HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1921-11-17, Page 6.4.
. .
.i•itelt-iiseeetele• -
r *.
sloliqueg een before it oncl a tangle immediately underwent ange d
• „,
Ulla 'nut all old bellaing, beet had the el•ide down and cipproach the. pew boy
a sea gteNvtla forest behind it. it heart. Elvin Bereft was the first to
of '018.aP terra-cotta point had cracked "Hello," he, said genially. "I've. got I
appeaeante of senile old age. Ite coat in a spirit of fellowehiP.' •
into mailer wrinkles; its wi7dowe look- ie craekin geed •e -eat, You. Icin s.
Jim 5 •
Neilsen eie sit with hetet, he medium pven• forty minutes.
gaid. "I,c.in you tell me •wheire he'el,, Potato and Onion Es,callop.--6 me- • .
gem' to sit'?" es •
egg,e, 1% 'teaspoons salt, '14 teasenan . of -greet importeene to'merchants, SUR /
onion. 6 tablespoens crunu , ea, I . ,
pepper. lentaufactierareier enenperson iAtereet-
' tIlf3 *cf6a0b1 Mitt, rice, egg, anal ecl bonds ter stocks Is given in eur '
seasonings "tegether. Place 'in a hut-- Riedel 'November letter. Copy will, be•
• k s rinkle ' breed sent free oarrequest.
bared ha P
an old, old man. The ante•roone roof • in ai G. .13.eleACK Ca.:
ed dully out like the lustre ees-eYee of with me if you like?: . .
had been blown off by. a winter's gale ' "P s d •eruMbs over :44,-1" top, and bake 619
‘4.1".P. DPIAunigit
and replaced, inceeenratelY, SO that it
set awcy iaunty and defiant. challenge
ing the world. It e door hung on one
hinge, leaning eleepily ,against ' a
knife -eerie -eel wall. A rail fenee an
about the yard which Was filled to
choking with a rank growth of smart -
weed. In. one cornee of the y rd was a
sized:potatoes, a Innen onions, 2 : Neva Beetle's Sale Reds. .
iuin I VI V tree Oa pepper -Salt beds coVeriug an area a for Y
1 in Wee about to answer -iv len teaspoons sa Pa
he caught a gasp from the..eratchers
•on the roads "Teacher conunt
Went forth the cry.. ' . •• • .
Down the hill came -a thin, range
bay horsw, Astride which, en open
-with a faded -blue punit holding liook m his handeset Mr. G. Johas-
• --"'" the faded rest arra of a handle toward ton. As be •drew up); in frank ef the
.111111 O. / , ,
1 this skies, •as though: Woking high gate he closed the, ook and turned
' heaven to bear witness that it vas his frowning eyes. on the building,
i r
/ never intended to lead snch a lonely. Utterly'ignoring the awed„ watching
e .end useless exigence. ' . ifaces, he shook his head grimly and;
The /nonapproached the building' looking- to rieither right nor leftrode
Islowly and as they neared its sonihre in .through the open gateNet until.
' Portals silenee fell upen, them: They rhe had Unbridled his horse and trrned
- o ned the trellising gate and entered
BY ARCHIE P mcKislime
Copyrighted by Thomas Allen. '
leirn'iloosieto seek a, itineelefast .as best
t e buildingrauch 'after themariner be kneW how, 'wnuo.,
of heroes wbo -must stand blindfoided -the scheol's heterier,1 • e boys an ,
"Fieer they had to go through with -ings; - •-, ' -- . s..
d'd th 'no &nest.
egainat a will and wait the evert] girle outside eye way to their Teel.
it, that was silk ' I Then • Manrice "'Keeler whistled.
• The building held all the unmistake "Whew! Ain't he the Old human
able odors of a school ream. The icicle?" he -asked. ' •
eups hot. milk, thhi slices bacon.
Butter a e 1 ,eie 1 'e �f
thinly sliced potatoes then add a tlein
tayeeefeeliceci.Pidens, •and sewn with
salt and pepper. Add another layer
of petetees and aniline with season -
chap, and repeat until all. ate . used,
ilk and cover the -top
Then pour on •.
with the glees. a 'liecone Bake in a
moderate ovenat least„ one hour, Re-
meve cover a few minutes to brown.'
• • . - • -
Minard'a Liniment for Oplds, •etc.,he
A bachelor's button the 4:3-,rie
• ' Singliele ef,Piceeeding Chanters.-
' `Bill$ Wilson, who lives with hrs
father 'end 'stepmother sand : her son
• Anson, is the leader antrong the boys
Def Scotia, le _Ingneer settleinent neae
• -ataK8 Erie.- COM Keeler, one of the
trustees, tell*: . the _..new teacher, denly Trent her chair send stool peint,.. in the centre of the mom, its wavering Scroggie was glaricing,anxiously door-
Upgorted .by Wires_ froni. the ward Biller strede.in. ' He was resplen-
M. jobnstoni about lila . predecessor, ieeg an. aeniente finger- at Billy. , s
fling. ' : . ; 1 dent in. Inc Sianday bait and wore a
Prat*. Stanhope elle was blinded “You'll : ketch it ler this, an don't t"Y"'
-. while trying -eoSsavo horses frem a. you ferget it," she. etonined, "an' if I ceiling.
burning staple , A. will made by . a ever hear :of yongsibblin' up, Anson Walt,er .Watlazid 'looked about for a' Wild thoin-bloesom in his button .hple.
