HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1922-01-12, Page 3eet-----eweretre-netereeree---,
'WIN .FRESII FAME. — .---7 -
.. A Condition Due Entirely' JO
, • ,.. .
.Ilesides the Five .Apple Pro-
vinces; Thin Vila is Grown
iiiMoinitoiwitn0.Albertii. .
• Canada has had a bumper 'apple crop
this.year, and that the" quality of the
'fruit too not suffered in the praline-
- nese; Of pettauetion is eividenoed in the
• recent awardat the National 'Apple
•• Eilaibltion .held 'in•London, :England.
',gore Canadian apple growers cable in-
• ...to' •open. corap.etlition With grower,
from all over the world and were, sun-
eesetiti in, bearing away practically all
: the prises and ' avierds, *inning. for
*•:` Canada a-Iftevi tattle through the Prte
....duets' •of ter orchard:it,
• : The eilver challenge cup, awarded
.ta )3rItie1i or ievertieati exhibitors with
•• .the highest aggregate of Peints in
• "•Dearteen classes, was won • by the Opt
• twit:to Fruit Growers' Association,
't Northern 'Spy vines from Ontario, en -
.tered_. as cooking apples, Won the third
' prtze of a. bronze medal. One ,of the
' judges. Mated that* this; apple would
•. bane evoa first prize as an eating ap-
ple, b.eleg the best 'all round apple in
. .•'the whole exhibition. The Ontario ex-
• hibite also won: tour first prizes of
-told Medals, five second silver medals,
• ;and one third bronze Medal. Nova
'Scotia won the first prize for Starkes
,and 4001den RUISS'eta 914 second for
• Cox's. Orange. British Caliimbia Won
• the second prize with Cexdi - Orange
. Pipette and the thtrd .p ie for the .best
desseet 'apple. " New terunswiek won
'tarot rist prizes with. Mackintosh Reds
eand Snows' and two third prizes with
i Rets and :PrIncess. Louise,
• " , •Theee Million ,Barrel Yield,
• The Dominion Fruit Commissinaterti
...1...e.÷.nranch 'hns, esteniated. thenappl.e. yield_
. for 1921tat 3,337,200 barrels, as against
. .
•e3,404,340bagrele la* • year: . Neve
• leatotia is expected be lead'tvitli 1300;-
.. .:•000 barrels; ittlitst ColUmble• will
-;• have 1,00a,006 barrels; Oatario, • 940e
e 900 barrels; Quebec; 85,200 barrels;
., tend:New Brtireswick,t33;000 barrels.
..." ' Probably the ewe Outstanding fruit
.. producing 'districts. of the Dominioe
•• are the Annapotie" Valley, in Neve
• Scotia,- • and the Okanagan Valley in
, British Colutithia, situated at either ere.
• .eremity .f•S' the 'continent. Whereas in
, Poor, Watery Blood:
" The girl who retAte home. from
(011001 or from Work thorougillY tired
gilt -*HI b larttinate it she esCaPes a
physleal breakdown, beaus e tide get-.
Ong Wed be 'easily is probably the :
first Wanting SYMPteM ot. a thinning
blood that meat not be disregarded, if
hertaealth is to be preserved.
.When Vie blood becomes.. thin =and
Impure the patient becemes pale, hag-
gard lied aerator,. She not only tiree
an *malty but suffera. temp headache*,
palpitation 'of the heart, dizzy. spell
and a low of appetite This, cendition
will go from bad toworse; grieem.pt
•Steps are not tattle to inereriie and
• enrich. the blood supply. To make the
rIch,,red blood that brings the gleve of
health, no ogler medicine calf equal
Dr. Williams' .plialt Pills. lt, givent, a
fair trial their Use bringnosy 'iitneelcs,
bidet eyes, a good appetite and good
spirits Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have
made thousanda of pale, larigitid gide
active aud"streng, ten the first signet
poen thin )flood mothers ehould insist
upon thetr daughters takieg a fair
coarse of these pills. They will not
only restore health, but will save fur.
ther doctor bills.. ••
Dr, Williams' Pink Pills 'can- be ,ob-
tattled from any dealer in medicine or
by mail at 50 cents a box or tint boxee
for $2.50 from The Dr: Williarus' Medi-
cine Co., Br•ockville, Ont. • ' •
Unanimous. '' • ' •
• She -"No, *I cannot rnarrY you, "MI
ortr fattelln are opposed to you!'
