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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1921-11-03, Page 8
Q Vas •u !��<< 'I'''ll ., ;hal;lllnw'"a'fi'.i!4!tiiu!iiil!illl.l lilll'h,�� 'Pone No4 i0 is.. at Your Service. Wp Sell for Cash -We. Sell..Ciieaper Than `fihQ Credit Stores • f ,e IlaincOats' 9 - .$ Only Ticeett Iltrincoats, light coital', shies, ... $4 40,2, " Chance to pick ,up ' • ;ervtr�at�le' coat at a Taw price,; • : - „" .i 7.9`5O� fir •�� • 6 Only Tweed Raincoats, dark color, good. •' heavY'weight, sizes 30 40,'42, 44 and 46. Them: wmri't last long at Dollar. Ds,y Pdee of ' $1 2.00 B s. Raincoats Favni Parametta Cloth Raincoats, t tit* things for the'{wet: days, sizes 113,,aftand 3$. SPeeeal •Dollar• Day - Price e0 d Socks;;dor Men ' „ a A fine uali�., . .. . � �all.vrooT Heather Socks, q ty but a good heavy .weight, slices rot ▪ and 11, ; Only a" limited.numb�e. or -• r at • ^ •. 60c: a pair, 2' Pair for $1.00. Black Cashmere Socks, a strong cashmere" yarn reinforced with cotton, assuring ' • splendid wear. SSPecial Dollar Day Price • 43c. a Pair $5.7 Winter Overcoats at..`.". la Only heavy :all-weel Tweed 'Ulster Ove Boats, geed dark colors and well Made,. sites from 36'to: 44. 'On. Dol- 1ait Day. you can.xiave your choice for $16.75 „. Men's ,Suits Dollar_ Day. will be' a good time to buy that New Suit yon have:;been thinking ' of. e ars going to pit oir.. the biggest Suit bar- gain.weever offered. • 0 Snits iii lioavy all -wool Tweeds and Worsteds. ; All geed . patterri ,: and •', every auikworth;much more fhor.ey. Surra 35 o 44 'inch chest.. For Dollar D !y, your choice`for Q• : • 9.00 xN , Flannelette Blankets ..Boots and Shoes 'Inaddition to the two special' advertiaf ed on the frontpage, we• have u table .of clearing lines of shoes, that should ' .prove atr: tractive to Early Dollar bay.; Shoppers, And • All Men's and. Ladies' Shoes, 81,00 Off All Boys' and Girls' Shoes,. 75 cents off •All Children's Shoes, 50 cents off Large . size ' white Flannelette Blankets, ',Only a limited number.. Nice heavy • quality. • Dollar bay Price' • $2.69 a Pair : Underskirts Ladies' plain grey .knitted Underskirts, • Just, the ;thing for Winter wear. Dollar Day Price - - $1.25 Each Linoleums Measure four floor ' and prepare: to' buy good quality Linoleum at the lowest. price quoted in years. 2 Pieces only , 4 -yard ,wide linoleurp, heavy Cana- • dian ma e, and on Dollar. D we will sell i or . • Ladies' Coats' DoparD..ay :will be a good time to buy. that'new Winter Coat, We haveveT many pfetty Pett :- and 'at- at • ; tractivY e. coats and .on Dollar' Day, there will be. Special Price ' Reduc- tions. ' $4.00: a �►ard. Black Moire• Underskirts, niceheavy .qual- ity and a very . serviceable garment... A special purchase ,enables us • to offer. • these at only $2.69 ' Each Shirts A. Comforter, Bargain 30 Only Chintz • Comforters, filled with - a good quality cotton batting; very: -. pretty and serviceable colored cover- ings; and good sizes, both. 60x72 and , 72x79 inches', Special' for one day .9 ♦-r�,, .•<• $2./(�6filA Men's light grey Flannel shirts with sep- '; arate softcollar...' Were $4:•00.'. Dol- lar;Day Price' ' .$2.75 Each Tapestry,. Curtains; • It is a lobg time since we offered • you valve like :these:. Plain colors ' in Red, 'GI een ` and • Brown. • Dollar, Day any' We have not space to describe in detailthe many bargains to be had in Skirts, Sweaters, Children's W. Coats and Raincoats. • Ladies' Underwear 10 • Dozers Vests and drawers natural color and . splendid weight.: Special at 89c. each. 1 bargains in Hosiery, Corsets, Dress Goods, -.Silks, Flannelettes, Cot- tons;. etc. Tabling. Tabling Special, ecial, 1 ' piece pure. linen, •Dollar Day price :: $2.95 a. yard d .