" :wealthy , heroin, Scroggie hi • Stan' -11
s are o' the luneh. eig"in,..;yeu vo e good place in which to .coneeal his :He glanced..quialy about the room
hope's favor; could not ' be found. glatten, you'll get ie‘ eche& eee-Ur7'.-n package of sulphur and decided that and .caught the glint and sunlight for
. ,Scrogglere enainiaaka .akien .apparent
month without • any lunch •cetall." , in the• empty stove he had diseovered which heeliungered-a smile from the
• heir -takes el. nessio* • levite 0.alai .Bilry turneile "I didn't Eay I ,ate the laceof-ell places:. So, while AU-. lips of Lou Scrag*. Then he seized
V. ' . fi 'CIS 6 a Elgin were investigating the jack LeRose by the scruff of. the neck,
8tQm is r'it 84se 'ear'. 7- - • • Anion's, pie an'. cake Mr" he said -'''' an
the ,atoieri:gooda in. otd . Screge 8 ' ' - teacher's desk and picking out their jerked him from' the seat near the
.'ellhin.,*kiiiawit as the tannted hollee.i.geatiY• 'II. didn:t :take it ."cause. I: seats, he 'proceeded to hide his.sulphur door, and'enotioned Jim Seroggie over:
' Hinter, radddie;,aged. iirta- 11 to-do .iurben- why•clid Yief take.: it a'tali, I
• - . • in the stove's black depths Then he "We'll set here," he whispered. "les
wanted it.' , • .._ ; _
' goetwooineEettejaindoneloYal sweet-
want'a knew?" • . • . • ...„eie
went outside 'With his com.panions to close to . the outside in cape we. have
e e , ii. . to make a (pick. getraway." :
".heert of Staidiepe, and :daughter of
"I . took it, 'cause .I thought it was '--. -.
Seareely.had-the tined seated them-eontinued..).
• - the, inValid • leetitiiiiiiie -)keelser. TWO(
. - • • h of bacl fer • him. . You see, Mae Anse suf-
.. selveson the top rail of the yard fence
'-: gie and •Iiiiiter•:: with the • driVera . of •I explain:kJ:* " TO12113e. Til.ybe: you don't
notice. it same es Nice 'cause you deet Of the Settlement .begran: •to :arrive.
Sand 'Sharkers, sullen andr defiant; Diainorid. Dyes , Don't .
. • Streak, Fade or Run
strangers make a frut esa .
fers tumble :from indegestion. Billy than from.- alt, directions other : pupils
O'Dule's Init. /Billy nifeetelleir Scrog-
, •Wagnrii loads ot thabers arid pipes.
sleep in th 'ante -morn withBut.
,• Billy falls ill fove. With Lou-Screggie. holding themselv.ei apart, came ht one ••• • .
he ,groa s an' gasps• all -night- g -_,'BO "Diamond Dyes" -no other kind
..okinow don't you Aftse?" he asked, turn- altit XVII. . ' -* • •
an' be has themost awful dream's ' Jim Seroggle „entered' the school =Alen perfect: home dyeing Is gearen-
.'. -7
ing ta, his 'brother. • ' •
. " - • yard with his sister by 'his side. He teed.' Evert if.you have never dyed be-
-- . Anton Started to .whimeigr. "I do paused a moment to let his eyes stray fins, yea,can put a new, rich, fadelese
to the faces • of the three hopefuls on colorento your worn, shabby dresses,
,erablr "but 'pie ant tarts allA to skirts,...waista,.atockings, coata, b*eat-
have bad .drearne," ha,cOnfessed mis- the fenee,..cenjeCtur.ing. with a boy's
blame fer it • - , • of the ringleaders the school: Jim e
:ere, driperia, hangiegs., everything,
intuition. that in, this. trio he saw some
• ilenee, your Mrs.• Wilson reached, -wore/a smart twee at and knicker- or following .the simple directions in
for the 'dirinerepail and .proeeeded to bockers,, and a . shi of greer flannel. eery • of Diamena Dees
erypeek-lige -. east
extraet "frem it' One tart, dne • dough With a soft' silk' tie. Hism eter, Lou, tell your dregglits,whether the ina-
nat.,. e'I guess maybe your brother's was dressed daintily in: White, with terial,yo Fish to dye 1S wool or silk,
right' :she said grimly. "If'll that sae inne .
