HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1921-11-03, Page 70101-010 1 FAA F F" V­T­Wvw'� - ­­ . ­ - . "'A T -11-vplwwltg� 1 4 o Cibip'. Sind Awl" ada 'YMATENED,U.. ED STATES RAILWAY NT can From Coat toCoast five -pointed aur�qf- Vancouver, R.C.—I week of -With Ws oak lcayw aV4 10 VMV� du 6ecoW STRIKE HAS BEEN CAK the -to, October -union jkttended, by mv* reak witb, its, Amwicag mental lots ef Cariadlan wheat 4re re mduatm, the eacle polsed upop the, tat, W11JOU Wro nc 'Authoriza-, ew go'to Jairan' Within the i1ext f mirly three thous 'Chiefs, of' "Big FivW' Brothe rhoods' -.Withdraw .1al to -word "Valor,!' now noW -weeks. The tctol Waked t unvoili the va far illi ng of a.'war memvr NO hborhood a 1,206, toa. The Gill's heroic dead,;=d' he Wern-lig or in flis, nave of Westpsinsf*r 1on-0 Waffiout After Seven Home Debat��-Wffl Ac-�. in the iiel t -the tomb, of t1to Ujlkw�,ft n 4nj the Ori Px I, .'ceot 12Yx Per Cent., Cut in Wages.' int6rest bovi% in Jpa I deg�w� an notablei. i 0 .)W. W -any co; neelin epresentativee of bey, 'K thexvi.Gtn.erl%jV0- entAs especially pleasing W Canodian in :fttrias. R grain Tnqn as - hithert, these eastern many foreign seatsof lecirxAg iatttid- 4j&g, lly und Vairade ot e �tated A 6espatch f- in Wi(�190 says:— executiver�. �of -the -113ij market-3.1lave'llecn'tontemt, with the ed. The geremonies were pres!4ed'1M0" 4084. plqc6d, the Congrawign 'Iroad men t tice 0 rai no railroad strie scheduled for y wova send h ;,Oft wh�elat- frlul, Arrperidan grain.dii- over by Gener4 EKr Arth)tr Currie, OW. of 116fion on 1134t b throughout the e6untry ''that lherl� triets. cGill and former C01, UU60" which hez.,be0ome the ayww, riilmonton,� Alta, 'A 1911 and. tkv: a, ilif,Britiot valor in valley- of adiart Urps Coniniliander. Lord By 'Ts 'hoen aban4"ed" ForniW: be no strike. prin�ival off M nouncernent -qw'nlade,�t rpiddght on The measages, it' iWd, an most pure ironAyinj oil Itheh6res, �f 'Of- V . y, Governor�.Generai, -preside4 great wOr�' i, Thursday by the "Big Five" er- ready ei, prepared* W e i9621 -be Medal "wate r de o h r and. V_- W. Beatt3,.,Presi nt f t e hoods,- The resolution whicli the, Bi4her- right to the Ottims, blas.been dis-cover, 0=,adian Pacific -Railway, offie*ted bi the most'signal di4incoon' Ani� e.Pn the arinouncemeib'f, eame', a or the hood adopted, calling off the strike, Am erlea an' give for dbedp of 'the m6st !s son, a§ Ch- *10r- Ong those On W-129 ed 'by. N. o -f xecaA�, . the stril�e order is lengthy;, It,�contains -a 9 lolig e -F ­nton. "BuRetin dc&eea. were distingulahed gallaptr3r, iq action. Ws had' &bated- seven h view.of 'tliq- negotiations a with ihe�. ceording to t1i Willb ti ri-Vbon- of atergd- 'we took th4 position t6t we c�qfd roodsand ih'e'Wder4jj0o.r Bmid.- Analysl� 40'f i�be s that it I, Aucklnd Gerd-�Jes, 'British Am-bac-sado-r d4corativiiieith il Ashingto denWof thei Of w 04J4 p I 00 n, tljf� pr blue flocked *it4 ur on W4D o W 4 ght the, Goveriinient," L, .0. Wliile no. aino-angement. 