The Lucknow Sentinel, 1921-12-29, Page 4-7" �.- -,t: � �, I. - - - -7 -%W 7 - � 14. ie NEW YEAR'S DAY hool Le., ot
BY GIB�dl?SCOlftl JANUARY IST. IN'9THERLAND.5r, ltutcg f0i clkn r f0 -i oso9�-m" 'and The Revolt of hmbom-, -1 mage, 1 -17�,26-30,. Golgen, �ar i4 ti 1� 12 aC 11. ;Pao if Vo ime. 40� 5. -3 IDX P*t tp Text: ---Ex, C M W of the strall t4w -ire *Wiet . . . . . . I I I . It 11 wnative unitl fibg #md insic Time. --About B.C., 987, thep iince David himself 4plged to geptel& th'it tbes t ents. � locle,4 ol 1lee ve. rea Sv.nayl5crool., sirA�'g -.6- 0"hethem, Bipthel.,ana Dwl:. 66. tribd he cig o :tei�eenting no ell, thi gatheri you s, ii weldifig the vall tribes -a suM the 'Ifeay. n 3. v.4t, 9. of th�e in4pi, frl h je3e coiill in &,�r ore t el er� k to e -a eqnve tiont
Ithe-fur Icxpres,siiu,i� of ii�filhaf adver. 6) � le on: me into a hall thrbq*h hit. mail d*y!s, 4hen baet dl�velt lin.t�nrtv. 4 4ty = of a �I. t pre�-Cd-lnz it ac�ovnts of Which h&ve J1,Dnl!e Z 1. -by a rel p" thrng1h fbai� thine. OR - ( ar se leqder-44up -.aiid; of Atir -to IL - house; D*vid,.. Confine ca 41re)ad' rmm in these courons. wbuld! 1i -to sl are j.Ume of, the. y - > I budy mu410 150e, too, to iXe at ot; tb3 I �nyj th, Phifietines., S4110�- YUr all-thOgrity. to your. own, ribe U41giumlbb, worlanen?s,'chil applio "Dogs the ad* ari in: Some pt i, holding. them t;ol� Judiab. V, .1. . of. Liege um about in, bands, I col fil is tho dell a-; ep, Create. %J1 'gefher by* t�be thoroiig�egS ar'W V. 17"- Jud- 'to., WMch mornill 911 - , I to aigbt,, Timing 4t the 4 -byheir eister ;liS:?-S tnaafe to. let -the '.i:b re:.4 ork all. The WbZ ................... irixthful, intereting', qns. sen'. wolilcel 0 .-it . akizl and -by: the' dlespl 4- Dal elon� Would natutally re-' amd g jhe vid. Vaol - to ..... I wkh'., the of lilis 'varigurs f ",ininUkraiim But. tb�- irtl it. I joi�tqajj :e O,Cm their as *to'. Chose. 11 iiii his success&ri.. - IU=�- col spelled; and, wishing hem, 7 'GaVe.mill dep eptl first Mt t1fel own 'said, Miss' U-11on thX h. there were the t;wo - kingo wrtpi
Year.and ood, ]ll -The '�Nu the add.r. w o%, -bull t.inetioa then of �nl gkiiii that r f#rernoet,amng. - h et=d tbq M tfl their that ,of Israel ilf the T6n in- Ill iljd D'elplary e S# -�4304, rect and,-,doni�ot,6? 'tyj llid the more natural of Judah in the w9th th'1111?10 Superin- e "ve t6r..pV4griCuature,aid thp lil uni =tber,laivw Vilail, a -.l few Qf, tb � Tbrol P�blie, LibrailY, 04tejor. T)n �ampeid t the* wa& uot uniloyi, in a pfece;'andl #. 1�,i t0n:4�-� of 1[n,-;:ltitutes. With these FAine Ill., Jerobbmq'a gin, 26.3W t, be- -ram, ry wi01-:L,l fazmera ta.wrr e result -get, a,tl "How-to, Make, ithe Best natio -separatlqu intd -tribal, d4. .10 nelailya o of t leaders, plan -vereLl Ve, of the Lib�ary,llvhich wi� folol vili-ons. but �7. To pffor sigrifices, 66, Ckeir. 4i of .,W4*kneii soni'Sinm ro 0 , tro" the rr -pn in �9�Ty telling Or"Unprrq�mlamy hr 'the r Sigma, -for �3*vl aiii4ng the
