HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1922-01-05, Page 1••-• 44, ••• -117-rer---eaerea--r-aerier --""n111111111.110weeserier:!..- WINIPM1..11111.1.- 41111144c .014.414.1.4.1•••••••,,,Ripp --Nr- _ •$;448 PER TEA * ADVANCE; •01,54! 'OTHERWISE.' LUCKNOW; ONT., TIFIURS'D" AY. JANUARY 5, 1922. SINGLE COPIES, fo CENTS :Take Notice • . 40 ad:count! Must the pai,d on or before Jan. .lst.,1922 . Interest at the rate of 10 per cent., per.: an- num will be charged on 01. =Counts .not friod onthe above date Treleiven ie.'00.,. o EVERYBODY'S COWAIN ;c1-;•-oa•-o--oLe0-4•0•0144.•441,--0-0 VETERINARY `'.$11RGEON..-'-:. Dr. W. J. Keleher, Ripley,- Phone 29, night or day.-t.f, CUMBER FOR SALE-Hemlocklumber: cut to order; Enquire at John ( Joynt's -Office. 27-104 FOR SALE.-Frarne house 1844. ft. Apply to Jas. Fisher, R. R. 6, • , 1542-tf,. • • .1- MONEY TO 'LOAN on mortgages Lula notes, at reasonable Teel. Fire Insurance, both stock and Mutual Companiea., Conveyancing, • dime. with ,neatness and despatch.. Go. ..k Side1111, itreker,..Ltielaiow. ` =r----1",•• • 4...mamm.a4•=140- ; O 0 • o •:s• • I I o LOCAL 4161Y'da;NRRAII• • .o ,o' o o.„ 0 a 0 ..o. • The January thaw cente' very early, . Keep in mind the Dance in. Car- negie Hell. Friday °evening, Jan, •6th. ,Mrr Irwin, 'merchant Of Clintite, spent the week -end vrith his biAther,. the Rev. R. Fulton 4rwin. MSS Isabel 'Doi:gigs, was pp.. from Chatham to spend the New Yesr at her home on Canning "St.., ". Mr. and. Mrs, Leslie Irwin And little eon, of ileyesville ,spent the Ne*,•Yeat with Mrs. Jai. Irwin,' Mr,' E. A,. Pidi'lnel: has bought ,the. -grocery..-stoek_ whiehAthe hAte. Mallough, had hi his store, and moved' it to his own Ettore. • • The Fire Coi; has arranged for an- other dance to ibe given in the Town Hall On the evening of January .6th.. Illackstone's Orcherstra.. • Card of Tlianks-'-•Mrs. D. Mallough and family wish; to think the friends, and . neighbors far their kindness and sympathy at the time of their recent bereavement, • • - - See Cameron,,Murdoch & Co. '"ad.' this week, giving greably reduced prices .in Ladies' Coets and Shirts, and Men's and Boy's' Overeeats, dur- ing January Clearinr Sal . Card of Thenke-,The faitiily of the late Mrs. Lachlan MacLean wish to. thank the • friends . and neighbors for their kindness nnd sympathy dur- ing the. illness., and •at the death Of. their mother, • 1.• .1: • •• ,, • ' The IrucinlOw" Brnineh, men's Institute `oneetwin ;he Cauncil ••-4-• Chamber on Th(iradaye thoWth. ante., at 2,30 Am': All nieniintes araeree• 'ii OSTEO.PATH, at the CEn Hose. Lucknow, every-Wede ' 'Inflated to be present ee a.. good ° .. nesday afternoon. All chronic dis- .gram is being prepared,'Vitors il1 eases successfully •treated. Osteo, be made weleorne.M;14itelfenzie° pathy removes -the - physical causes Secretaiy. - • ' - .'• 1. s • " .4:if disease. Adjustmere .)f the • ; 'spine is more quickly se s 3 and Word was. received. in town recently (with fewer treatments. by' Osteo- Ofthe. death. of George Potter, who pathy than by any other method. , . .......______. is well -remembered air, a harness - Toronto prices paidfor all kinds of maker by many.