caivy it in . a de.finkre channel .rte •a suitable outlet of the baseof the, hill. !rho removed /earth should be thrown, out on the lower.sfde to forma sort of embank- ment to the drain: The grade' of. the '• ditch•• should not 'be, so steep as to give the water sufficient force to de • •stroy ,the .drain by either waSliitig away the banks- or digging the drain itself deeper, •mucthus ,making it' dangerous for 'the :sheep•.and lama's. r Sub -drains are sometimn es• set•sary. Terracing and Draining., • A system of terracing. is- quit! 'ani versaily- used to '-prevent destructive ' washouts on hills:les. Tile terraces '. are made perfectly 'level, and of ally' width, and •then carefully seeded to • grass. At the time of rain the wat' r spreads' out, evenly. over .the surface.• ., of these." and ,then, flows :gantly ever' • the slope below+• without, sufficient force force . tp wash away any, portion (if Mill and. thug:-,preirerrs For the; ,drainage of tilled bill-' e i9 sides rat system ofnd{ r-d1•ainag sometimes used succeagtuThr The amount of erosion .of theitand large- ly depexids .oni :its condition =If the surface soil can be: kept•'firm -the 'erosion will be lessent•d: •Sofa spots • on the '.hillside, though: frequently occuras a result of s,,ip:ige?Water from. abort, 'iirh has •p'imetrated the surfae' s';, r d reached' an )roper- " • viotis:.1a,3 cr :i,t.d thus .deflected : to• tlie.surface .oia the, side of the hill. Water flowing; over this with con= • siderable force will naturally wash it away' more easily. than . the ,firmer • soil free !rots' `this, seepawater: Advantage ,or`Tile :DT•ainiiig,ge If tile `drains are s4 laid tb'.1ntr r •. cep_t .this seepage waterU_cansiderabl.a '„ erosion can be - pro -mite.: hillside , is '. comparatively 'steep. • drains laid:at an angle to the in= .cline will be more satisfactory They ^ill natur-ally-interOett==a+I1, .� if .the - water-;flowing'through,the- soil abgve Ahem. Also' the grade .will _be"Teas and the'drains .are not soliable to," : _be _eets by t erier mov.,�ing •ythrough them. If-the.alope •iSizlonwot- : very _... ;_ steep the drains .May be laid • down. the 'Incline with satisfactory re, sults. ,Here'the,tile- drains 'the lap$", .on both sides and 'no'double draining . • _results. _ _ .:.. :t , InthisunderdrainaE,B'.'the 'general , belie8,ls -.are: agni��btared.. __�'he�:�.-_ at -e1=-4601---16 •lowered . ;-titins giving • , more root'oapacity to I)'•,ants and the • :prevention . of - surface -washing by • allowing the water to peiretrate f through the soil to the drains, thus carrying °u3tit11 _plant food •to',the roots of the -plants. R. C. _Moffatt, 0.-:A.:•College Guelph: Ladies' Black Leather • • Hand -Bags • • Beautiful Bags, all leather, ,hand- , some styles, a Manufact,il,•er's sample lot, worth uli. tom Q 1 ,n $10 tach, 1 our• chpice .� , . �Y 1 • 7 -MUNN'S Men's and, Boys. Overcoats 30 Pt Cent. Discount- -MUNN'S 5 • Girls'. Sweaters and Pullovers y Ip Vii. 3 Off All Men's Mitts an Gloves -M U NN'S Any shade. you want, any size,' up. • .; to 31'. ' Worth up to .$5,O '� Price Y • / . • 'Jaiiva.Ye Sale rice `.., . ' �• 5 MUNN'$ 01.05' 'rs An ' Piece 'in Store•. J •• • HALF PRICE: �MGNN'S 300.�ards Twilled.; Bleached. Sheeting • 36.Inches wide,:ex,traa heavy weight, `• splendid value at 50e. , Jan-. 35 uic ry Sale Price., , ..... , • ____ -..Yard$. for $1.00 150 Yards 18. -in.