HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1921-11-03, Page 5• 0
I \
�`fHE a Lt.101 NOW SENTINEL.. TUI1 DAY, NOVEMBER 3r., 1921 •
We teat Wednesday • elnd $atui-
day,. P.M. Get your can any day,'
Will, also buy limited quantity
of good cedar,, loge.
..�_D. ANDREW---
, 2641-tf.
• Unexcelled, Dining Car ,Service. '
• Sleeping • cars, pn Night Trains and
Parlor Cars on principal Day Trains.
Full information from any, Grand
Trunk Ticket 'Agent cr C E: Horn-
ng, District Passenger .Agent, 'Tor-
or+onto. a •
' F. ' F. Phillips, ' APent, Lucknow..•
C. P.'O S
The news ofthe death; of Wilfred
,Lionel. Kemp (Commodore) Williass,
son of Mr, and Mrs, R, S, Willar;Is,
of Toronto, formerly of Goderich,
was 'received in :Goderich with deep
regret. By his passing another of the
heroes' who suffered in the great war
for his country's sake, was,laid to
rest, He was wounded' at the Berme
in, November, 1916.. and after .#pend-
ing many months in the hospitals of
England, . he was. invalid8d home in.
1918\ Hoping Abet .a change of clim-
'ate Weuld restore his gradually fail-
ing health he and Mrs. Williams went
to the (Barbi/does' in October, 1919;
but after'spendina six months there
he.' was,,, forced to return home. no'
gain : in stregth being, znade. Just a•
few days prior to his death he enter-
ed,' Christie Street.', Military Hospital
for`treatmelit, where his death. took
place.°early last Saturday morning
'lith -body ,,was brought to Coderieh• on
the evening `train . Saturday and ori'
Sunday :afternoon the funeral` took
place from St. George's . church to
Maitland Cemetery. Rev. S. S. Hardy•
officiated, At •the graveside the • de.•
ceased's militryiservice was iitting-
ly,recognized by the sounding 'of the
Last. Post and the'presence of a tiring
party. In additioifto his parents, the.
subject of this notice is survived by
one sister, Miss •Ethel• Williams, of
'Toronto, one brother,. Hayden, who
is in China with the :Chinese Ameri-
can Bank of Commerce, an4. two
small children, a son aged five, and a
daughter' aged two years. The body
was accompanied to Goderich by kr.
R. S, .Williams andMiss ,Williams.
Stands for Canadian Pacific' Ocean
. • Service, but with us it means
'Courteous, Polite; Obliging Service -
Highest Cash Prices for • . .
Cream, Eggs and. Poultry
Our advice would be to .sell :your
poultry early •this year, •Prices are
,expected to . be niuch lower than
last year.,
SI LVE,� W'00 DSS...
;A:F. &:A.M., G:R C..01d•Light Ledge
meets every Thursday night on or.
__ _._,..before the fii1L moon,:::ui the._Mas ._
onie Hall, Havelock St., Lucknow.
Gr Mackenzie;
W T_
S .Reid, J.R., J. 'McQuaig; Sec,
= Mr A:' Nilson.
Lucknow. : L.O.L.; No. 428, meet. in
their lodge room every second Tues
day of the Month at`8 o'clock p.m.
...._ � .q..:Jass.-'.resins
NOTICE is. herby' given.as direct -
'ed by the •Assessment Act
1914, Sec. 149, S.S. 1, •than a Sale of
lands for Arrears of Taxes in. the
Walkerton . District will be held at
hour of 10• o'clock a,m. ,at; the Coun-
cil 'Chamber. of• the ' County Buildings
in. the Town' of Walkerton, on Fri-
day, '4th day of. November, 1921. ;
whenthere will be. offered 'for „sate:
by •public auction unless thea Taxes
arid charges are sooner ppaid.• the fol-
lowing described lands ih the Village
4. •Luckknnnw, • •' •
Village Lot 82, Amount of Taxes •
and Charges. $40.11 ,
Also lands in 'the Township of Bruce
as shown. in ,-the advertised list of
lands in the county.; of • Bruce to' be
sold for- Taxes as published' in the
"Ontario' Gazette" in its issues of
Juiy•.80th.'to August 20th;: 1921, in-.
cliisivet: a : copy of. which niay be ob-
tained on application- to, the under- .