g year. Wt.) During the rem -any haten the wallet as, a ya to djeuxW for formil en it pa Wts'sf -David and nr th 'Wh the- formed the Ich �nvade the whobe Convention W: going up to the royal- sbairn : dil Abl and inside 4he,d Is me dth' Ie Then, them was the Convention f4e)'1*e to cinixted five-year-olds.for tribes am tbisr Ca n the aglee"lon
at lema-lem to offeT, their'opMfilegs. the house,'or
.0 ihtWl a a magi or nion's son. Rehol "ich, with'its' Many-si-dild ica quarter of an h ilRo,, Of IS 10 reGol1g*,Are Profitable- our, Jemboam recognized that if t*j cus- ' The asants of Italy obout� or� Thl keynote of the. proceedings, was place ihe-Alger booklo and v-apid 1.1,T)w People?s Rcqueet,,12715. to "a, Vady I Palle r v Ainved it might. proveft serl- Now. y�ar%. ]g It -mak be -4esir strtwk by tiers I 1.2. Jkroboam,. See--elh. 11: 26.40.' ous zill to a own sovereignty; of, pracl able to, ke�ep'the, old Ve in A
Nate t.q. tb in 0briens with th�,, uii in are. in evideml - g just as e legend � and, fable -K nig A#hl Gull.. "He thwted the attention of .0 so -'he p -mod, to keep The peopit at some .0 *hwiru c i 001 Z, or� lend as possilMl " -Nrhen. -in -her' address of weloome sh for wger I 1 $01-
1)1,f it'. is, not neceswarily ahv�js tb,,- ]w
t asixei ee hiloge: First, like'r, - 'Robinson (binne., Anderlsol ml who, pronl him. to a i
W tbo i few vc,3aited, J 7 Toicthers aposlw home * impro their local. shrinel to. haxd knock, . - . I ewe, tolult I.- - ne tl most thing o do It. iniist� they so. y the imt okp�jence a., r ml Aesop, 1e - "p 'othl vanted ho, - in Me "re- . P- %r, G i tion of olverelear 4of the fo Jungle Books,,. rlce�d 'labor V, 28. Calves of gold; wo.
�14voptl re oden im- it 1s,cwdton%*ry in bea*. ;�e xamemberc,l trait machines Are,c6b,. thebounry o. Ephraim. A 1119 iliges over-Ired - wit S63. The. calf 7�emsking that it w*uMd stand �ut. Stevenson's work and, the deordi' improved, and the tim,4 as ogering the most liberal education 'vions.f Italy tlobuibd �V 'tl intimation in th Ins tinu;ft being e C*reek ve"ion;l (peol 4A,biiI.If?)' til�peal - to. the ed
bat mir.dtof; the, Tepple, bocav�e. it 01.9niffielil 1; f the.machine is woril` and good that ifOrtified I 1 native Wace of Zereda,'� the%ifiape of an eMwAonan whjch�.js imay,com le ore Matest career, 6pm to �Womemil enlugh hhhe it'd wril, 1.