. He -"But, deareif you' are. not-"
- She-e'l said all out •titztillyt".
High heels; of exaggerated „ prep° r -
goer, may •cause curvature of the
!opine end other ills, -
Minard's Liniment fan Distemper. ,
• Training Boys for Citizenship._
When, the Bey tioout Movement was
inaugurated • the printery and funda-
mentWetpurpose , behind theOrgalllaile
then was a patriotic, one, and the,
patriotic purpose has aot been hist
,sight of as the movement hair progress-
The work and traintag of the Bon
• Sebutat ia that which best equips boy.,
•hood for gOod eitizeniship, and is in no
respeet military, tuitwithete.nding the
fact that sozne ef thed3oy Scent train-
ing fits itito a miiitarY notch en the
event perb.ape thia the conatryomight
'tome 'day have *need -ethe splendid
venlig Manhood _that lege: linYttioned•
from the Soouts.
- It is e matter worthy of comment
that the. pulp Mill towns of Northern
Ontario:, as elsewiterenhaye ereppe er,
Patrols of Boy Scouts, Bore of many
nationalities, have manifested e inost
enthusiastic interest in the work, and
the 'eesult has been.that Patriotism on'
• the highest typelias been instilled. into
the young 'minds, which means honor
of the flag, res.peet for Canadian ire
stitutione; and love ,of the land of their
fathers' adoption. • ' •
One has seen the Boy Sooutsdn'arse
• aid work, in camp and•On the. tramp.
One has seen perfect discipline and
organization. Ode has seen the Scouts
on •duty dung days of sorrow and
tragedy in coal camps, serving hot con
fee to rescue crews delving abiong
-the wreckage for the bodies oT tinter;
tunate victims of mine explosionS:
One •hasseen the boys taking part in
historical Pageants, tieing kind to aged
•people, , seeing some cripple across a
street in safety, aiding in the search
for lost persons and furthering the
Provincial Boarende Health, Ontario •
Dr: eliddietou will bit glad to ansvtee 'questions on tattle Health mat- .
ters through this column. Ad•dress ittin•it •Spactioa Hoag* Spadins
• Creseent, Toronto. ,
. . •
Christnias brings -thoughts or Peace he of s3me tissietance to their fellows.
on eirthe and good will ,to men.. At 11 iS a good suggestion and is beautit
." 1920 the Annapolis Valley prodlieed no other season of the year do we see fully •expressed itt these wol.ds, by
•• about one ant a half million. barrels • David Starr 'Jordan: "There is pothing
• ' f e .
of •apples, .estirnates made thisso much,othe kindnss of Year in all the'veerld so irePortant ets
-: theeettaantt-enceetteee two tilt- permeates ;humanity, Norheat
is ehildrett-tothing_so.•.ititerestit‘r.' -
iron barrels: In the Okanagan valley thiS to be wondered at, for the signiff; ever you wielt to go in for philan-
estitnetee have risen ,fretp abOut four capee of the great event at, Beibleheinthropy, if 'ever you wish' to he of any
dollare'inel9t0 to nine --milllon.'"of 'Judea is -forever eanspeitited- with the- worl-d;, do -gbiliething for
dollarsthis. year.. .--. : the thought of peace,pelice among little- ehildren. If e'er you yearn to
:The- total' valtie • ot Canada ts apple nations, peace:among faction* peace ;be: truly wise.'Stucly 'children. We can
production •in 1920rie-as $29,849,/-49 at muting indiyidtiali. With this hough dress the 'sore, bandage the wound
(tempered with U4,396,210 in 1919natie of peace comes the Wish to do softie- imPrisou the -criminal h 1 th •
enet -toitaleTtelte404140--tbnreeleezir
egainet 3;334,660-lettrrelsont-tire peeve
• one year •the increase being small and'
thesubstantial differenbe in values be
iertceS,reeeived, the average value of
barrel 1920 bein.g $8.77 as ;wettest
7.31 irr 1919. .Expoet salea amounted
:to 1,127,400 barrels of the Value, at par
• 'age tpriee par barrel of $11.06.- The
of-Noett-Sootia. expert -St -an.
