HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1921-09-22, Page 1• i5 • t • www +. b .11111111.11111111111.11M .10111 , $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE$2.5e °THERWIO& LUCKPI01470NT., ' THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 22 1921. SINGLE• COPIES,•5 CENTS' far o. 1` :deed Oats F. OR ,at the . LUCKNOW, Flour MZ1 Also Coed . ifat Chop Treleaven 0-4—o A- 4 ,0 . o o O o' 0 I C o EVERYBODY'$ COLUMN o -, r • MONEY T.00AN on mortgages and ' notes at reasonable rates. Fire. Insurance, both, stock and Mutual Campania': Conveyancing .'o done with neatness and: despatch. Geo, A. Siddall, Broker Lucknow. PR. PARKER, OSTEOPATH, at the Cain House, Lucknow, every. Wed ,• nesday afternoon. All chronic eases siAcessfully treated. ` Osteo- • pathy removes tie physical causes of disease. • Adjustan.ent . of +he spine is more quickly secured and with fewer trcatinents by Osteo- pathy than by . aay. : other .method Toronto prices paid for all kinds -of poultry. .9-6-tf A•::GrospOpf, Lucknow. MUTUAL ,LIFE ASSURANCE,.' COMPANY' OF -CANADA Ask about our Participating .Paid -Up ..: ' Policy. W.' T. BOOTH, . Winghani, Agent. In Luckrrow every, Wednesday all •day VETERINARY SURGEON. -L- Dr.. W J Keleher;•'Ripley;, ''Phone 63. night or day.-tf: ; • • • 'FSR SALE—Stove rood,; short or . - `�-lens;-any= quant%ty_:delivered:App1y' at Joynt's office, Lucknow. FOR SALE—Frazee dwelling on Havelock -St.„---Lueknow, six • rooms.: in good -repair; -large: -garden,- Apply to W. G. McMillan. 9-5-tf: FARM FOR SALE-BYTENDER'. • _y� Good 50 -ac farm East '/z of Lot -:••9: ,Co 4 •, �'ownahi of..,K'nlo ' statE-- • C p i ss, -_E of the'la6te •Dnpld MacLeod; - Therc.. are on the farm, 'a 6—room frame dwelling, good barn .60x40 feet stone foundation and, stabline. drive '• sheo and pig pen. Perrnanent'water supply, Three_acres-of.: ash: acre -archer b ,�$ d balance • in grass. Written ' Tender_ for-tiuichase-of thee -:above grope' • Iun -will • be received to Sep.30,19 by. Sod. MacDougall KR. , Lcknow 22-9. 150p, ' . • FOR SALEQuantity of nine lumb- er suitable•for .any -.sort •of out build- -•-.ing may._, be -seen at N. Phillipa" St,, Helens Con. „Foran,• It; ..2 Lucknow-, _Phoiie_.32 on_.�4F. Panner's t.atat LOMPINOMOrtgitt "•s 04, . IMPROVED CARRY IIB ALL: Everybody ,. meets .Everybody Lucknow Fair,Sept.• 20 and:, 30th';•'. Palmer's all Canadian Midway will be there. ' ^ • Come and give the kiddies a ride ion the` Merry=Go-Round, Practice marksmanship in the shoot- ing •jungle. • o LOCAL AND GENERAL ' o n otiono,0000'o, .A bazaar:: will be' held in the. near Future„ ' . ,Messrs . Austin . and Joe ' McClure are visiting :their home here. : • • . Lucknow . Fall .. Fair Concert ,and Dance Town Hall, Lucknow Se t 30th. ..: r P , 'Little Jeff and- Christena The Child Wonders at the Luek_ now Fall Fair concert. , :(. • The •Aloha cI1'ive Hawaiian •Music-• fans willfurnish' music for the Dance. Mrs T.::MacDonald is visiting her daughter Mrs., Brown Mallough; ..at Grimsby. Keep evg, of :'Sep: 23rd open • for `dance. in Carnegie- Hall., Fryfogle's orchestra. • =-1�r John Qaillin goes -to Wet= fora this week to sct •as judge •'.o$ sheep at the' fail fair... • °The•town of-Godericli is•asking for tenders for .the -' construction 'of' a ` one-millfon=allon` filter tank, _The Kincardine-icuitural•s o Jty Bad_ a. fne day $i l a success fu •exhibition cn .Friday rc last -week.'" Mr. and Mrs: Malcolm. of -Kisco ine .a e ' n• a.