HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1922-01-12, Page 1,
Take NotiOe
All accounts must be
paidpii or before Jan.
1st., 1922
Interest at the rate. of
10 per .cent. Per an-
. -num will be charged
on-211-'-iccounts -not
paid on the above date
W. E, Treleaven
• ,
1. ". 1
•1 I
W. Keleher, Ripley, "Phone 29,
• :• night or day.-t.f.
lumber, cut to order. Enquire at John
Joynt's Unice. •27-10-tf
•FOR SALE. --Frame house 18x24
ft. Apply »to Jas. Fisher, R. IL 6,
••• I
MONEY TO ,LOAN» ou mortgages
and -notes at' • reasonable `` rates.
Fire Insurance, both stock and
Mutual Companies. Conveyancing
dote with neatnesa and despatch.
Geo. A. Siddall, Broker. Lucknow.
' • Cain House, Lucknow, every •Wed-
• neaday afternoon. Anehranie dis-
eases successfelly tieated. .• Osteo-
pathy removes- tae phySieal causes
disease» Adjustment of the
spine is more quickly secured!' and
iewer „trcittmenth by' Osteo-
• path i than by any other method.
— • '
Tort:the' pricei:Paid fef all 'kinds of
..,*9-6-tf. ' -• • A. Grospopf, •Lacknew.
FOR SALE -Stove wood; Short or
• • • • •
• long, any qeantity .delivered i Apply
• at•joynt'a office, Lucknow. •
'prices paid for. all
----kinds-eV-raw furs -and -skins.Af you'
have- any, let- me Inow• before selling.
_ -B. Pearlman; 'Plaine 85, Residence
-Station. St...;-7.-Aptit 30
O •.••• • ••
k. U o 0 0 0
• .
. Misr Mery Hamilton » ofLondon, is
with her aunts, the Mises. Burgess.'
All accounts 'owing'to nie will •be
rendered in a» short.time: '
. • • -Wm....Connell.
,Hear Oyapela . and Company in
Carnegie Hall Saturday eveuhig. .•
Mr. Robert, Carrick has•Jegained
Borne of his old time vigor •and hi
ab ut again. ' : • .
iss •Gladys. Rivers is. spending »
few weeks•.vacation with her parents
on Ross Street. • •
Don't miss the big allow on
day, "The Breaking • Point," „also e
good • reel comedy. » :
Mr. Garfield MacDonald is 'home
from Saskatchewan and will ' spend
the remainder of the winter with his
parents: • ••
Mr, .and Mrs. Lawrence Reid and
little son returned on Ttiesday from
Algoma where iFiey spent.the recent
Don't miss the big special show on
Saturday "Once a• Plumber," • the
serial "Xing of the Circus", and a.:
good comedy. At the Family Theatte.
Yeti May enjoy a »deltghtftfl pre --
gram in „ Carnegie Hall Saturday
evening • for the small; sum••,of 35 -
cents ar'5 cents if you paserimong.
the Children. ' .. •
Admission to the Chautauqua con-
cert to » be given here -Sattirdey.evg.,
Jan.°14, first advertised at 59 cent§
has been reduced to 35 Cents. Re-
• Serve your seat at 'Victim's.
Mrs. Williams, of Buffalo,;: has
comelover to „take care ef her mother.
Mrs. F. Anderson who is"seriotisly ill.
Mrs. Williams•is accompanied by her.
ion. Frank arei'daughter Sadie.
... •
. 1 will pay the highest market price
.for all kinds .of raw furs: I will past
. better pricee_ if you bring your furs
to me ip-steaft selling them at
'1401%=--oe-exii-enses_nvilkbeless-. -
--• •, B. l3litzstein..Pri_qm.ds Store.
A-Pril-1-0,-22:. • - L --- • • .'-'•:=-•-•=
.We are prepared to WV all1kinds
a logs suitable .for lumber. deliver -
•:ed • at.' our •saw-reill_ at .14icknow..and
Will pay the' highest market Price -for
.Samer As: Wo.4.1se._all....thealinlber:11,I
the manufhcture•of furniture. we can
•b'easy on the classing bf-logs. For
..fuither particular-sapply at the Office
• �f the' Luckno* Furniture Co. '
Feb. 28, 22..