I) mciou enlisted - ch-4nvti in his. ser
e he vi. Carried about tahe tol u, i
tit w n it shl be dfsea Second, tobring back the k Awxn- hed il a uill in Uq1 I rded,be strength. oy in wo dmand the �Zb. hims U, e'a TN56.admost ostentatious. indicationW the, Njil�.ern 0. ur-e of-clis-ol wlikh-was one,of the-greatekt factors vil o& Me people a4W "burnt at eq cuene. W4 and claur Oboolem,ence is -a big, words ',huta it in dife. Third, to learn and incul-�ate to wo-tablp it. P (See Ex. 32:- 14. No am intentkini, to revolt roused the . Amng 11he, hpa,.Nw., Y4 Day, The $up IssAd-ite would- think f, rdipreseal or Kide Matl is elabixi4ted with P iitt. r:r,,Ne erintel volay With, of SoPlomn, and* Jerobl dL
10te that self-dileipline which -leads to ellf him,,, nd, on'le result, bf this wAs that. his -own son as ffyl or caU; miwb le a -lot.. X machine. Is �680 wiia.cibliged to flee to Bgm" (IT, P I Atopbolut 41W t1reiT tref, ��ugh es reat fesl, brdVbt- thi-%'�money one Idses 6 its ajrd hence 6111-mastlilry. The retiring One. of the (L - lairge ' group of Smth). Frl Zg�ypt he watched. 4�: The'goldn el were'%vb , '6f he N years would. pa -k -for a new machine of vel-okilel li,. Israel, .and- perceiving' ew 9 ames is 'that' *el 14ts; ' TOM, in T Ying', the GirW 01.� a ],�w kinglabIJ, -or==;Dnti9 were usd' in & Me
mift bulem e1g W6rk in lil Junior - smd that- the ac,leessioli- Of e nzaill,�whdvh meano 11tel i*y - k- I 1pilprol whi ' ch',would dq the strssed. ;the. deirability Unity Sonior were inveiriledl. to,might offer the 6lanlce of beading a ;,the, idolatrous- shrine�s of the Canaan- Uer, more COMM evinces ite and- were appropriated, 'by Jerlo- "Long litle -to y1oull.11 "bouni for the worehip. ,of Scomilt. in Tk f f ical among thd pr *Aft's ly and of a great the ,-Omtformi amd, b&we thO or anl relmIt to Pis own he bur- fttional idel WA quite 7"Jized,whiut was thoppen- rid back 6D PalIeSt 'Eyest ai ine, All people; o -el -,thel up he i4ttempting d Thdre Is certainly sqph thing An the m'Wiealnls�were the same Ing, found thembolves dashing off ne- that io,' representaties -.of the taie ik-rkokpay? k, s to mW the worship at hi's chl , Mqny 'pers=o are suftei!A 'from eeiing a machine-too,1mg, The self- (ti this fifth C�rvvention es-at� 1;he first, minute speoebm to andienee af five who, 'had cl to Sheol a -reaper had to tive way to the -L-Heaile Flfil so atltx;iictive that, thie pe3pJe ey�&l eithe-r, taro r, �anl ,d atiol Reieation, Girls', or 'six hundm&'niuch, t6 "'the . deOght. 113 fr with the new king� wotild, not wamt toi o, Jo jel t)6 olry that' r4 The plomt to Con lm throl e -modern binder., - modern . corn Work and Interestp, Beautification 'of' of th�e senio le&6 they recogmized, his clahni -to satilifice. Laten.1he W. a lergan- Ight'defed- *1 -V*-ntl &splued the obd hand-oper- He le, and C 1Z 4he -kingahip. Not ae�ol as y In ommunfty.' The ed a StoOnding' Committee 11or Girls? heiel right et tb e 99, -it is too. il V.� of displace- effective co -o `,as 'Work tOr the Coming �VST in C�Opl to 1) all to 'Rion, if umic6rreted, es, may ypet, e process th'Q Of David's by gqaas
