HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1921-10-13, Page 4I LUCKNOW SENTINEL TIIURSBA`f `amuroBFR 13th, I92f,
Incorpo$teda,in 1855
CAPITAL 1i,ND RESERVE 19,000,000
Over 130 Branches
'The emit of living- is f ailing, also the price of food, stuff,'
"This: 'necessitates increased. production, Produce more- and
deposit ,your surplus in The Molsons .Bank' wheie it will be
, ..ready for any call` and yet be earning interest; ••
i.H.Cd Tractors and Engines; • .
Geo. White: 8 Son Threshing Machines; ••
Louden's ,Litter Carriers, Stalls, ••Stancions and
Water Bowls; .•
. .
Frost's Coiled Wire and Wove n Fence;
Connor's Perfection Electric Washer; •
' 'Gourlay, Wintery and Leeming Pianos..
.. ,,..,,,.'FOR . SALE BY''. $ y
m ANY a good chanceis, lost for
L 3 want of ready money.' Some-
times a few extra.. dollars make all
• • the difference. • Decide upon a fixed
regular deposit in the Bank, and then
exceed it, if possible. TO-day„ii the
best day to start. r
LUCIitNOW BRANCH -41. A.,Glennie, Manager
!; urknnti rltIt e X
:abl9abeal over, Thursday morning..
• at.Luc now, Ontario. '
A.. ft MACKENZIE, Prosgietor
and Editor. • A •
,..It is now settled that, the election
Of a new House of Commons will be
held on December :6th, nominations
to be held .. two weeks earlier, on
November .22nd.
• ,Premier Meighen, evidently, is not„
afraid to face the ,music. A month,
afro he told the. country' that there
:would 'be 'a general' election before'
the end oft the year,.. and new • paella_
ment •is dissolved' unit the dateof:the
election set far, enough in advance to
give the country ample time for the
discussion of every public issue. Nor:
can any party complain- that there
was no time for organization aid the
puttingv 'a candidates inthe field.
There i no .snatching a snap verdict,"
,,,Ej blic opinion, as far enlightened as
it can be, should find fair expression
on December 6th. • •
The situation is• somewhat pecu-
liar: It cannot be said that there is a
direct and clean-cu't issue between
the parties . in the field. Premier
Meighen and his newspaper •support-
era declare that. the Main issue. is
Protection or Free . Trade, , but .neith-
er. the Linrerals nor Pi ogressives pre-
tend .to he free traders.' 'Both ,say•
that•there.Mast be a tariff for revers‘•
ue, and that it would never do to pass •
at 'once from•' the present system sof
protection to a system of free trade..
The Conservative Party: maybe :said
to stand now, as. in day's `gone by; for
what Sir Robiert . Borden styled "ade,.
quate protection;" and Liberals may
be said to stand for the same thing,
only they elaini• that their' con-
ception of an adequate protection
tariff. • is different from: that of the
Conservative Party.; that under their
management the tariff would be more
in the interests *of the average•man,
and that, of course, it would be more
lhonesti§-skim i,•n-istered=(-Th-e-cleeuest
freedom, and as the Southern°whites
could no longea hold the black ilial
down by law, they deeided).to do so by
To do this 1 he Ku. Klux Klan was
created. It- likely ' did some good' and
necessary work;, but there can be ,no
doubt :that Many Flans greatly abus=
ed their"'power, Their. methods Were
the very, limit of lawlessness. When
the displeasure of the Klan .was in -
marred the unfortunate offender was.
visited (usually at night) ,by a band
of ,masked men, 'dnd was beaten . or
put to death as the r temper of the
gang Might; determine.• Attove every-
thing the *len was•. secret. No . one
could tell whether :his, neighbor be»
longed to it, and an unguarded word
•of criticism . ;might bring down; upon`
the. unfortunate •critic the horror of
a 'midnight visit• by` the Murder .gang.
After. a period ,of activity 'this law-
lessness. subsided, or perhaps. took
the. more open form • of daylight
lynchings, ijyt 'the Klan, in its or -,.
:form, has come into existence
again. It is now said 'to be not mere-
^1y anti -negro, but anti-Catholie, anti--
Jewish, • and anti -Foreigner:' It 'pre-
.tends to be pure Americanism. ` A
necessary qualification for 'member-
ship is . that qne ,be; American -born.
Travellers from the South say that
it •..has..created. a. general -feeling.; of
'uneasiness, of suspicion and fear.