',.. most -twieehirds of• its total crop of '
1920 at an average wholesale, price of
Per barrel, The average whole-
sale rice 'on the doeueStie-tnerket was
Onterie Leads All • "Previnites.
'• -tantariotetiatinued•to lead •among -the-
in apple 'produe-
rtiont With e total yield et of .1,621800_
;barrels velued at $1$,078,765, an aver -
nee . age price -9f e$8.06.---Notra •Scotia WM-
. ' not fat hehinet with 1,160,00.0tbarre1e
, valued at: $10;931,4.20, • or an average
price of $9A2; 'British Colu'tnbrao_On
the (Other side of the. continent, the
. epee:ranee Which 14 fast takin the -lead
-lit4ritit•--prciductioni-held--tho -third
plaeo ' with a' Production at. 504,540
barrels, . which at an average price of:
_ —
.. : 4905, ,.Quebees_total.,,yieldeentountedeto.
.•• ' 88,40 barrels eiver.th 5569688, or an
oar 1Kwerage ,tit $.6.47, • and that. Of New
. •IBruriewlek 30,000 barrels • valued at
• )4167,371; an average ot.454,78.
The total inereeee ,•for the year. in
••• • • • •
peodtietion amouuted to 69,680 barrels'
oe "the •figareti-Oit 4919 end "ifi .veltte*
$5A52.939. 71'he provincee of Ontario
and Quebec were eesponeible for !hese
theereasee, both neoording sttbstantial_
.Ancrentents over the previous year",
--other-otherethenntrzeit -geowert
provinces gegisterecl slinitt declines.
-The -Governmenteeurvey- -tabu -cog
nizenee only of the five Peovinees
tad which comprise, for all intents
nd Purposes; the total Canadian area
wittch a're 4cOmmeretally
eeta "'parried Mi. 11110rdld Rot' 'be ale
. hoeiever, frOm the oiniesieti of
.. the ether proiliseeiA-kitt-no fruit iS
• ..... -1)i:oat-teed the. • Thie 'Side difeageletil-•
titre hanelergety boom rtegleeted in. the
alnlost • exclhoive. attention paid' to
grain ,growing,.; but apple geowing is
; how , EMOCOStStilt puriult in many
perts Of Manitoba, and Bente ekeellent
'varieties are produced on. the Irrigated
• lanebe in. Senthern. Alberta. '
•Notrilanci export.s two hurt-di:15d tone
of. plurti,pudding -every year. .
"CiVorech clerlts .ere reitire collation.
. Vous than their maks Colleagues," is
the verdict of the bead of -one large
Aran ;
• .•
ethingtworth'whileetIontakeelife aelitele-e-Tolebilitytiredead, bite -the -Fe' -fralWaia.
-more ofenervicentutd- less Oft self, •a .a chance that we can save the child,
little more filled with actions that If the great arnty of philanthropists
may bring hope and encouragement ever exterminate sin and pestKeece.
tirose,who -mainted-*telping-tank-eveY'-ivbfk'r Mirtlie7race'ri satvritiote it
along the way. We turn this •Way end will' be tiecause a little •child-b.a.e: led
that at the teginning.of the New -year, them.," - .•
vveindering what good resolution :we In this regerd do yeti knot- lhat
,maY plan to carry out., Making New there were 72'511 -bableaL:lickenlast
;Year resoliitione is not a foolish pro- year .in OntariQ2 • Do you. know- that
eedu:re,„ as cynics will tell you. it is 7,804 bane e under one .year -of _age
-a-healtherfettymenanteeinetteatiOn that ediedelast
rhere are marrv:things we can do teat Think over these figures, They mav
in the past: years- we have left' un- give Iron' a 'suggestion for a New
Atone. I atn going to offer a suggest Year resolution that can" be made
tion right here to these whowant to worth wliile
• % strong, e
clalare. Of..attlitfallou whereVer poet
Canada has, need •of beys tiee
Seouta Inattletied that thigt kind
ef boyhood repretents. Canada has
need of the fateful, eitizenelaflp retire-
, seated. in those- beys who love and
'honor the ftag and learn obedtence to
• the law.
