HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1921-11-17, Page 2-t W. V- -Vlr� -77
-7 Iwo 40 Ag m*vftr4 news in that.fa0i lon,Juat gio, 19ug their Lesson t1k T, he Sona'ay Scho I will U4 , ,theip - $orgettlng .0 Ino# We mniiiiwii- �qhex the iiitere$t of THE TEACHER tA t$ey -are h9me. qt y�W in comes U-bak It quickly beC culture was� undoubtedly the graut'of any NOVIUBER -20., t_# bolt their fdod,, to throw. *Way 6i , ts vlich do not o� I pecially appeal to tep million. dolj4s made bk the Do minion Parligment op
ce t1w King$- Mo 24, M -31i G them;A0, �at a 0 an 1. -rum, tbQ )C#Wpr of icultute to, he'41T V
drink of - r, ea vided pro rata among 111.0 diftel't or,; kn were Ine v f (Ott first Pri�clpal -her for. tl�o e� bein or provinces oVer a Verio4 of ten Time quo, Place--A.D; 59, Capirea, unphant MeEilah. Shoul the es a be*i1de ers, such -a method 6f ea:t- 1 clear ey their mann beginfiink in 914'under thegricul- The R rise from the 4 it int is decidedly worse for th6ir health. man Province of Judea, 'on, the h ed th waffer-: look, ) For the: firsi'time In the tW0114- -f theMediterranean, W octi*n whia tih felt old... Instruction Act. The money was coast o or�iwest resurn -she
The Pleasant Dale school, 1 take it, tarlal and triu ml e, one. I four year- of'-h.6r s�rlvice 31ant Moseiah t
io be uied for tive�-prornatiqn of in- of Jerusalem. Ln n- a, hot luxwh at n%)on.!' ht uitp. the people; the Jews. The i To be. s6re the was 601i fortYAVO, *b1ch'-wos 'does, not ser#e *JXujctlb� In gi;HL-ulture, not no.es- .. Con Vn utWkwe ow S, p4mo, 6, AIF9, -to the Jewi be set. Steer, volibing 1,25.4 lba-p Links—When Vestus Gentiles; contrjjy� the new Principal WS
sold for replie& RobqrVs mother, sarily confined -to the youn but.ek 'succeeded Filix, asgvomor of Ceas- share equally! Compared with Dr. Stone, "Ander the lioliest in tho ioils would t-4.1- Stan- g; lief,, other nati. *%mlll Uste, W eer weigh- "several -families e11404VOred #' get inter4ted- in- the baaic area, lid found Paul a prisone inga of God's she 'fot� ibeef prod, the same amount as, the 'Et tendins. to all' _m, The ith them In the -bless! for twenty, 4etlon' 9n t1le f#Tm' Ing 1,580 the hot- lunch *Ysterq. started- but the three days after' as w I _,)iad Worked It Ix, **:ragtor. that dietates, thet-prige. j;F industry of -the 45ountry. For seVelal new governor Kingdom. lie sesmed a meite- boy. But, well-known breecle aid 1QorAh4eie4 it too greatAn 'hundred thousavid-",dol- -suming the uti6s,f.,his ost� made )Fpstus' Interruption, 24-26.1. arid shippVr local bo years eleven a visit to'Jertisalem. . There thia .4aws w !'feel" he P into thinga whata. ne per O'g., cattle In We�tom!piitarioi �ays he pense,.. lira-Uu been go divided each year and tried, to induc coming; i4y para- 'She saw'64t ah PM4 ft"Of exg# fig -4-0; emt site ,was a bI mistv&,6,11 added e him to' have Paut V. 24, Wai4e tl�ySelf. RamM I nges! wvre j?aul, )mu.,4 oiad not. keep has on his ffiae& IOU a9ut 80'b'*d of "Which will be ontinue4. -Ioi ik ierm YeC uri':'biouglii. to. Je rusalein elal.,'p U0, with thi 0airAiiiiiii, alipbgtcher -for. ti lau,-� pbraS,eg re great i what if she.'c gerefoid, cattle, - t ady w w Th C614 h4i best be has, ever' the young I ho kne— t �ei Th, ii, 8.greit. arid lillf -hi �67i.'tbe ut hav6 no common t " that to the Wire4. e qffect has bei Ing to waylay I ini'thema- '.For ihny� �ears She 'm mom jug heky�eri 1,600 and ofiristalling. tbii riecessary #,ppAratqs handled, weig;Ii impr xb road;, Festua� however, ense.11 To"Festus -the 1 been Ale -to 0o: either 'to - teacbeW er will' pa, 'the g,�Qd results: d: 6( ko *�pIOW ob- povemerit. in,"ana e aspeiini dea of it n the. ''diliectit- Aheir deii rttibusly Te
vwtsxur. notet off hi is nsignificant: Ouca 11 , kii� con fused thelarrection vao absurd,- a� Juallk. iwe for's , I *.e -to'thQ.'P4cker- 1,700, ls., which to can. Uined are almost,'unbeliev,#bke. If I , N , )pear to. hi,� tbht1:c0#vdJbt1Qn3 ot-'tOsummer iichools;be� �6ii the. ground that tb6teft*4s x