- Cot - 'Ire* ;A heavy, good -drying Towel. Reg- ular : 20c..yard., January;; . 3e Sale: Price .. 1 ........ Yards for $1.00 Table Oilcloth. .Colored patternsonly. •. 54- • 550. ;inch . ,• • •1;5 -inch •, , ... . 45c' -MUNN''S 100 Ladies' Wool • Tan sand Caps • Placed on the January Sale ' O.C: for• �_ Also some Scarfs, l,lain or $1.0 brushed, for. �":..:. • Broken Sets, worth•up to $3.a(1 • • 200' -Square Yards Linoleum 4 Yards wide, nice select pattern,.' Regalar$L2-0 is efi areSard''. 05c January,Sale !'rice ..... • MUNN'S -MUNN'S -100.Lbs. Yarn - • non- l0oibs Beautiful•t ply,ou-spri ing, grey fingering yarn.. Sok(at' •x-r�. -gist M.g O l•Ir. h � 5 . _.'grcelit,tii�.Largain aft. --.•-f". - 150 Pr. Men's Braces Worth up .to $1 a pair Slightly Soiled 25 Cents a Pair 120•Men's . Smocks • Blue and wfite stripe, he-v:y stifc'i •-. 25 tluth, sizes 33 1,9. 40: Regular $ .2F Jatnu.ay Salt : l �MUNN'S There-are-10!� Bargains -in -This Twist. We have hundreds, more. wy more. You can ' save : e lin ::her-: ' morteydea .: g This -Month . • The. T Store Wit 1 -- Sto ... PHONE 6r • le`Stock Everything CASH -Goods-on Appro.va.1 :No -Limited_ QuantitieqT % Groceries are:; being Sacrifi°sec tOO :1D1(ss Goods. and Silks ,-"- Aln--cst Grverr`'Away •t . THE PRICE OF FAME Agnes • seems -to, have- had- certain' he al nipped in -- the Ions 'bit n y social a a t , time. She' even goes so • hall' M:, P. for bud at one Agnes-• McP � _.. , . Bond .._ .. • fa las to confess it -was- the -se he -honor -and_ r - as -the-- �•1 h ast Gre3, h ��• .1 P- i r.,.: ' t - `i-''�''L'9�'�'r8i1[ �::w--i,••'i: e.{'r�- cin t e• first woman 1 b fb ti g .._ _... �. _ di t' a lt1C °ilz o _ _ ..� _� _ ,. __ , _. r sham ion;-__: come a member of` the..House of her sigh to be U 1 : Q P to be f, ' even oes, further, m.. - Commons But Aggie g Commons of Canada, And now''we' r 'eJv in Woodstock cording to an ince vt :may k uo te'. , .. ii '-told her of what happened ppene dto those V Shall find the loftiest peaks most she hasRoiled the chorus of 'denounc-. • "Shet who• ascends to mountain of women's fashions. Has nobody tops, d • I O. lecjers who dined at aToronto --wrapped-kr-cous" andersnow.-- , a . hotel and decided to make the -coining- She, who surpasses or subdues° session :a shirt waist waist Ind -skint -affair' • mankind; '• a all know what's ;happened since) down e a ses if oui're a rural' resident,: you have a Y d_Jif sa e.,• By ,the . way, has any Toronto 'Wo- manan for otten: the onslaught made in m g _3 Ids' speeches here two years agoy. Andrew 1Vie1 hail a ains the,iriod-- ,Sir An g I m: ern"woman •wlio`""'eraved �:polit'ical• rights; ` Has riot fate played a , trick on, him when'she• chose `a lady named first • feminine oc- cupant bf. the House of. Commons at Must look do th bite of " Does -not Aggie realizethatshe's -�,' .W. a�.- n h being C an a those-'belo�v..• li7nrost goi"lbad' enough , .. the,�leva- 1 M P, without .taking enjoys lac 1_,/ If .-!,lies McPhail rU ys ��la s .first. ,� _ must paythe hio n refoiml? .,_ -- Hon distinction sbeon. fas o ohs' brand of snow, and doA,. *eel-, -- cb_ea jo n.. ii" --the ._ __� _ ... , _... . _. _ ewe , the would b , decial ed �' telt' h doh 'S i n 1 _a pleas- .- lea. e th - Ys doubly it's Here freezing, P Heare fr ez 'ce thingsg ri • especial- ial - P 1 "Cornelia," a writer on the 'woman's � thy,womer► of our cites, a>}, e P ing a cheery � home to •`know.'