HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1921-11-10, Page 7.;„,,,,,;,••••••,,,,,,,,•••••,44,4..-.xr,-,...-07,-..•••..•••• - •••
• ••,
a Label, What's inn
• ,"1"1441
can canned meads grew scarce and
Duiring thP great War, when Amer!. ALWAYS SLEEP WELL.
Willi, „there appeared in •thluese man' •
• Itets Cans of odd shape eith
• English and In •Chinese. A Hongkong
ffren tia.A -gone into the eanOling bus! -
nes. Buttipparently the "canner and
the man •teho prlitteci his labels had
never Rewired notes.
.• One of- the Atty-ceot. cline •of pre-
' ',Nerves purchased by the writer bore
a• colored label. announcteg that the
' can cOntatned "'Fried Rice 13lide" and:
ehowing three little rice birds dis-
porting themseles, among rice shoote.
t But when you terned the can round
• you nwere.astonished to 'read on the
• :other , side, "These, Rest porksare
packed intim vIcinityof our ergietede
uOder one ewin I)! ;WM" . lipervision.
• Every possiblecare hat' lieen "taken
' fore their freshhess fkna'in'aprity. We
•, gearanteethat our libest Pcirka.retatte:
their. natural 'never and are of the
'Ablest quality." , '
The canned goods. from Vett Hong-
kong fiertosheeld be a great souree of
• aniusement to the lacliei who live in
. the. coneesslcues: Tbe dull monotony
•that• presides- oven' the 4titcheli ot the.
danadien •housewife ,whe knows that
a can of corn eenteins cern is absent
in the kitchens of the Orient. To eut
into one of these • Ctineee cans ip
• search of r,lee birds or "roast Pork"
and fled steiVed prunes hestead silculd
be 'a delialefelly exhilarating expert-
• enee. • • •e •
The. healthy Child sleeps well mad
during its waking Won't nevencrose
but always happy tined laughing. It le
only the esteltik child that hien-psi and
peevish. Mothers, it your ehildren do
not sleep welt; "lt they are cross and,
• cry a grind deal give them Baby's OM,
Tablets and they Will soon be, well ani
happy again The Tablets, are a Mild'
but laxative which tegulate
the bowels, siveeten the stomateh,
banish constipation,.colic and' indiges-
tion and premote healthful deep. They'
are absolutely 'guaranteed !re d frezn.
opiates and may be given' to the new.
born babe ovith perfeet„,sefety. They
are sold by medicine dealers or bY
mail at 25 cents a bon .fromeTlie Dr.
Williams" Medicine Citt Brockville
gcuptare by means a a _special
photographic apparatus is a recent
irwention, the result' being a portrait
in bas-relief deeper than that of the
King which appears Gamer coins: .
:Mind's Liniment for Garget in Coles.
' - "
ADESIRE TO' EAT. - rgl. el
el lige-saiiing, reported greet • nutrabees of 4nvOIS' 171 625 000•'B°
itoards, were dealt %/the foeiners to leave the conatrY
.Seerut Blake Brown, el the lst New
Toronto Troitpe did not Etay with Ms
troop' in...Camp an -000111e this zum-
Mer, but on, Eaten:icon . decided he.
yeeuld cycle over 'end peg his chums , dead Overaette. end ,the clelldreiathat
Restored' to
of theastands joined the totem of the •
allied armies. Other tenesof thoutsteds SOLI) IN EV/ YORi(
fled to tile United States, to ,encape ,
service. Add ,Canacla's Siete' thensand . •
, ,
StomilaChe Can. ber a shotild 'have been, theirs, Altogether 'ENORMOUS DEMAND 15
a vLsite Just as he , arrived on the.
pier he saw hie Scoutmaster's' little; the action of Germany bee July and
, , .
i . , d in diet, but to eat perhaps 3,000,000
nenithY Condition,. .
' founyeer-old son fall of the end of It i . .