Men are afraid to' discussit openly,
fon they. cannot:;be sure. That a mem-
her is notpresent, and adverse crit-.
icism ;may result in, becoming a man
marked .for punishment,
The 'organization of such 'awl.es§
bodies as this Ku Klux Klan is an
unmistakab'le evidence:, of barbarism,
The recognized machinery of govern-
ment and law enforcement ,.are dis-
regarded and defied
o -o -o
This is ... Fire Prevention 'Week;
Did . you ,know that? And what is
meant by "Fire, Prevention Week"?
It means a week set apart by the
Ontario `.Governm:erit, at - therequest
of�,�,1~ir's' Nlash 1a i fo>=..a :spedial..
conviction .of. a .party man i ,that' the effort'on the part of everybody to ;cut
opposite party •is:.n ;,bunch of rascals down the fire waste of .. the province.
so far. as politics are concerned;) It There :as need of it` for the fire. waste
may •fairly he assumed that either, of Canada is enormous and disgrace-
- aid administer it in the way that
will-: bring- it the greatest political
support. That will be in 'the. interests'
party, . in power will frame a' tariff:
The Qotober. issue of Rod' and, Gun
_ ---In-Canada, will be perused, with great
" pleasure 'by all : those • to • whom. the
,'great out -doors ;s.: calling, "Nova
Scotia Fishing As. It Is" appears•_in
• this splendid number . written : in a
: fascinnating; original way by Percy E.
' Nobbs. 11. Mortimer Batten's story
entitled "Banka,. The Terrible" is •of
•'ail, 'appealing nature ;arid' will prove,
• of Intense. interest to both young and:
Old. "The"Industrious' One" by F.:14:
Williams will'; doubtless---attract'-the
interest of every reader. This, 'to-
: gethe with .,stories -;,.and -articles .by -
the. usual clever nature .writers, Rob-
ert Page Lincoln, A. Bryan Williams,
- w -W Winson' also' the •instruetrve•
columns of. the various 'departments,.
add greatly to the: value: of the "mag,
• _ .4
'Miss Agnes McPhail, the 'Ceylon
School teacher, who was nominated
at Durham last week' by .the U. F. Q,,
is amongst the very first of than wo.: -
men of Canada to be nominated' for
D,_ o ii.on House. ' •
, Of Scotch descent,. Miss McPIi I,
was born in a typical loghouse in the: .
Township of Proton 3r years ago, so
that she knows : the farmer's prem
,blem intimate*. But' it 4is •the farm-
er's wife in whom she is chiefly in-
terested.. The lot of the women on
the farmis a hard: one and Miss .Mc-
Pha¢il is out to see that in future
they :get a few -comforts-oat of life,
One of the first things she' did at the.
Convention.was to'• draw. attention' to
the fact that only one women dele-
gate had
ele-gate.had beeCi sent'.t0 the.'Convention
from the whole '..riding oft; Southeast
Grey. It was not good . enough tlutt
the men, should .continue to run
things. She accepted the nominatioer
thankfully in the . name '`of'• woman-
hood,. after • beating several • men. iii
the ballot, and reminded. the, men-
folk that women were. not going to
be content in future to sit at home
sewing. ,, ,
A former- school teacher in •North
York in Sharon, • Miss ' -McPhail en-
livened 'the
n-livened'the proceedings.'. of the tariff'
commission in -Toronto last Deemm.
ber when she announced herself as . a
plain farmer's daughter, and told. Sir
Henry Drayton, the chairman' of, the.
cbrninission, that neyer before' had
she stood in the presence or a real
knight, She then proceeded, to :�asti
gate protection and all.its works in a
spirit of mingled raillery and'• indig-
nation, declaring that ' the 'exaction$`,
of. the present tariff make matri:niony
with farmers an. unalluring advent-
ure which she herself declined to ern-.
bark' upon.. She thinks the `:fanners
of :Ontario under', the• protective :tar-
•iff .system, are. like . the okl Indians.
under the nucleon Bays Company -
they take what is h
• After Shaving
Keeps -the. Skin :Soft and
Smooth •
ANY mere `suff r;,trorn
><rrltation of • the skim
as a rut of shaving.. With.
some if assumes a form of
• eczema aid. :becomes }nost
a ying. and•
By applying a little: off Dr.:.
