HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1921-11-17, Page 1•
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P' ,
$2.o0 PER YEAR IN ADYAjCB1e ..$2.50. OTBEBWI E:°
it • u
Car No 1 Feed Oats
1 at the
I -
,Also Corn &` Oat Chop
W. E. Treleaven
I. l
o=o= - �— o --o
Casa. paid • for • hides and aheep-
skins, at ,the . Tannery, •Lucknow-,-S,
• Robertson. 10-11-p:•
W. J.. Keleher; Ripley.; Phone, 63, •
night or day:-tf.
MONEY .TO' LOAN on ,Mortgages•
and notes at - reasonable. • rates:
:Fire .Insurance, both stock and
Mutual `.Companies: •Conveyancing
done with- .neatness and .despatch.
Geo. A. • Siddpll, Broker, Lucknow.
Cain House, Ltt4know, _every Wed-
• nesday• afternoon. All chronic dis-
eases successfully treated. ' Osteo-
pathy removes toe physical causes
' of disease. • Adjustment of, the
spine is more 'quickly .secured and
..with 'fewer treatments by' Osteo-'
pathy than by any other •method,
.:Toronto pricespaid for ali :kinds .of
9-6-tf A.• Grospopf, L'uc&now.
• Policy. `•
BOOTH,`-Wingham, Agent.
, Ih Luckzio eyer]►-,Weclzeosday ell,day...
Mr. Harold FreeeMan is home aft,
spending the Summer on the. Great
A number of local Petters' report
ripe raspberries the first week
November.. •
Miss 'Isabel : MacIntbsh. R•N., ie
home from Hamilton. whore She has
been for some time: ' '
Messrs. Geo, Aitoheson and Russ
Robertson. rare up in ,Teterboro dis-
trict on a hunting trip.. ;, •
Miss J. 'W Mac`waCallum's a week-
end, Truest at • the. home. of -Rev . and
nil's. D. MacGehii. Rioli s'.
' Mr. R. • V. Mackenzie is home from
the northern part of •the County,.
where 'he has been for the• •past two'
menti s. -
Mrs. _Russ RE'bertsson, and her
mother. Mts. Johnston. spent a part
'of the week with Mr. and Mrs,
Harry Logan,` •Teeswater. •
• Be one of the crowd in Carnegie
Hall on Friday evening to.see the
drama. "Valley, Farm". „presented by
the local Dramatic Troupe.
Rev. Mr.. Irwin preached 'Mission-
ary sermons on' the Wroxeter , Cio-
cuit last Sunday. and conducted 'the
Quarterly official meeting at Gerrie
on Monday.
Owing; to his•proloioged illness. Mr.
Renwick has disposed of his automo-
bile business at the Ford Garage.
Mr. Wm. Naylor is the' new proprie-.
tor. 1
er • 'Althoughto a visitor it looked as
though the Listowel Re -Union, held.
,last Summer, would be, in every Nor-
asuccess. it turns°,out that in a fin -
of ancinl, way it fell a little short of
breaking even, the expenditure being
:$125 ahead of the. receipts. There is,
however. some property in the way
of street decorations: on Band. •'
In paying'', his 45th. annual sub-
scription to the Sentinel; this week,
Mr. T. F. • Henderson. of Edmonton,
formerly of Ashfield; states, that they
are haying very fine anew'
in the.
'Alberta Capital-2ono, anew`. up to the
8th ..of „this month::Mr. Hender son
'is in the building business. and re-
ports a busy season.
A Box Social and Dance • will be•.
held in Carnegie Hall on Tuesday
evening, December 2nd;. • under he
auspices of the Lucknow hire Com
Demi A Christmas Dance will be giv-
en on. Monday, evening, December 26.
Arrangements are being made . for
good orchestras for both dances.
Later announcements will follow.
Proceedsin aid of Memorial Fund.
Startling reductions in "His Mast--
er's Voice" Victor, Records; regular
price' $1.00 Will now be sold' at 85e.,
which is lower •than these ', Recerds
have ever been sold in Canada be-
fore Now is the time to get those
Records you have been wanting. No,
matter what kind of Phonograph you
have. you will want Victor Records
See Armstrong. the Jeweller. about
an attachment for 'your Phonograph
so you, can play "His Master's Voice"
Records. eo
The Bazaar . opens at 2 -o'clock:
Listen! The .Methodist ladies .are go-
ing to hold a Bazaar son November
25th. Come and purchase your Christ -
zees gift. In Carnegie Hall., the lad-
ies fair will whit on you, with the
greatest care. No matter; 'howvaried
your°wants may be. There7l be some-
thineto'••suit you there.. you'll see,
Booths ..there will be filled' with . all
kinds .• of sewing, fancy , work and
knitting; You'll find some quilts filled
the wool of the ohee». eosev and
warm under which -to sleep. 'Things
for your haby.: from its toe to its
head. also a''cover for its little bed.