:•keeper, to-,•assist.in caring for,
an inValid: Apply. to. S. ,A. Burgess,'
• , FOR SALE„-.••• et light sleighs and
• a critter, both second-hand.. Can. be
•Shop, Apnly,*te-W-L••1440.C.,n,zie:
• LOST .-On the road • between
Glenn's Hill and Hackett's Church,
..204„, a inink-marmht muff.
. Finder leave at 'the: Sentinel Office;
or report'to Mrs. W. G. Reid, Ash-
Aeld. .• • ' • • -
- Allan Turner,-Liif 38;-Corn...-10o-eu1-
ross, will- have » an Auction Sale of
.-farin stock and inoplements on Tiles,
..; day, Janurry-t4th:,7Coit metteittg, at
o'clock noon.: •
• • 'Purvis; Auctioneer.
.The Annual Meeting of the Luck -
tow. Agriculttiral Society ,will be held
, in the Town Hall, Lucknow; on Fri-
20tb. clay_ of January' Ak D.
-4'1922.'1f-tore eelciele in-thwafterna_orC
All members are» requested to at-
» tend 'Josef:de-Agnew i7St:eretiryv
• ,» 9.5 PER. CENT
Of the Highest Paid .Shorthand
Writers use Isaac Pitman
' Shorthand ,• ,
, If you want' the BEST, Re to a
" School teaching REAL SHORT-
.-» HANDand where ' everything
else is• eorreatiolidingly - high
.• grade; , • '
Miss „Belle Robertson purposes g.o..
•ing to Toronto next week to select a
stoek,of millinery for Spring and will
open for - business-abont -March % the -
Bret, next door to -31r. G. Robert-•
• .
Card of- :.Thanks.• -Mr: and Mrs.
Roderick 3theCharles wish to • thank
the feiends- and neighhors_who . were
,kincLand loolpfol .at.,,the tittle n_f the.
illness and death of: their sister, WS.
IVIathieson.. ,
The Stratford Normal So.hool will
'had •-en Feb3-I.922. •All
teachers who have attended S.N.S.-
are cordially invite& We.ere prepar-
ing ot big time. for yoti. Do not clis-
• •
•A•Mr. George Huiton, °of. Lucknow,
spent a day last week with friends
at Leutier„ ' •
Themes Brown encl.:Vera, of Am-
berley, Spent a few days in Dungan-.
ton last week.
Miss 'Etta McNamarit, of Kintail,
is. visiting her cousin, Evelyn'Well-
ingtono,at Lothian. ' •
Misses Jean and Myrtle Ritchie, Of
Zion, "eft 'lastweek to attend bneineas
. college at Winghato
Miss Sate MacLean. of Chicago; is
Speeding...a' conPle, of Weeks at -her
fernier home in, Lothian. -
Miss. Blanohe jainieson, of Laurier
spent a few days with her friend Misi
.Gladys Rivers, of Lucktow,
Miss• Della Farrish, of Couties
Corner, as the guest of*Miss Annie
Grout for a few days last week.
Mr. Rory Madtennan, of Lochalch,
was over to 'see his friend D.A. Mac-
• Donald of Kinloss,' the end of ' last
week. . •
Mrs. • Herb _Ensign, of Lochalsh,
was•in Lucknow on account of the
illriess • of her' • mM
other . ::rs; 'Eli
Mr: Elwood Drennan aftet Spend-
ing two weeks_witio his. perents near
Kintail has returned to his home ii
London.. '
• Mrs. ,Thpinas Brewn Who spent
t-wo weeks with friends. in Flint,
Mich., has returned • to her home in
Amberely. • • -
Mies Margaret. Murray, of Para-
mount, ,is..home after spending a
•month with friends London..and
Brantford. . - • .
Miss Nellie. England has .returned
to her home in Lucknow, after spend-
ing .a few, days with her sister Mrs,
Jack Swan, of. Lothian. •
The Conries Corners Farmers' Club
held their annual, .meeting on- Wed-
nesday evg.., the 4th inst. and renert
a veop •successful year, having. done
several thousand dollar's worth of
business, Adarri.Johnston was 'elected
president, Wilfred Farrish Vice pres-
ident and Jo Fattish Secy,-Treas:
S, -Carnoehan 'visited a -few.
days at SeafortholaSt week. ..