handg,. hey an of. �xcelleiit quality Among tbo main aihieverrienbi under rquest loculous - did, War b jjqt, leavia 1�i'inihlld market �veire in �,our W&6 .1 sliould tliat be vyi6 Was 9) 4u#e s e, the. ever��dgl f the Agri-' no UMC' HO told 'them- ba-� outsldi� of y the Aft, are the. aidm;, 4 would "one ho vr the'ififitex be lost siclit, 0 'Citesax,eiL in, -a little more ohould bring -light M)t on y. 'ihothcr, -and - She T�41-lkedlt t" th 0 4XIIIii0l on f'.- for. g rituru to em, cultaialiteprisintativia FjYst 'wlueb 4 -thiugs-in tea6hing— e: a than -&-weeWs,time -when. the, acc�aer" -but'also-to. Gentiles, I I seool.-odihmi V,ly Oortsof moraervt3tihe loci tte A i&utiny Of the d, ploces tfie-kuawledg6 iiWe_xp__ei-ienc'e' 17: 32'.) a ew, nevr -change in'the paethod of I should hammer the benefits. to be - Of thi'L,notable,prisonr might appear self. (Compare cho. 2: 13; , new tneth6fls, new Point Of`l. Thus a. cated men. I the Old!' Canadian :Stockyards -shows that the from the tystem. Into their of especially trained and edU before him. A speedy trial was prom- Much learning; , study; of which . robe -knew , nthink. "�,%*Iot tU6. li�ve Vitally 4-1andy weight t at tb4i. service of very, &rmer; assis6 am Festus -MaY' ws. lieen meeting with derived ised -them. This' trial took plaee,'but Test , ent seripWres. zed 'that she, could Only go- prove t.Markotj; �or a long time heads tU in'duty to 'She - reali 14sets tbei inot 9- I they felt ' Itural when - Festas ease heard that Paul *as distin-Suish- eaies bound tance to agricu colleges, avd, in , ! on toing. to be 'alilo, totUeAf In the pie give 'it a trial. proposed that the Ave a thorough with* ther
vestock. fariiier. the, . establishing' of agricultural should be referred for. -decision to the e& among the Jews, for.'his'ryehol r- I children and -io na '..love tbeir, ome ye�V-siuch 2 change h "Perhapq - you can po"unde th6 schools;'the,promotikn by counsel and Sanhedrin, with whoin he himielf ship. . Turn. thee to 'madness (Rev. IIlHisbead is turried-to work. teacher to have the children gat. at would tit, Paul, staiiding, on his -rights Ver.); as we say, in the When, Op Butter WoO Come- 'their deeks.. Each child could liking advice. of co-operation arid marketing; oble: Festus. Paul is Thc,next�day sbe,wag more like.her. lifs lia* risirlted in the mas3 of- en, appealed to'Ca- V. 2.5; -'Most - n their the jlVing of practical ana valuable,'S a, Roman citiz week no One go ng pu frequently, farmers or in to )ay over his desk. ure' and, sar at Rome,,' This appeal -brought, the never -govokei, out of his fiAe cour- selffby th6 end- d eTisumi beirig coin-po4gd of Very a paper� napk
dersapstra-Kons in hortiult arvel.of- would haire noticei that she was no ives, ask.advice as to why the.batter �T%�o of the boys could ct as -water trial, to a speedy,close, ch. 25: 1-11. teiy. e shows himv.ef. a in p'was the case other branches of the agrifiultqral in- h Iler families tba
to-por- will not come. To this q"gion there �esy and: self-comlwnd. .''al:ways.,been. But t e ]King Herod Astrippa, 111, the son and Christian courl what she had fe�i ;r,ehr3,'ago' anil -they like, carriers to fill each child's drinking dustry, and, not - the� wild 1 -instruction by direct ethods, successor,of Herod Agrippa 11, the Words. of truth; , difference rernainj�d nevertheless; she th�lr surplies"in fresh� are several answers, the answer de- cup,before the meal. started. % iseased, Sob-, in live - stock, dairying, poultry, - and grand -son of Herod the Great, who had imaginings, of a min I reilized. it when. the -principal Sum- housew pending on The 'mode UP the circumstances Sur "Fifteen minutes would. generally beekeeping; instiaction in, field bus- killed James And imprisoned Peter erness; sou�d- Sene. ofic6, for the *1111U, IT2 'Ile# ol' erg.� The old-time rounding the individual �ase- 'suffice for ,the consumption of the h, 12:.1-6), -owid V. 26. The king knoweth. AgriiVa m6ned her'to-.his :nd ne udi% crop edmPetitions, cano with his wid al: i� ned - her.* 'She se - waited A common cause of this trouble is meal. During that time the childreh b atIon ot The at one time, as we have en, was buying quar % iq� aightdn