0 .0w illamehr, 0� Ard. for anwrne foe ated nuany goi pn� Women's Institutes kil: " ... . . .. -t, ifver4tn*� fivim j 'attri-.1 cause is to re iib, pera �on d -b Behold thy gold ment is Conti M9 rule,, they laid wn cei in.c -pbted'. the i',el tions . behlre. 0t to, will -has not filml 0:iperlehieed t., The Mode= farifter requires, the I the Institute, the Collegi the Depl they uld reelogill th d.s - , iat ced to 10creatioill. , " 9 Use t.&r than to Je Rliebl alolvereignty, ' He piust ile. h est �and most upto�-&jte toeU and' ment of. 'State, was van' n 000 each
4pparent ythink Nvv burned. upois the cl It !not ell heidfach� and "become lieve the. peple-of-the-del ,vaiwin the eyels bult I e il said -Dr. Annie q 1P ifine. t- ;of (d. governmeiA., Which 1$olloinion had -cost of d t ionow the pro e !dn M University a i'llovb hladl d641r�rei them . �ut of oftvn in tb� differel prbs- of - E#ension Service.'. Director o Rhyl Edlul aft ed- upon them.... (&e. v. -now w1i giness is profit wn . .. I .� . I 'd tl� tok tbek hio.11u. ' c Vt., : 11bus inaiting the Wy. may giddines,
a ho= had; ckmand it 16i'.h4d not ed thice days :io esum . 0 , eT -a a g"wifig deWre netitutell Guelph. is thiAk ever theiT diemailmd "lle,peop'lle, to 87)0A.a%y fro -n -r 3elfovdh. other nrvous disbulance3.lo�f t1he'nitost. . -from le J lor more Macdonald I 111; V. 5 foul able or not. . The ulse. of labQT Saving equipmEnt is toe be,.t insui=ce 'of. Dir�' k the old inel eo a- Axine, said W. J, Dunlop, bettew to get into thelgame than ito be: V. I& Forsoo VaTiOol - character. . It oftvn'' fiidi!e's e at etor bilt-hemeforth thoo, Pings, Service of RedreatiOn' 'Waal 'good. fler. See v.. 7. ll eld men, dyspeipida; � it -14mols' to -constipaiti-on; it The nipn �,. i th" - t,I)e. .
kol graete, Toronto the part of the he a piepimidibn, for Irde, af pro been .l1*Tthorh,.kingdol Dan; an011er �.has P
heof t6 spectat6r&.
aympit-oll go the flail hat§ passed,.and alielen he4l4lhefi 6111rini'e.. Doa�t the adu)1ts'for:theivae1v4,*a9, wal as for mental stimulliant', and'an aft. The co-unselded- a all -"3r§ C." I .. t 'thebeals of pr�grez s carry the f 4rrii?- rewd, iltioliferatio. �Let ig, those, via -10, $1W tho- children, and pel sOurl of Ifie. Jorl !he -base *f 'r -a are ,bqg'dn7 .child. at.first�wants every toy e see's the kkig appear to indulge.1the, �people oint H owt.'. In- Zt.
.1 er. cli - tb-44y: cm*: 4 good road to �ure erm
to realize -th' fo. himself. Iwo and %rve them tdilen mv,mg- -gu%ined, vervity' is. r sl�irit, if Undir tied Itu
letaure �Ti his; usines. at the Uni tWo-okTin6l V' s!s dmice ar I even oq4vua. IS, -4ir ii e I. amd at h -onfi3ell may' aff rds
'then will del au adult -.Who, Wl h W611 'I r -d aver� the co reach of the northern b" sto&Z
-he tto the pr;ovincl He PXW.1
*%U; Imeft I ' 1 do with t1tem. Z h4,- - 1s. , ul �onie'of the extension belst bowii.,hl 40,dimbrt thc'pligrinbag6s wVrk ��'-ythimg :f*r hftnwA'f � Tale I 'V. - 14. The' counsel of the younk ,qqpm !1av -a fiiR� - lett The. Farm: Dumping Place. the lfl t- Sol ff rer . is alile., te 'al few Altogther f rs itre -her ol Uway from Jeru, om.1 'til,,g of erg which rural Ontario might bring. to ne*xt tenden, .10 p1lay blouse Q C men. Upable to-larpplreciate,'fb� stuAy
oo many. arnie Own -.-Cormispond6we and selmols ian IS t Ing bfda4le 61n� Py S,07n0im ca' a au . e -0�111 fur- oall ig inere ly the
'ht reelyipi4e his own Oo, ',tkm that 'the using fheir irpmediate, iurroundings Coui1ses for Te -s'er, o6eri. -Imate,-i�vd hill -be
;e fronit thL in V 30 Thi hi
_ftendel of the tribes th niq till Alealo-bolarni should' be.