collar • .that ..Sitritehei the '
or whether it is linen, cotton; Or mixed
the way you
you PastrY•fer e while.. Now then: ,georioue depths of her eeves. ...She goods. '-Dianannel Dyes never streak,
grab:that pail and off to • acheial withsmiled now, and thethree Oa the fence ePOt, fade, orrun,• . ' , ' -• • • '
• •_•
• • 0 , .
both a' you!!' ..'• ; • . ;* • '
Billy. was ._outside -.first and waiting t
for Anson at: the road gate when he
came down the, Path, dejectedly. ,wip-
. • esecorneilieh? ..- Meta was .Just drop- Mg: his eyes endvowing inaudible
-.-e-l-ping,-off-intothe-lulling arnime4-Mige /- threatiot-theagenteofhienew. woes.-
: pharts *bete that extra aeliee,pe.),S,SeaS-1* 'WOW; thee" said Billy as he, came
' • s
d: b all boys in a measure- and bY 'up "maybe 'you'llibeginto be that it
:don't -pey,to blab' seedahged much." • ' •
e ..--hlte4waseelirter-mteneof yonAesniffted,
Anson: -"You JrnoW, how much I like
s. ie an .tartSt:Ita" here I'am havin' to
. braces over .his sheuklers by. the time ing,yourn•are:gettin' none fer myself.
-..the 'heavy ::-fctefstepe of, I Ins- pother ref. two.Cents •I'd chuck this dinner-
• sounded at 'the:UP of: the : iiiii inthe,,zt-i-cie, ..!1-,. _._ . , • .;,,,,,.
-,---44-Your---Ansel" ' came Mrs. Wilson's 1. oAn" fer two centi Int puncle-that
-• ;mice. :"Haire -I gotta. Weber. you •up. crooked- bye of youre. .straight," cried Superfluous hair is one of the -most
•": with tlat strap, after all?" - .• • AMY, his nernnee,rising. • "You'd beet annoying facial blemishes and one
' • "Comitin . Ma," •• responded Anse, close your mouth while the closin's which requires -careful _handling, for
,....____._:e_e. ' .aleepily.• ' -• ' - ' ' good, an' if . anythin' happens--te-that-asieofteir theSelestnuetkn of .one, root
• "Wel, you'd hest •come. quick, then. pail, you're goin' to hear from. met" :. (Or follicle j gliniiiiitei ilie'lii-rit-th of
You'll be nettle enoughludm s to -day ... Theye • assed on in • silence until the
. --trifia itbili. faiiaterS- ianr•-•=g-an&'' iliardivoced. ire -ire. Caine-. iniiiIgh-f7: Here-
. , withmitene bavin" to weal- my aem oue Billy 'paueed. "You .Vo on, 'A;nse.,". he There is no eiocasion te.713-e"Wiieeffliied-
. The 'dentition* are:tileneaneed by cone
.Ore yeti 'Toile breakfast." Se • • . "'.• said.... !`I'm•.goin'• over to • the Men- Meer a soft, downy growth ef hair. 'It
'stipation),. and in that, ciae. can be
: .. . ,:iteefuteibimgetheela • is rather softening in its 'effect, as a
see here." He grabbed his beether's rule, -like the down on a peach, and is;
A patient of . nervous •tbinperament
/--avoided-by e '
shoulder arid swung him about.' "I'm ,not .nearly AO noticeable as its menet'.
Will, .obtain • relief hie. usinge etimlaul•
go n' to telltyones•omethire: -ant.tif-yon ..siaPpeSes:, it.sta:be,_;Thel rise. Of. a. i'le.-.-. a.,
so Much as peep. it to Ma Innegeire to pilatory on •such ti. growth Will in- Tantpottridi-7a tierve . tonic e which ,Is:
-Past ethewerdetoSlieng. , 3.....riroaker crease the .1 ::.U.-tirrkberof Mrs -rand-_
that they're free to do what, they like es/AA:seri .thene ee.thiet the elm:althea be -
• Anson shuddered.... "Awe who'S goire conies worse instead of better. Isolatit.:
te You; see?" . • ' • .• ' '
• , ,ea, coarse, dark hairs such, ivs.qopie-'
_to Peep t"' he teterned.. : . 7
-.- . • • 1'
All, righ then.. INTorw,figter... This Inn:es Appear on the chin or on A -Mole
are really disfiguring and should -be
-111-arnin'el-tiod anY Sunday clothes tin
an' Arowed 'ern out tnir winder. Then7ca , off,. close to • thesskineore pulled
:I got 'up an". sneaked theni over to the mit by. means of tweaks: ae..•-often-eas
Billet- looked gravely down at his smelt of ehalk dust, mouldY, bread' "You bet!" eame the 'ePontaneous.
itrust, mice, dirty slates and innate', answer. ." • ' ^ •
accuser, then -apprehensively at hs bo
oks Tose up ••to smite the arrivals. I "Gosh," tried Elgin Semi!, "there
judgeAs no immediatesentence
Four rows, of pine seats, blackened goes the bell! • Ceme on everybodr
s •' .
the door. • with -ink-daubs and deeply scarred, by :let's get our medicine."
seemed forthcoming; he turned toward
et, ' . pocket-knivedS ran the entire lengthe Just as. the ,boys and girls" were set-.