-to L ,t�r, d eed production" sister Bernice,, to visit Festus. hanicAlly. str ing. that the salting of the attle in the told his visi6r charge. under the Romans, of - the moment, ITIPC
rt;rd ever ibe. -win-ter * Ns� I a1TA0At should sit quietly A their doilce, eat- ana, weed. control; instruction in soil governor a I uL ' It- U t I be". things wbi Ifall of the year when �hey first go on prisoner,'Paul, and Agrippa expressed temple at Jerusalem.; lie was well ac- the' papers on,-hef desk as 11. to, steiidy..' ich 119 their food. as it shguld be eaten. treatment a -Ad, use and,value'of iertil -1 " Talking should not be a desire to. hear Accordingly, it.1-cipainte4, therefQre, with ibe religion herself, nt� , of is sometimes forgotten' him* have 1pd. to the poitlgi he,,dry feed forbidden, for izers; - methods to -be followed in the Jews. and their lexpetation of The 'W n F *as.4rranged that Paul ibould, appear, oE ai"busy'.whe Ifteffluum -almd guts.' tark hig a go9d 'the cows are not salt * ed reklilarlYo thid talking and, laughing—geneial'' good underr-braining and the beneficial re- - Mes�iah. Beaides,. be must,hve -stepped f or*-ard . ' beford the'royal tart3f. The lesson a - enterid'hi%rogm.'He iapoition, of lean, and fat. is. -likely the, reason why the butter'hurn�r-are conddelve to &�ood` diges- Suits -to be derived-.theiefrom; the occurs in the account giveri o -this heard Somethig come - quickly. tiop; buthd teacher shpuld'be inher of the Christians. p1asankly ta'-phice ',a chair for. 'Tat is th� ve root of the, beef doe's 'lot prometi6n * of 'short courses; defion- appearance, ch. 25: f3 -to -26: 32. since bid father had, !,)e,headed. James finish hir, talk ry 'Another very common causeis the place, with 114, 0 with the �r ejes open. to enf with a sword -and had "cast, PeAer iftt6" then'turried t' sitarket. deman& The farmer-producei iitraff6n train, service.;. aid., to . boys tea . iber het --4 -new conditions teipperature of the cream MAY"t be disciplin -if iiecessary�" d L Paurs, n4e6ce, 19-23. prison'(see ch. 12: 1-4), These things;' who lind preceded A who undersitands these churning. A &Iry- tb�erm�m 4kud girW clubs and school fairs, ar. Gr�pet�nt_iooiting woman -Who, right for Vs. 19, 90. Wh6reupon;. Rer, Ver., the report! of ibe. d-eath . and rdsurrej!� young, co xvi uudertaud, too, thot'*hleh has' to women's institutes. I t, n, the I' ast ifl' fit eaSe.. 1wherAfFe," because of 'often ]puzzled him—why there 'is -a -A to ithach� s a lot. f pany"' The the *onder-' iion...of Jews. Not done in a c6riter; aid.no seew e eter, which is not very, exPensivel 0 financial assistance rehdered, an account is in Jerusalem, the J�wish capital, e;arLd the'oth' -teacher *ist- coustarib 1-?-ri4qe'for'the handy -weight should be provided, and it will tell So are large kitchens haphazardly by the grant h ena:bled h. of th ful revelation of. which but She X -e_ er when the ripened cream is around as eae -gIVen. in *vs.' 12-18. '. I was not dis- in the glare 6f publie knowleilge. fally.,Af.she'werc'or�ly likg.that.coma steer or, bullock -when heavie'r weiihts elitu arrange& �rovincesto- greatly extend tts efforts =I III. Agiippa's Decision, .27 32. urig woman! sixty degrees the,cortect temp. M b4dbeft�atimd.wben pelefit yo, P. - lifliepro- -
may not retaria-a-piofit., The kind 'in these lines of �*6rk with a corres- .fall of,-opp4sition'to yr.. 27-24., Thou believest Th�ri She, Tealiie'd'that the t.(?�iniker that keetis tin 'is, aii es- ' ' �d f4r churning. . 1; - f e Ire ��;gbt tobe- af steer. -most wguted'by packers. -Js , The ukhod oi-handlinj tbe'erearn A clock ie ponding adivanae. in arming methods. Jesus, and his- folloirers. t;; , t 0 IondAberefor
that'the prin- sential on the bushiesi 3XVI. Stop time was past -Unto,� e, eaveni I lieve'in Jesifs who fulfilled the teach-' teacheir S, going, a -will - of the propheti. With butUtle,cipal wS3 speaking -'.to her.