,, ' August; 1914, has robbed tCanada of
_ - I
The Boy Scouts motto, 'Be•Fre-, ' - • !
lite ther water 'Without hesitating a Not to be limite • ' b •• '' neen, 7. en -and
moment to remove shoe or ether gar- , whatever be pleases is the dream at children who otherwise ' old have
pared, is more than ueuallk applice .
merits* he dived off the per - • and : ev.orY nyipeptie. N6 one nan. honestly been bete today • a_
able to the work of preventing water brought the little chap to safety. ; promise to restore an stomach to this
y , This primarily la what is -wrong
accidents:As rewards for Scouts who Ir - Tom Hoestoee, of the ie. t, eehit.ei' happy. condition, beoauvo all people ,
witia Canada at the present moment.
cases as drowning, the Boy. Scouts
perform duty especially well in such.:
twenty-two years of age, dressed In IY notiofeetori results. Itlit it IS •Ims•
Troop, and two chums, one. a man. of leannot eat the same things vitth equal -
have had more people on the land and
But .for the War the Dominion would
Aseociation' htts •tteries of "fiwards
a - ' bathteg suite, wen, out in. a towing , Bible te so tone up the digestive or . conpequently fewer unemployed in
The highest ,of these Is the .Boy Scout
* boat a htuldred and tiftY yards from I,gane that a pleasing diet Matt be •the towns end.cities. Under Such eon-
Tanfae Biggest Thing of End
Ever Seen Thee, Says
Big WhOlsoaler. -
The fact that 625,000 bottles ot TAW
Jae have been sold in the state torineii
York sinee ittnintroductiOn there lesit .
lirenze. Cross, the Bet:cm:L.0m Silver shore: • Here the Mae • and .the other i selected 'n, front articles of food .that , ditions the nation would have 'Made than': oneeyear ,age, le a 'big business '
Cross, and the third, ,the Gilt Cilesti. boy.t
^ • • . I iteShow at keePing oe ith t
' linW'wit itein that Wilt attract urinated ittn
In stemecaime letters Of.conufendattott dived. overboard, ' Heestock. red ' etiese•no discomfort:
in the:boat They started for When .the etoraach laiksttdnettherel , . . .
, overhead eharges Imp:teed by two tion throoghout the entire Haat, foe' •
ere also graoted. ' . . e ,. ' shore, but in a few minutes Hilestoek le no gekeer way to, restore it than • teanikOntInetiten: railweati constructed I 'nothing like ft has ever ,leappetted be- .
The application • for as •Boy Scout ;heard cries from the ;mita for help: to buiftl‘up' the Mood. (teed digeettent, 'before thein dine: There Wouldhave fete,. It brealca alt. recalls: • ..".
seeener Award le not made by the Realizing the situation, ,,his called thee without, riete red bleed eia imptiasiblet, been a:growing 'volt:Meier treightrafid. mr. qeoege Re' gene*, manager od
Remit himself,but by this' SCoatriette- other by ittentiori' to it, but he, at and pre Witlitaluo' Pink" P'.11Weifer the.t.panteepger business., whieln neturallY • tlie: Gibeati.ann'W CoMpanyeethe , went
ter. ,The claim is first examinedcby a first, paid no attention, 'claiming that I best wak' to enrich, the 'blood,. For I would have redeeed, the heave' delleits'.knOWn wholesale ' • druggietto With,
local Board of„Hotior Which considers e
„the man was,only tooling .• Heitstock, thisreasontheso pins Are ,esbeciallY ! On ttiese reeds and gone far to Place btanchee he Albany, Buffalo,' Itotheth-.
all the eitidence available, and reports nawever, turned • the boat around and good In "sten-lack trouble attended by ' the whole Gauntry ou a sound fitiannial. ter and Syricuseereeentlt announce
its findiog t - the Prevlittial Board or Vowed over to.where the man Was, end.
.. ' .
Honor which, again reviews the evi-
denee and recommends the action
winch the Dominion Board should
tare.' At the last meeting of the Pro-
vinciel Board t.heofollowing instances
Luxurious Laundry.