'iio 060q ton-, have at W �v�rsjties Yale, HivArva uled'&; *hite 6,0 thirtgen 4ars, he6, oeen'the *upreme OQ 000 Shei9pard, presiden� of' thq Order of been: inide,'Wwas saia.the Br4tbe been Princeton, and doritreqd the'l? hbnor f 'ih. Americag figliting an, i the_khaj?e -of se Railroad. tons, -Too lgre C,94dutdors iaid. ielit. the '12'Y AI T4sc by land or sen. ed th" th I .�Oiit. roductiori of,jas ly landl. lyqng* On, the of the 'ground I oil quebed. ita f 01 n- Si4e. f, the close o.d 0arin-an, C"aa "poet, cros of U41tese, shape on r shipirent' )ruinmnd: -�uranc& offh4"Labor' inflile ­acrosw the *atei to th -lihre QU 4 y atio" being. d ago, a'A Avrtli t minlfig�'di��r. N.B.—Ne-* Brun of tha� �Unku�" American SoU(jer raAl s., The xoads�'wx�y W611" 13'"'r4`given some . ays re em IWO ington. r b4ttle.' i��atkl, that, thp ads, iild not lot the Governin. t' fight thed TO wo shortly will rest at Arb w mids'umnler.seson I ...... -ask, tot- -piotest was against tlie rai�roalds -pnrss for further w9 gre reduct jons7 Regin S ad of '471,072 -he crown- thi� year, and many; It will bear the, royal crest, t aild not the Go.i,ernmehtbvt':d1nee pounds of wool f�rom, Saskateliewan. ed ibto Ocet6ber we -i withiri a yoa. en" k in! e Mon aTid, -th Growers, 'Picking wild raspberries in the vicin- Vicioria, eros f 6,6 British'Empire. could ra& peoV.e - were gago6i la�t -wee e red ribbon of the 'Only fourtebil. of -the general' corn- farms have, been forwarded to the -at roaeh thj) mittc 0 os d A w, a, this Associat'o arhuse. for ,A 'Vio ets and lilos' 1n "'For Velou" e Aampd.' through the*'Govein'tnent. -,ve knw it ome,306 mon, it was said., Cana iin Co-operatiie Wool ity of the 4cit�r� I The IegL a(, V() r aroy�ting the �ras, Mst to declare, the were also. blooming gei,,emljy� Silice 1856 it bes -been the, At 9 o'clock on 'rrld-dy 'mwping luton to recall the st0ke- order. season-. . Wool is still beinj recelveJ -sf higshly priz&d the most cvxezfvUy I Yarmuth N-S-Tlie hst twol mo ...... af the central forwarding station here, seen a, treni� 'u weeks -hay. ado s quRn-; guarded, decor -&tion that might &me and, the totr, clip f the season fr6m by way of Yar- to e .MARSHALL FOCH ON Refuse� to. Refund tity of aples th' iren the.fleets, qnd-arnlies this province will probal;lly 5GO -ar- VISIT T [Wouth. to Bo.9ton and' New York' In 'of Groat 'Britaii But 02 f'tbese 0 THt ST Allied,Debt -to U.S.' -000:poun4s. ATES kets. -' Jready some 31,000 barr0s. cros esp 'L I the'wetal of Rua-, n e�khibit Of four bip - shipped. ThOL top slan guuzi taken at.' Sebas ol.. Winnipeg Mn. -I -A have n S�T� aold's Pr'oviden'c'e W.. on A- qespAtch from Washington props are 56-poun �bxes of Manitoba. butter, good this, year. 'and shipp' ig. to Eng- granted in ..11 the ivar'betWeeii -1856 ar " d Wilj*preside Th�Q.-, Senate' -rejected, theW an say84 was eAlbited At'the British Dairy! I=d will an '1913. eiiice- very shortly, ................. a record vbte,,an ame Farmers' Association show, which' town, P4Z.I.