Chase''s Ointment' after shav
ing .the the. irritation ^ is: overcome_
• and such ailments as Barber's.
itch • and Eczema are' avoided. t••
so -cents a box, all deniers, or Bdthanson,
t Bates & Co., T.td., Toronto.. •
A :kind heart`,is a, fountain of glad-
ness,'making'_everything ' in its vicin-•
aided out to then' ity to freshen into sniffles.
tent -j ce'-
ow Is `thee Time .to •
fors. ,Winner
' The government records .shofy that
for the past three years, the' waste
of the :big manufacturers; for :these,, by fire 'in Ontario averaged a million
•.'; RtLSTI.a.ESS ST.EEG _�; ..
iri an the
contest count -for' more). do111ars .per .month. This-- is $5.00 •p er
Rustlers -steel seems to tae a Com
'pletely -establishedfact end, it should,:
be .looked .-into -:for--employment
various• industries, In England sev-'
eral steel - works are paying ;special
attention to the .production of such:.
steel The metal contains a large.
amount of -chrome and ' is said to be
remarkable for its liardness- and
strength. Its' resistance to chemical,
;action _ is 'sucrh that; it .is_ not '-affected
by -bailing in nitric,'acid,.It is used•as
a. substitute ..for nickel -plated' metal
in the: manufacture of. instruments,'
than ten tinies their' number of the Bead or -every -man- woman, , and
:general crowd --- •� �-- ehirltd iltr'th" vines. -The osI' s�iii
The Progressive or Farmers' Party' uropean countries is -only 33e, per
doubtless is -something ,of, a Free
Trade party, and should it •come into,
power ther '.Iikel
e y would be . conoid -,1
erabl`e change, but -should the party:'
come into power,, it .too would •find•
that in order to hold: office there
would':: have to lie compromises on,
every hand.' The,"middle.• of..the road"
man 'Or party;;; doesn't hold' .office, in. a:=
democratic' country,
Can you do it well,: Just one or two
-defies-Of DR. MI> zst=NRTt�-V-'z=NE,=$1 20
will soothe the irritated and over -strain-
ed. nerves. Guaranteed Safe and Sure.
Sold by A E. McKim
The Women's :Institute • at •Holy
rnod, .backed,. of course by the people •
Lof' the : Township, have set --a . com
mendable example in procuring an
enduring meinorial:to the fallen '"sold -
The erection of t'a suitable :,ni nu
merit: to. the soldiers who=fo11=in=the•-
= Newt aiW ; is a atriotic- >Ry�•reCgg-
- niced- -everybody; yet -three -•years
-after the close -.of the• war ninny..
towns, villages ;and townships have
taken no action„ :
' 'What form shall the memorial
take? 'is ithe . stumbling bloek .in,-0a.l. ,.
most. eery instance, and - perhaps
that point should be one of the first
decided "by' a c•Ommittee ororganiz�
- anon
.taking -up'the-work:- In ity num-
ber -of -places: funds` have been col-
lected, but division' as to •the, sortof
monument to provide has brought
the good work t'o' a stand=still.
We ,,all •,_feel .Lueknew.,..;.ought.
-to ' be doing something along thiis Bile,
Always when Lucknow does a,thing
of this.hind 'it does it'right, Have•
we a live organization with the con-
fidence of the'., public to take-up this
'Oat -Kalb dirty -_
Roll that fragrant smoke across • -.
your tongue -close your eyes.
Dyer get that. flavor. of real
hill -cured; tobacco=the raght-
taste of sweet Virginia leaf ?'
it's ripened into every strand
'of' the golden 'leaf .by the sun' •
of o
W Virginny.
g y
P. M.'s' a `man'° smoke.
cIi Gi rTES
1O for 159 25 fcw S 5
-spits, :against our $5;00, Those whd.
have 'made a study ofthe subject` say_
that 90 per cent. of this waste isP re
Veritable by reasonable care.
We' have developed careless habits
With Iriatchei, cigars,' cigarettes gas
21nie and Coal .oil, The -6'e -manh dr
is doing what he. 'can to teach the
people to. be more earefuj 'with these .•
-things: • That is why he has asked
everybody to clean up this week, He'
wants. the stovepipes andAfiimneys.
put -iii good condition so. that - they
-will net: -start tea` fire when brought'
into use 'in the cold we 'thea He also,,
wants • everybody td ,2Iear away '-all
Id.-p`°dace-Cornua str6ie�
material that may have acouinmpljt-
ed in thg'basement or' the ,sheds dur-
ing summer. _
The careless ,plif ni'"-g.of an oil lamp
or lantern is a frequentCau§'e of fire
in houses and barns. Our fr'.e' mar-
jlitll_:xeninds�iia �•e$:ger tli#Ii. '-was•
the careless ,placing of a'lantern too
near .a cow's foot, by Mrs. O'Leary,
°rrrxao 1- li.o .gi-c, edge- fl a -it --i i
when ' 200' ' •prsons perished arid
15,000.. houses were 'destroye:l.
In .1920; Ontario, • had, J,-;",'.'(4. fires;
causing a loss7�of-$11 -rr;it'd,' We all.:
lose by this.