. The Corn , Toronto Telegrams, reg 1y• of Toronto, are',a di>3grace. , , stoiiin rows ;.louder and like white age. loe_ . _ _.. ' lease_tela,us What g _., _- _--_ _,x.> millsotncbody please_ -.. _ n . ,a- : __ eently wrote her up, or down, if you;... e wealth '!'r :powder tlre,-snmw*-sifts through y,she theins by would b y like: �:. . , then describes a Tor- ,,cracks; -the drifts are,�ii ing up 'Es'uti' ' Miss• McPhailwax _.. p. , � ...,.... -: ... .' � snlilin - ._aAd_ 1.kfe is Slick_ ad wax, - f�,• �_r -oweek,kni re , ,. t fi ._=saw- oing-to:._=am g, • e Sr' -1'�s spent --CIAO, ..g�i1-�tTid1'it't-�._.°� . _... __g .. Here .- ....... ....ttsith wife "alt.... -Toro a morcoat and gauze' stock- here in my' shanty, r , .., k. to the • n rinit' in a seal � ... ., ..:. , , . , ..,.. . .sons' =n}ne .or. eight,. �inA$'oronto, -Maas-•M6P.hai .. Lop. -�.. , . ord. Her .cam- lugs; "Elie seam's io' liiaifSitl't't� it is atantie,.an �ra i while storm fiends stump • •marks ,North, la ' best. who adopt such sport I read n y paper lamost enough, tp ,Toronto's caper and howl their hymn of. hate, premarks are. that "people. :.costumes, • contention _ *` "'•' • ' Tor -I kept busy till .1 was dizzy,be= provevnher contink But if ,Aggie will only visit some p with ,be - Por a in the wee do not itthink",. t shops next time she comes fore the cold blasts came, t a. week in the city has to Toronto aP latest and ardor: I 'stocked the larder and vim given evidentlyto Toronto and she can seeet ie 'stet's ams The Agnes brain fag, will find hosiery,spoiled bid W, g given lk sports' attire and she °' at 'brainless city f i would round plunks' earning, no fair. job She •railed :.. randm they . that even her g , , o men giron ere 0 rtm , obanked s u�an 5 b b spatting; U. F pps rn t g► d o p sale '� inti, app , . wear,' • ' �social inequality imposed d lir the now I should worry when wild virlirds i that thethe • crret; is a. a inthe garret there - upg , and co>idwood in the shed • And all is i paid' for; 'the goal . I . played far' niy aunts declare I've• won, and winter's r ham ir."' ` " !cepa -s'• s 'teal's : dont y g r q R`; •A 'certain paper,ieferrcd to'' two learned 'gentlemen' as `,bibulous • old files," 'instead' of "bibliophiles," ,Need- , " rT hot `less"so say the ec}it°r got i o s'itiee I have saved -my •mon *Let winter' t nderi I. get fr'bm• tinder Vie= fore the tempests,. came; 'alert and heedful I saved the needful, and hope you did: the same. , • o -o= -- • following 'water and in , preparing• his apology -4 NC. vCiote `ThG�arneil'geiitleisie�"ar ` ' too 'fastidious,".To the, editor's'hor- 'ror the pri'hter ,distinguished himself apaio by• printing: ••:"The., -learned. 'g.entlenien are two fast idiots; 'A Lancashire Mari,. who had', just returned tri-round.the,world, tela . ,P , w_ was annoyed 'by a report in a local Paper, in Which it •was said that "iii, friends were su.rprisei.:to find 'him. �� .word unhinged. Of course, •the last. It std Who knows perhaps ladY mance and. lett," Nobody seemed t2 the rural reside one c rx otitiKlde My 'Comfy den, b dik i� h city f a' an . cal coat and gauze hosiery wad a u s i the Qu know what gigs offending word ought' ed out, • _ h ome squash named linbbar�1 is in1' - , .. . )would be temp , ' td xhi ha�d,C 9 t to '1iPv& b�+e111' but ggilplfil Qp111io11 e • continued • o! Aggie'e c Q�'ssl�,�aotdin� �Q ,A��ir� �aAr�t X vQ iQll�e�! 