HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1921-10-13, Page 5TQ .•t: JOPN SUTHEfLANI) ilk SONS, Ltd; • Guelph, Ont., Insurance; Fire and Marble, CR AM *ANTED" SEAFORT1. C. klEAMERY CALI. ,ANY •DAY AND GET A CAN AT T. SMITH'S STORE. We teet. Wednegday and Satire • day, F.M. Get,your can any day. Win also' buy limited quantity ° ofd anod •cedar'logs. • 'WE WILL :APRECIATE YOUR ' PATRONAGE. ' D; ANDREW 25-11-tf.: GRAND TRUNK EM • j THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE. Between -- MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT and :CHICAGO 44.Tnexcelled• Dining Car Service. '. Sleeping••cars on Night•Trans aril Parlor Cars on principal Day Trains. Full iirformation from any Gram! Trunk Ticket Agent cf C. E. Horn - . N •mgOistrict Passenger ,Agent, Tor: • onto.. ' ' F. Phillips. ACent, Lucknow. C. P. 0. Stands for •(J nadian Pacific Ocean • • Service, but with its it weans . Courteous,' Polite, .Obliging. Service Highest Cash Prices. for Cream, Eggs and 'Poultry Our - -advice would be to sell your -poultry early this. year Prices are' 'expected 'to be • much lower .ithari • . last ear. . .• SEI.L-NOW . . .4-1V-EiRW GO DS PHONE 47, KNOW AF. & A.M.; G i.C. • Old Light ,Lodge' • ., meets every Thursday ,night on or - before the Iu1flnoon, in the Maa- onic Hail, Havelock $t., Luckrrow.: W.M,, N. G. Mackenzie; _S W„ T. Raid. J.W. J. c"uai' Sec., .A.: Wilson; CROOKS AND THE BANKS Thi safe -makers ai, l .• safe-break- ers carry on a continual struggle for Supremacy,like the riiakers of shells and the makers, i,f 1 -::ell -proof steel, is well known, and in the same • way .the banks and the, check, swindlers are engaged in: a .contest of wita, with• the swindlers„usualy'about one jump tothe good. Not long ; go a crook, took a' large sum .of money' from, a Toronto bank bymneans,'not •of ged signature sof the drawer' of a check, but the forged' initials of the clerk whose .business it was to cert- ify. that there was :,,sufficient funds tomeet the:check,',and the Stamp of certification. He presented, the.. uncer- tified check for. payment, .and ,was told •by the teller, to whrim the'mar• and, signature wed unknown, that hi would have .4 get the check xuarked;` He • turned towards the ,wicket..of the accountant, and in .a few moments came back with thecheck apparently. certifid. It then was 'cashed; This s, rndler, no doubt, appeared at• -the. hank with two checks, one alrea=dy. fb.rked with the initial :and bstampl and the other . requiring certification. The assumption of the .paying teller that the .customer had had the check' initialed almost . under. his' own .eyes led him to pay the .money; The Smoothest of • A'll • About twenty' years -ago; ova little• more,. three or 'four Toronto bahks 'Were the victims of ogre 'of the neatest Swindlesever put "over, A man open ad .an account of several hundred • dol- . -lar in two or three banks. • He drew on them frequently for Small -a- mounts, 'always' presenting the'• check in person, so • that his face became familiar • to. •the tellers:. One -day liar went' the rounds of :the banks,.with ".checks which- he had the accountants initial, Instead of immediately pie, senting them; for payment, he 'went' home and. raised the checks, On. the 'following • Saturday, 'shortly . be- fore the•.tirne the banks closed, he ap: peered With the forged checks:bear ing the accountant's certification., and they were cashed:, Protected by eerforations , He chose ,.Saturday, just before elo5ing . tine; because the • tellers' would bebusy, arid also because be= fore the.. swindle could be discovered, he would have. '•two ,days' start, One sign a cheek payable' to Wilson which teller, as he paid :the ' money out, was mailed to'the addi!es given 'on • seemed :slightly dubious,_.and.eounted the bill. Thera the clerk .received the 'yery deliberately.