One of the most wonderful leundries
, in the world is to itti found inenan
• Francisco. • • ••• •• • •
• ,
• The main building, whit:b.-le Awe
'hundred nod Seventy-five; tent eiquere; 't • • ,
Is dielded liteo two imthenee rocnis by Health habits; How to keep well;
a fireproof" and it has been at - 'Hearth Edueetion; Mate •on Health,
'ringed so that all the wasbilig enters Child Ainelfare. • e
at the extreme left 'Of e the building: These are some, •of the headlines'
..,and die:Chit:tech ready for ,Uee, on one sees in alenest'any .newsrpepter to-
, the'•*.lit., , ',day. This Publicity ie •a sign of the
The garments eee, handl-kr elneest
entirely by labonstairing deeicetewhich-
have been installed ht. the „;cuse. of
about • $150,000. •' One •liunttred mitt
.tweety-fine • thousand petnids: of nett
.soap are need every.. week. .is Inde.ddethere are many cages'. where of all kinds, Would take' a note from
• Made leen. special 4n....Stletated_thetpeblie .eanene educatee -through the • Rotary .Club -these splendid
• • tliet• the fiquici delivered to the Orente reallzehthe imp tnce. areenizetiond that aro now being ex-
• • emelt: b.:nee:7 ot wane -wheels' tt/e; .of eonleniplated eefonnes-nt. ea tend el to practically every city on
dal Piping. ' . ' • : . pretioesle knew, tittle on notalng: thecontirient of North America. Theee
All 'water is -.secure1. frore arieshie" In Public Health propaganda through- chine steed. not service ta others? and
t. Wells on, the • premiees, apd titet• Out, the eountry, nothing .is 'ofe mate their driving Motive le the destre.to
tor washing 'purposes • is sefteiled asetetance than the '16Oal' neWspaper. spread • tiiPpincsi and to make • the
specially-construpti.m. appapitti.... • it toes into eheehomes of the people wczo..d a leettet'.place te Ibie for as
Ey ety 11'1/nett-pt.:" ea rite lanai! ry k,„i etee- 'does' and stinridates p,oesible. • The Work
'elle:erten cc tte c . heot ors, t he cur. ihthreet .in 'the suhject. SOra'q idea of of. the Wom•etee Institutee t.hrtoughout
• trent foe which geriernted in tite the. fareteochinet lettniffeations of the. the pi.-Ovinee tnalea beyond praiee.
' Provincial Boatel of Health, Ontario ' •
Dr, Middleton will be glad to answer questions on Fublic Health mai-
lers through this coluinn. Address him at SPadfnat House? Spadiria
. crescent, Toronto. -
times, for as:a rule dreceroing editors
vote print NIAlat the Pelelie -want to•
read, Experience has shewn, however,
thet tlienewepaper is a great: teacher,
end can load it h 'readers in right paths.
managed to get hold at him and hold
hint up uutil the other boy, realizing
that there was real danger after all,
came veer. and helped Henstock to
get thim into the boats- when. It was
discovered that he 'was quite uncon-
scious. • . .• '
• A men, in ewleurning a'. Bayeeldt
Ontario, became 'exhausted and start-
ed• to -sink. ' His calls for help were,
heard by Scout Stanley Nichols, a boy
Very much -Smaller than the Man in
difIlculty. He, however, dived into
the water and went to the rescue at
once, , reaching .the man just as he
was going down the third time The
m'an was frantic and did his best to
et clutch his would-be • reaper, • but
•Nicnols wee quick entrugh to work
around ltehind him and from thert
secure a safe hold. He. then gleam
towards the end of a pier where, with
aseistance, he sncceeded in landing
the now unconscious man. With; the
aid of another" boy artificial -respite-.
tion was satisfactorily applied. .
"Cascaras" if Sick
Bihous;. Headitchy
From the Bowels
need for : #co.-erperation among
employ.ers in industry. • "There
must be unity of purpose," headeelar-
ed, ."steady plodding in consideration
for our fellewg. We must be true to
ourselres true. to each ether, and all
enust • recognize ' end int/fed:ate the
value of service." • •
• It would be •if many organiza-
tions that are planning to cotnbat in-
fant mortality and do welfare work
• lauadry'a otvu:power-l) :country •ram.s.-.1...i.,er -eerie be obtained • The. yearly -reeord -Of • one.- our: c.f:
.by,neting the postal addiesses of cor- every ten betties dying before read
." •
Making Wood Firepraof, respoeciente who hhte read some pubs ing one yeae of "age; the large number sieep; cleanse . the stomach of sour,
Get e 10 -Cent box now,
• You .men and women 'Whe can't get
• feeling right -who"' have headache,
coated tongee, ,bad taste and foul
breath, dizziness, can't. sieen, are
thieve', Ritrvotte and upset, bothered.