Why Wolf Cub Packs? •
In 1014, the Chief•Secout, finding *hid,.
many boys under twelve years of :age
were desfrouir of bepoining Scouts but
were prohibited Peoria doing ao beeautie
of their. lack of years, organized the
Wolf Cub Packs 'for"boya 'from 8 to,
years, • Since Diet •thitethe move.
• ment litilogrown so: that now .thereeare
-Wolf dubs .all over the world.' The
'aime Of the junior organization are
identical t he aims . of. the Boy
• Scouts .Assocla,tion, the only.difterenee
being the age ,of the • boys. The ,meth-
od of training istsimilat to that emt
plOyed in the Scout t•TreoPs, namelY,
the .utniolit poestble--respeingibility
'be -
Ing .plaged. uponethettioyeethemielvet;
thus developing the ability to control
others and the true .spfrit of leader-
ship whieh is perhaps man's most
vital .need in the world of today. The
training for iiiinhood 'through the
medium. of the Boy Scout Movement be-
gins early in lite And lasts till that
manhood dies. •
• ,
Scout at -Arms P,arlee. •
• While attending the 'Scout Leaders
Coufetence • at Buffalo reoently; Mr.
Anders, • the local secretary for the
Hamilton Aseoclation, learned some-
thing that will be of great interest tq
Scouts. When Secretary of. State,
Hughes opened. the Disarmament Con-
ference at Washington, and made the
appeal for all the nations tescraptper-•
times of their navies, the only boy that
heatil him . Was a Bei Scoui. .This
Scout was �n duty outside the con-
ference room, and one of the British
delegates, ferewhom the bey had dbne
a "good idle," insisted that. the •boy
accompany hint 'to the conference
room. In spite Of quite an amount of
eppoeition, the" delegate stuck to his
requeet. oftcSaidom gave way and the
boy was admitted.
' Winter is k ditgerous season for the
• little ones. ,The days are so pharige-
able-eozie bright,: the next cold and
sterner-, that the mother is afrajd to
take the children out for the nest' air
1.and exere4e they 'need So ,muchln mpnials front': well knetitie pedple, net
Lconsegeence they are,0often cooped up peess agents' interviewt. •
in overheated, badly ventilated rooms ' Froth. ell oyer America they 'testifn
-and -etre --Soon seized.- with colds -ort to—the merits -oe ijinards Liniment
grippe. • What is needed to, keep the the. best ot ho-hsehelel renteclien
little .ones erell is Baby's Owp Tablets. Minard's •Liniment Co, •Ltde •
the -stomach and "
'bowels 'trod' drive out colds and tee Brandi' FaCtory, St. :Sabine, Mid,
their usethe beby uil be able to get .
over. the winter season in perfect •sefet.
ty. The 'fableti are sold In -Medicine
.Stops flair Corning Out;
Thickens, Beautifies. t
• neente buys a AtOttle ot tldanderloe''
at ariyalrug step, After One applice-
dent:eon can not...;find a parttcle ot
dandruff or a failing hair. Besides.,
every hair shows: new life, vigor,
brightness, more color and abundance.
• Taking•a Liberty.
Little Ethel, whetwaS &hopping with
her mat, listened white the gime, but
intelligent clerk retnonstrated:
"Madam, I ant sate you win not need
00"raulob. material. You will /lad five
yards quite ample:"
Ae soon as' they had letti t.he shop
Ethel' isFelainied indiggiantly;
. "Auntie, I didn't like that man; net
.one 'Why, he, talked to you just
like. as it he was your husbendr
• Water, pure and cold, is one 0? the
best remedies for indigestion.