=d the bo;Fe and barn as a' Dig. Sich a 6 are grave- dentsi -Night Scholl w were be- ilher in: dalii�is. Then ell t severe with Pill from th,6 .. o,ut'. et. e lie . bectiine idof,i.' It chould, be! ery, wa What -is CQI�d weak Oigbt; alfter re-:, Tatd for thleir oU agme, in, 3 miacbin ' Wt't� ICO)nlicrte, the -ojil* ?led that. a *ople Were g ,organizedothat *6 Arts Cvursle, stir that - tihe Jeirusalem. ig They ftnlsd&.i g. .1 I ieimeni eble.; gntbered, - en lr . . silaves 4 races, wresl fish of their Dob-bles,thel youinig Ynen 6d beiml- bi Illever worsh�p,�Ca, a. to be I �!�A at elos:el,k a�nldl fteed ga lo�b= - usedess, ruMish its -of l4ctarl to NForkin Rehobosil bon, oompant b,& r get, -
W. At they'w6re nim op 0-inWtinct might be used to 25.. th, luslY, he: fin<b that ill eyes,
d. 'ty& ', .. .�., I .,
Tt 6
bieetor. .10aing Etuffoamm The delna-�id-LatlM, --ffie TAikink an -,Mbfecta ��ltulres. lEr ry, in �,ome pupimeater effort in study., olis 'a7' 2' I ca; eind 0 rows light 401.�j u -und in- a hel il�W 00-cial an& in, My fathel Soil- mom.. Madeyouryokel th. ihe bT d finWly fade am,4y. ha
duvtrial uu- a;, pe M -T er heaTy taxatiow.aTid. foree;cl- lal -,A,, relst.:�6f o0,,.*Wn tjW*.es,--It Wil -I -not do. hi� few; .2 selves s Wea W-1 tb.. t1t -h R a in;amlked lea,- of brain, it grlcmid,�-Tery -fit Jbi -F of Ictol and defe�t by. with.a good 'Spir) glovernme-nit; �such as throw -on I& l6m t t end be -in abiding 'BY tile, Millis r y a Q '0 1U. -1l , -Q, water d. and ",'the yoke'galls ox4n, er - gn'l -to 'IQ -.,m _r -y first Tb the._ h phap, rogd. Keep Ike -veeis., � �. r -M& e lllixd� duties from the, people than'Sool the, part of RehoWani,' he. t�, ex�
lw� -solm 2W=711 ete T -be OonvelAioln -rose. to its �feet; �q h.- done -th-us t6 &,)I them -sti'll ed a n. 'Look t168M'.ZMd -bW.4 -tyibuie-to 04 ;0iork shl ied more the yloke of epmression.* A-Pfter all Ifie, only eure-lb OUT all erson, is ,coill ively x1l gpMMM nle two 22%u3d-" 'for women 7 . ' - : Wbips; a figrl for a 1.7.ra1Gou;i-tn.d %siputes an&.difficul is ,he ded U9 -Whaz Iland le� 7=r�S. �nt taj� I Ing A.r he Ole: 0 nkeep 01111l in despotic gol rnnieft. Sicorpions; Not arpi4it'of brothvilb-ocill'in-U0 a of inling; ey!kabu,t-joes�of.hisown pay -am 94 Amkir lad iP.JT-' thl fa-�rm, whemv hi, sl�,l the t*� llwl:;a a JWWV of. Mrs. Panim L spoke thli She , * � t. The 'I'scorp -Are -&-everal and rm&ide =,a mever mmee a peWulll on. ffie pliafferm a instance,'but instru- ala -the t.ecplle' no, -the 4ximi