"StopritIrs: Wilseenhad risen suon .
of the building. 'A big box stove, stood tine down in their' seats and Jim
, • The Dread Day Dawns.
, was broad daylight when Miami
in response to: an angry call from the
• bettpm of the etairWaYe iriet iifein bed.
"- Vaguely he realized that in some dire
' way this glad -morning proclaimed a
day of: cloonta7but his drowsy "senses
Were. .leaping trust' challis of
ed,readdinieleettriving to slip from the
control' of !Saner reasoning and drift
- • away with a happy abandon of dire
' -results to :folleve.„ Winit.boy has nbt
had", the • siaine experience -even al-
theugh '..knew 'that a- tazorestroP,
,eneeleed 'hy• a•vigortrus hand., wohld ifl
all 'probeleility • accomplish • quickly
•-what 'life drowsy will had failed to
certain boys 'au pa. tu , warn m
of his denger, • , ' •
He Was oitteof bed and
. - .
' • Health and Beauty .Ilints.
Toronio. Fat Stock Show
Will Be Held Again at
Union Stock Yards.
By reo.ion of the inability of
the Royal Agricultural Win-
ter rah. to put on a show this
year 'the regular show: ,of
ecimmerclitl. live* stock. •Will
be held et ------
Premium:, Mats ready for die-
tribution, October Inst. Write .
Secretary, c/o Union Stock •
Niters miles exist la :Nei% Scotia,
One ibed alone le bald to he 9,00 feet
wide by 80 feet *deo Itad to have a
purity -df 98 per cent. '•• •
•IN !nerd's Liniment Used by Veterinarles
Teft. is gathkrecl from the plant four
• times a rev.,
• . "
-as. Peesible.•during the_daY_ and the
'last thing at :night:. -
The so-called "fever soree" which
-appear on the lips and nostrils are
both painful and disfiguring. These
erinitions. ---etementleet.---allied to ee
"shingles'," especially when they :are -• •
others thereby increasing the trouble. . .
Beats .Etectric as
X new oil lamp that,gives an eines-
'ugly brilliapt, soft, white light, even
better than gas or electricity, hat been
tested by the U. S. government and 35
leading universities and •found to be
superior to 10 ordinary -ail latiaps. • It
burns .without odor,, smoke gr noise --
no pumping up, 14 simple, clean, safe.
Rama 94% air and 6% amnion kero-
sene (coal-oli), .•'
The inyentor, F. T. Johnean, eel
Craig, latenie., Montreal, is • offering to
tend a lamp- on 10 days' FRED trial.
or even tie give.ene FREE t� the first
veer in .each /4:minty who -will help
him introduce it. Write him to -day
for full particulars. -Also ask lam to
explain how you can get the agency,
and Without experience or money
make WO" to e500 per menth.
Doiii't Work All Your Life
' A wise ineatment in -Meria, the
world's ereatest Oil` Field, should
mean independence Infermation free,
You can inveat from 'ten dollars, up.
704 W. T. Waggoner Building,
Fort Worth, • - Texas.
to-iCan Fahcy Goodts
7 Wellington St. Bost •,
tV167.90.. . TORONTO •
Lift Off with Fingers
-tons. • So that was it! School!, He
knew e it was some awful catasteofhe.
-Where was Billy!? Heglanced
. acres& at. the Other becl. Billy- Wer3
iiotjit. He went slowly downstairs,
washed himself, and went in to break-
•feise. vras not there. :His father.
was just getting up from the table. ••
"Where's .Bill?" Anson asked. him.
•• "Down feedin'it is 13e.ts, post likely,'".
answered his father as he went out.
A moment or two later Billy in,
' The boys seated' themselves their
places and ate thelir breakfast in
"Is mir dinner uir, 2":Billy.asitetb
for ,
• , .
so freit'Anf
and refrest•;;Ii6
Thrive Under DoinestiCation
• .anti Are Now One Of Do.
; Minion's PrOiit Producing
• In 1907 the Canadian peeernment
vieWing with alarm the gradual; de .
minishing • Of the heals; from the
peitirlet and desiring, in some tangible
way to ,re'serve these animals from
extinction, parchased from Michei
Falenneea rancher. ,,M Montana,' the
largisit known • lieril 'eeistieg oh the
continent afthat time. In order te ac.
commodate these ahimals an: erea of
raw 'prairie,. approximately 159, squarti
miles, WEIS at aside et Wainwright,
Alberta, a game park. Since then
the buffalo have, ,under. Mg; Careful •
managentent of. Pm Dominion parks
authorities, increased tb suot‘s. an. or.
tent that the government now has
!ander consideration the selling' or
slaughtering of one thonsand of them.