-tr-i• which > - -d r �o p h .;will...;. tak them as- far as: ,Prince .Rupert, B. C •"- Mr; Kenneth'-: "Beaton . returned missionary` from China visited ' hi Aunt Mrs. Ales -•Davison :on •Sunda Now is -the -tune tn�cw your fal wheat to escape _the:-Hessien :fly 'use nns fertilizer sure crop, • .:'G . S. 'bert S fto son he Aloha: ••Five Hawaiian,' Sing rs and Musicians Lucknow Fall Fair after the •'concert. Lucknow. Fair night_ 11Ir, `7bm MacDonald of town is out in"Saskatvhewaa'paying a visit • to' • gave the, time of •your :life in he; Per finy Arcade, Come' one Come all and enjoy your- selves. These •attractions will be here' front'.: Tuesday Sept. 27 •until{•Sat.,Oct, Ist, inclusive.• • Mrs. Blitzstejn and daighteir•' .. a na,' • left yesterday a 'terrifoon °' Rochester,., Minnesota, where • Mrs. Blitzstein , goes : for treatment Hifi Mayo` Bros., Hospital • Mr. R. Mackenzie, of Winnipeg,:af,,,: ter being in Toronto,. Oshawa and London on''business, spent the, week- end. with.his sisters,'theMisses, Mac- kenzie, Campbell St.; Reserved seats for the concert on Fall, -Fair night on sale at McKirn's Drug Store—J. G. Armstrongs form er stand.' Plan will close at 6' p.m. evening of `the fair.' 'WILL J. PRITCHARD,. Dancing Cyclone, and Comedian: Did you, ever hear him? No, Well, he's a good one, Corrie' to ' the Lucknow Fall Fair concert, Friday Sept. 30, Iie'il'+be''there. Mrs. Petersonwho spent the past few • month n t ..-.,;�with_•her ppareaits, �NLr ,and Mrs, ''Win San'ith returned.to her 'Moine in Sask. on 'Tuesday of .this week,' She• was -accompanied `by her- '7nother as far as Toronto; Miss Rena Gordii _ ...._ .�........ - n , wjto, .has been MAYOR, ?ART'S LECTURE Mayor Hart, of OWen Sound, • who is gaging addresses in., the interests; of the Orange Order was ' in town jest Thursday and in• the evening gave an. address .in the Methodist Church. He dealt with : the wow' and, proper aims of the Order, point- ing out that 'antagonismto the Ro- man .'Catholic • Church'. was not; one of these,. •,hough ,many ,;mistakenly as• sumed that wa's' •one of'the reasons for its existence, Ma or Harte is a forcifpl and effective •sj eaker,and.his address throughput was on high mor a1 and religious plain. ro CHURCH. NEWS The .Rev, K, Beaton iyho jos home on furlough. from" mission woflw''in West China conducted the•service•x" °the Methodist church her "Ji3t> :i r`u Jay morning, Mr, Beaton- public eaton public •speaker :• and, .is in .41.t.a}'t ' de= mand ever since hi$- retiirn‘froin . the. -Orient. His address o,. Sunday was onthe reception' accorded the Christ- •ian,,unissionery in China. I•l:e, .gave much interesting information regard- ing the psychology.•of• the Chinaman; end of the'werk, ban; carried on in ac missio•n: no: i . .The Rev. C, w; Cosens, of the Aahfiel'd Cercuit Area- ached at the.evening service,.'. FORMER LUCKNOW GIRL WRIT.. - ES' PRIZE ESSA 1 • From the. "Border • Cities • Star" published : at Windsor,; Ont,, we learn that ' Muriel MacKenzie,' • youngest daughter of Mrs Er', A. MacKenzie, was winner • of • the Ontario. Safety League's first, prize awarded for the best essay4 on the •"subject, `•`How• children may help., to. avoid Motor: accidents" Prizes totalling $200"were. given," ,the first prize being •$110. Several hundred essays' from all over: the •province, were received: The star says:: "Muriel McKenzie,, who.. carried off the;, premier honoils in the, contest,: is. a. pupil , inahe entrance .class• of Assumption street ,shool. When she wrote: the: essay she w_as_in,_tlie .` . Y i fourth'vbook at .Catneron street school with Miss Hollywood as her teacher, She' is 1:3. -years old.and •her home -is' 113 Lonise 'avenue" • on - .