* Iatclenow and vic. inity, Mr. Potter died gt_Ladysmith, As GrnsP.Pilf*, Lucknow. Wiscenein, Dacembe01tha • LOSTs-Around the Village, a driV, being due to pneurrionia. The funeral; poultry. - Ing glove. Finder please leave at the conducted .by tlie, tiddfellomh. was On Sentinel Office. ' , •December 13th; His widov4 one Son FOR .SALE -Stove wood; short ..or and two daughters survive:. . long, any quantity delivered: . Apply •'. at Joynts -office, Lucknow. CURLERS ORGANIZE • . , game" _got together during. theinst Week' and'' organized ler the season ,Following -are-,.-the officers and-ront- .--EURSenrilligheetneieeinaid _kinds of raw•furs and skies:If you-- - have any, let me knowbefore selling. Pearls -Pair; 'Phone. 85,--Residente Station St., Lucknow.. . April 89 • I will pay the highest market price ,for all kinds a raw furs. I will pay better, prices if You bring 'your furs to me instead of selling them at - - be less: • - B.- Blitzstein. -Dry Gootheliteerej April 80,22 • • ' • . LOGS_WANTED s ,Wes. are prepared to buy all kinds .oflags suitable for .lumber. deliver- ed at our saw -mill at Lucknow. and • will pay the highest market price for nine. As We use 'all' the lumber in ,the manufacture of furniture, we can be easy on the clittestag of logs. For further particulars apply at the office ...of the Lucknow Furniture Co. ' • Feb.- 28, 22. 4 AUCTION -SALE - • initteisreeidenti, Ile •Allin; Vice President, W. A.-, ifearliet 'Secretary, F, F. Phillipsi.iianiging Ceinmittee, johnistonee'Rebt- jehirsten A; ,z-P--,Stewart;7-ii."--Areheri!r_SkiPs4-dcon- mittee-..:-,5--0,tehert_ecia_Li -Me.--and-Ifre-Chas-CoakerOf.Leek-- dall, R. Johnatene ..ice.1Co.mmittee-J-.-- now, sperst7Niiir-YeaWV-iith--Mri.;illt: TWO DELIGHTFUL EV:ENINGS Van Gene' a R,evue Mekes.a.Greilt Hit 4. There have been Many geed *inter-' tainments in the Lachnow Frewn but few -of them hired won Such gen- eral conneresndationes, Mr. Van Gene's Revue, presented- on Moriday and Tuesday evenings. .Froru not a few we have heard the comment that it Wee the "best entertainneent I ever attended in the liall." It Was in real settee "something, different" . and, if was good. as well. It took no 'small measure' of organizing and training idzdity• op the pot. of ?4r Van gene to cameluto toWa stranger and in eleven- days get. together- nald insteuct about one hundred inexperienced young people, so that theY, could Pre:. dent such a program as:Was given Monday and Tuesday. The variety Of beautifel animbetis presented. would not be easily described;.so we shall just Erik Our readers to talk' it ever with someone who Was there. Pract- ically all the airailable • local talent .was gathered in, from the wee tots. like .Master Keith Brown all little Miss Winnifred Armatron#, whe won the hearts and the:apple:Ise af every- body, to those with whom we are more familiar .apti• who never fail. to pleein Tuesday night's program was ptactically the same as that present- ed on Monday, with the addition- of excellent 'music by Frirfogle's Or- chestra from • Winghaint Tuesdey. night's program was followed ,a dance for. Whitt: this orchestra also supplied the music. • • Mi.. Van Gene stated .that .he. ex- •peetar to visit this territory agiat WAthin.a•Year course, fereatairogesen„lbo be presOnted,, how.. ever./hy local, talent ae thia, one was. We. feel sere. that if thni(•eicellencir. of the .entertiinment ,understood by the publie be Will be greeted by a crowded holism. ' 24nday, JanuarY.2nd. Born -On Friday', December 30„th.k. to. !dry and Mrs. Chart.