Contrriry to gerieral belief, thabuf-
falo has thrived under domestication, .
and the• last census taken elarell.'
'31st 4920, the main herd in the•Buf-,'
fale ,Park totalled .4,86§ • by attnal.-
countoehich is a decrease of forty-one
irem the prettous enumertion.*Twelf:
Orton° of this number were slaughter,
ed to save 'readable hides ad ..heads .
, t
and' 'twenter :diedSendstly through 111-
Juries caused. by,lighting. It is eete
mated that fully titty. ter:cent of the
• Main need "are. bulls, and as the proper'
peeportIon between the twe sexes in •
• a buffaleberd is oneluli to -every twe•
Coen,' there;aest. at •leaet one thpusande .
•stirplus males. This tends weaken .,•• •
tbe beril;•-and wtth a yle,W to remedy, •
leg. thiel -the goverement officiate de:
elded thet tbe eurpini shoul,..k‹
• • Creating a Market'.
• • .TO this Cad itiveritigatipi...Were..j.n. •
.noellately-• liegnirete determine 'the
,e/aisibility.oe.Merketeer theee an imaie,
-:t tet f oul'im leind'e weS sOid ,
.• tie aesecen it 4.11,/ •Cetriecau• the Stilee
t'eneeietil',1u and; lo.'sught- tho
'following prices: • '1.4ffalo bull
Us.‘3, 15:10Q.;;ineftisin brit'alC. hull head,
ere.6.1.0;` and, .la:ko
.$1,025, pinee, the i;•41uKult.ilen of fh,,, • •
hnitato hava. riot•been
-hi-Very- great iii'n.fan",i':.1),I;t
Idss etiod rireeee .for robe pure - •
. poses. trad. last l‘far:dii ItliY1tircarfor,,, :
• 120 Aitceth6r imirltet apt •Itu bb ."
'.oi-oripe,Iced•',13' that {if zoolOgiCti,1 gi
‘lanV f.11011 !HS:HUI:106S' th1s•
. -
continent ,aml..Elurppe weele
the Opeertueity. 'of, p111 (11 a
BUffald,;anci witlic,Ut dentit the
ribtartred-ivotrhibe-saliieia:raly-att-racr.--4,'• • • •
able leargin ofeeroet. •
air' tile hides • it.liiie'been
demonstrtited by :practical tests that,
.when nriiperly treated,„•••excelle4 'dole .
leather' for• boot e celebe. made fiom
tLt rides. -Th,Reiteeleereii b.e.n.streng
•eadetlexible and it is . Said to be as •
-vainniele •an-enrcete cOt
product •otithe buffuIo _which be.
utilized is wo."91. Although :coarse:I'
will. be astonished at •the re-
sults we get by our iv‘odern systeM
of 'dyeing and-. creamily: Fabrics
-that- see -shabby,: dirty.eor_ spotted are
made' like neW, IVO pan *restore the_
Most delicate articles. 'I• •
'end--Ohre'aiticle:=*.iYe •ifp-ati‘el-,dtgunds
post.oe express_ We will pay -car,
riage one way, and our , charges are
mildly laiative, One tablet eve* .
aineeee.es_usiliellyeauffifieritT Spirit's, of Diirsier bitrt"; a -tit Drop little
pecially in its first staves, has a dry- • a antly that corn 'stops hurting, thee
Truly!, - • ' • •
with .fever sore,, as: in m•any: other ,
cainphee 'applied to the eruption,- es_ "Freezone," on an aching corn, At.
lag effect arid gieied f3.011W relief, but
_ _ anortly you lift it right off with fingerS.,-
), ;Your 'Artiggiet -sells a -tiny bottle of .
ills, "prevention is better than'eure.
. _,_ e , , '1Freezone"._fereaeleW.eents,esufficient ;
-• `` -,---• •
---- • • ° to remove every hard corn soft corn'
menagerie. I'm •goint to wear 'em to ma.y be necessar They 11 t!tw
y. will gr in or corn between the bus, s'ad the cal.'
Candies for the Party.
sada'. Never. you mind :whit. , its again, perhaps increased in timber, Bittersweets -An attractive variety luses vtithout soreness or irritation.
none of your business. "When I•bleer a of candies mey be made. by dipping --- - - - - e• - •
, _
Out this floest•-not Always octur. 'Me
• as he pushed back 1111S' 'Cu .. . tit - ----inte-sehoo-I ehie Inca', nin-&essed' to kill hairs -which appear on the lips :can be ts." le' eetef.ruite- In bitter cheeelate. ;Ilse,
.. • Mr's.; Wilson `11_°,4./ ' ilLiasede.e.... -"v(c) I don't evant veu• to look' too' darned eeeneele... eeeeeere _ nem,. • • • for -this purpose dates, eitren . candied.