-Ta--fiilm -they-swind-- :":check, endorsed• and -cashed' it, The. ler remarked,: "Y'ou'll..have those bills . court', in this case held.. that the firm 'all worn hut•by"the tirne.I get them:" was-liabld,since the ease ,N•as•one .of smiled genially, and ,the ,money impersonation•,and .theft— the bank had, :was handed :over:. Ile .wash never- in fact;.paid--the money to the• peiaon_ , n ..i. whom: .:T.o. prevent, swindles of. this «horn.:the.coriipany,•zn°tendeil, • THE , LU.CKNQ THURSIDA OCTOBI 1t; fSth, 1921. _ __ . _. _ _- __ •..��-.tea.. SJDECIA �A AT THE FAMILY TREATIiE Saturday, October 15 p. UTVRI.: CJtwin t -wond erfui This Guarantee Cines .¢ You Bettor Rubber' Footwear s nosabet1e s ever; sold is fastened to. • each pa t Ames Hoiden Rubber Foot aewhat it sa s: • . " Every pair of Ames HcIden Rubber Footwear is guaranteed to outwear any pair of similar • shoes of any other mak, sold a: the same. p;ice and worn under the sante conditions." It protects you against inferior woi'1 manakip and material's, and assures , the greatest possible; value for the .pric you pay. every Or wasn't made right -with the right materials -pure rubber and stout strong fabric and linings - this guarantee wouldn't be possible. No matter what you need•in rubber footwear, we want youto try a pair. and satisfy yourself that the best is Look for the Ames Holden•maik on every pair. OL EINT EIVPOOTWEAli Ne. i\1 %� • dont. fella sole I sot the *raw dest scheme• for oolin.' the villuns-in this pickchur. - Dont miss me and me, dot, Mickey`! .: BREEZY E.A5ON UNIVERSAL,. • SPECIAL- ATTRACTION •• Directed 6y Reeves Ea son 7.30 and. 9.10 P. M. Admission: 25 and 15c. For Sale. By . . F. D. MCLENNAN, L OCHALSH, .: . ONTARIO • 1%44'4 - • kind the banks adopted the rf peara_ Csystem, -which announces- :that: tlre.check;i;£,.not fez. more _than:a.cer7, twin a anount, A check thus stamped, could•n--Fe. paisecl....111-the,ease of the„ latest_ swindle,; apparently} the check •,. .Room III. was •not perforated, 'and though ,: ibe -- JIM*, Class- Excellent= Marion` swindler had no account -in the bank, Stewart*, . Billy •„Henderson*', Living theteller seeiri the a' ,, g pparent'.initials stop 1C'Tenary.,lgoocl=,Alex;; fl,ildrewik,;:. of the accountant„did:trot-hesitate to Norman Wilson*,'Elizabeth MaeDozi= surrender the money: ald ,: Winnifred NiS:on*,•: ':Margaret. -” LLT -Bank -oscs :1>'cQu%11in, Robbie'Purvis, •Tarr .G`e .'. In Canada and the;. United 'States when, there . is -a -forgery--the -bank: _ Senior Class--Excellent-Rena '1VIc- son from whom it thought it ' had. bought. goads. ' 1 _o o_�_• LUCKl<'OW SCHOOL REPORT: r'Responsibilit ;does not end when yon have.bon'g1it a Front ,..6 Lacing :o. _- . - atiTiit-. __. v ._. _ . - ts:: • t return.;:it:, ` There.is .: You must be,sa sfied.• � does drat- gr e--al�sne )%rstlfies ,t cost,t • ybd-.style to-mak—you�ha-ppy.-if-Lit--does corsex:tete-in-our_ coErsot-department-.. , :mot give:you.•nom.fort. beyond'price ;'if it'.'but- will take. a personal pride rn; your •;: does ; not give you a wearing ••-service - that -satisfaction - - n . �.e loser• . ',If--aswndler;'is,'' ele'ver�- enougfi_to_ inritate::theY;signature:„of u' depotitor who has, an account so.that ' I:0 0. F. Lucknow Lodge meets every `rirlay evening 1t=S'`o'clo in th rs, Hall, Campbell street. 