.1•L McKenzie .spent some, clay's
last week visiting friends in and a.;
-Mr-Busse' Gilitorf hesbeen en-
gaged: as sideman witET-Cameren-,
Murdoch and Co. Mr.. Gitetorf cemei
from, Mount_ F' °rest where he , had..
charge of the men's clothing and
shoe.department of R:. Scott & Co.
When the: Kincardine Sr. Mickey
team. will Oak here ,on-the"evening
of the 17.th, the game will •Start
opromptly_at .7;30, o'clock,. ni Oder°.
that Ittip visiting team andspectators
May return » home-by:the Llate train,
sale.--6113u1k,Checolates at
AlWin-Ve Drug :Store Saturday (only)
Ularly sell for 60`end 75 cents a lb.
and are. specially priced for Saturday
n1 at 39 tents a lb. at the Resell
Dug *ore
' Having sold My Stock to kr. Robt:
Brown fwish.to thank the public for
their generous. patronage during the
many years I have been in 'business
in Ltieknow and would ask a continu-
ation of thesame for my successOr,
• -Win Connell
• NEWS•'
• ••••••••••••*"
• Methodist Church -The Pastor will
preach morning. and .evening. Evan-
gelistic .service tlie evening.. Also
evangelistic servige every evening
(except Saturday), during .the wek
All welcome,• • • „
. The January', meeting of the Solith
Kinloss W. ' B. was held in the
Church cm January. 4th,„ the )10cesie
dent, Miss 'Mad.Kay; presiding. As the
• StudY; book hap, tot yet arrived, the
•Subject Matter, Was on'ITtayert!, and
the -members, in turn, read • clippings
antf•quotations to shotv-its 'Supreme
importance and great. need, as. well
as proofs of ite,powgr in actual life.
Mrs. Gellert -began the ' Scripture
Reading for the New Year, in•.Ne-
heniiah, The meeting clesed with
Presbyterian Guild. -The „Social
CoMmittee 'had charge of the Guild
omeeting on Monday evening, when a
splendid New •Year's program was
presented. The- meeting opened with
Psalm 74 and the Lord's Prayer, after
which Bessie 'Chesnut read the Scrip-
• tute Lesson. Helen Thompson' gave a
reading and Whs. J. G. Murdoch and
Mrs. Robt. Douglas,,a duet, Papers
on the topic, •"New Years Resolut-
ions," were given by* Mrs: (Dr.) Bal-
four and Miss Phemie Irving, Also
'some thoughts en the topic by Mrs.
W, L. MacKenzie and, 1Vliss Celina
Clark. Miss' Mary Aitchison contri-
buted a. solo, and instrumental' .nuni-
hers were given .by- Misses Isobel
Johnston and Mae . McMortan ,also
Misses Jean Mactallint
Davison. tight 'splendid resolutions
Averjo given which,. if kept by the
r•e:Thers, would help to make the
Guild a great suetess. The!ineeting
•closed by. singing Hymn 521, and
payer by Mr. D. G. MacKenzie.
'.••••••04•0•0....... • ,
Mrs. Ed. McRoberts 'spent last
Week with friends at Winghajn.
•• Mr ' and Mrs Boynton Of Sask'
have. been visiting their cousins the
,MeSsrs,_ 'McDonald.'.
-Mrs. Gillies; Whitethureli is
spending. a few. weeks at her brothers
Mr. Ned Thorns. • •
Mrs -Mowbray and two children of
Bluevale were visitors with her sister
• •
Mrs: Colin' McDonald
„ - ..„ _Mrs. ugh McCrostie returned to
-rouna. Chilton._ ^4, , -
Nile on Saturday after spending the
•Mrs. Ferris and children of Ripley
visi.ted last...week-at. the home of her
aunt,, MrS,•'Aitgias McDonald.
Mrs', Wm. Fraser has returned to
Gederith,, after spending the Xmas
-seas.= with her .daughter, Mrs. T.
R_ebinstin• at the home on the 6th, '
The Pres,h'yterian ministers' of S.,:
Christmas season -here.
Mrs'. MeCrostie 4rid children
were .visitors -part of last_:wekk.with
her parents, » and 'Mrs Webster,
at Fordyce.