$5.90 a pair. • `EDNESDAX, NOV .9t1 Lueknow's Big Dollar DAY. You will find this store headquar- • ters for bargains as on former occas- ions, We are, going to • make it more than ever' worth your while to. vi 3i* our store ° and do busi,ness wi: 'bus. plan. lan. on this: occasion is to 'give a worth -while discount off all goods - hat you • purchase., Naturally this discount will vary as some lines of goods carry more profit than others. We believe Wit our method will be appreciated by the public : as you buy only what you require; We pride ourselves on ' keeping a clean,.up-to-date stock; no .old goods. ''er Everything that you •purchase.will be ata bare ain price. You Will find the• goods we displayed well. dis la • ed and • you . can do your puirchasingwith ease. •,;'� We want to make'special ' enticn of our Wall Paper Department.' Our ' paper is -all new. It is all 22 -inches wide; `most of 'it is semi -trimmed, and all the patterns are. of the latest • design. It Will all come 'under the "Discount Hammer":-,on:Doilar- Day.. ThelAck ow'llardwar.e & Co:al Co. THE STORE THAT • NEVER -.DISAPPOINTS ameron, urdoc !�0llll0l.111liIm p1�- I i � i l l Jl� IIIIIIIVIIdllllll�IIIIIIIIIIIII111111111�II66�I�� �IIIIIIII�IIIVIiIIIIIIIIIIIII�� iIIG•If�111_dhllltllVNlWll��lll_��II�IIII�IIII�II�I�UI�IIIkI11111111111uIru�IIIUI� IInIIIIII�IIII�IIIII�II�IU�IIIIIIII�II,nUq,IIiIIIiIIiIIII�IiIII I�LIII,�IIINiIIUIIIII , • 4• _-..• ._.:-. _ , I THANK Th Select ladies Ready, To -Wear Co. will tuirn the bargain flood loose. again, with still fur.. the*reductions at our stores. 1his• Sale commences Wednesday, Nov. 2nd., and lasts through -- Thanksgiving week. This Sale measures up, to ever}rthing• the word "Sake" means --a Sale head and shoulders above anything you have ever witnessed in Wingham. This Great Sale. was created for you, so don't ,miss it: Take part of it and' you will be thanks giving to i ourself„, - , T SPECIAL Y DRESSES • Very 'Stylish Tricotine Frocks, some_beaded and embroideF- ed,., some with ribbon' and: Wed tilnimings, .and; others .with fancy vestees, Regular, Sale Price' $25.00: 4 Special inTaffeta and Char- s meuse • Dresses,'; in ' Wavjr,. T: Black; - aKd Brown, • Regular ▪ $24,50 to $30.00, .....,....'. -1- Sale -Price_=$.17"..5074, Another 'Shipment of, :One-piece Serge Dresses, navy only, __ teoobestar'bxoide-red•= •taose'led. tie -belt, . .. . . , Special $10.50; Many Other Dress Values ,Not Boom : to Mention ,SKI RTS Ali -wool Skirts, Tricotines and "Novelty" F'laid.. Regular. $8.50 Sale''Price- '$6.50 All -wool Black, and .White, box- •" „ pleated Plaid, Reg. $11.50 • Selling at $9.00• - Serge Skirts; from $2;75- up to P.QO-- GRACE DAIIMOND, fiiith „ 13 a cspeciai esl , 1 . A oNiVen,s,J:th,t=, B.UUS'ES Special Reduction of $5,00 en 'all '• •Suits_ at_ this gaie.__-_-__These -;Snits include Velours, , Trio otines. and• Botany Serge, • • and✓ Fur -trimmed Suits..... • FURS. Natural' Wolf' -Sets, both pieces, madeof whole 'animal skin; Regular $40.00. ...., . Sale Price $35.00___ Black. & Brown *off ,Sets, Reg $45.00,; , Saire:trice 440.00 COATS "-- `-GULROSS- CENTRE- -• Hay-pressing,,is... the artier of- he- '.day, • ^ -Mrs 'A. Stanley; -of Kin-loss,.visited her- daughter, Mrs: .Geo.ltichardson; last weeks ; , 'Weare ;glad „ •tn .report that. Mr'. . John--14IcD-onald; who has_been coffin-. �,. ed to the house, is improving. - JvLiss,Scatt hes returned:,irorrr.