4� �CIckUAr .�li`QG(l a : . ]trrp»t. 'Miss AdaPhxil •.9 • s s. -- ; au e of`•Ile- t u.�i s The ry (1 • -ill Pa • :. The planting of commercial apple orchards in the Prorince of Ontario ,_. _., :_„ is highly..desirable 'ter .several gees liThy an. Oi chard ii y -and Margaret .Daley; D -uet-t :ley- Edith °O 1. Ontario,. ; is , not, rotlticing Reed and Doroth f Harle', with 1 enough goollltliples for 1i 'mo supply. t t biitiniPorts annually trout tiova Sco=. cherus :by .men bens, of Miss Milhous.- . iia, British Columbia. Orel. On and class; violin solos . by 'ii.l- California. ' s �.•Prsi,dti'ctlon in-Ont'urtrr is tkeiy, _ i' fJ - Tete -and- V #1-- a-lnna-rtt 'v' n It -at -11m i i, 21'O C m b 0 fuge, enjoyed a• .Christmas treat last nine - utten . V�lwxititstiay:-irive g, g 1VLrs;; Ralnsey, .zssisted by numerous frien{ls'.' A Christmas tree and Santa Claus, •irper:tonated, by Mr, John Knowles, was the feature of the even-. ing, The old latlips wOre, `each pre- •sented with an, apron,• and each of the men with a pair of braces, There were also" nuts and • candies in abundance. irma Reit, Mr, ,Hammett acted'as chi n of the evening' and introduced a splendid program .which °included:• -- •iii - • still more eca st 't fall off i 0 w1i ever;.- •fur~: a Ul�i--€uliYs- .t: were uelii;•nta;ii w4til (. . n>erciaT Piattr:ng is ut•t:t;: tit y give • • not••,1• 1Ta�IntS".re 'rex •he second • *Fin no guid enottgh for ir''', dea`•:" to b., va o; t...t v.,;,:t`. .1,' : t c .:s' when , e, 'scab:. cont a i:; d,:. ,hilt, ,'('1• . s hen • he Ivhispered, �'4hat' for'•dici Je lyric.• s .:r. (' • ,,.:, 1 t i :a Ileac, ehcose,. lite o.nt o sae _stony ":': , , . •.. : , is a - -.. ' ^ li t i 1 � G J o ).,tri,- aveal,,. ,e .sac, .3-oui names _art) is,•li{i1-.' r'lti,,--., tt i1E' ill,'. p :tl'aeTntyre," v. ,veli \� ht It . __.,„. t..' ,e,::: ,i .t„_.:• ::'1 .. 1':iti•1 14•tll:.; , .....N-,,,,,.., �tti-t "-lr`;;-trtr rc kr v'rl %1-x-•1 a i . .:... Ftdite: v K ....._.. ... .,•_.... .... .. ..... ..-:: ai�91 :'CnCli••.i:.:To-. t i•C.k,,,4 �"1'•'44J-- i _, :suitoi`, `- .orc . i ,• •atf it,.i: rt: ,t. .i 13 'tCl f;l i ,\t'jlia r`�111' t'e ken," ti iil�}le(l. th. • wldr` � • t, , r•t'1 I d `•e'l,b a>` in� .c r.�ar.l r•s at t , "all my linens niatrk1d `'Mad,' --that's •+1'•.,en+ why, Donald,,' -Berwick egi.. er, R '} ' ti • i ritit' is c t: 1. 1 1'iit•t of ' .7t....iu .case.. 0 :;t,•c,sr:t;•i,•, ; ,: ',I., ,a110tLt DO. , ' t suffer . it. it i". lila, ti i,• t1: i. h,'.,'tti s iii'fc^s 8Set, : (tayy'•:itlt � lilt. !lilt i ttelnll •' i,1,. huCorne Itc c:,nIg-''r•(t .j no rh. more , ):' "' i i ., 1 , t:ltsenela 1ig(w or•;k'cotrad• ., . �, tug l'• los. ir'o from tho. d•iri .ly�`oftfah--fY`i;it5 YttiY stir;• • rel.• oi•e. vfi;o4,tahlrs: Thr• . l+l,le `ts tilt most tr reryttir Dr, Chases Ointment will �eitesi*• t 7tt t ., ., ilii}1(,1 �: n t al}d 1:1'tI. t u; «+C,tl £r,nit of a !Y al'1 til' b(1C':I l•t`.,. l,•a� :, 1 ill,' tlI ))(rami` ZC,ne,• end, .frDill the • 1 Songs b Mr. Foster; r'eeitatir'n, d aiers,�Or h�iniautaon,_ MOOS k t.,., 1'.hn'fte(i, standpoint of publid hoalth. Ito cul- rI i ,,• . _ Torbii%. g:ttnille 2 n. fPr•;j tt �'GU' t , 'tilt's, telt) k'i'll$ 'oltotll puett 'I andi� Hunt taro stllould Ablw ho negoleoted,* DE90 VI '0aq4009 2qA etawp t4 pay i,=9 8a a ' ( wi ** At colla i1,,4lu$1» ' 51' 4.• ; 9