Mre. Sttiart who has been visiting
her -sister, Mrs, Murray at Lucan for
tli'past feW; weeks-returriedhome
1Cinloss. and Lei;.10---mwthav-e-ari-atiged"
at the school houses on the Fourth Ned Thorns who _went to Victoria
, and 'Sixth :Concessions during the Hospital, London, last Thursday
winter, :health -rind weather perniitt- underwent 'a succesSful pperation--tin
' Monday. We hope for .a •speedy
a • . •
WHY ? WHY ? ? WHY ? ?
Mr. Editer,•please allowsome space
.for a subscriber, during the medita-
tions of a quiet 'afternoon, to ask
• Why.. ".
1 -Wt do people not endeavor to
square up ll accounts at the end of
e4cli year, and. start the New Year -
with » a clean,. sieet?» This rule, -if
practised, would ,be.'better for those
who pay as well as for those who
.2 -Why, during' the hard times,
de!..so many people Spend, their money
for the -unnecessary things,- as -user -
less amusements, luxuries end so
•many things that take the money
and give no .value in return? Then
they complain 'about hard times!"
' 3. -Why do so many people allow
smooth-tongued Yankees to pull the
wool over »their eyes by "selling .to
them » worthless oil sto�ks ?» If they
do net need the money they might
• give it to some eliaritable institution.
have a monument to com-
memorate the soldier boys who fell
,in » battle :that will be hidden under
the snow for five months» of.the year?
S. -Why do not some of. our young
men care more -for their reputation
than to be tampering With and dick-
ering. in » bad whIlkey? . •
6 --Why worry sd.mueli over get-
ting a big bank account when we are .
such a short time, here and such »a
long time hereafter?. • ••
7. -Why be Sick when Fruitatives
and. Tanlac and other Patent Junk
will etre. all diseases? The best cure-
-tiye-agents-for-wealos tomachs,-weary
bodies and shattered nerves are prop-
er dieting, fresh air, rest and sleep.
What .is needed.. is more common
sense and less patett medieine.
, 8. -Why 'buy goods out of town
• that can be obtained 'at home,. When
the article and price is just as geed?.
do other towns pay Your taxes, sup:
• port our schools and thurchesoor add
anything to our prosperity?, ,
,9. -Why do net the:'bsiriess men
of the town Meet once in a while to
talk °Ver.: ways and means of tra-
pioviili trade? • ,
10. -Why 1 A ° number. .ef » good '
people ate asking why-were-lcpunter
'attractions brought , on .during the
.first. Week a the -New. Year Whtch
the different • church
had set ipart,.in .on1on Meetings, for.:
the 'consideration of the higher; bet-
ter . and more important matters of
A Subscriber.
Wednesday, •Jantiary.
Mrs. • Thos. Harris . is. visiting ,r
latives iri Kincardine. ;" .. •
A um:libel from this district_ att-•
ended Daji MeFarlane's sale, and re-
port prices eonsiderably ap.•
A couple" of our sports made a fly -
The _ Annual Meeting Of. the St:
Club will be »ie1d1 the
hall on Friday evening, Jan.,20th..
- All _ members' are requested to he
•pi esent and any others interested are
•especiallio .iritvited--as,.impottant„
inessis.to be.tr_ansacted.
:Winghant,.Ont. 'Phone 166,
Ihdividual instruetions, PridtleaI
Book-keeping. Students admitted
any °time. :Graduates assisted to
kElvIQH14m 2- -
• In_levitg memory Or Our dear hus-
- hand -and father; Kenneth:F.
' MacLennan, who :died January 12,
1921. •
"Rest in peace our Dear Beloved,
One long year has passed away; ,
- gotten, •
We meet,you some sweet day."
*Els Wife and rarrnly.
• MO. Wm
• .;
' a
They reportthe:roads in line shape
for motoring.• •
. •
Quite a._ number of this burg at-
tended.the On Pfigrire's pre-
gress"., given at Helyrood by Mr'.
Johnston of Bervie.en Tuesday cog.
.J. S. Culbert:visited at 11. Need
hams Kinearaine. On Saturday last.