the oiild,whiih 061A. a carcass Of : Ali -ealleid before churning often ha� much to do l4kithen timle visionjvh* lie had be WEI- that the -average - retaller� can transposing ith efi- road o. e, 1TIX it 'was in, Miis Hastjn�s-'�. he kaid, "be; ivith'the butter not c6mift. The -fellow who -isn't .'fired w! I I'lastus, ch. 9: kandle most ieoonomially� If a ting7,roomtirae and both tA !! )a e .:�rsuasion, etc.,. (Re ) W=
4imming, the . U I . � I . . .. A 61- - 11 I cause'l wanted - to' r is *. us lhTn siasin *ora "vision'? is. not to be er. i�3'1:f lie had Said, "You think_do.you, ..tell yoli. of a' litt e aiato ed ��Ihu is at b� bo fired.., gd�e- During'suninler the eftience' for 'cXeai6 should'be cooled. before mixing tm signi little' ipe6ch�niakini;011. discovery I haVer a* fying nything unreal. It was that. with a s handy weights, is, always mqre'cl6ar- fth,forni6r churvings. The cream can, iu�aka s6 est a man a,.% I be.-bm -Forit. just I0 an objective, oof 'divin, nnair� tothe'Second in winter, but tbe'p-referigm-e things, as. was proved y Paul"s III -that fanaticnl sect of Chris;,. yllp tit than ved -and kept in a -cool ind,� one of to' get a bit:.ot-Aight qii,oric or t should. be sa %OJL a -nifiety Oer. a tfaceable, all the year'round: he pined. until thdke is enough. for., a rion"r. Homt-A& at. 6�,Vinfibu raess. Shewed; Rev. Ver.l "6cleAd for such'te.0 d;EQOVC!TQd that Th word signifies th delive of a scornfpl kffig,, I would: 9 Plod. -J:de: thi sea.%pnn 1yenide is partly, cl-iinatic; rined, ry theA. bi ,efit.. of thp pupils svh6 ligVe Studied.' churning. . e wa: message. S;Wul was heric+iiq�' God's sire with all. my hearf, am; . - * *.: - ''" ' " * '-
partly due1ftnorn. liviiXg banditiorls t,�'about degrees arid allowed witli you named- it 'as the7 i!t�dY at. Nori Bay cvarig6liat. At Jerupalim; with sudli. with m'pr�sefit bless. a Chris, h isf dry, t1fey en! in at ' I 6ye, ost., Some of -the rea-
lad partly psychologicAh' Modern 6'aha ni:k suie ho'pe of. f atilro 9 r to, stand -this , temperature 40T boldness that the Jews 'sought 6 ]kill - tia. 'housev�rvps will -'h hen they gave are. infere�,ting Let not cool, eAvy uts twelve' hours OT'Untlil'it Tipens. T him. At all. coasta.(Rev. er., "eoun- Except th-es.e. .bonds; the .f.hiins ohich sons 1116 read -a few: '.She I l� Glj3S6N SCOTT tryl') -of Judea. Wherever Paul went 'bound him to his lc�eper in� nakes the People 'in Ue -korkers co,�W, to aiound.'s#ty plqrletteB -nor (to, indoor. be t� . - also a manu -a u -weather. degrees, wfien it is ready* to cham It' uSeA to e,hind al -for,- ihe teacher. with he 4ma always he, larnlbassa�dor of which'no' hlbiig b * ii�ily aboit the'. r,,Ily.live'; I h (011 Vr w S. e. made y m tlarge cuts in vrarm be mid iba th r "Ho"Itkis th full'insti-actions for doing B6=11 It ht M;��k it should the world p wounds.' Christ. 'Then to he Gentiles. Paul's -apostle.' ngs tod
hen the'y"ani i9i" le; 2 y9u. could. do -hi SL -et weights in rules a.1_e0WM di! and - the, _Ad the -Dep gospe , as. or a so. n1any brave people Tnau. arp im pQi bd Said'the husband of etant III-. beef pr uc- h pursuing i3rr17 fl -17-- 30-U,. Nothizig L e.stirred occasionally'so. re- lidine-nursing.: themselves ss,Pat -of and c�ldr- r- Repent, ttirw their backs Luke. 4s:_.',.card.u1 to. explain th A t'. b.oth - nif throughout. ' - * � . .Tb1 V I 1 �) . - . it In ad ei as -you -had to --be tion. On:� the -,Whold,'At - pf ay -be -§aid itur,6 wilr�be_unif 6 of � An, Ontario. Wmen?a institute on sin. 'Turn to God- in trust "and- the Roman Festus- �ch.'2 and, f'et* -,00 and :who has ' uniform ontly ', - twit&k in -his. eye, "but the Monthly program... is exemplir_ bbravc,.tdo.' I' *Ant t6 congratulate -ights'b. e6h, I An old nei�hbor with obedienoK Ahat haiiiij wL ,i)oipg wpr.". worthy - of tbe*Jew1E.h Akrippa found'Paul to ev6n-llghter in 'hot with'. o6mineridi 'No member of fis the lq,�e _Op6jatlon Re, 'This -4vis .9 great to.