AM9= Ive t6m. e Of Inle -ol -WaS a.L I situffed- oiiinow-had+�iorife-ai&Airablei- It -Is- the �O6�; vic- � a - ed t6 t ith I' but e sowed t 6th' sand M provid, kho suffer for Ahli. sins- of - thei Un4 he leed 4: only..4- sligibl;'
-ithat. ilielif n me it 0 he
to lifli. and'.tbey-WWA0C1l Secu��the Ir nt and -= o oppTelsslve ern le or
Xg- k* Law to lnak'� it tj or. a wise, frind werns W 111
tmivm Ot OOCUP260n. "I'l shoulid; t�aeli -their steem er think *-f refeirrim"g- bl,l fair to.'..themi.., f"d on roots and
gained - -k ' ' tt :, XZM2PWn.=d Chleludih= Illalrder. anm le -go This. ntent diluldren 4 right atu" t6. We-, create I bu iie6Wc. nav
0 fti4 e g 4 pal of werie el h social neim V��-) Not - elai G the Col (R to them -and,' -go '�6,r yeas un- Ol f,cr y, in chme to he -1 the,tetbenin-of ma4e, PeW � and. educate vi6fic opinion- U i;OA and .'12 the `stceM!j f*d '9A AWA9 right. V. 15. A thing to", , M" . vaed d -'we if. iejh decisin bt -that -he i;ft a %1 9sk for Peoplel, the l tL t 16. mese.4 ject to Uing. Oame mel pii;:; -was HiS - Own Rehobom h 6 son, WNW10 reap th 6 the g - roulti *ere� were no 64 used it most. Imeag- 92V.en to both' Miss.K.F. Maelp to
th'ey oamd in �tddiiiom ep nce --aart -wearvir dl�,. bon7ei�xw 4 social evils there 'w4affi, be fib 6ni , oreal Wapme. )eT Clill 71*3,t'
-'the�W'tlbey will be- f r o& S��Mglbonimiwlee fl�o the idleg that every the. Th,� wrh" ge'- harviest'v, vent h4e,fathe idbeen, 3n tdtz&tio�a, diseasel Dr. MaTgarlel pattel e tod e --per 14 drev� a- t6. the- *ork.. the-Instdl.. on. books to beused-lh teg-A� -+Ax; tvilill isnalL haRt regaxdk�W four *f tbe1 tubes - wely onr4petedwit- isP0U-370:--v1 Rkm -tba:t _w)e�le d and could, truth i The-preil ;6., do, in Wet- ife.16- ll �pftvMenoe;�tablish�-Him-word,--(-ReVi-, olv-R-evolutic-dy was-th. e man who Ver.) foreWld �by 'the pft,pb led or'tyramly, .1 vest tif! neg better Dr. M -A, cmurl et �VMJ* leg, -and who, ge ctu or e _p ng, btol�en. C6& the� shlo Id.not thmej- one -cow i3i her fun .-JaCtatiom les He fuisedlb use rif her' -own alth. W --Misg Prodie f the -ikas-helpiTig- the- the a 571 e 3 ar c'Whit ottio, 40� boarding and:: re; ga7ve an 0, " n etc." 'o -967-15 bm vf lat, end d are Jea) u e neive artna- May X-fer Mild nist obliged tb 'aa6spsl .,the rule. of th e 0 sell at 66CU3*g : �1 the ay 9, and t ith -your qielopl 'M Ndth I - glat a7k-i& Prot real- short, h4ime--of The -ikther t-ribes i oth the' ?lot i�ifrcqlnt',- resuat. ISO prel