---opo-o---+-+ .•
Reduced Prices :on' all linea
of Stoves, Rain. es .=-wood::and -
Well umPs for :ell
-.._ P forand .:cistern, :.
Pipe and Fittings; Brantford
Ro:ofin� , 1'•• ' 2 or 3 ply,•-
ti g� � -T-- As-
halt and : Crystal, ..P • ---- --- Y. -all -at a
Lower Price,
9(London Advertiser) '
The agitation to have, ell vehicles'
carry lights after dark on country.
highways•: ecrntiflues to''spread:f'Since
automobiles became, numerous there
has always been a danger in navigat-
ing the rural roads in the darkness
beeause,of' lightless hers_ a -drawn bug
a'ieif earxaa es ..and cars T
r ..£5.... _ ..._�.
pe'ii has• been increased through the
OzOxo ;law, Compelling ineteriats=to• use non--
;lure TieadTights; `:The glaring. head-
. THE KILt..it•LUX KLAN AGAIN- • -light; :although a good deal ,of'8.fuisee
the motor's
t ty.pickup
Within the, past year there has
the lampless vehicle in plenty of finis
been revived in the Southern .,States, to avoid collisions. Under the new
and in spots throughout the Whole regulations, however, the automobile
'country that dangerous and 9awless 'driver finds himself within a compar-
organization known as. the t'ICu Klux atively few yards of an unlighted ,ve-
I{lan," hide 'before be is aware of it, and
This organization first developed rate of speed, the situation is fre-
-Thould he be travelling at only a fair
in the Southern States soon, 'after the quently a perilous one, There are few
Civil War which freed: the negro slay- notorlsts who have not experienced
es; It was a' white• man's'organize- this suddenly looming up of an un -
tion, and the original purpose of it lighted vehicle and can testify to
was to "keep •-the negro in his place." the nare4ow margin -between safety'
Following the victory of the North and an Accident,
over the South, the negroes 'doubtless Many owners of horme•drawft car.
were disposed to' abuicu thelr hew
• ril►iee are incifned take.tho ati�
If you require Window Glass
get the new price before: pu-r-
rl��' 1
ment Parisrone. Lime and
ulpst_o'ne�.h., _;-
tudelthat the" road is theirs by' or'i•=
inal 'right, `They consider that it is
up.to.the motorist .to keepout of :the
way, and with'this view „there:will al-
ways bea lot' sof: sympathy from., all
except the .speed demon, but as a
mutter of tile''"io'uvrc safety,.. couldn't
it be _:a visable or,_the ::drivers of .
:"horse-drawn vehicles`to carry'lamns?
1 -Walkerton" Teleseapej =
Three Mildmay young men, .wile
started out -early Sunday morning to
haus ,.a,. `.tinie�.',. had a sorry time :Of
'it before the ' day was done. C.ephus
L(Amin gerT.Will •Lay.ton. find -Walter..
Sandy were the trio, the latter se -
Awing 'the
e-Awing'the car from the garage where •
he worked. At a farmer's out in Car
rickthey stopped, while 'some of the
party had few drinks from a bottle
of whiskey they had brought along.
They also took on a fourth passeng-
er there, Paul Lovack. By the time
they cot. to Walkerton the excursion,
•ists felt 'great, As they sailed by
the Hartley House „ cor`ner, one of•
then' waved to a citizen and lot out
a yell like' a redskin; That All eost
him $10 and .costs, ,for the citizen an
the ccjrner proved; to be Chief F'ergu4
son in his Sunday, clothes and the
joyous •'holler' gave the' whole' game'
„away 'While the-'Chief'WAS nr'eiiaring• :-•
to follow in another „lar, a citizen
phoned• in that, the crew, were` motor-•
ing in the ditch in: the West Ward;
A few i inute ,;inter they Caine back:
through town .again in the oppositti
direction • anti 'were' "'pinched • y `tile `,`
Chief_ i3y telling the - wlicile story,•
Lobsinger ,escaped seri5us - punish
'hent and was let off with $10 and,
costs; Layton,. paid $9,18 all ':for '.be -a
g, tlisoideil
....,�...--. Y,.,:•.tti�zi .:Sandy`=;$10•
Costs, There 'was no cha•ge'against
tha_aithe.r4inn I,ovaek_ nr - —
A man l'' nerally has' the good or
lit"li i '•
a t s
1 ich
ht= -
'attributes to
Hay •- Fever
spoil many a holiday.
Positively stops these troubles 1
Sneezing, weezing, coughing,
weeping eyes aren't necessary--=
unless you like being that way.
$1,00 at your druggist's, or write
Tem ictons, Toronto, for a free trust.
SOLD Y • J MegIM, LUC''�``KI' QW;