HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1921-11-10, Page 5,
04. ^
...oTIM gry�;w�.+ '�• }�(} Q� l,�wy,�.,■yy.'}x�•
Ti!!-„t,F'•Ob4'S+uSY�+%.� .31r 4•i,V•FM9� A� L' ti.G.Y,:.�+d? ",.. �tL['• ,. ... .�._....-._..
°CREAM . i 1.10
r � �-FOIL•-- •
Wei test Wednesday an d Satur-
day, P.M. Get your can any day. ,
Will 'also buy limited quantity
of good cedar' logs.
Unexcelled Dining Car Service.
• Sleeping cars on Night. Trains' and.
,Parlor Cars On principal Day Trains.
.Full information -froth any Grand
Fronk Ticket Agent cr C, E.Sorn-
mg, District Passenger. Agent, Tor-
..1F F. Phillips,..Arent, Lucknow.
Stands for Canadian. Pacific' Ocean
Service, but with us it means
' 'ourtcoub, Polite,' Obliging Service
highest Cash. Prices •for
,Cream, Eggs and'. Poultry'
•.: ''Our .advice would .he te"sell •your
poultrrearly this year. Prices are.
1 expected to be iieuch lower than
last year.
' SELL N4'W •
A.F.&A.M., G.R.C. Old Light
• meets every Thursday night on or
before the full moon, in the Mae-
...,_.....—.�......�....r_._. ........ _._ -
onie Hall, Havelock St„Lucknow;
•W.M., 11_ G. Mackenzie; S.W., T.
S. Reid; J.W:, J. McQuafig; Sec.,'
W. A., Wilson.' • ••
• Lucknow-
their .lodge
day of the
W.M., Jas.
-._ .MeQuilhn.
S. S. No, •4, West Wawanh
' ' Junior, Room ,
Sr, II1- •Stewart Laois, -Charles
McQuallan, Nora Woodley, Ross Mc-
Pherson, Alex. Lyons,
Jr, III—Frank. Carroll, Helen Mil-
ler, Margaret Thom, Walter Forster,
Elmo ,Pritchard, Alvin Miller. '
,gr, II --Margaret, Cumming, Har,.
old, Hyde,, Mildred M'cQuillin, Marjor-
le Purvis, Gordon Lyons, Elvin Mc7
Quillen, Margaret Miller. - -
Pr.—Ronald Forster, Richard Ev-
Bt—Maude Evans -•
A, I>3obel Miller, Helen. Thom,
.Calvin Purvis,, : , , •• '
- No.. on Roil, 25; Average Attend-,
ante, 23. ' .
M Bui,'nin,,,-Teacher.:
"S.: S. No, 5,- Kinloss' '
Sr, IV—A. MacKinnon,,' 7,5..
Jr, IY—Mary MacKinnon, 76; R.
Carruthers, 74; N. Chesnut,72; E.
MacLeod, 71; M. MacKinnon, 68; C.
Robinson,, 50,
Sr; • III—R. MacKinnon. 93.
Jr. III—K.. MacKinnon, 87; 11.
Swan, 82; A. Carruthers, 75; S. Mac,
Gillvray, 24. ' '
Sr. II—Ted' 'Murray, 75; J. Mac-.
•Gillvray; 60; N. Carter, 0. ..
Jr, :II—R . MacLeod, 88; 'J'. P Iac-
Kinnon, 81. ,
First=p; Carruthers,, M, B. Mac
Leod, E. Robinson, . M. 'Carter,
Primer—H. Swan, L. White; " E,
Carter, '
No. :on the Roll, 25; Average At-
tendance, 22 ".
•J, MacDonald, Teacher.'
U. S S: No. 4, ''Ashfield •
V. Class—Donald Finlayson, 65 per
cent.; S. MacDonald, 60; J. Robert-
son, 56. . •
Sr, IV=I;MacDonald; 71; L. Rob-
ertson, 60; D;inlayso'h; 53; R. Mac-
Lennan,.'51; M. B. MacDonald, 45.
Sr.- III—J. MacRae, 67; E. Mac-.
Donald, 60; M. MacDonald, 58; A.
Finlayson,;. 52; K. MacLennan, 48;
W. Ross, 32; G. Finlayson 9.
Jr: III—C. Robertson,. 61; • • G;
Brown,59'; J. MacDonald, 58; J,
Ross, 43; . G. Finlayson; 37.