Home-made candy, •' delicious and
sweet, and baking. • boo,that will
tempt you to eat. They Will serve a
hot .supper, on the floor below. that
you. may • partake of before you aro
From five to eight the supper' will •be.'
and_ thirty-fife_cents Is the charge
you see. Men and women,. please un-
derstand. you're all invited. so:..be on
Mr. and Mrs• Duncan MacLeod are
back to town after being :a. month in
Teeswater, where Mr. MacLeod had
the. •.contract • of . plastering the'. R. C.
Church. which is being greatly • en-
larged. • ' • .
Mrs.'Temple Clark. of •Godericb.
and Mrs: ` Richardson; of Teeswater,
are at their former home. tl+ie ,.Week.
their mother; Mrs. Douglas. having'
beenseriously ill for a few days:
Reducedprices 'on Community,, Sil
ver Plate at • Armstrong's Jewelry
store, • and a , full stock of the Adams.
Design. Now is•the time to start that
set. nr ' add some beautiful pieces' to.
those you have.
Mr. Geo. S. Robertso,,o ",has roved
his' business stand from the Graham.
Bleck to the, atore just east of Finlay-
son's. The Graham- :Block• is being..
fitted up as • an . office which will be
occupied by 'Drs.: Ellliott & Connell '`
We are . this.•week in'receipt of an.:
invitation to attend the official open -
log of -the new 'Medical School build-'
ine in, connection with the Western
University. London. on November _17
and 18. TheWestern has been mak-
ing great forward strides In recent
r, Anotruttrentoovith • over ;fifty- Ocals Of
mimic. 'and bench. Information et The
1.1'nekeys *For Sale.-o•Forty -Pure,
*-O-o-o.'OizzioleetwetitY..ziatiii7$73;-7--Bens, 12'
: pounds and over, $6; under 12 pounds '
'$5, 'Apply to. W. Farrier. Lticknow
Route 1, Phone 33:on 615; Wingham.:
, LUMBER FOR .SALE.-oHemlock'
lumber. cut ;to Ordezo Enquire at John
. FOR SALE—Stove wood, short or
long, any qeantity delivered...„Apply
dwelling on Havelock Sto Lucknow;
-.-sixo-roomooin- good repair, largeogar-
den. Apply to W., 4. McMillan, Hen -
For Sale.—A cow and calf. Apply to
'Wood_for Saleo-About 25 cords;
will be sold in 'the yard. split ready
for .tlib stove.- Geo. Bell. Con. 10,
Cultoss. 'Phone '2-1 on 36. Teeswater.
Village property and household
. F. AfacChaoles. will be. sold by Pub-
.• lie Audtion on Saturday. November
Iwo earo-whieh
collision on Campbell 'SO, east of
lOeiebitdrir-Olitniagell: and -
the occupants, though unhurt. ,mtutt
. have been thoroughly shocked.
. Mr. Andrew Malcolm. of Listowel.
—; Was proctedine east in. a fine large
field, was goingwest in a light Over-
land. The road IA narrow with a deep
ditch on either side where they met,
It was also slinpery, and the driverti
evidently didn't anew quite room en -
the running -board of the Overlaed:
• and stripped it and the rear wheel off.
The big car lost's front wheel. had
its aluminum frame hadly twisted.
and a spring brOken.
The two' cars were taken te the
Central Ghrage. and in a few hours
Mr. Malcolm was able to proceed on
his Will. having orotuted a wino'
from Itincardineo out, 011 the snare
Ind Wino otter t000rsot
reward made, Revoke to Alrofirdore
troupe -of. entertAiner§ tre Visit buck -
now on WO evening ofolirodnesdeyO
NOV. '30 .The DiOle-,Dtto has, become
,one 'America'a most 061011ai'enbero,
tainoneot ,componido- during the 'Oast
Program of .,ageg and storyoof• the
A case of prolonged and painful
illnes which has won mut!' oympathy
is that of Mr. Jack Sheriff, former
Matism, from •which he -suffers, does
not improve. and he is 'gradually los-.
ing strength. As though this was not
'enough, he was recently deprived of
the attention of his faithful wife who
fe•ring', Two Weeks ago she was taken
Wingharn Hospital for the removal
of a tumor. Friends •will be glad to
know that the o-peratiort was entirely
successful, and that 'she Will likely
be back home in a couple of weeks.