witle a sick, gassy, disordered stomach,
•or, nave a bad .cold... Are you keeping
yotir llOwele clean with dascarets; �r
merely. forcing a ,nastegewely every
few *days ,with „sales, cant artie pine or
castor oil? Cascarets work while you
exiieete -The t ,h' •th; beeltlo artiolein. 'lead 'et "Plikelea dgects • 'Orrilttren,'. the termeating -feed •and ,f gases; take
ef :the lame e an nee:loss' ire n Intittitties• leave tome from- far be- advaittagea of breast f•e"• eding of the eecess .hlie from liver and= caner_
ettleietenittneyeetteenninteeentaaed'•ene.tiict. yar'd eneoundrarteenpf. Ontarioe ask- infant,, the • large -number of physical out of • the sys-tem 'ell- the constipated
tec ti sh :en' ?t • •ire t it tent ing for information -on defects uncorrected youn*-ebiktren, in- the bowels.. teasearen
noneerettliainerelloannetttith•frtellettn_eentlPeratten eltethe Part the lack of sanitation -in manv homes, phesic to -eight I strasighten_you out
paint- 2_10.- 1111 's Tout much less • of newepapel e it is • e wort o
f d
teneennancely Ineteereite,, . „ _ _ _ _etemiteethigtenthanet.geeeltneen the dtft
• •• ...Fire.yesirtaht chenittals are 'nett fenelit branches and abeivities 'of Fide-
-1,1fied-r te..9 ,cult0flgrajiieJ,exic.nt.1.4 tee tie Ito:nth, is ereede•tnuchebegier. Nor
teteatment .of wood. 'nip 'Pracesees .can any one interested fail to. realize
are•semewthat eetpensiveohoW'ev ore and the. west. need fpr -eclubation of the
s, theineemptoement is eestricted to in- pobtie on matters; . effecting their
• terior' finishing arid. fin:nit:Ire. Among health and wellebeing. •• Too often it.
•—the-eliena•failsentitizen-for-thet purpose enema -as if the very:essentials of hyor
are amtnotiem ,phospliate and blear." glene and satiitittion • are neglected,
eehtineettenelickla---the latlensfaatenaretg, beith as regais the individual arid the
every heuseWife under the name :or eorrimunity. -tt • .
baking node, . . Hoa are we,to.diffuse the necessary
It is a common practice to put up information to best advantage? Clear -
fire -proof buildings, :and Olen to ffl1 1, bv eo-reperation. Saanuel-Gonipetst
'them with highly combustible .ftiente President of the American Federation
tore,- -Ilutfirpalture-sen4e-AriaAii,i1i4of---Laborl=elimailasized_this
proof by impregnating the wood' with, dies he gave in Toronto on fhe
•siatahlb chemigals :ender an eittpres- —
---entertereinorInnottende. to tnentomreettrelree
L'Aipitth Wissionti:.
..., Ilewho trusts - :to ,luck bas •eozie
1! Y 44wnnt a good Crop of filentis. -
•sow the .seeds of kindness. ... •
. , ..
• DeePisernot the ntall; .greap hearts'
are often found 'In imali",bodiek. ' ,
,• : Ire the lessons learnt:front (Inheres
--tha-t-teaelinveatho-w-to- stieceed. " -• .
.Of tweeevils it.is geed to cheese the
less, btit :better to choose neither,
, -Those'who gather nothing in teeth
' • have the Same amennt in old. age. , •
e, ,The sheet ciit to doing your best is
to reselee eantiptially to, do ,better,
Theeweetest rewayds in 'life are)
_those flianhave been won with pains.
. ......ettenselinfelielesin InitelstetleY.inelintn .
. gress; obstinacy Is 'pereleting in par -
• • ------- *
., The International Peace .
Poctal. .
!frlio-Internationai Fertal is
„deilloAtede , he sg ()Ate Mb e rJas fl menu.,
• merit coinniemorative of -the exietenre
of .1,00,,yous be peace • between.. this
ecoontry and' the United Staten Erect-
_e.ed tietweenehe emalletewne ohtilaine.
An the Steen of -Wealtingten and-Whitte
Rock id, Southern nen:isle Coluinbia,
es---------eetitentleaceetterehn-etands-intifa inethe t
"--111Tited Stateenterethhalf in nadievelth -
e a picturesque tin teceeeeperic,around it.
; VOon it will fly daily, side by Ode, the
'Stare' Met -Stripes and 4 he -Union. Jack,.
— typiaii of • theetrong onderstandieg
and friendship which; for the past con-
tuty hail exested along. our 3,000.eni1e
invisible boundary. ,
protectiofeaiThniThin-'blyttifetetniing. ' hen ene-
'de:stria' purenit, the ,earing 'for the
feeble-minded,' and the necessity for
their educe...1,1ton. ' These are: some of
the problettes Cenftenttrig tevererone
Active in Public Health :work at the
present tittle. There is nue& work to
be done if the race: is going 'be main-
tain ites Vigor.' ' _
•• Edutation of the, people, end bring;
ing..thein close together in the 'study
of -these .13.Y6hrems, is what:connts rthw
and will continue to count as theim-
pekanee of Public Health work be-
comes More and 'Mow.. arpparent77-For
progress along these lines Ita,s a funp-
elaniebtal and dionet :boating cin. our
national- 'la/eV-being; .