. If -an adjourned sale be equired
will: be held 'on Friday, November 18.
1921, at the hour and place'. above'
'named. - • ,
Treasureraf the -County-:of.-Bruce.
• Dated"" at' Walkerton. 5th;
1921. r:;; t'�••
-AGR CU 'S .
The Ontario Department .of Agri-
culture is this year to give a. "Short'
Course" in Agriculture for men; and
in Domestic Science. and Home Nurs-•
ing,, for. women, ;at; W'inglia'm,' Tlie
nourse will: open on: November_28th.
and -last for:: three months; It as an
enlargement 'of the one-month course l'
given in previous years. 'Should the
courses . prove' .popular ,and be sue-
,cessful,, they will he 'continued next
year, and may be made permanent.
Students from Huron, Bruce, Wel-
lington 'and, Perth will be welcome, I:
and there is no charge for tuition in'
any case, , ,. • .
The' enterprise" is being, strongly.
.Supported locally- The :varlots'town
ships in the neighborhood axe con-
tributing prizes for bods and 'girls;
and John Joynt, M,P.P., is donating,
,one ' hundred dollars to be given in.
prizes, ,The,' Town 'Counii of Wing-
ham isgiving the 'use of the Council;
Chamber. with. light 'and beat, and
the government is •giving the ,usa of
tile Armory for the men's classes.
Laferature • outlining' the ' Courses,
will be, issued in the near. future
This' can' be ,bad free .:on application
to the Agrioultural: representative at
.A puhlze meeting ;in, th�l , nterests -
of . the courses 'will be held in : the.
Wingham .Town : Hall on' November'
16th., and will be addressed b' • the
'Hon, 'M. W. Doherty,, Minister . of
(Intended for last week)
Mrs. C. Hetherington, of Wing -
ham,. spent, the week=end with her
neice; Mrs. Earl Culbert,
Mr. 'and Mrs. Walter Hodgins. and
Mr. arid :Mrs. Duncan • Thompson call-
ed' on friends on'"this iine'on Sunday
evening. •
-We notice on of thew young .gentle-
men `on our Concession, is frequently
seen going : east; : 01d _ scenes are•
brightest, old friends. dearest._ LIN,
Donnie! " " , '
Mr, and Mrs. Murdoch Matheson
were `pleasantly surprised on W.ed-
nesday evening ' last, when their
friends and neighbors': called at their
home • to spend a few hours: .with
them. Mr: and Mrs. Matheson, haying
just returned from 'spending ' their.
•honeymoon , abroad, were quite in the
best : of spirits, arid : welcozped • their
guests with much heartiness. During
the evening an impromptu' program
• ,was given' :and an . address to the
bride` and • groom:. read; following
which a presentation pf a 'substantial
purse ($52;00) was 'made. Mr, and
Mrs, 'Matheson thanked .'them in a
very nice manner. The ..rest of the 1'
evening was passed in music and
For every man'who has lost his
life' by• what he did` `in the' five
mingles "a hundred inen have died
because of what they had""been..do
ing in the last ., five 'years?'
N •
Life is made up of habits. There is
the health habit. And also the;,habit
of. ill -health. "It is surprising what a
lot of people' have. . developed -the
latter. • •0
What hosts of :women -havebilious
spells and bilious headaches : about
-every eo often,. year in:and year 'out;
. and never . think of correcting • the ; ' ; •
action of the liver, and ,thereby` re -.n.
• .moving the cause of•this oft -recurring
purify the blood, . 'there is nothing
like Dr, Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills.
-By using on a pill a dose at bedtime
'two. or 'three times a ,week, just as
often as is necessary to keep the
bowels' regular, you will in a few
weeks restorethe healthful action of
these` filtering and excretory organa
They have formed the habit of be •.
ing bilious..