He reports .Mr. 'Steve Johnston who
-hes been on »the Sick Hit; in the hosp-
that-place• and_
, again under home taM.• •
7•Seme•-have been remarking ,lately
trbout a certain black, "horee, seen
'driving west, at quite . an .unusual
speec4 and thought it must be» Roger
Corrigan Wanghis turkeys to 12,ip-
ley,- but ,A1nOI, They are, all wreng,
It Was qinly•R, .B,- "(with. Darkm)--re•--e
hewing old acquaintances on the line.
A -grand opp,ertunity _.teattend_the
Play entitled "Deaton *Hibbs", will
be given on Thursdayo3an.19th, when
the Kineardine Dramatic » Club, will
present it in the TOwn Hall Ripley.
St. Pauls Anglican Church consider
themseiveS lucky in Securing such an
entertainment. The curtain rises at
,o'clock ,sharp •reaspn (train con-
neetieri). Admission adults 35. cents
children 25, •
Cole.-L•In loving memory ''of Ruby
• Ruth Cole, who died Janitary1.0th.,
• 1921.
»Just one year has Past since we
Parted -With ottr •dear• Ruhy, _
"Rest, deat &thy,
Thy labor's over
Thy little hands will toil no more,
A loving daughter, dear and kind,
NO one on earth like thee•we ;find.
'Tis sweet to knew .
We'll meet, again
Where partings no more
And that the one we loved so well
• •w
• ; /ournal.rree Eggs
D Me1,4ehlistit, II', R. Vaster. Has only Jon* beforti. es.. A.t, •Butter if 40.11111#114404*0104
r Si 14 414 ftEgivii4 • • 4: .• • 00! ••• • • • $3,q,,no
Mop* F4001,41 Mother, other, r
.- !Monday, Jan.. 9th.
Perclot visiting »with,
Mr. Will, .Stein, from the West, is
visiting With his sister, Mrs ' Wm
, .
Pardon. • •
.Joseph Nixon, • of Lucknew.
visited ever,th,e week end with Mr. IC,
Paterson__ :
Mr. 'Archie. Steele, a Lend* is
Visiting_ with • "Mr. and kis. Jas.
Cornelies. , ' '
Miss Hazel Wocici. of TeeSteater;`,'
is- visiting with- her. cousin.,..kra.:17.:„.
J. Leggett, •••
- and Mrs. _Rob...Murder, spent.
Sunday with ,Mr. and 'Mrs. Aliderson
• at St.
Mesers. Jack Scott ard Milton Ross:
of Teeswater; are visiting with Mr.
and4r1. , •
- and •Mi's-o-lit&-I-F-iiietnere.viiitedy
With then uncle Mr. Will. Paleonet
on ----Sunday •at-Langside.-
Mr, and Mrs. Jas • 1VIeGee of East
Wawanosh .Yisited ,few days, with
their, son Mr. H. McGee,
,Ift, Lou, Than -mon of »Carberry
Man, visited e' few days With his
brother Mr. Fred Thomson. •
Mrs, Cooke who has been with her
daughter Mrs, Sob' McClenagthan-has
gone to Elora to vieit her sister; -
Miss Teta and Messrs. Jno. and
Tits. Laidlaur area New Years' With
their sister Mrs. Jaeltson at Auburn.
"J‘lr, Will. Torester underwent an
operator for appenditithi in the
Wingham Hospital and is getting
along very niaely. We hope for a
Our burg was well represented at
the Belerave ball .
„2•Sorry to » loose the pleighing.egain
ISTo Sleighing makes a dull Winter,. •
-M-a-e-L-Rdy, of Godrith- called
on friendi Were recently;
;Miss Mae R,edniond spent the Xmas
vacetion.with_friends here.
We are pleased to report that »Mrs
Wm. Boyle has recovered from her
recent; ilinersa,;
Irene Hi:vie ef
Spending her vacation with her
mother ot the 9th Con.
Do you drin
- there's odistinct.difference in favor of
Mr Kenneth MacIver, a middle-aged
farmer of the Lake Range, Ashfield,
died on Tuesday of this week, follow-
ing. several months' Of painful illness,
due, it is thought, to an abscess Ph
the brain. » Mr. Madyer sriffered an
lnjury to his head in the early Fall,
•In loving memory. ef our son, 'Hag-
gan 1VII:Donald, who. passed away
January 13th., 1918:. • .