• o -o -o-- the..Bank ofp--Ilamilton� staff heir `• c- has-- n _ - , THE. WOMEN'S jNSTITUTE �resig ed that position— ands 5i• 1: Friday Ja t, eek vent to Detroit where -we 'understand ' it -is her '�n • r- •tention to remain ,.for some'.time; e Miss-- Gordon -*lil 'be' gre'a'tly 'missed' • -front Lucknow social circles and from the -Presbyterian.._oh.urchchoii r --of s which she was a faithful! •nie,mber. an- .Tuesdays -evening : ' metribers- of 1 the choir,and• .church session • met at Miss- :Gordon's. home . .Pren and"' ' _ t �l e es • het with a's'] 'silk umbrella; ,She -re ceived"also a handsome club, bag „from her• 'town friends: _his-soYrr-darfield;7140Ss.: tannin Dwelling -for Rent—In .the Beaver Block' Bathroom and electric : ' ► . light- _ .ing,;. Everything in mg•oo41 condition, • Apply at .Joynt's_ Office, :. 22=9-tf. FOR SALE 4 =—Sealed tenders Will be -received, in whole or in 'part, by,the undersigned upto Octobe d `1921 for he . r�'3 t.�1m-. 1 arch err - ber �r Ch pro ty , consisting- e. c cod Pram to . h d •. a.g �,..50x55. ft. : gronids�._,or�;.an-3tot.o and p�i-items ...alae•_ highest or any tender not necessarily acceptedd� ' Harry E. Graham, Secy. : Board; R. -R. 1 Kincardine; 29-9-e, '• RUPTURE EXPERT HERE ,Seely. •Faii'ious in. This Specialty .: Called To Owen:Sound d F. ' H. Seeley of Chicago :and Phila. e phia, the nofed''truss expertt:"will; personally be at the. Patterson'liotel --and will= -remain- in- Owen Sound -this, Fridayon ' -Sept. ly. 30. ' Mr.: '-Seeley. • says "The Spermatis Shield, will not --_only_..retain_ any ,case'_of rupture -.per ' fectly, but contracts the opening). in 10 days on,the average • case. . Be- • ing a vast advancement over all - formers methods—eiceriiplifying -.In ` -stantannous..effects inunediately ap- preeiable: and' . withstanding any __ straiif of ' ,ball. Titin ins'trtumeiii;" ••-•-received. the -,only award.. -in -.,England:.. and in Spain producing results with- out surgery, injections, medical treat- ment' or reat-ment''or prescriptions, Mr. Seeley: has documents from the United ,Stat- es "Governments, Washington D, C., for inspection, All ;charity cases with- out charge, or. if any' interested call, he will be glad to show same with- out charge ' or'• fit them if desired, • ° Business demands prevent stopping at any other place in this. section, P. S. --Every statement in this riot - Ice has' been sertifled before the 'er- prAI and State Caurta. •F, li, %eoloy, there. • Mr. • Stee . anter' has urchased n • the -red .];rick -double 'residence, west of Stauiter_street`.�.froin...•Air;_-:J. Er HurlYr. o '•. "'Miss Gill who was the guest of •Mrs• ,1, A. Glennie the past _few Weeks *fitto Guelph- Thursday of last weelt. • Mi s Lou . Gaynor an children • of -Fort_ *Odra, Ain _xrsite_l__::a week. with Mrs. It J; TLindsay have .return= ed to their home, , • Mr. Finlay Malcolm arrived. 'home :Saturday night from Winnipeg where he, had spent a month with, his sons, who are in; business there, Dance. in'Carnegie Hall `Lu'cknow, Friday' night' this. week, Dancing from 9 . to ' 2 '' o'clock:' :. Admission F+ryfogle's dreheatre. _Kincardine citizens have organized -a•company.-the:-business of.