When the gtcat liner Olympic burn-
ed coal she required the eervices, of.
220 mini in her literature; with oil-
--gmrrting .engittes- 60. men -do the work.
It topic nearly a week to , Rut 7,500
'tons of eoal •Into her blinkers, but Meer
'six bouts aro eriougli for her to get a
.auPply of fuel. 'the litter now mikes
tor round trip in three wegca -and
streVels with aintoot smoke. ,
should you follow.
a crooked path?
Often a COWPathhas been allowed to becotto
villa e street and as the Village expanded,
tradition• -has -made t e winding,way an expeetee:
siori Of a cOw's Will. •
Habit is always forging chains to enslave tut,
, so that what • has been found bearable by the •
fathers is adoepted by the soni. ' • '
• As children, We were not portnitted to drink
tea or coffee, because it wotild stunt our growth
'br Make Tts• nervoui and irritable.' ---When
• however, we craved a-hoi drink with meals, and ;
custom gave us our tea or cOffee, • • •
'Finaily upon the instructions of the doctor,
Mother gave up her fea and Coffeb. But that.
Meant nothing rn PIO yeung lives. Our vitality ;
.. was then strong enough to throw off any ilI effetta.
But our time came, and we learned by ex-
• perience thatwe could not drink tea or coffee. •-•.•
When we had it for breakfast it pat our nerves.
--On- e4ge. -When we -dank it:at-the ettetlitiVeletalet
tossed about vttakefulrieeSiti pf theniglit.
Andsthert -We-found Posturn,,a_pure Cerear._
-,tesand•coffee:-.3iii,n likad,thesich,agisfying.flairtin
of POsturn,and also the better health'which re -
stilted . And, tOwe Were siirprised4o,find how
many of our neighbors had made the saintt dis7;
covery-7-had learned the value of "health first."
* Postum cornea in two tonne; Instant Postum (in tins) .
made in:ear:di-in the cut) by the addition of bOilleg water.
Postum Cereal (in packages of larger bulk, for those Who .
'prefer to Make the drink while the meals being prepared)
Made bt boiling for 20 mine tea Sold by all etc/cent
Postum for Health
'"There's a Reason",
From a schoolboy's essay 011 soap:,
"Soap is kind of 'miti
cakes what you Can't eat. . It smells
gned. and _tastes_ orfulen Soap ;always
tastes worst when you get it in your War and the progress thereon aused
_eyo, Father 'says Epkinios don't never!
-Use soap; I wish I was an Esktmoseet
than bloed, and in attacks of pervolls heels. :
dyspepsia. ' Erect of the, value of e'er. -
The lesson is plain. More impute-,
Williams' Eink pills ia caeee .of indi- 'tion is the eurener (Veda's fiscal; and
gestion is given by Mr. John A. Me-
. econOiiiic ills. The leeway lost during
Donald, Tarbot, , I•1i.S., who says:
the lost 'eeven years" Must he teneever-
"tvery stifferer from indigestion has e et h • ; 1 e. ' ' r• r
thet-the ereParatiell was new nonialf
in' their einde territories alone' at OS
pheeemenal• rate of approximately.
500,01)0 betties a year. . .
"kf the .ntesent •rate contilities," said
Mr. Evans, -"this etate. alone :will* prole
my' heartfelt sympathy, 'as I was once : . .
rnyself a bond slave to It. Eating et .the government of the day must deVeto ahlY eeettre crinsideetibietover 70,0o0 •
special attentice to the task of getting bottles a •yeer. This is a tremeedoos,
all became "a trial, and as time went
on I became a mere skeletqn of my ore .people on the soil: From: go,- figure, but .1 ate really conaeryative iti
000v00 to 30 000'000 ' idle ,e 0 . , , acres Of I 'land making pis ntatement,"'
former self. • I took all sorts of re- . along the Western railways meet b‘y. taLine :s win' by loading:druggist
commended Medicines, doctors?, and
advertised, but to no avail. Then a brought under the plow; There,' is ,everYwhetet ,'. .. . • Adv.
ample room for time of thousends of • • - ..,11 "--.. 4 ' ,, • ,.
friend said to 'try Dr. Williams' Pink .
Pills-. I got a box and I thought be additiooel 'farmers in old Ontarlo,.3k•ew ...A. 'br9K-en- heart is a physiologic .