Many are the men, indoor workkers.
itwellas those Who spend their time
i`a the P o eh-• who frequently suffer
• ,•
from backache, and -yet' neglect to get
'the kidneys in healthful condition.
It is. the. backache "habit which is
robbing. life of its pleasure's for them. ':4 „../.
G „"/
These are dangerous habit's:.
Some people live for many years. Bilious Headache
On -Sunda =morning Octob• r 23rt1 --
Y r e
Mr. John Hodgins, an'old-resident' of
Kinloss Village, died at' the age of 83.,.
He was born at 'Clandeboye,, butlived
in Kinloss for seventy.. years,
.a...farmer_until'.-=about-,g5• years ago; •
when he went into the merchantile
"bus;n'ess:`:Bis v✓ife wasirannah"Y •ar
risen, of King Tpr, York Co., who'sur-
wives Vim with
one son • Lorri
e. Their
H L;
died seven years ago: A brother of
Mr. Hodgins lives in Detroit and a
sister 'at Clandeboye. He ,was a 11f eth-
odist and an Orangeman:. He was well.
known,. all • over the - Kinloss district
and respected 'wherever known,' The
funeral took place on_ Tuesday • to
Kincardine Cemetery; _.
with their systems poisoned fly 1m- Mrs. John Ireland, R. R. No. 2'; Ling, Ont.,
purities -they Hire 'and suffer. writes.: '
'Others soon. develop $right's dis
ease; :'diabetes, thigh' blood pz`esstlre, or
hardening of the arteries, and -quickly
have their lives snuffed out.
The • greatest rule : of.. health, is.
mr`daily movemen • of "the: bowels.'
This •is also the most valuable of
health habitts. -
To get back . to this -rule, to awaken_
the sluggish action of'the liver' and
:kidneys, to 'cleanse: the system and
and'correct any deran$ements, of the
digestive system.
Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills
will help you as nothing else can to.
• get back :to the habit of healthful
• You will live a longer and a happier
life by reason of their - us :
These letters will interest you, and
a' test of Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver
• Pills will • :pr'ove their exceptional
merits in relieving the :common,
every -day. 'ills and preventing the
more :Serious ons.' ' Edmanson,
Bates & Co., Ltd., Toronto..
Kidney Troupe
Mr. George Stevenson, Rounthwaite, Mtn.,
writes : ; .
"For seven months I. suffered frgm Kid-
- ney trouble, backache and . dizzy. 'turns, and
• could get no 'relief. , My back• . ached so. ee
.verely 'that I could not turn in bed, and
'finally I .had to' quit work. One •day I re-.
ceived a copy of Dr. Chase's Almanac
throughthe mach and atter reading how
highly • Dr: Chase's' f{idn :•y -Lit r Pills were
recommended, I gave -them -a trial. ' I •had
• triedvarious other • pills and remedies with,
no effect .whatever, but in;mediately'I start
. ed. using Dr. Chase s Kidney -Liver Pi110 I
• got relief, and two: boxes made me welL"
"I wasa_great'sufferer--from- severe head-
aches and bilious spells. -:I, tried a number •
of remedies without obtaining any benefit -
until I was advised to :use .Dr: . Chase's
Kinriey-Liver Pills..'/ These completely re
lreVed me, and . made me . feel 'like .a ,new
person..'- Lam .very 'gratejil to Dr. --Chases
medicines -for what they have • done -for-nre-'�
and -you may.nse my letter for the benefit of • • •
rs iiuntsville
"�I�i Glebrge--Wea,the r
I *AV: YYpubled with rlieu-inatisrrf�'�2ot<
eighteen years, and although I tried• a num-
ber of different •treatments. nothing did me
any ,good. Finally I tried. Dr. Chase's, Kid-
ney.Liver I!i,ls, and can truthfully say they
completely relieved .rite."'
.Blood 1 ressu re
,onger WearBetter Value
Wearing .: rubbers all da . is tiresome, but :':`since rubbers are necessary, • '.
_ g � , � eSSAls�.
why _not wear Ames Holden Rubber Footwear ? • Each pair_ conjbines
the Watt weight'' with the longest possible wear.