-which..vill: he the rpromotoing b! a`hoc'key, end- ing -and -skating rink in the -town: Mr: R, D. Oain ren is;:in"•Torontic this week : attending the Presbyter- ian Foreign Mission Board, to - which- li'e:':Aria;-appointed .at.the last. General Assembly. • =,'whits=eddy•-3niith-L:=11Itth ris't-4f° -.you • -want, • to'cure•-the creases • that -are coming in your faces • Get • a ticket, don't forget it Lucknow concert I:`air Night. • ' Mi'. Frank Todd of near St. Hei ens while at the Western Fair, Lon- don bought the Polled Angus brill calf which had wen the. Championship at Toronto and London., `The valu- able young animal arrived safely at its destination, on Mond a of this a 144 Oa Vr• week • ..y CULRCENTRE OSS ,m,_ • --- Monday.; Sept loth • .Corn- cutting is over , and thresh- ing is in full swing. ,t Mrs.:'Walte er Pinnell and. daughter ,- E,lsie,' have -_returned' -home---after- spending the.' last' couple of 'months •in the, Prairie Provinces, , , .. Mr. and Mrs. John Clark,Mr. • and Mrs. Wm,; Little and .Mrs. John Link - later e . visited -the-Sunday -School"on Con, 6-on;•Sunday ..... t .e-n,.�•iT,lanxd�,�iri-gin, Mrs. Walter. Ross spent Thursday . of last week at the home of Mr,' and, Mrs . Wilber. Erb, .Salem,. • We wish to congratulate Miss Scott and pupils 'of .S;S.� No, 6, Cul- ross, for, obtaining first prize.' in par= ade, ••also-first••for physrc'al-Akill lit the, .Rural .School • Fair which: was held `at• Teeswater'on Tuesday of last week, 'Master Gee, . Mille,;' also ob- tained -first I rite :;for .best" halter - broken colt -W-114 N•AMH•1ALL FAIR • and RON CO 7N l V th Mi _PION5'i-l_l.pSCHOOL.__.FAIR WING}IA1VY on o Tuesday s Wednesday Sept. 27 and '28 • Wingham Citizen's Band 'Extra List of Special. Prizes A, G. 11MITH1 SRcy• • .The Lucknow- ],,ranch of .th e�w,i men's F Institute was favored: at their last. e ' m etre With - tln • he-- 'nese . e . g �t P n e -of bhe 'District ,President, Mi•s. ,ilarris, '.of ' Holyrood, -who - , addressed'• tbeni: on the '•subject 'of` "The" Mother and idle Child",__The. resignation -of--the Sec Treas M:' :' rs—Rivers •, , was .accepted re- lnetantly,'.but�Lo'-appaintrnent':to the vacant office was mac �d. I was' t as de- cided 'not ' to have a • "refreshment booth at the Fair, this Year:Arrange- • menu were niade for a Short. Course Dressinaking from Oct: 10th to. list, to b:e. conducted -by -an instruct: Y struct• ress'.'sen�t 'by the • Department ' Th Department fees are _$1 00_for Institute members and �,$r,25 for iron=trien►ber's: All who wish' to .take the course should give their names • to.11f rs, W. Murdie this weel{ _ i e ,McKay, , Sec'y, Pro :ten, titer .+hhn at -Laurier,' -Miss Jean` 'Johnston: of f•Iemlock City was the guest recently. of Miss Bfary 'McKenzie 'o"f Laurer:` The.' stork: called at 'the:' home. Of_ Mr. and Mrs.. Relit, Andrew' of Zion and left a fine: l7aby girl-Congratula-: ions _ t • Mr ,Alex: H. 'MacDonald woo has >been';visiting his daugh`,er. Mrs,. 1111 woo D woad iennA n • of Iron ` don lies . as re „ turned to• his home at. Laurier. Mr, anil''Mrs. Dr.: Raymond 'T. White, who have been visiting .Ms White's%rmer icrfne•Lat Laurier have•: returned to 'their home in Chicago• The 1 FLAV UR the charm o a is in its unique flavour of 'rich delicacy. And It never varies. 'All grocers sell "S;a►.lada'"•,iii ‘'sealed metal packets only. . ° • :Qac NOTICE. The' Liberal f; Lueknow are asked to meet in Mr ,•Siddles office on Fri day nifht of th ' .week—Sept,,, 23rd,;) .,:a •0-6 cl , to'.aiipcint deIegates oto' attend the :convention to be • held in WallOrtoif on Monday ' the 26th to' Nominate ~a liberal candidate for South .