t �very practil talic On a" 'kit. thrwzh ode, and, Miss Cruikshamk, Direelpr ON -of -1 01. Branch lf the Depa#- Macdonid o I ed em average each institute, b rou ebb �e IF44 oer Of fleed W7a Id not r4beo.wilize'the; heredl right 4011; and e vnig, or q CPT r f unrelived -ey 'to ru.le�, ovor'6xpI6sj yi ings from the eoll�g, and am. re=nded fo. W urged 'y ifies lu lvi- U-7 111 UOY, days-, *d an over-, Toron i)ie b soeak&o. S#eriatendent Ualry bilres 'I 0 nig thei Ole fam-. road dizcai tj b r4ry sel iii, connettion r nighboilincm t� Putnam th chair rounds o.f ap- s of the n -5.30, -the avei� thi'&Pntry' ellild 677 all'round`fta� tok l for fe*d of ;1:7 fan sie Libr�%ry O.A-C., -Gu�l Ptrev'alent� P * for, any I' plaul�ebnike'fotth, and'the whole Con-' lijkfi` 49,6 pxofit p�r cbw, being $182.8., i. fivil and :to this �noi .,&,6 D*Y i . mem er wanting help in, prepafjng a questibn-raire oen Prti&phv".� I' - C*nsoIidated.%.ho,oIs, wbo. . . V"tiOA WTFA into "For lie's a jolly le VrWe are a 60 gwen in* the paper.' '41it. by the Marlim-in Dairy. -an,d Cold, nce hot oniy will UndoruliAel ;-1lt;J rll�poft of niner � yel tftpe�n-nleuts in I might the 6ildTen-have tv&-fellliow," �wiich -was-- 'errily Te-- the advm-' An imtertaWng' -A-41;ure of the. Con'- eof _ch
to b7 2 Platform iani!*C 'used in 6w4ir-i for *the d2iry 4,n4 "t XOtur special , ti(gVhAl, butt whem vention was "Foo Pollies," a humor- rlftg g*6d di,oyruu, "See him as the be- -116 ICOW&I%ey *h4ift il - usin pure., the whold communify life ��hi een- tug and instrattivfh flim ohma how H* to �slil the ;�aliie li�. 1�21g` ASIA durilik the, winter bTed Sires - olf 4 produ6ing milk tre educationally. and r�qTe�� we se. our VVaT,. 446 farTn;eii. use allid'.liablu veciall wl-diered brut peased. mrperinbindeont -I& A I .1ea* '&117 e0l the way've fleet, ef repil' 4-verage eon7the", del �tfie .1,800 to w1h,crin 'wen 'elt& l 1P. Librari es,,:Musicaud '�OuT own Minlistel Hvnt. Mann4nlg PqI es8ag`e.f`r0UF thd -Cablineb A 'Year. save r" a Worth keTs rv�gatld -151 -&aA p- Toroift h been uliging. on epattment.',Evenipig." A is lik bred .l for Itm, th, fie are, n , 'herty; -as Oise home -NA giade il COQU lio* �bft ;IW04h� gbft m in: i�he report Cn sc: year 100A o bread.,- most -ldtight with,ole. lylgtftu� *tuie stafill'on. th.0 d sa&s all --A g'- nf ALol fresh and fa:ir 1�-1 ". than that length of rWer AN Job* other him, 708 listeined t0 -with deep,aten.- redL t� 0 �"tkb 4 the. he.. OTIOW their -160- ly led th ikimum-Ity ,ig,,dand rlatf6rin 4nd Flom of' T tb�a I xg andi feedinij, Ihe w -ho h-1 ;b' NPOlk V16#4lil' Arm- whicih� thb. :13m leen
WESTERN ItitutdA Bb IT- rol t 0
%Wbanry, Lin, -1 .9 of the And 4rl ti: Re -d f1bil pro. Wti*011, el h7lolln. so -ZP,9& h`i&' �Tl to 106 r Kenneth McDonaMs ig ye=6 01 ag pei