-.Ter,, onto, ,where she has been' with her sister -'who• has been seriously ill, for - the past three weeks, - . ' - -Mr, Mid Mrl.. Har , McKague..at- - . tehdrd rte..xmnrel rf.. the latter's. uz� • ele,, the „late 11-• ohn Tlodgins,- Kinless, on. Tueschv of last week, Durr -Baird-0 iteclioorrilet ' or; ttie last time last Sunday, There Was an unusually' large attendance "of par-_ _eats ;and .children, -•as' well -as some - visitors_ _frore Teeswater, cool- 'EIGHTH CON, KINLOSS Earl Culbert, is sawing wood on the Tenth. Halinwe'en passed bffw very- uai l�ti in this vicinity:" •••. ; • Denzil Statterk spent the week -end at his home, Tenth Con. ' •_'.fr,,.:•Kenny ' Fin14Vson• .visitad .at-; Geo.' -Harris's -a - day-_ this week. - - Mr, Jos. Culbert is spending: a week with friends , in Lucen and .For- - est, - - Mr. and Mrs, Mdrd-O h Matheson were visitors 'at Kenneth. McLetid's' last Friday evening, Mr, and Mrs .Andy. Hamilton and family spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, James "Johnston, ! itinlaugh, _Ri-hard"- Baker- is buildi7ig*`ti hbmk. for his Ford those days. We` under- stand Wm; Congram is ,assisting hint. mob, •Harris is intending to _:.trend.: -Than esgiving •with• friends in' ,Rirr-..- card-ne, That's ;right, Bob! Take 'tile'. holiday, . , M Mr -s; Wim--Congrann - :home- -after •spending,-a-coetiff -of- weeks with ''relatives in Orangeville and Mount Forest. • We. are soY'ry . to hear that the little baby of Mr. and Mrs, Dave Houston very lack, We hope to hear• of better news soon, • �1•f91¢..,of,:_the iadiea=of•.=th lxestttate- • motored to Walkelton last Friday 'afternoon and 'served supper to tile` inreateYa.of_.the:i1ous - et-Reingt.41rer report everything' as being quite up to the mark, as the old people were well eared for and eomfortable, and not .a complaint was hoard • Beautiful 'Velour Coats, Some 'with Beaverine collars .and cuffs, • others with just fur. collars, ,Very'. newest shades '. of -.Browns- and Blues. But, • - ton *-and stitching trimmed;' Most of these are beautiful- ly lined throughout. - Price - froti. , ...... , $23.50 to $65.0'0, :.Heavy weight , Polo Velours. Some with • Seal collars and • �+'uffs, 2,ot rs_ !nth- buttons - ,and .twist -stitching A .splen. •• , did' buy. Come early,; .. . , Snap Price $15.95 Georgette Blouses, in . "etei Bail" and Balkan•' style, ' trimmed _- with =lace--and•-ties,- -in-•-•six shades. As hi : h as $6.50.: Still more of'.•:those dandy. - Drop Stitch Tiricolctte Blouses,. 6 shades,. Regular' $4.95... , . .Special fine ..line at $2.75 Also a 2..reel ,Century Comedy And fifth Episode of .he'Xing,of the Circus" EILLY 'THEATRE Siirmtalt, NOV. 5th. ' 3 -- 7 O- and 030 ' • . Also ._,Hilxertone_ I.�...eapecialr .nroll::_.._.-.._..: lined and' finished, Regular. • Sale -Price $21.50, Children's Coats and Dresses a Specialty 1 SELECT LADIES' READY40-'WEAR CO2' T -WINGHANi, -ONTARIO. IO Branches: --Wing ham and Goderieb. •' . He> uarters:-448 Queen St. West, ,T.oronto. A. ` .E. Il REXALL . •IDRUGGIST • IUCKNOW:. ec STO _On every Dollar Day -we have made friends by'. ' giyingextra value 'r every Dollar w ent in our store. ID November 4th. you --•will have -an- other ave- an -other, chance to make your dollars do extra duty. Check up your shoe needs for the ,family for the •Fall.We will have reduced prices in all lines. Very special prices in slmaii sizes in Ladies' -Shoes. ACKERT '"V& RAT 11 WEL ti.rrvwv�. _ -•#a;canYrnittee-rtJ`-•four �ladies�-fro the o yrooomen s n,stltute mo '-'red -•te Walkei°ton--iastj94:Friday--an Tuesday; •November -1st. - Master ovember 1st. -Master Harold McIntosh spent ,Snndary at his Koine here, - - Miss Eila iraunsall spent the week:- end eek`end with her friend, Miss D©an, Mc - Lead. Ilallirwie'en passed over very quiet. seemed to be the only excitement, The Women's Institute will meet a1; -'bb home ef'Mrs-3 Duncan Thomp- son on ' Thursday, November 3rd, Tonle,. "Flowers and Shrubs", Roll Call answered with . favorite ' flower, Visitor; woleomw , - - KINLOSS • • ;Mr. and Mrs ,Ike Stanley, of Pai ley, and Mrs; A. Stanley spent Su .day with Mr, and Mrs,' Garner ,Sts' ley, _ef...,ucknow „ Mr; Patterson and Mr, Fisher an family and Miss ,Tohnston, of Whit chureirranbrit Sandtiy"`witliJl r tti Mss. Walter Kaake, ' A number from here 'took, in t Anniversary. servkeq at drv,e, A7rel, Japhn weirrterataini and Ngii1. .6, o - a +*a .a• ., _..M. n .•... __..._ _,._.. . ▪ to • *▪ 41$1$'fog,