- • Martin, of Fordyce a. daughter. , • . Miss Edythe, Peddle, - of. iiitincey, Spent the holidays rWith: her sister, 0,0illesPie, . 'Mrs. Garton,: ur:, . and- daughter, Mabel ; Visited with 'Brtisielie friends; Mrs dith Stapletbit,-'of Detroit, -visited-a feve-Alays -with- ber- father, Mr. John Campbell. Miss Meets Wilson entertained .the "Wide Awake -ohms at her home s on - Wednesday: night. , _- Mr. add Mrs. A. Fox ' returned halite • on Saturday after a week's visit with friends at St: Catherines and Hamilton-. - • • , Mr.. and MM. *Ed. Garton. visited - over .Nevr 'Year's with the' formers BUSINESS CHANGE mother, Mrs.. p. gatton, sr;. Mr' and Mrs. Chas.*Martin and r. • - This week one of Lucknow'n oldest and -Mrs. Bert Martth and -baby Edith- of- the Winghain Jct., spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mar- , . business men is handing ' over the cares_ of his'atore to a younger.pere send*. Wm; Connell. for the past 43 years a merchant here, hall sold out to Mr Robert Brown, who, for -Cows-and-Ileifers.-$tuart E. Rob- _ • rse F-anny Paterson, of Toronto, ertion will have an Auction Sale of thepast-ten Years-, has been heed Ranuatir,Mrscif .7'-'jraDethiOnit,1".aurnedevILiiitinnd; bWaRbt Lows and Heifers,' due to calve, in clerk in, the store of Cameron. -Mur-, January. and February, also a nuni- dock & Co. Stock -taking is being - their brother, Mt.E Paterson. ber, of feeding steers, at the Cain done this week, iso that-iee-m'ay-ex_ _Mrs. Dave -Martin and daughter. - House Barn, Lucknow, on "Saturday, aunairer4th.„..19=‘, cominencing at 2 : o'clock.- • ' • John Purvis, AUctioneer. • OYAPELA. AND COMP,ANY This ia the name of the Chautauqua., beam which will give a 'concert in Carnegie Hall on the evening of Jan. .uary.-14th, Oyapelils an Indian . a niece of the -Chief ,of the greit' .Creek She 'has developed! ,great talent( as • an elocutionist and entertainer. She traVelled last Aldine mer' through th+3 Canadian. West, *here she delighted her audiences. Like Other. Chant/in:Oa 'entertain - as, Oyapels, does more .than merely entertain or arinnie.• Her program has the usual element of inforniationit in Measure interpret e the mind, cur tenni and Mannees of the Indian ret4e' te the. white .people. . There are. three in the trettp: Ois• • apela,'Miss Fannie Weinstock, an ac- complialied violiniisk and Miss Gene Burton, pianist. ' • these- Chautauqua entertainments and lectures are of higher order. than the ordinary. concert, and it to be •hoped they will continue ti' come to Lucknow front year to year. Unfortunately , they hale •not drawn the erowd at -Lucknow and so far they have been a :money-losing enter- prise for those who have guaranteed the financial end of it. They are a gciod thing for the torrimunity.• for there is. always something more than mere entertainment. • " ' • ASEFIELD .NOTES Tuesday, January 3rd. 6 „Miss Martha Hamilton, of Hemlock City, left for Chicago this weeks- ' - Mr. E. McLennan. of Lochalsh, is Visiting with friends Windser this . Mk. and Mrst. lack Bradly, • of Laurier, •visited.. with friends near- Boyle.... . Belfast*• Mi. ..and Mrs. S. Haldenby. spent -Mrs. .C. Hinton is spending a few an evening lust week with Mrs. Harry days with Mr. and Mrs,- Chas. Ritchie, Pinnell. of, Zion. , , We are sorry to report the'illeeas Lothian, are visiting friends near she will soon ge well again. 