For the present, NurSe
Carnegie Hall was' well filled .
men and women from town and. coun-
try. :Wednesday night. -Of last week,
cuSse&- from the PrOoressive -Party
'viewpoint:. Mr Powers, Presiderit ,of
.0., and . Mr. Findlay. candklate for
. Mr. Findlao. who, before joining
a good irepressiim as an intelligent
and straiohtforwaidoman. 'He. has not
turned bitterly. aoainst ,-•hiS -fishier
vart3P:• but tells. the oebnle
thet he had •been a• Liberal. becaiise
he believed in. the Liberal'Party polo
icy. The platforms of -the' Proeress-
Mr. Findlay. hos .more faith- that the
new party will Hie. up, to • its • proroo
The funeraL.Pf the fate iVIr.
'Ray Steele,' aged '29 years :atid
of his father -m -law. Mt A. SnazeIo
were.- SIX brothers:in-law. Messrs.,
Percy. Shields. -Thomas -Rivett, Thos; -
and William Snazel. Mr. Steele .was
a son of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Steele.
of Dungannon, end for. the past five
vearsolad lived et Port Colbego.eo
his -death-took- Odace :on -Toe ayoo_
Nov. Ia.. after an illness of a collide
of weeks- loom, typhoid -feirer.
&des. his ovife. he leaves a family. of
five children. Viola, Irene. Raymond.
Billie and Archie; 'his parents, fiv
sisters and four brothers. Two •hro-
thers.. Alfred land Fred Steele, were
-killed-An actionoin .the Great- War,
-Thcite surVivino .are 'Messrs, Thomas
and -Richard • Steele. Brandon:, Wit.
liam. of' Roland; and Jas. Of -Salt-
fOrd; and the sisters -are Mrs, Thos.
..Smith, of Lucknow; Mrs.' Jack Mc-
Knight, Aubtirn: Mrs. Perey Shields,
Sheppardtoo; Mos. Thes Rivett. Dun-
gannon. and Mrs: 1Vm. Weitbrook,,,
London. -With the -exception-of—the-
two brothers in• Brandon. the family
were all bere for the. funeral, 'Mrs.
future: home in Goderich.
Methodist thurch.—The pastor will
preach morning and evening next
Sunday.• In the evening he will
oreach to young men, being the first
of a series of evening sermons to the
.voung 'men and women.
MiS.' Henry Johnston: 'orhoi°
been living with her daughter, Mrs.,
'VV. P. Reid, just south of the village,
Passed awa'y oh Wednesday morning
of this week, at the age of 91 years.
'The funeral to Greenhill Cemetery.
will be on Friday afternoon at 2,30
&clock. Mrs. Johnston's maiden name
After being . eleven years in -the
Mr. R. J. Button has sold eut his
business •te Mr. Wellibgtoo Hender-
son, .who, for the last couple of Years
has been at Allistoh engaged in the
..enderStando that the transfer , will
take )11ace at the end of this month
'Mr. 'Button O lie. has been -conducting
'a farin .,as' well at. the. meat shelf will'
now devote' all of- his time, to the
Those wha made. arrangements for
of 'Armistive Day had,' every loosen
to be sotisiiol' with the results, of
their effort;....1.ho wao .well tilled
ject of the: Ono Coo, whiell V'Ts to
to the rin en • NI ha .NN`Prit overseao. loge
Y.ranoe....-and ...C.Loseof:Oho returned; and
to the •ntirses. who wont -over t•J cern-
fort anclare .for the sick arid ,wound-
POtriotic selections were giVeiTby.
ifOribiii.thurch cheirs of the village..
was opetieci-by-theOsinging. of Kip-
ling's "Let .WooForget." This -Wes
followed by, "0 Canada", the audi-
and Rev. R. MacCalluni: The dchnin-
honorjothe-aeadolOO seriFirioothe--liring°1-Ethel-, spent -the week -end it -.her
the :great sacrifice that was made. ha've
returned . home • from _Cape
Quartette 'Mimeo] numbers 'Were
Breton where they hive been Visit -
*ell teodered by Meairs: T. S. Reid,
Eldon Henderson, Mrs. J. Wesley jc.inegnitelt,eir iSon, the, F.. S, Mac-
, "jack MeLenoan, of, Toronto,. spent
i The 'meeting eleSed with the sing -
a dai.Witit,his brothers. at Laurier.