Ontario 'British Columbia and the •Itetti;joy,ibilitiny,
y;aexruipeesstuorte thatemg
emotion, oiorn,es.pect
A geed jackknife' is closed when Wit not in in use, e
fore they were done I could •feel a Maritiine •Provinbese, Cleser .settle -
change. Then I got six boxes mere, meet= of tlie land wilt mean a growing
and by the time they wereused I was holuine. cif exports, a"widenhorite mar.
eating my meals , with regularity and ket for -the products Of Canadiati fac-:
enjoyment: My general health is now toeies, the reduCtien �f unempetypeent.
geed, and it is no weeder that I am an In teens and cities, 'healthier fndus-
Pink Pills." - . . ' , '•
epfhuslastle advocate of Dr. Williams' • trial '
' ,conditione. eVerywheee, rising
. Atitiercits itiedment Co Limited.
.. . •
public reveeues,. :and 'a • progrespive Sires -I :hate "used your Minarder, '
You can procure Or Willianis' Pink ' Liniment for the past 25 years, an
easing of the. per capita burden of na-
hilstI hese occasiohally usedother
Pine through any dealer. in Medicine
50 •tionhal taix.edtbmi • . • .. . liniments
. niments I caresately sat, that I •htter
or they Will be sent yciu•by mail at T
' -•
centa a box or six boxes for $2.50 by • The id . 0 settlers desired • are; .,
'weer used any to equal yours
evanaw ne in • adequette. .numbers, in f t . .he hands •
writing direct to The 'Dr. :Witliarne Great Britain the ;tinned States Nor If 'ebbed , between . t .
Medicine Co., BrOckville, Ont. ' ' ' - ' inhaled frequently, it Win never- far'
. • wey, Sitederi and other approved to ..
. countries'. 'What° is heeded is. a for; relic \-e cold in the head ile 24 hour(
ward ecinStenotive immigration PolicY It is alio etre best for benisesespietiose . .
The Need of Population...
" -a pellet- whioh 'wbile taking note of. etc:' ' :•
. For the five year'xi
s 1909 to 1914 Cana , unemployment - and . safe- . 4 I burs •truly;
de received aboute,861,000 Immigrants
guarding the • interests ' of' -organized .1,, G. * Leslie.
from all sources n or an average of
sciry obetteles to an .intengive land
maintainer:I the
372,.000 a: year if this rate had been
su.'"eding' 'eleven settteneent pavement but actively pro.
years' would • have brought the 'Do-
mini:ore otter 2,500,40neneve ettizens
from outside. If ' for 'domestic, re'asons
the pace had somewnet slaeltened, the
inceeeee in population from. outside
-from- i914 to 1921 wouldt'surely 'have •
trap arta btrrr,...1114w.106;r.amm 1.0.3e,new..17
exceeded 2,40000Q__. , . ' .‘,_- . •
But ethe War intervened and the.
,that•':way liee stnct 14d' • back to 'Mitt . •
tide of immigrafigh ceasedto flew.
later,. Will not only remove unnecei, •
Mete' such e..moyetnentt •.th,'heeping •
with the neede on the batten. •Lii the
working ontes-or sucha pet:grate tie-
valtfeble no -operation Mak . be expect!.
ed from the railwatent the -Proelneial
Governinents, Colonization Aetocia-
• Ainerleare PiOneer Dog; -Remedies
Book 'on
• ,
thotial re4jaeflty and economic_ t
The ieflux of eiewootnere fell off to a •
bility•for all, claseen in i he community);
• se •
-mere-dribble. Greattlerltain and the .
'Continent •of Europe -were %practically , , .. .. .
eltinin•atede ..as 'source's'. of Dopeletionn
and thg ,etrealn of American settlers
-dWfitittedi 't tittriiintitelleetteDfiriergtthe----
wheie seven-year period We received
oink' about 550,000 trent-sell sources,
or 2,000,000 fewer than might have
-Veit' tentneeted liadttlie,n-forld'i peace
been. uedesturbect. ; NOr must , sight , be
lost of the feet that tbeounereak of the
MONEY ORDERS. te-entee-
The safe wayeo send moneY by Mail
is hy.Domiolon Express: Motley Order.
One of Nature's Wonders.
artater",on the Nile have twoquite• dif-
ferent gleanings. The clear, unbroken
wave that sweeps over the deck had
.110 relation to the-untileasant product
of the upper part of the great river.