• It takes frem six to eig'ht years for
the antler§ ofa stag to attain their
full size. ' ,
Po we 'say an. untruth irx this, that
ifitalthy imaginatien, next to a' bale
aticed judgment and a clear conscience,
is. the greatest b_lesaing of Me? "
Minard's Liniment foe Garget In -awn
I •..;
When :v velvet . has beeh• crushed • in
packing, and there are marks on the
pile, it can be restored in the folbw-
jog manner:, Fill a basin with steam -
I inghot water and hold 'ate Part tS be
treated over the boel with the under-
side downwards. After dt short intex-
val the pile,rises and the neaterial re-
f -ss origihal freshness.
Forests and. Water Power. 1
We are just as callous and in -differ-
eat over the destruction. of our na-
tural resources. FootIle seernto loee I
sight of the fact that the wiping out of
large forest areas by are also means
the dbliteration. to a° la* extent, of
our water power so that the perman-
ency and utilization of this great asset
is, also jeopardized; threatening not
only the development 9f our industries
but 'also transportation facilities and
the thousand and one other neces-
saries of life which modern 'ingenuity
has provided for bur camfort, enter-
tainfnent, and pleasure. ---Deputy Fire
Marshal Lewis, Ontario,
Buy your out•ef-town 'supitilen with
D'ontinioh •Eirprese Money , t?rdere.
Five Dollars -Costs., throe cents:
4.— .. •. • •
'retigin of Horse -Power.
: •
When -steam replaced home.
-hoisting and purruiing in British,miuns; •
'the:need arose 'of steting how many
hOrses were reelaeed . by an engitie,
Experimentsshiawed..that a powerful.
dray:Itorse cciuld lift 5130. potinde, out Of
mine •ShaiCat atrate of 100 feet.Per
.minute. :Heneet the, un:t known, as • ti•
eltOrse-p,ower." „ .
We pit blieh simple. straight testi-
I Classified AcIvertisement3.
beltingpulleys..sawsr cable,hose, pee:ring,
etc., snipped subject to approval at 1 wee
I prices in Canada. YORK IsSILTING CO..
Cascarets To -night
for Liver,: %well,
DAYS OF ciaLllooD
Eats Anyilling, Sleeps Like
Child and Gets Up Feeling.
. Fine Every Morning.
"I had heard sQ much about Taniac
I expected great things from it, and 11
was not disappointedtoren does Just.
what they saylt will," ireld lelrit.
Robinson; g31Gladitona Ave., Throat!), ,
' "/ nimPle feei like adifferent person
•ranee taktfig this grand niedieine. Fier
•two:treat:St I. was In wretched healtb,
, end. then, to...ciip the elinfatx, I had the
'tut which lett me in e worse"geodit
Hon. thee I, had beea before. What 1.
needed was something to build me up,
and this is etactly what' Tareac has
• "I have a z3plenclie appetite now,'
nothing I eat siva me any had after
effeete, and I sleep like a eland all
night long. feel so Well and bappy
the men:Ling that it is just like living
my girlhood days over ,again. Tanlec
t has certainly been a wonderful bless-
ing to me.'• • • -
Tauten eold by leading druggists
everywhere. ;
if Bilious), Headachy
Gera ld-cept, box tow. ; ,
You're headateht! You have. aki4l
'taste ia your entukh, 'Tour eyes btu
your'skin. is yell-. your lips panelled.
eno• wonder yeat feel mean. Your sys-
Lennie fullof bile not properly passed
Off, an 4whait. yeti need is a. eletipleg up
LL de. -It tett tentinuelreiue a talons
nahmitee. to ..youre•elf .and these who
love yeu. and:don't resort to „harsh
phy.sete etet irritate antleihjetre,Pc
r•neinber that: most dieerelere of the.