Jr. II -C. 'MacDonald, 72;! L. Rob-
ertson, 70; O. MacChaules, '60: •
Jr I_ M. ' MacKendrick, . 80: K.
Ross, 75; 'It.: Finlayson', 70; P. Mac=
Donald, •63; D. Liisdsay, 60.
Primer—F• Finlayson,_ 80,_: C; Mac.
Donald, 70; I. MacKendrick, 60 -
No. -on Roll, 3.2. •
••• • L. Finlayson, .Teacher
g. S No. 5, A hfe1 -
Names are in order of merit;
IV E. Ritchie,--Ede-Gatdnerr=,J:,
Ritchie, E.' Gardner, J. McDonagh,
D:' Anderson,' H. Gardner, G. Pepper,
M. Webster • ' • ,
'tea 913—C_ • i ehie `682-
W. Pepper, 649; J.' Andrew, 571;. B.•.
Cooke, 302;
Jr, III--1029,-A.Ritchie, 918; M,
Pepper,, ..846; J. Ritchie, 740; P.
.Cook;, 562.
Sr. II—Total 1000-4. McDpnagh,
871; D.' Anderson, 800; W. Hinter,
729; M. Reid, 723.. r. . • .
Jr. II --Total 990--B. Gardner, 792;
W. Webster, 616. : , • •
First—A,. Hunter, u E'. R1taltiet . E.
. ' Ritchie, - W,. Hunter, .G= Webl;:ter,. •: N,
Anderson, E. Read.
' Primer -9, Gardner, C. Gardner..
No, on Roll, 30. • '
V. M.
Tiffin, •Teacher:
S. S Ni'+7, Ashfield ;
V—Willie Hogan, 65 per cent.. •
Ritchie, 75; Lloyd
Stein, 66-. i
Jr.• IIlt—Delia (; lniore,' 62; Irene
a.Hogan,261;• Connie Hogan,.59.
Jr II Andrew Ritehie; .64 .
• • ,,Jr• Ttilie Ritchie, 761 Rimer' Mc-
Leod, 76; Frankie . Gilmore, 68.'
. The number on the Roll .is .101' Av-
erage attendance for the month is 9;
Best Speller—J, G. Ritchie. • -
Violet V. MacLennan, Teacher;
..., ..•.,•., •._•-,.*•,..,...- ...••t-.••-, ,.,
428, meet- in
room every second Tugs -
month •at 8 ,o'clock p.m.
Irwin; Rec. Sec'y., Wm.
Do 'not suffer
anotherdayy with
1t c h.I ng, Bleed
ing, or Yrotrud-
ing...I'7las.. ,.No.
surgical ope*•.
•'�"�� atio•n,r� tiered.:
Dr. Chase's Ointment will relieve you at once
and afford�lasting benefit. 60e. a box . all
dealer, or Edmaneon, Bates & Co., Lhhn'lted.
Toronto. sample Box free it -you menden this
Faust and one ore 20. stamp to pay postage.
y•- us ng
• S. S. No, 10 . Ashdeid • .
'Nimes are in orderof merit Those
'marked 1*,) were absent for . one
Sr,,. IV—Mildred Johnston, Tom
Ferguson,: Leo -Courtney, Marie
Sr. . Iif •.,Gladys ' Johnston, • Refit
Courtney; 'Robert Scott, , Earl ther-
wood*, Joe Hogan*,
Jr. III.- My'rtle .Johnston*, : Melda'
Lane, John Howard,•••Marie Hon.'
Sr... II --Charlie McLean, Tom How-
ard, - •
Jr; Il=Vivian: Courtney. .
I ` Class --Gordon Johnston, 1 Fay
Courtney, Winnie Lane, Louis I•rigan,
Primer—Thelma. Johnston, Billie
Reid, Robert Howard; Frank Dren-
nan. '
• No: on Roll,, 24; Average :Attend-
ance, 2.1. • •
Bertha V. Clarkson, Teacher,
S. S. No; ..'7, .Kinloss' •
•. No, , on Roll, 17;. Average Attend
ance, ' 15:' -
,,,Names are in ' order of merit.