�t niony5'.ou on Your.WO 1,200 4id suece4s churning i6 es, have chariged. - . V. , their -innocent. rii, MisORastings!'. popentance r.); inakin It and sehool� tobis.hero. becn. wfmdhex, are best-suit:ed for anadi InStij�t, � it, -Ai achieved between home -asidn.:. -LI :. h avetir% an this recipe *hen the butter *dn't ive w, e, e lowg her b Hyds squitre,with their Pr6fe t was to e -'i dLo' th' jtraeK Baby b is Vs 'come: '%�Coir_e iul �ffie, Ahe Home and'.'selipol coirtm Contirue --i7npit,bnmen b the ieiv:-meth�- ne y-�t _putti-n- 21-23'r.. For these cause3;- '%e� e to kc��p TIP.1,WT.. ]I any ere= into' s. h - 'T to:.,,.b-e iroc. Any. mIeg df�tbc'btanch' -the- men n -of hisbvin'Z varried enced teae
41:. a come pe -i
ei tv-Jews-ard to. of sAlt- h Gentile� - sa* liow-ruhs, the C Ised �play, cPV;se,11pteache(J` ome, 1e -longed t o �pi.fu�ed aml-uncertaii., of e�r e size W. p .. eit� S . I ... - iglhs� r . . . u_ 'P I -Al _o -u �tjvcwit -arid* firil uld'. course, I -'a 4 midl Peaj -A seant'the cradle rocks the wojr14'F' &hol,Fairs apd suliery -prod 'iift,one Gospef to b0ffi, ti ly-beld r -qd It halls, finpr6vdd like", ain be,coinbined-w_� en P yr
k'water's at. a discount, amount' of Pour 'on .enau in "we - �cemeterieg, aette- God�l xpositb sugar. -1� Testani-6 .,her, 91i y- the Maypr Of North ay r's Greek thpt -he -un pear io"be e�s e. $,Ut the- possibility The jr he -ad that city on seized, me �.R�v.. Ver.). T _.W1jqt about us? W,, have h ou no --W coming -f anna n �t �Wo enlisted Whose -f t e e- t tly. ,sen-t-om e -whq t; kill perfect'�ne-t6wa-rd' r .4;!Lnt_ li�.i
h _711 Securini. community nurs M as -'�Tkl�word% 4escribe a 16lent avk�Bt- Went heavenly estic' trade. and 1-orr boiling. water. tQ-dissolve_.E�&- pita -lis; -and ..&�ove all th leigates, to t t i.Itt
eZffiGi4L In &'report,on the shipment the cream. is ipiTt in, stir. it t1utt- count 'You have .s
t 1 'SPe 11 loof The- kin&�.t_1ee&.usedforth-e tailerl hefil , Cti0h about; planned';iin attempt.
14M 'r 3�hrd time, Sympati nme,--, (I* 0 _ht t. Bdmont�n - 64 Glaggo*, it, was soriW es, explain tli� difficulty fini the- 'big thing u- tim . § g.� to hesit4 that in Aert so tQ kill me. (C,;�nipareacV 21, Are we ab] ly 1.4 t%vs not, (ii50- a 4f 91 'One., branch adopts and 1, �. the butt6r, not f6rmir r 'other localities. _- 9' This - I MIES HAS- tated: Tt,was. ob ihit th�. ig pTdperly. ! The. P i providin tile herefore - obta gr,il 'to executive abil- _nt to. the heavenly. vision smaller, landy weikht . steer, wiishing consiste Mes Mipn the,�plendld L34). Having t ined`�bedio d ney 'of �the'butter somet! the charming custom Of er of to esus tins." thdir. u- I of Godr. `Iiher4ore" Implies grand sprren it they. were dev�-16piig 'in h bell The ftoni'l,2016 to 1j3w.l.bb..wAG ostly shows that they "need'a "tive. .'Oil! members eAc do as. in-tich for. ux. as it'did f dr- .,An( .as y -Arst bride among the ��S welft (10 stitute§L, _w,�men w4uld be'the Tao's the,that against -such *aft%,IptS*-the�h �e — f - _I ' . .-w wn* - - .- f�n - _t ti, a -wh* -al iv as -R -4p]-_' h iich.. onL-coul",el I r I UN
divine. WY )r men en �t niat stwers, didn't -meet with iL -ready -s� -ratfon WR molre' to convet outstanding mpres- eynbe rom cryarig, W.-ho-th,-11 Ti iver nie, 'g,ettin .,-e*yer`y of An ally. Continue,, Rev -Z
But e th6 L�'Metiioa� of _irade.__-1n,_f,aet,'_one,Uhis. troubie=Aan�-.anythin,- n&-gt �tbat-- :W -spite, visitceeffii I 7W&9 -a Ver. trom e; Uo de,�ft. V, -MR1 Sion e h ' ka own- - ma, Us begin to �a-s, with.. -I, s-li4o.iit pid tion ror.,. armem, the way. .4n.. 'In -k 4 kf�c__ tic emp� to cast hihi d of St ret er em Of Jews and. entiles. an s imb i A _OC e. 01 .w ilCh A -7 t: --dur- t- h, tet on, a,744ciper-20me it 09 P aking or a. fi ikionaty , journcivs. Wit- I the victary ro4gli Op.., a',ncc . ess . ity . f , or g . ood'-. ions for Ing hii mi