-A.iiuihber �f r eid trjb,�te,to; the'dead - ..without -at Conference. d- -111,pnt to the- Tax Revision Bill, dpeneid,in:London, EnlglarRi, Oct,'18. ars 09 seiet6d and graded eed Great Britain has re3- A flospatch from oTi Boarl. directing the ecretary 'of' the It was made y, the' Crescent Pure tatoes have recentIly been pur6ased jign-ded. In his re6ssage to 3hesident Ste�wmdh ' ip Paris Eays:-4God P s, provi . Veasury to b-nniedihtely refund Milk Co.. of Winnipegi� and th - e Shoal here by a representative of an 1. -ardfi- ng the Amerf q . - influ- H ,g notifyi can Chief den!ce won the wRi; 1, f�el thq,�t the lAke Crc-�mery. Co., of. Shoal t7ec foreigh,- loans and calling* 1.enti&L fayrfiiers'. organ ve tat the Irrictoila Ctois haa r provI66ri-ce ill ' 'help for the iza-tion in the E- util' of int&est.,bk'th6 At- Man. Bpth these concerns hav6. Wb1 *N\:,w. Bn.gh�,nd States for seeding there. been conferred,. King'qeore' says .of t dia7l and Amer- prhire -,Edward Ig&nd. has made re� 'that dec wa - on tha it Januar NIMMMI, oation: ns, and' many Wzes at C4na N preside at the conference of nav- lied 'Gov6rnrnents after ican exhibitions.' 14 progress, in developing a "It 'has nevr yet ben*bestavod P : I mairkab tio-n-s-at'Wasibing-tora,".4ecl!ared Mr- 1,1922.' To C0,114MC-MOAATE. 100 YgARS, OF PEACE Toronto, Ont.JSab-treasurybranch� superior type -of seed. upon thd.s�tbj&t of anoth-er State, but O'bal'Foch,on-Thursday, adding with a pot- tn, xeadily I F , J The, arnbnd''rriep4t, Photograph. oi 'the - Peach. -Arch, recently, dedicated at Blaine, oft. the, es : for roe iving dep 'its oni Which -marketable at. good,, I.. trust and'the Arne�can4�6ple pin116, "A co�dition quienops tioyons,by' Senator OsI prices. Oitle, You L Alck�llar, Denjoer4t,- 4 r. per cent. be allowed,, the foremost poUto, grow6ra �nl' - wi boundary line- between British Columbia and Me State ot Washington, to tou interest vd the A. aempt the gift in o.rdeir -that tM sagkos' (,provided we are ivis!�)-. ..of Tennessee.. It �'directed" and I., ., � I 1� commemorate one,hundred years ofvq�ce betwee� Canada and the United. will be established, by theroviiice ot -1;9*id is Mr. M, J. McQueen, who British Empiro rilla-Y thus 1161y, ptLy its-,` ".The Mrshal A ipcho Nnstructed" the, �..Secr�tary'., of 4 , ''States." Ontario. The" offi�eG, in form' of fOr7lieAly raMed potatboes-in Maine for. ttibute. to a tomb .,;vli�h," 112�es' s valou i:L on a. vaeatidn in his onjo nt, and the Tr6asury to ali6ept- lolng�- k4teanks; will'be Opened at an ea,47 many ears and be�a�i� onviAt,&d eiriery deed of conispic ous i per- yme anticipation, of hds,visit as, the. ju' u term.' b6�d`s,: from� the. nations4 Ute.-itlid-ah alinounl6ement concerning that the. Islaiid. soil and climate I were -formed by, the- en of yout eea*��, of the Amezl!om gln. I tho Universe," 'ann6unced the tra w thexn' A the f -1, an ichem, wi even re adapt etb ovkfii the-Ijjifted. States* $11.,r Life' 0" Tern'S' an arni o e 11 . ed to Their growth. -fighine. f0tes, *h er by- land o#... am enjoying everY �nirwte 0600,000,600, for both th lady.' 11jEgad, vh�'d bett*rl" shortly be.mader. He'has iuecesziful1A4,pr�ved his con- sea,. upon the, ireetern fron�." a "Th my first�seia, voyif&.