ng Of The Maple Leaf. Forever, by
Miss Ada Helm, of Zion, is visit-
ing With Mrs. Dave Andrew; of. Clin-
Zion; _is_...oisiting friends' in- Diing,
Mrs. J. Richardsoir'' Jo
'With the. Missew Rose, of Hemlock
Janie and Ellen Ketchabow spent
of the .-Anierican Civil War„
1,200 Actors
pectacular Rattle Scenes
Filin Drama of Recent' Years
at ttie-
ea re
(One_ Night Only)
AFTERN00,11 it 4 p.m.
,Childrent` I§ cents
EittNING-itt 7.80 and 9.i0
Admission 85 and 20 cents
Everkbodir EnioYs
a fine cup of Tea.
Infinitely Superior to
the best ot Japans.
is truly delicious a.t
307years' re-
putation for fine teas.
lour Are: as ,Good
---if it is :hecessar:y for you to
gooil•N I lye ;Lim
wilily Theatre
Catherine Calvert
And All-Star Cast
"The Heart of.Maryland"
"The Wallop"
Sir Louis -`11.-aceyl 's Fainous
The,„ Silent Barrier
Special Con?.edy
Moonlight on the lifiabash
.Mrs, (ReO.) Haraie was in Loo-
erich were guests of Mary 11 Mac-
.kenzie 'Laurier on Sunday.
. Monday, November 14th,
Mr :Palmer Petty -piece returned
home from the West bast week. •
to Mr. ond Mrs. Roland Henderson,
'Mr.' and Mrs. Amos doinelius woont
a day last week .with friends wt Dun -
'Mr. and Mrs. JOhn Gillo,Spie spent
a few. delilast week with friends in
Hamilton, •
'"visited a few days with her sister,.
couple of weeks with her sister, Mrs.
Norwalk, Obit/ are yisiting_ at` the
•home of their uncle Mr, Geo. t'ottle,
Miss Floro Ross left on Friday, foo
office. '
kr. and Ult. Cecil Falconer enter-
tained a number of their friends on
Thanksgiving night. All teport. a
good time. -
Mr. arid Mrs, 'Wes. teggatt and
famik/ motored to Drayton on Satur-
day -and visited over the ,week -end
Stith Mr. and Mrs, Salo Loggatt.
trom getting the gout, '
The world has too nianY
ond not enough oolf.otattors,---Colo
A colleCtion- taken irt- aid -of the
Fire oCo'o, ..Merhoxialo Fund -amoun-
Take. a
sive than you, think.—
our pride cardsLdenkiii---,
strate 'And any '
• dak is simple to work
'..;-giving; at their home in Para- • 2--*--=--2-weooait -moan ollOW
mount. you how cos it is
spent the Thanksgfying holidays .in.
Oisiting With Mrs. Wm. .Wiley, L?f
Mr. 13'eatty ,Gibsono of Paramount,
SPOit A.Thanliogiving with friends: it
.a feW days ovith ;Allis Annie 'OrcLenL
Paromourit,. speht Thanksgiving with
Years, you.= buy here knowing that
our prices. arc righto •
12. Inelies hioh. black leather toos; and Mrs. .T. • Vao Poo'
12 Inelteii: Milli, tan. leOther tops,
15 Ineheo lett' 'leather lobs,
white soles $6.5Q
Men's 41-eyel'..t lormbertiant $3,25.
Men's 4-eoelet Lumberio§n, white
*5 Inches ItiOit, bliteic• leather tabs,'
o or° `Winn : ,:e . Visiting 'With Mr, Mur.
lay's port • s. Mr. :nod Mvs. Dan Mur.
',ray, of yaramount.
tail, oilie Tia been in "the \Volt the Donal,i, o' AmberleY.
past few months, has toturned home, • ', .. . ,..1
Mr. and Mrs. Steele Hunter, of i. .. ' • ,
LucktiOw spent Thanksgiving with ' . Don't think that 4 nian looks thoi
Ale. ond:Mrs. Jas. Stethere, Of Para. i right 'way every. tittle 11i4 )104