'Abeut Aprin 15 the Nile beginits
annual:rise. A inhotli la.ten the effect
is • felteateKhartum. -A most ettrious
phenomenon accompaniee this in -
_crease. fn. the appearance.of "green
water."-: -
- It used to be thooglit that the -color
Came from the swamps, of the UpPei
-Claisified Advertisementa.-'---
Tvre•rsiptall -6TrEtra../.10-traktet-e7ratt.re
in itur$Illg,--ttiveanowitnee anti main,
tenan('e; post -graduate -course oleo' given;
further information upon, request.' POSt‘
Graduate Hospital, 40t) S.. Degrb,orn.!.3 t.,
Chicago, Illtrioie. ... •
--either Sex, -good--•'pay: tor he -nest
7itibrk, -e-asiIrTelirned, part :01, -full, "tune,
the children can he10 Send '3 cent Stamp
for bartittulars. Asldress. Ildpt. of' Home --
Work, , 7 Ellsworth Ave.. Toronto, Ont.
, PLAYER proo POR SALE, I ‘11
. •
• There is one'reinedyr-one quality,
one 'result -guaranteed, 04 .
. excelled, best
-and How• to Feed
3.1ailed Free to any Ad-
. dress' by the Author.
Clay Glover Co., DM'
' 118 '‘Vest 31st Street
.L'A 144 D'''S
Bulk • Carlota.
C. J. Cling - •TDISONTO
California. Fig Syrup
,For Child's BoWels,
• • Dr.. Tefft's
Even: a-alek Id.1-O.vesetheettf• rutty."._
--Famous .Goitre Treatment ; of ,!californii ateetter,Itoid
• Julie ,tongue.is coated. Or if youe Childr
:1:1-,1-12.tlesst erase, "feverish, fitlIttirriolatt-7.•
-or has colir„ a teaspoonful Will 'nee* •
tail to openethe,boweie. In a few -holies --
.roe can. seer for yourself heth thoroogh-
ly it -works,all the c:onstiphtion potson,..en_
souriituo ..711;ia..adtg_cfsr0.7;tatiz...4te_n.trdelert,,.
Millions nf mothers P "Cal. iforola
Fig Syrup Syyup" handy. They IntOW a tea-
gpoonful today. saves a sick child to-
IDELL PLAYER PIANO IN GOOD morr6w. Ask e -our druggist for
condition,.with a..latige number Of
music rolls, for sale at a bargain., .SLO,ANS GETS ' e Ell! geaubse "Caliterma Fig Syrup" which--
hair directions',,for.babies _and children
L:'Citstello; :73 WeSt Adelaide Street,l; --VOIDthe-misery of racking pain.
Toronto. Have a • bottle. of Slime's- Little of all ages printed oa•boetle. Mother!
• ment bundy and apply Wheal. you must say California or you may
-bELTING.-POR SALE. you first feelthe acbefor wrt. get aileimitatMn .fig seerep. • ' •
It quickly eases th-e 'pain and sbnda
belting pulleys .qa*s 'cable hese packing "1111S.L W
feeling of warmth through the
tViltie for full • and fres
information direet to
110L. Grace fit., Toronto:
ete., shipped subjeot to npitrAwttl at,"lowest - aching pa.rt Moan's Ltrismeng penetrates--
igoiate,th_and Stilgna_n_Lan.:........prieps 111 Citnada. YORT{
Yine, too, for rheumatism, neuralgia,
sciatica, sprains and strains, stiffjoints,
lame hack and sore muscles. •
. For forty years pain's.ettemy. Ask
Made in Canaria.
der the burning tropical elitet and Don lib 1"N: TI1EttT,°11°I\ '
lutiiig the water t with decayingvego
• table matter. With the spring rise , • A $12 Value. for a 9411111- •
title fetid water was supposed -to be • Why Employ a Lawyer
. 13
_awent ',into the streams to nuake •eviten you can get Legal Advice171E'
'aPeeetanee EgYett' • ., .• • I. IV L2aNW€7s IL*142. •_1.17j3dailitiltokunall.C.snligs), auti
tenti theory 'WAS abandoned- SOM6 "Stint:tens Methods" tronthly, 1 year
time ago. Thetgreen 'water is caused nt...,4t; 2
-by the. presence, innumera.b1 e:: num,
bers of ,'ITtifiCEOBCOPIC algm, offensiv.e
to ehe taste and smell. They have
‘r their origin way -up .in the ttthutaries
• and are carried to the Nile, wherenn-
' der the hot sun and 111 the clear water
they increase with amazing rapidity,1
forming :colpmes from: two : hundred
and liftionllee miles1
long, .