Q1 are. mothcrs W"d .rwel the ort ]oaf, icel)t no record. -To maloe'thb flavor *,f the Colst of 60d, 'but., give t*M *OW flower cultuie, t vitb. qd 44 Oa take, lhe lil�,robftd -the Gvm=m U4 iel&ft eWA-, ent. 't� �tlo y%,*W" V,10. rol" by hirlas,wbich IVMB.o� Ibis countl were vep, jT"t, re: many gave all Awoximae e5flinato, 0 VOWIr in. r
'of 'Id- -the: Wimli;et St��U-il armA didw workin4r: upper the'dairyre to be obtained, and th�,v )O Hie Intl Wall V i0o almost.-i)A Mica tylle fej th Eivelry obwwa- gwy�vl T . 'L loe-of ATcad,l -Aipulld. --b a 0:1 dbel 0 ed-
0WO'. corl nib ed &.'11 awligy must JoEf- -Old- Ontayib And e kept. Ntw arsofrom fiettk1w Wivos'slomething of the per "obw + A Year"w-Resolutil6it AmodieT'waJU You tHore I the" Colf" ralWof f 17004, $40 Uq -they Per 340 to Over $140 the'amrage tot of rtbrl 200 Ware Old I i 4 6 . were getting thmough it, Were' titiiteo jq6bA1&ed th�oroug t4o b6of bf0d Thi, &� Yii�i. ctl%t
Ubol*&4 to ax ally - haty in elicited was ,Wag It#*$1,on from t&o,hom" of flo�rer unbkvwn- a book arel e migt I 6 live; T.03-olveil-. rig n to ll At NO)VAt, Noval never W. 1.0,3, tbb. comh%yii -ought A tike with fruit unharvested- for the wintgr. mof t3r, howtivr, und th
-k A Path bntr0oll a -house whogasroo Only. 02 farmers re. 0 'Som -0 time ibut irnipirol it In, the )110St the"part the G,owlrilmebt alholdd Via togiidp�e, Aim qTo WASAID P5'*Vid* 460 headlquaxters, ma- IAWk yet jh6 lifti,t0ig divine pe VAI Uvl"' � 8ilr4 VA-- halif of 41 ay'l possibly call.; rifill Wll in Onitl Now . . . . . . forblicoT.Aloc-44- 4WIM0i 4�hinet 'ta ft-;oi;&ndt0 the wl�Tk �nid A landscape whose wider be r - never, to rd lies 'been denion-4tra,tp,,d th.t �wfi idh , thould think lveti've over �* 'Aole pro� To Silent OadNe �rmth sitenit Pkie% . can silWX vinw, leaving the deW`-'�\to, lbo Part ef',the iAA , repo oved, ol theit hAereat in, bqIlding rt, tol'il-1 to do ahly. Show thatlliany fanleri in the rel 6j. t," out ))y the 13 He14 Ws 7;4 y1t soolog, * 16% -W 11'r,
inea0l *T -in another; 'resolved '11riol rkfd A WwWrou t n4l Iri tb#i thing whichl should be afraid UP Agril?ftvro' th ba"id 'Industr7 'Olf Milt $*e4isl xg kfixWa's' 404" 01'31ti- Proviltees at, I 0071ill In the Way in which they vqte'fle1,dg f 19 the
Gli'"'�ASO-#, 'T*000"hft *I* *Wio'd Of to do ff' it Were the 1�:J t b r of. a ou of wtro sp nel cf loillk Itl the 9l Id C6-oper& there a
interest RetrtnChjilikat. in gftin Produleiien 61 tkAd 7.
i"WinifilsevW0% Weeill ib faol Soil e is Woull A6 afi III