�' he.s,' id e prinei thL ''and unpaid interdst up '6. Our lives, ,yerenot of ofir own alee- lated the Sage of Chelsea when Mont7 e he. passing -Q%'.a tentions i 185 :ed't AmeTica:'MM a0ept the' VietoTie ber V5 9 PoL es;6ablisbment I itatoes,,.whic '�old i4i moms ngirely Cross iii the spirit' in Which it. is' ruai3�, 1, in accoidanceltion as thoee wo'grunible at fortune� h ard t e a T J, of the remark' the 19�2 .41e heard j � ";X? �e " first real rest I have ha4since the hj n( r ye -giniiii1g, of bbe th M I vers b See(L I 1.9,�rovi Avith the of. 1917 on(I are,fond of reminding us. We had no cil' n� 11 Y. was ceAe- offered,;,. in the spKt, tbot. jed .... .. The Df4wha ng, an on say. '�6-v re. 'OrL-%v en'we should her'to'plac as tie h- !e the fiveji atai%� Toys Sailor" J�t *Was anbonj jh&'few pas - 6W commencement of he war has the tomb In etminster, a , tribute -some of us ff, 'gers W�16 P -n - dzek, afth-ough come �Into'the vtrld,,, and' Cargo; of GeMa Voula ave made choices yastly dif- axrived �here� &n the. fx4igter.W`bst to, steadfak valor. -L PhAadel-,Uhia v" Ow Paris.-vue',foflling so.heavily'that OLDEST V.C.HERO Arri at Montreal r Kebar. -It -of toys - for tile, LiAilbr; .-he bad to-clin fe ent. We dlways�hae with u-4 fllbs.e 9 rul ond backward -look, to get. er wa. g to the r6pes.t,o keep TO' HONOR LATEST A despitteli from Montreal gais:�� ChiriStmas tra-de, to" 'th who. east �hp f lial Patriarckt. Armenien on his feet,�' He' In " hi. e, of W is stibad- to -be the fi of G dinkaj,-prixtaitelyto atte�d the din'ner the� suppoced superjor''felicitj of a; rst cargo quantity ermaii clo )cs, watches of German merchafid-i of any con�' and glassware. .The cargo W G 1"ed rg e an f Richards n Will, by le a t-f�ii' the�ben�flt Of a. da and lame CO'ns,tantino I nt that they did U L th t mod le sie to reach,� Canad%L inci, at; Antwerp anq. Rotterd-pah, .Iwm r a. a. p e.� Place'.MaOh-, Leaves on U.S. no -live in it.". They'tell cudeht 'and d rnf. are =10 e Mr. lohn G:. K �nt, 6ft6n..unr&cogji4zed' n W yotblLwe -tirtd, of- drn tinie� de t%veed aii,4 �oht,' the, aixicir s Grave. grow 'Market Report', August 3 �19& Weekly Armeni-an h, aa--o- -they would.. y bef(w 'and To"ronta, �G 4es �a,, ull, 6f vin, 'lani-efilation hus ad ro the i De 'r, -Mr.' L. �Bajbi Lreirely Ri mpro v'ement Tordntb. ip. - -9 . - hr S, yen, See- $ rol�lo, vVil! lipillul .01 ..)U* thi,y-(jesir%*- Mplle sigar, lb., Ieo 22-c. Manitoha. whoit4--:-N orthern retax -1"t and, had" visitors eirery afternoil. '6artli to grap Y. 'of the C_-uiadiaA- Armenian. No 2 Northern, r onlillioni-I We canl, on 'Vith -18 nominal - ey-60-30-1b. tins, 14% hb� D �le 1. 'to 1`cI F und has co I nlea-ted to me the s s av�.b6en -doh-', of his* 2LE..Ociat�' h 5 U t. were; not as of'aZ- `2- CV 48d; No.: IP '11"g lifo� nof T6.4, we, wi.��il: i nominal.; KO.: Vdtoa to .0 1 - 'a d.-,th higlib-A-1 I:b �1*ney V13r.-&z cla, n ..-it-aught to lie is. . .: I amunt 75'to $4.%-." yu lir� y nor' J�ays. fol' vali.�, Life Imposes the cnditioni; not *e 8 QW, .45c;'. e.�'tr No, I feed-' 45t.: No a ure was in i4suiess ed VIR U S r tely -VOUr head' aod Ale yr, -by, - unfoAuna are, -more nitoba barley -No. OW 68c. 31c; he- 22 to 24c- eooked,� .44 tol A 3T.e'�rS go, -uralAw W�s In 4K;'rolls, 27.t, 2,91 e tri work r k -' 4pw - oil Aht ing orde �-PerPetulate� -our.