$ruce ASHF.IELD , NOTES Mr. and, Mrs:Wilton Bell of Par-, amount . spent Sunday at-•Kincarclino. Mr: Jack Winfield or' Paramount visited• friends in •Lucknow,, .on, San- CKNOW day. • Miss, Grace ,Matheson of Lorne is F AREE V II,�,IAMS in, ,.4 The Rom ' ,..once P�romo�er and ' • . LARRY SE1'i N in... The Grocer YClerk. at the sP . alp 11 Theatre. y V visiting' with Charles Al.e. T.ennar.,' i7f Laurier: • • , -FRIDAY SEPTEMBER ,23 Mr, •° J. W. Murray of Lucknow • spent. a day recently.with 'friends >.n, Regular.A Admission Paramount. , Miss Mary Mervor of near Kin�taa spent a few.days of the past wecl. at Glanworth. Mr. and Mrs. Russ Bissett of Loch- alsh spent a` few' days atahe London Exhibition. • :0 , We are sorry to report the illness• of Harold McDonald: We hope for, a early recovery. " Mr.. and ;Mrs Murdock Menge., • a.,of Lucknow visited' friends. at 'Lochalsh, during' the week.-,-: Mr, and Mrs: Jas, A -1 ,�endr cl of Lochalsh,,, spent a few days' at 'London Exhibition. ' Miss Mary _OLaughlin cif GoJerieh- is visiting at the home of D'• 0; Me= MEETING IN BEL` GRAVE. Tire ` irniiva'l "Fipancial "Dist'rict was• held in Bclgrave' en Monday o1: •Meottaxff--•of• i het-sfean d'ivt—eh, •u this week.. The Chairman of :the • Dis- trict,: Rev: R. Fulton Irwin, presid- ing., A very large attendance, -bath :> lay and clerical was present. Rev, Dr; :Hazen .of Listowel and. Rev, Beaton of. China gave .inspiring ad- dressek-Piefesser+'Jahn§ton present-. -ed- the interests -of- Victoria college: Plans 'were laid: 'for' the conning year. During the year just closed' the sum 'of,' $9094:00- was raised for genel•ah ipisrlions.._ •An . average. per-rn _eniber- on the• district of $2[3e The amount `raked 'for •hiniiseerial•' • `si `port $27616,00. An average 'per member of $6,28, In Lucknow ehurch the average :amount- given per tni'`riiber, f`or niiliisteriii-sutiliort was only $5,70 :So , that if the., average.. ion this -MOW }thd •beer, equa•I o—the sv_: -erage for the district - the salary' could have been increased by.$174.00. The representatives from:here, we. John Button, Dr., Spence,e . D. C. Tay - !or, W. P. Reid, .and John Joynt,. Rev, R. Fulton Irwin. Intyre,, near RI_ al _. • ,Mr. Thomas Walker of Chhago is spending-a--weeks-wi`ti his bro- Mr' and "Mrs. . Tom •t Moore of :Whitechureh-vi•sited friends "in `L'ocfi.• alsh 'during the week. They were 0com ni a • pa ed ;by Mr.. and Mrs.. Bur- ton,', and Mrs. Jack Henderson "and' children: 'Mrs• James Wilkie a highly es- teemed resident of Ani erley died 'en Sept; 14th, The: funera: on• •Satur- 'day to;'Kincardine `Cenie,►r • was at -tended-ley:-a- large -number `of -s'oi ro:w: ing• friend's and neighbors. Much sync t'�iy-its f=;r�iiZ�°;tT i,�tuslaa7rd'Trzr his.•'sad. bereavement. • The L• ucknow Fire 'Company have nothing 'to do with the dance to be given in the Carnegia ball Friday evening of ;this week. 11, 3, Moore chief. • The Imperishable .Gift. • Diainoeds • Create Happiness • •for G•eneratio•ids ' : _. ., • t --.T. cbtAva derf. - L l . �1-ta--bc arils to ;wear a• Diamond•'Soltaire'for a 'lifetime,, then as an heirlouin - to hand it down.to: loved ortes • ''from generation to: eneratioxn W the. beautiful..Dian onds always'', .1:„gL.ving,,c:ndnring<.happ><_ness and ' - : =- ever increasing in value' We ' shall �iie glad to :she* .them..to ' yon.. whether or not ,ydu intend.•. -1-0 Burt ashl a .in this line: _The_ , _. , -•_ _. Store 'That Never. . Disappoints • PP 1�STR DR J W E EI:LER awl. OPTICIAN • s Having- disposed -of i iy businessi Lucknow to H•ollyman Bros. 1• wish to,-sincerely,`thank ;;•ail "•my -customers mar_tTieir patronage. -during . the past , ear nine. ' •years. A11 -accounts •mast. bea• id at once, ,a_ s_ P ,, .Lint°encL.lea`virig'-.town- -in the -neap-�-- future and.. will be away . for -some, time -. - W:-7. Spindler TH 1►!AR �, KET Butter . .:35c . . 38c . Hogs 1 G' P�CJ i 4e'r u A. SOLI) BY E. IE�IIcKINy , a' • •W 4 , • •