dr'betWr ondit tcI� n4 i)f five cents l ing,;,Riv. Ven, "testi Cbrjit'� Many other, vi- Good ness ... a in that treasure. house%of undeVeloPed An, amb0lance was OUPPlied" to the to small and grea:4-th-4ow ,sions rise- to, - -lure , .us,,�-_ ps..,.and"r.,th(.�.t.ef(ii-e.,' all teps* ken pow r:r
hi the- great. -tract of And A4, -Ontario -Pochrane. anis id6 t e re grea prop &is� a orPhan babes mt ere"'af. .-two, of t T nd,of---rrntd d. Margi* t�� itiat which lies 6fth III* * leads W�death�-TM-i;6is� only �one
erti" -;exclaimed-_ the.__.1arrii, which. every -r-esi -nLIA.Abe Plea�hn_t foi he vi ther. shaipl Moses;r the hole old., c -n - ikortb i -Doi' delude yourself with -the h ,bistitutes. visio rusting fully. "Alu he nill ide&t at..YoU S a�.Fljll_ -in- i_ght�__'_Ten_nyS_0n__ - - t it* , ' , i. , - - 0� Y. er'nin�ryeai-old Da,16 istri.ct was, justly proud. , It A . . 10 wou ( p -u q to. t To insure proper th6': table $in b ee ptiries. ;Christ; the Old',Te�ta- I'do sit up -to d eat was just Tioon. As the distant.tavvii. Dem. s�rationg Are Aipreciated. ser i'dirds .,of purity. ah'i the van, said --ono d� tluk_(101�gateq. h. Shouidsuffer. - It was ."After 4t, � follow it _�G. A, Putna-m ' per whistles fafifly �vihidedltweli�b o-ctocr.- --.- Sfi'* intendenUmeni Messi� S passed and, en- YoU Wd, tit.. frist hand, however, Mr., h Jews iba:t Fbll'or"r the gleaih,� "ih polo idally- 0 __t 'be- 0 sch 9 and...-Woraen'i In --all npb',Df e_D.&� -a' pioneer- j__M6rS_i;a-shoU% and- heij�am' -of. somethffig, of *11 4t, -nation- -Of LISP& host. ive'.can ever e m D �p -fiting -open, lefting ut an. ater �for� Ontario -t h(; should- be crucified, tha.' b i ' A.ftjiicnt.of Ag6culture ially tha inion builfig means, frobi the dtlecllies* fl? f4ce-The. *or kirls,ranving kuWon and k-1 entai qcl ip of .'no ent si o :Itvietpridus and tri- 11 pr6vortwms as will U� unde�r-� e -y .40u�ght
!I!M WM the. P)MS- 'Ire n 01 Vninand-Robert so ofteri� but I am six to sixteen, eigich swin sibilities bf e ranks ipLlr of"the North Bay stood %vh6n it i stated that, -steps, tb S(*o ed in e k rovement- a.1, ol-,. chief lacatioAal. Th6'.' ' ' and received a wam ILivc-JS.tc 4np -idrAoit in despair - ov4r� his -Ia�k of pail or 'box. On th PXMC welcome as chie -ha Ofr ta�le r mann )[Jin-4ure-4 i� l- br��, -6n-group -of-Go i�.t inspectori visited
7!� pefthed-o st.-tuti of fiv6'_Xu_ndred - mileq 3t6 and more the movernent'6411- a jarideaviered, '.to tdack. :hi thc, :(�iice 'an4. piroceeded, to on ext"14ing. sue rd & the Scrub ,7?& deav�rs rovghout th'd-, WUy in . 6 a str6n 7 t I his staff, -,arr& student woper w4'to behime;dt' meals. ur'-' lun6h '�arxiers. . Several boysOlinbed. country, 'with. -to th . smallest � and T�ernotest - 9tolip ing for the,elimifiation 0 yr vinces of the 6untry ;and dlieov-� e Ifere for Au.,&u§f.,, ,O egg Tecoid r re ody dbing.all ift th I n.1 es ire in,the beef i-nd, -dair� brced�sis is, he Ate as infeely hs, to: the branches,of a,tree and �ihe eir power ass of :wd#ien Grgh zM..g for-, 1)6 t*r hont violaiinns of the A -W the Aamint . . . . - - .0.0 1 1921. I have never,kept a record be-, -tfrc- -i -gan- to 'd ou it -is always Tals. way; be community, ehildren'.sat -under- #ees, or f6und a re. the s acing if wit addit! I thiiik I havehim - trained'td whe' Sio & held-, PI w 1,nient. n's n to hi. Yo agTeehbly surpiisel t. t�e. fhat,, of the 783'vidla�ions st as tiers ere too far -apart to dd this, he a-gelkidgman at the table,'sAooll 0 on h 4sburces, at, th6ir. disposal as that brave 'spirit' of the far eing cA"Ied on III On-' war'