,timeaeat. es . • • ' - .
t&I'sr-‘4-15e41 - . • -r - . Tszikerrinse----a7triajtep your enoutre•rut tilg,";71-1t ablout that .94.-13' ne7ces- -'------sery. ee.-eut tilt ripe' 6r. -t-w-o-Tifirli. aznireTTgir'rartr----74m-kmultrimisr -
nut an' a taet fee each'of you. .Is it .
enough?" • • •• . • - : . . 1 nrom,se no. to -let my 'Iv -itch -coon .of•
thi, . i le t ... • i. • 4 halia• . in unsweetem' ede: chocole as : in. a. donble '
. • t
•' "I' guest Se," 13•111Y erepitede, incliffeie
an',:WitcheerW eat 'erennwhile. you eases , showing . .21, rimie. ,.vigurcitis4 bpiler.. Keen the cimeolate just ,warin
sleep• an? I'll- tell you wh.et else., I'll geowth, applitations 'a- peroxide iie enough 'to, preetent solidifeing. - tVitli
i 11 give Vdtt: illy trrt - tete' iiv hydttwari -will ebleatif the- hair,s eand a SilYer,firk:dTP:14,1*c'-"- I f'7•1•i .in0 ,
• ' .'.Arrzort,,,eved him, ,siaspitionely,.. thee ee ,e,..
be delight-mt.- ' lee.' -it ..a • bargain??'-ereake7there-'•heittlee eo that :they: w:ill• ti :c.il."83ate- -•''Sce- ti it e:ach. PIS 1' 1.5
.. tiirneerto. his ether, • "I wielet, you'd 7,,
.vol_rilleci... , . . , . • .,. . i ,Aneori • nodded agerlyi- • . • rue off. . . • ...„. ••
ceMpletely 'coated, .thee reinove ,to.
•••• do our • dinners uli separate, Mae'
• prise. - . ,..an!.. if_youlapilen. to. meet Fatty_Wat- •
'All hunker. Neiv you move. aletig, • • •
Foe, eeyeheavy greWth,' where:4 P"er th':11'ir. deli; . .
"Waltint.:,lirittle-Beil •orit': eun, cern
''.. ...;..".7.1.i.X:r... ".a..8.4.4.' *P..:-.:Y...11.5.9._%P.....1:-..
"Well, 'cause: talk' hogS it,. ,that's'l 1..0q, ,ee. • Maurice, . er any , other,. boys , &led miiitietie'. or beard' itainiiiricleiteee ..
don t you let. on -a word about this." .'' . • . a . denitateirer ;sliou"./.1.}. he_.i.iscid, . but 1 it :sYr."
Pour over `•tine,:hilf.. eon brok.en .wal;-'
until it cracklee ii•i told eteter.11 -
' • Where" ecorepItiined Anson:- "Lot tinie
• "I-won'e," nromisea. 4riven: "Cres -s niug.be remenabere , that a depilatory , net yee , _
•' • we licid->tarts I didn't get none. An
heert BilL" • ' - ' ' • ' makeshift as•thebair returns and ars placed in A gi-eateed Ain.
,it's the same With pie. an talCP"'r " InI'll d 'k 'I ‘' ...t. . the th h ' -11 18 a • ' ' ' • *When 'cold break.into pieeeee '
.. .1.%s'ntli.ted.:t.hr.r.f. the .depilatoey, must he Used again and HOney Pecan Rol1s-1 'cup 'Strained
.: .• MM. Wilson gazed sternlY at Billy. th
ig rYsrit ell C''all;f.' •.iirli-i SO n
......,--tieWil-' iiiienede :you .take_Allaell'$;;;t4rtS: - e , '-.--,..;..t. againe-Itedoes removestleiehair eheit-lie------e-ei
a'-iiii " 'enneWaredeBilii-, -thl.:•tin?-101408. Acrasrs-rea-vneeareakeha. --1 .'• '. , . rra- witterelie!"--teaeptermetedne- leSteasPeon •
__ , , e ,, • Ill .4 ) . n On QYA . Ir. CH -7F, P., Initte r , j_i4..:,.cuy boiling:
' • an niel" -s -k.'ed enlisted:61f - ' • --7". , "41.1W-t*w44.41:°°-47.4.1-.Y.---. . PQ--- ever- vithout scarring...•• ,---14-7711d111.-15.