stet -lintel, Liver. apd'bowels..ere gape by
morning With gentle', thorough eas,eare
els-'they work.. while you sleep.. A
10-eent box \Nil] keep , yeurliver and
hOwele scleein stomach sweet, aed•
yoer head dear for mouths'. , Children
One to ,take Gasearets too because
tees never gripe. or tticken.., '• . •
dettleineerebyentaiient-25-teentsnatibeee • -,P1nte__._th.e.eeignbegnef_ttth.e-A'rreis.tie_'
-their ii..iire_tibi-to,.get 1,1.42 new branelt ofices have been
Brockville, Ont.. •
When the summer days are bright and ' el
- • - Under the - it4Ve
• . . countries. • • • • • ' 4
• branches, at hOtne and 206 in Oth •
opened by, Canadian •and. 214
closed; leaving the net increase 1;528;
And the little' bads pipe a merry sting. .
Tea •iii moderation is,a. useful stint.
"9. •
ifwas Sweet tn. the .shady weeds to lie
'And -daze at 'the!leives and the --ttntilk7
ling sky'. ' "
, breeze, ' ' ' • ' t
Under the, tree -s. unclerAhe „trees', .•
-Summer OP w7iiterHilay o -r* night. .
The woeds are an ever new delight;
They give us peace, . they make • us
. }anti but if -drunk to e-kee0b will
'cause great depresson. , •
'Th�se Who Dance
• e
1 S'itch wonderful: bitims:to.thembelong.;
So living or dying, niletake mine ease
Ceder the trees. ander the trees.
.. ' • -,-,A. K Stoddard.
Who Plants a Tree Phifits. '
'.-.-. l '7 . • ' Lifi‘ti. -,- -
He who _plants a tree . ---
- He plants love
tsLotit,000lateSs espreadi tag -on t -a-4ov e,
-Wayfarers he 'may -net lilt -to -see: - - -
Gifts that g.row.are.best: • '
: Hands' that bless are blest;
a t: nt.' oce t to res . -
Heaven apti"eartir:hel p 'him...Ny.1i ct pant's
a tree. :
Aud his- wort:Its Own reward sfiall.be.
. ,• . .•'. • • • '. . - • • --Lucy •1.,,a rerun..
ust Pay The Fiddler
There's a_settletnent- rrprofit orAtosi,ifor'
pearly every 'indulgence,-
-Sornetimesetheepayeday- iSelongedeferredrande
in that case the settlement may bear compound.
the 'dance had With tea or, coffee during earlier
yeara. Sometimes the'coIleCtian comes in sleep-
•lessness'sometimes in headaches, sometimes in
high blood pressure,- or in nervous 'indigestion--:---
sOtrietimes in all these penalties. •
tea and coffee's drug, caffeine.
:If.yoti've been dancing to tea or taffies ficl.:
• tiling, Why keep on till payment time comesZ
- .---you!re beginning-.tepayolowewhy-not-cancelAhe.- -
• contract? . • ••.
••• •
There's an ,easy and 'pleasant way to avoid
tea and coffee's penalties, as thousand's have found
who havechanged to Posturn. It is a delight
• with any meal -rich, comforting and satisfying
--and it neVerliartfitti--,=-Everil,theArttletaildrere-----.-
can haVe a breakfast cup of `PoStiim, with no rear
• for what May happen to sensitive nerves,.
- Instead -of paying- Penalties for your
, time drink, let it -pay benefits -to- you, by giVing
natural health a full chance -and begin the new
arrangement today. Any grocer vvill Sell you, or
any good Ireatatirant will serve yoti Poitum.
pcnittun comes in two (onus; Instant Postuin (in tins)
• made instantly in the cup by the addition of bolting water.
• Post= Cereal. (In packages of larger bulk, for those' who
prefer to Make the drink while the meal is being prepared)
made by boiling tor 20 minutes.
Postum for Health
"There's a "Reason"'
• •
A Startling Reply. .
