HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1921-09-22, Page 5•
TH1 . bLt7OKN'OW "flgNTINLV THURSDAY¢ SEP MB1 22, .192. .
. •
PADSLAND FUN •• compound interest to $5,500. ;,
• IN DRUiitY.'S MAIL - • Lawsuits which thelitigants _wish.
.•Guelph, Ont., Insurance, Fire. and
Marine .._. •
the Premier to push along, form the.
Old Ladies Write Cure for Colds burden of many letters. One .man
t'na Man Quotes';Chunks of Scrip-
tures—Another' Tries Bribe of whose case hangs fire'is very per
f125—A Booster Arrives. ' sistent in requesting Mr. Drury's as-
sistance it}.getting-a move' • on. As an
By J., L. Love. . ,inducement he :has several times
slipped a* postal order for $25 into
inter, a man becomes a Priihf the envelope. Needless' to say, this
Minister,, '.several : hundreds of
people at once place him on their mute but powerful • persuader has al;
:Nailing list. The vast amount of in- ways been returned,
ation..and-AndIf a line appears in the newspapers
ed to . pbssess, and thea far greater.that Mr.. Drury :is, suffering from a
quantity. of advice he'is>'assumed° to 'slight cold or that' his 'throat has be-
of ar
be in need of best by a come affected, dozens of„ kind old
glance through his morning mail. = women,« of both sexes, all' over the
-Eve day -Premier -Drury -receives ovine e; immediately—proceeds-to-
an average of 590 500 letters at the Parl-
iamentbuildings: Most oUthepe com- eiges-for-:fighti-ng anything .fpani a
munmatiens have to` do with ret
tine: -chil-1-•to the la grippe-,- Recorrimenda
business, and are pa d • on to the tions' of patent medicines and other'
various. `departments to • be dealt physics from-gratefuiiusersa4e:'re=
ceived` in' shoals, One pian 'wrote at
• • ,.with __ Others of _ a . imuliar :=nature. ,
that call for the Premier's' personal :length -.describing his ex-elbsive off
FOR . -
CA.I'.••: ANT DAY- AND GET`._¢
• We test Wednesday and Satur-.
day, P:M- -Get your -can -any
Will else buy limited -:quantity-'
•''of -good -cedar; logs.
attention are' retained:until_ he: has
seen- them, generallypenciled 'within
a• short period 'after -receipt.
Mr, Drury cleans up' his' mail• very
dietating 'important, replies
only, and leaving the • remainder • to
his-'secretarto-ans-wer--from ' brief
penciled slierthand- notes•-' in a top
corasi., -,Not :infrequently the- Premier .
will go to the trouble of persdnaily
writing a-careful.reply to a corres-
pondent who has.' sent ini ' a •long,
rambling communication, .If. the
letter indicates a -genuine desire for
enlightenment, it” Is answered; and`
the sender is -put right on -;some -mat=
ter .of policy. •
A great many _letters find their
-way to •. Premi'er' 'Drury:a mailbag,
however,''ii'hich 'neither . he' nor this
deputy nor his, secrataiy can answer.
Some of them are almost illegible.
-There , is a weeks• postcard`�for ex=
Y t
•ample;-: that -never -fails- to ~put--in--an;
appearance,covered with :such
ute' caligraphy that' a magnifying
' glass is necessary in 'Order to read it,
me..tinme• norLaine,a, nyone :at*
tempted to ,find out•:what' this partic-
ular •correspondent is striving to get
Unexcelled. -Dining Car ..:Service.;
Sleeping cars : on Night Trains and
Parlor Cars on principal Day Trains.
11b'till information from -ani Grand
Yrunk Ticket Agent or C. E„ Horn -
nig,' District Passenger Agent, Tor-
Stands'for' Canadian Pacific Ocean -•
Service, but with us it. means
Courttous,'Polite, Obliging Servica•
Highest Cash Prices for
Cream, Eggs and Poultry
Our. advice•would be to sell your
poultry early this year. Prices 'are
eitp'ected to be much' lower than;
last year.
Pli4Ni$ 4Te • .LUCItNOW
off his chest. '
Another regular arrival :is .a six
or eight.: page letter . which turns up•
once a' week, and sometimes oftener'
giving solid chunks of .scripture for
the edification :of Ontario's first Citi--
zen, .
A. third weekly_ bulletin . comes
from a man, who has .been- demand-
ing settlement of an imaginary: claim
against the Government for over-
twenty years. His ciise, has been
,carefuiiy, ,,investigate l and dismissed
as groundless .several. times, but hope
,spring's eternal_ . in his breast. Not:
=satisfied with writing, he 1.haunts • the ,
lobbies, and . his last communication
elielosed- a's tateenuent-showing=the -orf,
iginal claitn of $200 increased . by
Or Neuralgia, Sciatlia, Lumbago!