Ce -:have:: always* believed that=scl
.: •pence, would,,find -a--way4o-replace .nate
ures' bountiful gifts 'such' -as wood
and', coal, .when wasteful' humanity
had wised up :the --supply* tosuch: an
extent .as to__create real .sliffeuing,
--but-wb_had--- ne-ver ; antic"ipa'ted. -: the.
time when•we could -heat a•houSedur-
ing a'longwinter-:onliaTf 'a•pbund of
'coat 'thi ho ever iso -
s, w , the ast and
ing ,promise made b.y Dr; H. B. Kip-
per, 'an industrial chemist; whe-Thas.
evoted 1liteea years t� a , Study of
the atom"and. the 'structure 'sof the
matter. tor, 'Kipper claims that when
we are able to aPycontrol' 1. .and
atomic energy.., man may :lug ,on kris
"back power enough to carry an air-
plane across the continent and to
keep.,his' house.'t.00l. in`s.uz4iiner.: and
warm in. winter. '•
We don't claim.. understand •sci-
ence ;-not to,this extent. But we have,
every -confidence in -the inventive gen;
ius eel 'the human brain and in the
motored -up forces oe::nature;-iio*-that
'we can talk across the continent
without •even the use of a wire; now
that we can spend an • evening listen;-
ing _ too. Cartiso'a,.ainging,_thaugh--the_
great :tenor`i ,:dead' r►ow.'ihst we;eali
do a thousand and one ,things former-
1UId te4 .OlrAWal ig'tb. ise=.
lieve that what now seems imposs-
iblewill become actual and common-
place as necessity_ goads us onto fur
. ther study and experimentation. —.
Wilson (N. Y.) Star,
This ion er, life is built into each paiewith The men who design and make these shoes:
pure rubber, pressure_ cured,..a id _extra_ • have been Working—Pitt— your footwear:probletn9
strength' where the wear comes. See' the for years: Their knowledge of !materials and..
heavy ribbing unlet tine= 1aces:-'This is only :rubber shoe -making .make's—Ames :Holdezr' -:
chid -of thein _. c ial s"eati .. ft'i3ll:e, It bbea +' twearthe`grea t Tal - •cum ,
possible for .us to back up the sweeping. '.:buy. Let us fit you with
guarantee on every pair.
Look for the Ainee Holden
mark: on every par
FOR ;&LE BY- ,..
3 F. D. MacLENNAN ._
1- ; CN A T 5*,y*, 7 - ONTARIO.
:(]roar The WalkertoTelescoge•
Hon.- ,T, ;A: Crerar, leader of the
Progressives, who spoke at:the Town
Ball. on Friday evening was in
• 'Com -
par tivel. unknown figure:in West.
ern Ontario until last week, Every-
where on Tiffs ,present tour Tie has
been speaking to .audiences' who had Methodists lead, all other• denoi ina-
never heard hire, before and were out Aims_ ut number :..:of_.prisoners,_no_less-
,,to'' size him up. Everywhere he .has
made-. distinctly favorable: impres
-sion. -Of -tall and pres...
`-ei ', - u and ; r D:Wier-
register "sincerity" Mr Crerar strik-
es one at once as -being a very fine
type • of •a man,. His smile is -the kind
that"wins` friends' at once Hes "sit °'s`
in _a sort ;of: ,Conversational tone and ing denominations 'sent .'a 'total of 8
has not aset developed y p great ora- -into 'dmtlnce vile m the :above •Caren
..ability,..,,1_ _y w. .-dat:vy,.eax ,`Tie,. effect of..marriage on.