shady spot against the building r its. w old r th,6 .,nortlj, campaigns 'b * Wt. 747 Aere found. to: 'have August to 9-aikatchewan and'elsew*fieie by see ho of , . Ny ninny e 'himself ooiittibuting orie d tari did,';t6t.� and hbW -much',they L, -e�ult ( e notfrom .;Wmm53ie 5 arvd'innuediately I note a %he. school, steps�. and Mrs. '%Tillett,�ic-�ture-demonstrator for I the I id nt 'or ablest addresses on the 'program. of,, Ag-iieultue tefti- the Provincial 'Authoritie�'the 'Policy deems to miake a (For - a 'moment or two eveTlj6ne " i 3 Department or � nv, 01, in6int, 6 Uvon�ention,' -be-said. 0' - , tb, . . - le'rh I- fie -_4 mq4SAre of Ilren - . ;�- 6b- 14ed- be'ealtfiniig. -Th,e'n-,' someone %' - " -4 -D -,-depart in �'dis� w� we7e� jn�, ir ar,as, er e ering see d' of th Oi.*Oot gu..t' V601- i�) t the rse,, Au r En, .11 � �w'vc r hWe manner found a s4ndwiO he didn't likc, IiairheA a mo;netous'o&1%igion in tributing pIire�bfed bUllS. inr bewly e forthcoming. fo'ket,a r�cord as,6c,heiiii re pretly arrii-ni'd Wen-' 'of Ne-wOntario." of the Suliim' settled districts is 4oing much tb*im-. that he is -thr6wri,ardorg , moment later 'it huAled; tbr,ough the development' er of fore Aajtu,�t I akii 10 Great'appreciatio-h ell la,I(D out be uspv.et(�.,t vi Widr� of,th e i isfie'd that, � got Ii A."t, founii, -th
many rough, Unmannered air, �#-�iking an - unsubpectioi boy in' Mr., deorge Lee,. Commissioner Lectubb . §eri"' and the Demo Prove. the qual th' breeding well sat, we e are 6 tock,... Th��policy *as adopted in bWV'asked the g -fo, all' w �0. Railway went- a' r S uest. the face. merry free r- as at the' T. an& X Short Covrses was'expret b' the simple an4 for- -1. .. 1, Ill - f in CaChrrQf thc- flyf! nce,4tarted.-,,T-h6air.w. with. 116wQd.in ft th to November - 1, 0 -�o f,hl� ]),oininion �se,,!l "I. don't 'a A ,
klW*, 'that. T";woal Say 0 as rilled s'the law a fabill &tihg tielegatear:wbo# by -a unanimous stand '1913 arilat' 14P 'previoqs, to tbis record,alid' t11 Midst flying' -bread crust�sr, , gg-� shell's thd I transportition of Abb.del-Agk year,.. no fbwer,than. 2,96'1-bulls'badi the replied ae M6jher.- vote carried a vote of thnlis� to the CaSc,' ba w0l,"I �epqrt &veri` is way ngr the Ing b -1h6-iffildt6ft Wine unfrbste& -park-1-of - �cake, ,arid - other took.1--them ifito-his confidenceAnAlie.. in th' �," Alinister- the haV,'hjWj'f; goo Iand d ti�nne; training. aninfu;tition" afforded byAlie-various pending far -visioned opening, up of -Agriculture, for t4e services DominioiI Live ate'of �nalysis, is seTit*to of, We,ineisely keep hens as *a a t6itific, 'n ieritidn'ed. the branch''hd in the' I J—tmt whir it -Ary. -j- on&U� h -pails.- It '*As__njo �r_e _f un than _mpw territory to,. theL north a d mwkfi.. -the.. date n r* -ms- Wl�wW that his- tible-manners �nd: Brarich is ep 167 161) 1.4 nf4ketten,within a week after -Schooll One girl, a more rajitt -the Power and, success 6f the, with the re. siarsely and newly'settled districts eater th" homes iio`rthern women, coupled The �-ecdrd from cei3mencw.. shed' her lunchi, stood country - dpe�ded,�' and - be not o y , 3 r 796 "
Other. mothrs have,the', the others, fin* he said, home n were,
quest that this Branch Ro& iens follows:, duty undo-takeh is the in- tlr Sh6rthorn.,- Ut RA1116 diffiefilty in getting -their bo up and brushed'th6-.crumb's--,i-rom,-h4�r )njkeri, cioll,ei'g-'e's', adve-in., ad b- hT, f , e. yr.5hire, ..90 H41stein, I d9 bulls"P of which inumbd mait"Ined ut exten Z Angui� Datd*." Egg, S. ,.Datv., 1,gg�, ut.the jmd their girls, too, for matte 4irt... men found* a 00TArnon. oint 74 Hereford, 98 Aberdeen that J�rovincjal. Government is 'also , 1 -, . A. 38, .]a ..... �lvvators,. Tbi% gi-,. of - i fit 4t 'M e, _WA lcd� an d.- I .Gal loway.: 72- uest
4411)6�9 he come honie to -dirind-t- on Squat taj.' -proinoti in( lif oof the ort to 4 pxovid� .20 -`41 --i0rool-day-0.9p -, I . - I- . . e a is credited. in the bn6,year *�, . )'d I d. w sdu-a= 14 .......... 34 I for 702.112 bus�614 -and_ driffill-g- Out- n'*, none witIr-31 . -,bf c -A fits in 5 ............. 36 I ditArietome . homejo dinner, not,e liminaries Ind , sticittion, it was with 295, Manitoba with 137, British f , '3 ............ 2., Ven The reportg, fl,�In 'the d1,ghCy-oijht greatest difficultieS, of 'o ATI) antl 16,353 bushels o see ments the P'Oneers, ColuinPia with 74, Quo -bee with," 286, - Piring w- a 'Thede outfits, Ontario with 98, XvX Scotia, with 36, 7., .35 94 secds ere in'3P1eCt6dp. it they. live within half a - mile the I for dA6 the stomach, A few mo branches revealed an iois- pbaselthe Scarcity �! ter. all the -larger girl$ were reab I take their, ater n 26 of Institu-te-,woik for thb individual according.to the resolutio adoptd, New Brunswick with 85j. and- Prili,ce 8 ........ 2 _-in t y�
I �J, t�,� to I 40-111 , _ for 'the Healtb, woul(l be vndo,'r the contral of the Edward Island 'with W. At firti the 9.. � .......... 12 .).j .19 000'J)ushels,of Can4einn. groWA
mmunity. 4'Peihaps " .,Several -little 't6ts, just stAttin!�,,'in Me" EAU the reation, hand work,' in c , an 10.1.0 ........ 33' ;N school and 'naturally shy and embar-i a-lucatioll, i%6 and orthern 'Develop ent Bran h d buYs were secured by the branch d, 1. I ribre fllx seed, Principally for that i's the cause of the chil4ren's I te work, organ- free denlonstratior,,3 ivieln at chools, rect from the breedi6rg, -but w1fien'good 11 ............ 30 28,.; .......... 30 L t(� Irdaml. Regarding the lat� 1judden .lack of table m"ners, after, rassed, saw the others. at play, their.': nicthods in Instit'd 'L ' _ ' 29,,.. favoi-able conmen.t.was receive
program lantiffig, co4pera- in distiiicts�jt present without water. vernmen,L (lcpgrt_ opportunity ofters,'such as a provin- .25 20, . frorn the. Irish. Depirtment f Agri- i-vcr, v.nd put tip -nvehti6Tk was cial eale, purchases iie�now -in itntly consuriled, donclud tign. ,with the Go te dinner appa A feature of the Co
Agree & mo. sup- at tbol nienta in or&r to Secure a I aviii1able, ok, rn.,_handwork-7-n- t .31 joxhibit of ....northe I t te'little' lle� loDew -market., For, instance, pose ih4t, ma� he the But, What q1hough service- for the pioneer homo-miker's, rugs handwoven of wool and ragst Seven auction "143 in the Prairie 1 '5 ........... 2� I more , seff-cr .1 sion'of the braches, were ol*, banl-piaAe drenes, rovin� ,With livest&ck, ilrelultiplico". can we, do about' it? The -children ,nadou.9 than the other.,; an,l txten honiespun wo 3� T,)tte._ 19.f)9 .
h6d"Oly aw-ceaded in eating a half.4 es held la'%st year,,225 superiord, 4y calilt come ho" utter -for �ager discussion'. Win- socks, sweaters, and house] Url is.w.Xation". - at noon time." III hold irtl .26 �Ilt is somewhat of a proWrn, Isn't. sallftiefi. ammals werq puichaze4 at 4oft, tveragc' __71z_ __ 6 be walked as far as five to twelve cleg,, with -I terrarkably fine exhibit f r (:�stributioii i' 8eventk-nine rloze'n And, (,I(,V*' i'Sitor. Th -6 60i- 'I't, AV' hdmitted the vi T'he yourij lady wh!> was visifing at id branch einti listrict oD canned fruit and, 'Vegetables'.Put 0 fr(ini fifty-two. hel (.11 . time a bird is killed, there i milel to Attel thi V -Ion took a new tak but thi ViSi- thd '60Y J30h2rt's hoine' took in the inverst.. 6n by Mrs.. G.,11.. Oreor of the lecture per dvterl c(luali $23,97. get what bad. -bOOik whole on in a few moments and mePtin0s The man or woman bebiria tLe tk-ilt tor -did -not fm the. I school, staff of the Department of' Agricul- nelu. 6n.e branch -upplied b.
-vr.n;nv be reporteA ier at the little red schoolhotie has a lt, Silarc,. rnakcL'. the ';teer f1i'(J sbel of plucked iv-haopen6d that next o, -a6 she thot s I W, Al"J. lit two gallonq of water. I ", with hot lunch throughout fte winter, ture, to whoA6 organizing ability go
Int6 thvrn� t 4er. 3 ith the kind of m6h'anJ worAen 1% price you eiiin 4rord-, c- Ishe pass- of the success of tf.0s r1r4 , 11 d
'in, towels and so.%p for tbe- ebi.1dron A� do wi - le �R"4 store. seed torn 'aoorA- #A the Pid"ant Dale, IJA6610,a. large,l :ong," s4r said, 'Ins the elt w fore oatingo a First Aid k#, hoirthern convention WdA dub. ke
o thil4r#A me allowed to atheir d!D� to ash bc Well-built, two -1:000 h