The remedy is simple, inelipen-
live, easily taken and harmless.
Rheumatic Capsules
(Paisley` Advocate)
• Mr. . Fred Schildroth, of. the - 2nd.
Con,,.' Saugeen; .lost his .'large barn
and all contents by fire, on Wednes••
'day 'of feat week, The fire 'started
from.. ashes:that had Jeen dumped in'
the barn yard and:,set ,fire to loose
straw.. scattered on the 'ground.
by. Mrs,•.'Schildroth ;about 10 o'clock
in the forenoon,' and' she threw a',pail
of water' upon them, with rhe intent-.
-loll-- f..drownirig-cut--the fire hitt-
stead : it,' scattered `: the; heated ashes
.among -.the s rawt _which, :commenced
to'. blaze up at once. Mr. Schildroth '
then . 'attempted to stamp ,gout the
-Sarnes-witi -his--boots,-hue before- Ito -
Could do-swTthe :sira*tack was.
burning' and soon"ihe: flames"ifaashei
infallible treatment for, blood -pais-• .to, . the•top .and .spread to the barn
oning_r and_ ' white swelling of the tlrrng whatever, was,saved from''
feet," a ended hisolast epistle with the_ bare,.._and two,pigs„that had.. been_
the subline boast: ' "I can cure any .let out Of their' pen nearby .ran into
case of blood --:poisoning •••or • white; = the- barn .• basement- .:and were=burned',
swelling, qn a bet This was: the only live.. stock .lost.
Possibly the most ” extraordinary .Contents included all this year'•s crop.
re e -
qu st ,sent- to the -Ontario
was frorn a woman. Ia a long:'type-
.written 1ettergiying .a .great _deal -of
family history' in detail, she frankly•
confessed that she had been in the
Don 'jail 'for, three weeks, and that
she had .ju§t escaped from' an asy-.
tum, In her jas4yi'_firght„_rhe
t'`e h _
:b :com'• .led. o ave_.--he'r�.c10 es
cell_ pet . ___, ,__i . t_ .
behind, and would . Mr.:Drury-'kind;
'.Pain an. rid ca ion
of interference, with the nbrn}al'functions of 'the body.. It
-isa. sign of trouble, and ;if allowed to continue, causes itself
still further disorders.
• Co-mmon
'Sense, ' and
humaniy agree
that xelief .from
Fiat njxtst.ehould be,
•the treatment
of any disease which-; is .present. Headache,: Neuralgia, •
Rheumatic, Backache, Sciatic and' :Ovarian Pains, ONE
Or TWO .
Dr. Miles' .tot -halo fills .
_---ani;]-the- arnl aie,_Cunranteed- afe:anrl • :
• P �° ,.�rer-P-.ricde. •
Sold in-Lucknow By A ,McKIM .
;and part of last year's grain The
barn haci-been -overhauled• and art
renewed last year. There is insur
ance ,of,$3,500 on buildings'and con-
tents,' in the Sydenham Mutual, but
as the conditions' 'explicitly stipulate"
• that ashes must net be•thrown• in the
liaatnyardr the comliany are released
-from payment'• ;unless-:through>-sym---
pathy With their patron, the direct
Iy see that these garments were for- •ors decide to do so:_ :Mr. Scildroth ..
warded to her? - was .burned out last year on? °a'I
Many-inventors--eonsider - the :Pre- • -neighboring farm.
mier a short'cut'to fame, Ideas for'
.submarines and wireless telegraphy
are= -submitted --for-. -his=a r-oarak _-One
Pp •
verg Lpers sten correspondent,, lady
has invented _. a patent ballot:hex.
•which she is extremely Anxious Mr".
Drury' should endorse. Premiers,
however, ',investigate ballot -boxes,
only when -they mµsf;, snit• this —one
haslittle., chance . of getting past the
turnstile at parliament :buildings. -
Drury should endorse 'Premiers,
not forgotten him. Quite recently a
live 'rooster was consigned to hit, by
mail' 'at Queen's 'park. -Baskets .. of
big mealy, potatoes are frequent ar-
Yivals, wT.i'ile ••samples: of .grain and
clover, seed are legion,
Thousands of: of: cards are` showered
upon Mr, Drury at Christmas, and a
ueurprising-dumber-of peolrle remem
ber his birth -day in similiar, as well
as more subtsantialways, Editors of
41-0,0• • ..:-
What is - a
Recommendation orth
• That-d:e: ands= -e .y:_m tch-u on.who gives-
p v :ry p• giv �
':._ it. -"For. :insta-rice,; we -recommend Aires: --:
HoIdcn "Auto- hoes"- as ' the .cheapest' .
mileage' you`. can buy. ,. •
And we know a lot eboutti'res.:We have
to in our business. •
Hence Our recommendation should carr r.