• torics!• He • la;� dowp his
promises carefully and proceeds Logi,•:. the hunian race, as far -as prison stagy
cally, to the conclusion of• his argu- : tistics are' concerned, is shown' by the •
fact that .14 of the offending . males
and all but: one of the ..delinquent fed
males had been joined in- wedlocirat
sions _which- are not..._justified by his: one time or, other of their careei°a,
promises.. His -addresses are the .kind while •.of those, who :remained sifxgle�
only, 1' spinster.went bad. to 30 bach:
The statistics ,of. the ' Walkerton
7sif or the year' -exiding '-Sept " 30th , i --
-lo21; ;show r a t'atai t119�prison
ers were in and out'' of the jail during
the year, of which- 44 were males
anti 5 _were' females, . thus showing,
that the sons. of_Adam • have offended
in ..this ,•county nearly 9; times
much as the daughters of Eve, The
than. •11 of the male sinners being
followers of the late. John Wesley; .
- The --Anglicans and Pres'byteriazis
e - -or - seconcr-yla ce, sac iar•,nig
contributed 10 ",to the local cells.
The Roman Catholics follow with..4
black sheep •'fromthe flock darken
ing' the jail records; All : the iceznain
ment. His audience is impressed with.
his deternpnatidnto be fair ;to.:his
opponents and to draw. no : conclu
tjiat leave a lot' of replying for his
'opponents • to do.' Mr. Crerar is
preaching .'rather' a new gospel to
eastern ears. He -has- won- the•7iz'iend=
l`yM respect of Ontario, 1e niay notpbe
�ahie- ta:,convince-the_ majority•of On
tartans” rthe 'shundridss'oi'"Its "polit-
ical doctrines, but he hes given them
something to think about and , many
'people wha':IMO '; pefit-the;r"'11 fr=fiitle
admiring the National, 1'.'irt, •will-
have their "smtig' attitude `••udely• dis=
,,tltrbrrl when they hear the lion. Toni
( rnrar 'present the Case' from his
Home nowadays is where the fain-
*auto may happen to be parked.—
The Pacific Legiona'
Lon are net -�
OZEIVIA Ox he rtrI4t;e•
•meen or. Ezaan ,
. e • ,tf
tions. It Colic tie8 at ee •. c i.,.4
idlybeats the skill. b.tinila. t
ee'r intment! free If. you nrent,
tied ndl tri p for stn. e. 1St feof•Nwt
�• a
eters who• fell by the way.. In other
wards, Walkerton. .prison.. •records
_;Chow that, matrimony has a diverse
effect upon the sexes, and that while
-over-twice' <' rt .Ple- 111111W
to jail a;i ilii: id' ; n, .t exactly
four" t ` ria , ' my cidde: ladies
get behind the. bar th( dingle_
lasses.—Bruce Times, '
Headache, Neuralgia, Rheumatic, Back-
ache, Sciatic and Ovarian Paint. One
And therein is gone'• Guarrnteed' Slade
and Sure. , Pricy 300.
Sold by A E. McKim' •
Good plumbing in • your hone is
a source . of pleasure to the whole- •-=t
househgld.• • • , '
' Any handy man can install bath--'
appearance, but the vital parte
of-' aP lumb in
ob are concealed..
-under the--floorr and se :
� q1ire thez.
_workmanship , of a real mechanic, '•
.;,Be' sure to consult .us • . before . -,placing
:We handle 'the well-known Hec-
la '-'Pipeless, , and the Empire
King Pipe or Pipeless Furnaces.
es. -•furnace .installed-
by-- -u,s
are " a : pleasure , to operate; 'and
give A• No. 1heating results.
Headquat te_r_s _:„for. _.:Eavetroug_.;;..
ing, Sheet Mnd• :Metal Work aElec-
Cj'.orl:�, . .
Special Attention Paid 'to . 'All l
.Country. Work,'
G:. DRllNNK'i A'LTE'R,-'
•Phone 158, Lucknow
1011N;STIITHERPINtrai-SiVS ria;`. 4 - ,:.....:
Guelph, Ont., Insurance, Fire and
i.O.O.F. 'Luckno;v Lodge meets eery'
Friday evening at 8 o'clock* in their
Dail, Campbell greet. All brethren
' Cordially invited.••'Ofilcersy Noble
Grand, Robt..Johnston; Vice'Grand,
Arch. Barbour; : Rec. Sec., E. Aitchi.
son; Fin. Secs lir, Pilter*on, Treas.
urs;„ Alex. Rohs. '