- eAll -the wl.sutle T, hail 6- b" Is, I Ong Oppcar-ed�-ofi­thc scene. to �3 c'- r4akfist. bacon, 27 -to, 3& - American corn-�_No. 58c, In jcin* to the Corre4 e t pandeiicy, on thti 6utsi dt'tendth'e'We"lil:ust���cc�nli�.or. perish.- Most 0 -pp specim brand' breafast -t'h niminal, Day � _11s. --- to. ft�Joternati exp,Qqte&� come --to - s4 Ur 01 Toring --n ernc '2 Sig, .(),to bUtlarl Ito sz agains . , I -tte �: Pi-6de�s much of, vOiat has -bee n ac" I'Mile 0 thsdiriment ii; ille oil 11, llCul�ed mexts-Ijong clear bc 4Ccii plihed. But M -v- enjoy.�eeeing also i Wrtrid. :fi� F oi;,p e. -are,, Hfill to 20c- iclear, n 1�ohalf ein London Ontario. Wheat -NO ingr, per iliful, im.jetiiq d"soedien& Tiii� A.*ijnn Fein Delegat W bellies, �8% to 20% 161A_ to. 17c-. 1. .vei 1.0s, t tile the verr knew the le -%ve ri� In to I V aaid, P - irid iv� Colllns,'-,� th'b Sinn ke 11ptress,ing ow�ing t lips "lictive phase. the *or,:, w. hil4 o t lic 611 of 0 tierces -�onsfr of.*ill lrnin� staxe us in the. lace, t6*:$1.02; No: I co-mmettial, 90-16 9 7 2�c,- p 3; 17 t': 18,c gorierations ale b�ing fe'41 %Aelte'rpd- will! c&'r lot, $1 to $1,05; No. 3 Winter, 97,c- alu it."L-We 5 t4 8 1 7 fobt of 7tho -I'll at, wbi,ch -is 0 ru nan-ce.: Ii hortening 7god- --by :fh' ef. on- the 1K but letter_known- 14 VLO;� 6: rin e help of rej Which the-- du - -Sp ing, -98 pi�in,6 94 -to �O% -9 t er ri: iq� �Vhil� the fifo islVe' ilef tierc 'to 19 %o; tu fuafiriin, th They tj e res .110,111 es 13 intal. hs08% to 14,--, g ei, h' th t would ­Republle4n Army.. -This. ph6tograph ' pails, 14. tD'14%c; prins..' 16 �9 lookitig le oap- i tal. 6t File, mikht'puns; eBarley-N.o. - 8, extra, 47 lbs, to er, & mine i ar-- or- ii to fo 10 0::rtl -great'Chnadian + le 1-a-lif-E 5-7 1 -by OVEedng,thefr obligation g, _r_U lnesi§ �-but-Lour.-I efu -rived-1-n-Lod 4reiglit8-outsi4r. Uhritian a,. thall; on thevertex 40 - hall f erfekt The G.AsUN... appOin C'. 1W, 1.s Bu&whe4t,�-_NO,. 2,,60 to 65c.,�' $.6; do, med. $4 herilbod 'r"lea;ibers the' P'p g' U6, VnitL love ai�d biloi for liii t �brou 11 _., :The nwm__,_who 6niplain are Ry -e -No. 2,: $Oe dov Imb -ice th 11, ffere�- tb butoh orrows of. i,:ever-�tortured. -$7.60 75-'40, M in I ation'';' sai, d Dr A-Wrl�; the �r' oiw�-rVirst -tubs., $5.60 C of`tbi� organ- Discipline Should Foliow Canada-U.S. 'Tace'4.Lod- td!s for theA it I Is -e I e t 11161hied to obey anitoba '11 h c Ai3tsteful. -scond pats., $7.10, Toronto. hi�xa *ays h, -s to, $4 paren llz,, 'good, $3.50 to.$4,, Be Wre that every, penny, -,of -your - W% er mem -r-,eac ey, Millfeed-­-Del.,, 'Montreal 'fteiirlit $2,50; d I v,; As a u ts, they 0 v3i� de- do' M, 9.5,0 the age-bf,..�s t -gs jhtlud�d -an per ton. $19, to RTC- o' -Ilijrj' bzi 3.,5 0-od coiltri utioms e -w Tro-ffin a Can -incrii, Tltff!, r-ong- - - dorth-. -per --r- p-tjons��Vphos(, k�ftPAWh -frbm-London, -Sags,:- j 50--_- dD�4,a­ii he -century to $4, of a wo�ld qL_Q-a- e- 4 e &I -h O`�_r. k1l, . . . . . . 50. a' a -o have-stadi6d : T of f�_ - I - rs.