'ST. -HELENS ' 'Tuesday, January &xi. Mr, ,Durnin Phillips was a •week- end 'visitor .at 'Goderich. • Miss Mary Durn , visited 'Mende Wingham over Sunday. •• Mimi Jessie Cameron, who was hol- idaying her, returned to Toronteson Friday, s • ••„ •cet The annual meeting. of Calvin. Church Will be hey on Tuesday, Jan. 10th.. at 2 O'clOck. . Mr. and Mrs: FitzPateick,. of Wing - ham were visitors with Mr and Mrs. Geo, McRoberts last week. •(-r„ The annual .congregational meet- ing of Calvin sCleurch will he held On -Tuesday Jan,. 10th-; at, a o'clock. Mr. EarliDarnm, who has been in three weeks, returned home on Men- the Wingharn Hospital for the peel There were special circunistances ot enn dDanece.e at Dt o r. prceavrepnetntae elarge e lecture on Astronomy, but 'mere would have been there if it were not for the habit of mind above referred to. The lect- ure, however, was anything but a dry •and tiresenne affair of WO and figures, the lecturer who eddresses • 4 Popular audience must entertain as • well as instructif he is to. get a hearing, and Dr. Carpenter has this art in a high degree. He does not "stick to his text”, but .he menages to impart a good deal of information in a way that does net tire the ordin- ary. listener iu the hour -and -o -half which the lecture lasts, Orthose Who. heard Dr, Carpenter, we have net heard one say that his address was _tiresome or uninteresting. Indeed, they all were they had gone, for. some who were there had thought .aseroiloeuestluyreo.f„ not going because it. was As , the lecturer- said, he, merely touched the high'places so 'far as. his subject Was concerned..Much of his tithe Was occupied with" little occur - along into other lines .of thought,' with. humorous references, and 'like all the Chautauqua lecturers, who come here, he had many effective things to say about the friendly relationship which prevails hetween. Canadians and the people af earn eduntry-the Unit- ed States. ' • br. Carpenter is one af the leading scientists of the 'day, and taliis great -store_of_knowledge;lie..adds the rare facility of 'being able to come down from the heights and see things from 'the standpoint of the common people, .,anemaking his subjects of intereet to them. BY doing this; he has ed thousands M take a new Iarg- DR CARPENTER'S utTuRE, . Science Made Entertaining, • ..I..-..-... The people. of Luekno* and vicfli- ity are shy of a "lecture." ':Perliapis, in the past they, have been treated .lxi some very dry and long discourses in the-, mime e'''. a lecture, and have 4,Te,r come to think 11 lectures as•heing of. that nature. However that may be. all that is neceisary•th make rea- sorsably sure Of a- "slim house" is to announce a lecture in Carnegie Hall. it is mech the same with Other towns' in this part.of the • province: , • ,, •• this habit of mind leads many to .rniss. some really good tbiiigse-,for as th,ere. are books and books, so there .ecturers and lecturers. day. • , Mr. and Mrs. John lidaeLead and three children, of Speers, Sask., are visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, James Levis. Mint McQuillin, Frank Todd and W. -E. MacPherson are again the School Board for S. S., No. 4. It wis MacPherson's year to drop out but he was re-elected. The regtilar meeting of the Harris Mission Bend Will be held in the Presbyterian . Church on 'Saturday afternoon next at 230, All the•child- ren are invited to attend. • ' KIN LOUGH .