'All brethren .;cordially -invited. ., 'Officers: Noble Grand-, Ebbt. Johnston,, Vice_:Grand,. ' • Arch.' Barbour; Rec. Sec:, E. AMA= son;- Fin. Sec., Dr: Paterson; Treas. urer.. Alex _'Ross • - Lucki ow'• -L O L., -Now -428,. meet in. seir=lukkge --'vI eaniad.:Taxes~ slay ;of= the month ,at 8 o'clock : p.m. WaM,, Jas. Irwin Rec. • Sec'y., Wm: McQuiilin.' • 'GODERICH C; ..Leij ayd,- of. Wiigharn, was 'sentenced yesterday in the local per. cecourt>•by Magistrate' Reid to' spend -a six months in the 9oderich jail, This caused_ ciderable interest .c s _.has a sed__ons considerable .. in the' community, as it was the first. - ilit `that 1-Myt)rie mixt- been-,-ebarged_. . with 'a seoond .•offense :,tif :ainat the QTA; I.t w:as proved in court a week ago '• tbat ;Lepard had sold five gallons of gw iprg: whiskey=for'. $75 .irt,.the miont l ofo August, and about ,two months previous he- had been- _warned_by-rte, of "-b iiIg -fitted court • tp tile' extent g $500' and' costs' for a stmifar offense: . Crown. Attorney,..Selmer acted for. Inspector Pellow, acid Dudley Holmes of .Wingham, for Lenard. • J. J. Merner, member in the last parliament for South Huron; is again the choice of theConservative Party in that riding; His opponent is the - same as in 1917, Mr; Thomas Me* ' Millan. . You aro not az periment- •tag when Oou use 1)r. bese's Ont. runt for'Eczema and akin Irrita- tions. I t relieves at once ant gradu•� L t x Dr. tUIYy heals .the skin. satanicao Cb re's Otntment free • it you montion.thta a brl r►1b d-oelliainP for Satei asCoo, 1144 avu the bank '`Will be •deceived, then the' lrxss fallsxon.the._bank not en t}ie de- 'Pari Geon a McTttnes,� • Dean z11114n nes,:Blan2he I'iinner-a`•,- •Harvey VV:eb= sten, Calvin;Blitistein•*, Jttmes• Baker, Wilhelmine Agar,•:Dat•e Milne, Sadie. Doni*s 1VIa `y- Douglas*,'' • Jessie. Steviart',-Good-Pearl: Maxon*, Rob- e'rt Ma Callum, -Gordon `Frsher, 'lei= encs.:MeIri,nes*, Kenneth Thont.pson*. postt3r Iii' England• :it' ;is: different' .The loser .is' the depositor. whose' sig: nature has been ;forged. To .protect' :thenisel:-ves against thisEnglish :..Je\vat't Lenora •Webster. • , Those marked (*) 'have been neith- er late nor absent during the month. J: -MacCallum,, Tea'eher•,' Roonr'1V -.• Names aiMe_in order of Jr: IV-•Winnifred ' Dor •las,: 'Belle ` irderison, Morgan ..fi,enderson rani MacKen ie;. Walter Eaton, Ewart Webster, Claire Milne; Gordon :John - check -makers " cross their checks; which means.. that they will be paid only through the'='clearing : house;, -'In this case -the endorsement wilT usual= _ly_he verified.by •ihe_eo etrng-•bank,.,. y -of 411 -bait "- hatr while ,they are familiar .with. the- sig- natures of; their depositors, they 'are not; as a rule,• familiar with. the sig; nattires..ot.: those:.>Vvh� ezYdorse. cheilcs,. and ',unless the rtnake.. ;a thorough -identification; of *familiar. payees 'or until depositors , describe:, thein .in de tail; thebanks' are likely td be de- , frauded. A - • A A. Pdint.of Law ' „Insome cases the ,courts find it dif,cult to discover whether the bank oto.:tire-depos:iter-:�slroulcl.,�-6e�.heid � ro--- ponsibleler s loss. • In one well-_ known - American ,case : the ' employee of a firm rented' a Post -office box in' the name of James Wilson, X11 lnted` let :4 heat t and3a7peia :an ecce ii t_ `MISS MARTIN, Corsetterr,e, is ready togive' you the fitting. you need., This is a special service .We have for Ladies, • Sr.. IV -.lean Steinert;' Margaret Geddes, Peter •Mortis,^ Clarence die, Mary Anderson, Andrew Thomp- son, Cecelia' Pinner, 'Willie - Sproul, Elliott-Burnsr Lotti S lit Camp- bell_ n h am.p bell_ Thompson*, .