• . : . . came .11 P wi.th Elgin:Sere. • Elgin Was .in atories are •on sale in • dreg sto o cregnef tart 11, 1 cup :choppei peeatia,
eteeding evith. line, arms on the bridge and wherever. tenet goods. are sold: .- • . .
rom tly . Boil the honey, -butter, . water, sesta,'
..' "There now!" exulted Anson, glanc-
1. looking dejectedly into the water .!•. Superfluous hair ie also -removei by 'and .cream . of tartar till it fermis a ball ;
i • ,ing triumphantly at. _his nipther whe ra'
1.; . "Belle," Arleen aecate& .P.Gitein"_ .t_t_e means ,of aer electric needle; hut ,the when dtoWed in'eold water.. toil the •
staring And inetecialotee at t e .un,- .. , le_ _. .
abeseee offender. .. -i-schopenee_e_ ...-__ei. ,. . ee . . , •eeeein, sheeie _ea etnsieti tist•-:411_ . mtptert.„ .4.1i4ctu releni_romatts:_bdpre_testing_lor.1_
_ _ ' El ein lifted:hie head! SIOWler, ""Yeen. e . . - , •
oermatologiet. -The needle it. ihnerted -the-ball, 'Add the -peean Matte, rind
. Atifoty,k4acl, 2.11,- -,,t,--- '-:'----.-.---iirri- -thit 'die ciirrent'ulathe--tron.--&--, 1 ;- it . tight, lit '. ' -t-'
s pour ' On .a buttered" flatter.' Wheel, .
. , ,.,6 4,,k,•Ai„,,6,... in the chroction. in which the heir
pail down on the bridge. gro g, , ,o , ro up. , en sem neree3
e"Where'e II ill.? "_______. .e..._,,' '. .r...1...- -----80-. that -the • roeteieedestroyed; hut7113-love e, elle-1;p- knife, .
"He'll be along goon•Here he erimes . the destritetion of one foot . uenally , , . _. .
now; no 'taintneither, it Fatty Wet- stimulate the groWth of others, the • Dishes for Cool Days..
iandi- - Wbild4f Wifet ll'e8' 'been' uP needle. Must -be"-anplied'' again and • De' "Nin, eieuesh_...4 el:i;:3 ee- ;foe:
. .
that way?" . - . e. ". .-- . again, Until tomplete deseetietion ie i a., , _ .A..!.. I. . e,
•WatIETId came pliffing up, his round., weeemen ehee. The .,. ie b ib needled si u. .11 1% e-,--.. 'heed Tie'
face red and perspiring, "Gee!" he • . .F s . Pr°"" '' et"- VA cups nails, 1 tablespoen chopeed.
painful and experretve.
panted, '"I've been • all the way to the ..-., .
store, , Had to. eet son-ie.:sulphur fer,., • The brown spots often referred te
Ma. She found a ereod..tick that olil t ile "liver spots" are usually &lc; ;',0 'a For Sale - .
Sport seretehed off hire on thefloore sluggish neer gel can soinetinvie AC
an she sweere it a hedeleag; '•'8' ''''''''' ' Prevente'l f,Y. di•friking Waite .in. large , -.
u- -ri a-:' quattities ' Ine ed there• is no bettor .• SLECTRIC. WATER/PUMPING., .
flhel-goiri. to hureethis 11 i1'1 e i n
the toom.s." . • .•• • . , , , ' " OUTFIT
. A grin eirepiei ,e'ereen his. eve awl i cwo.smetie than water, taken internally. • •
Vi. mild annre'lato. it more if it were
greW' into e ehucide. • "I t*t. / sleePl. e --*--- ---• ,..- . . . Complete Weter Pumping : Outfit In
in the barnefer a week. I s -are hate snet .se free. The eo of the blown
the smell of sulpha's" e • ,1 spoteetan he greatly lightened. and odd emelition, for 'sale at a bargain'.
and d-,wrv. frith; tti! aileY- • ' •
side the Mire- passed' tee tif the hill I
Side -.1)V : peroxide, cf hyd.rogen, applied with a
Medicine dropper or ei bit tt 'absorbent.
bst fli' iu 116f ltfi hei. Wagner electric Motor, single
--1.--a---- ---.. phase, 25 . cycle, 100 - 116 yolt'e, with.
Lnitweller deep 4 well purilp. Reale
"Celine ere"' eaid Elgie,'"let'is. move '1 sonnitimee ..eradicated
I down tO the. seivielhouse."
cotton. • tise the peroxide as often 0.eest:07,5•T°61316erea.t•I°11` 13 Wegt '61elaithl
i The eehoe:lemee iteori with a Wide 1 • °ran
• • .
• When you think,of clean-
ing and dyeing, think of
-PARKER'S.. . •
Parker s
Dye Works
-;:-cleaners 'and -Dyers,
791-Yonge n--
92 Toronto
. .1, E. ' ,
Pfferhograph vaithaliTecTenada
Thle Ctenuirt; 74todel 200
ISSUE NO. 46-.-021.
Made in
with the fe.rnous fl-iti-1.1Iltona and
A.11 -Wood Oval- Tiorneeliverea to.
your htithe Immediately' by your s'eir-
;est ,Drurtawlek dettlee, for, -
ye-ar -Whie,IY to pay
;.. the bnianee, • , .,,• ,
-.I. Bear in' mindthis is not a "special,'
or a modal made to sell -at a price. It
• is a regulat standard model of the
• Brunswick. Phonograph, made 'in the.
13runnyvick. Canadian feetory, accord- .