HJT. IV—M. Stewart. •
Sr. "IIL=R; Maclnnes, T. England; '
M.' Campbell, •
• Jr III—J: Stewart
Sr; II F, McNall, H, Campbell;
Jr-. •II -E. :MacDougall, ,M.; Stewart.
•I 'Class—P. McDougall, A..;McDoii-
gall. • r ,
Sr. Primer -C; Campbell, C.'Mac
' Innes, L. McLeod,
•.Ir; PritnerE. •McDougall. "
'A _clas—R..Mc1iougall,.R. H.:Stew?
art,. . .
-; NA.:Goilan,`Teacher.
I T is always interesting to make a; ,
Women, as well as men, find. joy
' in discovering something which they .'
can tell others about, '
Many • thousands of 'women have
quite accidentally `discovered ill Dr.
Chase's Ointment; a skin°beautifier of •
rare value. ,
Because Dr. Chase's Ointment is
so universally used as a'treatin:ent.for.
eczema and the skin troubles of baby-
hood, its. effectiveness as a beautifier,
of the "skin is sometimes Jost sight of,
untilusing it for these ailments °'of
S.• S;.'No.. 3, West. Wawanesh:'
Sr.:III-Albert.Taylo ,.82 per. cent
,George 'MacDonald .81; 'Harrison
Taylor, :80; Stewart.Durnin, 79; Doris
Smythe, 76. - •
Jr. III• -Edna Fowler, Pete .
, 60; r
MacDonald, .57..
Sr..' II—Gordon
Gor on Smythe, 71-; --Mary
Foran, 31*,,,
Jr. II—Wallace'Milson.-84; Don-
aid ;Thompson, 79,• -Jelin -Macflonald,.'
74; ,Gordon: Fowler, 48, John••Dtirnin,
45*,; D.onalda•MacDonald, 37.
Primers -Charles Durni , Willie
mark on each pair
d Comfort in
.� R. • .t • -.u. ..,. v w. .. Ve • S Oes ,
ua�ranteed � �' �x
Allies Holden' Overtimes not -only', assure you ;protection f +
snow and cold --they fit neatly and comfortably. -
.,' Heiden hoes are -Made from materials' Specially selected for. -warmth, -wear 'and,
Ames Holden Overs and'
appearance, and are the ideal Fall .and Winter footwear for farn'i, coat or town, when full
protection and light weight.a're desired. ` .
' hind all Ames Holden Rubber. Footwear. We_ support the guarantee and ate ,; , ,
We stand be next.selection,
,, ,-� > l e_ to' xpu for each pair sold: Read the giuLi entee and when making your
let us, fit. you with
, -
FOR 9At.E• dY
F. D. MacLtNNAN „
•„r Ontario'
Lochalsh. O
Tender Skin •
r fm.onm 's
'"�Men' ettr suffekin fiYf�'itationsf'�
an eczemic nature as a result of shaving.
In its more aggravated form this is, known
"Barber's Itch.” ' If your skin is tender'
,;vou will finds it good to. apply Dr, Chases • '
' Ointment. after. Shaving. Wash thoroughly
vith'het water, drir the-akin-
he akin 'rubbing. and apply the ointment "- This. '
i. rots the irritated' skin, keeps it soft" and
s t tr knee'_ : r�2
,.,.e. and"°b.y fts'-alTti''�$'riC''.�tu 4 'is.
vents -•.the simead. of skin trouble.
the skin its benefit to the skin itself
is once more discovered.
"With the modern use of powders
and cosinetics the skin becomes dry
and 3iarsh, irritations are set up; pim-
pies and blackheads are :Formed: '
The use' of Dr.' -Chase's Ointment
makes the skin soft and pliable, and
restores the healthful action of the'
pores of the skin . which have been
-clogged by the :use • of powders.
'The woman who is admired for the
exquisitely fine texture and velvety
softness, of her skin is the one who •
regularly uses Dr. Chase'sOinttnent.
You can discover this :for. yourself .
by giving . this delightfully soothing, '
healing ointment a' few weeks' trial..
Mani Uses . > .
• There: are scores of ways in ,which Dr.
Chase's Ointment IS useful in'.'the home...
It is the standard ointment, and is used with
• great. satisfaction fore -.
Eczema., and Salt Rheum.