� .. P I . . __ I - . .. I n'or 'ih e�,- -n-f -ate"-nd- betw n� t tt"" 4., t -at' 4 purp'e-. ee jj t e d -St lope lil"It=01 Tas _nZver lost h IT hey have Idarne&,nothing., from the C eX I 1p -'en ry ton, No., 2, 22 -mixed $38'. a gn to pt tli a-,. , o- - -.! I Vj�COU 20 21--: $8 V. '"S Ser DbiloAP, Of' hialik T t to th& d fit affii�g a 96a wa cited -as-An $10 'to 1,12; do 'EY GRINABB -AFF-0 -;-rk�b:g-nlzed­-AWat -Na- W n,'--,' t -a 2-1 lt"21,, o$7 worki. - -, coln 12 penii, -T at -a Junch6on in his'h6wr. 5. to $5,50; sh chaqtise. a Old,' large, �2& to' 26c-. oi, good;- $.3 50 Pat .'r.ch 6�' Ar nei 25,1," to* �.Jo 27�� hoi, li'z b he Eng ce,, $4 to 04.50.1, d H. A ?I U h" ner who'd(jeg "4- ndhont, agreemon t0:: 24c. t to �3 obp etzi $8,;50 t6 -b-0- U .5 to Tli.( Wilether we* lik' it' oi- fell fron nry'. CAnada. din* -5 4Ve I ot, Are unde a in 'Cuntry d the I' eij�ij 'of: .12 to 4. No, .2, .8� to 406; cooRing, p y erVice,* L - . . Mode j I r it 'S he W 1 3- i r , : . . We nigh f6rin br.dother' t nsl StaieA, A.1; e arrmig 22 to. 24c. es Chan- 7hd i go I it.,*,' 7Wf ;_4 -1 - 2U(: 28c, V - Ives t �4 t Y'. 'Irk, to .,.,how; for U1421a, ii pui world-wide, lie ce. or,of,Me rill -niversityy ?Lresi ert n. 'to, 50 to 60e� &.'.No. 53 - to into; Balato I Z,t iny rdrev, w, 'W Aelt�-Y. Qf-.,th-, C.P. .'sa th 20 7X, 0. rl vi"Col y Livo: p kvti 11, 1' ptz. up n Oir ni( : �a a..- it. wil, 11 links. lie I �,v If his:ractit o� 25t, f,()WI, I to ed: oAts 13-f, '10 lbs,,. $2.90; to., $ "thio Romai thodeTA. ulflvorsity.. must icre .1 jL� on 6 h 'ni 0, ILI' r'V �t 'L -L t Ias. '0 mblin,- and- vurl �om 27 t $2,4 r itailatioil , vishek' -23y to ilell' of,.�both t e-'Hoithy (It 0 Inu i f 'A to 5c. -is he N�, the: United S.tatts Aniba'­,sdor gi, No,. 1 .4forage, 45 V) 413� .,t eq9,terhq., 14 htie orte, 'interned the the t 6 o Stuf.lics.,to ethe Offall na it fi;asl �._Jj t o 52c; new laid -Butter, t 38%c. wJ I col eof P 11. p4ge4. legi Plo r g, Harve, and ot` .48.c. to' the $4; until t o fig na men t 'and UniWd toq, Cat'l 0, Illod, to C( 0& I $2 56 to $,I r, 0 sd (1t I' -lind I leir yetniallent cide, n 'il offl de(j. the thif. tiniversitles, Inuat. to o $3.75., goo(r, -eothinent t b u "I'a �et leir: eon, e 'PoT. I Juncheon., ond qmib:,� serve t., 1,11 �.,or, iYnp, $8; ni oil i. $7 to,$ '9. . . of I., , ni .. .... 0 8'. extensiion:.,,vor�. ',Tis is' the ty'po, -of K. that Ontlrio's pr'tjv'1ncW unit, R y Gene' Bynes REGLA r, j wol in. veroity lia been ­doing,_ with. rnagniA.4 tra �ent re * sults� for some time. Aarb g vine during the i-esent zes�cdbn. something bu %4ck) p JjdL versity.-of Toronto I ne Ourn S s, over, 800 industrial laboreft, more we _who�_-ate__ta o15 r- �A % L the general �publie in the vinaller ask ul 4=_ 7 tendiin leictui s are artanged and one re oi twd hUnare gpecil%,j old wh6� u, y ti) tori Ktd t C11110seS. Wi intlIance, of the, pre�serlt devejoliment of Ina itout9ide s6 work -calkd, tho provjz�_ ling vial will soot), be �readiihj hes thous-ands*,hiore beyond Its wall* n a&.oihnwd&te Within them.. k, And it h� by this cmparatively ew of' k -vice in ddition to tho IRS -its didy to th, - eitiZons of Ontaric. I #ht 4,