"God knows how much we miss him,
'Never shall hit inemM-y fade,
Loving theughts shall ever wander
To te
he spot wher. he is laid."
-Father, Mcelier and Brothers.
while riding in an automobile, he was • ' ' ..
thrown upwards; his head coming in •
ccritarh withe r .
. one of the of the' . -
auo topFrom that tim.e he cone: -. --- . .•
, • FOi Ni.).1-.•°... black fur ,inuff. In-
t, .t t
, plaited of a pain in his head, so that, fovemionaThe Seninel (truce.
;What appeared' at the _Wile to be -a
•slight injury, terminated fatally, Mr.
Madver Vras .56 years of age, and
leaves a, tvidove and one daughter.'
• The funeral on Thursday to Kintail
Cemetery was in charge of Old Light•
Lodge, A, F. & A. M., of which .he ,
was a:member. ;
. •
-Mrs. Elliott- T-aylor-who-lins-been
suffering: from 'rheimietisme is- report -
We are. .plkased to report that
Thomas Taylor who. has not been Well
of late is now improving. •
ei gir=lo ad pf-Y- ou n giolitS"lop It
St. Ileiens district spent h j011y tinre
at •John Jamieson's,. Friday ' evening.
Mr, David Ferrier who has been
nueffiered among; the for some
time is now improVing though sloWlY.
Mr. '• Robert, Ilaines and Mrs. J,
• ' 1..)1;•CED ' • -
Overstocked weal new • and slightly
useu , hpas, vegans. ,
.0.1.ust .ciear m stues-Coielog sloe, re-
garuiess pres. L.:b.,' pay
di 14m., ed.. every :=Instr,..oent otieran-
eh aria dhpyeleh x.ree„.• hte ost
XL interestee. iietory .iviason
4,4 ,NAsen, Lrueipn, Ont. '
Hecker got ,away to g good start
here Thersday night of bat week
when Lucknow Juniors defeated the
Winghani JUniors hy a score of 11...-a.•
The game -Was just a little too puich.
one-sided, Lucknow having the
Ors but-clissed from the first.. It
W AN' T E ee.-7•RepLesentatIVe for'
t'vcrit•se,;, a see'. re-otteweo`saie'e-
than. nut nupose41,,y, VrtL
• tetkea you ...it `griPe e 1ASSI.St..
unc(.) •ktrant, lean tvnur,e
.14Am is oeyeim Les ti,reie:io. -X
nag-nc, .1190 4/49r9
...meat with 4s and 'et kwie tune
uouLne y.yni." inhume.' v)e :.require a .
_ man:- er"-eleat chroiec...eci seund. in
pond arid uvay, and kn:
looks as aS -though our junior team is v..110 U WU. UPI), a me
going to :produce Seine really fast
players. - ' - •
The ;Lucknow line-up was as .
lows• " •
- -
• ;Harold,. Agnew7-Gohl:
...W. Huston -L. Defense, *
11. Treleaven -R: Defense,
o ,
Howard Agnew -A, Wing -
C.. Gollan7e...L. Wing.
' J. Johnston,Sub.
• Fi
ICincardine ,Setier ,tegre • will play
here on Tuesday, the 17th. .
• • ,
• The 'chief business transacted at
the Village -Council 'meeting held on
,Tueeday 'tight -was .the .appointment:
of 'the various._•_standing comMittees;
Village - officers 'will -be- appointecrie
the February meetitig: Standing
eenimitteei for the year are as fel-
lows: •= - • • " •
Finance -Johnston, Miller- and Mill-
• -
and_Bridges-Smith; liend- o'clock 111 the afternoon., ; • •
etson and killer. .; _
Fire and Light -Henderson, Smith pedof. of your claim. must he lodged • '
'position 1. ch a. 4.ust-grs.,,-.,a4 concern.