Shingles, Tetter and Ringworm
Scald Head and Baby Eczema
Pimples. and Blackheads _
Chafing and 'Skin' Irritation
_: _ .Sore_FeeLand _Toes :. r
ingrowing Toe Nails
'. Chilblains 'and Frost Bites
Itch, Ba'rber.'s Itch Prairie'.Itch
hives ancLInrsect_BAtes `
ett Roberts; 4d 3Jrtd.reott A•ve . •
-- • - ltirs,E-Ever
J•ialifax,••-•N.5.; writes: "I used Dr. 'Chase's
-Ointment-for my baby, who had, rihtgworms
all •over his face. r. tried almost°everything • .
I khew of without success until bused• Dr. .
Chase's' Ointment. Thfs completely • freed
@id Sores an•d Bed Sores — hiimr of Chi's cine in skim rauble u -a short
• Hemorrhoids or Piles • " time. :I woui
ld' not be without this .ontment,,
• in the house, and trust this mayinduce. • •'
Sample -box free -if yrou iineutianmthis pages ,others to' give It atrial and;be-conn ed -df
_`Fdnianson, Bate§ & IC.o:, Ltd.,'_Toronto , its rnerrits," ; ... ,
Miss Bessie Stewart, Lanark,. Ont„ ;writes:
"I first took eczema on my' head, and had
to .have . my hair cut, • Then theeczema
broke out on the fingers of niy right hand,,,
It • was' so itchy I couldn't keep from
scratching it,. and it began to spread: ' .In •
reading an old Almanac that mother had, I
noticed that Dr Chase's' Ointment was rec-'
ommended for eczema, so I sent for a same
pie box. I used the ointment every. night,
. • and' soon saw a difference. I got a fpll•+
sized box at the 'druggist's, and later an-,
other one, but •I. never needed the second, '
because after the use 'of the' first box' the •
eczema disappeared from 'Both my• head
• and fingers,"
• Baby's Skin
Scalds and BurniF
Sore and Cracked LCippies .:
Chapped Hands and .Face
*Sore and and.Inflamed Eyelids
Pirdon;:Harold. 'Fowler.* visited the Old 'I?eople's''Home tti;pie MiSSTNi dn''ariir1Viss Brawn,. of
Those marked w itli asterisk. wears:; thein -their annual treat. This year it 'sh field, spent -Sunday- at Nr John ° •
absent for one or ore examinations.,, consisted•.of..' a drinking, ,cup, a'liand Emmerson's. - (;
- :No, on, Roll, 18;- Average Attend- ,•,;kerch'ief, 'coolies;:'candies.' and gum
.ante, 16; ' far each inmattt. The old folk were
',Gladys C, Webb, Teacher; deli hted With their gifts and,tender-
�,-o_o_ ed a hearty }.'ote of thanks:. Mr. Wiles
•• the keeper of the :Home, also•.wished.
I11AFE1tING the .Institute every. success • •;:: :
.,(Inti+tided for leaf week)'
Tuesday, No�+ember 1st.
Masa-mEetrr-S•tu-rgeeri :spent the
week -end at her home near Bervie,
'Mrs, John' Saunders -has beau vigil:-
ing friends in,: Dungannon the past
_twa_.•week�, :'
- Mrs: J'as Webster, si Boundary
.-west, .,:spent a few days'last ' week
wit her- daughter, .Mrs. Thos. Blake,.
nuiiilser Tioili `here` attended -the
Epworth League Rally at 'Zion last'.
nigkt aril report a good time, °
. Mr.and Mrs. J. Blake and daugh=
ter and Mrs. 'Win. Blake 'visited .Mr.
and`Mrsobt,_ Blake, near ('lint nn f
on . Satu'rdsyt •
Misses Rae and Jessie Stothers
and Miss' 'R,.. Sturgeon spent. a day
'last week with Mi and Mis ' ;S ;13, l l'erinit us ,this, evening (we, your
Stat)iel`s. Olint01L. , -- fm c r,� s-3--to,-sliaw. >.-soMe .wayy.._ou.r..