„, Ttiesday, January 3rd. Miss Katy MacKay is *pending, her holidays at her home at the -Canadian Soo, ' . • " • Miss Norine. Hodgins spent a few dais of last week with Miss Mae Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald,qf of ltdrs. Ish.ac Pinnell, and hope that Aariberley. • ' Miss Tillie Hodgkinson ;returned to, Mrs, Hugh -Belilf Kincardine,' is Kincardine after speeding the Christ - visiting it the hewn 'of Ntet. -Wiley, was -holidays at her home here. Of Laurier. Mre. Ed. Percy, and son; Alvin, left Miss Annie McDonald,,of Hamilton,. for Detroit last Wednesday, where visited with her. Mother, Mrs. Finlay their intend spending 'the winter McDonald, of 'Lechalsh. months: • , Our mailman, Mr, Hamilton, Don't forget the entertainment in ed with Mr. and Mrs Alex, .1.09.00,. of. the Anglican •Chureis basement, Kin - Hemlock City, this week: lough, on January 13th., eon:Silencing Chas...J, MeGregbr, who is teaching at 8 O'clopk. &goon program is being at Kiterelieic-ip--eirt-n-fe*--daYa'veith-.-pitiVided.-'7-Adsion-15--apil-25-tents,- _bis_patrente, near Kintail. • Mr. J. McKeith, of Burlington, is spending the •11,61-idays- beetts- er,. Mr. Leslie McKeith, Zione Mr: .Ins. McDonald, of Paramount, spent New Year's with his brother, WINGHAM LOSES •BUSINESS MAN . j. J. Ciiiininghanc, president a -the Western retiridry Co, of *Ingham', durd suddenly at Toronto' .on Dec 26 . He.' hid- gone to: Toionta- to-epend- '. ----7'---;CliristmErs-vrith-hiesisterie-and444ek_, stilt a specialist regarding an aihnent, Which Was-dealt:Ping:Re eamplaine.: • ed, of feeling ill about mid -night on Sunday, 'and.:about three o'clock Mon- day morning' pasSed away,. after "suf. of age, laving _beenbotn_at_,Nevp,_ inarketin_.4804.._..1:14.144Sed work .48 -in-apprentice. at the Gurney -Hove- r oundry; and worked hia Way up to being superintendent. That position JUk,resigned tobecomp manager of the Vinghtim• Stove -rdihndry, about 20 years ago; His Wife' died abMit .ten y60rs ego, The remains were bought to Wingham for .interment hi the' :R. C.--Cenidtelar. Ant .Thurtgleat -Of -4at Week, • spowsmotkeoamom4 4 41 Tit• 6101141101111.101Nt 11111 90011•041 • • • • 0,4 A11,014;„ ,• • • ' , :.; sl • 4 4, 414..1!,,tofr, s •• 7 " pea to sea the store open unOer the new managernent by the end •gif the -wee 0ors-0-04-..-.•-• • ; NEWS The Salvation Army. will -conduct a. special ineetlng1nLi4ckJI0W,qP 1401.1*.• day, January' 9t1t., -at 8 o'clock Pm. A 'cordial inVitation its iset,ended to all. , liethodiarChurch-24he pastor Will preach -at both serviceEs heat Lerriday. Evangelistic'. nieetinga ,wi11 begin" on Sunday- - ever -Ling-. and _-0011tinpe all through th, week except Sattirday,, Meetings 34s:1nn1ng at 8 o'clotk,‘. All Welcome. , •. • -&-". .0-0.67—"• IMAsrat jiiNtIVIRXATH 110 . 'Utiti.Murchicli7Tiatig;oni who, /or inany Months, .haabeen. at; the.home of her sister, Mrs. R. Mac- -Charles, passed away on. Monday af- ternoon, Mrs. Mathieson was aged 84 Years and; 9inionths' ind *he had been a tad,* for kjuitea number of • Years, her )usbind having tiled nOtift. 'after they *ere moriodliefore cotn. int to Luelcitovi, she •Wed in OW Loollfhlk 1.00114. 111.100014 let* est TItufsiNi attN1011, Itifskaiak VOI.44 Ottqf .