When: . : !vvou.lu ue re waraea
s. gitieriuu. Souie. four,
tnousa,ia afreauy organiza-t
tiOn in two ,years time, Apply •E,
White; Itb_oni_",1; Gordoir:Bioga; Atte,t._!.
ford, Wit. • - ' • --, 12-1- •
. IN .THE ESTATE OF:TEE L1.10..i.-
NOA,r 1,1.44)1. COIVU'ANY, earl -yolk en/
business at, the Village or Laoknow --
of Onter1o, and= JAMES': CUTT,
carrying -on businesi urther-.thez•name.--•-
cit LuosiNow VLA.X. MILL
COMPANY, .Autherized AssignerS. . •-•-•
NOTICE' IS -herby giVeti--that vac
;JAMES R. GUI!, •carrying on buia,.
ness under the name of '1'.u.E LUCK:- •
-on theri-4.th: . day'
make an authorized .asSionment
the__undereighed..._ ' . •
fit meeting of thercic4iitois in the ••
above estate will be held at 'the office .
of The Trusts and •Gtieraritee
'paw, Limited. 120 Bay Street,..Tor-
onto,. Ontario, on the 2:uth, any of
Jarivai.r 13224`at'ilii7-1707-13r...14'
and Johnston. - --
Petitions and By MO -
air ..• .
,Suppliesullin, Smith, and -john-_
Drt---•Speace..was re appointed Med-
ical Health Offiecer and the following
merits to the Library. Board'f.--7,-.A.
Mackenzie, 3 years; T. S. Reid, 2.
years; Rev, R. F. .Irwin, • 1 year. •
The engineer..will. also be pound -
The 'clerk was instructed to pri-
par,e bY4aw for the raising .Qf the
money tecesiery eoruplete the y -
Snowden *14 Mrs. S. McPherson,
were -recent -visiters-
Ens. r4titife •system.
• .
— -
ealkawanosliEle6t':oli. Figutes
_. . .
.. .
, IMII................41MIIIIIN.. r
• Following.is the nurnbq of votes received in 'ffie VariotiS sub -divisions
by the different. candidate:
• -- -- .. .Ai ... : .. . , • _,, FOR REEY.F.:
•••••••••410. ••14.1"Iirlmreff mon*
with us• before the umng .held.
Ptoxiea' to. be used 1.1.7..-.Cne mpeting,
must be lodged with irs Pritir thereto. •
AN -D ,40-121ITEER.
that if you have ,against
•the-delito-for yea ai*.o entitle -Xi _
to rank, proof of Such elaini must Ve7:: .
filed With, us: withiwIliirt:,;: tiaTs front
after the exPiratien 01: t:r.. lone fixed
by sub section of. section' ;37 or the ,
said Act we shall distrioute the, Pro- ••
the parties entitled •••;;• Leto having
* ` Ti -h- -
regard only 9 the. o ,w
we haVe then notiee, •
• DATED at Toionto, Ontario, thia
7.thoday •of .January, _ •
C0311'AN 1'; ED •
•••••4•Auth3rized Trustee, •
„ 120 Bay 1-74'reiit, to,' Ontario.'
lir,. "Yancey, Selierfor herein.
or-7-41-odericli,.." On Ulric-
apeedr re9OVarr4 •
A. E..Johnston
13. S. ,Naylor
1 2 3 ' • 4 5 6
-' .J.47 •
_ _
21 39 IT
W. 11. Carl 58 39 12 '21 20 ' - 161'r
Jas; FOrster
j, Medd ...,.„.. ; . •
W. A, Orser
T. B. Taylor
W. tJ. Webb
7 'Vital-
-"\-0•^•^•••••11-4,5e €••••••es.roNrg)
HaVir g bee k P.'0,1,t1ted by
the MrorVekitics»Branth
---ef-tht--Bcpattcrtent-ef-Pub.»-- -
lie Teligtieva..s to iseue•
,r91.2T riffdtre&ifge
.... , .... 19 . 1.5 33 45 62 26 200 '
..., ...„ • 50 69 29 » 17 9 31 207.
....;,.... 68 22 41 : 9 5 10 • ' 155
,...„;..., 17 22 4G» 52 ', 37 , 27 201
25 13 37 50 •=6 1- - - 151 art sold„ PrOraptnese vvill
• he our Watchword,
A. (1. SlikiT1-1
• I respectfully solicit your
s. Wing,oant is. pt.,_
situated as to le. mo. e cone
venient to this'', tion of
• the country V.e oth-
er pciint where markers
Yes • lg 20 25 25',»27 10 119
NO • • 71, 41 22 18' ,25 20 197'
• • (I)ateated) • • Box 473, ' Winokarn, Ont.
. NV. A, Wilson, Clerk,
'‘•`4 *