The weede go ortgrowing and dying
and debaying final the turbid_ flood
neatrirs mit them .to an. end, for they
cannot exist Save in ,elear water.
: N'eu as.vo .$7 :and, possibly,. -1
but name this paper. Direct Sales, iiALLLLent
htindred6 et-dell:are- fc,ea, e'..0%.'44, .646..6• •
Write for detaInOneY.
Bervieo. (Dept. W.I..), Toronto, Ont.. •
Ended by.Lirdiai, PinithtunNi. `t •
Vegetable Compound. Re-
otathible-Recoiery of
_ Mr's, church,
...................._...., _.___
---You.--Are the. ShadoW;—',-
Yutr youtuelf, inynittendr atettire-
tehadow which shuts out our own hap-
piness. .' All the shadows in our past
years tire cellected into this „big one !----1.741,.._ =,\:....,:z Ilene E. Pinkhatiest . '
This la the Meade* Which shots out I . '. '
N6thirig, Else is Aspirin,- say. Ba!Siei'i-
hnd herbS, is unphralleled. .It mak be
which ts,.barred ucrois your happiness. - , Vegetable Coulee= tnnede from roet's
so much of the minehine witat" which I . ' ' ' • ' used -With perfect cenildenee by women
you eepectiel to warm and -cheer your • \Yarning! Unless yen enAtoll
see nainen hi
1.4".nd.) tie boxes ot ig tab., who suffer from nervons prostratterne
.catroort• 'Intern ,Avti'.:06.e0cnir.,c1100wzr,1 13-427:N" °.P. taltiqt-tt t..9ittang onieatnegeestil.,1,,iest;),irlinncils. itiiii.6btai.tatcliees jaoatrif,,i(tc,agnil te1r0e0ci . : (1,,tipitiPiAilli:;;:-;.::1'i,i',at;itii.,0itsnn..f„:1)'iil_6rloimobottnite0.1°Iiin.71:11.2..
aeress our life Dinh ".0 Pt those I ting- A S'iliiii-Liti 'ail* 1;87.11'Y
i Accept , only an tinbroken "Payer" ; in etanaclan of 13:o oe Manufacture' of ittet'deetittt..,",httte 'titeetetittst" _ettetdi:a It.. . ..
Which we east.Ourselvest no matter i pattkage 'which,- erattahts- directiott ,'"Atonoaccikacidester of
treal Uil filet cast no.thadows across ..i.ili6Ylitantd. 1 PPkhemt. Yeentable Compound is th•
how: badly: bow cruelly, ottors may
'Worked ntit bY PhYsicians during 21 i Milt; it. is '*elt 'known that Aspirin • standard eemetty for female ills.
Smiths Fella, °rite- "1 suffered with
fallingocinv otganenpains around m_y.
iiitiow-gS and down my -Tito,
tientalgia innly face Arid hencl;terid that
terrible sinkihg feeling. I felt that I "
(*mild riot I is e and would -fix my, house in'
order 'every night so there worild be no'
trouble if t dropped off In the night,:
' the beet remedy' he had and. he ga#07
• him Lydia E. Pinitham'eVegetableCom.
--.1,-tpetuide-eletoak. six bottles eniLfelt a ..
,--1 beithr.-'1 ;eat alientetrecommendtthet.-7--
VegetnIiki COmpounrietand you can use '
: tbev Sects 4.1:-.1 •teStilnomal." - Mts.
„te ,c.1 .s,qx t46, Smiths Falls,
out life patte-We east bur own..,shad-
Colds. Ireatiache, Earache. Toothache, I the'public 'against ilnitations, the Tab- lf theri..ctro taw tOtetplicatiots about
yeas and proN;ed safe by millions for encnee ' Diver nrehuracture, ' to nssiet I
Owse •,•0. S. Merden. ' ' : ' which you need •ndvice write in Ob.
, ba.go, and Patti, Made in Canada. led with their 4eneral• trile mark, th.1 l'" 14", 1‘413S. ' ' '
_ ......... ..... -4
•Minard'a Lltiimerittor Distemper. All druggiste sell 'Bayer .Tablete of I "Bayer Cross." . .. I... . Ms F'.. No. 4.1"--'01. ' ... ..
. .. . . .. .. .
. .
Neuralgia, itheumatism, Neuritis, Luto- I lots of -Inver etclapant• will be stanip- rhiclie° t° lInichion *edit:int
. •
. •
• -ettievt