„ • Elizabeth, of Glanford Station, visit- ed a. few days With kr. and Mrs. Niles Lillian Longman ,returned to Wincleole an. Fr•iday, accompanied by. her "mother, Mrs. John OamPbell, who will visit friends there for „a time. Mi.. and Mtn. Dawsonand daugh- ter, Eva,- of London, Eng.,_are.visit- ing with Mr. and Mrs, Nelson Rice. Miss Jean Hogg, of Thaenesford, spent the holidays withher aunt, Mrs. J: Faleoner. • The --;-F. O.;-avill---nrieet'on-Thure- ,day evening of this week, when the rePorte.' of the. convention field -re- cently in Toronio will be given. Mr. and Mrs. John Falconer and family .spent New Year's with Mr, 0_aorg_t Flamer_ in ,Culroi_a_ . • s ,Neil'.14ICIDortald, of near ICintail. _M Dave Cox, of London, was die --gimat_atIttr. and Mrs. Ja-C1-0,0ami1ten; -ParamonWdifringthadailidaYs.-- • Miss, Elleda Irwin, who 'spent Xmas withater parents near Lucknow, has returned to her position in Torento. Me. and Mrs. Grant Macniarmid, of Paramount, spent New. Years with , Me. and Mrs. Jan, Blue, of Amberley. -MISS Florence MoKay, wire:has been spending a few days at her home at Lochalsh, :has returned, to Chicago. " , Mrs. liobt. • 'Stritthere;-"of 7-Para- metinti-apent New Years Day with her Parents,s-Mr. and.Mrs.las. Fisher, near Lucknow.. , --Jeseie-Buckingliam, who haa. Veen spending :the Xlmna holidays with her parents at Laurier; ha's te- AUTITC4 ta-Stratf-ard-'•NOMIZII Mr. and Mrs.; Wellington Hender- son and ehildren, of Lucknow, spent New Year's Day With Mr. and Mrs. .Jas. -Stanley, of Paramount. 'Miss ..likargaret MacDiarmid, of Lucknow, spent a few dais of last week with her friend, Mise Martha •HaMilton, of Hemlock ity. Miss Margaret Hardie, Who Spent the Xmas holidays -with -her parents; Rev. and Mrs. 3; S. Hardie, of Loch- alsh, has retuened-to tlitcrito, . Darnby, of -Lothian, had the imisfortune recently , to slip on ice 'and fall, breaking tinmber -of rilis.„While his, injuries are not likely to prove ho will he, laid up for sbmi timer- • hoLpeople_wite-senkyott _monthly bills shnw-alt the fervor of -other col- lectore of antipues, About the time 4 boy ,gats over a - Ing proud of hte nivaele he begins to think he imderstanda women • Li:6mm 014og Oro 14.00o ,,EE,Ettr,111,511t.i." 400, puttra 44 • 4, 4 • $71-400. 11.14 to oo oltt000tt.t,tomoto ofigitti • Flt.1 ' ' 4 Ssross•sedoseme. A Fritter, .lennap gth. The 'Flit -Comp+ hold a 'Dance In the Oarnegto Hatt on Friday evening, January 6th. Bla'ckstone's Orchestra' will supply- the musk. A skid -lath wilt be served. Admission, Gent1emen:4140r14a4los ge.o., Wt.? OW petit, *mode to go te th Roidlors' 1+1t0i91401 risk • Come along. Everybodywelcome. well as in the universe at large -IMICI7PAL-7-FLECTIONS- wnsliip-Lof-THurOn ` • . . 8 4 5 6 . Total -.Robert. Irwin -..,:... 61 38 37 59 34 279 Robert McCosli; , - 23 49 . 27 18 17 31 • 175 Duan Campbell ......... 2 • a 24 53 13 53 15'0 FOR DEPUTY -REEVE , • • • •• D.onald C. McKinnonTs-.-:s--... 29- - 40 • *4 16. _ '.g"70 Thomas ,E. Morgan .... . 16 28 38 22 35 , 36 17.5 Alexander Freser.. sp 30 " 3 . 28 . 135 . , . _ FOR :COUNCII.LORS • Roderick MLernian 173 JIAA 59. 89 88-I 415 See - 67 19---99 --'-- 367 - John Emmerton, Sr., • -69 81 __a. -49 -14--_-31; -266 'Angus ..ideLair .. • . 26 27: 28 74 25 51', 131 .11M-Councit-for-1-922- . Reeve -Robert Irwin • • s Deputy Reeve -Donald C. 1VIcKi mion.. 7-Councillors--s-Roderick, McLennan William 3. MCICay and 'John Em- nterton, Sr Police Trustees of the Village of Ripley -J. B, Martini, Joseph W, Morgan and Duncan Munn, by acclamation. TownshiP of ,,Ashfield • FOR REEVE 2 3 4 ' 5 : 6' • 7 Total Jaseph Eackett 44 41 85 30 83 21 ‘..