-`some, weight,-_4apart-from the `fact that • -
a -are benefiting to some-•eetent-1 - ur ,r-:-
We know that if you buy once, you will`'
buy...•again—.7you ,will,find •that
• our recommendation.__saves:"you zione-,y•
on mileage;•
.. w
HOME=ill EE* ID=NO --PA-
The ,committee in ':charge -"-.of Old -
Home Week, finances:' at Goderich,
find'. that direct incoine fell about
800 short .of'e. xpmnditure, The co_m-
n1 tteer however, expects to pay ail
accounts in full by-and-by. As' the
affair was • a great .advertisement for
the to'v n, •and as all • residents had
several evenings of. good ' entertain -
t, it is ,proposed by some that
the town make" good 'the .deficit, 'It
Would amount to about a' dollar per.
Do not suffer
another day_ with
eking, Ieal
Ing, orrotrud-
Ing flips, . No.
surgloal oper.
ation required
-farm -papers in the' United- -States -and•-Dr. chases ',ointment •will-redeye-you,it.dnee
England, as well as in Canada, solicit QeS M° r Bemoans von ates 'c i luiited
•articlas ferthert colunrna,: RequestsToroto... eooldrefyoMention
at o Ulla
_ d_ niue
of every description' for
to charities came in :a steady shower,. 1
So far this' summer Mr.. Drury. has •I
received invitations' to. five hundred A.F. A A.M., G.R.C. Old Light Lodge
meets every Thursday night on of
before the full moon, in the Mas
onic Hall, Havelock St.,—Lucknow.
W.M., N. G, Mackenzie;• S.W:, T.
S. Reid; J.*,, J. McQuaig; Sec,,
W. A. Wilson,
picnics, and last winter he had to
-turn 'down nnearly-four hundred -ban-
quets, being able •to accept about fif-
ty only ofthe invitations rendered,
A certain. New York man appears
not to havesolved the problem,
"How to be happy, though married,"
He haste.his divorced firs Wife
t payt wfe
\tour druggist will supply you. $200 a month and his':divoreed' ago,
Welta tortale trial to Temple? and wife $80 a week .44,680
so lest Ili Celkatras/WI Tem** ...mad 'alts the fCogtt Wit bio. 4401
' .fig kr A•.11 $, mos , . WOW is only NA'
I.O.O,F. Lucknow Lodge meets every
Friday evening at 8 o'elock in their
Ball; eAmpbell Street. All brethren
cordially invited, • Officers: Noble
aria, Robt. Johnston;. Vice Grind,
'Arch. Barbour; Rec. Sec., E. Aitcbi..
eon Ore., Dr. .1'*te ioai Troon-
UNr, Ales Roll ° •
`We will give you a guarantee with Ames Holden
Auto-Shoesg-too=a=guarantee that protectsyou-
• . against any defect in ',Material' or` workrnanship
----- which-niay-arise-at-any-time ilk the life of tire-- --°
tire. And we will get you an adjustment -on that
basis should necessity arise, without quibble or
red -tape. Drop in' and Iet us' shgw you: Ames
Hoiden. 'Auto -Shoes" to -day if you call.
Cord, and Fabric Tires: in alt Standard,Slzes-
.' ucknovV17. ` ,
'!•• 1
7/�\ ` 4,,/, -�-•rim; /
Lucknow LOX., No. 428, meet in
their lodge room every second Tues-
day of the month at 8 o'clock
W.M., Jas. -Irwin; Rec. Seely., Wm.
In all - Probability Sunday, Septem-
ber 25th, will see the largest' Sunday
School. attendanee there has ever
been' •in Canada, Plans and propa-
ganda have been under way for seme
nlonths with. A view to making Rally
part \Which 'falls on this, date,' snot
Only In 1nattgulrtil 4* to
ning of the season's work, but also a '
really big day .in all Canadian Sun-
-day Schools, , program r • --including. - .�•-
a special service for the day, has .
been prepared, by a joint committee
of the Sunday School Boards- of the'•
Baptist, Congregational, Methodist,
rand Presbyterian •Churches, and one,
million collies of this have been dis-
tributed to Canadian Sunday •Schools'
of these denominations, If present
prospects aro in any way realized,
there Should be well over a million
babiesboys and girls and grown.
ups, n the various Canadian Stoll
dog 8cttool4t o> i olllt Dag,