The monthly meeting of the W. M., 1...4.1°°!'d
will and 'best 'Wishes for a
8, was Heid last Thursday a -t the
A , very. enjoyable time was s,,e,;t
on Thursday evening, Nov, 3rd.,.when.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wylde enter
•tainet3'a 'large nm)Ttier'-•of friends: in=
honour of Mr, aria Mis: Eln'ier`John-
ston, and -to weiconie thein to their
_new home in • the lla re. During the
evening a rii esentiit on .to. them took
Ii'omace McLay;: read ,the
address and .Mr;.'Angus Matheson
paesented hent with t pulse of mon
cy, after which ilr •lohnston thanked
thei,m on behalf 'of himself .and ,his
wife iii...1dwic1kihosen :w-ords.: Fol
lowing is the address.—
and. Mrs, tinier Johnston; .'
hone : of Mrs. Jas. Edwards. There
was a large' attendance,., and .•a ,good
.program, which' included quite a full
report -of the---. recent. • Distriet. Con.__
vention- of'the W. M. S. at Gorrie,
by Mrs,, (itev.) De Witt Cosjens, our
delegate,' was given.. The November
meeting will be held. in the ,Ashfield
Methodist Parsonage at LucknoW.
thi gtirh life, We are pleased to know
th-1t-you as cx. gain• ---� =lain in our
midst, and trust that 'your presence
a cl' ire1ttaintuner. will ' be an 'influence
'for the best. Pleas accept this small'
token with a wish for much happi-
'Signed on behalf of 'your friends•
Miss- Betty Graham.., 'entertaindd
her friends td a dance and party , on'
Monday evening,
,Thanksgiving. passed very quietly.
in our burg. -Those home for the-
he-week end , included—Mr J.as . Rich
ara.v. of.'London; :M;r.'.Jack Graham,-
Winghain; Misses , Tillie •Hodgkinson
"and"Itathryn.Kay, Ktiicardine;-Mies•
•Marell-,Scott, of. Mount 'Forest. .
=" -Targe crowd atteiiairt ie ance`
and box social given by the Orange-
men in' • the Orange Hall on Friday,
night, There was nothing stingy.
a.bout'the bidders. aid the boxeo went'
at •gddd prices; 'Mr, John Purvis, of
Holy ood,`acted as 'chairman and also'
:aue,tioned-• the -w -boxes. -•-;A• •..veryt good -
program Was given. •
—o o-°_
_Mm .White, for the past ten --years;
license .inspector for truce, County.
has -tendered his resignation' to time:
•Depsrtiitrnt Mr;-- White :gives--as-4iis-
reason for'wishing to:be • relieved,
advancing age and declining health,
Tile Department has replied that in
due -emir -4 itLL"C Wont -s mint il Suede§
ser and advise Mr, White d the ac-
eptar e .of-- ii -:resignations......_., /
good -plumbing in your home, is
a 'source of pleasure to .the'whole
An. handy man can install
room •fixtures,,that'rnake• a heat
- appearance,, but the • vital `parts-.:
of a plumbing job are concealed
index the floor. And. regmre+ tth
workmanship of a real'mechanic • •
Be sure to consult us before'
plaeing your..contract. .
handle- the well -biovar' Hee=
la Pipeless,' and the Empire..
King Pipe or Pipeless Furnaces
Ther fuinaees,.instal ed, by, Us,,,,^
are a ptrasurc to operate,`and-
give A No, l heating results;
Headquarters for EavetrQttg-
ing,•Sheet Metal Work and Elec-
trical Work '
Special :.A°tention. Paid to
, •Country' t%oik,
G D.}iN - _ :'.' _ .
fl$io`iII: Si.'
Or Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago?'
.The remedy is simple, inexpen-
' •ive, easily taken and harmless:
Cala you do it well? Just one' or two
deeds of DR. .MILES' NERVINE81.20
willilootbi thi irritated and over -strain.
'turves, Guaranteed Safe and Suce,
obi by A *KW
Meiiday, Novetnber 1th,
1vTr,• •Janmes Ilodg
kinson has Men
engaged . this, week. putting in a, new
• Guelph, Ont.; insurance, Fire and
f heurimatic Capsuics _�._..
Your druggist will 'supply you.
. Write fcr freer trial to Temple-,
ton's, 56 Colborne St., Ta' otttor
Lueknow Lodge Meets every
Friday evening at 8 o'elock in their
Iirtll, Garnp ell st`reet. ll-brethren-
eordially invited. Officers: Noble •
Grand, Robt: Johnston' Vico Grandis
harbour;- R
'rch. a ec. S
A Sec'
, hitt
ton; Fiu. Set., Dr. $;virion;
urea, Alex Rota;