•l6 -200 rrankigf-Jolinsion-Z: :56 vy -18- -90' '7-'4.-- 44 - • „FOR- -DEPUTY-REEVE . . John Janaketkono-e... 30 . 86 , 50; :•89.'36 45, .. 78, . 314 Robt. I), McDonald. . 52 53 if Is- 61 17 8 246 FOR, COUNCILLOR John P, Campbell 79 88 -50 44 43 24 33 306 T. A Cameron 21 83'7' 70 2 20 7 • •- 20 173 John b.-Fatrish-, -HP- 80- 46- r62' 44 - s64-•• _ Elected -Reeve, ---3, .r, Johnston; Denuty-Reeve,John-Jamieson-, COtins, cillont, John D. Farrish, Thos, Sulli van and John P. Campbell. ' C. E, McDonagh, Clerk Family Theatre LUCi(NOW FRIDAY, JANUARY 6th ALICE LAKE "Body and Soul" Scenic and Comedy „ ,SATURDAY, -JAN.. 7t1 FRANK "The. Shark Master", TUESDAY, JAN., 10th, A SPECIAL ,• Jack. London's Great Northland Story "'Burning Daylight" • and — CHARLIE CHAPLIN in "The• Bank" .APPRECIATIVE ' To The' Electors of Ashfield. ' Ladies and Gentleinents:---Iiake this -opportunity of thanking-4re electors' of Ashfield for the sapPotNrcrue at the Polls on January:.2niL, by 'electing 'me Councillor' for the year • 1922; 'I will. endeavor to serve itite people of the Township te.the best, of my ail4si.sy duripg,:my terrn of "office; Yours iFohanitlivfauilishi" .T4e Tlie El-actors:of Ashfield,. . Ladies and. ,Gentlenien:-I..titank-_,. • 'Frank 'Johnatort.', 'To The Electors ef Aslifield, Ladies and Gentlemen; -1 beg- to -• - acknowledge in this Way -my aPpre- eiation_of_your_supPartan the recent. election; showing:- the 'Confidence you pieced in me by agnin- electing me • to the Council Board far 1922 as cir- -cuirrabances7prevente.d7 me trem- wigging. Assnring. you -of my best' efforts in the -welfare of our Toivre• shipand wishing youall a Happy and -Prosperous New. Yea.r. _ _fMO-urs- •"' C.nnlpheli ' TO Tug 7. • • Having purchaged7the stock - ."of groCerieti' Which -the -lite •, Mr. Mallought. had in . store I have moved the,seme , &to my Own store, 'MgClnie's old stand, I take this Oppor- -trinity of inviting your pat- ..ronagej,_as.lno*....have.asmu- pleM and • excellent /stock of. • fresh groceries and- provis- •• ione E. A; PALMON KINLOSS Tuesdey,•Jaituary ard. A .Happy New Yeer to All,. , Wm. Eadit Was a Suhday Visitor: „ ,on the TentK.-,- - - • • NOrrnaliteS' and teliellers lhave lI• returned to their resp.Ntive .schoids ain Mr. Wiffred emigrant 'spent the' , Congram. Matigiret Pa-l-tnet-,--eare---vvas-7.------ ,visiting her siSter,-Mrs. Harrls; ' has retniated to Detroit. Mr. Wilfred (_ong; and •Mises 21*�he_and_ty-rtk'-rev, with. econa C o • • Misses Myrtle 7 .2;kla and Mamie EXeter-nrid-- -Lucini'du ...trig -tile F .1 Mr. and Ms.I,ot with , Curiert. . Mr„, \1,-;.s Marion Scott, of ti-. spent a day: last week 1. I. (ive.ti on AO Eighth, Quta nu., r .4see kaleieg age the eoursee iksn by the Id lititute under the dirk:C!en ..thi . • ' • ' . ... -To*nship of West. Wawanosh • There was a close election hi West "WFWanosh, all candidate's getting a very respectable vote' and running close to each. other,. Unfortunately, -vie stre unable this- weekto -give the II gures: The Councit'Soard for 1922 10110mtr* • Ritiv•-1 5. 240710r, - coua9giottr.400$ 40001 tsvlort 014 1,11 Oafrl $.411 Medd@ • • .1 • • J • 4s, ' • Iss: • 4 • 0, A, . .1 • -,;;;;"4.•-••