('k) Absent for part of the month, Celina .iii . �Clar1: Teacher. • SCffIOOi It POR 'S S:• 8, •T o. 7,, I inloss. No. on Roll, 19';; 'average.,attend- ance, 14, • V• 'Total` `1'005 1tiI: Stewart; as Wilson with his employer' ank. 037, C, Firmer, 721. ' T1 ea be ivade.:0tit .a Jail1._ta.tbie otu, - ._.III Class FT'otaa 14186 8: ,N1cI'nnes 'piny," as •rf'- cods hard' been stiltl • . , .. , . , g` � :106'3, 7'. England; 1,'481, ••1VI G�anrp- Wilson, and- got- the• `proper -official•-ttr• -Ken, 1328 ,[:•Stewat;t,.964, �*+�=-�-•; II Classt, Total 1804•-1:I` Campbell, 11,57;: F: "M•cNall„ 11,07,'`..E, McDoug- all, 1104, M, Stewart, 1004:' that.. in Canada there are more 1 'Class, Total 1390-P. McDdu"gall, 1344; A, McDougall, 1282; Sr, Primer,.Total 1470-C. Camp.- bell, anip-bell, 1241; C. McInnes; 1120; L. Mc- Leod; 1075. o. ' ' Jr;' Primer --E. McDouga11. ' Beginners' -R. McDougall; H, Stew- art. ' 1I, A. Gollan, Teacher. .u. S ,S. Na 4, Ashfield ' V ' C 14s•-DD'2 itld-riiliWori, 74 p,,c.; Robertson, 68; S; McDonald, 54, ' Sr. II V . IVfaCOona144 544 R. 'Mae., Everybody. knows Temipleton's' Rheumatic Capsules Sold than all 'other Rheumatic Remedies ' eembined for Rheu- matism, Neuritis, ,.Neuralgia, 9ciaticaf Lumbago, etc. . Many doctors prescribe them, ' Most druggists se1L them...Write.-. to free trial to Templeton, Toronto, Sold..bi A E, McKhn 1000 Yards of all kiinds of Dress Goods now being Sacrificed Lenngn;.50.; L. R ti.e.rtso 56 D 6• MacDonald, 3>. 43• M. B a lay_son, .z M , :- Si:, fII=J, MacRae, 72, A. Fnlay- son, 60;;. E, ,MacDonald, 59; .M. Mac- Donaldf '57; K. ;MacLennan r 56,: W: Ross, 24 G,Fin]ayson, 9 •ILi-C,- Robertsnar; 08;,: •Cr Brown, 65; J. McDonald, 63;-j..;Ross, 52; G, Finlayson, 38. Jr, , II -(I. MacDonald, •70; D: Rob-: ertson, 68;, 0; 'MaSCharles,, 58 ,'Maeltend rte- y 0 :: i Ross, 70; R. Finlayson, '6 F. Mac - GB.;. P"• r"imer=F; Firilaysson, $0 1, Mac - Kendrick, endrick,` '66'; `C; MacDonald; :6fr It. D, Ross, 20.•• )Finlayson,' Teacher:-__...- S. S. No, 7, Ashfield . The names appear in. order of inert V -Willie Hogan, Sr, IV --Dennis Hogan,- 3r. IV -J. G, Ritchie, Lloyd Shin, Jr, III --Della q,ilniore, Irene Ilo- gen, Connie Mogan, Jr, II -Andrew Ititchie, .. ' Jr. I Eimer.'MacLeod; Tillie• Rita, chie, Frankie Gillmore, .Total number on Itoli, "ii; average attendance, 10. • violet V. MacLennan Tea bell • • • • • • The ' loWest--tender ,receivert- by a'the'. :. •. ..... W..:-- Godeireh Tcswli- C utrcil f•azr, the rn 0 stallatian . of a• filter •plant tit-'rs..I+,5,5--. 000. The, rate»ayers•will be asked to Ivote' on -expenditure -of --,thisamntmt test fro i • tx�.sarrawst ret _ as; ' from_-nl1, petty ve, tions that- me t . et • .us, -from .,the sin - promptings that tias.ail us; from the world sf'reis °tlat `IurCus` to ill;, .. ,. o • you• lIl d yourself unable to sleep well? Are you irritated by trifles? Do small troubles look big to you? • Do you start at sudden noises? 7Are you unable to concentrate .long on - any orre,thing? ' "if so, tbere'slsomethinig wrong with your nervous, system. • These are" danger signals., DR: • MILES' NERVINE -- $1.20' will soothe the irritated and overstrained nerves. Just one Or two doses helps Nature to restore them to their normal functions. Guaranteed Safe and Sure, A SOLD IN LfCKNOW' BY. A4, CIS' M'cK I1 1. whctdth2re is a fendeilty to constipsitiott, you will find D*. Mites Liv*n Pitts effective in keepuie the bowels open. •4