. Wpiea.n _passenger" in an Atlantic
litan eiwerien'ed"-thatLied her to
•believe.:that •a seaman pot apt lb
.evaste much • thought Qn his personal
The sailor who had 'induced this be•••
llefelta-d reeetiteti-elettd-clit-Otettelfetta,
-.the second' day Out, The_weinatt was.
solleitous-in -her -inquiries --as. -to hitt-
Welfare when She saint,th'e Captain that
night, and whitld 'have undottbtedly
eoritinued • hersympathy. hatLnot 'a
roughsea called tte m Ind jt.er own sat!
Bulk Carlots •
Op Body and Face. Red and Itchy.
Cried For frau Laited a Year. .
"A rash started all over rxythttbe
• body,au s e a someher
„face. -It started in a:Rip/pie:
that was full Of Water, and
it got red and itchy: She
lasted a•year.
"‘ Then 1 -started with afree
.sample of Cuticura Soap
and Ointment. I bought more, and
I used, four cake & Of soantand three,
.boxes ofOliiiment whtcb hared her."
(Sinned) Mrs., Dora Langty, 1332
Gertruda_SnenyeedenotTageanatte egAte„
"-et: - •••
The Cutieure Toilet Trio -
Consisting of Soap, Ointment and
Talcum is an indispensable adjunct
of the daily toilet in maintaining
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Mother, Quick! Give
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for Child's Botivelw •
, Even .a sick ehil,d. laves ehenfrtitty"
tasteof 'California Fig Syrup.- if the'
lltLle tongue is epatell, or tf your Child
lietlets. cross, feverish, fait of cold,.
or has colic, a'teaspeenful will iiever
tall to -open- •the, boWelee In a, few ••
!Weirs you cen ecte for %your:telt hew
'thoroughly it woiten all theeonstipae
sour bile nndeweette' feoni
the tender lietle bowels and: gives you
a wall, playbel child again. ,
.ittillione of mothers Ireep."Californie
Fig Sytup" 'handle They'know a tea-
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'nor:rote. Ask !your druggist tar gen-
uine "Calif cirtila Fig 'Synap." whioh•haa
direettens for battle= and children et - -
ail •ages. printed 'oil bottle. ' Mother! ,
: •Voie musk say "Califernia'-' or"you•mar - •
ezef an.idtttattban-fitge-reyrup
HE pain and tortUre of rheu•• _
inatism can be quickly- relieved
. by an applicetian of ttloan'o_
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comfort andletsyou sleep soundly.
Alwatel havea bottlehandyand
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It penetrates teithout rubbing.
etirede achtnk, musties„. sprains and :
strains, stiff joints, end lame blast
your neigh
At all druggists-35c,70e, S1.40.
de in Cantda:
_L__white and ,WealiLshe Istiddenly reeneme, ., „ . _
. When, ahe emerged toer dat's later, ,_ e e , • e_
_ INGL__.,:- Alwx ..:s. ay 4.,_!Bay_er": whe'myotthuy_As.Piritt.
• bitted the poor sailor In the Cbtitse Of . • ,
' 'pittestdelirYonehlblistifeall"itli .'15.1'r' 6r ' ' --tinle-s-s--Yo-tr see-Tn-arne lia'y'''-e''r'''''''on-fabreis-7:7y-o-ii'a—res:--nsa-i'f.):,"kfillg'.
"How is your heaod?" she &Aced, as
he passed by on some duty.
"ga4 by send), *mum!" was the. re-
plyt , , . ' •
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A compact, complete, anti fireprool
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ISSUE No. le -'22.
Aspirin at ail. Why take -chances?
.Accept only an unbroken "Bayer". package which contains directions and dose
worked out by physicians during 22 years and •proved safe by millions for
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Toothache :Neuritis Lumbago Pain I '. Pain
Itandy"Bayer" boxes ot, le tablets is bottles of i,l and -166---;Ml drake:Ws
Aspirin is tho trade Mark (registered in .coseada) of 'fler,e, atio.A(0.01, • , Vro nom Atiedeid(410..r eft While I. le
wolf known that Aspirin meant; never manufacture, to haslet the WPM,' entente eenteepe tha .t • ,,dt04,11t
will be arttilDe5 with their gort:itta. 8:10 the "Sayer ruse
. 1
' ‘.•.•