-Ing o---13runbwsick-",-standarda; hIch
for generationshas placed.'perfe,etiOn-
before produettom,
- ---Limer- Now- - ifOneettrii8S- - -
ee e P %I
Maii, us the cotmon printed below and
.3,ve Will send you at one an illus-
trated folder describing this instru-
ment in detail. \Ve Will 8.1,110 tell You
the name of .your -nearest -/Irtinswiele
dealer a.nd.give you full particulars
of how you can reserVe One of these
uStananedsof462erilnucilnieesmItalhgehg, any orrpai,.
$10.00 oash sayment oven, all the
for „Xmas delivery by spreading the
Equipped with the wondVrful weeks between now end Christrnes,
1114TONA (that plays all makes of mall us"the 'oupon TO-111(1/fT
,itritetf.c.ri JO: dtosifmrco:plitof?,1;YtIo natl(ii, wo..,e, roll ct, et..(,) v al ,10% witi..Thr m‘iitilksiraval m-96gr!4,toiliase sailegiesr,
tilIta6at°r*.the' l)runswiek. Automatic pm Without attY obligation whatever,
I.:a:or: n I Loh: . g a a r a n t e (' d ill'unswi°k ell: -70' Weilliatorriitr NV,',',' Toronto' 01
Pitted' with throat tone control, . your illustra,teed folder Of Model 0
0 I) %WO e me tee nn postpal ,
1Yept. SV.T.„
0 0:peelal $10.0) eash Offer. „;
;,Featiiret -of Thi Model
Ian OF(I !nal,y 11-t0jJ W&lUi,3
stood-. that eiie-ting -machinery' eai be
_adaptVd to limn] I n.. that ,,krobleni. One •.•
o the:,euts-ta r1414.;
, • The -Will is, • Appetaing.
•. . •
•, 'the nlOit 01 he buffalo can' also be .
4d1sposed of to ready „,..Purchasers.
distribuled- •
einceciedrstiveal fersone hie:eight '.fOrth
-favorable ,crririmeirts:'Ineenerisio oe
many. asserene.eteet Itrevereetie, elle*/
way 'superior to •beef -in' -,taste... --',With•-......-•
ant -doubt. when' the:time 'conies
the ser1ih1s--,EfF,17..l1•-tOarly% •
• •• 4,43.i.n- ;1t c1 imne1014
p.f. the pcbtits that. acert.e
• from.; the 01L( 1'. :of the.,natural
ye,ir..•;. •
duritp; tilt 1,totpt,r,pPri,oa of ,t1I•e
AVII-Fv-reectirg12.,' -5,1s tighertrufl, •
but tilt enterreeirelne, force/We ill „NI r•
chasing thc, vornlioilg )1,0w • ,
tri boar and..Whe1e7th„:%•
-prospaets --'-utrirt-tirV Would,
,.disap..Pear •
more tliati ,1. surplu4 wtll-
.1.utycto he .dieivised crery yur,iii--------
oidtr1x kitep the lierd,u•to
-Nit Dr:el:11)1e- pilysical standard. • •
--,7,....? ...7-------,., .-
' - •Whgxe .You Are Safest.
, .,., . . , . .. .
... The average pelsoil stiffers a 'did-
: abling ..AcCIAlt °arc 'In seven years.
• It may ba ,onlya sinueliiet thine) or a
' lentPoVarity Mit Of bqkiii6 . .
If- one •iOuld avoid disttblitie ' twee" . .•
e . .
::::::deiiitei"---141-c-e-eatil7erepicite-----tileidoerenlii- ---•
• bed, in the eeiler., . . . • '
Net 10. that tlio. Safest piece is. a,,
Pullman ta'r .on ti railroatl_train.,.. Bd._ _
1'';:;•1" iliiiiet I i tee c iiiiiCe 0 6 Mpa' nIe.!..
A paee'Phger in- an ordinary' rtItill'Oad
''car la, Much safer than st lidine, lie.
cause 'he is sitting still and few things '
can le.ippen to hini. If he is in it Pull-
man.' and there ie. II eollision, other
1, eare icily be smas.had„ bat „11,1S. owe ....
- Veil:tee, beene •Uf Stet; ' iiitl onortn011e,!:
.11.Q.I.Q,,..W11,1, likely eirape eerleue in,
Jury, •
For •all'iltat is. said' about the peens '
of the SOO, you are just about, ten time
as safe on a ship as an land. One man
In metre 2.2o0. is fatallY hurt by an ad-
' eldent tei Wel; on the ocean cinly, one
persee :Art 22.000 ereittere eieeldental
Ouaranteed fatty, ineiadrna 2110 ttrunswkk fuli ejetetie of 0
pull price. is orilY ;IGO, and only •
gAlik Cub • 0 Karns ttttt
111. .
from Yoni .1160,70t DtP 811'41eke..
11111.81.11.0=11111.1111.1111.1flardliMatift.illik Vi )111 WI iti,„